/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2005, 2006 by Martin Aumueller email : aumuell@reserv.at copyright : (C) 2004 by Christian Muehlhaeuser email : chris@chris.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * * MA 02110-1301 USA * ***************************************************************************/ #define DEBUG_PREFIX "IpodMediaDevice" #include #include "ipodmediadevice.h" AMAROK_EXPORT_PLUGIN( IpodMediaDevice ) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STATVFS #include #include #endif #include #include #ifndef HAVE_ITDB_MEDIATYPE #define mediatype unk208 #endif #include "metadata/audible/taglib_audiblefile.h" struct PodcastInfo { // per show TQString url; TQString description; TQDateTime date; TQString author; bool listened; // per channel TQString rss; PodcastInfo() { listened = false; } }; class TrackList : public TQPtrList { int compareItems ( TQPtrCollection::Item track1, TQPtrCollection::Item track2 ) { Itdb_Track *t1 = (Itdb_Track *)track1; Itdb_Track *t2 = (Itdb_Track *)track2; if(t1->track_nr != t2->track_nr) return t1->track_nr - t2->track_nr; return strcasecmp(t1->title, t2->title); } }; class IpodMediaItem : public MediaItem { public: IpodMediaItem( TQListView *parent, MediaDevice *dev ) : MediaItem( parent ) { init( dev ); } IpodMediaItem( TQListViewItem *parent, MediaDevice *dev ) : MediaItem( parent ) { init( dev ); } IpodMediaItem( TQListView *parent, TQListViewItem *after, MediaDevice *dev ) : MediaItem( parent, after ) { init( dev ); } IpodMediaItem( TQListViewItem *parent, TQListViewItem *after, MediaDevice *dev ) : MediaItem( parent, after ) { init( dev ); } virtual ~IpodMediaItem() { delete m_podcastInfo; } void init( MediaDevice *dev ) { m_track = 0; m_playlist = 0; m_device = dev; m_podcastInfo = 0; } void bundleFromTrack( Itdb_Track *track, const TQString& path ) { MetaBundle *bundle = new MetaBundle(); bundle->setArtist ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->artist ) ); bundle->setComposer ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->composer ) ); bundle->setAlbum ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->album ) ); bundle->setTitle ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->title ) ); bundle->setComment ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->comment ) ); bundle->setGenre ( TQString::fromUtf8( track->genre ) ); bundle->setYear ( track->year ); bundle->setTrack ( track->track_nr ); bundle->setDiscNumber( track->cd_nr ); bundle->setBpm ( track->BPM ); bundle->setLength ( track->tracklen/1000 ); bundle->setBitrate ( track->bitrate ); bundle->setSampleRate( track->samplerate ); bundle->setPath ( path ); bundle->setFilesize ( track->size ); TQString rss( track->podcastrss ); TQString url( track->podcasturl ); TQString desc( track->description ); TQString subtitle( track->subtitle ); TQDateTime date; date.setTime_t( itdb_time_mac_to_host( track->time_released) ); if( !rss.isEmpty() || !url.isEmpty() ) { PodcastEpisodeBundle peb( KURL::fromPathOrURL(url), KURL::fromPathOrURL(rss), track->title, track->artist, desc, date.toString(Qt::ISODate), TQString::null /*type*/, bundle->length(), TQString::null /*guid*/, track->playcount<=0 ); bundle->setPodcastBundle( peb ); } setBundle( bundle ); } Itdb_Track *m_track; Itdb_Playlist *m_playlist; PodcastInfo *m_podcastInfo; int played() const { return m_track ? m_track->playcount : 0; } int recentlyPlayed() const { return m_track ? m_track->recent_playcount : 0; } int rating() const { return m_track ? m_track->rating : 0; } void setRating( int rating ) { if( m_track ) m_track->rating = m_track->app_rating = rating; if( dynamic_cast(device()) ) static_cast(device())->m_dbChanged = true; } void setPlayCount( int playcount ) { if ( m_track ) m_track->playcount = playcount; if( dynamic_cast(device()) ) static_cast(device())->m_dbChanged = true; } void setLastPlayed( uint lastplay ) { if ( m_track ) m_track->time_played = itdb_time_host_to_mac( lastplay ); if( dynamic_cast(device()) ) static_cast(device())->m_dbChanged = true; } bool ratingChanged() const { return m_track ? m_track->rating != m_track->app_rating : false; } void setListened( bool l ) { MediaItem::setListened( l ); if( type() == PODCASTITEM ) { if( m_podcastInfo ) m_podcastInfo->listened = listened(); if( m_track ) m_track->mark_unplayed = listened() ? 0x01 : 0x02; } } TQDateTime playTime() const { TQDateTime t; if( m_track ) t.setTime_t( itdb_time_mac_to_host( m_track->time_played ) ); return t; } IpodMediaItem *findTrack( Itdb_Track *track ) { if( m_track == track ) return this; for( IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast( firstChild() ); it; it = dynamic_cast( it->nextSibling()) ) { IpodMediaItem *found = it->findTrack(track); if( found ) return found; } return 0; } }; IpodMediaDevice::IpodMediaDevice() : MediaDevice() , m_masterPlaylist( 0 ) , m_podcastPlaylist( 0 ) , m_lockFile( 0 ) , m_customAction( 0 ) { registerTaglibPlugins(); m_podcastItem = 0; m_staleItem = 0; m_orphanedItem = 0; m_invisibleItem = 0; m_playlistItem = 0; m_dbChanged = false; m_itdb = 0; m_podcastItem = 0; m_staleItem = 0; m_orphanedItem = 0; m_invisibleItem = 0; m_playlistItem = 0; m_supportsArtwork = true; m_supportsVideo = false; m_rockboxFirmware = false; m_isShuffle = false; m_isMobile = false; m_isIPhone = false; m_needsFirewireGuid = false; m_requireMount = true; m_name = "iPod"; // config stuff m_autoConnect = true; m_syncStatsCheck = 0; m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck = 0; KActionCollection *ac = new KActionCollection( this ); KActionMenu *am = new KActionMenu( i18n( "iPod" ), Amarok::icon( "device" ), ac ); m_customAction = am; m_customAction->setEnabled( false ); am->setDelayed( false ); KPopupMenu *menu = am->popupMenu(); connect( menu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotIpodAction(int)) ); menu->insertItem( i18n( "Stale and Orphaned" ), CHECK_INTEGRITY ); menu->insertItem( i18n( "Update Artwork" ), UPDATE_ARTWORK ); KPopupMenu *ipodGen = new KPopupMenu( menu ); menu->insertItem( i18n( "Set iPod Model" ), ipodGen ); const Itdb_IpodInfo *table = itdb_info_get_ipod_info_table(); if( !table ) return; bool infoFound = false; int generation = ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_FIRST; do { const Itdb_IpodInfo *info = table; infoFound = false; KPopupMenu *gen = 0; int index = SET_IPOD_MODEL; while( info->model_number ) { if( info->ipod_generation == generation ) { if (!infoFound) { infoFound = true; gen = new KPopupMenu( ipodGen ); connect( gen, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotIpodAction(int)) ); ipodGen->insertItem( itdb_info_get_ipod_generation_string( info->ipod_generation), gen ); } if( info->capacity > 0.f ) gen->insertItem( i18n( "%1 GB %2 (x%3)" ) .arg( TQString::number( info->capacity ), itdb_info_get_ipod_model_name_string( info->ipod_model ), info->model_number ), index ); else gen->insertItem( i18n( "%1 (x%2)" ) .arg( itdb_info_get_ipod_model_name_string( info->ipod_model ), info->model_number ), index ); } ++info; ++index; } ++generation; } while( infoFound ); } void IpodMediaDevice::slotIpodAction( int id ) { switch( id ) { case CHECK_INTEGRITY: checkIntegrity(); break; case UPDATE_ARTWORK: updateArtwork(); break; default: if( const Itdb_IpodInfo *table = itdb_info_get_ipod_info_table() ) { int index = id - SET_IPOD_MODEL; if( m_itdb && m_itdb->device ) { gchar model[PATH_MAX]; g_snprintf (model, PATH_MAX, "x%s", table[index].model_number); itdb_device_set_sysinfo( m_itdb->device, "ModelNumStr", model ); detectModel(); if( m_isIPhone ) { m_autoConnect = false; setConfigBool( "AutoConnect", m_autoConnect ); } // try to make sure that the Device directory exists TQDir dir; TQString