/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ #include "cdragdropmgr.h" #include "backend/cswordmoduleinfo.h" #include "backend/cswordbackend.h" #include "backend/cswordversekey.h" #include "util/cpointers.h" //Sword includes #include "versekey.h" //TQt includes #include #include CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::BTDrag( const TQString& xml, TQWidget* dragSource, const char* name) : TQTextDrag(xml, dragSource, name) {} ; //static function to see whether we can decode tje given mime type bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::canDecode( const TQMimeSource * mime ) { if ( mime->provides("BibleTime/DND") ) { //we can decode this type! return true; } return false; //not yet implemented }; bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::provides( const char* type ) const { return (strcmp(type, "BibleTime/DND") == 0); //return only true if the type is BibleTime/DND }; const char* CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::format( int i ) const { if ( i == 0) { //we support only one format! return "BibleTime/DND"; }; return 0; }; bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::decode(const TQMimeSource* e, TQString& str) { if (canDecode(e)) { str = TQString( e->encodedData( "BibleTime/DND" ) ); return true; } return false; }; bool CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::decode(const TQMimeSource* e, TQString& str, TQCString& /*subtype*/) { return decode(e, str); }; TQByteArray CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::encodedData( const char* /*type*/ ) const { return TQTextDrag::encodedData("text/plain"); //hack because TQTextDrag only accepts text/plainand not our BibleTime/DND type }; ///////////////////////////// new class ////////////////////// CDragDropMgr::Item::Item( const TQString& text ) : m_type(Text), m_bookmarkModuleName(TQString()), m_bookmarkKey(TQString()), m_bookmarkDescription(TQString()), m_text(text) {} CDragDropMgr::Item::Item( const TQString& moduleName, const TQString& key, const TQString& description ) : m_type(Bookmark), m_bookmarkModuleName(moduleName), m_bookmarkKey(key), m_bookmarkDescription(description), m_text(TQString()) { //we have to make sure the key is saved in it's english representation, so we convert it if (CSwordModuleInfo* mod = CPointers::backend()->findModuleByName( moduleName )) { if (mod->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible || mod->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Commentary) { CSwordVerseKey vk(0); vk.key( key ); vk.setLocale("en"); m_bookmarkKey = vk.key(); // tqWarning("english key of %s is %s", key.latin1(), m_bookmarkKey.latin1()); } } } CDragDropMgr::Item::~Item() {} const CDragDropMgr::Item::Type& CDragDropMgr::Item::type() const { //returns the type of drag & drop action this item represents return m_type; } /** Returns the text which is used by this DragDrop Item, only valid if type() == Text */ const TQString& CDragDropMgr::Item::text() const { // Q_ASSERT(!m_text.isEmpty()); return m_text; } /** Returns the key, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */ const TQString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkKey() const { // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkKey.isEmpty()); return m_bookmarkKey; } /** Returns the bookmark module, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */ const TQString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkModule() const { // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkModuleName.isEmpty()); return m_bookmarkModuleName; } /** Returns the bookmark description, ony valid if type() == Bookmark */ const TQString& CDragDropMgr::Item::bookmarkDescription() const { // Q_ASSERT(!m_bookmarkDescription.isEmpty()); return m_bookmarkDescription; } ////////////////////////////////// NEW CLASS ////////////////////////// CDragDropMgr::CDragDropMgr() {} CDragDropMgr::~CDragDropMgr() {} const bool CDragDropMgr::canDecode( const TQMimeSource* const mime ) { if (CDragDropMgr::BTDrag::canDecode(mime)) { return true; } else if( TQTextDrag::canDecode(mime) ) { tqWarning("TQTextDrag can decode this mime!"); return true; }; return false; }; TQDragObject* const