OrganizeCollectionDialog <> organizeCollectionDialog 0 0 476 549 3 3 0 0 Organize Files unnamed folderLayout unnamed 5 folderLabel 1 5 0 0 C&ollection Folder: folderCombo Base directory under which to put files folderCombo 7 0 0 0 layout5 unnamed coverCheck &Use Cover Art for Folder Icons ignoreTheCheck I&gnore 'The' in Artist Names If checked, postfix artists' names starting with 'The' with ', The'. spacer2_5 Vertical Expanding 20 16 groupingGroup 0 File Naming Scheme unnamed 5 customschemeCheck Custo&m Format If checked, use a custom format string for naming the files in the collection filetypeCheck Group b&y File Type If checked, create a directory hierarchy using the filename extension. initialCheck Group &by Artist's Initial If checked, introduce another directory hierarchy for the artists' initials. customFormatLayout unnamed formatLabel false F&ilename Format: formatEdit formatEdit false formatHelp 5 5 0 0 (Help) spacer2_4 Vertical Expanding 20 16 replacementGroup 5 1 0 0 0 Character Replacement unnamed 5 spaceCheck &Replace Spaces with Underscores If checked, convert spaces to underscores. asciiCheck Restrict to &ASCII If checked, replace characters that are unavailable in the 7-bit ASCII code. vfatCheck VFAT Safe &Names If checked, replace characters that are incompatible with MS-DOS/VFAT file systems. layout4 unnamed textLabel1 Replace regexpEdit Regular expression textLabel2 with replaceEdit Character string spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 previewBox Destination Preview unnamed 5 0 previewText 7 5 0 0 This is what the file names will look like after renaming. layout7 unnamed spacer2_2 Horizontal Expanding 347 20 overwriteCheck Overwrite &Destination If checked, overwrite files of the same name without asking. spacer2_3 Vertical Expanding 20 16 customschemeCheck toggled(bool) formatEdit setEnabled(bool) customschemeCheck toggled(bool) formatLabel setEnabled(bool) customschemeCheck toggled(bool) filetypeCheck setDisabled(bool) customschemeCheck toggled(bool) initialCheck setDisabled(bool) formatEdit textChanged(const QString&) organizeCollectionDialog preview(const QString&) organizeCollectionDialog updatePreview( const QString & ) previewText setText(const QString&) customschemeCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) filetypeCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) initialCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) spaceCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) asciiCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) vfatCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) ignoreTheCheck stateChanged(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) folderCombo activated(int) organizeCollectionDialog update(int) regexpEdit textChanged(const QString&) organizeCollectionDialog update(const QString&) replaceEdit textChanged(const QString&) organizeCollectionDialog update(const QString&) metabundle.h qdialog.h qstring.h MetaBundle previewBundle; bool detailed; updatePreview( const QString & ) preview( const QString & format ) update( int dummy ) update( const QString & dummy ) slotDetails() buildDestination( const QString & format, const MetaBundle & mb ) buildFormatTip() buildFormatString() setPreviewBundle( const MetaBundle & bundle ) cleanPath( const QString & component ) init() kcombobox.h klineedit.h kactivelabel.h klineedit.h klineedit.h