/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by S�astien Laot * * slaout@linux62.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "basket.h" #include "note.h" #include "notefactory.h" #include "notedrag.h" #include "linklabel.h" #include "global.h" #include "settings.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "variouswidgets.h" #include "tools.h" #include "debugwindow.h" /** Create notes from scratch (just a content) */ Note* NoteFactory::createNoteText(const TQString &text, Basket *parent, bool reallyPlainText/* = false*/) { Note *note = new Note(parent); if (reallyPlainText) { TextContent *content = new TextContent(note, createFileForNewNote(parent, "txt")); content->setText(text); content->saveToFile(); } else { HtmlContent *content = new HtmlContent(note, createFileForNewNote(parent, "html")); TQString html = "" + Tools::textToHTMLWithoutP(text) + ""; content->setHtml(html); content->saveToFile(); } return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteHtml(const TQString &html, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); HtmlContent *content = new HtmlContent(note, createFileForNewNote(parent, "html")); content->setHtml(html); content->saveToFile(); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLink(const KURL &url, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); new LinkContent(note, url, titleForURL(url), iconForURL(url), /*autoTitle=*/true, /*autoIcon=*/true); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLink(const KURL &url, const TQString &title, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); new LinkContent(note, url, title, iconForURL(url), /*autoTitle=*/false, /*autoIcon=*/true); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteImage(const TQPixmap &image, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); ImageContent *content = new ImageContent(note, createFileForNewNote(parent, "png")); content->setPixmap(image); content->saveToFile(); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteColor(const TQColor &color, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); new ColorContent(note, color); return note; } /** Return a string list containing {url1, title1, url2, title2, url3, title3...} */ TQStringList NoteFactory::textToURLList(const TQString &text) { // List to return: TQStringList list; // Split lines: TQStringList texts = TQStringList::split('\n', text); // For each lines: TQStringList::iterator it; for (it = texts.begin(); it != texts.end(); ++it) { // Strip white spaces: (*it) = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); // Don't care of empty entries: if ((*it).isEmpty()) continue; // Compute lower case equivalent: TQString ltext = (*it).lower(); /* Search for mail address ("*@*.*" ; "*" can contain '_', '-', or '.') and add protocol to it */ TQString mailExpString = "[\\w-\\.]+@[\\w-\\.]+\\.[\\w]+"; TQRegExp mailExp("^"+mailExpString+"$"); if (mailExp.search(ltext) != -1) { ltext.insert(0, "mailto:"); (*it).insert(0, "mailto:"); } // TODO: Recognize "" (link between '<' and '>') // TODO: Replace " at " by "@" and " dot " by "." to look for e-mail addresses /* Search for mail address like "Name " */ TQRegExp namedMailExp("^([\\w\\s]+)\\s<("+mailExpString+")>$"); //namedMailExp.setCaseSensitive(true); // For the name to be keeped with uppercases // DOESN'T WORK ! if (namedMailExp.search(ltext) != -1) { TQString name = namedMailExp.cap(1); TQString address = "mailto:" + namedMailExp.cap(2); // Threat it NOW, as it's an exception (it have a title): list.append(address); list.append(name); continue; } /* Search for an url and create an URL note */ if ( ltext.startsWith("/") && ltext[1] != '/' && ltext[1] != '*' || // Take files but not C/C++/... comments ! ltext.startsWith("file:") || ltext.startsWith("http://") || ltext.startsWith("https://") || ltext.startsWith("www.") || ltext.startsWith("ftp.") || ltext.startsWith("ftp://") || ltext.startsWith("mailto:") ) { // First, correct the text to use the good format for the url if (ltext.startsWith( "/")) (*it).insert(0, "file:"); if (ltext.startsWith("www.")) (*it).insert(0, "http://"); if (ltext.startsWith("ftp.")) (*it).insert(0, "ftp://"); // And create the Url note (or launcher if URL point a .desktop file) list.append(*it); list.append(""); // We don't have any title } else return TQStringList(); // FAILED: treat the text as a text, and not as a URL list! } return list; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteFromText(const