#!/bin/bash # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Amarok-svn # ============ # This script installs the current development (SVN) version of Amarok on your computer. # If you've run it once, and then run it again, it will update your version of Amarok and only compile the new files. # # Made by Jocke "Firetech" Andersson. # Idea and inspiration from a small script by Greg "oggb4mp3" Meyer. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # echo echo "Amarok-svn (Version 3.2.1)" echo "============================" echo ## Define global variables LANG="C" #Make outputs in English, like the script itself. RCFILE="amarok-svnrc" #Settings file, will end up in '`kde-config --localprefix`/share/config/'. C_STEP="1" #The current step of the installation process S_STEPS="11" #Number of steps in the installation process TMP_FILES="" #Will be filled with URLs to temporary files ## Define functions function Dialog { kdialog --icon "amarok" --title "Amarok-svn$KDTITLE" "$@" } function RemoveTemp { rm -f $TMP_FILES } function Error { RemoveTemp echo echo -e "ERROR: $1" if [ "$2" != "--no-dialog" ]; then Dialog --error "$1" fi exit 1 #Exit with error } function ReadConfig { kreadconfig --file "$RCFILE" --group Settings --key "$1" } function WriteConfig { kwriteconfig --file "$RCFILE" --group Settings --key "$1" "$2" } function CheckBinary { if [ ! -x "`which $1`" ]; then #check if $1 is in $PATH and can be executed ERROR_TEXT="Amarok-svn requires $1, which wasn't found in your \$PATH!" if [ "$2" ]; then ERROR_TEXT="$ERROR_TEXT ($2)" fi Error "$ERROR_TEXT" $3 fi } function FlagUsage { echo "Usage: $0 [options] [builddir]" echo echo "Amarok-svn installs the current development (SVN) version of Amarok on your computer." echo echo "Options:" echo -e " -r, --reset\t\tAsk for settings again." echo -e " -s, --select-server\tAsk which SVN server to use. (Only needed if you want to use your SVN account.)" echo -e " -c, --clean\t\tClean the source tree before compiling Amarok." echo -e " -h, --help\t\tShow this message." echo echo "Arguments:" echo -e " builddir\t\tDownload and build Amarok in this directory. Default is '[your current dir]/amarok-svn'." echo echo "Notes:" echo " * Options can NOT be fused together! (I.E. You can't use '-cr', you have to use '-c -r'.)" echo " * Amarok-svn will download the Amarok sources directly into the folder you choose, without creating any subdirectory!" echo exit 1 } function Clean { unsermake clean if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "Failed to clean the source tree!" fi } function Compile { COMP_START=`date +%s` #Run unsermake twice because of some files that gets forgotten sometimes #(We don't want to compile as root in unsermake install, and it doesn't hurt) unsermake && unsermake if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If the command did finish successfully echo #stopwatch. let COMP_TIME=`date +%s`-COMP_START let COMP_M=COMP_TIME/60 let COMP_S=COMP_TIME%60 echo "Compilation successful after $COMP_M minute(s) and $COMP_S second(s)." else echo if [ "$CLEAN_BUILD" = "0" ]; then echo "Compilation Failed!" Dialog --warningyesno "Compilation failed!\nSometimes, a clean rebuild can fix this.\nDo you want to retry compiling with a clean source tree?\nIf you answer No, Amarok-svn will exit." if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If user said yes echo "Retrying with a clean source tree." CLEAN_BUILD="1" Clean Compile else Error "Compilation failed! Amarok was NOT installed/updated." fi else Error "Compilation failed! Amarok was NOT installed/updated." fi fi } ## Handle --flags # set default values RESET_CONF="0" CLEAN_BUILD="0" SELECT_SERVER="0" BUILD_DIR="`pwd`/amarok-svn" # read flags values BUILD_DIR_SET="0" for flag; do case "$flag" in -r|--reset) RESET_CONF="1" ;; -c|--clean) CLEAN_BUILD="1" let S_STEPS=S_STEPS+1 ;; -s|--select-server) SELECT_SERVER="1" ;; -h|--help) FlagUsage ;; -*) echo "Unknown option '$flag'." echo echo "---------------------- ---- --- -- -- -- - -" echo FlagUsage ;; *) if [ "$BUILD_DIR_SET" = "0" ]; then BUILD_DIR="$flag" BUILD_DIR_SET="1" else echo "Excessive argument: '$flag'." echo echo "---------------------- ---- --- -- -- -- - -" echo FlagUsage fi ;; esac done ## Check requirements CheckBinary kdialog "" --no-dialog CheckBinary svn "Version 1.1 or newer is needed." CheckBinary kde-config "kde-config sometimes falls out of the \$PATH for some reason." CheckBinary kreadconfig CheckBinary kwriteconfig ## Check the build directory if [ -e "$BUILD_DIR" -a ! -f "$BUILD_DIR/.amarok-svn-dir" ]; then #if directory exist and isn't watermarked if [ -d "$BUILD_DIR" ]; then Dialog --warningyesno "The directory you choosed to build in ($BUILD_DIR) already exists, and it wasn't detected as an Amarok-svn directory.