#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # WebControl script for Amarok # (c) 2005 Jonas Drewsen # (c) 2006 Peter C. Ndikuwera # # Depends on: Python 2.2, PyQt # ############################################################################ # Based on # Python-Qt template script for Amarok # (c) 2005 Mark Kretschmann # ############################################################################ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # ############################################################################ import ConfigParser import os import sys import socket import signal import threading from time import sleep import Globals from Playlist import Playlist import RequestHandler import BaseHTTPServer from WebPublisher import * import time # necessary for <= python2.2 that cannot handle "infds" in var import string try: from qt import * except: os.popen( "kdialog --sorry 'PyQt (Qt bindings for Python) is required for this script.'" ) raise # Replace with real name debug_prefix = "[WebControl Script]" class ConfigDialog( QDialog ): """ Configuration widget """ def __init__( self ): QDialog.__init__( self ) self.setWFlags( Qt.WDestructiveClose ) self.setCaption( "WebControl - Amarok" ) self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() allowControl = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.allowControl publish = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.publish try: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read( "webcontrolrc" ) allowControl = string.find(config.get( "General", "allowcontrol" ), "True") >= 0 publish = string.find(config.get( "General", "publish" ), "True") >= 0 except: pass self.lay = QHBoxLayout( self ) self.vbox = QVBox( self ) self.lay.addWidget( self.vbox ) self.hbox1 = QHBox( self.vbox ) self.allowControl = QCheckBox( QString("Allow control"), self.hbox1 ) self.allowControl.setChecked(allowControl) self.hbox1 = QHBox( self.vbox ) self.publish = QCheckBox( QString("Publish"), self.hbox1 ) self.publish.setChecked(publish) self.hbox = QHBox( self.vbox ) self.ok = QPushButton( self.hbox ) self.ok.setText( "Ok" ) self.cancel = QPushButton( self.hbox ) self.cancel.setText( "Cancel" ) self.cancel.setDefault( True ) self.connect( self.ok, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self.save ) self.connect( self.cancel, SIGNAL( "clicked()" ), self, SLOT( "reject()" ) ) self.adjustSize() def save( self ): """ Saves configuration to file """ self.file = file( "webcontrolrc", 'w' ) self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.add_section( "General" ) self.config.set( "General", "allowcontrol", self.allowControl.isChecked() ) self.config.set( "General", "publish", self.publish.isChecked() ) self.config.write( self.file ) self.file.close() debug( "Saved config" ) self.accept() class Notification( QCustomEvent ): __super_init = QCustomEvent.__init__ def __init__( self, str ): self.__super_init(QCustomEvent.User + 1) self.string = str class WebControl( QApplication ): """ The main application, also sets up the Qt event loop """ def __init__( self, args ): QApplication.__init__( self, args ) debug( "Started." ) self.readSettings() self.t = threading.Thread( target = self.readStdin ) self.t.start() RequestHandler.PLIST = Playlist() p_incr = 0 while p_incr < 10: try: p_i=p_incr+Globals.PORT self.srv = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',p_i),RequestHandler.RequestHandler) publisher.port = p_i break except socket.error: p_incr+=1 self.zeroconfPublishing() self.snsrv = QSocketNotifier(self.srv.fileno(), QSocketNotifier.Read) self.snsrv.connect( self.snsrv, SIGNAL('activated(int)'), self.readSocket ) def readSocket( self ): # Got a read event on the HTTP server socket. self.srv.handle_request() def readSettings( self ): """ Reads settings from configuration file """ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read( "webcontrolrc" ) try: RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.allowControl = string.find(config.get( "General", "allowcontrol" ), "True") >= 0 RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.publish = string.find(config.get( "General", "publish" ), "True") >= 0 except: debug( "No config file found, using defaults." ) def postConfigure( self ): self.readSettings() self.zeroconfPublishing() def zeroconfPublishing( self ): if RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.publish: if not publisher.active: threading.Thread(target = publisher.run).start() else: publisher.shutdown() ############################################################################ # Stdin-Reader Thread ############################################################################ def readStdin( self ): while True: line = sys.stdin.readline() if line: qApp.postEvent( self, Notification(line) ) else: break ############################################################################ # Notification Handling ############################################################################ def customEvent( self, notification ): """ Handles the notifications """ string = QString(notification.string) debug( "Received notification: " + str( string ) ) if string.contains( "configure" ): self.configure() elif string.contains( "exit" ): cleanup(None,None) elif string.contains( "engineStateChange: play" ): self.engineStatePlay() elif string.contains( "engineStateChange: idle" ): self.engineStateIdle() elif string.contains( "engineStateChange: pause" ): self.engineStatePause() elif string.contains( "engineStateChange: empty" ): self.engineStatePause() elif string.contains( "trackChange" ): self.trackChange() else: debug( "Unknown notification: " + str(string) + " -> ignoring") # Notification callbacks. Implement these functions to react to specific notification # events from Amarok: def configure( self ): debug( "configuration" ) self.dia = ConfigDialog() self.dia.show() self.connect( self.dia, SIGNAL( "destroyed()" ), self.postConfigure ) def engineStatePlay( self ): """ Called when Engine state changes to Play """ RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrenttime = Globals.PlayerDcop("trackCurrentTime") RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrenttime.result() RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_tracktotaltime = Globals.PlayerDcop("trackTotalTime") RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_tracktotaltime.result() RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.playState = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.EnginePlay def engineStateIdle( self ): """ Called when Engine state changes to Idle """ RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.playState = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.EngineIdle def engineStatePause( self ): """ Called when Engine state changes to Pause """ RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.playState = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.EnginePause def engineStateEmpty( self ): """ Called when Engine state changes to Empty """ RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.playState = RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.EngineEmpty def trackChange( self ): """ Called when a new track starts """ RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrentindex = Globals.PlaylistDcop("getActiveIndex") RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrentindex.result() RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrenttime = Globals.PlayerDcop("trackCurrentTime") RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_trackcurrenttime.result() RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_tracktotaltime = Globals.PlayerDcop("trackTotalTime") RequestHandler.AmarokStatus.dcop_tracktotaltime.result() ############################################################################ def debug( message ): """ Prints debug message to stdout """ print debug_prefix + " " + message def cleanup(sig,frame): publisher.shutdown() os._exit(0) def guithread(): app = WebControl( sys.argv ) app.exec_loop() if __name__ == "__main__": Globals.EXEC_PATH = os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]) gui = threading.Thread(target=guithread) gui.start() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM,cleanup) # just wait quietly for the end while 1: sleep(120)