Options5 Options5 0 0 481 472 unnamed 0 kcfg_OsdEnabled &Use On-Screen-Display true Check to enable the On-Screen-Display. <br>The OSD briefly displays track data when a new track is played. Check to enable the On-Screen-Display. The OSD briefly displays track data when a new track is played. layout2 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 mainBox NoFrame unnamed 0 fontBox GroupBoxPanel Sunken 1 &Font false unnamed kcfg_OsdFont The font to use for the On-Screen Display. The font to use for the On-Screen Display. kcfg_OsdDrawShadow Draw &shadow groupBox9 C&olors unnamed layout3 unnamed 2 kcfg_OsdUseCustomColors Use &custom colors Check to enable custom colors for the On-Screen-Display. Check to enable custom colors for the On-Screen-Display. layout1 unnamed spacer1 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 colorsBox false NoFrame false unnamed 0 textLabel2_2 5 5 1 0 NoFrame Background color: The color of the OSD background. kcfg_OsdTextColor 5 0 2 0 255 0 0 Click to select the color of the OSD text. The color of the OSD text. kcfg_OsdBackgroundColor 5 0 2 0 255 0 0 Click to select the background color of the OSD. The color of the OSD background. textLabel2 5 5 1 0 Text color: The color of the OSD text. kcfg_OsdUseFakeTranslucency Make the &background translucent osdText GroupBoxPanel Display &Text false unnamed kcfg_OsdUsePlaylistColumns Display the same information as the columns in the playlist kcfg_OsdText 7 7 0 0 2 PlainText true groupBox22 unnamed textLabel1 &Duration: kcfg_OsdDuration kcfg_OsdDuration 1 0 2 0 ms Forever UpDownArrows 600000 0 1000 5000 The time in milliseconds to show the OSD. The value must be between 500 ms and 10000 ms. The time in milliseconds to show the OSD. The value must be between 500 ms and 10000 ms. kcfg_OsdScreen 1 0 2 0 The screen that should display the OSD. The screen that should display the OSD. textLabel2_3 Sc&reen: kcfg_OsdScreen kcfg_OsdUseCustomColors toggled(bool) colorsBox setEnabled(bool) kcfg_OsdEnabled toggled(bool) mainBox setEnabled(bool) kcfg_OsdUseCustomColors toggled(bool) Options5 useCustomColorsToggled(bool) kcfg_OsdUsePlaylistColumns toggled(bool) kcfg_OsdText setDisabled(bool) tqapplication.h tqdesktopwidget.h osd.h OSDPreviewWidget *m_pOSDPreview; settingsChanged() slotPositionChanged() useCustomColorsToggled( bool on ) useFakeTransparencyToggled( bool on ) init() hideEvent( TQHideEvent * ) showEvent( TQShowEvent * ) ktextedit.h