#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Amarok Script for fetching song lyrics from http://lyrics.astraweb.com. # # (c) 2006 Mark Kretschmann # # License: GNU General Public License V2 require "net/http" require "net/telnet" require "rexml/document" require "uri" def showLyrics( lyrics ) system("dcop", "amarok", "contextbrowser", "showLyrics", lyrics) end def fetchLyrics( artist, title ) # Astraweb search term is just a number of words separated by "+" artist.gsub!( " ", "+" ) title.gsub!( " ", "+" ) host = "search.lyrics.astraweb.com" path = "/?word=#{artist}+#{title}" page_url = "http://" + host + path h = Net::HTTP.new( host, 80 ) response = h.get( path ) unless response.code == "200" # lyrics = "HTTP Error: #{response.message}" system("dcop", "amarok", "contextbrowser", "showLyrics") return end body = response.body() body.gsub!( "\n", "" ) # No need for \n, just complicates our RegExps md = /(" ) root = doc.add_element( "suggestions" ) root.add_attribute( "page_url", page_url ) xml = "" if not md == nil body = md[1].to_s() entries = body.split( ')([^<]*)/.match( entry )[2].to_s() title = /(display\.lyrics.*?>)([^<]*)/.match( entry )[2].to_s() # album = /(Album:.*?">)([^<]*)/.match( entry )[2].to_s() suggestion = root.add_element( "suggestion" ) suggestion.add_attribute( "url", url ) suggestion.add_attribute( "artist", artist.unpack("C*").pack("U*") ) if artist suggestion.add_attribute( "title", title.unpack("C*").pack("U*") ) if title end end doc.write( xml ) # puts( xml ) showLyrics( xml ) rescue SocketError showLyrics( "" ) end def fetchLyricsByUrl( url ) # Note: Using telnet here cause the fucking site has a broken cgi script, delivering # a broken header, which makes Net::HTTP::get() crap out host = "display.lyrics.astraweb.com" port = 2000 page_url = "http://#{host}:#{port}#{url}" h = Net::Telnet.new( "Host" => host, "Port" => port ) body = h.cmd( "GET #{url}\n" ) body.gsub!( "\n", "" ) # No need for \n, just complicates our RegExps artist_title = /(Lyrics: )([^<]*)/.match( body )[2].to_s() artist = artist_title.split( " - " )[0] title = artist_title.split( " - " )[1] lyrics = /(<font face=arial size=2>)(.*)(<br><br><br><center>)/.match( body )[2].to_s() lyricstwo = /(SPONSORS<\/font><br><\/center>)(.*?)(<\/font>)/.match( body )[2].to_s() lyrics.concat(lyricstwo) lyrics.gsub!( /<[Bb][Rr][^>]*>/, "\n" ) # HTML -> Plaintext doc = REXML::Document.new( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" ) root = doc.add_element( "lyrics" ) root.add_attribute( "page_url", page_url ) root.add_attribute( "artist", artist.unpack("C*").pack("U*") ) if artist root.add_attribute( "title", title.unpack("C*").pack("U*") ) if title root.text = lyrics.unpack("C*").pack("U*") if lyrics xml = "" doc.write( xml ) # puts( xml ) showLyrics( xml ) rescue SocketError showLyrics( "" ) end ################################################################## # MAIN ################################################################## # fetchLyrics( "The Cardigans", "Lovefool" ) # fetchLyricsByUrl( '/display.cgi?whiskeytown..faithless_street..faithless_street' ) # exit() loop do message = gets().chomp() command = /[A-Za-z]*/.match( message ).to_s() case command when "configure" system("dcop", "amarok", "playlist", "popupMessage", 'This script does not require any configuration.') when "fetchLyrics" args = message.split() artist = args[1] title = args[2] fetchLyrics( URI.unescape( artist ), URI.unescape( title ) ) when "fetchLyricsByUrl" url = message.split()[1] fetchLyricsByUrl( url ) end end