// Maintainer: Max Howell , (C) 2004 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution #include "config.h" //HAVE_LIBVISUAL definition #include "actionclasses.h" #include "amarok.h" #include "amarokconfig.h" #include "app.h" #include "debug.h" #include "collectiondb.h" #include "covermanager.h" #include "enginecontroller.h" #include "k3bexporter.h" #include "mediumpluginmanager.h" #include "playlistwindow.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "socketserver.h" //Vis::Selector::showInstance() #include "threadmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Amarok { bool repeatNone() { return AmarokConfig::repeat() == AmarokConfig::EnumRepeat::Off; } bool repeatTrack() { return AmarokConfig::repeat() == AmarokConfig::EnumRepeat::Track; } bool repeatAlbum() { return AmarokConfig::repeat() == AmarokConfig::EnumRepeat::Album; } bool repeatPlaylist() { return AmarokConfig::repeat() == AmarokConfig::EnumRepeat::Playlist; } bool randomOff() { return AmarokConfig::randomMode() == AmarokConfig::EnumRandomMode::Off; } bool randomTracks() { return AmarokConfig::randomMode() == AmarokConfig::EnumRandomMode::Tracks; } bool randomAlbums() { return AmarokConfig::randomMode() == AmarokConfig::EnumRandomMode::Albums; } bool favorNone() { return AmarokConfig::favorTracks() == AmarokConfig::EnumFavorTracks::Off; } bool favorScores() { return AmarokConfig::favorTracks() == AmarokConfig::EnumFavorTracks::HigherScores; } bool favorRatings() { return AmarokConfig::favorTracks() == AmarokConfig::EnumFavorTracks::HigherRatings; } bool favorLastPlay() { return AmarokConfig::favorTracks() == AmarokConfig::EnumFavorTracks::LessRecentlyPlayed; } bool entireAlbums() { return repeatAlbum() || randomAlbums(); } } using namespace Amarok; KHelpMenu *Menu::s_helpMenu = 0; static void safePlug( KActionCollection *ac, const char *name, QWidget *w ) { if( ac ) { KAction *a = ac->action( name ); if( a ) a->plug( w ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MenuAction && Menu // KActionMenu doesn't work very well, so we derived our own ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MenuAction::MenuAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KAction( i18n( "Amarok Menu" ), 0, ac, "amarok_menu" ) { setShortcutConfigurable ( false ); //FIXME disabled as it doesn't work, should use QCursor::pos() } int MenuAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index ) { KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(w); if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) ) { const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); addContainer( bar, id ); connect( bar, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); //TODO create menu on demand //TODO create menu above and aligned within window //TODO make the arrow point upwards! bar->insertButton( QString::null, id, true, i18n( "Menu" ), index ); bar->alignItemRight( id ); KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id ); button->setPopup( Amarok::Menu::instance() ); button->setName( "toolbutton_amarok_menu" ); button->setIcon( "amarok" ); return containerCount() - 1; } else return -1; } Menu::Menu() { KActionCollection *ac = Amarok::actionCollection(); setCheckable( true ); safePlug( ac, "repeat", this ); safePlug( ac, "random_mode", this ); insertSeparator(); safePlug( ac, "playlist_playmedia", this ); safePlug( ac, "play_audiocd", this ); safePlug( ac, "lastfm_play", this ); insertSeparator(); insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "covermanager" ) ), i18n( "C&over Manager" ), ID_SHOW_COVER_MANAGER ); safePlug( ac, "queue_manager", this ); insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "visualizations" ) ), i18n( "&Visualizations" ), ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR ); insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "equalizer" ) ), i18n( "E&qualizer" ), kapp, SLOT( slotConfigEqualizer() ), 0, ID_CONFIGURE_EQUALIZER ); safePlug( ac, "script_manager", this ); safePlug( ac, "statistics", this ); insertSeparator(); safePlug( ac, "update_collection", this ); insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "rescan" ) ), i18n("&Rescan Collection"), ID_RESCAN_COLLECTION ); setItemEnabled( ID_RESCAN_COLLECTION, !ThreadManager::instance()->isJobPending( "CollectionScanner" ) ); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC insertSeparator(); safePlug( ac, KStdAction::name(KStdAction::ShowMenubar), this ); #endif insertSeparator(); safePlug( ac, KStdAction::name(KStdAction::ConfigureToolbars), this ); safePlug( ac, KStdAction::name(KStdAction::KeyBindings), this ); safePlug( ac, "options_configure_globals", this ); //we created this one safePlug( ac, KStdAction::name(KStdAction::Preferences), this ); insertSeparator(); insertItem( SmallIconSet("help"), i18n( "&Help" ), helpMenu( this ) ); insertSeparator(); safePlug( ac, KStdAction::name(KStdAction::Quit), this ); connect( this, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), SLOT( slotAboutToShow() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) ); setItemEnabled( ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR, false ); #ifdef HAVE_LIBVISUAL setItemEnabled( ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR, true ); #endif } Menu* Menu::instance() { static Menu menu; return &menu; } KPopupMenu* Menu::helpMenu( QWidget *parent ) //STATIC { extern KAboutData aboutData; if ( s_helpMenu == 0 ) s_helpMenu = new KHelpMenu( parent, &aboutData, Amarok::actionCollection() ); return s_helpMenu->menu(); } void Menu::slotAboutToShow() { setItemEnabled( ID_CONFIGURE_EQUALIZER, EngineController::hasEngineProperty( "HasEqualizer" ) ); setItemEnabled( ID_CONF_DECODER, EngineController::hasEngineProperty( "HasConfigure" ) ); } void Menu::slotActivated( int index ) { switch( index ) { case ID_SHOW_COVER_MANAGER: CoverManager::showOnce(); break; case ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR: Vis::Selector::instance()->show(); //doing it here means we delay creation of the widget break; case ID_RESCAN_COLLECTION: CollectionDB::instance()->startScan(); break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PlayPauseAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlayPauseAction::PlayPauseAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KToggleAction( i18n( "Play/Pause" ), 0, ac, "play_pause" ) , EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() ) { engineStateChanged( EngineController::engine()->state() ); connect( this, SIGNAL(activated()), EngineController::instance(), SLOT(playPause()) ); } void PlayPauseAction::engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State /*oldState*/ ) { QString text; switch( state ) { case Engine::Playing: setChecked( false ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "pause" ) ); text = i18n( "Pause" ); break; case Engine::Paused: setChecked( true ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "pause" ) ); text = i18n( "Pause" ); break; case Engine::Empty: setChecked( false ); setIcon( Amarok::icon( "play" ) ); text = i18n( "Play" ); break; case Engine::Idle: return; } //update menu texts for this special action for( int x = 0; x < containerCount(); ++x ) { QWidget *w = container( x ); if( w->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) ) static_cast(w)->changeItem( itemId( x ), text ); //TODO KToolBar sucks so much // else if( w->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) // static_cast(w)->getButton( itemId( x ) )->setText( text ); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AnalyzerAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "analyzerbase.h" AnalyzerAction::AnalyzerAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KAction( i18n( "Analyzer" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_analyzer" ) { setShortcutConfigurable( false ); } int AnalyzerAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index ) { //NOTE the analyzer will be deleted when the toolbar is deleted or cleared() //we are not designed for unplugging() yet so there would be a leak if that happens //but it's a rare event and unplugging is complicated. KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(w); if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) ) { const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); addContainer( w, id ); connect( w, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); QWidget *container = new AnalyzerContainer( w ); bar->insertWidget( id, 0, container, index ); bar->setItemAutoSized( id, true ); return containerCount() - 1; } else return -1; } AnalyzerContainer::AnalyzerContainer( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent, "AnalyzerContainer" ) , m_child( 0 ) { QToolTip::add( this, i18n( "Click for more analyzers" ) ); changeAnalyzer(); } void AnalyzerContainer::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *) { m_child->resize( size() ); } void AnalyzerContainer::changeAnalyzer() { delete m_child; m_child = Analyzer::Factory::createPlaylistAnalyzer( this ); m_child->setName( "ToolBarAnalyzer" ); m_child->resize( size() ); m_child->show(); } void AnalyzerContainer::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e) { if( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { AmarokConfig::setCurrentPlaylistAnalyzer( AmarokConfig::currentPlaylistAnalyzer() + 1 ); changeAnalyzer(); } } void AnalyzerContainer::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent *e) { #if defined HAVE_LIBVISUAL KPopupMenu