/********* * * This file is part of BibleTime's source code, http://www.bibletime.info/. * * Copyright 1999-2006 by the BibleTime developers. * The BibleTime source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. * **********/ //own includes #include "cresmgr.h" #include "backend/cswordbackend.h" //KDE includes #include #include namespace CResMgr { namespace modules { namespace bible { const TQString icon_unlocked = "bt_bible"; const TQString icon_locked = "bt_bible_locked"; const TQString icon_add = "bt_bible_add"; } namespace commentary { const TQString icon_unlocked = "bt_commentary"; const TQString icon_locked = "bt_commentary_locked"; const TQString icon_add = "bt_commentary_add"; } namespace lexicon { const TQString icon_unlocked = "bt_lexicon"; const TQString icon_locked = "bt_lexicon_locked"; const TQString icon_add = "bt_lexicon_add"; } namespace book { const TQString icon_unlocked = "bt_book"; const TQString icon_locked = "bt_book_locked"; const TQString icon_add = "bt_book_add"; } } namespace mainMenu { //Main menu namespace file { //Main menu->File namespace print { //a standard action TQString tooltip; } namespace quit { //a standard action TQString tooltip; } } namespace view { //Main menu->View namespace showMainIndex { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F9; const char* actionName = "viewMainIndex_action"; } namespace showInfoDisplay { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F8; const char* actionName = "viewInfoDisplay_action"; } namespace showToolBar { //a standard action TQString tooltip; } } namespace mainIndex { //Main menu->Settings namespace search { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-find"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_O; const char* actionName = "mainindex_search_action"; } namespace searchdefaultbible { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-find"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_F; const char* actionName = "mainindex_searchdefaultbible_action"; } } namespace window { //Main menu->Window namespace loadProfile { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const char* actionName = "windowLoadProfile_action"; } namespace saveProfile { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const char* actionName = "windowSaveProfile_action"; } namespace saveToNewProfile { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_S; const char* actionName = "windowSaveToNewProfile_action"; } namespace deleteProfile { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const char* actionName = "windowDeleteProfile_action"; } namespace showFullscreen { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "view-fullscreen"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::SHIFT + TQt::Key_F; const char* actionName = "windowFullscreen_action"; } namespace arrangementMode { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_cascade_auto"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "windowArrangementMode_action"; namespace manual { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_tile"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_M; const char* actionName = "windowArrangementManual_action"; } namespace autoTileHorizontal { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_tile_auto"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_H; const char* actionName = "windowAutoTileHorizontal_action"; } namespace autoTileVertical { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_tile_auto"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_G; const char* actionName = "windowAutoTileVertical_action"; } namespace autoCascade { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_cascade_auto"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_J; const char* actionName = "windowAutoCascade_action"; } } namespace tileHorizontal { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_tile"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_H; const char* actionName = "windowTileHorizontal_action"; } namespace tileVertical { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_tile"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_G; const char* actionName = "windowTileVertical_action"; } namespace cascade { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_cascade"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_J; const char* actionName = "windowCascade_action"; } namespace closeAll { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "window-close"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_W; const char* actionName = "windowCloseAll_action"; } } namespace settings { //Main menu->Settings namespace editToolBar { // available as KStdAction TQString tooltip; } namespace optionsDialog { // available as KStdAction TQString tooltip; } namespace swordSetupDialog { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_swordconfig"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F4; const char* actionName = "options_sword_setup"; } } namespace help { //Main menu->Help namespace handbook { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "contents"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F1; const char* actionName = "helpHandbook_action"; } namespace bibleStudyHowTo { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "contents"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F2; const char* actionName = "helpHowTo_action"; } namespace bugreport { // available as KStdAction TQString tooltip; } namespace dailyTip { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "idea"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::Key_F3; const char* actionName = "helpDailyTip_action"; } namespace aboutBibleTime { // available as KStdAction TQString tooltip; } namespace aboutKDE { // available as KStdAction TQString tooltip; } } } //end of main menu namespace searchdialog { const TQString icon = "edit-find"; namespace searchButton { TQString tooltip; } namespace cancelSearchButton { TQString tooltip; } namespace options { namespace moduleChooserButton { TQString tooltip; } namespace searchedText { TQString tooltip; } namespace searchType { namespace multipleWords_and { TQString tooltip; } namespace multipleWords_or { TQString tooltip; } namespace exactMatch { TQString tooltip; } namespace regExp { TQString tooltip; } } namespace searchOptions { namespace caseSensitive { TQString tooltip; } } namespace chooseScope { TQString tooltip; } namespace scopeEditor { namespace rangeList { TQString tooltip; } namespace nameEdit { TQString tooltip; } namespace editRange { TQString tooltip; } namespace parsedResult { TQString tooltip; } namespace addNewRange { TQString tooltip; } namespace deleteCurrentRange { TQString tooltip; } } } namespace result { namespace moduleList { TQString tooltip; namespace copyMenu { const TQString icon = "edit-copy"; } namespace saveMenu { const TQString icon = "document-save"; } namespace printMenu { const TQString icon = "document-print"; } } namespace foundItems { TQString tooltip; namespace copyMenu { const TQString icon = "edit-copy"; } namespace saveMenu { const TQString icon = "document-save"; } namespace printMenu { const TQString icon = "document-print"; } } namespace textPreview { TQString tooltip; } } } namespace workspace {} namespace displaywindows { /* namespace transliteration { const TQString icon = "bt_displaytranslit"; }*/ namespace displaySettings { const TQString icon = "bt_displayconfig"; } namespace general { namespace scrollButton { TQString tooltip; } namespace search { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-find"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_L; const char* actionName = "window_search_action"; } namespace backInHistory { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "go-previous"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_Left; const char* actionName = "window_history_back_action"; } namespace forwardInHistory { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "go-next"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_Right; const char* actionName = "window_history_forward_action"; } namespace findStrongs { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_findstrongs"; const TDEShortcut accel = TDEShortcut(0); const char* actionName = "window_find_strongs_action"; } } namespace bibleWindow { namespace bookList { TQString tooltip; } namespace nextBook { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_Y; } namespace previousBook { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::SHIFT + TQt::Key_Y; } namespace chapterList { TQString tooltip; } namespace nextChapter { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_X; } namespace previousChapter { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::SHIFT + TQt::Key_X; } namespace verseList { TQString tooltip; } namespace nextVerse { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_V; } namespace previousVerse { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::SHIFT + TQt::Key_V; } namespace copyMenu { const TQString icon = "edit-copy"; } namespace saveMenu { const TQString icon = "document-save"; } namespace printMenu { const TQString icon = "document-print"; } } namespace commentaryWindow { namespace syncWindow { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "bt_sync"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "commentary_syncWindow"; } } namespace lexiconWindow { namespace entryList { TQString tooltip; } namespace nextEntry { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_V; } namespace previousEntry { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::SHIFT + TQt::Key_V; } namespace copyMenu { const TQString icon = "edit-copy"; } namespace saveMenu { const TQString icon = "document-save"; } namespace printMenu { const TQString icon = "document-print"; } } namespace bookWindow { namespace toggleTree { const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); } } namespace writeWindow { namespace saveText { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "document-save"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_saveText"; } namespace restoreText { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-undo"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_restoreText"; } namespace deleteEntry { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-delete"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_deleteEntry"; } //formatting