\nFiles in this directory can possibly be overwritten by the Amarok-svn procedures.\nDo you want to use this directory anyway?" if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the user said no, exit. exit 1 fi else Error "The build directory you have chosen exists, but it's not a directory!" fi fi ## Check if user is root if [ "`id -u`" = "0" ]; then #if user is root Dialog --warningcontinuecancel "You are running Amarok-svn as root! This is not required, and generally not a good idea.\n(Amarok-svn will get root privileges by itself when needed, see the settings for details.)\nAre you sure you want to continue anyway?" --dontagain $RCFILE:root_warning if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the user said cancel. exit 1 fi fi ## Settings if [ -s "`kde-config --localprefix`/share/config/$RCFILE" -a "$RESET_CONF" != "1" ]; then #If the settings exists and the user doesn't want to change them. GET_LANG="`ReadConfig get_lang`" if [ -z "$GET_LANG" ]; then #Save default value if empty GET_LANG="en_US" WriteConfig get_lang "$GET_LANG" fi CONF_FLAGS_RAW="`ReadConfig conf_flags`" CONF_FLAGS="" for flag in $CONF_FLAGS_RAW; do CONF_FLAGS="$CONF_FLAGS `echo $flag | sed -e \"s/__/--/\"`" done HOW_ROOT="`ReadConfig how_root`" if [ -z "$HOW_ROOT" ]; then #Save default value if empty HOW_ROOT="tdesu" WriteConfig how_root "$HOW_ROOT" fi USE_ID="`ReadConfig use_id`" if [ -z "$USE_ID" ]; then #Save default value if empty USE_ID="0" WriteConfig use_id "$USE_ID" fi else ## Language AUTO_LANG="`kreadconfig --group Locale --key Language | sed -re \"s/:.+//\"`" if [ "$AUTO_LANG" != "" ]; then #Generally, if the user is running KDE Dialog --yesno "I detected that you are running KDE with language '$AUTO_LANG'.\nIf this is correct (and you want it that way), I will download localization and documentation for Amarok in that language.\nDo you want this language?" fi if [ "$?" = "0" -a "$AUTO_LANG" != "" ]; then #If the user said yes, and is running KDE... GET_LANG="$AUTO_LANG" else Dialog --msgbox "Which language do you want to download localization and documentation for?\nA list of available languages is available at http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n/ (It is CaSe sensitive!)\nIf you want to use the default language (American English), either leave this empty or set it to 'en_US' (it's not in the list above).\n(Click Ok to get to the input box.)" GET_LANG="`Dialog --inputbox \"Specify language to download localization and documentation for\"`" fi if [ -z "$GET_LANG" ]; then GET_LANG="en_US" fi WriteConfig get_lang "$GET_LANG" ## ./configure flags Dialog --yesno "Do you want to use any extra configuration options (in addition to '--prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --enable-debug=full')?\nNo extra options is the default, and that works fine.\n(For a list of available flags, say yes and enter 'help' (CaSe insensitive) in the box, then wait for Amarok-svn to get to the configuration step (step 8).)" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If the user said yes CONF_FLAGS_RAW="`Dialog --inputbox \"Specify extra configuration options to use\"`" if [ "`echo $CONF_FLAGS_RAW | tr A-Z a-z`" != "help" ]; then CONF_FLAGS="" CONF_FLAGS_SAVE="" for flag in $CONF_FLAGS_RAW; do if [ "$flag" != "--help" ]; then CONF_FLAGS="$CONF_FLAGS $flag" CONF_FLAGS_SAVE="$CONF_FLAGS_SAVE `echo $flag | sed -e \"s/--/__/\"`" fi done WriteConfig conf_flags "$CONF_FLAGS_SAVE" else CONF_HELP="true" fi fi ## What to use to get root privileges for installation? HOW_ROOT="`kdialog --radiolist \"How do you want Amarok-svn to get root privileges for the install/uninstall commands?\" tdesu \"With 'tdesu' (default, choose this if unsure)\" on sudo \"With 'sudo'\" off \"su -c\" \"With 'su -c'\" off`" if [ -z "$HOW_ROOT" ]; then #Fallback if the user pressed cancel HOW_ROOT="tdesu" fi WriteConfig how_root "$HOW_ROOT" USE_ID="0" #Assume default answer Dialog --yesno "Do you want to use build ID?\nThis feature is generally not needed, and often makes the compiling time longer.