// // AmarokSystray // // Author: Stanislav Karchebny , (C) 2003 // // Copyright: like rest of Amarok // #ifndef AMAROKSYSTRAY_H #define AMAROKSYSTRAY_H #include "engineobserver.h" //baseclass #include #include class App; namespace Amarok { class TrayIcon : public KSystemTray, public EngineObserver { public: TrayIcon( QWidget* ); friend class ::App; protected: // reimpl from engineobserver virtual void engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State oldState = Engine::Empty ); virtual void engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool trackChanged ); virtual void engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool /*userSeek*/ ); // get notified of 'highlight' color change virtual void paletteChange( const QPalette & oldPalette ); private: bool event( QEvent* ); void setLastFm( bool ); // repaints trayIcon showing progress (and overlay if present) void paintIcon( int mergePixels = -1, bool force = false ); // blend an overlay icon over 'sourcePixmap' and repaint trayIcon void blendOverlay( QPixmap &sourcePixmap ); long trackLength, mergeLevel; QPixmap baseIcon, grayedIcon, alternateIcon; QPixmap playOverlay, pauseOverlay; QPixmap *overlay; // the current overlay (may be NULL) int blinkTimerID; // timer ID returned by QObject::startTimer() bool overlayVisible;// used for blinking / hiding overlay /** whether the last.fm icons are visible **/ bool m_lastFmMode; }; } #endif