realPath; if(!pathExists( itunesDir(), &realPath) ) { dir.setPath(realPath); dir.mkdir(dir.absPath()); } if(!pathExists( itunesDir( "Device" ), &realPath) ) { dir.setPath(realPath); dir.mkdir(dir.absPath()); } GError *err = 0; gboolean success = itdb_device_write_sysinfo(m_itdb->device, &err); debug() << "success writing sysinfo to ipod? (return value " << success << ")" << endl; if( !success && err ) { g_error_free(err); //FIXME: update i18n files for next message Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n( "Could not write SysInfo file to iPod (check the permissions of the file \"%1\" on your iPod)" ).arg( itunesDir( "Device:SysInfo" ) ) ); //FIXME: update i18n files for next message Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortMessage( i18n( "Unable to set iPod model to %1 GB %2 (x%3)" ) .arg( TQString::number( table[index].capacity ), itdb_info_get_ipod_model_name_string( table[index].ipod_model ), table[index].model_number ) ); } else { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortMessage( i18n( "Setting iPod model to %1 GB %2 (x%3)" ) .arg( TQString::number( table[index].capacity ), itdb_info_get_ipod_model_name_string( table[index].ipod_model ), table[index].model_number ) ); } MediaBrowser::instance()->updateDevices(); } } break; } } void IpodMediaDevice::init( MediaBrowser* parent ) { MediaDevice::init( parent ); } IpodMediaDevice::~IpodMediaDevice() { if( m_itdb ) itdb_free(m_itdb); m_files.clear(); } bool IpodMediaDevice::isConnected() { return ( m_itdb != 0 ); } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::insertTrackIntoDB( const TQString &pathname, const MetaBundle &metaBundle, const MetaBundle &propertiesBundle, const PodcastInfo *podcastInfo ) { return updateTrackInDB( 0, pathname, metaBundle, propertiesBundle, podcastInfo ); } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::updateTrackInDB( IpodMediaItem *item, const TQString &pathname, const MetaBundle &metaBundle, const MetaBundle &propertiesBundle, const PodcastInfo *podcastInfo ) { if( !m_itdb ) return 0; Itdb_Track *track = 0; if( item ) track = item->m_track; if( !track ) track = itdb_track_new(); if( !track ) { delete item; return 0; } TQString type = pathname.section('.', -1).lower(); track->ipod_path = g_strdup( ipodPath(pathname).latin1() ); debug() << "on iPod: " << track->ipod_path << ", podcast=" << podcastInfo << endl; if( metaBundle.isValidMedia() || !metaBundle.title().isEmpty() ) track->title = g_strdup( metaBundle.title().utf8() ); else track->title = g_strdup( metaBundle.url().filename().utf8() ); track->album = g_strdup( metaBundle.album()->utf8() ); track->artist = g_strdup( metaBundle.artist()->utf8() ); track->genre = g_strdup( metaBundle.genre()->utf8() ); track->mediatype = ITDB_MEDIATYPE_AUDIO; bool audiobook = false; if(type=="wav") { track->filetype = g_strdup( "wav" ); } else if(type=="mp3" || type=="mpeg") { track->filetype = g_strdup( "mpeg" ); } else if(type=="aac" || type=="m4a" || (!m_supportsVideo && type=="mp4")) { track->filetype = g_strdup( "mp4" ); } else if(type=="m4b") { audiobook = true; track->filetype = g_strdup( "mp4" ); } else if(type=="m4v" || type=="mp4v" || type=="mov" || type=="mpg" || type=="mp4") { track->filetype = g_strdup( "m4v video" ); track->movie_flag = 0x01; // for videos track->mediatype = ITDB_MEDIATYPE_MOVIE; } else if(type=="aa") { audiobook = true; track->filetype = g_strdup( "audible" ); TagLib::Audible::File f( TQFile::encodeName( propertiesBundle.url().path() ) ); TagLib::Audible::Tag *t = f.getAudibleTag(); if( t ) track->drm_userid = t->userID(); // libgpod also tries to set those, but this won't work track->unk126 = 0x01; track->unk144 = 0x0029; } else { track->filetype = g_strdup( type.utf8() ); } TQString genre = metaBundle.genre(); if( genre.startsWith("audiobook", false) ) audiobook = true; if( audiobook ) { track->remember_playback_position |= 0x01; track->skip_when_shuffling |= 0x01; track->mediatype = ITDB_MEDIATYPE_AUDIOBOOK; } track->composer = g_strdup( metaBundle.composer()->utf8() ); track->comment = g_strdup( metaBundle.comment()->utf8() ); track->track_nr = metaBundle.track(); track->cd_nr = metaBundle.discNumber(); track->BPM = static_cast( metaBundle.bpm() ); track->year = metaBundle.year(); track->size = propertiesBundle.filesize(); if( track->size == 0 ) { debug() << "filesize is zero for " << track->ipod_path << ", expect strange problems with your ipod" << endl; } track->bitrate = propertiesBundle.bitrate(); track->samplerate = propertiesBundle.sampleRate(); track->tracklen = propertiesBundle.length()*1000; //Get the createdate from database QueryBuilder qb; qb.addReturnValue( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valCreateDate ); qb.addMatch( QueryBuilder::tabSong, QueryBuilder::valURL, metaBundle.url().path() ); TQStringList values = qb.run(); //Add to track info if present if ( values.count() ) { uint createdate = values.first().toUInt(); track->time_added = itdb_time_host_to_mac( createdate ); track->time_modified = itdb_time_host_to_mac( createdate ); } if(podcastInfo) { track->skip_when_shuffling = 0x01; // skip when shuffling track->remember_playback_position = 0x01; // remember playback position // FIXME: track->unk176 = 0x00020000; // for podcasts track->mark_unplayed = podcastInfo->listened ? 0x01 : 0x02; track->mediatype = track->mediatype==ITDB_MEDIATYPE_MOVIE ? ITDB_MEDIATYPE_PODCAST | ITDB_MEDIATYPE_MOVIE : ITDB_MEDIATYPE_PODCAST; track->flag4 = 0x01; // also show description on iPod TQString plaindesc = podcastInfo->description; plaindesc.replace( TQRegExp("<[^>]*>"), "" ); track->description = g_strdup( plaindesc.utf8() ); track->subtitle = g_strdup( plaindesc.utf8() ); track->podcasturl = g_strdup( podcastInfo->url.utf8() ); track->podcastrss = g_strdup( podcastInfo->rss.utf8() ); //track->category = g_strdup( i18n( "Unknown" ) ); track->time_released = itdb_time_host_to_mac( podcastInfo->date.toTime_t() ); //track->compilation = 0x01; // this should have made the ipod play a sequence of podcasts } else { if( metaBundle.compilation() == MetaBundle::CompilationYes ) { track->compilation = 0x01; } else { track->compilation = 0x00; } } m_dbChanged = true; if( m_supportsArtwork ) { TQString image; if( metaBundle.podcastBundle() ) { PodcastChannelBundle pcb; if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( metaBundle.podcastBundle()->parent(), &pcb ) ) image = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( pcb.imageURL().url(), 0 ); } if( image.isEmpty() ) image = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage(metaBundle.artist(), metaBundle.album(), false, 0); if( !image.endsWith( "@nocover.png" ) ) { debug() << "adding image " << image << " to " << metaBundle.artist() << ":" << metaBundle.album() << endl; itdb_track_set_thumbnails( track, g_strdup( TQFile::encodeName(image) ) ); } } if( item ) { MediaItem *parent = dynamic_cast(item->parent()); if( parent ) { parent->takeItem( item ); if( parent->childCount() == 0 && !isSpecialItem( parent ) ) { MediaItem *pp = dynamic_cast(parent->parent()); delete parent; if( pp && pp->childCount() == 0 && !isSpecialItem( pp ) ) delete pp; } } } else { itdb_track_add(m_itdb, track, -1); if(podcastInfo) { Itdb_Playlist *podcasts = itdb_playlist_podcasts(m_itdb); if(!podcasts) { podcasts = itdb_playlist_new("Podcasts", false); itdb_playlist_add(m_itdb, podcasts, -1); itdb_playlist_set_podcasts(podcasts); addPlaylistToView( podcasts ); } itdb_playlist_add_track(podcasts, track, -1); } else { // gtkpod 0.94 does not like if not all songs in the db are on the master playlist // but we try anyway Itdb_Playlist *mpl = itdb_playlist_mpl(m_itdb); if( !mpl ) { mpl = itdb_playlist_new( "iPod", false ); itdb_playlist_add( m_itdb, mpl, -1 ); itdb_playlist_set_mpl( mpl ); addPlaylistToView( mpl ); } itdb_playlist_add_track(mpl, track, -1); } } return addTrackToView( track, item ); } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::copyTrackToDevice(const MetaBundle &bundle) { KURL url = determineURLOnDevice(bundle); // check if path exists and make it if needed TQFileInfo finfo( url.path() ); TQDir dir = finfo.dir(); while ( !dir.exists() ) { TQString path = dir.absPath(); TQDir parentdir; TQDir create; do { create.setPath(path); path = path.section("/", 0, path.contains('/')-1); parentdir.setPath(path); } while( !path.isEmpty() && !