/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Cifarelli * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "helix-engine.h" #include "helix-configdialog.h" #include "config/helixconfig.h" #include "helix-errors.h" #include "helix-sp.h" #include "hxplayercontrol.h" #include "amarokconfig.h" AMAROK_EXPORT_PLUGIN( HelixEngine ) #define DEBUG_PREFIX "helix-engine" using namespace std; extern "C" { #include } #define HELIX_ENGINE_TIMER 10 // 10 ms timer #define SCOPE_MAX_BEHIND 200 // 200 postmix buffers #ifndef LLONG_MAX #define LLONG_MAX 9223372036854775807LL #endif ///returns the configuration we will use static inline TQCString configPath() { return TQFile::encodeName( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.helix/config" ); } HelixEngine::HelixEngine() : EngineBase(), PlayerControl(), m_state(Engine::Empty), m_coredir(HELIX_LIBS "/common"), m_pluginsdir(HELIX_LIBS "/plugins"), m_codecsdir(HELIX_LIBS "/codecs"), m_inited(false), m_scopeplayerlast(0), m_sfps(0.0), m_scopedelta(0), m_sframes(0), m_lframes(0) { addPluginProperty( "HasConfigure", "true" ); addPluginProperty( "HasEqualizer", "true" ); addPluginProperty( "HasCrossfade", "true" ); addPluginProperty( "HasCDDA", "false"); memset(&m_md, 0, sizeof(m_md)); memset(hscope, 0, 2*sizeof(HelixScope)); memset(&m_scopetm, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); memset(m_pfade, 0, 2*sizeof(FadeTrack)); } HelixEngine::~HelixEngine() { m_mimes.clear(); } int HelixEngine::print2stdout(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[1024]; va_start(args, fmt); int ret = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); debug() << buf; va_end(args); return ret; } int HelixEngine::print2stderr(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[1024]; va_start(args, fmt); int ret = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); debug() << buf; va_end(args); return ret; } void HelixEngine::notifyUser(unsigned long code, const char *moreinfo, const char *moreinfourl) { TQString *err = HelixErrors::errorText(code); if (err) emit statusText(i18n("Helix Core returned error: %1 %2 %3").tqarg(TQString(*err)).tqarg(TQString(moreinfo)).tqarg(TQString(moreinfourl))); else emit statusText(i18n("Helix Core returned error: ")); } void HelixEngine::interruptUser(unsigned long code, const char *moreinfo, const char *moreinfourl) { TQString *err = HelixErrors::errorText(code); if (err) emit infoMessage(i18n("Helix Core returned error: %1 %1 %1").tqarg(TQString(*err)).tqarg(TQString(moreinfo)).tqarg(TQString(moreinfourl))); else emit infoMessage(i18n("Helix Core returned error: ")); // since this is a serious error, emit trackEnded so amarok knows to move on play_finished( m_current ); } void HelixEngine::onContacting(const char *host) { emit statusText( i18n("Contacting: %1").tqarg( TQString(host) ) ); } void HelixEngine::onBuffering(int pcnt) { if (pcnt != 100) // let's not report that... emit statusText( i18n( "Buffering %1%" ).tqarg( pcnt ) ); } Amarok::PluginConfig* HelixEngine::configure() const { debug() << "Starting HelixConfigDialog\n"; return new HelixConfigDialog( (HelixEngine *)this ); } int HelixEngine::fallbackToOSS() { KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The helix library you have configured does not support ALSA, the helix-engine has fallen back to OSS") ); debug() << "Falling back to OSS\n"; return (HelixConfigDialog::setSoundSystem( (int) HelixSimplePlayer::OSS )); } bool HelixEngine::init() { debug() << "Initializing HelixEngine\n"; struct stat s; bool exists = false; stop(); m_state = Engine::Empty; m_numPlayers = 2; m_current = 1; m_coredir = HelixConfig::coreDirectory(); if (m_coredir.isEmpty()) m_coredir = HELIX_LIBS "/common"; m_pluginsdir = HelixConfig::pluginDirectory(); if (m_pluginsdir.isEmpty()) m_pluginsdir = HELIX_LIBS "/plugins"; m_codecsdir = HelixConfig::codecsDirectory(); if (m_codecsdir.isEmpty()) m_codecsdir = HELIX_LIBS "/codecs"; if (HelixConfig::outputplugin() == "oss") setOutputSink( HelixSimplePlayer::OSS ); else { setOutputSink( HelixSimplePlayer::ALSA ); if (HelixConfig::deviceenabled()) setDevice( HelixConfig::device().utf8() ); else setDevice("default"); } if (!stat(m_coredir.utf8(), &s) && !stat(m_pluginsdir.utf8(), &s) && !stat(m_codecsdir.utf8(), &s)) { long