#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Amarok Script for embedding album cover images in MP3 files. # # (c) 2005-2006 Mark Kretschmann # License: GNU General Public License V2 require 'md5' require "uri" $stdout.sync = true MenuItemName = "EmbedCover DoIt!" def cleanup() `dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem #{MenuItemName}` end def sql_escape( string ) return string.gsub( /[']/, "''" ) end trap( "SIGTERM" ) { cleanup() } `dcop amarok script addCustomMenuItem #{MenuItemName}` loop do message = gets().chomp() command = /[A-Za-z]*/.match( message ).to_s() case command when "configure" msg = 'EmbedCover does not have configuration options. Simply select a track in the ' msg += 'playlist, then start EmbedCover from the context-menu (right mouse click).' `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "#{msg}"` when "customMenuClicked" if message.include?( MenuItemName ) args = message.split() # Remove the command args 3.times() { args.delete_at( 0 ) } # Iterate over all selected files args.each() do |arg| uri = URI.parse( arg ) file = URI.unescape( uri.path() ) puts( "Path: #{file}" ) backend = File.dirname( File.expand_path( __FILE__ ) ) + "/addimage2mp3.rb" # In the database we store relative URLs (for dynamic collection), so we need to convert file_relative = `dcop amarok collection relativePath "#{file}"`.chomp # Query is two parts, first ID, then name artist_id = `dcop amarok collection query "SELECT DISTINCT artist FROM tags WHERE url = '#{sql_escape( file_relative )}'"`.chomp artist = `dcop amarok collection query "SELECT DISTINCT artist.name FROM artist WHERE id = '#{artist_id}'"`.chomp album_id = `dcop amarok collection query "SELECT DISTINCT album FROM tags WHERE url = '#{sql_escape( file_relative )}'"`.chomp album = `dcop amarok collection query "SELECT DISTINCT album.name FROM album WHERE id = '#{album_id}'"`.chomp puts( "ArtistId : #{artist_id}" ) puts( "Artist : #{artist}" ) puts( "AlbumId : #{album_id}" ) puts( "Album : #{album}" ) if artist_id.empty?() and album_id.empty?() `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "EmbedCover Error: This track is not in your Collection."` next end md5sum = MD5.hexdigest( "#{artist.downcase()}#{album.downcase()}" ) imagefolder = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.kde/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/large/" image = "#{imagefolder}#{md5sum}" puts( "Imagepath: #{image}" ) unless FileTest.exist?( image ) # If there is no imported image, check if there is an image associated # in the music folder sql = "SELECT path FROM images WHERE artist LIKE #{sql_escape( artist )} AND album LIKE #{sql_escape( album )} ORDER BY path;" images = `dcop amarok collection query #{sql}`.split( "\n" ) # FIXME select best image from array, like CollectionDB does image = images.first() if image == nil or not FileTest.exist?( image ) `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "EmbedCover: No image found for this track."` next end end output = `ruby #{backend} "#{image}" "#{file}"` if $?.success?() `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "EmbedCover has successfully embedded the image."` else reg = Regexp.new( "Error:.*", Regexp::MULTILINE ) errormsg = reg.match( output ) `dcop amarok playlist popupMessage "EmbedCover #{errormsg}"` end end end end end