/* GSL - Generic Sound Layer * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Tim Janik * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "gsldatahandle-vorbis.h" #if GSL_HAVE_OGGVORBIS #include "gslfilehash.h" #include #include #include /* --- defines --- */ #define MAX_CHANNELS (16) /* hard limit, eases our life somewhat */ /* number of values to decode and throw away instead of seeking. since * seeking can be quite time consuming, this should cover a good range * of seek-ahead space */ #define SEEK_BY_READ_AHEAD(vhandle) (vhandle->max_block_size * 8) /* --- structure --- */ typedef struct { GslDataHandle dhandle; guint stream; guint n_streams; /* live data */ gint64 soffset; /* our PCM start offset */ guint max_block_size; /* pcm read out cache */ GslLong pcm_pos, pcm_length; gfloat *pcm[MAX_CHANNELS]; OggVorbis_File ofile; } VorbisHandle; /* --- functions --- */ static GslErrorType ov_errno_to_error (gint ov_errno, GslErrorType fallback) { switch (ov_errno) { case OV_EOF: return GSL_ERROR_EOF; case OV_EBADLINK: case OV_EBADPACKET: case OV_HOLE: return GSL_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT; case OV_EREAD: return GSL_ERROR_READ_FAILED; case OV_ENOSEEK: return GSL_ERROR_SEEK_FAILED; case OV_EFAULT: case OV_EIMPL: return GSL_ERROR_CODEC_FAILURE; case OV_EINVAL: return GSL_ERROR_INTERNAL; case OV_ENOTAUDIO: case OV_EVERSION: case OV_EBADHEADER: case OV_ENOTVORBIS: return GSL_ERROR_FORMAT_INVALID; case OV_FALSE: default: return fallback; } } static size_t rfile_read (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) { GslRFile *rfile = datasource; return gsl_rfile_read (rfile, size * nmemb, ptr); } static int rfile_seek (void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { GslRFile *rfile = datasource; GslLong l; switch (whence) { default: case SEEK_SET: l = gsl_rfile_seek_set (rfile, offset); break; case SEEK_CUR: l = gsl_rfile_position (rfile); l = gsl_rfile_seek_set (rfile, l + offset); break; case SEEK_END: l = gsl_rfile_length (rfile); l = gsl_rfile_seek_set (rfile, l + offset); break; } return l; } static int rfile_close (void *datasource) { GslRFile *rfile = datasource; gsl_rfile_close (rfile); return 0; } static long rfile_tell (void *datasource) { GslRFile *rfile = datasource; return gsl_rfile_position (rfile); } static ov_callbacks rfile_ov_callbacks = { rfile_read, rfile_seek, rfile_close, rfile_tell, }; static GslErrorType dh_vorbis_open (GslDataHandle *data_handle, GslDataHandleSetup *setup) { VorbisHandle *vhandle = (VorbisHandle*) data_handle; GslRFile *rfile; vorbis_info *vi; GslLong n, i; gint err; #if 0 file = fopen (vhandle->dhandle.name, "r"); if (!file) return gsl_error_from_errno (errno, GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); err = ov_open (file, &vhandle->ofile, NULL, 0); if (err < 0) { fclose (file); return ov_errno_to_error (err, GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } #endif rfile = gsl_rfile_open (vhandle->dhandle.name); if (!rfile) return gsl_error_from_errno (errno, GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); err = ov_open_callbacks (rfile, &vhandle->ofile, NULL, 0, rfile_ov_callbacks); if (err < 0) { gsl_rfile_close (rfile); return ov_errno_to_error (err, GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED); } n = ov_streams (&vhandle->ofile); if (n > vhandle->stream) vhandle->n_streams = n; else { ov_clear (&vhandle->ofile); /* closes file */ return GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } vhandle->soffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < vhandle->stream; i++) vhandle->soffset += ov_pcm_total (&vhandle->ofile, i); n = ov_pcm_total (&vhandle->ofile, vhandle->stream); vi = ov_info (&vhandle->ofile, vhandle->stream); if (n > 0 && vi && vi->channels && ov_pcm_seek (&vhandle->ofile, vhandle->soffset) >= 0) { setup->n_channels = vi->channels; setup->n_values = n * setup->n_channels; setup->bit_depth = 24; } else { ov_clear (&vhandle->ofile); /* closes file */ return GSL_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } vhandle->max_block_size = vorbis_info_blocksize (vi, 0); n = vorbis_info_blocksize (vi, 1); vhandle->max_block_size = MAX (vhandle->max_block_size, n); vhandle->pcm_pos = 0; vhandle->pcm_length = 0; return GSL_ERROR_NONE; } static GslLong dh_vorbis_coarse_seek (GslDataHandle *dhandle, GslLong voffset) { VorbisHandle *vhandle = (VorbisHandle*) dhandle; GslLong opos = vhandle->pcm_pos, pos = voffset / dhandle->setup.n_channels; if (voffset < 0) return vhandle->pcm_pos * dhandle->setup.n_channels; if (pos < vhandle->pcm_pos || pos >= vhandle->pcm_pos + vhandle->pcm_length + SEEK_BY_READ_AHEAD (vhandle)) { gint err = ov_pcm_seek_page (&vhandle->ofile, vhandle->soffset + pos); if (err) /* eek */ err = ov_pcm_seek_page (&vhandle->ofile, vhandle->soffset); else vhandle->pcm_pos = ov_pcm_tell (&vhandle->ofile) - vhandle->soffset; if (err || vhandle->pcm_pos < 0) /* urg, we're completely screwed */ vhandle->pcm_pos = 0; vhandle->pcm_length = 0; } g_printerr ("OggS-SEEK: at %lu want %lu got %lu (diff-requested %ld)\n", opos, pos, vhandle->pcm_pos, pos - opos); return vhandle->pcm_pos * dhandle->setup.n_channels; } static void read_packet (VorbisHandle *vhandle) { gfloat **pcm = NULL; gint stream_id, i; vhandle->pcm_pos = ov_pcm_tell (&vhandle->ofile) - vhandle->soffset; #if GSL_HAVE_OGGVORBIS_RC3 vhandle->pcm_length = ov_read_float (&vhandle->ofile, &pcm, &stream_id); #else vhandle->pcm_length = ov_read_float (&vhandle->ofile, &pcm, (~0U>>1), &stream_id); #endif if (vhandle->pcm_pos < 0 || vhandle->pcm_length < 0 || stream_id != vhandle->stream) { /* urg, this is bad! */ dh_vorbis_coarse_seek (&vhandle->dhandle, 0); } else for (i = 0; i < vhandle->dhandle.setup.n_channels; i++) vhandle->pcm[i] = pcm[i]; } static GslLong dh_vorbis_read (GslDataHandle *dhandle, GslLong voffset, /* in values */ GslLong n_values, gfloat *values) { VorbisHandle *vhandle = (VorbisHandle*) dhandle; GslLong pos = voffset / dhandle->setup.n_channels; if (pos < vhandle->pcm_pos || pos >= vhandle->pcm_pos + vhandle->pcm_length + SEEK_BY_READ_AHEAD (vhandle)) { GslLong tmp; /* suckage, needs to seek in file, this takes ages */ tmp = dh_vorbis_coarse_seek (dhandle, voffset); g_assert (tmp <= voffset); } while (pos >= vhandle->pcm_pos + vhandle->pcm_length) read_packet (vhandle); n_values = MIN (n_values, vhandle->pcm_length * dhandle->setup.n_channels); /* interleave into output buffer */ if (pos >= vhandle->pcm_pos && pos < vhandle->pcm_pos + vhandle->pcm_length) { guint offset = voffset - vhandle->pcm_pos * dhandle->setup.n_channels; guint align = offset % dhandle->setup.n_channels; guint n_samples = MIN (n_values, vhandle->pcm_length * dhandle->setup.n_channels - offset); gfloat *pcm[MAX_CHANNELS], *bound = values + n_samples; guint i; offset /= dhandle->setup.n_channels; for (i = 0; i < dhandle->setup.n_channels; i++) pcm[i] = vhandle->pcm[i] + offset + (i < align); for (i = align; values < bound; values++) { gfloat f = *(pcm[i]++); f = CLAMP (f, -1.0, 1.0); *values = f; if (++i >= dhandle->setup.n_channels) i = 0; } return n_samples; } else /* something went wrong here, _badly_ */ return 0; } static void dh_vorbis_close (GslDataHandle *dhandle) { VorbisHandle *vhandle = (VorbisHandle*) dhandle; ov_clear (&vhandle->ofile); vhandle->pcm_pos = 0; vhandle->pcm_length = 0; } static void dh_vorbis_destroy (GslDataHandle *data_handle) { VorbisHandle *vhandle = (VorbisHandle*) data_handle; gsl_data_handle_common_free (data_handle); gsl_delete_struct (VorbisHandle, vhandle); } static GslDataHandleFuncs dh_vorbis_vtable = { dh_vorbis_open, dh_vorbis_read, dh_vorbis_close, dh_vorbis_destroy, dh_vorbis_coarse_seek, }; GslDataHandle* gsl_data_handle_new_ogg_vorbis (const gchar *file_name, guint lbitstream) { VorbisHandle *vhandle; gboolean success; g_return_val_if_fail (file_name != NULL, NULL); vhandle = gsl_new_struct0 (VorbisHandle, 1); success = gsl_data_handle_common_init (&vhandle->dhandle, file_name); if (success) { GslErrorType error; vhandle->dhandle.vtable = &dh_vorbis_vtable; vhandle->n_streams = 0; vhandle->stream = lbitstream; /* we can only check matters upon opening */ error = gsl_data_handle_open (&vhandle->dhandle); if (!error) { gsl_data_handle_close (&vhandle->dhandle); return &vhandle->dhandle; } else { gsl_data_handle_unref (&vhandle->dhandle); return NULL; } } else { gsl_delete_struct (VorbisHandle, vhandle); return NULL; } } #endif /* GSL_HAVE_OGGVORBIS */