/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2004 by Scott Wheeler email : wheeler@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version * * 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * * USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "statusbar.h" #define DEBUG_PREFIX "KTRM" #include "ktrm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 5 #include #else #include #endif class KTRMLookup; extern "C" { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 static void TRMNotifyCallback(tunepimp_t pimp, void *data, TPCallbackEnum type, int fileId, TPFileStatus status); #else static void TRMNotifyCallback(tunepimp_t pimp, void *data, TPCallbackEnum type, int fileId); #endif } /** * This represents the main TunePimp instance and handles incoming requests. */ class KTRMRequestHandler { public: static KTRMRequestHandler *instance() { static TQMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); static KTRMRequestHandler handler; mutex.unlock(); return &handler; } int startLookup(KTRMLookup *lookup) { int id; if(!m_fileMap.contains(lookup->file())) { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 id = tp_AddFile(m_pimp, TQFile::encodeName(lookup->file()), 0); #else id = tp_AddFile(m_pimp, TQFile::encodeName(lookup->file())); #endif m_fileMap.insert(lookup->file(), id); } else { id = m_fileMap[lookup->file()]; tp_IdentifyAgain(m_pimp, id); } m_lookupMap[id] = lookup; return id; } void endLookup(KTRMLookup *lookup) { tp_ReleaseTrack(m_pimp, tp_GetTrack(m_pimp, lookup->fileId())); tp_Remove(m_pimp, lookup->fileId()); m_lookupMapMutex.lock(); m_lookupMap.remove(lookup->fileId()); m_fileMap.remove( lookup->file() ); m_lookupMapMutex.unlock(); } bool lookupMapContains(int fileId) const { m_lookupMapMutex.lock(); bool contains = m_lookupMap.contains(fileId); m_lookupMapMutex.unlock(); return contains; } KTRMLookup *lookup(int fileId) const { m_lookupMapMutex.lock(); KTRMLookup *l = m_lookupMap[fileId]; m_lookupMapMutex.unlock(); return l; } void removeFromLookupMap(int fileId) { m_lookupMapMutex.lock(); m_lookupMap.remove(fileId); m_lookupMapMutex.unlock(); } const tunepimp_t &tunePimp() const { return m_pimp; } protected: KTRMRequestHandler() { m_pimp = tp_New("KTRM", "0.1"); //tp_SetDebug(m_pimp, true); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP < 5 tp_SetTRMCollisionThreshold(m_pimp, 100); tp_SetAutoFileLookup(m_pimp,true); #endif tp_SetAutoSaveThreshold(m_pimp, -1); tp_SetMoveFiles(m_pimp, false); tp_SetRenameFiles(m_pimp, false); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 tp_SetFileNameEncoding(m_pimp, "UTF-8"); #else tp_SetUseUTF8(m_pimp, true); #endif tp_SetNotifyCallback(m_pimp, TRMNotifyCallback, 0); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP < 5 KProtocolManager::reparseConfiguration(); if(KProtocolManager::useProxy()) { TQString noProxiesFor = KProtocolManager::noProxyFor(); TQStringList noProxies = TQStringList::split(TQRegExp("[',''\t'' ']"), noProxiesFor); bool useProxy = true; char server[255]; short port; tp_GetServer(m_pimp, server, 255, &port); TQString tunepimpHost = TQString(server); TQString tunepimpHostWithPort = (tunepimpHost + ":%1").tqarg(port); for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = noProxies.constBegin(); it != noProxies.constEnd(); ++it) { TQString normalizedHost = KNetwork::KResolver::normalizeDomain(*it); if(normalizedHost == tunepimpHost || tunepimpHost.endsWith('.' + normalizedHost)) { useProxy = false; break; } if(normalizedHost == tunepimpHostWithPort || tunepimpHostWithPort.endsWith('.' + normalizedHost)) { useProxy = false; break; } } if(KProtocolManager::useReverseProxy()) useProxy = !useProxy; if(useProxy) { KURL proxy = KProtocolManager::proxyFor("http"); tp_SetProxy(m_pimp, proxy.host().latin1(), short(proxy.port())); } } #else tp_SetMusicDNSClientId(m_pimp, "0c6019606b1d8a54d0985e448f3603ca"); #endif } ~KTRMRequestHandler() { tp_Delete(m_pimp); } private: tunepimp_t m_pimp; TQMap m_lookupMap; TQMap m_fileMap; mutable TQMutex m_lookupMapMutex; }; /** * A custom event type used for signalling that a TRM lookup is finished. */ class KTRMEvent : public TQCustomEvent { public: enum tqStatus { Recognized, Unrecognized, Collision, PuidGenerated, Error }; KTRMEvent(int fileId, tqStatus status) : TQCustomEvent(id), m_fileId(fileId), m_status(status) {} int fileId() const { return m_fileId; } tqStatus status() const { return m_status; } static const int id = User + 1984; // random, unique, event id private: int m_fileId; tqStatus m_status; }; /** * A helper class to intercept KTRMQueryEvents and call recognized() (from the GUI * thread) for the lookup. */ class KTRMEventHandler : public TQObject { public: static void send(int fileId, KTRMEvent::tqStatus status) { KApplication::postEvent(instance(), new