@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ using namespace Amarok;
KHelpMenu *Menu::s_helpMenu = 0;
static void
safePlug( KActionCollection *ac, const char *name, TQWidget *w )
safePlug( TDEActionCollection *ac, const char *name, TQWidget *w )
if( ac )
KAction *a = ac->action( name );
TDEAction *a = ac->action( name );
if( a ) a->plug( w );
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ safePlug( KActionCollection *ac, const char *name, TQWidget *w )
// MenuAction && Menu
// KActionMenu doesn't work very well, so we derived our own
// TDEActionMenu doesn't work very well, so we derived our own
MenuAction::MenuAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KAction( i18n( "Amarok Menu" ), 0, ac, "amarok_menu" )
MenuAction::MenuAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Amarok Menu" ), 0, ac, "amarok_menu" )
setShortcutConfigurable ( false ); //FIXME disabled as it doesn't work, should use TQCursor::pos()
@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ MenuAction::MenuAction( KActionCollection *ac )
MenuAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<KToolBar*>(w);
TDEToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w);
if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) )
if( bar && kapp->authorizeTDEAction( name() ) )
const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID();
const int id = TDEAction::getToolButtonID();
addContainer( bar, id );
connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ MenuAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
bar->insertButton( TQString(), id, true, i18n( "Menu" ), index );
bar->alignItemRight( id );
KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
TDEToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
button->setPopup( Amarok::Menu::instance() );
button->setName( "toolbutton_amarok_menu" );
button->setIcon( "amarok" );
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ MenuAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
KActionCollection *ac = Amarok::actionCollection();
TDEActionCollection *ac = Amarok::actionCollection();
setCheckable( true );
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Menu::instance()
return &menu;
Menu::helpMenu( TQWidget *parent ) //STATIC
if ( s_helpMenu == 0 )
@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ Menu::slotActivated( int index )
// PlayPauseAction
PlayPauseAction::PlayPauseAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KToggleAction( i18n( "Play/Pause" ), 0, ac, "play_pause" )
PlayPauseAction::PlayPauseAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Play/Pause" ), 0, ac, "play_pause" )
, EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() )
engineStateChanged( EngineController::engine()->state() );
@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldSt
TQWidget *w = container( x );
static_cast<TQPopupMenu*>(w)->changeItem( itemId( x ), text );
//TODO KToolBar sucks so much
// else if( w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) )
// static_cast<KToolBar*>(w)->getButton( itemId( x ) )->setText( text );
//TODO TDEToolBar sucks so much
// else if( w->inherits( "TDEToolBar" ) )
// static_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w)->getButton( itemId( x ) )->setText( text );
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldSt
#include "analyzerbase.h"
AnalyzerAction::AnalyzerAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KAction( i18n( "Analyzer" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_analyzer" )
AnalyzerAction::AnalyzerAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Analyzer" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_analyzer" )
setShortcutConfigurable( false );
@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ AnalyzerAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
//we are not designed for unplugging() yet so there would be a leak if that happens
//but it's a rare event and unplugging is complicated.
KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<KToolBar*>(w);
TDEToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w);
if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) )
if( bar && kapp->authorizeTDEAction( name() ) )
const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID();
const int id = TDEAction::getToolButtonID();
addContainer( w, id );
connect( w, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ void
AnalyzerContainer::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e)
#if defined HAVE_LIBVISUAL
KPopupMenu menu;
TDEPopupMenu menu;
menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "visualizations" ) ), i18n("&Visualizations"), Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR );
if( menu.exec( mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) ) == Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR )
@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ AnalyzerContainer::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e)
// ToggleAction
ToggleAction::ToggleAction( const TQString &text, void ( *f ) ( bool ), KActionCollection* const ac, const char *name )
: KToggleAction( text, 0, ac, name )
ToggleAction::ToggleAction( const TQString &text, void ( *f ) ( bool ), TDEActionCollection* const ac, const char *name )
: TDEToggleAction( text, 0, ac, name )
, m_function( f )
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ void ToggleAction::setChecked( bool b )
const bool announce = b != isChecked();
m_function( b );
KToggleAction::setChecked( b );
TDEToggleAction::setChecked( b );
AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing
if( announce ) emit toggled( b ); //KToggleAction doesn't do this for us. How gay!
if( announce ) emit toggled( b ); //TDEToggleAction doesn't do this for us. How gay!