TQString &text, Basket *parent) { /* Search for a color (#RGB , #RRGGBB , #RRRGGGBBB , #RRRRGGGGBBBB) and create a color note */ TQRegExp exp("^#(?:[a-fA-F\\d]{3}){1,4}$"); if ( exp.search(text) != -1 ) return createNoteColor(TQColor(text), parent); /* Try to convert the text as a URL or a list of URLs */ TQStringList uriList = textToURLList(text); if ( ! uriList.isEmpty() ) { // TODO: This code is almost duplicated from fropURLs()! Note *note; Note *firstNote = 0; Note *lastInserted = 0; TQStringList::iterator it; for (it = uriList.begin(); it != uriList.end(); ++it) { TQString url = (*it); ++it; TQString title = (*it); if (title.isEmpty()) note = createNoteLinkOrLauncher(KURL(url), parent); else note = createNoteLink(KURL(url), title, parent); // If we got a new note, insert it in a linked list (we will return the first note of that list): if (note) { // std::cout << "Drop URL: " << (*it).prettyURL() << std::endl; if (!firstNote) firstNote = note; else { lastInserted->setNext(note); note->setPrev(lastInserted); } lastInserted = note; } } return firstNote; // It don't return ALL inserted notes ! } //TQString newText = text.stripWhiteSpace(); // The text for a new note, without useless spaces /* Else, it's a text or an HTML note, so, create it */ if (TQStyleSheet::mightBeRichText(/*newT*/text)) return createNoteHtml(/*newT*/text, parent); else return createNoteText(/*newT*/text, parent); } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLauncher(const KURL &url, Basket *parent) { if (url.isEmpty()) return createNoteLauncher("", "", "", parent); else return copyFileAndLoad(url, parent); } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLauncher(const TQString &command, const TQString &name, const TQString &icon, Basket *parent) { TQString fileName = createNoteLauncherFile(command, name, icon, parent); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return 0L; else return loadFile(fileName, parent); } TQString NoteFactory::createNoteLauncherFile(const TQString &command, const TQString &name, const TQString &icon, Basket *parent) { TQString content = TQString( "[Desktop Entry]\n" "Exec=%1\n" "Name=%2\n" "Icon=%3\n" "Encoding=UTF-8\n" "Type=Application\n").arg(command, name, icon.isEmpty() ? TQString("exec") : icon); TQString fileName = fileNameForNewNote(parent, "launcher.desktop"); TQString fullPath = parent->fullPathForFileName(fileName); // parent->dontCareOfCreation(fullPath); TQFile file(fullPath); if ( file.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) { TQTextStream stream(&file); stream.setEncoding(TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); stream << content; file.close(); return fileName; } else return TQString(); } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteLinkOrLauncher(const KURL &url, Basket *parent) { // IMPORTANT: we create the service ONLY if the extension is ".desktop". // Otherwise, KService take a long time to analyse all the file // and output such things to stdout: // "Invalid entry (missing '=') at /my/file.ogg:11984" // "Invalid entry (missing ']') at /my/file.ogg:11984"... KService::Ptr service; if (url.fileName().endsWith(".desktop")) service = new KService(url.path()); // If link point to a .desktop file then add a launcher, otherwise it's a link if (service && service->isValid()) return createNoteLauncher(url, parent); else return createNoteLink(url, parent); } #include #include bool NoteFactory::movingNotesInTheSameBasket(TQMimeSource *source, Basket *parent, TQDropEvent::Action action) { if (NoteDrag::canDecode(source)) return action == TQDropEvent::Move && NoteDrag::basketOf(source) == parent; else return false; } Note* NoteFactory::dropNote(TQMimeSource *source, Basket *parent, bool fromDrop, TQDropEvent::Action action, Note */*noteSource*/) { Note *note = 0L; /* No data */ if (source->format(0) == 0L) { // TODO: add a parameter to say if it's from a clipboard paste, a selection paste, or a drop // To be able to say "The clipboard/selection/drop is empty". // KMessageBox::error(parent, i18n("There is no data to insert."), i18n("No Data")); return 0; } /* Debug */ if (Global::debugWindow) { *Global::debugWindow << "Drop :"; for (int i = 0; source->format(i); ++i) if ( *(source->format(i)) ) *Global::debugWindow << "\t[" + TQString::number(i) + "] " + TQString(source->format(i)); switch (action) { // The source want that we: case TQDropEvent::Copy: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: