/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2002, 2003, 2006 by Jochen Issing email : jochen.issing@isign-softart.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version * * 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * * MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "tstring.h" #include "boxfactory.h" #include "mp4skipbox.h" #include "mp4moovbox.h" #include "mp4mvhdbox.h" #include "mp4trakbox.h" #include "mp4mdiabox.h" #include "mp4minfbox.h" #include "mp4stblbox.h" #include "mp4stsdbox.h" #include "mp4hdlrbox.h" #include "mp4udtabox.h" #include "mp4metabox.h" #include "mp4ilstbox.h" #include "itunesnambox.h" #include "itunesartbox.h" #include "itunesalbbox.h" #include "itunesgenbox.h" #include "itunesdaybox.h" #include "itunestrknbox.h" #include "itunescmtbox.h" #include "itunesgrpbox.h" #include "ituneswrtbox.h" #include "itunesdiskbox.h" #include "itunestmpobox.h" #include "itunescvrbox.h" #include "itunesdatabox.h" using namespace TagLib; MP4::BoxFactory::BoxFactory() { } MP4::BoxFactory::~BoxFactory() { } //! factory function MP4::Mp4IsoBox* MP4::BoxFactory::createInstance( TagLib::File* anyfile, MP4::Fourcc fourcc, uint size, long offset ) const { MP4::File * file = dynamic_cast(anyfile); if(!file) return 0; //std::cout << "creating box for: " << fourcc.toString() << std::endl; switch( fourcc ) { case 0x6d6f6f76: // 'moov' return new MP4::Mp4MoovBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x6d766864: // 'mvhd' return new MP4::Mp4MvhdBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x7472616b: // 'trak' return new MP4::Mp4TrakBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x6d646961: // 'mdia' return new MP4::Mp4MdiaBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x6d696e66: // 'minf' return new MP4::Mp4MinfBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x7374626c: // 'stbl' return new MP4::Mp4StblBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x73747364: // 'stsd' return new MP4::Mp4StsdBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x68646c72: // 'hdlr' return new MP4::Mp4HdlrBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x75647461: // 'udta' return new MP4::Mp4UdtaBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x6d657461: // 'meta' return new MP4::Mp4MetaBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x696c7374: // 'ilst' return new MP4::Mp4IlstBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa96e616d: // '_nam' return new MP4::ITunesNamBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9415254: // '_ART' return new MP4::ITunesArtBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9616c62: // '_alb' return new MP4::ITunesAlbBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa967656e: // '_gen' return new MP4::ITunesGenBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x676e7265: // 'gnre' return new MP4::ITunesGenBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9646179: // '_day' return new MP4::ITunesDayBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x74726b6e: // 'trkn' return new MP4::ITunesTrknBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9636d74: // '_cmt' return new MP4::ITunesCmtBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9677270: // '_grp' return new MP4::ITunesGrpBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0xa9777274: // '_wrt' return new MP4::ITunesWrtBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x6469736b: // 'disk' return new MP4::ITunesDiskBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x746d706f: // 'tmpo' return new MP4::ITunesTmpoBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x636f7672: // 'covr' return new MP4::ITunesCvrBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; case 0x64616461: // 'data' return new MP4::ITunesDataBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); break; default: return new MP4::Mp4SkipBox( file, fourcc, size, offset ); } }