\nIf you use it, you can tell from the About box in Amarok when your revision was compiled.\nDefault answer is No, you can get this information from other places." if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If the user said yes USE_ID="1" fi WriteConfig use_id "$USE_ID" fi if [ "$SELECT_SERVER" = "1" ]; then #SVN server selection WriteConfig svn_server "`kdialog --title \"$KD_TITLE\" --inputbox \"Specify which SVN server you want to use. Default is 'svn://anonsvn.kde.org'.\"`" fi SVN_SERVER="`ReadConfig svn_server`" if [ -z "$SVN_SERVER" ]; then #Save default value if empty SVN_SERVER="svn://anonsvn.kde.org" WriteConfig svn_server "$SVN_SERVER" fi ## Start the installation process and show the settings INST_START=`date +%s` echo "Used configuration" echo "--------------------" echo "(Use --help to get information on how to change it.)" echo echo -e "SVN server:\t\t\t\t\t$SVN_SERVER" echo -e "Language for localization and documentation:\t$GET_LANG" if [ "$CONF_HELP" != "true" -a "`echo $CONF_FLAGS`" ]; then echo -e "Extra configuration options:\t\t\t`echo $CONF_FLAGS`" #`echo ...` strips the preceeding space. fi echo -e "Command for getting root privileges:\t\t$HOW_ROOT" echo -en "Build ID:\t\t\t\t\t" if [ "$USE_ID" = "1" ]; then echo "On" else echo "Off" fi echo -e "Build directory:\t\t\t\t$BUILD_DIR" echo -ne "Clean source tree:\t\t\t\t" if [ "$CLEAN_BUILD" = "1" ]; then echo "On" else echo "Off" fi echo echo "###################### #### ### ## ## ## # #" ## Base checkout echo echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Checking out base files." svn co -N $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/branches/stable/extragear/multimedia $BUILD_DIR if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "The SVN transfer didn't finish successfully." fi cd $BUILD_DIR touch .amarok-svn-dir #Watermark the directory ## Get unsermake, if not installed already echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Getting unsermake." if [ -x "`which unsermake`" ]; then #unsermake installed system wide? echo "Unsermake is already installed system wide." else PATH="$BUILD_DIR/unsermake:$PATH" if [ -x "`which unsermake`" ]; then #Is unsermake installed and in the $PATH now? echo "Unsermake downloaded by this script. Checking for update." else echo "Unsermake wasn't found. Downloading it to '$BUILD_DIR/unsermake'." fi svn co -N $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/tags/unmaintained/3/unsermake if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "The SVN transfer failed." fi fi ## Store the old uninstall commands echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Saving uninstall commands for your current revision." if [ ! -f "Makefile" ]; then echo "No current revision was found." else TMP_OLD_UNINFO="`mktemp`" TEMP_FILES="$TMP_OLD_UNINFO" unsermake -n uninstall > $TMP_OLD_UNINFO #Stored in a file so we can run it later, in a simple manner. if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "Couldn't get uninstall commands for your current revision." else echo "Done." fi fi ## Continue checkout echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Checking out common SVN files." svn co $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common/admin #URL changed since KDE 3.5 branching if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully RemoveTemp Error "The SVN transfer failed." fi echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Updating Amarok files." svn up amarok if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully RemoveTemp Error "The SVN transfer failed.\nIf the message from svn (in console) is something like 'amarok is not under version control', you need a never version of svn.\nAt least version 1.1 is needed." fi if [ "$USE_ID" = "1" ]; then #Append build ID (date and time with no punctuation) to version sed -re "s/^#define APP_VERSION \"(.*)-SVN.