buttons namespace boldText { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "format-text-bold"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_boldText"; } namespace italicText { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "format-text-italic"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_italicText"; } namespace underlinedText { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "format-text-underline"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_underlineText"; } namespace alignLeft { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "format-text-direction-ltr"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignLeft"; } namespace alignCenter { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "text_center"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignCenter"; } namespace alignRight { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "format-justify-right"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignRight"; } namespace alignJustify { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "text_block"; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_alignJustify"; } namespace fontFamily { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_fontFamily"; } namespace fontSize { TQString tooltip; const TDEShortcut accel = KKeySequence(); const char* actionName = "writeWindow_fontSize"; } namespace fontColor { TQString tooltip; } } } namespace settings { namespace startup { const TQString icon = "bt_startconfig"; namespace dailyTip { TQString tooltip; } namespace showLogo { TQString tooltip; } namespace restoreWorkingArea { TQString tooltip; } } namespace fonts { const TQString icon = "fonts"; namespace typeChooser { TQString tooltip; } } namespace profiles { const TQString icon = "view_sidetree"; namespace list { TQString tooltip; } namespace createNew { TQString tooltip; } namespace deleteCurrent { TQString tooltip; } namespace renameCurrent { TQString tooltip; } } namespace sword { const TQString icon = "bt_swordconfig"; namespace general { namespace language { TQString tooltip; } } namespace modules { namespace bible { TQString tooltip; } namespace commentary { TQString tooltip; } namespace lexicon { TQString tooltip; } namespace dailyDevotional { TQString tooltip; } namespace hebrewStrongs { TQString tooltip; } namespace greekStrongs { TQString tooltip; } namespace hebrewMorph { TQString tooltip; } namespace greekMorph { TQString tooltip; } } } namespace keys { const TQString icon = "key_bindings"; } } namespace mainIndex { //Main menu->Settings namespace search { TQString tooltip; const TQString icon = "edit-find"; const TDEShortcut accel = TQt::CTRL + TQt::ALT + TQt::Key_M; const char* actionName = "GMsearch_action"; } namespace newFolder { const TQString icon = "folder-new"; } namespace changeFolder { const TQString icon = "folder"; } namespace openedFolder { const TQString icon = "folder_open"; } namespace closedFolder { const TQString icon = "folder"; } namespace bookmark { const TQString icon = "bookmark"; } namespace changeBookmark { const TQString icon = "bookmark"; } namespace importBookmarks { const TQString icon = "bookmark"; } namespace exportBookmarks { const TQString icon = "bookmark"; } namespace printBookmarks { const TQString icon = "document-print"; } namespace deleteItems { const TQString icon = "filedelete"; } namespace editModuleMenu { const TQString icon = "pencil"; } namespace editModulePlain { const TQString icon = "pencil"; } namespace editModuleHTML { const TQString icon = "pencil"; } namespace unlockModule { const TQString icon = "unlock"; } namespace aboutModule { const TQString icon = "application-vnd.tde.info"; } } } namespace CResMgr { void init_i18n() { using namespace CResMgr; { using namespace mainMenu; { using namespace file; { using namespace print; tooltip = i18n ("Open the printer dialog of BibleTime, where you can edit the print queue, assign styles to the items and print them.") ; } { using namespace quit; tooltip = i18n ("Close BibleTime and save the settings.") ; } { using namespace view; { using namespace showMainIndex; tooltip = i18n ("Show or hide the bookshelf.") ; } { using namespace showToolBar; tooltip = i18n ("Toggle the main toolbar view.") ; } } { using namespace mainMenu::mainIndex; { using namespace search; tooltip = i18n ("Open the search dialog to search in all works that are currently open.") ; } { using namespace searchdefaultbible; tooltip = i18n ("Open the search dialog to search in the standard Bible.") ; } }; { using namespace window; { using namespace loadProfile; tooltip = i18n ("Restore a saved BibleTime session.") ; } { using namespace saveProfile; tooltip = i18n ("Save current BibleTime session so that it can be reused later.") ; } { using namespace saveToNewProfile; tooltip = i18n ("Create and save a new session.") ; } { using namespace deleteProfile; tooltip = i18n ("Delete a BibleTime session.") ; } { using namespace showFullscreen; tooltip = i18n ("Toggle fullscreen mode of the main window.") ; } { using namespace tileVertical; tooltip = i18n ("Vertically tile the open windows.") ; } { using namespace tileHorizontal; tooltip = i18n ("Horizontally tile the