KTRMEvent(fileId, status)); } protected: KTRMEventHandler() : TQObject() {} static KTRMEventHandler *instance() { static TQMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); static KTRMEventHandler handler; mutex.unlock(); return &handler; } virtual void customEvent(TQCustomEvent *event) { if(!event->type() == KTRMEvent::id) return; KTRMEvent *e = static_cast(event); static TQMutex mutex; mutex.lock(); if(!KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->lookupMapContains(e->fileId())) { mutex.unlock(); return; } KTRMLookup *lookup = KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->lookup(e->fileId()); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 if ( e->status() != KTRMEvent::Unrecognized) #endif KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->removeFromLookupMap(e->fileId()); mutex.unlock(); switch(e->status()) { case KTRMEvent::Recognized: lookup->recognized(); break; case KTRMEvent::Unrecognized: lookup->unrecognized(); break; case KTRMEvent::Collision: lookup->collision(); break; case KTRMEvent::PuidGenerated: lookup->puidGenerated(); break; case KTRMEvent::Error: lookup->error(); break; } } }; /** * Callback function for TunePimp lookup events. */ #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 static void TRMNotifyCallback(tunepimp_t /*pimp*/, void */*data*/, TPCallbackEnum type, int fileId, TPFileStatus status) #else static void TRMNotifyCallback(tunepimp_t pimp, void */*data*/, TPCallbackEnum type, int fileId) #endif { if(type != tpFileChanged) return; #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP < 4 track_t track = tp_GetTrack(pimp, fileId); TPFiletqStatus status = tr_GettqStatus(track); #endif //debug() << "tqStatus is: " << status << endl; switch(status) { case eRecognized: KTRMEventHandler::send(fileId, KTRMEvent::Recognized); break; case eUnrecognized: KTRMEventHandler::send(fileId, KTRMEvent::Unrecognized); break; #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 5 case ePUIDLookup: case ePUIDCollision: case eFileLookup: KTRMEventHandler::send(fileId, KTRMEvent::PuidGenerated); break; #else case eTRMCollision: #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 case eUserSelection: #endif KTRMEventHandler::send(fileId, KTRMEvent::Collision); break; #endif case eError: KTRMEventHandler::send(fileId, KTRMEvent::Error); break; default: break; } #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP < 4 tp_ReleaseTrack(pimp, track); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KTRMResult implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class KTRMResult::KTRMResultPrivate { public: KTRMResultPrivate() : track(0), year(0), relevance(0) {} TQString title; TQString artist; TQString album; int track; int year; double relevance; bool operator== (const KTRMResultPrivate &r) const; }; bool KTRMResult::KTRMResultPrivate::operator==(const KTRMResultPrivate &r) const { return ( title == r.title && artist == r.artist && album == r.album && track == r.track && year == r.year && relevance == r.relevance ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KTRMResult public methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif KTRMResult::KTRMResult() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP d = new KTRMResultPrivate; #endif } KTRMResult::KTRMResult(const KTRMResult &result) { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP d = new KTRMResultPrivate(*result.d); #else Q_UNUSED(result); #endif } KTRMResult::~KTRMResult() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP delete d; #endif } TQString KTRMResult::title() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->title; #else return TQString(); #endif } TQString KTRMResult::artist() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->artist; #else return TQString(); #endif } TQString KTRMResult::album() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->album; #else return TQString(); #endif } int KTRMResult::track() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->track; #else return 0; #endif } int KTRMResult::year() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->year; #else return 0; #endif } bool KTRMResult::operator<(const KTRMResult &r) const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return r.d->relevance < d->relevance; #else Q_UNUSED(r); return false; #endif } bool KTRMResult::operator>(const KTRMResult &r) const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return r.d->relevance > d->relevance; #else Q_UNUSED(r); return true; #endif } KTRMResult &KTRMResult::operator= (const KTRMResult &r) { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP d = new KTRMResultPrivate(*r.d); #else Q_UNUSED(r); #endif return *this; } bool KTRMResult::operator== (const KTRMResult &r) const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return *d == *(r.d); #else