Copy"; break; case TQDropEvent::Move: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: Move"; break; case TQDropEvent::Link: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: Link"; break; case TQDropEvent::Private: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: Private"; break; // What is it? (Copy?) case TQDropEvent::UserAction: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: UserAction"; break; // Not currently default: *Global::debugWindow << ">> Drop action: Unknown"; // supported by TQt! } } /* Copy or move a Note */ if (NoteDrag::canDecode(source)) { bool moveFiles = fromDrop && action == TQDropEvent::Move; bool moveNotes = moveFiles; return NoteDrag::decode(source, parent, moveFiles, moveNotes); // Filename will be kept } /* Else : Drop object to note */ TQPixmap pixmap; if ( TQImageDrag::decode(source, pixmap) ) return createNoteImage(pixmap, parent); // KColorDrag::decode() is buggy and can trheat strings like "#include " as a black color // The correct "ideal" code: /*TQColor color; if ( KColorDrag::decode(source, color) ) { createNoteColor(color, parent); return; }*/ // And then the hack (if provide color MIME type or a text that contains color), using createNote Color RegExp: TQString hack; TQRegExp exp("^#(?:[a-fA-F\\d]{3}){1,4}$"); if (source->provides("application/x-color") || (TQTextDrag::decode(source, hack) && (exp.search(hack) != -1)) ) { TQColor color; if (KColorDrag::decode(source, color)) return createNoteColor(color, parent); // if ( (note = createNoteColor(color, parent)) ) // return note; // // Theorically it should be returned. If not, continue by dropping other things } KURL::List urls; if ( KURLDrag::decode(source, urls) ) { // If it's a Paste, we should know if files should be copied (copy&paste) or moved (cut&paste): if (!fromDrop && Tools::isAFileCut(source)) action = TQDropEvent::Move; return dropURLs(urls, parent, action, fromDrop); } // FIXME: use dropURLs() also from Mozilla? /* * Mozilla's stuff sometimes uses utf-16-le - little-endian UTF-16. * * This has the property that for the ASCII subset case (And indeed, the * ISO-8859-1 subset, I think), if you treat it as a C-style string, * it'll come out to one character long in most cases, since it looks * like: * * "<\0H\0T\0M\0L\0>\0" * * A strlen() call on that will give you 1, which simply isn't correct. * That might, I suppose, be the answer, or something close. * * Also, Mozilla's drag/drop code predates the use of MIME types in XDnD * - hence it'll throw about STRING and UTF8_STRING quite happily, hence * the odd named types. * * Thanks to Dave Cridland for having said me that. */ if (source->provides("text/x-moz-url")) { // FOR MOZILLA // Get the array and create a TQChar array of 1/2 of the size TQByteArray mozilla = source->encodedData("text/x-moz-url"); TQMemArray chars( mozilla.count() / 2 ); // A small debug work to know the value of each bytes if (Global::debugWindow) for (uint i = 0; i < mozilla.count(); i++) *Global::debugWindow << TQString("'") + TQChar(mozilla[i]) + "' " + TQString::number(int(mozilla[i])); // text/x-moz-url give the URL followed by the link title and separed by OxOA (10 decimal: new line?) uint size = 0; TQChar *name = 0L; // For each little endian mozilla chars, copy it to the array of TQChars for (uint i = 0; i < mozilla.count(); i += 2) { chars[i/2] = TQChar(mozilla[i], mozilla[i+1]); if (mozilla[i] == 0x0A) { size = i/2; name = &(chars[i/2+1]); } } // Create a TQString that take the address of the first TQChar and a length if (name == 0L) { // We haven't found name (FIXME: Is it possible ?) TQString normalHtml(&(chars[0]), chars.size()); return createNoteLink(normalHtml, parent); } else { TQString normalHtml( &(chars[0]), size ); TQString normalTitle( name, chars.size()-size-1); return createNoteLink(normalHtml, normalTitle, parent); } } if (source->provides("text/html")) { TQString html; TQCString subtype("html"); // If the text/html comes from Mozilla or GNOME it can be UTF-16 encoded: we need ExtendedTextDrag to check that ExtendedTextDrag::decode(source, html, subtype); return createNoteHtml(html, parent); } TQString text; // If the text/plain comes from GEdit or GNOME it can be empty: we need ExtendedTextDrag to check other MIME types if ( ExtendedTextDrag::decode(source, text) ) return createNoteFromText(text, parent); /* Unsucceful drop */ note = createNoteUnknown(source, parent); TQString message = i18n("

%1 doesn't support the data you've dropped.