vol=0; bool eqenabled=false; int savedpreamp=0; TQValueList savedequalizerGains; if (m_inited) { vol = PlayerControl::getVolume(); eqenabled = PlayerControl::isEQenabled(); for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_equalizerGains.size(); i++) savedequalizerGains.append(m_equalizerGains[i]); savedpreamp = m_preamp; PlayerControl::tearDown(); } PlayerControl::init(m_coredir.utf8(), m_pluginsdir.utf8(), m_codecsdir.utf8(), 2); if (PlayerControl::initDirectSS()) { fallbackToOSS(); PlayerControl::initDirectSS(); } if (m_inited) { PlayerControl::setVolume(vol); setEqualizerEnabled(eqenabled); setEqualizerParameters(savedpreamp, savedequalizerGains); } m_inited = exists = true; } if (!exists || PlayerControl::getError()) { KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("The Helix Engine requires the RealPlayer(tm) or HelixPlayer libraries to be installed. Please make sure one is installed, and adjust the paths in \"Amarok Settings\" -> \"Engine\"") ); // we need to return true here so that the user has an oppportunity to change the directory //return false; return true; } // create a list of mime types and ext for use in canDecode() m_mimes.resize( getMimeListLen() ); int i = 0; const MimeList *ml = getMimeList(); MimeEntry *entry; while (ml) { TQString mt = ml->mimetypes; TQString me = ml->mimeexts; entry = new MimeEntry; entry->type = TQStringList::split('|', mt); entry->ext = TQStringList::split('|', me); m_mimes[i] = *entry; debug() << ml->mimetypes << endl; i++; ml = ml->fwd; } debug() << "Succussful init\n"; return true; } bool HelixEngine::load( const KURL &url, bool isStream ) { debug() << "In load " << url.url() << endl; if (!m_inited) return false; if (!canDecode(url)) { const TQString path = url.path(); const TQString ext = path.mid( path.tqfindRev( '.' ) + 1 ).lower(); emit statusText( i18n("No plugin found for the %1 format").tqarg(ext) ); return false; } debug() << "xfadeLength is " << m_xfadeLength << endl; if( m_xfadeLength > 0 && m_state == Engine::Playing && !isStream && ( m_xfadeNextTrack || //set by engine controller when switching tracks automatically (uint) AmarokConfig::crossfadeType() == 0 || //crossfade always (uint) AmarokConfig::crossfadeType() == 2 ) ) //crossfade when switching tracks manually) { //set m_xfadeNextTrack true here regardless to play() will work correctly; disable in there m_xfadeNextTrack = true; int nextPlayer = m_current ? 0 : 1; // prepare the next player PlayerControl::stop(nextPlayer); resetScope(nextPlayer); memset(&hscope[nextPlayer], 0, sizeof(HelixScope)); memset(&m_pfade[nextPlayer], 0, sizeof(FadeTrack)); if (isPlaying(m_current)) { m_pfade[m_current].m_fadeactive = true; m_pfade[m_current].m_startfadetime = PlayerControl::where(m_current); setFadeout(true, m_xfadeLength, m_current); } Engine::Base::load( url, false ); // we don't crossfade streams ?? do we load the base here ?? PlayerControl::setURL( TQFile::encodeName( url.url() ), nextPlayer, !isStream ); m_isStream = false; } else cleanup(); m_isStream = isStream; int nextPlayer; nextPlayer = m_current ? 0 : 1; Engine::Base::load( url, isStream || url.protocol() == "http" ); m_state = Engine::Idle; emit stateChanged( Engine::Idle ); m_url = url; if (url.isLocalFile()) PlayerControl::setURL( TQFile::encodeName( url.url() ), nextPlayer, !m_isStream ); else { m_isStream = true; PlayerControl::setURL( TQFile::encodeName( url.url() ), nextPlayer, !m_isStream ); } return true; } bool HelixEngine::play( uint offset ) { debug() << "In play" << endl; int nextPlayer; if (!m_inited) return false; if (m_state != Engine::Playing) { struct timezone tz; memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(struct timezone)); gettimeofday(&m_scopetm, &tz); startTimer(HELIX_ENGINE_TIMER); } nextPlayer = m_current ? 