open windows.") ; } { using namespace cascade; tooltip = i18n ("Cascade the open windows.") ; } { { using namespace arrangementMode; tooltip = i18n ("Choose the way that is used to arrange the windows.") ; } { using namespace arrangementMode::autoTileVertical; tooltip = i18n ("Automatically tile the open windows vertically.") ; } { using namespace arrangementMode::autoTileHorizontal; tooltip = i18n ("Automatically tile the open windows horizontally.") ; } { using namespace arrangementMode::autoCascade; tooltip = i18n ("Automatically cascade the open windows.") ; } } { using namespace closeAll; tooltip = i18n ("Close all open windows.") ; } } { using namespace mainMenu::settings; { using namespace editToolBar; tooltip = i18n ("Open BibleTime's toolbar editor.") ; } { using namespace optionsDialog; tooltip = i18n ("Open the dialog to set most of BibleTime's preferences.") ; }; { using namespace swordSetupDialog; tooltip = i18n ("Open the dialog to configure your bookshelf and install/update/remove works.") ; } } { using namespace help; { using namespace handbook; tooltip = i18n ("Open BibleTime's handbook in the KDE helpbrowser.") ; } { using namespace bibleStudyHowTo; tooltip = i18n ("Open the Bible study HowTo included with BibleTime in the KDE helpbrowser.
This HowTo is an introduction on how to study the Bible in an efficient way.") ; } { using namespace bugreport; tooltip = i18n ("Send a bugreport to the developers of BibleTime.") ; } { using namespace dailyTip; tooltip = i18n ("Show a daily tip each time BibleTime starts.
The tips contain important Bible quotations and helpful tips for using BibleTime.") ; } { using namespace aboutBibleTime; tooltip = i18n ("Show detailed information about BibleTime.") ; } { using namespace aboutKDE; tooltip = i18n ("Show detailed information about the KDE project.") ; } } } } { using namespace searchdialog; { using namespace searchButton; tooltip = i18n ("Start to search the text in each of the chosen work(s).") ; } { using namespace cancelSearchButton; tooltip = i18n ("Stop the active search.") ; } { using namespace options; { using namespace moduleChooserButton; tooltip = i18n ("Open a dialog to choose work(s) for the search.") ; } { using namespace searchedText; tooltip = i18n ("Enter the text you want to search in the chosen work(s) here.") ; } { using namespace searchType; { using namespace multipleWords_and; tooltip = i18n ("Treat the search text as multiple words. A text must contain all of the words to match. The order of the words is unimportant.") ; } { using namespace multipleWords_or; tooltip = i18n ("Treat the search text as multiple words. A text must contain one or more words of to match. The order is unimportant.") ; } { using namespace exactMatch; tooltip = i18n ("The search text will be used exactly as entered.") ; } { using namespace regExp; tooltip = i18n ("Treat the search string as a GNU regular expression. The BibleTime handbook contains an introduction to regular expressions.") ; } } { using namespace searchOptions; { using namespace caseSensitive; tooltip = i18n ("If you choose this option the search will distinguish between upper and lowercase characters.") ; } } { using namespace chooseScope; tooltip = i18n ("Choose a scope from the list. \ Select the first item to use no scope, the second one is to use each work's last search result as search scope. \ The others are user defined search scopes."); } { using namespace scopeEditor; { using namespace rangeList; tooltip = i18n ("Select an item from the list to edit the search scope.") ; } { using namespace nameEdit; tooltip = i18n ("Change the name of the selected search scope.") ; } { using namespace editRange; tooltip = i18n ("Change the search ranges of the selected search scope item. Have a look at the predefined search scopes to see how search ranges are constructed.") ; } { using namespace parsedResult; tooltip = i18n ("Contains the search ranges which will be used for the search.") ; } { using namespace addNewRange; tooltip = i18n ("Add a new search scope. First enter an appropriate name, then edit the search ranges.") ; } { using namespace deleteCurrentRange; tooltip = i18n ("Deletes the selected search scope. If you close the dialog using Cancel the settings won't be saved.") ; } } } { using namespace result; { using namespace moduleList; tooltip = i18n ("The list of works chosen for the search.") ; } { using namespace foundItems; tooltip = i18n ("This list contains the search result of the selected work.") ; } { using namespace textPreview; tooltip = i18n ("The text preview of the selected search result item.") ; } } } { using namespace displaywindows; { using namespace general; { { using namespace scrollButton; tooltip = i18n ("This button is useful to scroll through the entries of the list. Press the button and move the mouse to increase or decrease the item.") ; } { using namespace search; tooltip = i18n ("This button opens the search dialog with the work(s) of this window.") ; } { using namespace backInHistory; tooltip = i18n ("Go back one item in the display history.") ; } { using namespace forwardInHistory; tooltip = i18n ("Go forward one item in the display history.") ; } { using