void ToggleAction::setEnabled( bool b )
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ void ToggleAction::setEnabled( bool b )
if( !b )
setChecked( false );
KToggleAction::setEnabled( b );
TDEToggleAction::setEnabled( b );
AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing
if( announce ) emit enabled( b );
@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ void ToggleAction::setEnabled( bool b )
// SelectAction
SelectAction::SelectAction( const TQString &text, void ( *f ) ( int ), KActionCollection* const ac, const char *name )
: KSelectAction( text, 0, ac, name )
SelectAction::SelectAction( const TQString &text, void ( *f ) ( int ), TDEActionCollection* const ac, const char *name )
: TDESelectAction( text, 0, ac, name )
, m_function( f )
{ }
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ void SelectAction::setCurrentItem( int n )
const bool announce = n != currentItem();
m_function( n );
KSelectAction::setCurrentItem( n );
TDESelectAction::setCurrentItem( n );
AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing
if( announce ) emit activated( n );
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ void SelectAction::setEnabled( bool b )
if( !b )
setCurrentItem( 0 );
KSelectAction::setEnabled( b );
TDESelectAction::setEnabled( b );
AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing
if( announce ) emit enabled( b );
@ -411,15 +411,15 @@ TQString SelectAction::currentIcon() const
TQString SelectAction::currentText() const {
return KSelectAction::currentText() + "<br /><br />" + i18n("Click to change");
return TDESelectAction::currentText() + "<br /><br />" + i18n("Click to change");
// VolumeAction
VolumeAction::VolumeAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KAction( i18n( "Volume" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_volume" )
VolumeAction::VolumeAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Volume" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_volume" )
, EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() )
, m_slider( 0 ) //is TQGuardedPtr
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ VolumeAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
connect( m_slider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderMoved( int )), ec, TQT_SLOT(setVolume( int )) );
connect( m_slider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderReleased( int )), ec, TQT_SLOT(setVolume( int )) );
static_cast<KToolBar*>(w)->insertWidget( KAction::getToolButtonID(), 0, m_slider, index );
static_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w)->insertWidget( TDEAction::getToolButtonID(), 0, m_slider, index );
return 0;
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ VolumeAction::engineVolumeChanged( int value )
// RandomAction
RandomAction::RandomAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
RandomAction::RandomAction( TDEActionCollection *ac ) :
SelectAction( i18n( "Ra&ndom" ), &AmarokConfig::setRandomMode, ac, "random_mode" )
setItems( TQStringList() << i18n( "&Off" ) << i18n( "&Tracks" ) << i18n( "&Albums" ) );
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ RandomAction::RandomAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
RandomAction::setCurrentItem( int n )
if( KAction *a = parentCollection()->action( "favor_tracks" ) )
if( TDEAction *a = parentCollection()->action( "favor_tracks" ) )
a->setEnabled( n );
SelectAction::setCurrentItem( n );
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ RandomAction::setCurrentItem( int n )
// FavorAction
FavorAction::FavorAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
FavorAction::FavorAction( TDEActionCollection *ac ) :
SelectAction( i18n( "&Favor" ), &AmarokConfig::setFavorTracks, ac, "favor_tracks" )
setItems( TQStringList() << i18n( "Off" )
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ FavorAction::FavorAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
// RepeatAction
RepeatAction::RepeatAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
RepeatAction::RepeatAction( TDEActionCollection *ac ) :
SelectAction( i18n( "&Repeat" ), &AmarokConfig::setRepeat, ac, "repeat" )
setItems( TQStringList() << i18n( "&Off" ) << i18n( "&Track" )
@ -505,25 +505,25 @@ RepeatAction::RepeatAction( KActionCollection *ac ) :
// BurnMenuAction
BurnMenuAction::BurnMenuAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KAction( i18n( "Burn" ), 0, ac, "burn_menu" )
BurnMenuAction::BurnMenuAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Burn" ), 0, ac, "burn_menu" )
BurnMenuAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<KToolBar*>(w);
TDEToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w);
if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) )
if( bar && kapp->authorizeTDEAction( name() ) )
const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID();
const int id = TDEAction::getToolButtonID();
addContainer( bar, id );
connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
bar->insertButton( TQString(), id, true, i18n( "Burn" ), index );
KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
TDEToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
button->setPopup( Amarok::BurnMenu::instance() );
button->setName( "toolbutton_burn_menu" );
button->setIcon( "k3b" );
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ BurnMenu::BurnMenu()
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), TQT_SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) );
static BurnMenu menu;
@ -573,18 +573,18 @@ BurnMenu::slotActivated( int index )
// StopMenuAction
StopAction::StopAction( KActionCollection *ac )
: KAction( i18n( "Stop" ), Amarok::icon( "stop" ), 0, EngineController::instance(), TQT_SLOT( stop() ), ac, "stop" )
StopAction::StopAction( TDEActionCollection *ac )
: TDEAction( i18n( "Stop" ), Amarok::icon( "stop" ), 0, EngineController::instance(), TQT_SLOT( stop() ), ac, "stop" )
StopAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<KToolBar*>(w);
TDEToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w);
if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) )
if( bar && kapp->authorizeTDEAction( name() ) )
const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID();
const int id = TDEAction::getToolButtonID();
addContainer( bar, id );
connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) );
@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ StopAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
bar->insertButton( TQString(), id, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), EngineController::instance(), TQT_SLOT( stop() ),
true, i18n( "Stop" ), index );
KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
TDEToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id );
button->setDelayedPopup( Amarok::StopMenu::instance() );
button->setName( "toolbutton_stop_menu" );
button->setIcon( Amarok::icon( "stop" ) );
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ StopAction::plug( TQWidget *w, int index )
return containerCount() - 1;
else return KAction::plug( w, index );
else return TDEAction::plug( w, index );
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ StopMenu::StopMenu()
connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(int) ), TQT_SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) );
static StopMenu menu;