/* NMM - Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 * NMM work group, * Computer Graphics Lab, * Saarland University, Germany * http://www.networkmultimedia.org * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 * USA */ #include "nmm_configdialog.h" #include "nmm_engine.h" #include "nmm_kdeconfig.h" #include "HostList.h" #include "HostListItem.h" #include "debug.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include NmmConfigDialog::NmmConfigDialog() : PluginConfig(), current_audio_group_selection(-1), m_environment_list(NULL), m_user_list(NULL), m_host_list_modified(false) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; m_view = new NmmConfigDialogBase(); /* create host list widget stack */ m_environment_list = new HostList( m_view->audioGroup, "TheEnvironmentList" ); m_environment_list->setReadOnly( true ); m_environment_list->setSelectionMode( TQListView::NoSelection ); m_user_list = new HostList( m_view->audioGroup, "TheUserList" ); m_user_list->setSelectionMode( TQListView::Single ); connect( m_user_list, TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( hostListModified() ) ); m_view->hostListStack->addWidget( m_environment_list ); m_view->hostListStack->addWidget( m_user_list ); // show disabled user list by default if 'localhost only' selected m_view->hostListStack->raiseWidget( m_user_list ); /* restore saved output plugin */ if ( NmmKDEConfig::audioOutputPlugin() == "ALSAPlaybackNode" ) m_view->audioPlaybackNode->setCurrentItem( 1 ); /* restore selected audioGroup selection */ m_view->audioGroup->setButton( NmmKDEConfig::location() ); clickedAudioGroup( NmmKDEConfig::location() ); createHostLists(); /* connect 'Add...' and 'Remove' buttons */ connect( m_view->addLocationButton, TQT_SIGNAL( released() ), TQT_SLOT( addHost() ) ); connect( m_view->removeHostButton, TQT_SIGNAL( released() ), TQT_SLOT( removeHost() ) ); connect( m_user_list, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ) , this, TQT_SLOT( enableRemoveButton() ) ); /* connect audioGroup selection */ connect( m_view->audioGroup, TQT_SIGNAL( released(int) ), TQT_SLOT( clickedAudioGroup(int) ) ); PluginConfig::connect( m_view->audioPlaybackNode, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ) ); PluginConfig::connect( m_view->audioGroup, TQT_SIGNAL( released( int ) ), TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ) ); // connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ) ) } NmmConfigDialog::~NmmConfigDialog() { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; delete m_view; } bool NmmConfigDialog::hasChanged() const { return NmmKDEConfig::audioOutputPlugin() != m_view->audioPlaybackNode->currentText() || NmmKDEConfig::location() != m_view->audioGroup->selectedId() || m_host_list_modified; } bool NmmConfigDialog::isDefault() const { return false; } void NmmConfigDialog::save() { DEBUG_BLOCK if( hasChanged() ) { NmmKDEConfig::setAudioOutputPlugin( m_view->audioPlaybackNode->currentText() ); debug() << "saved audio output plugin" << endl; NmmKDEConfig::setLocation( m_view->audioGroup->selectedId() ); debug() << "saved current location selection" << endl; /* store volume for AUDIO_HOSTS */ //NmmEngine::instance()->setEnvironmentHostList( tmp_environment_list ); /* save user host list and toggle states for audio, video */ TQValueList tmp_user_list; TQListViewItemIterator it( m_user_list ); HostListItem *host; while( it.current() ) { host = static_cast( it.current() ); tmp_user_list.append( NmmLocation(host->text(HostListItem::Hostname), host->isAudioEnabled(), host->isVideoEnabled(), /* TODO: host->volume()*/ 0, host->status() ) ); ++it; } NmmEngine::instance()->setUserHostList( tmp_user_list ); TQStringList hosts; TQStringList audio_hosts; TQStringList video_hosts; TQValueList::iterator it_n; for( it_n = tmp_user_list.begin(); it_n != tmp_user_list.end(); ++it_n ) { debug() << "saved user host" << endl; hosts.append( (*it_n).hostname() ); if( (*it_n).audio() ) audio_hosts.append( "1" ); else audio_hosts.append( "0" ); if( (*it_n).video() ) video_hosts.append( "1" ); else video_hosts.append( "0" ); // TODO: save volume } NmmKDEConfig::setHostList( hosts ); NmmKDEConfig::setAudioToggle( audio_hosts ); NmmKDEConfig::setVideoToggle( video_hosts ); debug() << "saved user host list with toggle states for audio and video" << endl; NmmKDEConfig::writeConfig(); m_host_list_modified = false; } } void NmmConfigDialog::addHost() { bool ok; TQString hostname = QInputDialog::getText( "New NMM sink host", "Enter hostname to add:", TQLineEdit::Normal, TQString::null, &ok, NULL); if( ok && !hostname.isEmpty() ) { new HostListItem( m_user_list, hostname ); if( m_user_list->currentItem() ) m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( true ); hostListModified(); } } void NmmConfigDialog::removeHost() { m_user_list->takeItem( m_user_list->currentItem() ); if( !m_user_list->currentItem() ) m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( false ); hostListModified(); } void NmmConfigDialog::clickedAudioGroup( int new_selection ) { if( current_audio_group_selection == new_selection || new_selection > 2 ) return; /* localhost only, disable host list */ if( new_selection == 0 ) { m_view->hostListStack->setDisabled(true); m_view->addLocationButton->setEnabled( false ); m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( false ); } /* environment host list * disable 'Add...' and 'Remove' buttons, load environment host list */ else if( new_selection == 1 ) { m_view->hostListStack->setEnabled( true ); m_view->addLocationButton->setEnabled( false ); m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( false ); m_view->hostListStack->raiseWidget( m_environment_list ); } /* user host list * enable all widgets for host list, load user host list */ else if( new_selection == 2 ) { m_view->hostListStack->setEnabled( true ); m_view->addLocationButton->setEnabled( true ); if( !m_user_list->currentItem() ) m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( false ); else m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( true ); m_view->hostListStack->raiseWidget( m_user_list ); } current_audio_group_selection = new_selection; } void NmmConfigDialog::notifyHostError( TQString hostname, int error ) { m_user_list->notifyHostError( hostname, error ); m_environment_list->notifyHostError( hostname, error ); } void NmmConfigDialog::enableRemoveButton() { m_view->removeHostButton->setEnabled( true ); } void NmmConfigDialog::hostListModified() { m_host_list_modified = true; emit viewChanged(); } void NmmConfigDialog::createHostLists() { DEBUG_BLOCK TQValueList::iterator it; TQValueList list; list = NmmEngine::instance()->environmentHostList(); for( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) new HostListItem( m_environment_list, (*it).hostname(), (*it).audio(), (*it).video(), 0, (*it).status(), true ); list = NmmEngine::instance()->userHostList(); for( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) new HostListItem( m_user_list, (*it).hostname(), (*it).audio(), (*it).video(), 0, (*it).status() ); } #include "nmm_configdialog.moc"