/* Copyright (C) 1999 Stefan Westerfeld, stefan@space.twc.de Nicolas Brodu, nicolas.brodu@free.fr This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "namespace.h" using namespace std; using namespace Arts; extern int idl_line_no; extern string idl_filename; extern int yylex(); extern void mcopidlInitFlex( const char *_code ); extern void addEnumTodo( const EnumDef& edef ); extern void addStructTodo( const TypeDef& type ); extern void addInterfaceTodo( const InterfaceDef& iface ); void yyerror( const char *s ) { printf( "%s:%i: %s\n", idl_filename.c_str(), idl_line_no, s ); exit(1); // theParser->parse_error( idl_lexFile, s, idl_line_no ); } static struct ParserGlobals { vector noHints; } *g; %} %union { // generic data types long _int; char* _str; unsigned short _char; double _float; vector *_strs; // types vector *_typeComponentSeq; TypeComponent* _typeComponent; // enums vector *_enumComponentSeq; // interfaces InterfaceDef *_interfaceDef; ParamDef* _paramDef; vector *_paramDefSeq; MethodDef* _methodDef; vector *_methodDefSeq; AttributeDef* _attributeDef; vector *_attributeDefSeq; } %token T_STRUCT T_ENUM T_INTERFACE T_MODULE T_VOID %token T_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET T_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET %token T_LEFT_PARANTHESIS T_RIGHT_PARANTHESIS %token T_LESS T_GREATER T_EQUAL %token T_SEMICOLON T_COLON T_COMMA %token<_str> T_IDENTIFIER T_QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER %type<_str> type %type<_str> simpletype %type<_str> enumname %type<_str> interfacelistelem /*%type<_typeComponent> typecomponentdef*/ %type<_typeComponentSeq> structbody %type<_paramDef> paramdef %type<_paramDefSeq> paramdefs %type<_paramDefSeq> paramdefs1 %type<_methodDef> methoddef %type<_attributeDefSeq> attributedef %type<_attributeDefSeq> streamdef %type<_interfaceDef> classbody %type<_enumComponentSeq> enumbody %type<_strs> interfacelist %type<_strs> identifierlist %type<_strs> defaultdef %type<_strs> inheritedinterfaces %type<_int> maybereadonly %type<_int> direction %type<_int> maybeoneway %type<_int> maybedefault %token T_INTEGER_LITERAL T_UNKNOWN %type<_int> T_INTEGER_LITERAL %token T_BOOLEAN T_STRING T_LONG T_BYTE T_OBJECT T_SEQUENCE T_AUDIO T_FLOAT %token T_IN T_OUT T_STREAM T_MULTI T_ATTRIBUTE T_READONLY T_ASYNC T_ONEWAY %token T_DEFAULT %% aidlfile: definitions; definitions: epsilon | definition definitions ; definition: structdef | interfacedef | moduledef | enumdef ; structdef: T_STRUCT T_IDENTIFIER { ModuleHelper::define($2); } T_SEMICOLON | T_STRUCT T_IDENTIFIER { ModuleHelper::define($2); } T_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET structbody T_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET T_SEMICOLON { char *qualified = ModuleHelper::qualify($2); addStructTodo(TypeDef(qualified,*$5,g->noHints)); free(qualified); free($2); } ; enumdef: T_ENUM enumname { ModuleHelper::define($2); } T_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET enumbody T_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET T_SEMICOLON { char *qualified = ModuleHelper::qualify($2); addEnumTodo(EnumDef(qualified,*$5,g->noHints)); free(qualified); free($2); delete $5; } ; enumname: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; } | epsilon { $$ = strdup("_anonymous_"); }; enumbody: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new vector; $$->push_back(EnumComponent($1,0,g->noHints)); free($1); } | T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL T_INTEGER_LITERAL { $$ = new vector; $$->push_back(EnumComponent($1,$3,g->noHints)); free($1); } | enumbody T_COMMA T_IDENTIFIER { EnumComponent& last = (*$1)[$1->size()-1]; $$ = $1; $$->push_back(EnumComponent($3,last.value+1,g->noHints)); free($3); } | enumbody T_COMMA T_IDENTIFIER T_EQUAL T_INTEGER_LITERAL { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(EnumComponent($3,$5,g->noHints)); free($3); }; interfacedef: T_INTERFACE T_IDENTIFIER { ModuleHelper::define($2); } T_SEMICOLON | T_INTERFACE T_IDENTIFIER { ModuleHelper::define($2); } inheritedinterfaces T_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET classbody T_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET T_SEMICOLON { vector::iterator ii; for(ii=$4->begin(); ii != $4->end(); ii++) { $6->inheritedInterfaces.push_back(*ii); free(*ii); } delete $4; char *qualified = ModuleHelper::qualify($2); $6->name = qualified; free(qualified); free($2); addInterfaceTodo(*$6); delete $6; } ; inheritedinterfaces: epsilon { $$ = new vector; } | T_COLON interfacelist { $$ = $2; }; moduledef: T_MODULE T_IDENTIFIER { ModuleHelper::enter($2); free($2); } T_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET definitions T_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET { ModuleHelper::leave(); } T_SEMICOLON ; classbody: epsilon { $$ = new InterfaceDef(); } | methoddef classbody { $$ = $2; $$->methods.insert($$->methods.begin(),*$1); delete $1; } | attributedef classbody { $$ = $2; $$->attributes.insert($$->attributes.begin(),$1->begin(),$1->end()); if ((*$1)[0].flags & streamDefault) { vector sv; for (vector::iterator i=$1->begin(); i!