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// AmarokSystray
// Author: Stanislav Karchebny <>, (C) 2003
// Copyright: like rest of Amarok
#include "engineobserver.h" //baseclass
#include <ksystemtray.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
class App;
namespace Amarok {
class TrayIcon : public KSystemTray, public EngineObserver
TrayIcon( TQWidget* );
friend class ::App;
// reimpl from engineobserver
virtual void engineStateChanged( Engine::State state, Engine::State oldState = Engine::Empty );
virtual void engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool trackChanged );
virtual void engineTrackPositionChanged( long position, bool /*userSeek*/ );
// get notified of 'highlight' color change
virtual void paletteChange( const TQPalette & oldPalette );
void resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * );
void showEvent ( TQShowEvent * );
bool event( TQEvent* );
void setLastFm( bool );
// repaints trayIcon showing progress (and overlay if present)
void paintIcon( int mergePixels = -1, bool force = false );
// blend an overlay icon over 'sourcePixmap' and repaint trayIcon
void blendOverlay( TQPixmap &sourcePixmap );
void resizeTrayIcon();
long trackLength, mergeLevel;
TQPixmap baseIcon, grayedIcon, alternateIcon;
TQPixmap playOverlay, pauseOverlay;
TQPixmap *overlay; // the current overlay (may be NULL)
int blinkTimerID; // timer ID returned by TQObject::startTimer()
bool overlayVisible;// used for blinking / hiding overlay
/** whether the icons are visible **/
bool m_lastFmMode;