You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

419 lines
13 KiB

* copyright : (c) 2004 Pierpaolo Di Panfilo *
* (c) 2004 Mark Kretschmann <> *
* (c) 2005-2006 Seb Ruiz <> *
* (c) 2005 Gábor Lehel <> *
* (c) 2006 Adam Pigg <> *
* See COPYING file for licensing information *
#include "amarokconfig.h"
#include "playlistbrowseritem.h"
#include "podcastsettings.h"
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdelistview.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
class KTextBrowser;
class TDEToolBar;
class TQCustomEvent;
class TQColorGroup;
class TQDragObject;
class TQPainter;
class TQPixmap;
class TQPoint;
class TQSplitter;
class TQTimer;
class HTMLView;
class InfoPane;
class PlaylistBrowserView;
class PlaylistTrackItem;
class PlaylistBrowser : public TQVBox
friend class DynamicMode;
friend class PlaylistBrowserView;
friend class PlaylistBrowserEntry;
friend class PlaylistCategory;
friend class PlaylistEntry;
friend class PlaylistTrackItem;
friend class PodcastChannel; //for changing podcast timer list
friend class PodcastEpisode;
friend class DynamicEntry;
friend class StreamEntry;
friend class SmartPlaylist;
void setInfo( const TQString &title, const TQString &info );
void addStream( TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void addSmartPlaylist( TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void addDynamic( TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void addPlaylist( const TQString &path, TQListViewItem *parent = 0, bool force=false, bool imported=false );
PlaylistEntry *findPlaylistEntry( const TQString &url, TQListViewItem *parent=0 ) const;
int loadPlaylist( const TQString &playlist, bool force=false );
void addPodcast( TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void addPodcast( const KURL &url, TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void loadPodcastsFromDatabase( PlaylistCategory *p = 0 );
void registerPodcastSettings( const TQString &title, const PodcastSettings *settings );
static bool savePlaylist( const TQString &path, const TQValueList<KURL> &urls,
const TQValueList<TQString> &titles = TQValueList<TQString>(),
const TQValueList<int> &lengths = TQValueList<int>(),
bool relative = AmarokConfig::relativePlaylist() );
TQString dynamicBrowserCache() const;
TQString playlistBrowserCache() const;
TQString podcastBrowserCache() const;
TQString streamBrowserCache() const;
TQString smartplaylistBrowserCache() const;
PlaylistBrowserEntry *findItem( TQString &t, int c ) const;
TQListViewItem *findItemInTree( const TQString &searchstring, int c ) const;
PodcastEpisode *findPodcastEpisode( const KURL &episode, const KURL &feed ) const;
TQPtrList<PlaylistBrowserEntry> dynamicEntries() const { return m_dynamicEntries; }
DynamicMode *findDynamicModeByTitle( const TQString &title );
TQListViewItem *podcastCategory() const { return m_podcastCategory; }
static PlaylistBrowser *instance() {
if(!s_instance) s_instance = new PlaylistBrowser("PlaylistBrowser");
return s_instance;
//following used by PlaylistSelection.cpp
PlaylistBrowserView* getListView() const { return m_listview; }
PlaylistCategory* getDynamicCategory() const { return m_dynamicCategory; }
void saveDynamics();
virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * );
void selectionChanged();
public slots:
void openPlaylist( TQListViewItem *parent = 0 );
void scanPodcasts();
private slots:
void abortPodcastQueue();
void addSelectedToPlaylist( int options = -1 );
void collectionScanDone();
void currentItemChanged( TQListViewItem * );
void downloadPodcastQueue();
void editStreamURL( StreamEntry *item, const bool readOnly=false );
void removeSelectedItems();
void renamePlaylist( TQListViewItem*, const TQString&, int );
void renameSelectedItem();
void invokeItem( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint &, int column );
void slotDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem *item );
void slotAddMenu( int id );
void slotAddPlaylistMenu( int id );
void showContextMenu( TQListViewItem*, const TQPoint&, int );
void loadDynamicItems();
PlaylistBrowser( const char* name=0 );
void polish();
bool m_polished;
PlaylistCategory* loadStreams();
void loadCoolStreams();
void saveStreams();
void loadLastfmStreams( const bool subscriber = false );
void addLastFmRadio( TQListViewItem *parent );
void addLastFmCustomRadio( TQListViewItem *parent );
void saveLastFm();
PlaylistCategory* loadSmartPlaylists();
void loadDefaultSmartPlaylists();
void editSmartPlaylist( SmartPlaylist* );
void saveSmartPlaylists( PlaylistCategory *smartCategory = NULL );
void updateSmartPlaylists( TQListViewItem *root );
void updateSmartPlaylistElement( TQDomElement& query );
PlaylistCategory* loadDynamics();
void fixDynamicPlaylistPath( TQListViewItem *item );
TQString guessPathFromPlaylistName( TQString name );
PlaylistCategory* loadPodcasts();
TQMap<int,PlaylistCategory*> loadPodcastFolders( PlaylistCategory *p );
void changePodcastInterval();
void configurePodcasts( TQListViewItem *parent );
void configurePodcasts( TQPtrList<PodcastChannel> &podcastChannelList, const TQString &caption );
void configureSelectedPodcasts();
bool deleteSelectedPodcastItems( const bool removeItem=false, const bool silent=false );
bool deletePodcasts( TQPtrList<PodcastChannel> items );
void downloadSelectedPodcasts();
