#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # Python wrapper script for running the Amarok LiveCD remastering scripts # from within Amarok. Based on the Python-Qt template script for Amarok # (c) 2005 Mark Kretschmann # # (c) 2005 Leo Franchi # # Depends on: Python 2.2, PyQt ############################################################################ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # ############################################################################ import ConfigParser import os import sys import threading import signal from time import sleep try: from qt import * except: os.popen( "kdialog --sorry 'PyQt (Qt bindings for Python) is required for this script.'" ) raise # Replace with real name debug_prefix = "LiveCD Remastering" class ConfigDialog ( QDialog ): """ Configuration widget """ def __init__( self ): QDialog.__init__( self ) self.setWFlags( Qt.WDestructiveClose ) self.setCaption("Amarok Live! Configuration") self.lay = QGridLayout( self, 3, 2) self.lay.addColSpacing( 0, 300 ) self.isopath = QLineEdit( self ) self.isopath.setText( "Path to Amarok Live! iso" ) self.tmppath = QLineEdit( self ) self.tmppath.setText( "Temporary directory used, 2.5gb free needed" ) self.lay.addWidget( self.isopath, 0, 0 ) self.lay.addWidget( self.tmppath, 1, 0 ) self.isobutton = QPushButton( self ) self.isobutton.setText("Browse..." ) self.tmpbutton = QPushButton( self ) self.tmpbutton.setText("Browse..." ) self.cancel = QPushButton( self ) self.cancel.setText( "Cancel" ) self.ok = QPushButton( self ) self.ok.setText( "Ok" ) self.lay.addWidget( self.isobutton, 0, 1 ) self.lay.addWidget( self.tmpbutton, 1, 1 ) self.lay.addWidget( self.cancel, 2, 1 ) self.lay.addWidget( self.ok, 2, 0) self.connect( self.isobutton, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.browseISO ) self.connect( self.tmpbutton, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.browsePath ) self.connect( self.ok, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.save ) self.connect( self.ok, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.unpack ) # self.connect( self.ok, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.destroy ) self.connect( self.cancel, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self, SLOT("reject()") ) self.adjustSize() path = None try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read( "remasterrc" ) path = config.get( "General", "path" ) iso = config.get( "General", "iso") if not path == "": self.tmppath.setText(path) if not iso == "": self.isopath.setText(iso) except: pass def save( self ): """ Saves configuration to file """ self.file = file( "remasterrc", 'w' ) self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.add_section( "General" ) self.config.set( "General", "path", self.tmppath.text() ) self.config.set( "General", "iso", self.isopath.text() ) self.config.write( self.file ) self.file.close() self.accept() def clear(): self.file = file( "remasterrc", 'w' ) self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.add_section( "General" ) self.config.set( "General", "path", "" ) self.config.set( "General", "iso", "" ) self.config.write( self.file ) self.file.close() def browseISO( self ): path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( "/home", "CD Images (*.iso)", self, "iso choose dialogr", "Choose ISO to remaster") self.isopath.setText( path ) def browsePath( self ): tmp = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( "/home", self, "get tmp dir", "Choose working directory", 1) self.tmppath.setText( tmp ) def unpack( self ): # now the fun part, we run part 1 fd = os.popen("kde-config --prefix", "r") kdedir = fd.readline() kdedir = kdedir.strip() scriptdir = kdedir + "/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok_live" fd.close() path, iso = self.readConfig() os.system("kdesu -t sh %s/amarok.live.remaster.part1.sh %s %s" % (scriptdir, path, iso)) #os.wait() print "got path: %s" % path def readConfig( self ) : path = "" iso = "" try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read("remasterrc") path = config.get("General", "path") iso = config.get("General", "iso") except: pass return (path, iso) class Notification( QCustomEvent ): __super_init = QCustomEvent.__init__ def __init__( self, str ): self.__super_init(QCustomEvent.User + 1) self.string = str class Remasterer( QApplication ): """ The main application, also sets up the Qt event loop """ def __init__( self, args ): QApplication.__init__( self, args ) debug( "Started." ) # Start separate thread for reading data from stdin self.stdinReader = threading.Thread( target = self.readStdin ) self.stdinReader.start() self.readSettings() # ugly hack, thanks mp8 anyway os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add playlist to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add selected to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Create Remastered CD\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Clear Music on livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script addCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add playlist to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script addCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add selected to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script addCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Create Remastered CD\"") os.system("dcop amarok script addCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Clear Music on livecd\"") def readSettings( self ): """ Reads settings from configuration file """ try: path = config.get( "General", "path" ) except: debug( "No config file found, using defaults." ) ############################################################################ # Stdin-Reader Thread ############################################################################ def readStdin( self ): """ Reads incoming notifications from stdin """ while True: # Read data from stdin. Will block until data arrives. line = sys.stdin.readline() if line: tqApp.postEvent( self, Notification(line) ) else: break ############################################################################ # Notification Handling ############################################################################ def customEvent( self, notification ): """ Handles notifications """ string = QString(notification.string) debug( "Received notification: " + str( string ) ) if string.tqcontains( "configure" ): self.configure() if string.tqcontains( "stop"): self.stop() elif string.tqcontains( "customMenuClicked" ): if "selected" in string: self.copyTrack( string ) elif "playlist" in string: self.copyPlaylist() elif "Create" in string: self.createCD() elif "Clear" in string: self.clearCD() # Notification callbacks. Implement these functions to react to specific notification # events from Amarok: def configure( self ): debug( "configuration" ) self.dia = ConfigDialog() self.dia.show() #self.connect( self.dia, SIGNAL( "destroyed()" ), self.readSettings ) def clearCD( self ): self.dia = ConfigDialog() path, iso = self.dia.readConfig() os.system("rm -rf %s/amarok.live/music/* %s/amarok.live/playlist/* %s/amarok.live/home/amarok/.kde/share/apps/amarok/current.xml" % (path, path, path)) def onSignal( self, signum, stackframe ): stop() def stop( self ): fd = open("/tmp/amarok.stop", "w") fd.write( "stopping") fd.close() os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add playlist to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add selected to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Create Remastered CD\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Clear Music on livecd\"") def copyPlaylist( self ): self.dia = ConfigDialog() path, iso = self.dia.readConfig() if path == "": os.system("dcop amarok playlist popupMessage 'Please run configure first.'") return tmpfileloc = os.tmpnam() os.system("dcop amarok playlist saveM3u '%s' false" % tmpfileloc) tmpfile = open(tmpfileloc) import urllib files = "" m3u = "" for line in tmpfile.readlines(): if line[0] != "#": line = line.strip() # get filename name = line.split("/")[-1] #make url url = "file://" + urllib.quote(line) #make path on livecd livecdpath = "/music/" + name files += url + " " m3u += livecdpath + "\n" tmpfile.close() files = files.strip() os.system("kfmclient copy %s file://%s/amarok.live/music/" % (files, path)) import random suffix = random.randint(0,10000) # os.system("mkdir %s/amarok.live/home/amarok/.kde/share/apps/amarok/playlists/" % path) m3uOut = open("/tmp/amarok.live.%s.m3u" % suffix, 'w') m3u = m3u.strip() m3uOut.write(m3u) m3uOut.close() os.system("mv /tmp/amarok.live.%s.m3u %s/amarok.live/playlist/" % (suffix,path)) os.system("rm /tmp/amarok.live.%s.m3u" % suffix) os.remove(tmpfileloc) def copyTrack( self, menuEvent ): event = str( menuEvent ) debug( event ) self.dia = ConfigDialog() path,iso = self.dia.readConfig() if path == "": os.system("kdialog --sorry 'You have not specified where the Amarok live iso is. Please click configure and do so first.'") else: # get the list of files. yes, its ugly. it works though. #files = event.split(":")[-1][2:-1].split()[2:] #trying out a new one #files = event.split(":")[-1][3:-2].tqreplace("\"Amarok live!\" \"add to livecd\" ", "").split("\" \"") #and another files = event.tqreplace("customMenuClicked: Amarok live Add selected to livecd", "").split() allfiles = "" for file in files: allfiles += file + " " allfiles = allfiles.strip() os.system("kfmclient copy %s file://%s/amarok.live/music/" % (allfiles, path)) def createCD( self ): self.dia = ConfigDialog() path,iso = self.dia.readConfig() if path == "": os.system("kdialog --sorry 'You have not configured Amarok live! Please run configure.") fd = os.popen("kde-config --prefix", "r") kdedir = fd.readline() kdedir = kdedir.strip() scriptdir = kdedir + "/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok_live" fd.close() os.system("kdesu sh %s/amarok.live.remaster.part2.sh %s" % (scriptdir, path)) fd = open("/tmp/amarok.script", 'r') y = fd.readline() y = y.strip() if y == "end": # user said no more, clear path self.dia.clear() fd.close() ############################################################################ def onSignal( signum, stackframe ): fd = open("/tmp/amarok.stop", "w") fd.write( "stopping") fd.close() print 'STOPPING' os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add playlist to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Add selected to livecd\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Create Remastered CD\"") os.system("dcop amarok script removeCustomMenuItem \"Amarok live\" \"Clear Music on livecd\"") def debug( message ): """ Prints debug message to stdout """ print debug_prefix + " " + message def main(): app = Remasterer( sys.argv ) # not sure if it works or not... playing it safe dia = ConfigDialog() app.exec_loop() if __name__ == "__main__": mainapp = threading.Thread(target=main) mainapp.start() signal.signal(15, onSignal) print signal.getsignal(15) while 1: sleep(120) #main( sys.argv )