*\"/#define APP_VERSION \"\1-SVN-`date +%y%m%d%H%M`\"/" -i amarok/src/amarok.h echo "Appended build ID to version number." fi echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Getting localization and documentation:" ENGD_STEP="" if [ "$GET_LANG" != "en_US" ]; then #If a language (not en_US) is selected ## Localization echo "- # 1/4 - Checking if localization for selected language exists." svn ls $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/trunk/l10n/$GET_LANG/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.po > /dev/null 2>&1 #Check if language exists if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the localization wasn't found GET_LANG="en_US" echo "WARNING: Localization for selected language was not found. Reverting to 'en_US'." else #If localization exists echo "- # 2/4 - Updating localization file." if [ ! -d "po" ]; then mkdir po fi cd po echo "SUBDIRS = $GET_LANG" > Makefile.am if [ ! -d $GET_LANG ]; then mkdir $GET_LANG fi cd $GET_LANG echo "KDE_LANG = $GET_LANG" > Makefile.am echo "SUBDIRS = \$(AUTODIRS)" >> Makefile.am echo "POFILES = AUTO" >> Makefile.am echo "Downloading current localization file from server." TMP_L10N="`mktemp`" TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $TMP_L10N" svn cat $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/trunk/l10n/$GET_LANG/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.po 2> /dev/null | tee $TMP_L10N > /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "The SVN transfer didn't finish successfully." fi if [ ! -s "$TMP_L10N" ]; then echo "WARNING: The downloaded file was empty!" echo "Some error must have occured." rm -f Makefile.am rm -f ../Makefile.am echo "No localization downloaded, so no localization will be installed!" elif [ -f "amarok.po" ]; then if [ -z "`diff -q $TMP_L10N amarok.po 2>&1`" ]; then echo "You already have the current version of the localization file." else echo "New localization file downloaded." rm -f amarok.po mv -f $TMP_L10N amarok.po echo "Replaced the old copy with the downloaded version." fi else mv -f $TMP_L10N amarok.po echo "Localization file downloaded." fi cd ../.. ## Localized documentation echo "- # 3/4 - Checking if localized documentation for selected language exists." svn ls $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/trunk/l10n/$GET_LANG/docs/extragear-multimedia/amarok > /dev/null 2>&1 #Check if localized documentation exists if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the localized documentation wasn't found GET_LANG="en_US" echo "WARNING: Localized documentation for selected language was not found. Reverting to default (American English) documentation." ENGD_STEP=" 4/4 -" else #If a localized documentation exists echo "- # 4/4 - Checking out localized documentation." if [ ! -d "doc" ]; then mkdir doc fi cd doc echo "SUBDIRS = $GET_LANG" > Makefile.am svn co $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/trunk/l10n/$GET_LANG/docs/extragear-multimedia/amarok $GET_LANG if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "The SVN transfer failed." fi cd $GET_LANG echo "KDE_LANG = $GET_LANG" > Makefile.am echo "KDE_DOCS = amarok" >> Makefile.am cd ../.. fi fi fi if [ "$GET_LANG" = "en_US" ]; then #If no language (en_US) is selected. This is a stand alone if-statement to enable fallbacks when selected language isn't found. ## Default (American English) documentation echo "- #$ENGD_STEP Checking out default (American English) documentation." if [ ! -d "doc" ]; then mkdir doc fi cd doc echo "SUBDIRS = en" > Makefile.am svn co $SVN_SERVER/home/kde/trunk/extragear/multimedia/doc/amarok en if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "The SVN transfer failed." fi cd en echo "KDE_LANG = en" > Makefile.am echo "KDE_DOCS = amarok" >> Makefile.am cd ../.. fi ## Preparation echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Preparing for configuration. (This will take a while.)" WANT_AUTOCONF="2.5" unsermake -f Makefile.cvs if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "Preparation failed.\nProblems at this step are quite certainly problems with either unsermake or your automake configuration." fi echo -n "*** Patching the configure script to show when it fails... " echo -e "\nif test \"\$all_tests\" = \"bad\"; then\n exit 1\nfi" >> configure #Does its job, albeit a little bit ugly... if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully echo "Fail. Amarok will compile even if some dependencies aren't met!" else echo "Done." fi ## Configuration help if [ "$CONF_HELP" = "true" ]; then TMP_CONF="`mktemp`" TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $TMP_CONF" echo -e "Configuration options\n" > $TMP_CONF ./configure --help >> $TMP_CONF KDTITLE=" :: Configuration options" Dialog --textbox $TMP_CONF 600 800 & #800x600 should be enough. Put it in the background (&) to make the user able to watch it while typing the selected options into the input box. Dialog --yesno "Do you want to use any extra configuration options (in addition to '--prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --enable-debug=full')?