void refreshPodcasts( TQListViewItem *category );
void removePodcastFolder( PlaylistCategory *item );
void savePodcastFolderStates( PlaylistCategory *folder );
PodcastChannel *findPodcastChannel( const KURL &feed, TQListViewItem *parent=0 ) const;
void markDynamicEntries();
PlaylistBrowserEntry* findByName( TQString name );
PlaylistCategory* loadPlaylists();
void savePlaylists();
void savePlaylist( PlaylistEntry * );
bool createPlaylist( TQListViewItem *parent = 0, bool current = true, TQString title = 0 );
bool deletePlaylists( TQPtrList<PlaylistEntry> items );
bool deletePlaylists( KURL::List items );
void customEvent( TQCustomEvent* e );
void saveM3U( PlaylistEntry *, bool append );
void savePLS( PlaylistEntry *, bool append );
void saveXSPF( PlaylistEntry *, bool append );
static KURL::List recurse( const KURL &url );
static PlaylistBrowser *s_instance;
PlaylistCategory *m_playlistCategory;
PlaylistCategory *m_streamsCategory;
PlaylistCategory *m_smartCategory;
PlaylistCategory *m_dynamicCategory;
PlaylistCategory *m_podcastCategory;
PlaylistCategory *m_coolStreams;
PlaylistCategory *m_smartDefaults;
PlaylistCategory *m_lastfmCategory;
ShoutcastBrowser *m_shoutcastCategory;
PlaylistEntry *m_lastPlaylist;
DynamicEntry *m_randomDynamic;
DynamicEntry *m_suggestedDynamic;
bool m_coolStreamsOpen;
bool m_smartDefaultsOpen;
bool m_lastfmOpen;
PlaylistBrowserView *m_listview;
TDEActionCollection *m_ac;
TDEAction *removeButton;
TDEAction *renameButton;
TDEActionMenu *viewMenuButton;
TDEActionMenu *addMenuButton;
TDEToolBar *m_toolbar;
TQValueList<int> m_dynamicSizeSave;
TQDict<PodcastSettings> m_podcastSettings;
TQPtrList<PlaylistBrowserEntry> m_dynamicEntries;
TQTimer *m_podcastTimer;
int m_podcastTimerInterval; //in ms
TQPtrList<PodcastChannel> m_podcastItemsToScan;
TQPtrList<PodcastEpisode> m_podcastDownloadQueue;
InfoPane *m_infoPane;
bool m_removeDirt;
TQSplitter *m_splitter;
class PlaylistBrowserView : public TDEListView
friend class PlaylistEntry;
PlaylistBrowserView( TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0 );
void rename( TQListViewItem *item, int c );
virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
private slots:
void mousePressed( int, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int );
void moveSelectedItems( TQListViewItem* newParent );
void startDrag();
void contentsDropEvent( TQDropEvent* );
void contentsDragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent* );
void contentsDragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent* );
void contentsDragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent* );
void viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent* );
void eraseMarker();
TQListViewItem *m_marker; //track that has the drag/drop marker under it
class PlaylistDialog: public KDialogBase
static TQString getSaveFileName( const TQString &suggestion = TQString(), bool proposeOverwriting = false );
KLineEdit *edit;
bool customChosen;
TQString result;
private slots:
void slotOk();
void slotTextChanged( const TQString &s );
void slotCustomPath();
// Returns true if item is Playlist, Stream, Smart Playlist or DynamicMode.
inline bool
isElement( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == ( PlaylistEntry::RTTI || StreamEntry::RTTI ||
SmartPlaylist::RTTI /*|| DynamicEntry::RTTI */) ? true : false;
inline bool
isCategory( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == PlaylistCategory::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isDynamic( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == DynamicEntry::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isPlaylist( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == PlaylistEntry::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isSmartPlaylist( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == SmartPlaylist::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isPlaylistTrackItem( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == PlaylistTrackItem::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isPodcastChannel( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == PodcastChannel::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isPodcastEpisode( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == PodcastEpisode::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isStream( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == StreamEntry::RTTI ? true : false;
inline bool
isLastFm( TQListViewItem *item )
if( !item )
return false;
return item->rtti() == LastFmEntry::RTTI ? true : false;
inline TQString
fileBaseName( const TQString &filePath )
// this function returns the file name without extension
// (e.g. if the file path is "/home/user/playlist.m3u", "playlist" is returned
TQString fileName = filePath.right( filePath.length() - filePath.findRev( '/' ) - 1 );
return fileName.mid( 0, fileName.findRev( '.' ) );
inline TQString
fileDirPath( const TQString &filePath )
return filePath.left( filePath.findRev( '/' )+1 );
class InfoPane : public TQVBox
InfoPane( TQWidget *parent );
int getHeight();
void setStoredHeight( const int newHeight );
public slots:
void setInfo( const TQString &title, const TQString &info );
private slots:
void toggle( bool );
HTMLView *m_infoBrowser;
KPushButton *m_pushButton;
bool m_enable;
int m_storedHeight;