0 : 1; if (m_xfadeLength && m_xfadeNextTrack && !offset && isPlaying(m_current)) { m_xfadeNextTrack = false; PlayerControl::start(nextPlayer, true, m_xfadeLength); } else PlayerControl::start(nextPlayer); if (offset) PlayerControl::seek( offset, nextPlayer ); if (!PlayerControl::getError()) { if (m_state != Engine::Playing) { m_state = Engine::Playing; emit stateChanged( Engine::Playing ); } m_current = nextPlayer; return true; } cleanup(); m_state = Engine::Empty; emit stateChanged( Engine::Empty ); return false; } void HelixEngine::cleanup() { if (!m_inited) return; m_url = KURL(); PlayerControl::stop(); // stop all players resetScope(0); resetScope(1); killTimers(); m_isStream = false; memset(&m_md, 0, sizeof(m_md)); memset(hscope, 0, 2*sizeof(HelixScope)); memset(m_pfade, 0, 2*sizeof(FadeTrack)); } void HelixEngine::stop() { if (!m_inited) return; debug() << "In stop where=" << where(m_current) << " duration=" << duration(m_current) << endl; if( AmarokConfig::fadeout() && !m_pfade[m_current].m_fadeactive && state() == Engine::Playing ) { debug() << "fading out...\n"; m_state = Engine::Empty; emit stateChanged( Engine::Empty ); // tell the controller not to bother you anymore m_pfade[m_current].m_fadeactive = true; m_pfade[m_current].m_stopfade = true; m_pfade[m_current].m_startfadetime = PlayerControl::where(m_current); setFadeout(true, AmarokConfig::fadeoutLength(), m_current); } else { debug() << "Stopping immediately\n"; cleanup(); cleanUpStream(m_current); m_state = Engine::Empty; emit stateChanged( m_state ); } } void HelixEngine::play_finished(int playerIndex) { debug() << "Ok, finished playing the track\n"; cleanUpStream(playerIndex); resetScope(playerIndex); memset(&hscope[playerIndex], 0, sizeof(HelixScope)); memset(&m_pfade[playerIndex], 0, sizeof(FadeTrack)); if (playerIndex == m_current && !m_pfade[playerIndex].m_stopfade && !m_pfade[playerIndex].m_fadeactive) { m_state = Engine::Idle; emit stateChanged( m_state ); emit trackEnded(); } } void HelixEngine::pause() { if (!m_inited) return; // TODO: PAUSE in XFADE debug() << "In pause\n"; if( m_state == Engine::Playing ) { PlayerControl::pause(m_current); m_state = Engine::Paused; emit stateChanged( Engine::Paused ); } } void HelixEngine::unpause() { if (!m_inited) return; // TODO: PAUSE in XFADE debug() << "In unpause\n"; if ( m_state == Engine::Paused ) { PlayerControl::resume(m_current); m_state = Engine::Playing; emit stateChanged( Engine::Playing ); } } Engine::State HelixEngine::state() const { //debug() << "In state, state is " << m_state << endl; if (!m_inited || m_url.isEmpty()) return (Engine::Empty); return m_state; } uint HelixEngine::position() const { if (!m_inited) return 0; return PlayerControl::where(m_current); } uint HelixEngine::length() const { if (!m_inited) return 0; return PlayerControl::duration(m_current); } void HelixEngine::seek( uint ms ) { if (!m_inited) return; debug() << "In seek\n"; resetScope(0); resetScope(1); PlayerControl::seek(ms, m_current); } void HelixEngine::setVolumeSW( uint vol ) { if (!m_inited) return; debug() << "In setVolumeSW\n"; PlayerControl::setVolume(vol); // set the volume in all players! } bool HelixEngine::canDecode( const KURL &url ) const { if (!m_inited) return false; debug() << "In canDecode " << url.prettyURL() << endl; if (url.protocol() == "http" || url.protocol() == "rtsp") return true; const TQString path = url.path(); const TQString ext = path.mid( path.tqfindRev( '.' ) + 1 ).lower(); if (ext != "txt") for (int i=0; i<(int)m_mimes.size(); i++) { if (m_mimes[i].type.grep("audio").count() || m_mimes[i].type.grep("video").count() || m_mimes[i].type.grep("application").count()) if (m_mimes[i].ext.grep(ext).count()) { return true; } } return false; } void HelixEngine::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * ) { PlayerControl::dispatch(); // dispatch the players if ( m_xfadeLength <= 0 && m_state == Engine::Playing && PlayerControl::done(m_current) ) play_finished(m_current); else if ( m_xfadeLength > 0 || AmarokConfig::fadeout() ) { if ( m_state == Engine::Playing && isPlaying(m_current?0:1) && PlayerControl::done(m_current?0:1) ) hscope[m_current?0:1].m_lasttime = 0; // fade on stop finished if ( m_pfade[m_current].m_stopfade && m_pfade[m_current].m_fadeactive && (PlayerControl::where(m_current) > m_pfade[m_current].m_startfadetime + (unsigned)AmarokConfig::fadeoutLength() || PlayerControl::done(m_current)) ) { debug() << "Stop fade end\n"; stop(); } // crossfade finished if ( m_pfade[m_current?0:1].m_fadeactive && PlayerControl::where(m_current?0:1) > m_pfade[m_current?0:1].m_startfadetime + (unsigned)m_xfadeLength) play_finished(m_current?0:1); } // prune