tqdir.h Amarok version string, used to restart aRts in new installations. The position of the Amarok main window when Amarok is started. If set the player window will start in minimal view false The position of the playlist window when Amarok is started. The size of the playlist window when Amarok is started. If set, Amarok saves the current playlist on quit and restores it when restarted. true If set, amarok follows symlinks when adding files or directories to the playlist. true Set this to display a second time label to the left of the seek slider in the player window. true Set this to display remaining track time instead of past track time in the player window. false A score is a number from 0 to 100, determined automatically by Amarok based on how often you listen to a track and how much of it you listen to. true A rating is 1 to 5 stars, set manually by you to describe how well you like a given track. false Selects whether the user wants to use custom colors for ratings stars. false Selects whether the user wants to define a custom color for the half-star. true Whether to repeat the current track, the current album, or the current playlist indefinitely, or neither. Off Tracks or albums with the chosen property will be more likely to be chosen in Random Mode. Off If set, Amarok plays the tracks or albums in the playlist in a random order. Off The title of the Dynamic Mode that was most recently loaded in the playlist Random Mix The name of the custom scoring script which was most recently loaded Enable/Disable tray icon for Amarok. true Enable/Disable tray icon animation. false Makes Amarok more like XMMS and other Winamp clones with separate player and playlist windows. false Displays a visual representation of the current track in the slider bar of the player window, the playlist window, and in a column of the playlist window. false Enabling this option stores Mood data files with the music files. Disabling stores them in your home folder. false When enabled, the hue distribution is quantised and respread evenly, giving a prettier but less meaningful output. true The hues are distributed according to a colour theme, giving a customisable look. 0 At the bottom of the playlist window, the toolbar can be used for buttons such as play and stop. true Size of the cover previews in Contextbrowser and Covermanager 130 Enable/Disable recursive directory adding to the playlist. true Delay between tracks, in milliseconds. 0 Enable/Disable the playlist window. Equal to clicking the PL button in the player window. true The number of undo levels in the playlist. 30 The ID of the visual analyzer to display. -1 The ID of the visual analyzer to display in playlist window. 0 Currently unused 70,140 Enable/Disable splashscreen during Amarok startup. true Automatically switches to ContextBrowser when playback is started. false Set this to the style dir you want to use. Default If set, Amarok displays a menubar on top of the application. true If set, Amarok's manually saved playlists will contain a relative path to each track, not an absolute path. true If set, Organize files will overwrite any existing destination. false If set, Organize files will group directories containing the same filetype. false If set, Organize files will group artist starting in the same character. true If set, Organize files will ignore The in artist names. true If set, Organize files will replace spaces in filenames by an underscore. false If set, Organize files will use cover art as folder icons. true The ID of the collection folder destination for Organize files. 0 If set, Organize files will replace characters that are not compatible with vfat filesystems (such as ':', '*' and '?'). true If set, Organize files will replace characters that are not compatible with the 7-bit ASCII character set. false If set, Organize files will rename files according to a custom format string. false If the custom filename scheme is enabled, then Organize files will rename files according to this format string. %folder/%filetype/%theartist/%album/%track_-_%title.%filetype Organize files will replace substrings matching this regular expression. Organize files will replace matching substrings with this string. kfmclient openURL true 0 The Amarok master volume, a value between 0 (muted) and 100. 80 0 100 Enable/Disable crossfading between track changes. false The length of the crossfade between tracks in milliseconds. 4000 400 Determines whether to crossfade always, or on automatic/manual track changes only. 0 Enable/Disable fadeout. true The length of the fadeout in milliseconds. 3500 400 true Select the sound system used to play media. Amarok currently support aRts, GStreamer, xine, and NMM; however, their availability depends on the configuration used at compile time. When enabled, an equalizer plugin filters the audio stream. false 0 -100 100 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Zero Determines which Amazon server cover images should be retrieved from. us Determines in which language the information is retrieved from Wikipedia. en Enable/Disable the On-Screen Display. true If enabled, the OSD will display the same information and in the same order as the columns in the playlist. true Customize the OSD display text. %artist - %title {(%length)}\n%album The font to use for the On-Screen Display. TQFont("Arial",16) Draws a shadow around the OSD-text. true Make the background of the OSD use fake-translucency. true You can use custom colors for the OSD if you set this true. false The color of the OSD text. The color is specified in RGB, a comma-separated list containing three integers between 0 and 255. #ffff00 The color of the OSD background. The color is specified in RGB, a comma-separated list containing three integers between 0 and 255. #1500a0 #0000ff The time in milliseconds to show the OSD. A value of 0 means never hide. The default value is 5000 ms. 5000 0 The Y position of the OSD relative to the chosen screen and OSD tqalignment. If Top tqalignment is chosen the Y offset is the space between the upper part of the OSD and the top of the screen. If Bottom tqalignment is chosen the Y offset is the space between the bottom part of the OSD and the bottom of the screen. 50 0 10000 The screen that should display the OSD. For single-headed environments this setting should be 0. 0 If enabled, shows the album cover in the OSD. true The relative position of the OSD. Possible choices are Left, Middle, Right and Center. Center Enabled/Disables custom fonts. false The font to use in the playlist window. The font to use in the player window. The font to use in the context browser. If set, Amarok uses the Amarok standard colors in the playlist. false If set, Amarok uses the KDE standard colors in the playlist. true If set, Amarok uses the user-defined colors in the playlist. false The color to use as foreground color in the playlist. The color is specified in RGB, a comma-separated list containing three integers between 0 and 255. #80a0ff The color to use as background color in the playlist. The color is specified in RGB, a comma-separated list containing three integers between 0 and 255. #000000 The color to use for a half rating star, if not the default. The color to use for a single rating star, if not the default. The color to use for two rating stars, if not the default. The color to use for three rating stars, if not the default. The color to use for four rating stars, if not the default. The color to use for five rating stars, if not the default. If set, Amarok resumes playback of the last played track on startup. false Internal: URL of the track to resume on startup. Internal: Playback position in the track to resume on startup. The database engine used to store collection SQLite true true The host MySql server is running on localhost The port MySql server is listening 3306 The database's name amarok The user's name to use for connecting MySql The user's password The user's password The host Postgresql server is running on localhost The port Postgresql server is listening 5432 The database's name amarok The user's name to use for connecting Postgresql amarok The user's password The user's password Whether played songs are submitted to Audioscrobbler false The username to use for connecting to Audioscrobbler The password to use for connecting to Audioscrobbler Whether similar songs are retrieved from Audioscrobbler false The type of media device. The mount point used for the media device connection. The mount command used for the media device connection. The umount command used for the media device connection. Whether podcasts shows already played are automatically deleted when media device is connected. Whether Amarok statistics should be synchronized with play count/ratings on device and whether tracks played should be submitted to last.fm. Whether to automatically try to connect media device when starting Amarok. true Music Sharing servers added by the user. Passwords stored by hostname.