" "It however created a generic note, allowing you to drag or copy it to an application that understand it.

" "

If you want the support of these data, please contact developer or visit the " "BasKet Drop Database.

").arg(kapp->aboutData()->programName()); KMessageBox::information(parent, message, i18n("Unsupported MIME Type(s)"), "unsupportedDropInfo", KMessageBox::AllowLink); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::createNoteUnknown(TQMimeSource *source, Basket *parent/*, const TQString &annotations*/) { // Save the MimeSource in a file: create and open the file: TQString fileName = createFileForNewNote(parent, "unknown"); TQFile file(parent->fullPath() + fileName); if ( ! file.open(IO_WriteOnly) ) return 0L; TQDataStream stream(&file); // Echo MIME types: for (int i = 0; source->format(i); ++i) if ( *(source->format(i)) ) stream << TQString(source->format(i)); // Output the '\0'-terminated format name string // Echo end of MIME types list delimiter: stream << ""; // Echo the length (in bytes) and then the data, and then same for next MIME type: for (int i = 0; source->format(i); ++i) if ( *(source->format(i)) ) { TQByteArray data = source->encodedData(source->format(i)); stream << (TQ_UINT32)data.count(); stream.writeRawBytes(data.data(), data.count()); } file.close(); Note *note = new Note(parent); new UnknownContent(note, fileName); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::dropURLs(KURL::List urls, Basket *parent, TQDropEvent::Action action, bool fromDrop) { int shouldAsk = 0; // shouldAsk==0: don't ask ; shouldAsk==1: ask for "file" ; shouldAsk>=2: ask for "files" bool shiftPressed = Keyboard::shiftPressed(); bool ctrlPressed = Keyboard::controlPressed(); bool modified = fromDrop && (shiftPressed || ctrlPressed); if (modified) // Then no menu + modified action ; // action is already set: no work to do else if (fromDrop) { // Compute if user should be asked or not for ( KURL::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) if ((*it).protocol() != "mailto") { // Do not ask when dropping mail address :-) shouldAsk++; if (shouldAsk == 1/*2*/) // Sufficient break; } if (shouldAsk) { TDEPopupMenu menu(parent); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("goto"), i18n("&Move Here\tShift"), 0 ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("edit-copy"), i18n("&Copy Here\tCtrl"), 1 ); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("www"), i18n("&Link Here\tCtrl+Shift"), 2 ); menu.insertSeparator(); menu.insertItem( SmallIconSet("cancel"), i18n("C&ancel\tEscape"), 3 ); int id = menu.exec(TQCursor::pos()); switch (id) { case 0: action = TQDropEvent::Move; break; case 1: action = TQDropEvent::Copy; break; case 2: action = TQDropEvent::Link; break; default: return 0; } modified = true; } } else { // fromPaste ; } /* Policy of drops of URL: * Email: [Modifier keys: Useless] + - Link mail address * Remote URL: [Modifier keys: {Copy,Link}] + - Download as Image, Animation and Launcher + - Link other URLs * Local URL: [Modifier keys: {Copy,Move,Link}] * - Copy as Image, Animation and Launcher [Modifier keys: {Copy,Move,Link}] * - Link folder [Modifier keys: Useless] * - Make Launcher of executable [Modifier keys: {Copy_exec,Move_exec,Link_Launcher}] * - Ask for file (if use want to copy and it is a sound: make Sound) * Policy of pastes of URL: [NO modifier keys] * - Same as drops * - But copy when ask should be done * - Unless cut-selection is true: move files instead * Policy of file created in the basket dir: [NO modifier keys] * - View as Image, Animation, Sound, Launcher * - View as File */ Note *note; Note *firstNote = 0; Note *lastInserted = 0; for (KURL::List::iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it) { if ( ((*it).protocol() == "mailto") || (action == TQDropEvent::Link) ) note = createNoteLinkOrLauncher(*it, parent); else if (!