CDragDropMgr::dragObject( CDragDropMgr::ItemList& items, TQWidget* dragSource ) { if ( items.count() ) { //process the items and set the data to the dragobject we return later TQDomDocument doc("DOC"); doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) ); TQDomElement content = doc.createElement("BibleTimeDND"); content.setAttribute("syntaxVersion", "1.0"); doc.appendChild(content); CDragDropMgr::ItemList::iterator it; for ( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) { Item item = (*it); if (item.type() == Item::Bookmark) { //a bookmark was dragged //append the XML stuff for a bookmark TQDomElement bookmark = doc.createElement("BOOKMARK"); bookmark.setAttribute("key", item.bookmarkKey()); bookmark.setAttribute("description", item.bookmarkDescription()); bookmark.setAttribute("moduleName", item.bookmarkModule()); content.appendChild(bookmark); } else if (item.type() == Item::Text) { //plain text was dragged //append the XML stuff for plain text TQDomElement plainText = doc.createElement("TEXT"); plainText.setAttribute("text", item.text()); content.appendChild(plainText); } } BTDrag* dragObject = new BTDrag( doc.toString(), dragSource ); // tqWarning("DND data created: %s", (const char*)doc.toString().utf8()); return dragObject; }; return 0; }; CDragDropMgr::ItemList CDragDropMgr::decode( const TQMimeSource* const src) { //if the drag was started by another widget which doesn't use CDragDropMgr (a drag created by TQTextDrag) if (canDecode(src) && TQTextDrag::canDecode(src)) { //if we can decode but it's a TQTextDrag and not a BTDrag object TQString text; TQTextDrag::decode(src, text); // tqWarning(text.latin1()); CDragDropMgr::ItemList dndItems; dndItems.append( Item(text) ); return dndItems; } else if (!canDecode(src)) { //if we can't decode it return CDragDropMgr::ItemList(); }; TQString xmlData; BTDrag::decode(src, xmlData); if (xmlData.isEmpty()) { //something went wrong! // tqWarning("CDragDropMgr::decode: empty xml data!"); return CDragDropMgr::ItemList(); } // else { // tqWarning("Drag&Drop data is: %s", xmlData.latin1()); // } //we can handle the dropEvent and have xml data to work on! ItemList dndItems; TQDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( xmlData ); TQDomElement document = doc.documentElement(); if( document.tagName() != "BibleTimeDND" ) { //BibleTime was used in syntax version 1.0 tqWarning("DragDropMgr::decode: Missing BibleTimeDND doc"); return CDragDropMgr::ItemList(); } // see if there's a section with the name MAINWINDOW TQDomElement elem = document.firstChild().toElement(); while (!elem.isNull()) { if (elem.tagName() == "BOOKMARK") { //we found a bookmark! // tqWarning("found a bookmark!"); const TQString key = elem.hasAttribute("key") ? elem.attribute("key") : TQString(); const TQString moduleName = elem.hasAttribute("moduleName") ? elem.attribute("moduleName") : TQString(); const TQString description = elem.hasAttribute("description") ? elem.attribute("description") : TQString(); dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(moduleName, key, description) ); } else if (elem.tagName() == "TEXT") { //we found a plain text passage! const TQString text = elem.hasAttribute("text") ? elem.attribute("text") : TQString(); dndItems.append( CDragDropMgr::Item(text) ); }; elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement(); }; return dndItems; }; /** Returns which type the given drop event has, if it's a mixed one (both bookmarks and plain text), which shouldn't happen, it return Item::Unknown. */ CDragDropMgr::Item::Type CDragDropMgr::dndType( const TQMimeSource* e ) { ItemList dndItems = decode(e); if (dndItems.isEmpty()) {//wrong dropEvent or something strange return Item::Unknown; }; //check whether all items have the ssame type, if they do return the type //as soon as two items have different types return Item::Unknown ItemList::Iterator it; Item::Type type = Item::Unknown; for( it = dndItems.begin(); it != dndItems.end(); ++it ) { if( type == Item::Unknown) { //if Unknown is set this is the first loop, don't return Unknown type = (*it).type(); } else if (type != (*it).type() ) {//items have different type, return Item::Unknown return Item::Unknown; }; }; return type; }