menu; menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "visualizations" ) ), i18n("&Visualizations"), Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR ); if( menu.exec( mapToGlobal( e->pos() ) ) == Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR ) Menu::instance()->slotActivated( Menu::ID_SHOW_VIS_SELECTOR ); #else Q_UNUSED(e); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ToggleAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ToggleAction::ToggleAction( const QString &text, void ( *f ) ( bool ), KActionCollection* const ac, const char *name ) : KToggleAction( text, 0, ac, name ) , m_function( f ) {} void ToggleAction::setChecked( bool b ) { const bool announce = b != isChecked(); m_function( b ); KToggleAction::setChecked( b ); AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing if( announce ) emit toggled( b ); //KToggleAction doesn't do this for us. How gay! } void ToggleAction::setEnabled( bool b ) { const bool announce = b != isEnabled(); if( !b ) setChecked( false ); KToggleAction::setEnabled( b ); AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing if( announce ) emit enabled( b ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SelectAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SelectAction::SelectAction( const QString &text, void ( *f ) ( int ), KActionCollection* const ac, const char *name ) : KSelectAction( text, 0, ac, name ) , m_function( f ) { } void SelectAction::setCurrentItem( int n ) { const bool announce = n != currentItem(); m_function( n ); KSelectAction::setCurrentItem( n ); AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing if( announce ) emit activated( n ); } void SelectAction::setEnabled( bool b ) { const bool announce = b != isEnabled(); if( !b ) setCurrentItem( 0 ); KSelectAction::setEnabled( b ); AmarokConfig::writeConfig(); //So we don't lose the setting when crashing if( announce ) emit enabled( b ); } void SelectAction::setIcons( QStringList icons ) { m_icons = icons; for( int i = 0, n = items().count(); i < n; ++i ) popupMenu()->changeItem( i, kapp->iconLoader()->loadIconSet( *icons.at( i ), KIcon::Small ), popupMenu()->text( i ) ); } QStringList SelectAction::icons() const { return m_icons; } QString SelectAction::currentIcon() const { if( m_icons.count() ) return *m_icons.at( currentItem() ); return QString(); } QString SelectAction::currentText() const { return KSelectAction::currentText() + "

" + i18n("Click to change"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VolumeAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VolumeAction::VolumeAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KAction( i18n( "Volume" ), 0, ac, "toolbar_volume" ) , EngineObserver( EngineController::instance() ) , m_slider( 0 ) //is QGuardedPtr {} int VolumeAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index ) { //NOTE we only support one plugging currently delete static_cast( m_slider ); //just in case, remember, we only support one plugging! m_slider = new Amarok::VolumeSlider( w, Amarok::VOLUME_MAX ); m_slider->setName( "ToolBarVolume" ); m_slider->setValue( AmarokConfig::masterVolume() ); m_slider->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Ignored ); QToolTip::add( m_slider, i18n( "Volume control" ) ); EngineController* const ec = EngineController::instance(); connect( m_slider, SIGNAL(sliderMoved( int )), ec, SLOT(setVolume( int )) ); connect( m_slider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased( int )), ec, SLOT(setVolume( int )) ); static_cast(w)->insertWidget( KAction::getToolButtonID(), 0, m_slider, index ); return 0; } void VolumeAction::engineVolumeChanged( int value ) { if( m_slider ) m_slider->setValue( value ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RandomAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RandomAction::RandomAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : SelectAction( i18n( "Ra&ndom" ), &AmarokConfig::setRandomMode, ac, "random_mode" ) { setItems( QStringList() << i18n( "&Off" ) << i18n( "&Tracks" ) << i18n( "&Albums" ) ); setCurrentItem( AmarokConfig::randomMode() ); setIcons( QStringList() << Amarok::icon( "random_no" ) << Amarok::icon( "random_track" ) << Amarok::icon( "random_album" ) ); } void RandomAction::setCurrentItem( int n ) { if( KAction *a = parentCollection()->action( "favor_tracks" ) ) a->setEnabled( n ); SelectAction::setCurrentItem( n ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FavorAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FavorAction::FavorAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : SelectAction( i18n( "&Favor" ), &AmarokConfig::setFavorTracks, ac, "favor_tracks" ) { setItems( QStringList() << i18n( "Off" ) << i18n( "Higher &Scores" ) << i18n( "Higher &Ratings" ) << i18n( "Not Recently &Played" ) ); setCurrentItem( AmarokConfig::favorTracks() ); setEnabled( AmarokConfig::randomMode() ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RepeatAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RepeatAction::RepeatAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : SelectAction( i18n( "&Repeat" ), &AmarokConfig::setRepeat, ac, "repeat" ) { setItems( QStringList() << i18n( "&Off" ) << i18n( "&Track" ) << i18n( "&Album" ) << i18n( "&Playlist" ) ); setIcons( QStringList() << Amarok::icon( "repeat_no" ) << Amarok::icon( "repeat_track" ) << Amarok::icon( "repeat_album" ) << Amarok::icon( "repeat_playlist" ) ); setCurrentItem( AmarokConfig::repeat() ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BurnMenuAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BurnMenuAction::BurnMenuAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KAction( i18n( "Burn" ), 0, ac, "burn_menu" ) {} int BurnMenuAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index ) { KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(w); if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) ) { const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); addContainer( bar, id ); connect( bar, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); bar->insertButton( QString::null, id, true, i18n( "Burn" ), index ); KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id ); button->setPopup( Amarok::BurnMenu::instance() ); button->setName( "toolbutton_burn_menu" ); button->setIcon( "k3b" ); return containerCount() - 1; } else return -1; } BurnMenu::BurnMenu() { insertItem( i18n("Current Playlist"), CURRENT_PLAYLIST ); insertItem( i18n("Selected Tracks"), SELECTED_TRACKS ); //TODO add "album" and "all tracks by artist" connect( this, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), SLOT( slotAboutToShow() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) ); } KPopupMenu* BurnMenu::instance() { static BurnMenu menu; return &menu; } void BurnMenu::slotAboutToShow() {} void BurnMenu::slotActivated( int index ) { switch( index ) { case CURRENT_PLAYLIST: K3bExporter::instance()->exportCurrentPlaylist(); break; case SELECTED_TRACKS: K3bExporter::instance()->exportSelectedTracks(); break; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StopMenuAction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StopAction::StopAction( KActionCollection *ac ) : KAction( i18n( "Stop" ), Amarok::icon( "stop" ), 0, EngineController::instance(), SLOT( stop() ), ac, "stop" ) {} int StopAction::plug( QWidget *w, int index ) { KToolBar *bar = dynamic_cast(w); if( bar && kapp->authorizeKAction( name() ) ) { const int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); addContainer( bar, id ); connect( bar, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); bar->insertButton( QString::null, id, SIGNAL( clicked() ), EngineController::instance(), SLOT( stop() ), true, i18n( "Stop" ), index ); KToolBarButton* button = bar->getButton( id ); button->setDelayedPopup( Amarok::StopMenu::instance() ); button->setName( "toolbutton_stop_menu" ); button->setIcon( Amarok::icon( "stop" ) ); button->setEnabled( EngineController::instance()->engine()->loaded() ); // Disable button at startup return containerCount() - 1; } else return KAction::plug( w, index ); } StopMenu::StopMenu() { insertTitle( i18n( "Stop" ) ); insertItem( i18n("Now"), NOW ); insertItem( i18n("After Current Track"), AFTER_TRACK ); insertItem( i18n("After Queue"), AFTER_QUEUE ); connect( this, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), SLOT( slotAboutToShow() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotActivated(int) ) ); } KPopupMenu* StopMenu::instance() { static StopMenu menu; return &menu; } void StopMenu::slotAboutToShow() { Playlist *pl = Playlist::instance(); setItemEnabled( NOW, Amarok::actionCollection()->action( "stop" )->isEnabled() ); setItemEnabled( AFTER_TRACK, EngineController::engine()->loaded() ); setItemChecked( AFTER_TRACK, pl->stopAfterMode() == Playlist::StopAfterCurrent ); setItemEnabled( AFTER_QUEUE, pl->nextTracks().count() ); setItemChecked( AFTER_QUEUE, pl->stopAfterMode() == Playlist::StopAfterQueue ); } void StopMenu::slotActivated( int index ) { Playlist* pl = Playlist::instance(); const int mode = pl->stopAfterMode(); switch( index ) { case NOW: Amarok::actionCollection()->action( "stop" )->activate(); if( mode == Playlist::StopAfterCurrent || mode == Playlist::StopAfterQueue ) pl->setStopAfterMode( Playlist::DoNotStop ); break; case AFTER_TRACK: pl->setStopAfterMode( mode == Playlist::StopAfterCurrent ? Playlist::DoNotStop : Playlist::StopAfterCurrent ); break; case AFTER_QUEUE: pl->setStopAfterMode( mode == Playlist::StopAfterQueue ? Playlist::DoNotStop : Playlist::StopAfterQueue ); break; } } #include "actionclasses.moc"