(*it).isLocalFile()) { if ( action != TQDropEvent::Link && (maybeImageOrAnimation(*it)/* || maybeSound(*it)*/) ) note = copyFileAndLoad(*it, parent); else note = createNoteLinkOrLauncher(*it, parent); } else { if (action == TQDropEvent::Copy) note = copyFileAndLoad(*it, parent); else if (action == TQDropEvent::Move) note = moveFileAndLoad(*it, parent); else note = createNoteLinkOrLauncher(*it, parent); } // If we got a new note, insert it in a linked list (we will return the first note of that list): if (note) { DEBUG_WIN << "Drop URL: " + (*it).prettyURL(); if (!firstNote) firstNote = note; else { lastInserted->setNext(note); note->setPrev(lastInserted); } lastInserted = note; } } return firstNote; } void NoteFactory::consumeContent(TQDataStream &stream, NoteType::Id type) { if (type == NoteType::Link) { KURL url; TQString title, icon; TQ_UINT64 autoTitle64, autoIcon64; stream >> url >> title >> icon >> autoTitle64 >> autoIcon64; } else if (type == NoteType::Color) { TQColor color; stream >> color; } } Note* NoteFactory::decodeContent(TQDataStream &stream, NoteType::Id type, Basket *parent) { /* if (type == NoteType::Text) { TQString text; stream >> text; return NoteFactory::createNoteText(text, parent); } else if (type == NoteType::Html) { TQString html; stream >> html; return NoteFactory::createNoteHtml(html, parent); } else if (type == NoteType::Image) { TQPixmap pixmap; stream >> pixmap; return NoteFactory::createNoteImage(pixmap, parent); } else */ if (type == NoteType::Link) { KURL url; TQString title, icon; TQ_UINT64 autoTitle64, autoIcon64; bool autoTitle, autoIcon; stream >> url >> title >> icon >> autoTitle64 >> autoIcon64; autoTitle = (bool)autoTitle64; autoIcon = (bool)autoIcon64; Note *note = NoteFactory::createNoteLink(url, parent); ((LinkContent*)(note->content()))->setLink(url, title, icon, autoTitle, autoIcon); return note; } else if (type == NoteType::Color) { TQColor color; stream >> color; return NoteFactory::createNoteColor(color, parent); } else return 0; // NoteFactory::loadFile() is sufficient } // mayBeLauncher: url.url().endsWith(".desktop"); bool NoteFactory::maybeText(const KURL &url) { TQString path = url.url().lower(); return path.endsWith(".txt"); } bool NoteFactory::maybeHtml(const KURL &url) { TQString path = url.url().lower(); return path.endsWith(".html") || path.endsWith(".htm"); } bool NoteFactory::maybeImageOrAnimation(const KURL &url) { /* Examples on my machine: TQImageDrag can understands {"image/png", "image/bmp", "image/jpeg", "image/pgm", "image/ppm", "image/xbm", "image/xpm"} TQImageIO::inputFormats() returns {"BMP", "GIF", "JPEG", "MNG", "PBM", "PGM", "PNG", "PPM", "XBM", "XPM"} TQImageDecoder::inputFormats(): {"GIF", "MNG", "PNG"} */ TQStrList list = TQImageIO::inputFormats(); list.prepend("jpg"); // Since TQImageDrag return only "JPEG" and extensions can be "JPG"; preprend for heuristic optim. char *s; TQString path = url.url().lower(); for (s = list.first(); s; s = list.next()) if (path.endsWith(TQString(".") + TQString(s).lower())) return true; // TODO: Search real MIME type for local files? return false; } bool NoteFactory::maybeAnimation(const KURL &url) { TQString path = url.url().lower(); return path.endsWith(".mng") || path.endsWith(".gif"); } bool NoteFactory::maybeSound(const KURL &url) { TQString path = url.url().lower(); return path.endsWith(".mp3") || path.endsWith(".ogg"); } bool NoteFactory::maybeLauncher(const KURL &url) { TQString path = url.url().lower(); return path.endsWith(".desktop"); } ////////////// NEW: Note* NoteFactory::copyFileAndLoad(const KURL &url, Basket *parent) { TQString fileName = fileNameForNewNote(parent, url.fileName()); TQString fullPath = parent->fullPathForFileName(fileName); if (Global::debugWindow) *Global::debugWindow << "copyFileAndLoad: " + url.prettyURL() + " to " + fullPath; // TQString annotations = i18n("Original file: %1").arg(url.prettyURL()); // parent->dontCareOfCreation(fullPath); // TDEIO::CopyJob *copyJob = TDEIO::copy(url, KURL(fullPath)); // parent->connect( copyJob, TQT_SIGNAL(copyingDone(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &, bool, bool)), // parent, TQT_SLOT(slotCopyingDone(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &, bool, bool)) ); TDEIO::FileCopyJob *copyJob = new