\nNo extra options is the default, and that works fine.\n(Available options are displayed in another window right now.)" if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If the user said yes CONF_FLAGS_RAW="`kdialog --title \"$KD_TITLE\" --inputbox \"Specify extra configuration options to use\"`" CONF_FLAGS="" CONF_FLAGS_SAVE="" for flag in $CONF_FLAGS_RAW; do if [ "$flag" != "--help" ]; then CONF_FLAGS="$CONF_FLAGS $flag" CONF_FLAGS_SAVE="$CONF_FLAGS_SAVE `echo $flag | sed -e \"s/--/__/\"`" fi done WriteConfig conf_flags "$CONF_FLAGS_SAVE" if [ "`echo $CONF_FLAGS`" ]; then echo -e "Extra configuration options:\t'`echo $CONF_FLAGS`'" fi fi fi ## Configuration echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Configuring. (This will also take a while.)" ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --enable-debug=full$CONF_FLAGS if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully Error "Configuration failed. Amarok was NOT installed/upgraded." fi ## Clean build dir if user wanted to. if [ "$CLEAN_BUILD" = "1" ]; then let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Cleaning the source tree." Clean fi ## Compilation echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Compiling. (The time of this step depends on the number of new source files that were downloaded.)" Compile ## Compare uninstall commands and , if they differ, uninstall the old revision. echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Comparing uninstall commands." if [ ! -f "$TMP_OLD_UNINFO" ]; then echo "No older revision was found." else TMP_NEW_UNINFO="`mktemp`" TMP_FILES="$TMP_FILES $TMP_NEW_UNINFO" unsermake -n uninstall > $TMP_NEW_UNINFO if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully. Error "Couldn't get uninstall commands for the new revision." fi UN_DIFF="`diff -q $TMP_OLD_UNINFO $TMP_NEW_UNINFO 2>&1`" if [ "$?" != "0" -a "$?" != "1" ]; then #If the command didn't finish successfully. diff strangely (?) returns 1 when there are differences. Error "Couldn't compare the uninstall commands." elif [ -z "$UN_DIFF" ]; then #If diff was quiet echo "No differences between your current revision and the new one were found." else echo "Differences in the uninstall commands were found, uninstalling your current revision." echo "Executing '$HOW_ROOT' to get root privileges for uninstallation." if [ "$HOW_ROOT" = "sudo" ]; then echo "(You might need to enter your password now.)" sudo bash $TMP_OLD_UNINFO elif [ "$HOW_ROOT" = "su -c" ]; then echo "(You probably have to enter the root password now.)" su -c "bash $TMP_OLD_UNINFO" else tdesu -t bash $TMP_OLD_UNINFO fi #No error check here because it seems to trigger even when there is no error, I can't figure out why... #It doesn't matter much if this step fails anyway... fi fi RemoveTemp #From here on, no temp files are needed. ## Installation echo let C_STEP=C_STEP+1 echo "# $C_STEP/$S_STEPS - Installing files." echo "Executing '$HOW_ROOT' to get root privileges for installation." if [ "$HOW_ROOT" = "sudo" ]; then echo "(You might need to enter your password now.)" sudo `which unsermake` install #"which" here (and below) is needed because root doesn't use the user's $PATH elif [ "$HOW_ROOT" = "su -c" ]; then echo "(You probably have to enter the root password now.)" su -c "`which unsermake` install" else tdesu -t `which unsermake` install fi if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then #If the command did finish successfully #stopwatch. let INST_TIME=`date +%s`-INST_START let INST_M=INST_TIME/60 let INST_S=INST_TIME%60 echo echo -e "# DONE - Amarok was successfully installed/updated after $INST_M minute(s) and $INST_S second(s)." Dialog --msgbox "Done!\nAmarok was successfully installed/updated after $INST_M minute(s) and $INST_S second(s).\nCompilation took $COMP_M minute(s) and $COMP_S second(s).\nStart Amarok from your menu or by running the command \"amarok\"." exit 0 #Exit succsessfully else echo Error "Amarok was compiled but NOT installed.\nIf the errors above seem to be permission errors, you could try installing Amarok manually.\n(You also might want to have a look at the settings for this script, use --help to see how.)\nTo install manually, get root privileges in some way and then run 'unsermake install' in the '$BUILD_DIR' directory." fi