/* Copyright (c) 2006 Gábor Lehel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "tooltip.h" class Amarok::ToolTip::Manager: public QObject { public: Manager( QObject *parent ): QObject( parent ) { qApp->installEventFilter( this ); } virtual ~Manager() { for( int n = Amarok::ToolTip::s_tooltips.count() - 1; n >= 0; --n ) delete Amarok::ToolTip::s_tooltips[n]; } bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent *e ) { switch ( e->type() ) { case QEvent::KeyPress: case QEvent::KeyRelease: case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease: //case QEvent::MouseMove: case QEvent::Wheel: ToolTip::hideTips(); break; case QEvent::FocusIn: case QEvent::Enter: case QEvent::Leave: case QEvent::FocusOut: if( !dynamic_cast( qApp->widgetAt( QCursor::pos(), true ) ) ) Amarok::ToolTip::hideTips(); default: break; } return false; } }; Amarok::ToolTip::Manager* Amarok::ToolTip::s_manager = 0; QPoint Amarok::ToolTip::s_pos; QRect Amarok::ToolTip::s_rect; QString Amarok::ToolTip::s_text; QValueList Amarok::ToolTip::s_tooltips; int Amarok::ToolTip::s_hack = 0; void Amarok::ToolTip::add( ToolTipClient *client, QWidget *parent ) //static { if( !s_manager ) s_manager = new Amarok::ToolTip::Manager( qApp ); new ToolTip( client, parent ); } void Amarok::ToolTip::remove( QWidget *widget ) //static { for( int i = s_tooltips.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) if( s_tooltips[i]->QToolTip::parentWidget() == widget ) delete s_tooltips[i]; } void Amarok::ToolTip::hideTips() //static { for( int i = 0, n = s_tooltips.count(); i < n; ++i ) s_tooltips[i]->hideTip(); QToolTip::hide(); } QString Amarok::ToolTip::textFor( QWidget *widget, const QPoint &pos ) //static { for( int i = 0, n = s_tooltips.count(); i < n; ++i ) if( s_tooltips[i]->QToolTip::parentWidget() == widget ) return s_tooltips[i]->m_client->toolTipText( widget, pos ).first; return QToolTip::textFor( widget, pos ); } void Amarok::ToolTip::updateTip() //static { for( int i = 0, n = s_tooltips.count(); i < n; ++i ) if( s_tooltips[i]->isVisible() ) { QWidget* const w = s_tooltips[i]->QToolTip::parentWidget(); QPair p = s_tooltips[i]->m_client->toolTipText( w, w->mapFromGlobal( s_pos ) ); QString prev = s_text; if( prev != p.first ) { s_text = p.first; s_rect = p.second; s_tooltips[i]->showTip(); } break; } } Amarok::ToolTip::ToolTip( ToolTipClient *client, QWidget *parent ) : QFrame( 0, 0, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Tool | WStyle_StaysOnTop | WX11BypassWM | WNoAutoErase ), QToolTip( parent ), m_client( client ) { s_tooltips.append( this ); QFrame::setPalette( QToolTip::palette() ); connect( &m_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( hideTip() ) ); } Amarok::ToolTip::~ToolTip() { s_tooltips.remove( this ); } void Amarok::ToolTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos ) { s_pos = QToolTip::parentWidget()->mapToGlobal( pos ); QString prev = s_text; QPair p = m_client->toolTipText( QToolTip::parentWidget(), pos ); s_text = p.first; s_rect = p.second; if( QToolTip::parentWidget() && !s_text.isEmpty() ) { if( s_text != prev ) hideTips(); showTip(); } else hideTips(); } void Amarok::ToolTip::showTip() { m_timer.start( 15000, true ); if( !isVisible() || sizeHint() != size() ) { resize( sizeHint() ); position(); } if( !isVisible() ) show(); else update(); } void Amarok::ToolTip::hideTip() { if( !isVisible() ) return; QFrame::hide(); QToolTip::parentWidget()->update(); m_timer.stop(); s_hack = 0; } void Amarok::ToolTip::drawContents( QPainter *painter ) { QPixmap buf( width(), height() ); QPainter p( &buf ); buf.fill( colorGroup().background() ); p.setPen( colorGroup().foreground() ); p.drawRect( buf.rect() ); QSimpleRichText text( s_text, QToolTip::parentWidget()->font() ); text.setWidth( width() ); p.translate( 0, height() / 2 - text.height() / 2); QPoint pos = s_rect.isNull() ? QPoint(2, -1) : s_hack == 1 ? QPoint(4, -2) : QPoint(2, -2); //HACK positioning p.setFont( QToolTip::parentWidget()->font() ); text.draw( &p, pos.x(), pos.y(), rect(), colorGroup() ); painter->drawPixmap( 0, 0, buf ); } QSize Amarok::ToolTip::sizeHint() const { if( !s_rect.isNull() ) return s_rect.size(); else { QSimpleRichText text( s_text, QToolTip::parentWidget()->font() ); text.setWidth( 500 ); //is this reasonable? return QSize( text.widthUsed() - 2, text.height() ); } } void Amarok::ToolTip::position() { const QRect drect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry( QToolTip::parentWidget() ); const QSize size = sizeHint(); const int width = size.width(), height = size.height(); QPoint pos; if( !s_rect.isNull() ) { pos = s_rect.topLeft(); if( pos.y() + height > drect.bottom() ) pos.setY( kMax( drect.top(), drect.bottom() - height ) ); if( pos.x() + width > drect.right() ) pos.setX( kMax( drect.left(), drect.right() - width ) ); } else { const QRect r = QRect( QToolTip::parentWidget()->mapToGlobal( QToolTip::parentWidget()->pos() ), QToolTip::parentWidget()->size() ); pos = r.bottomRight(); if( pos.y() + height > drect.bottom() ) pos.setY( kMax( drect.top(), r.top() - height ) ); if( pos.x() + width > drect.right() ) pos.setX( kMax( drect.left(), r.left() - width ) ); } move( pos ); } #include "tooltip.moc"