// (c) 2005 Martin Ehmke // License: GNU General Public License V2 #define DEBUG_PREFIX "CueFile" #include #include #include #include #include "cuefile.h" #include "metabundle.h" #include "enginecontroller.h" #include "debug.h" CueFile *CueFile::instance() { static CueFile *s_instance = 0; if(!s_instance) { s_instance = new CueFile(EngineController::instance()); // FIXME berkus: le grand borkage (if engine is changed, e.g.)? } return s_instance; } CueFile::~CueFile() { debug() << "shmack! destructed" << endl; } /* + - set and continue in the same state x - cannot happen track - switch to new state state/next token > v PERFORMER TITLE FILE TRACK INDEX PREGAP begin + + file x x x file x x file track x x track + + file x + + index x x file track + x 1. Ignore FILE completely. 2. INDEX 00 is gap abs position in cue formats we care about (use it to calc length of prev track and then drop on the floor). 3. Ignore subsequent INDEX entries (INDEX 02, INDEX 03 etc). - FIXME? this behavior is different from state chart above. 4. For a valid cuefile at least TRACK and INDEX are required. */ enum { BEGIN = 0, TRACK_FOUND, // track found, index not yet found INDEX_FOUND }; /** * @return true if the cuefile could be successfully loaded */ bool CueFile::load(int mediaLength) { clear(); m_lastSeekPos = -1; if( TQFile::exists( m_cueFileName ) ) { TQFile file( m_cueFileName ); int track = 0; TQString defaultArtist = TQString::null; TQString defaultAlbum = TQString::null; TQString artist = TQString::null; TQString title = TQString::null; long length = 0; long prevIndex = -1; bool index00Present = false; long index = -1; int mode = BEGIN; if( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); TQString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if( line.startsWith( "title", false ) ) { title = line.mid( 6 ).remove( '"' ); if( mode == BEGIN ) { defaultAlbum = title; title = TQString::null; debug() << "Album: " << defaultAlbum << endl; } else debug() << "Title: " << title << endl; } else if( line.startsWith( "performer", false )) { artist = line.mid( 10 ).remove( '"' ); if( mode == BEGIN ) { defaultArtist = artist; artist = TQString::null; debug() << "Album Artist: " << defaultArtist << endl; } else debug() << "Artist: " << artist << endl; } else if( line.startsWith( "track", false ) ) { if( mode == TRACK_FOUND ) { // not valid, because we have to have an index for the previous track file.close(); debug() << "Mode is TRACK_FOUND, abort." << endl; return false; } if( mode == INDEX_FOUND ) { if(artist.isNull()) artist = defaultArtist; debug() << "Inserting item: " << title << " - " << artist << " on " << defaultAlbum << " (" << track << ")" << endl; // add previous entry to map insert( index, CueFileItem( title, artist, defaultAlbum, track, index ) ); prevIndex = index; title = TQString::null; artist = TQString::null; track = 0; } track = line.section (' ',1,1).toInt(); debug() << "Track: " << track << endl; mode = TRACK_FOUND; } else if( line.startsWith( "index", false ) ) { if( mode == TRACK_FOUND) { int indexNo = line.section(' ',1,1).toInt(); if( indexNo == 1 ) { TQStringList time = TQStringList::split( TQChar(':'),line.section (' ',-1,-1) ); index = time[0].toLong()*60*1000 + time[1].toLong()*1000 + time[2].toLong()*1000/75; //75 frames per second if( prevIndex != -1 && !index00Present ) // set the prev track's length if there is INDEX01 present, but no INDEX00 { length = index - prevIndex; debug() << "Setting length of track " << (*this)[prevIndex].getTitle() << " to " << length << " msecs." << endl; (*this)[prevIndex].setLength(length); } index00Present = false; mode = INDEX_FOUND; length = 0; } else if( indexNo == 0 ) // gap, use to calc prev track length { TQStringList time = TQStringList::split( TQChar(':'),line.section (' ',-1,-1) ); length = time[0].toLong()*60*1000 + time[1].toLong()*1000 + time[2].toLong()*1000/75; //75 frames per second if( prevIndex != -1 ) { length -= prevIndex; //this[prevIndex].getIndex(); debug() << "Setting length of track " << (*this)[prevIndex].getTitle() << " to " << length << " msecs." << endl; (*this)[prevIndex].setLength(length); index00Present = true; } else length = 0; } else { debug() << "Skipping unsupported INDEX " << indexNo << endl; } } else { // not valid, because we don't have an associated track file.close(); debug() << "Mode is not TRACK_FOUND but encountered INDEX, abort." << endl; return false; } debug() << "index: " << index << endl; } } if(artist.isNull()) artist = defaultArtist; debug() << "Inserting item: " << title << " - " << artist << " on " << defaultAlbum << " (" << track << ")" << endl; // add previous entry to map insert( index, CueFileItem( title, artist, defaultAlbum, track, index ) ); file.close(); } /** * Because there is no way to set the length for the last track in a normal way, * we have to do some magic here. Having the total length of the media file given * we can set the lenth for the last track after all the cue file was loaded into array. */ (*this)[index].setLength(mediaLength*1000 - index); debug() << "Setting length of track " << (*this)[index].getTitle() << " to " << mediaLength*1000 - index << " msecs." << endl; return true; } else return false; } void CueFile::engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool userSeek ) { position /= 1000; if(userSeek || position > m_lastSeekPos) { CueFile::Iterator it = end(); while( it != begin() ) { --it; // debug() << "Checking " << position << " against pos " << it.key()/1000 << " title " << it.data().getTitle() << endl; if(it.key()/1000 <= position) { MetaBundle bundle = EngineController::instance()->bundle(); // take current one and modify it if(it.data().getTitle() != bundle.title() || it.data().getArtist() != bundle.artist() || it.data().getAlbum() != bundle.album() || it.data().getTrackNumber() != bundle.track()) { bundle.setTitle(it.data().getTitle()); bundle.setArtist(it.data().getArtist()); bundle.setAlbum(it.data().getAlbum()); bundle.setTrack(it.data().getTrackNumber()); emit metaData(bundle); long length = it.data().getLength(); if ( length == -1 ) // need to calculate { ++it; long nextKey = it == end() ? bundle.length() * 1000 : it.key(); --it; length = kMax( nextKey - it.key(), 0L ); } emit newCuePoint( position, it.key() / 1000, ( it.key() + length ) / 1000 ); } break; } } } m_lastSeekPos = position; } #include "cuefile.moc"