the scope(s) prune(); struct timeval tm; struct timezone tz; memset(&tz, 0, sizeof(struct timezone)); gettimeofday(&tm, &tz); m_scopedelta = (tm.tv_sec - m_scopetm.tv_sec) * 1000 + (tm.tv_usec - m_scopetm.tv_usec) / 1000; // ms m_scopetm.tv_sec = tm.tv_sec; m_scopetm.tv_usec = tm.tv_usec; hscope[m_current].m_lasttime += m_scopedelta; HelixSimplePlayer::metaData *md = getMetaData(m_current); if (m_isStream && (strcmp(m_md.title, md->title) || strcmp(m_md.artist, md->artist))) { memcpy(&m_md, md, sizeof(m_md)); debug() << "{Title}: " << md->title << " {Artist}: " << md->artist << " {Bitrate}: " << md->bitrate << endl; /* Real Radio One (and Rhapsody?) streams have their own format, where title is: * clipinfo:title=|artist name=<artist>|Album name=<album>|Artist:Next artist=<next artist>| \ * ordinal=<some number>|duration=<in secs>|Track:Rhapsody Track Id=<some number> * * for all other streams helix sends the title of the song in the artist string. * this prevents context lookup, so we split it here (the artist and title are separated by a '-' * we'll put the 'title' in album instead... */ Engine::SimpleMetaBundle bndl; bndl.album = TQString::fromUtf8( m_md.title ); if ( bndl.album.startsWith( TQString("clipinfo:") ) ) { bndl.album = bndl.album.remove(0, 9); TQStringList sl = TQStringList::split('|', bndl.album); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = sl.begin(); it != sl.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it).startsWith("title=")) bndl.title = (*it).section('=', 1, 1); if ((*it).startsWith("artist name=")) bndl.artist = (*it).section('=', 1, 1); if ((*it).startsWith("Album name=")) bndl.album = (*it).section('=', 1, 1); if ((*it).startsWith("duration=")) bndl.length = (*it).section('=', 1, 1); } //debug() << "Title: " << bndl.title << endl; //debug() << "Artist: " << bndl.artist << endl; //debug() << "Album: " << bndl.album << endl; //debug() << "length: " << bndl.length << endl; } else { char c,*tmp = strchr(m_md.artist, '-'); if (tmp) { tmp--; c = *tmp; *tmp = '\0'; bndl.artist = TQString::fromUtf8( m_md.artist ); *tmp = c; tmp+=3; bndl.title = TQString::fromUtf8( tmp ); bndl.album = TQString::fromUtf8( m_md.title ); } else // just copy them as is... { bndl.title = TQString::fromUtf8( m_md.title ); bndl.artist = TQString::fromUtf8( m_md.artist ); } } bndl.bitrate = TQString::number( m_md.bitrate / 1000 ); emit EngineBase::metaData( bndl ); } } int HelixEngine::prune() { int err = 0; err |= prune(0); err |= prune(1); return err; } int HelixEngine::prune(int playerIndex) { // // this bit is to help us keep more accurate time than helix provides ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned long hpos = PlayerControl::where(playerIndex); if (hpos != hscope[playerIndex].m_lastpos && hpos - hscope[playerIndex].m_lastpos < hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime - hscope[playerIndex].m_lastpos) hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime = hpos; if (hpos > hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime) { hscope[playerIndex].m_w = hpos; hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime = hpos; } else hscope[playerIndex].m_w = hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime; hscope[playerIndex].m_lastpos = hpos; if ( getScopeCount(playerIndex) > SCOPE_MAX_BEHIND ) // protect against naughty streams { resetScope(playerIndex); return 0; } if (!hscope[playerIndex].m_w || !hscope[playerIndex].m_item) return 0; // prune, unless the player is still starting while (hpos && hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_w > hscope[playerIndex].m_item->etime) { //debug() << "pruning " << hpos << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_w << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime // << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_item->time << ":" << hscope[playerIndex].m_item->etime << endl; if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_item->allocd) delete hscope[playerIndex].m_item; hscope[playerIndex].m_item = getScopeBuf(playerIndex); } if (!hscope[playerIndex].m_item) return 0; if (hscope[playerIndex].m_w < hscope[playerIndex].m_item->time) // wait for the player to catchup { //debug() << "waiting for player to