=$1->end(); i++) sv.push_back(i->name); $$->defaultPorts.insert($$->defaultPorts.begin(),sv.begin(),sv.end()); } } | defaultdef classbody { $$ = $2; for (vector::iterator i=$1->begin(); i!=$1->end(); i++) $$->defaultPorts.insert($$->defaultPorts.begin(), *i); }; attributedef: streamdef | maybereadonly T_ATTRIBUTE type identifierlist T_SEMICOLON { // 16 == attribute vector::iterator i; $$ = new vector; for(i=$4->begin();i != $4->end();i++) { $$->push_back(AttributeDef((*i),$3,(AttributeType)($1 + 16),g->noHints)); free(*i); } delete $4; } ; maybereadonly: epsilon { $$ = 1+2; /* in&out (read & write) */ } | T_READONLY { $$ = 2; /* out (readonly) */ } ; maybeoneway: epsilon { $$ = methodTwoway; } | T_ONEWAY { $$ = methodOneway; } ; maybedefault: epsilon { $$ = 0; } | T_DEFAULT { $$ = streamDefault; } ; streamdef: maybedefault direction type T_STREAM identifierlist T_SEMICOLON { // 8 == stream vector::iterator i; $$ = new vector; for(i=$5->begin();i != $5->end();i++) { $$->push_back(AttributeDef((*i),$3,(AttributeType)(($2|$1) + 8),g->noHints)); free(*i); } delete $5; }; defaultdef: T_DEFAULT identifierlist T_SEMICOLON { $$ = $2; }; direction: T_IN { $$ = streamIn; } | T_IN T_MULTI { $$ = streamIn|streamMulti; } | T_OUT { $$ = streamOut; } | T_OUT T_MULTI { $$ = streamOut|streamMulti; } | T_ASYNC T_IN { $$ = streamAsync|streamIn; } | T_ASYNC T_IN T_MULTI { $$ =streamAsync|streamIn|streamMulti } | T_ASYNC T_OUT { $$ = streamAsync|streamOut; } | T_ASYNC T_OUT T_MULTI { $$ = streamAsync|streamOut|streamMulti; } ; // CacheElement getFromCache(string name, bool hit) methoddef: maybeoneway type T_IDENTIFIER T_LEFT_PARANTHESIS paramdefs T_RIGHT_PARANTHESIS T_SEMICOLON { $$ = new MethodDef($3,$2,(MethodType)$1,*$5,g->noHints); free($3); free($2); } ; paramdefs: epsilon { $$ = new vector; } | paramdef paramdefs1 { $$ = $2; $$->insert($$->begin(),*$1); delete $1; }; // at least one parameter (ex: "long a" or "long a, long b, string c") paramdefs1: epsilon { $$ = new vector; } | paramdefs1 T_COMMA paramdef { $$ = $1; $$->push_back(*$3); delete $3; //$$->insert($$->begin(),$3); } ; // one parameter (ex: "long a") paramdef: type T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new ParamDef(string($1),string($2),g->noHints); free($1); free($2); }; /* typecomponentdef: type T_IDENTIFIER T_SEMICOLON { $$ = new TypeComponent($1,string($2)); free($2); }; */ identifierlist: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = new vector; $$->push_back($1); } | identifierlist T_COMMA T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } interfacelist: interfacelistelem { $$ = new vector; $$->push_back($1); } | interfacelist T_COMMA interfacelistelem { $$ = $1; $$->push_back($3); } interfacelistelem: T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ModuleHelper::qualify($1); free($1); } | T_QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ModuleHelper::qualify($1); free($1); } ; structbody: epsilon { // is empty by default $$ = new vector; } | type identifierlist T_SEMICOLON structbody { $$ = $4; vector::reverse_iterator i; for(i = $2->rbegin();i != $2->rend();i++) { char *identifier = *i; $$->insert($$->begin(),TypeComponent($1,identifier,g->noHints)); free(identifier); } delete $2; }; /* | typecomponentdef structbody { $$ = $2; $$->insert($$->begin(),$1); }; */ type: simpletype | T_SEQUENCE T_LESS simpletype T_GREATER { // a sequence is for instance coded as *long // alloc new size: add one for the null byte and one for the '*' char char *result = (char *)malloc(strlen($3)+2); result[0] = '*'; strcpy(&result[1],$3); free($3); /* fails */ $$ = result; }; simpletype: T_BOOLEAN { $$ = strdup("boolean"); } | T_STRING { $$ = strdup("string"); } | T_LONG { $$ = strdup("long"); } | T_BYTE { $$ = strdup("byte"); } | T_OBJECT { $$ = strdup("object"); } | T_AUDIO { $$ = strdup("float"); } | T_FLOAT { $$ = strdup("float"); } | T_VOID { $$ = strdup("void"); } | T_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ModuleHelper::qualify($1); free($1); } | T_QUALIFIED_IDENTIFIER { $$ = ModuleHelper::qualify($1); free($1); }; epsilon: /* empty */ ; %% void mcopidlParse( const char *_code ) { g = new ParserGlobals; mcopidlInitFlex( _code ); yyparse(); delete g; }