TDEIO::FileCopyJob( url, KURL(fullPath), 0666, /*move=*/false, /*overwrite=*/true, /*resume=*/true, /*showProgress=*/true ); parent->connect( copyJob, TQT_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job *)), parent, TQT_SLOT(slotCopyingDone2(TDEIO::Job *)) ); NoteType::Id type = typeForURL(url, parent); // Use the type of the original file because the target doesn't exist yet return loadFile(fileName, type, parent); } Note* NoteFactory::moveFileAndLoad(const KURL &url, Basket *parent) { // Globally the same as copyFileAndLoad() but move instead of copy (TDEIO::move()) TQString fileName = fileNameForNewNote(parent, url.fileName()); TQString fullPath = parent->fullPathForFileName(fileName); if (Global::debugWindow) *Global::debugWindow << "moveFileAndLoad: " + url.prettyURL() + " to " + fullPath; // TQString annotations = i18n("Original file: %1").arg(url.prettyURL()); // parent->dontCareOfCreation(fullPath); // TDEIO::CopyJob *copyJob = TDEIO::move(url, KURL(fullPath)); // parent->connect( copyJob, TQT_SIGNAL(copyingDone(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &, bool, bool)), // parent, TQT_SLOT(slotCopyingDone(TDEIO::Job *, const KURL &, const KURL &, bool, bool)) ); TDEIO::FileCopyJob *copyJob = new TDEIO::FileCopyJob( url, KURL(fullPath), 0666, /*move=*/true, /*overwrite=*/true, /*resume=*/true, /*showProgress=*/true ); parent->connect( copyJob, TQT_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job *)), parent, TQT_SLOT(slotCopyingDone2(TDEIO::Job *)) ); NoteType::Id type = typeForURL(url, parent); // Use the type of the original file because the target doesn't exist yet return loadFile(fileName, type, parent); } Note* NoteFactory::loadFile(const TQString &fileName, Basket *parent) { // The file MUST exists TQFileInfo file( KURL(parent->fullPathForFileName(fileName)).path() ); if ( ! file.exists() ) return 0L; NoteType::Id type = typeForURL(parent->fullPathForFileName(fileName), parent); Note *note = loadFile(fileName, type, parent); return note; } Note* NoteFactory::loadFile(const TQString &fileName, NoteType::Id type, Basket *parent) { Note *note = new Note(parent); switch (type) { case NoteType::Text: new TextContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Html: new HtmlContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Image: new ImageContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Animation: new AnimationContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Sound: new SoundContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::File: new FileContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Launcher: new LauncherContent( note, fileName ); break; case NoteType::Unknown: new UnknownContent( note, fileName ); break; default: case NoteType::Link: case NoteType::Color: return 0; } return note; } NoteType::Id NoteFactory::typeForURL(const KURL &url, Basket */*parent*/) { /* KMimeType::Ptr kMimeType = KMimeType::findByURL(url); if (Global::debugWindow) *Global::debugWindow << "typeForURL: " + kMimeType->parentMimeType();//property("MimeType").toString();*/ bool viewText = Settings::viewTextFileContent(); bool viewHTML = Settings::viewHtmlFileContent(); bool viewImage = Settings::viewImageFileContent(); bool viewSound = Settings::viewSoundFileContent(); KFileMetaInfo metaInfo(url); if (Global::debugWindow && metaInfo.isEmpty()) *Global::debugWindow << "typeForURL: metaInfo is empty for " + url.prettyURL(); if (metaInfo.isEmpty()) { // metaInfo is empty for GIF files on my machine ! if (viewText && maybeText(url)) return NoteType::Text; else if (viewHTML && (maybeHtml(url))) return NoteType::Html; else if (viewImage && maybeAnimation(url)) return NoteType::Animation; // See Note::movieStatus(int) else if (viewImage && maybeImageOrAnimation(url)) return NoteType::Image; // for more explanations else if (viewSound && maybeSound(url)) return NoteType::Sound; else if (maybeLauncher(url)) return NoteType::Launcher; else return NoteType::File; } TQString mimeType = metaInfo.mimeType(); if (Global::debugWindow) *Global::debugWindow << "typeForURL: " + url.prettyURL() + " ; MIME type = " + mimeType; if (mimeType == "application/x-desktop") return NoteType::Launcher; else if (viewText && mimeType.startsWith("text/plain")) return NoteType::Text; else if (viewHTML && mimeType.startsWith("text/html")) return NoteType::Html; else if (viewImage && mimeType == "movie/x-mng") return NoteType::Animation; else if (viewImage && mimeType == "image/gif") return NoteType::Animation; else if (viewImage && mimeType.startsWith("image/")) return NoteType::Image; else if (viewSound && mimeType.startsWith("audio/")) return NoteType::Sound; else return NoteType::File; } TQString NoteFactory::fileNameForNewNote(Basket *parent, const TQString &wantedName) { return Tools::fileNameForNewFile(wantedName, parent->fullPath()); } // Create a file to store a new note in Basket parent and with extension extension. // If wantedName is provided, the function will first try to use this file name, or derive it if it's impossible // (extension willn't be used for that case) TQString NoteFactory::createFileForNewNote(Basket *parent, const TQString &extension, const TQString &wantedName) { static int nb = 1; TQString fileName; TQString fullName; if (wantedName.isEmpty()) { // TODO: fileNameForNewNote(parent, "note1."+extension); TQDir dir; for (/*int nb = 1*/; ; ++nb) { // TODO: FIXME: If overflow ??? fileName = "note" + TQString::number(nb)/*.rightJustify(5, '0')*/ + "." + extension; fullName = parent->fullPath() + fileName; dir = TQDir(fullName); if ( ! dir.exists(fullName) ) break; } } else { fileName = fileNameForNewNote(parent, wantedName); fullName = parent->fullPath() + fileName; } // Create the file // parent->dontCareOfCreation(fullName); TQFile file(fullName); file.open(IO_WriteOnly); file.close(); return fileName; } KURL NoteFactory::filteredURL(const KURL &url) { // KURIFilter::filteredURI() is slow if the URL contains only letters, digits and '-' or '+'. // So, we don't use that function is that case: bool isSlow = true; for (uint i = 0; i < url.url().length(); ++i) { TQChar c = url.url()[i]; if (!c.isLetterOrNumber() && c != '-' && c != '+') { isSlow = false; break; } } if (isSlow) return url; else return KURIFilter::self()->filteredURI(url); } TQString NoteFactory::titleForURL(const KURL &url) { TQString title = url.prettyURL(); TQString home = "file:" + TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/"; if (title.startsWith("mailto:")) return title.remove(0, 7); if (title.startsWith(home)) title = "~/" + title.remove(0, home.length()); if (title.startsWith("file://")) title = title.remove(0, 7); // 7 == TQString("file://").length() - 1 else if (title.startsWith("file:")) title = title.remove(0, 5); // 5 == TQString("file:").length() - 1 else if (title.startsWith("http://www.")) title = title.remove(0, 11); // 11 == TQString("http://www.").length() - 1 else if (title.startsWith("http://")) title = title.remove(0, 7); // 7 == TQString("http://").length() - 1 if ( ! url.isLocalFile() ) { if (title.endsWith("/index.html") && title.length() > 11) title.truncate(title.length() - 11); // 11 == TQString("/index.html").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.htm") && title.length() > 10) title.truncate(title.length() - 10); // 10 == TQString("/index.htm").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.xhtml") && title.length() > 12) title.truncate(title.length() - 12); // 12 == TQString("/index.xhtml").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.php") && title.length() > 10) title.truncate(title.length() - 10); // 10 == TQString("/index.php").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.asp") && title.length() > 10) title.truncate(title.length() - 10); // 10 == TQString("/index.asp").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.php3") && title.length() > 11) title.truncate(title.length() - 11); // 11 == TQString("/index.php3").