namespace findStrongs; tooltip = i18n ("Show all occurences of the Strong number currently under the mouse cursor.") ; } } using namespace bibleWindow; { using namespace bookList; tooltip = i18n ("This list contains the books which are available in this work.") ; } { using namespace nextBook; tooltip = i18n ("Show the next book of this work.") ; } { using namespace previousBook; tooltip = i18n ("Show the previous book of this work.") ; } { using namespace chapterList; tooltip = i18n ("This list contains the chapters which are available in the current book.") ; } { using namespace nextChapter; tooltip = i18n ("Show the next chapter of the work.") ; } { using namespace previousChapter; tooltip = i18n ("Show the previous chapter of the work.") ; } { using namespace verseList; tooltip = i18n ("This list contains the verses which are available in the current chapter.") ; } { using namespace nextVerse; tooltip = i18n ("In Bible texts, the next verse will be highlighted. In commentaries, the next entry will be shown.") ; } { using namespace previousVerse; tooltip = i18n ("In Bible texts, the previous verse will be highlighted. In commentaries, the previous entry will be shown.") ; } } { using namespace commentaryWindow; { using namespace syncWindow; tooltip = i18n ("Synchronize the displayed entry of this work with the active Bible window.") ; } } { using namespace lexiconWindow; { using namespace entryList; tooltip = i18n ("This list contains the entries of the current work.") ; } { using namespace nextEntry; tooltip = i18n ("The next entry of the work will be shown.") ; } { using namespace previousEntry; tooltip = i18n ("The previous entry of the work will be shown.") ; } } { using namespace writeWindow; { using namespace saveText; tooltip = i18n ("Save the curent text into the work. The old text will be overwritten.") ; } { using namespace restoreText; tooltip = i18n ("Loads the old text from the work and loads it into the edit area. The unsaved text will be lost.") ; } { using namespace deleteEntry; tooltip = i18n ("Deletes the current entry out of the work. The text will be lost.") ; } //formatting buttons { using namespace boldText; tooltip = i18n ("Toggle bold formatting of the selected text.") ; } { using namespace italicText; tooltip = i18n ("Toggle italic formatting of the selected text.") ; } { using namespace underlinedText; tooltip = i18n ("Toggle underlined formatting of the selected text.") ; } { using namespace alignLeft; tooltip = i18n ("The text will be aligned on the left side of the page.") ; } { using namespace alignCenter; tooltip = i18n ("Centers the text horizontally.") ; } { using namespace alignRight; tooltip = i18n ("Aligns the text on the right side of the page.") ; } { using namespace alignJustify; tooltip = i18n ("Justifies the text on the page.") ; } { using namespace fontFamily; tooltip = i18n ("Choose a new font for the selected text.") ; } { using namespace fontSize; tooltip = i18n ("Choose a new font size for the selected text.") ; } { using namespace fontColor; tooltip = i18n ("Choose a new color for the selected text.") ; } } } { using namespace settings; { using namespace startup; { using namespace dailyTip; tooltip = i18n ("Activate this box to see a daily tip on startup.") ; } { using namespace showLogo; tooltip = i18n ("Activate this to see the BibleTime logo on startup.") ; } { using namespace restoreWorkingArea; tooltip = i18n ("Save the user's session when BibleTime is closed and restore it on the next startup.") ; } } { using namespace fonts; { using namespace typeChooser; tooltip = i18n ("The font selection below will apply to all texts in this language.") ; } } { using namespace settings::sword; { using namespace general; { using namespace language; tooltip = i18n ("Contains the languages which can be used for the biblical booknames.") ; } } { using namespace settings::sword::modules; { using namespace bible; tooltip = i18n ("The standard Bible is used when a hyperlink into a Bible is clicked.") ; } { using namespace commentary; tooltip = i18n ("The standard commentary is used when a hyperlink into a commentary is clicked.") ; } { using namespace lexicon; tooltip = i18n ("The standard lexicon is used when a hyperlink into a lexicon is clicked.") ; } { using namespace dailyDevotional; tooltip = i18n ("The standard devotional will be used to display a short start up devotional.") ; } { using namespace hebrewStrongs; tooltip = i18n ("The standard Hebrew lexicon is used when a hyperlink into a Hebrew lexicon is clicked.") ; } { using namespace greekStrongs; tooltip = i18n ("The standard Greek lexicon is used when a hyperlink into a Greek lexicon is clicked.") ; } { using namespace hebrewMorph; tooltip = i18n ("The standard morphological lexicon for Hebrew texts is used when a hyperlink of a morphological tag in a Hebrew text is clicked.") ; } { using namespace greekMorph; tooltip = i18n ("The standard morphological lexicon for Greek texts is used when a hyperlink of a morphological tag in a Greek text is clicked.") ; } } } } { using namespace mainIndex; { using namespace search; tooltip = i18n ("Opens the search dialog to search in the work(s) that are currently open.") ; } } } }