Q_UNUSED(r); #endif return false; } bool KTRMResult::isEmpty() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->title.isEmpty() && d->artist.isEmpty() && d->album.isEmpty() && d->track == 0 && d->year == 0; #else return true; #endif } #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KTRMLookup implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class KTRMLookup::KTRMLookupPrivate { public: KTRMLookupPrivate() : fileId(-1), autoDelete(false) {} TQString file; TQString errorString; KTRMResultList results; int fileId; bool autoDelete; }; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KTRMLookup public methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KTRMLookup::KTRMLookup(const TQString &file, bool autoDelete) : TQObject() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP d = new KTRMLookupPrivate; d->file = file; d->autoDelete = autoDelete; d->fileId = KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->startLookup(this); #else Q_UNUSED(file); Q_UNUSED(autoDelete); #endif } KTRMLookup::~KTRMLookup() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->endLookup(this); delete d; #endif } TQString KTRMLookup::file() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->file; #else return TQString(); #endif } int KTRMLookup::fileId() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->fileId; #else return -1; #endif } void KTRMLookup::recognized() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP debug() << k_funcinfo << d->file << endl; d->results.clear(); metadata_t *metaData = md_New(); track_t track = tp_GetTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), d->fileId); tr_Lock(track); tr_GetServerMetadata(track, metaData); KTRMResult result; result.d->title = TQString::fromUtf8(metaData->track); result.d->artist = TQString::fromUtf8(metaData->artist); result.d->album = TQString::fromUtf8(metaData->album); result.d->track = metaData->trackNum; result.d->year = metaData->releaseYear; d->results.append(result); md_Delete(metaData); tr_Unlock(track); finished(); #endif } void KTRMLookup::unrecognized() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP debug() << k_funcinfo << d->file << endl; #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 char trm[255]; bool finish = false; trm[0] = 0; track_t track = tp_GetTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), d->fileId); tr_Lock(track); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 5 tr_GetPUID(track, trm, 255); #else tr_GetTRM(track, trm, 255); #endif if ( !trm[0] ) { tr_SetStatus(track, ePending); tp_Wake(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), track); } else finish = true; tr_Unlock(track); tp_ReleaseTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), track); if ( !finish ) return; #endif d->results.clear(); finished(); #endif } void KTRMLookup::collision() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP && HAVE_TUNEPIMP < 5 debug() << k_funcinfo << d->file << endl; track_t track = tp_GetTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), d->fileId); if(track <= 0) { debug() << "invalid track number" << endl; return; } tr_Lock(track); int resultCount = tr_GetNumResults(track); TQStringList strList = TQStringList::split ( '/', d->file ); metadata_t *mdata = md_New(); strList.append( TQString::fromUtf8(mdata->track) ); strList.append( TQString::fromUtf8(mdata->artist) ); strList.append( TQString::fromUtf8(mdata->album) ); md_Clear(mdata); if(resultCount > 0) { TPResultType type; result_t *results = new result_t[resultCount]; tr_GetResults(track, &type, results, &resultCount); switch(type) { case eNone: debug() << k_funcinfo << "eNone" << endl; break; case eArtistList: debug() << "eArtistList" << endl; break; case eAlbumList: debug() << "eAlbumList" << endl; break; case eTrackList: { debug() << "eTrackList" << endl; albumtrackresult_t **tracks = reinterpret_cast( results ); d->results.clear(); for(int i = 0; i < resultCount; i++) { KTRMResult result; result.d->title = TQString::fromUtf8(tracks[i]->name); #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 4 result.d->artist = TQString::fromUtf8(tracks[i]->artist.name); result.d->album = TQString::fromUtf8(tracks[i]->album.name); result.d->year = tracks[i]->album.releaseYear; #else result.d->artist = TQString::fromUtf8(tracks[i]->artist->name); result.d->album = TQString::fromUtf8(tracks[i]->album->name); result.d->year = tracks[i]->album->releaseYear; #endif result.d->track = tracks[i]->trackNum; result.d->relevance = 4 * stringSimilarity(strList,result.d->title) + 2 * stringSimilarity(strList,result.d->artist) + 1 * stringSimilarity(strList,result.d->album); if(!d->results.contains(result)) d->results.append(result); } break; } case eMatchedTrack: debug() << k_funcinfo << "eMatchedTrack" << endl; break; } delete [] results; } tr_Unlock(track); tp_ReleaseTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), track); qHeapSort(d->results); finished(); #endif } void KTRMLookup::puidGenerated() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 5 DEBUG_BLOCK debug() << k_funcinfo << d->file << endl; char puid[255] = {0}; track_t track = tp_GetTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), d->fileId); tr_Lock(track); tr_GetPUID(track, puid, 255); debug() << puid << endl; tr_Unlock(track); tp_ReleaseTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), track); d->results.clear(); KIO::Job *job = KIO::storedGet( TQString( "http://musicbrainz.org/ws/1/track/?type=xml&puid=%1" ).tqarg( puid ) , false, false ); Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation( job ) .setDescription( i18n( "MusicBrainz Lookup" ) ); connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job* ) ), TQT_SLOT( lookupResult( KIO::Job* ) ) ); #endif } void KTRMLookup::lookupResult( KIO::Job* job ) { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP >= 5 DEBUG_BLOCK if ( !job->error() == 0 ) { warning() << "[MusicBrainzLookup] KIO error! errno: " << job->error() << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( "Couldn't connect to MusicBrainz server." ); finished(); return; } KIO::StoredTransferJob* const storedJob = static_cast( job ); TQString xml = TQString::fromUtf8( storedJob->data().data(), storedJob->data().size() ); TQDomDocument doc; TQDomElement e; if( !doc.setContent( xml ) ) { warning() << "[MusicBrainzLookup] Invalid XML" << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( "MusicBrainz returned invalid content." ); finished(); return; } e = doc.namedItem( "metadata" ).toElement().namedItem( "track-list" ).toElement(); TQStringList strList = TQStringList::split ( '/', d->file ); TQDomNode n = e.namedItem("track"); for( ; !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { TQDomElement track = n.toElement(); KTRMResult result; result.d->title = track.namedItem( "title" ).toElement().text(); result.d->artist = track.namedItem( "artist" ).toElement().namedItem( "name" ).toElement().text(); TQDomNode releaseNode = track.namedItem("release-list").toElement().namedItem("release"); for( ; !releaseNode.isNull(); releaseNode = releaseNode.nextSibling() ) { KTRMResult tmpResult( result ); TQDomElement release = releaseNode.toElement(); tmpResult.d->album = release.namedItem( "title" ).toElement().text(); TQDomNode tracklistN = release.namedItem( "track-list" ); if ( !tracklistN.isNull() ) { TQDomElement tracklist = tracklistN.toElement(); if ( !tracklist.attribute( "offset" ).isEmpty() ) tmpResult.d->track = tracklist.attribute( "offset" ).toInt() + 1; } //tmpResult.d->year = ???; tmpResult.d->relevance = 4 * stringSimilarity(strList,tmpResult.d->title) + 2 * stringSimilarity(strList,tmpResult.d->artist) + 1 * stringSimilarity(strList,tmpResult.d->album); if( !d->results.contains( tmpResult ) ) d->results.append( tmpResult ); } } qHeapSort(d->results); finished(); #else Q_UNUSED( job ); #endif } void KTRMLookup::error() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP debug() << k_funcinfo << d->file << endl; track_t track = tp_GetTrack(KTRMRequestHandler::instance()->tunePimp(), d->fileId); char error[1000]; tr_GetError( track, error, 1000); debug() << "Error: " << error << endl; d->errorString = error; d->results.clear(); finished(); #endif } KTRMResultList KTRMLookup::results() const { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP return d->results; #else return KTRMResultList(); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KTRMLookup protected methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void KTRMLookup::finished() { #if HAVE_TUNEPIMP emit sigResult( results(), d->errorString ); if(d->autoDelete) deleteLater(); #endif } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper Functions used for sorting MusicBrainz results //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double stringSimilarity(TQStringList &l, TQString &s) { double max = 0, current = 0; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) { if( max < (current = stringSimilarity((*it),s))) max = current; } return max; } double stringSimilarity(TQString s1, TQString s2) { s1.remove( TQRegExp("[\\s\\t\\r\\n]") ); s2.remove( TQRegExp("[\\s\\t\\r\\n]") ); double nCommon = 0; int p1 = 0, p2 = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 0; int l1 = s1.length(), l2 = s2.length(), l3 = l1 + l2; TQChar c1 = 0, c2 = 0; while(p1 < l1 && p2 < l2) { c1 = s1.at(p1); c2 = s2.at(p2); if( c1.upper() == c2.upper()) { ++nCommon; ++p1; ++p2; } else { x1 = s1.find(c2,p1,false); x2 = s2.find(c1,p2,false); if( (x1 == x2 || -1 == x1) || (-1 != x2 && x1 > x2) ) ++p2; else ++p1; } } return l3 ? (double)(nCommon*2) / (double)(l3) : 1; } #include "ktrm.moc"