catchup " << hpos << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_w << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_lasttime // << "," << hscope[playerIndex].m_item->time << ":" << hscope[playerIndex].m_item->etime << endl; return 0; } return 1; } const Engine::Scope &HelixEngine::scope() { if (isPlaying(0) && isPlaying(1)) // crossfading { if (m_scopeplayerlast) scope(m_current); else scope(m_current?0:1); m_scopeplayerlast = !m_scopeplayerlast; } else scope(m_current); return m_scope; } int HelixEngine::scope(int playerIndex) { int i; unsigned long t; if (!m_inited) return 0; if (!hscope[playerIndex].m_item && !peekScopeTime(t, playerIndex)) hscope[playerIndex].m_item = getScopeBuf(playerIndex); if (!prune(playerIndex)) return 0; if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item->nchan > 2) return 0; int j,k=0; short int *pint; unsigned char b[4]; // calculate the starting offset into the buffer int off = (hscope[playerIndex].m_item->spb * (hscope[playerIndex].m_w - hscope[playerIndex].m_item->time) / (hscope[playerIndex].m_item->etime - hscope[playerIndex].m_item->time)) * hscope[playerIndex].m_item->nchan * hscope[playerIndex].m_item->bps; k = off; while (hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex < SCOPESIZE) { while (k < (int) hscope[playerIndex].m_item->len) { for (j=0; j<hscope[playerIndex].m_item->nchan; j++) { switch (hscope[playerIndex].m_item->bps) { case 1: b[1] = 0; b[0] = hscope[playerIndex].m_item->buf[k]; break; case 2: b[1] = hscope[playerIndex].m_item->buf[k+1]; b[0] = hscope[playerIndex].m_item->buf[k]; break; } pint = (short *) &b[0]; if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item->nchan == 1) // duplicate mono samples { hscope[playerIndex].m_currentScope[hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex] = *pint; hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex++; hscope[playerIndex].m_currentScope[hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex] = *pint; hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex++; } else { hscope[playerIndex].m_currentScope[hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex] = *pint; hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex++; } k += hscope[playerIndex].m_item->bps; } if (hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex >= SCOPESIZE) { hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex = SCOPESIZE; break; } } // as long as we know there's another buffer...otherwise we need to wait for another if (hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex < SCOPESIZE) { if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_item->allocd) delete hscope[playerIndex].m_item; hscope[playerIndex].m_item = getScopeBuf(playerIndex); k = 0; if (!hscope[playerIndex].m_item) return 0; // wait until there are some more buffers available } else { if (k >= (int) hscope[playerIndex].m_item->len) { if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_item->allocd) delete hscope[playerIndex].m_item; hscope[playerIndex].m_item = getScopeBuf(playerIndex); } break; // done with the scope buffer, so hand it off } } // ok, we must have a full buffer here, give it to the scope for (i=0; i<SCOPESIZE; i++) m_scope[i] = hscope[playerIndex].m_currentScope[i]; hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex = 0; return 1; } void HelixEngine::resetScope(int playerIndex) { if (playerIndex >=0 && playerIndex < numPlayers()) { // make sure the scope is clear of old buffers clearScopeQ(playerIndex); hscope[playerIndex].m_scopeindex = 0; if (hscope[playerIndex].m_item && hscope[playerIndex].m_item->allocd) delete hscope[playerIndex].m_item; hscope[playerIndex].m_w = 0; hscope[playerIndex].m_item = 0; } } void HelixEngine::setEqualizerEnabled( bool enabled ) //SLOT { enableEQ(enabled); } // ok, this is lifted from gst... but why mess with what works? void HelixEngine::setEqualizerParameters( int preamp, const TQValueList<int>& bandGains ) //SLOT { m_preamp = ( preamp + 100 ) / 2; m_equalizerGains.resize( bandGains.count() ); for ( uint i = 0; i < bandGains.count(); i++ ) m_equalizerGains[i] = ( *bandGains.at( i ) + 100 ) / 2; updateEQgains(); } namespace Debug { #undef helix_indent TQCString helix_indent; } #include "helix-engine.moc"