(path==mountPoint()) && !parentdir.exists() ); debug() << "trying to create \"" << path << "\"" << endl; if(!create.mkdir( create.absPath() )) { break; } } if ( !dir.exists() ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n( "Media Device: Creating directory for file %1 failed" ).arg( url.path() ), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); return NULL; } if( !kioCopyTrack( bundle.url(), url ) ) { return NULL; } PodcastInfo *podcastInfo = 0; if( bundle.podcastBundle() ) { PodcastEpisodeBundle *peb = bundle.podcastBundle(); podcastInfo = new PodcastInfo; podcastInfo->url = peb->url().url(); podcastInfo->description = peb->description(); podcastInfo->author = peb->author(); podcastInfo->rss = peb->parent().url(); podcastInfo->date = peb->dateTime(); podcastInfo->listened = !peb->isNew(); } MetaBundle propertiesBundle( url ); MediaItem *ret = insertTrackIntoDB( url.path(), bundle, propertiesBundle, podcastInfo ); delete podcastInfo; return ret; } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::tagsChanged( MediaItem *item, const MetaBundle &bundle ) { return updateTrackInDB( dynamic_cast(item), item->url().path(), bundle, bundle, NULL ); } void IpodMediaDevice::synchronizeDevice() { #if 1 debug() << "Syncing iPod!" << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->newProgressOperation( this ) .setDescription( i18n( "Flushing iPod filesystem transfer cache" ) ) .setTotalSteps( 1 ); writeITunesDB(); Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->endProgressOperation( this ); #else m_dbChanged = true; debug() << "Deferring sync of iPod!" << endl; #endif } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::trackExists( const MetaBundle& bundle ) { return getTrack( bundle.artist(), bundle.album(), bundle.title(), bundle.discNumber(), bundle.track(), bundle.podcastBundle() ); } MediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::newPlaylist(const TQString &name, MediaItem *parent, TQPtrList items) { m_dbChanged = true; IpodMediaItem *item = new IpodMediaItem(parent, this); item->setType(MediaItem::PLAYLIST); item->setText(0, name); addToPlaylist(item, 0, items); return item; } void IpodMediaDevice::addToPlaylist(MediaItem *mlist, MediaItem *after, TQPtrList items) { IpodMediaItem *list = dynamic_cast(mlist); if(!list) return; m_dbChanged = true; if(list->m_playlist) { itdb_playlist_remove(list->m_playlist); list->m_playlist = 0; } int order; IpodMediaItem *it; if(after) { order = after->m_order + 1; it = dynamic_cast(after->nextSibling()); } else { order = 0; it = dynamic_cast(list->firstChild()); } for( ; it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling())) { it->m_order += items.count(); } for(IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(items.first()); it; it = dynamic_cast(items.next()) ) { if(!it->m_track) continue; IpodMediaItem *add; if(it->parent() == list) { add = it; if(after) { it->moveItem(after); } else { list->takeItem(it); list->insertItem(it); } } else { if(after) { add = new IpodMediaItem(list, after, this); } else { add = new IpodMediaItem(list, this); } } after = add; add->setType(MediaItem::PLAYLISTITEM); add->m_track = it->m_track; add->bundleFromTrack( add->m_track, realPath(add->m_track->ipod_path) ); add->setText(0, TQString::fromUtf8(it->m_track->artist) + " - " + TQString::fromUtf8(it->m_track->title) ); add->m_order = order; order++; } // make numbering consecutive int i=0; for(IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(list->firstChild()); it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling())) { it->m_order = i; i++; } playlistFromItem(list); } int IpodMediaDevice::deleteItemFromDevice(MediaItem *mediaitem, int flags ) { IpodMediaItem *item = dynamic_cast(mediaitem); if(!item) return -1; if( isCanceled() ) return 0; if( !item->isVisible() ) return 0; int count = 0; switch(item->type()) { case MediaItem::PLAYLISTITEM: if( !(flags & DeleteTrack) ) { // FIXME possibly wrong instance of track is removed itdb_playlist_remove_track(item->m_playlist, item->m_track); delete item; m_dbChanged = true; break; } // else fall through case MediaItem::STALE: case MediaItem::TRACK: case MediaItem::INVISIBLE: case MediaItem::PODCASTITEM: if(!(flags & OnlyPlayed) || item->played() > 0) { bool stale = item->type()==MediaItem::STALE; Itdb_Track *track = item->m_track; delete item; // delete from playlists for( IpodMediaItem *it = static_cast(m_playlistItem)->findTrack(track); it; it = static_cast(m_playlistItem)->findTrack(track) ) { delete it; } // delete all other occurrences for( IpodMediaItem *it = getTrack( track ); it; it = getTrack( track ) ) { delete it; } if( !stale ) { // delete file KURL url; url.setPath(realPath(track->ipod_path)); deleteFile( url ); count++; } // remove from database if( !removeDBTrack(track) ) count = -1; } break; case MediaItem::ORPHANED: deleteFile( item->url() ); delete item; if( count >= 0 ) count++; break; case MediaItem::PLAYLISTSROOT: case MediaItem::PODCASTSROOT: case MediaItem::INVISIBLEROOT: case MediaItem::STALEROOT: case MediaItem::ORPHANEDROOT: case MediaItem::ARTIST: case MediaItem::ALBUM: case MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL: case MediaItem::PLAYLIST: // just recurse { IpodMediaItem *next = 0; for(IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(item->firstChild()); it; it = next) { if( isCanceled() ) break; next = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling()); int ret = deleteItemFromDevice(it, flags); if( ret >= 0 && count >= 0 ) count += ret; else count = -1; } } if(item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLIST && !isCanceled()) { m_dbChanged = true; itdb_playlist_remove(item->m_playlist); } if(item->type() != MediaItem::PLAYLISTSROOT && item->type() != MediaItem::PODCASTSROOT && item->type() != MediaItem::INVISIBLEROOT && item->type() != MediaItem::STALEROOT && item->type() != MediaItem::ORPHANEDROOT) { if(!(flags & OnlyPlayed) || item->played() > 0 || item->childCount() == 0) { if(item->childCount() > 0) debug() << "recursive deletion should have removed all children from " << item << "(" << item->text(0) << ")" << endl; else delete item; } } break; case MediaItem::DIRECTORY: case MediaItem::UNKNOWN: // this should not happen count = -1; break; } updateRootItems(); return count; } bool IpodMediaDevice::createLockFile( bool silent ) { TQString lockFilePath; pathExists( itunesDir( "iTunes:iTunesLock" ), &lockFilePath ); m_lockFile = new TQFile( lockFilePath ); TQString msg; bool ok = true; if( m_lockFile->exists() ) { ok = false; msg = i18n( "Media Device: iPod mounted at %1 already locked. " ).arg( mountPoint() ); msg += i18n( "If you are sure that this is an error, then remove the file %1 and try again." ) .arg( lockFilePath ); if( !silent ) { if( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( m_parent, msg, i18n( "Remove iTunes Lock File?" ), KGuiItem(i18n("&Remove"), "editdelete"), TQString::null, KMessageBox::Dangerous ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) { msg = i18n( "Media Device: removing lockfile %1 failed: %2. " ) .arg( lockFilePath, m_lockFile->errorString() ); ok = m_lockFile->remove(); } else { msg = ""; } } } if( ok && !m_lockFile->open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { ok = false; msg = i18n( "Media Device: failed to create lockfile on iPod mounted at %1: %2" ) .arg(mountPoint(), m_lockFile->errorString()); } if( ok ) return true; delete m_lockFile; m_lockFile = 0; if( !msg.isEmpty() ) Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( msg, KDE::StatusBar::Sorry ); return false; } bool IpodMediaDevice::initializeIpod() { TQDir dir( mountPoint() ); if( !dir.exists() ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media device: Mount point %1 does not exist").arg(mountPoint()), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); return false; } debug() << "initializing iPod mounted at " << mountPoint() << endl; // initialize iPod m_itdb = itdb_new(); if( m_itdb == 0 ) return false; // in order to get directories right detectModel(); itdb_set_mountpoint(m_itdb, TQFile::encodeName(mountPoint())); Itdb_Playlist *mpl = itdb_playlist_new("iPod", false); itdb_playlist_set_mpl(mpl); Itdb_Playlist *podcasts = itdb_playlist_new("Podcasts", false); itdb_playlist_set_podcasts(podcasts); itdb_playlist_add(m_itdb, podcasts, -1); itdb_playlist_add(m_itdb, mpl, 0); TQString realPath; if(!pathExists( itunesDir(), &realPath) ) { dir.setPath(realPath); dir.mkdir(dir.absPath()); } if(!dir.exists()) return false; if(!pathExists( itunesDir( "Music" ), &realPath) ) { dir.setPath(realPath); dir.mkdir(dir.absPath()); } if(!dir.exists()) return false; if(!pathExists( itunesDir( "iTunes" ), &realPath) ) { dir.setPath(realPath); dir.mkdir(dir.absPath()); } if(!dir.exists()) return false; if( !writeITunesDB( false ) ) return false; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media Device: Initialized iPod mounted at %1").arg(mountPoint()), KDE::StatusBar::Information ); return true; } bool IpodMediaDevice::openDevice( bool silent ) { m_isShuffle = false; m_isMobile = false; m_isIPhone = false; m_supportsArtwork = false; m_supportsVideo = false; m_needsFirewireGuid = false; m_rockboxFirmware = false; m_dbChanged = false; m_files.clear(); if( m_itdb ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media Device: iPod at %1 already opened").arg(mountPoint()), KDE::StatusBar::Sorry ); return false; } // try to find a mounted ipod bool ipodFound = false; bool canInitialize = false; KMountPoint::List currentmountpoints = KMountPoint::currentMountPoints(); for( KMountPoint::List::Iterator mountiter = currentmountpoints.begin(); mountiter != currentmountpoints.end(); ++mountiter ) { canInitialize = false; TQString devicenode = (*mountiter)->mountedFrom(); TQString mountpoint = (*mountiter)->mountPoint(); if( mountpoint.startsWith( "/proc" ) || mountpoint.startsWith( "/sys" ) || mountpoint.startsWith( "/dev" ) || mountpoint.startsWith( "/boot" ) ) continue; if( !mountPoint().isEmpty() ) { if( mountpoint != mountPoint() ) continue; canInitialize = true; } else if( !deviceNode().isEmpty() ) { if( devicenode != deviceNode() ) continue; canInitialize = true; } GError *err = 0; m_itdb = itdb_parse(TQFile::encodeName(mountpoint), &err); if( err ) { g_error_free(err); if( m_itdb ) { itdb_free( m_itdb ); m_itdb = 0; } if( !canInitialize ) continue; } if( mountPoint().isEmpty() ) m_medium.setMountPoint( mountpoint ); ipodFound = true; break; } if( !ipodFound && !canInitialize ) { if( !silent ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media Device: No mounted iPod found" ), KDE::StatusBar::Sorry ); } return false; } if( !m_itdb && canInitialize ) { TQString msg = i18n( "Media Device: could not find iTunesDB on device mounted at %1. " "Should I try to initialize your iPod?" ).arg( mountPoint() ); if( !silent && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( m_parent, msg, i18n( "Initialize iPod?" ), KGuiItem(i18n("&Initialize"), "new") ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) { if( !initializeIpod() ) { if( m_itdb ) { itdb_free( m_itdb ); m_itdb = 0; } Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media Device: Failed to initialize iPod mounted at %1").arg(mountPoint()), KDE::StatusBar::Sorry ); return false; } } else return false; } detectModel(); if( !createLockFile( silent ) ) { if( m_itdb ) { itdb_free( m_itdb ); m_itdb = 0; } return false; } for( int i=0; i < itdb_musicdirs_number(m_itdb); i++) { TQString real; TQString ipod; ipod.sprintf( itunesDir( "Music:f%02d" ).latin1(), i ); if(!pathExists( ipod, &real ) ) { TQDir dir( real ); dir.mkdir( real ); dir.setPath( real ); if( !dir.exists() ) { debug() << "failed to create hash dir " << real << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media device: Failed to create directory %1").arg(real), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); return false; } } } if( !silent ) kapp->processEvents( 100 ); initView(); GList *cur = m_itdb->playlists; for( ; cur; cur = cur->next ) { Itdb_Playlist *playlist = (Itdb_Playlist *)cur->data; addPlaylistToView( playlist ); } if( !silent ) kapp->processEvents( 100 ); for( cur = m_itdb->tracks; cur; cur = cur->next ) { Itdb_Track *track = (Itdb_Track *)cur->data; addTrackToView( track, 0 /*parent*/, false /*checkintegrity*/, true /*batchmode*/ ); } if( !silent ) kapp->processEvents( 100 ); updateRootItems(); m_customAction->setEnabled( true ); m_dbChanged = true; // write at least once for synchronising new stats return true; } void IpodMediaDevice::detectModel() { // set some sane default values m_isShuffle = false; m_supportsArtwork = true; m_supportsVideo = false; m_isIPhone = false; m_needsFirewireGuid = false; m_rockboxFirmware = false; // needs recent libgpod-0.3.3 from cvs bool guess = false; if( m_itdb && m_itdb->device ) { const Itdb_IpodInfo *ipodInfo = itdb_device_get_ipod_info( m_itdb->device ); const gchar *modelString = 0; m_supportsArtwork = itdb_device_supports_artwork( m_itdb->device ); if( ipodInfo ) { modelString = itdb_info_get_ipod_model_name_string ( ipodInfo->ipod_model ); switch( ipodInfo->ipod_model ) { case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE: #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD_060 case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_PINK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_BLUE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_GREEN: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_ORANGE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_SHUFFLE_PURPLE: #endif m_isShuffle = true; break; #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD_060 case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_IPHONE_1: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_TOUCH_BLACK: m_isIPhone = true; debug() << "detected iPhone/iPod Touch" << endl; break; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_SILVER: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_CLASSIC_BLACK: #endif case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_VIDEO_WHITE: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_VIDEO_BLACK: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_VIDEO_U2: m_supportsVideo = true; debug() << "detected video-capable iPod" << endl; break; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_MOBILE_1: m_isMobile = true; m_supportsArtwork = true; debug() << "detected iTunes phone" << endl; break; case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_INVALID: case ITDB_IPOD_MODEL_UNKNOWN: modelString = 0; guess = true; break; default: break; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBGPOD_060 switch( ipodInfo->ipod_generation ) { case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_CLASSIC_1: case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_NANO_3: case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_TOUCH_1: m_needsFirewireGuid = true; m_supportsVideo = true; break; case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_VIDEO_1: case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_VIDEO_2: m_supportsVideo = true; break; case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_SHUFFLE_1: case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_SHUFFLE_2: case ITDB_IPOD_GENERATION_SHUFFLE_3: m_isShuffle = true; break; default: break; } #endif } if( modelString ) m_name = TQString( "iPod %1" ).arg( TQString::fromUtf8( modelString ) ); if( m_needsFirewireGuid ) { gchar *fwid = itdb_device_get_sysinfo( m_itdb->device, "FirewireGuid" ); if( !fwid ) { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Your iPod's Firewire GUID is required for correctly updating its music database, but it is not known. See %1 for more information.").arg( "http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:IPod" ) ); } else g_free( fwid ); } } else { debug() << "iPod type detection failed, no video support" << endl; Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("iPod type detection failed: no support for iPod Shuffle, for artwork or video") ); guess = true; } if( guess ) { if( pathExists( ":iTunes:iTunes_Control" ) ) { debug() << "iTunes/iTunes_Control found - assuming itunes phone" << endl; m_isMobile = true; } else if( pathExists( ":iTunes_Control" ) ) { debug() << "iTunes_Control found - assuming iPhone/iPod Touch" << endl; m_isIPhone = true; } } if( m_isIPhone ) { m_supportsVideo = true; m_supportsArtwork = true; } if( pathExists( ":.rockbox" ) ) { debug() << "RockBox firmware detected" << endl; m_rockboxFirmware = true; } } void IpodMediaDevice::initView() { m_view->clear(); m_playlistItem = new IpodMediaItem( m_view, this ); m_playlistItem->setText( 0, i18n("Playlists") ); m_playlistItem->m_order = -6; m_playlistItem->setType( MediaItem::PLAYLISTSROOT ); m_podcastItem = new IpodMediaItem( m_view, this ); m_podcastItem->setText( 0, i18n("Podcasts") ); m_podcastItem->m_order = -5; m_podcastItem->setType( MediaItem::PODCASTSROOT ); m_invisibleItem = new IpodMediaItem( m_view, this ); m_invisibleItem->setText( 0, i18n("Invisible") ); m_invisibleItem->m_order = -4; m_invisibleItem->setType( MediaItem::INVISIBLEROOT ); m_staleItem = new IpodMediaItem( m_view, this ); m_staleItem->setText( 0, i18n("Stale") ); m_staleItem->m_order = -3; m_staleItem->setType( MediaItem::STALEROOT ); m_orphanedItem = new IpodMediaItem( m_view, this ); m_orphanedItem->setText( 0, i18n("Orphaned") ); m_orphanedItem->m_order = -2; m_orphanedItem->setType( MediaItem::ORPHANEDROOT ); updateRootItems(); } void IpodMediaDevice::updateArtwork() { if( !m_supportsArtwork ) return; TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items, false ); int updateCount = 0; for( TQPtrList::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++ ) { IpodMediaItem *i = dynamic_cast( *it ); if( !i || i->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLISTITEM ) continue; const MetaBundle *bundle = i->bundle(); TQString image; if( i->m_podcastInfo && !i->m_podcastInfo->rss.isEmpty() ) { PodcastChannelBundle pcb; if( CollectionDB::instance()->getPodcastChannelBundle( i->m_podcastInfo->rss, &pcb ) ) image = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( pcb.imageURL().url(), 0 ); } if( image.isEmpty() ) image = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage(bundle->artist(), bundle->album(), false, 0); if( !image.endsWith( "@nocover.png" ) ) { debug() << "adding image " << image << " to " << bundle->artist() << ":" << bundle->album() << endl; itdb_track_set_thumbnails( i->m_track, g_strdup( TQFile::encodeName(image) ) ); ++updateCount; } } Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortMessage( i18n( "Updated artwork for one track", "Updated artwork for %n tracks", updateCount ) ); if(!m_dbChanged) m_dbChanged = updateCount > 0; } bool IpodMediaDevice::checkIntegrity() { if( !m_itdb ) return false; initView(); GList *cur = m_itdb->tracks; while(cur) { Itdb_Track *track = (Itdb_Track *)cur->data; addTrackToView( track, 0, true ); cur = cur->next; } cur = m_itdb->playlists; for( ; cur; cur = cur->next ) { Itdb_Playlist *playlist = (Itdb_Playlist *)cur->data; addPlaylistToView( playlist ); } TQString musicpath; if (!pathExists( itunesDir( "Music" ), &musicpath )) return false; TQDir dir( musicpath, TQString::null, TQDir::Unsorted, TQDir::Dirs ); for(unsigned i=0; isetType(MediaItem::ORPHANED); KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL(filename); MetaBundle *bundle = new MetaBundle(url); item->setBundle( bundle ); TQString title = bundle->artist() + " - " + bundle->title(); item->setText(0, title); } } } updateRootItems(); Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortMessage( i18n( "Scanning for stale and orphaned tracks finished" ) ); return true; } bool IpodMediaDevice::closeDevice() //SLOT { m_customAction->setEnabled( false ); writeITunesDB(); m_view->clear(); m_podcastItem = 0; m_playlistItem = 0; m_orphanedItem = 0; m_staleItem = 0; m_invisibleItem = 0; if( m_lockFile ) { m_lockFile->remove(); m_lockFile->close(); delete m_lockFile; m_lockFile = 0; } m_files.clear(); itdb_free(m_itdb); m_itdb = 0; m_masterPlaylist = 0; m_podcastPlaylist = 0; m_name = "iPod"; return true; } void IpodMediaDevice::renameItem( TQListViewItem *i ) // SLOT { IpodMediaItem *item = dynamic_cast(i); if(!item) return; if(!item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLIST) return; m_dbChanged = true; g_free(item->m_playlist->name); item->m_playlist->name = g_strdup( item->text( 0 ).utf8() ); } void IpodMediaDevice::playlistFromItem(IpodMediaItem *item) { if( !m_itdb ) return; m_dbChanged = true; item->m_playlist = itdb_playlist_new(item->text(0).utf8(), false /* dumb playlist */ ); itdb_playlist_add(m_itdb, item->m_playlist, -1); for(IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(item->firstChild()); it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling()) ) { itdb_playlist_add_track(item->m_playlist, it->m_track, -1); it->m_playlist = item->m_playlist; } } IpodMediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::addTrackToView(Itdb_Track *track, IpodMediaItem *item, bool checkIntegrity, bool batchmode ) { bool visible = false; bool stale = false; if( checkIntegrity ) { if( !pathExists( track->ipod_path ) ) { stale = true; debug() << "track: " << track->artist << " - " << track->album << " - " << track->title << " is stale: " << track->ipod_path << " does not exist" << endl; if( item ) m_staleItem->insertItem( item ); else item = new IpodMediaItem(m_staleItem, this); item->setType(MediaItem::STALE); TQString title = TQString::fromUtf8(track->artist) + " - " + TQString::fromUtf8(track->title); item->setText( 0, title ); item->m_track = track; } else { m_files.insert( TQString(track->ipod_path).lower(), track ); } } if(!stale && m_masterPlaylist && itdb_playlist_contains_track(m_masterPlaylist, track) && (!m_podcastPlaylist || !itdb_playlist_contains_track(m_podcastPlaylist, track))) { visible = true; TQString artistName; if( track->compilation ) artistName = i18n( "Various Artists" ); else artistName = TQString::fromUtf8(track->artist); IpodMediaItem *artist = getArtist(artistName); if(!artist) { artist = new IpodMediaItem(m_view, this); artist->setText( 0, artistName ); artist->setType( MediaItem::ARTIST ); if( artistName == i18n( "Various Artists" ) ) artist->m_order = -1; } TQString albumName(TQString::fromUtf8(track->album)); MediaItem *album = artist->findItem(albumName); if(!album) { album = new IpodMediaItem( artist, this ); album->setText( 0, albumName ); album->setType( MediaItem::ALBUM ); } if( item ) album->insertItem( item ); else { item = new IpodMediaItem( album, this ); } TQString titleName = TQString::fromUtf8(track->title); if( track->compilation ) item->setText( 0, TQString::fromUtf8(track->artist) + i18n( " - " ) + titleName ); else item->setText( 0, titleName ); item->setType( MediaItem::TRACK ); item->m_track = track; item->bundleFromTrack( track, realPath(track->ipod_path) ); item->m_order = track->track_nr; } if(!stale && m_podcastPlaylist && itdb_playlist_contains_track(m_podcastPlaylist, track)) { visible = true; TQString channelName(TQString::fromUtf8(track->album)); IpodMediaItem *channel = dynamic_cast(m_podcastItem->findItem(channelName)); if(!channel) { channel = new IpodMediaItem(m_podcastItem, this); channel->setText( 0, channelName ); channel->setType( MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL ); channel->m_podcastInfo = new PodcastInfo; } if( item ) channel->insertItem( item ); else item = new IpodMediaItem( channel, this ); item->setText( 0, TQString::fromUtf8(track->title) ); item->setType( MediaItem::PODCASTITEM ); item->m_track = track; item->bundleFromTrack( track, realPath(track->ipod_path) ); PodcastInfo *info = new PodcastInfo; item->m_podcastInfo = info; info->url = TQString::fromUtf8( track->podcasturl ); info->rss = TQString::fromUtf8( track->podcastrss ); info->description = TQString::fromUtf8( track->description ); info->date.setTime_t( itdb_time_mac_to_host( track->time_released) ); if( !info->rss.isEmpty() && channel->m_podcastInfo->rss.isEmpty() ) { channel->m_podcastInfo->rss = info->rss; } } if( !stale && !visible ) { debug() << "invisible, title=" << track->title << endl; if( item ) m_invisibleItem->insertItem( item ); else item = new IpodMediaItem(m_invisibleItem, this); TQString title = TQString::fromUtf8(track->artist) + " - " + TQString::fromUtf8(track->title); item->setText( 0, title ); item->setType( MediaItem::INVISIBLE ); item->m_track = track; item->bundleFromTrack( track, realPath(track->ipod_path) ); } if ( !batchmode ) updateRootItems(); return item; } void IpodMediaDevice::addPlaylistToView( Itdb_Playlist *pl ) { if( itdb_playlist_is_mpl( pl ) ) { m_masterPlaylist = pl; return; } if( itdb_playlist_is_podcasts( pl ) ) { m_podcastPlaylist = pl; return; } if( pl->is_spl ) { debug() << "playlist " << pl->name << " is a smart playlist" << endl; } TQString name( TQString::fromUtf8(pl->name) ); IpodMediaItem *playlist = dynamic_cast(m_playlistItem->findItem(name)); if( !playlist ) { playlist = new IpodMediaItem( m_playlistItem, this ); playlist->setText( 0, name ); playlist->setType( MediaItem::PLAYLIST ); playlist->m_playlist = pl; } int i=0; GList *cur = pl->members; while( cur ) { Itdb_Track *track = (Itdb_Track *)cur->data; IpodMediaItem *item = new IpodMediaItem(playlist, this); TQString title = TQString::fromUtf8(track->artist) + " - " + TQString::fromUtf8(track->title); item->setText( 0, title ); item->setType( MediaItem::PLAYLISTITEM ); item->m_playlist = pl; item->m_track = track; item->bundleFromTrack( track, realPath(track->ipod_path) ); item->m_order = i; cur = cur->next; i++; } } QString IpodMediaDevice::itunesDir(const TQString &p) const { TQString base( ":iPod_Control" ); if( m_isMobile ) base = ":iTunes:iTunes_Control"; else if( m_isIPhone ) base = ":iTunes_Control"; if( !p.startsWith( ":" ) ) base += ':'; return base + p; } QString IpodMediaDevice::realPath(const char *ipodPath) { TQString path; if(m_itdb) { path = TQFile::decodeName(itdb_get_mountpoint(m_itdb)); path.append(TQString(ipodPath).replace(':', "/")); } return path; } QString IpodMediaDevice::ipodPath(const TQString &realPath) { if(m_itdb) { TQString mp = TQFile::decodeName(itdb_get_mountpoint(m_itdb)); if(realPath.startsWith(mp)) { TQString path = realPath; path = path.mid(mp.length()); path = path.replace('/', ":"); return path; } } return TQString(); } class IpodWriteDBJob : public ThreadManager::DependentJob { public: IpodWriteDBJob( TQObject *parent, Itdb_iTunesDB *itdb, bool isShuffle, bool *resultPtr ) : ThreadManager::DependentJob( parent, "IpodWriteDBJob" ) , m_itdb( itdb ) , m_isShuffle( isShuffle ) , m_resultPtr( resultPtr ) , m_return( true ) {} private: virtual bool doJob() { if( !m_itdb ) { m_return = false; } GError *error = 0; if (m_return && !itdb_write (m_itdb, &error)) { /* an error occurred */ m_return = false; if(error) { if (error->message) debug() << "itdb_write error: " << error->message << endl; else debug() << "itdb_write error: " << "error->message == 0!" << endl; g_error_free (error); } error = 0; } if( m_return && m_isShuffle ) { /* write shuffle data */ if (!itdb_shuffle_write (m_itdb, &error)) { /* an error occurred */ m_return = false; if(error) { if (error->message) debug() << "itdb_shuffle_write error: " << error->message << endl; else debug() << "itdb_shuffle_write error: " << "error->message == 0!" << endl; g_error_free (error); } error = 0; } } return true; } virtual void completeJob() { *m_resultPtr = m_return; } Itdb_iTunesDB *m_itdb; bool m_isShuffle; bool *m_resultPtr; bool m_return; }; bool IpodMediaDevice::writeITunesDB( bool threaded ) { if(!m_itdb) return false; if(m_dbChanged) { bool ok = false; if( !threaded || MediaBrowser::instance()->isQuitting() ) { if( !m_itdb ) { return false; } ok = true; GError *error = 0; if ( !itdb_write (m_itdb, &error) ) { /* an error occurred */ if(error) { if (error->message) debug() << "itdb_write error: " << error->message << endl; else debug() << "itdb_write error: " << "error->message == 0!" << endl; g_error_free (error); } error = 0; ok = false; } if( m_isShuffle ) { /* write shuffle data */ if (!itdb_shuffle_write (m_itdb, &error)) { /* an error occurred */ if(error) { if (error->message) debug() << "itdb_shuffle_write error: " << error->message << endl; else debug() << "itdb_shuffle_write error: " << "error->message == 0!" << endl; g_error_free (error); } error = 0; ok = false; } } } else { ThreadManager::instance()->queueJob( new IpodWriteDBJob( this, m_itdb, m_isShuffle, &ok ) ); while( ThreadManager::instance()->isJobPending( "IpodWriteDBJob" ) ) { kapp->processEvents(); usleep( 10000 ); } } if( ok ) { m_dbChanged = false; } else { Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->longMessage( i18n("Media device: failed to write iPod database"), KDE::StatusBar::Error ); } return ok; } return true; } IpodMediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::getArtist(const TQString &artist) { for(IpodMediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(m_view->firstChild()); it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling())) { if(it->m_type==MediaItem::ARTIST && artist == it->text(0)) return it; } return 0; } IpodMediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::getAlbum(const TQString &artist, const TQString &album) { IpodMediaItem *item = getArtist(artist); if(item) return dynamic_cast(item->findItem(album)); return 0; } IpodMediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::getTrack(const TQString &artist, const TQString &album, const TQString &title, int discNumber, int trackNumber, const PodcastEpisodeBundle *peb) { IpodMediaItem *item = getAlbum(artist, album); if(item) { for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title)); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title, track)) ) { if( ( discNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->discNumber()==discNumber ) && ( trackNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->track()==trackNumber ) ) return track; } } item = getAlbum( i18n( "Various Artists" ), album ); if( item ) { TQString t = artist + i18n(" - ") + title; for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(t)); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(t, track)) ) { if( ( discNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->discNumber()==discNumber ) && ( trackNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->track()==trackNumber ) ) return track; } } if(m_podcastItem) { item = dynamic_cast(m_podcastItem->findItem(album)); if(item) { for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title)); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title, track)) ) { if( ( discNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->discNumber()==discNumber ) && ( trackNumber==-1 || track->bundle()->track()==trackNumber ) && ( !track->bundle()->podcastBundle() || !peb || track->bundle()->podcastBundle()->url() == peb->url() ) ) return track; } } } return 0; } IpodMediaItem * IpodMediaDevice::getTrack( const Itdb_Track *itrack ) { TQString artist = TQString::fromUtf8( itrack->artist ); TQString album = TQString::fromUtf8( itrack->album ); TQString title = TQString::fromUtf8( itrack->title ); IpodMediaItem *item = getAlbum( artist, album ); if(item) { for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem( title ) ); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title, track)) ) { if( track->m_track == itrack ) return track; } } item = getAlbum( i18n( "Various Artists" ), album ); if( item ) { TQString t = artist + i18n(" - ") + title; for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(t)); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(t, track)) ) { if( track->m_track == itrack ) return track; } } if(m_podcastItem) { item = dynamic_cast(m_podcastItem->findItem(album)); if(item) { for( IpodMediaItem *track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title)); track; track = dynamic_cast(item->findItem(title, track)) ) { if( track->m_track == itrack ) return track; } } } return 0; } KURL IpodMediaDevice::determineURLOnDevice(const MetaBundle &bundle) { if( !m_itdb ) { debug() << "m_itdb is NULL" << endl; return KURL(); } TQString local = bundle.filename(); TQString type = local.section('.', -1).lower(); TQString trackpath; TQString realpath; do { int num = std::rand() % 1000000; int music_dirs = itdb_musicdirs_number(m_itdb) > 1 ? itdb_musicdirs_number(m_itdb) : 20; int dir = num % music_dirs; TQString dirname; dirname.sprintf( "%s:Music:f%02d", itunesDir().latin1(), dir ); if( !pathExists( dirname ) ) { TQString realdir = realPath(dirname.latin1()); TQDir qdir( realdir ); qdir.mkdir( realdir ); } TQString filename; filename.sprintf( ":kpod%07d.%s", num, type.latin1() ); trackpath = dirname + filename; } while( pathExists( trackpath, &realpath ) ); return realpath; } bool IpodMediaDevice::removeDBTrack(Itdb_Track *track) { if(!m_itdb) return false; if(!track) return false; if(track->itdb != m_itdb) { return false; } m_dbChanged = true; Itdb_Playlist *mpl = itdb_playlist_mpl(m_itdb); while(itdb_playlist_contains_track(mpl, track)) { itdb_playlist_remove_track(mpl, track); } GList *cur = m_itdb->playlists; while(cur) { Itdb_Playlist *pl = (Itdb_Playlist *)cur->data; while(itdb_playlist_contains_track(pl, track)) { itdb_playlist_remove_track(pl, track); } cur = cur->next; } // also frees track's memory itdb_track_remove(track); return true; } bool IpodMediaDevice::getCapacity( KIO::filesize_t *total, KIO::filesize_t *available ) { if(!m_itdb) return false; #ifdef HAVE_STATVFS TQString path; if ( !pathExists( itunesDir(), &path ) ) return false; struct statvfs buf; if(statvfs(TQFile::encodeName(path), &buf) != 0) { *total = 0; *available = 0; return false; } *total = buf.f_blocks * (KIO::filesize_t)buf.f_frsize; *available = buf.f_bavail * (KIO::filesize_t)buf.f_frsize; return *total > 0; #else return false; #endif } void IpodMediaDevice::rmbPressed( TQListViewItem* qitem, const TQPoint& point, int ) { MediaItem *item = dynamic_cast(qitem); bool locked = m_mutex.locked(); KURL::List urls = m_view->nodeBuildDragList( 0 ); KPopupMenu menu( m_view ); enum Actions { CREATE_PLAYLIST, APPEND, LOAD, QUEUE, COPY_TO_COLLECTION, BURN_ARTIST, BURN_ALBUM, BURN_DATACD, BURN_AUDIOCD, RENAME, SUBSCRIBE, MAKE_PLAYLIST, ADD_TO_PLAYLIST, ADD, DELETE_PLAYED, DELETE_FROM_IPOD, REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST, FIRST_PLAYLIST}; KPopupMenu *playlistsMenu = 0; if ( item ) { if( item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLISTSROOT ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet(Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" )), i18n("Create Playlist..."), CREATE_PLAYLIST ); } else { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Load" ), LOAD ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "add_playlist" ) ), i18n( "&Append to Playlist" ), APPEND ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "fastforward" ) ), i18n( "&Queue Tracks" ), QUEUE ); } menu.insertSeparator(); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "collection" ) ), i18n( "&Copy Files to Collection..." ), COPY_TO_COLLECTION ); switch( item->type() ) { case MediaItem::ARTIST: menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "cdrom_unmount" ) ), i18n( "Burn All Tracks by This Artist" ), BURN_ARTIST ); menu.setItemEnabled( BURN_ARTIST, K3bExporter::isAvailable() ); break; case MediaItem::ALBUM: menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "cdrom_unmount" ) ), i18n( "Burn This Album" ), BURN_ALBUM ); menu.setItemEnabled( BURN_ALBUM, K3bExporter::isAvailable() ); break; default: menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "cdrom_unmount" ) ), i18n( "Burn to CD as Data" ), BURN_DATACD ); menu.setItemEnabled( BURN_DATACD, K3bExporter::isAvailable() ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "cdaudio_unmount" ) ), i18n( "Burn to CD as Audio" ), BURN_AUDIOCD ); menu.setItemEnabled( BURN_AUDIOCD, K3bExporter::isAvailable() ); break; } menu.insertSeparator(); if( (item->type() == MediaItem::PODCASTITEM || item->type() == MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL) ) { IpodMediaItem *it = static_cast(item); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "podcast" ) ), i18n( "Subscribe to This Podcast" ), SUBSCRIBE ); //menu.setItemEnabled( SUBSCRIBE, item->bundle()->podcastBundle() && item->bundle()->podcastBundle()->parent().isValid() ); menu.setItemEnabled( SUBSCRIBE, it->m_podcastInfo && !it->m_podcastInfo->rss.isEmpty() ); menu.insertSeparator(); } switch( item->type() ) { case MediaItem::ARTIST: case MediaItem::ALBUM: case MediaItem::TRACK: case MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL: case MediaItem::PODCASTSROOT: case MediaItem::PODCASTITEM: if(m_playlistItem) { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "playlist" ) ), i18n( "Make Media Device Playlist" ), MAKE_PLAYLIST ); menu.setItemEnabled( MAKE_PLAYLIST, !locked ); playlistsMenu = new KPopupMenu(&menu); int i=0; for(MediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(m_playlistItem->firstChild()); it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling())) { playlistsMenu->insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "playlist" ) ), it->text(0), FIRST_PLAYLIST+i ); i++; } menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "playlist" ) ), i18n("Add to Playlist"), playlistsMenu, ADD_TO_PLAYLIST ); menu.setItemEnabled( ADD_TO_PLAYLIST, !locked && m_playlistItem->childCount()>0 ); menu.insertSeparator(); } if( item->type() == MediaItem::ARTIST || item->type() == MediaItem::ALBUM || item->type() == MediaItem::TRACK || item->type() == MediaItem::ORPHANED ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "edit" ) ), i18n( "Edit &Information...", "Edit &Information for %n Tracks...", urls.count()), RENAME ); } break; case MediaItem::ORPHANED: case MediaItem::ORPHANEDROOT: menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "edit" ) ), i18n( "Add to Database" ), ADD ); menu.setItemEnabled( ADD, !locked ); break; case MediaItem::PLAYLIST: menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "edit" ) ), i18n( "Rename" ), RENAME ); menu.setItemEnabled( RENAME, !locked ); break; default: break; } if( item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLIST || item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLISTITEM ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "remove_from_playlist" ) ), item->type()==MediaItem::PLAYLIST ? i18n( "Remove Playlist" ) : i18n( "Remove from Playlist" ), REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST ); menu.setItemEnabled( REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST, !locked ); } if( item->type() == MediaItem::PODCASTSROOT || item->type() == MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "remove" ) ), i18n( "Delete Podcasts Already Played" ), DELETE_PLAYED ); menu.setItemEnabled( DELETE_PLAYED, !locked ); } menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet( Amarok::icon( "remove" ) ), i18n( "Delete Track from iPod", "Delete %n Tracks from iPod", urls.count() ), DELETE_FROM_IPOD ); menu.setItemEnabled( DELETE_FROM_IPOD, !locked && urls.count() > 0 ); } int id = menu.exec( point ); switch( id ) { case CREATE_PLAYLIST: break; case LOAD: Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( urls, Playlist::Replace ); break; case APPEND: Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( urls, Playlist::Append ); break; case QUEUE: Playlist::instance()->insertMedia( urls, Playlist::Queue ); break; case COPY_TO_COLLECTION: { TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); KURL::List urls; for( MediaItem *it = items.first(); it; it = items.next() ) { if( it->url().isValid() ) urls << it->url(); } CollectionView::instance()->organizeFiles( urls, i18n("Copy Files To Collection"), true ); } break; case BURN_ARTIST: K3bExporter::instance()->exportArtist( item->text(0) ); break; case BURN_ALBUM: K3bExporter::instance()->exportAlbum( item->text(0) ); break; case BURN_DATACD: K3bExporter::instance()->exportTracks( urls, K3bExporter::DataCD ); break; case BURN_AUDIOCD: K3bExporter::instance()->exportTracks( urls, K3bExporter::AudioCD ); break; case SUBSCRIBE: PlaylistBrowser::instance()->addPodcast( static_cast(item)->m_podcastInfo->rss ); break; case RENAME: if( item->type() == MediaItem::PLAYLIST ) { m_view->rename(item, 0); } else { TagDialog *dialog = NULL; if( urls.count() == 1 ) dialog = new TagDialog( urls.first(), m_view ); else dialog = new TagDialog( urls, m_view ); dialog->show(); } break; default: break; } if( !m_mutex.locked() ) { switch( id ) { case CREATE_PLAYLIST: case MAKE_PLAYLIST: { TQPtrList items; if( id == MAKE_PLAYLIST ) m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); TQString base(i18n("New Playlist")); TQString name = base; int i=1; while(m_playlistItem->findItem(name)) { TQString num; num.setNum(i); name = base + ' ' + num; i++; } MediaItem *pl = newPlaylist(name, m_playlistItem, items); m_view->ensureItemVisible(pl); m_view->rename(pl, 0); } break; case ADD: { int dupes = 0; if(item->type() == MediaItem::ORPHANEDROOT) { MediaItem *next = 0; for(MediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(item->firstChild()); it; it = next) { next = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling()); if( trackExists( *it->bundle() ) ) { dupes++; continue; } item->takeItem(it); insertTrackIntoDB(it->url().path(), *it->bundle(), *it->bundle(), 0); delete it; } } else { TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); for( TQPtrList::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++ ) { IpodMediaItem *i = dynamic_cast( *it ); if( !i || i->type() != MediaItem::ORPHANED ) continue; if( trackExists( *i->bundle() ) ) { dupes++; continue; } i->parent()->takeItem(i); insertTrackIntoDB(i->url().path(), *i->bundle(), *i->bundle(), 0); delete i; } } if( dupes > 0 ) Amarok::StatusBar::instance()->shortMessage( i18n( "One duplicate track not added to database", "%n duplicate tracks not added to database", dupes ) ); } break; case DELETE_PLAYED: { MediaItem *podcasts = 0; if(item->type() == MediaItem::PODCASTCHANNEL) podcasts = dynamic_cast(item->parent()); else podcasts = item; deleteFromDevice( podcasts, true ); } break; case REMOVE_FROM_PLAYLIST: deleteFromDevice(m_playlistItem, None); break; case DELETE_FROM_IPOD: deleteFromDevice(); break; default: if( playlistsMenu && id >= FIRST_PLAYLIST ) { TQString name = playlistsMenu->text(id); if( name != TQString::null ) { MediaItem *list = m_playlistItem->findItem(name); if(list) { MediaItem *after = 0; for(MediaItem *it = dynamic_cast(list->firstChild()); it; it = dynamic_cast(it->nextSibling())) after = it; TQPtrList items; m_view->getSelectedLeaves( 0, &items ); addToPlaylist( list, after, items ); } } } break; } if( m_dbChanged && lockDevice( true ) ) { synchronizeDevice(); unlockDevice(); } } } QStringList IpodMediaDevice::supportedFiletypes() { TQStringList list; list << "mp3"; list << "m4a"; list << "m4b"; list << "wav"; list << "mp4"; list << "aa"; if( m_supportsVideo ) { list << "m4v"; list << "mp4v"; list << "mov"; list << "mpg"; } if( m_rockboxFirmware ) { list << "ogg"; list << "mpc"; list << "ac3"; list << "adx"; list << "aiff"; list << "flac"; list << "mid"; list << "midi"; list << "shn"; list << "wv"; list << "ape"; list << "tta"; } return list; } void IpodMediaDevice::addConfigElements( TQWidget *parent ) { m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck = new TQCheckBox( parent ); m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck->setText( i18n( "&Automatically delete podcasts" ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck, i18n( "Automatically delete podcast shows already played when connecting device" ) ); m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck->setChecked( m_autoDeletePodcasts ); m_syncStatsCheck = new TQCheckBox( parent ); m_syncStatsCheck->setText( i18n( "&Synchronize with Amarok statistics" ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_syncStatsCheck, i18n( "Synchronize with Amarok statistics and submit tracks played to last.fm" ) ); m_syncStatsCheck->setChecked( m_syncStats ); } void IpodMediaDevice::removeConfigElements( TQWidget * /*parent*/ ) { delete m_syncStatsCheck; m_syncStatsCheck = 0; delete m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck; m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck = 0; } void IpodMediaDevice::applyConfig() { m_autoDeletePodcasts = m_autoDeletePodcastsCheck->isChecked(); m_syncStats = m_syncStatsCheck->isChecked(); setConfigBool( "SyncStats", m_syncStats ); setConfigBool( "AutoDeletePodcasts", m_autoDeletePodcasts ); } void IpodMediaDevice::loadConfig() { MediaDevice::loadConfig(); m_syncStats = configBool( "SyncStats", false ); m_autoDeletePodcasts = configBool( "AutoDeletePodcasts", false ); m_autoConnect = configBool( "AutoConnect", true ); } bool IpodMediaDevice::pathExists( const TQString &ipodPath, TQString *realPath ) { TQDir curDir( mountPoint() ); curDir.setFilter(curDir.filter() | TQDir::Hidden); TQString curPath = mountPoint(); TQStringList components = TQStringList::split( ":", ipodPath ); bool found = false; TQStringList::iterator it = components.begin(); for( ; it != components.end(); ++it ) { found = false; for(uint i=0; ierror()) { debug() << "file deletion failed: " << job->errorText() << endl; } m_waitForDeletion = false; m_parent->updateStats(); } void IpodMediaDevice::deleteFile( const KURL &url ) { debug() << "deleting " << url.prettyURL() << endl; m_waitForDeletion = true; KIO::Job *job = KIO::file_delete( url, false ); connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( fileDeleted( KIO::Job * ) ) ); do { kapp->processEvents( 100 ); if( isCanceled() ) break; usleep( 10000 ); } while( m_waitForDeletion ); if(!isTransferring()) setProgress( progress() + 1 ); } #include "ipodmediadevice.moc"