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.php4") && title.length() > 11) title.truncate(title.length() - 11); // 11 == TQString("/index.php4").length() else if (title.endsWith("/index.php5") && title.length() > 11) title.truncate(title.length() - 11); // 11 == TQString("/index.php5").length() } if (title.length() > 2 && title.endsWith("/")) // length > 2 because "/" and "~/" shouldn't be transformed to "" and "~" title.truncate(title.length() - 1); // eg. transform "www.kde.org/" to "www.kde.org" return title; } TQString NoteFactory::iconForURL(const KURL &url) { TQString icon = KMimeType::iconForURL(url.url()); if ( url.protocol() == "mailto" ) icon = "message"; return icon; } // TODO: Can I add "autoTitle" and "autoIcon" entries to .desktop files? or just store them in basket, as now... /* Try our better to find an icon suited to the command line * eg. "/usr/bin/kwrite-3.2 ~/myfile.txt /home/other/file.xml" * will give the "kwrite" icon! */ TQString NoteFactory::iconForCommand(const TQString &command) { TQString icon; // 1. Use first word as icon (typically the program without argument) icon = TQStringList::split(' ', command).first(); // 2. If the command is a full path, take only the program file name icon = icon.mid(icon.findRev('/') + 1); // strip path if given [But it doesn't care of such // "myprogram /my/path/argument" -> return "argument". Would // must first strip first word and then strip path... Useful ?? // 3. Use characters before any '-' (e.g. use "gimp" icon if run command is "gimp-1.3") if ( ! isIconExist(icon) ) icon = TQStringList::split('-', icon).first(); // 4. If the icon still not findable, use a generic icon if ( ! isIconExist(icon) ) icon = "exec"; return icon; } bool NoteFactory::isIconExist(const TQString &icon) { return ! kapp->iconLoader()->loadIcon(icon, TDEIcon::NoGroup, 16, TDEIcon::DefaultState, 0L, true).isNull(); } Note* NoteFactory::createEmptyNote(NoteType::Id type, Basket *parent) { TQPixmap *pixmap; switch (type) { case NoteType::Text: return NoteFactory::createNoteText("", parent, /*reallyPlainText=*/true); case NoteType::Html: return NoteFactory::createNoteHtml("", parent); case NoteType::Image: pixmap = new TQPixmap( TQSize(Settings::defImageX(), Settings::defImageY()) ); pixmap->fill(); pixmap->setMask(pixmap->createHeuristicMask()); return NoteFactory::createNoteImage(*pixmap, parent); case NoteType::Link: return NoteFactory::createNoteLink(KURL(), parent); case NoteType::Launcher: return NoteFactory::createNoteLauncher(KURL(), parent); case NoteType::Color: return NoteFactory::createNoteColor(TQt::black, parent); default: case NoteType::Animation: case NoteType::Sound: case NoteType::File: case NoteType::Unknown: return 0; // Not possible! } } Note* NoteFactory::importKMenuLauncher(Basket *parent) { KOpenWithDlg dialog(parent); dialog.setSaveNewApplications(true); // To create temp file, needed by createNoteLauncher() dialog.exec(); if (dialog.service()) { // * locateLocal() return a local file even if it is a system wide one (local one doesn't exists) // * desktopEntryPath() returns the full path for system wide ressources, but relative path if in home TQString serviceUrl = dialog.service()->desktopEntryPath(); if ( ! serviceUrl.startsWith("/") ) serviceUrl = dialog.service()->locateLocal(); //locateLocal("xdgdata-apps", serviceUrl); return createNoteLauncher(serviceUrl, parent); } return 0; } Note* NoteFactory::importIcon(Basket *parent) { TQString iconName = TDEIconDialog::getIcon( TDEIcon::Desktop, TDEIcon::Application, false, Settings::defIconSize() ); if ( ! iconName.isEmpty() ) { IconSizeDialog dialog(i18n("Import Icon as Image"), i18n("Choose the size of the icon to import as an image:"), iconName, Settings::defIconSize(), 0); dialog.exec(); if (dialog.iconSize() > 0) { Settings::setDefIconSize(dialog.iconSize()); Settings::saveConfig(); return createNoteImage( DesktopIcon(iconName, dialog.iconSize()), parent ); // TODO: wantedName = iconName ! } } return 0; } Note* NoteFactory::importFileContent(Basket *parent) { KURL url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( TQString(), TQString(), parent, i18n("Load File Content into a Note") ); if ( ! url.isEmpty() ) return copyFileAndLoad(url, parent); return 0; }