/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Kevin Krammer * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // TQt includes #include #include // local includes #include "methodgen.h" static bool parseDBusSignature(const TQString& signature, Argument& argument) { argument.dbusSignature = signature; if (signature.length() == 1) { if (signature == "b") { argument.signature = "bool"; argument.accessor = "Bool"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "y") { argument.signature = "TQ_UINT8"; argument.accessor = "Byte"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "n") { argument.signature = "TQ_INT16"; argument.accessor = "Int16"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "q") { argument.signature = "TQ_UINT16"; argument.accessor = "UInt16"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "i") { argument.signature = "TQ_INT32"; argument.accessor = "Int32"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "u") { argument.signature = "TQ_UINT32"; argument.accessor = "UInt32"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "x") { argument.signature = "TQ_INT64"; argument.accessor = "Int64"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "t") { argument.signature = "TQ_UINT64"; argument.accessor = "UInt64"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "d") { argument.signature = "double"; argument.accessor = "Double"; argument.isPrimitive = true; } else if (signature == "s") { argument.signature = "TQString"; argument.accessor = "String"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQString"); argument.sourceIncludes["TQt"].append(""); } else if (signature == "o") { argument.signature = "TQT_DBusObjectPath"; argument.accessor = "ObjectPath"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusObjectPath"); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } else if (signature == "v") { argument.signature = "TQT_DBusVariant"; argument.accessor = "Variant"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusVariant"); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } else return false; } else if (signature.startsWith("a")) { if (signature == "as") { argument.signature = "TQStringList"; argument.accessor = "List"; argument.subAccessor = "TQStringList"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQStringList"); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["TQt"].append(""); } else if (signature.startsWith("a{")) { int from = signature.find("{"); int to = signature.findRev("}"); if (from == -1 || to == -1 || (to - from - 1) < 2) return false; TQString dictSignature = signature.mid(from + 1, (to - from - 1)); Argument key; if (!parseDBusSignature(dictSignature.left(1), key)) return false; Argument value; if (parseDBusSignature(dictSignature.mid(1), value)) { if (!value.subAccessor.isEmpty()) { argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.containerClass = "TQT_DBusDataMap<" + key.signature + ">"; argument.signature = "TQT_DBusDataMap<" + key.signature + ">"; argument.accessor = key.accessor + "KeyMap"; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("template class TQT_DBusDataMap"); argument.forwardDeclarations += key.forwardDeclarations; argument.sourceIncludes = key.sourceIncludes; argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } else { argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.containerClass = "TQT_DBusDataMap<" + key.signature + ">"; argument.signature = "TQMap<" + key.signature + ", " + value.signature + ">"; argument.accessor = key.accessor + "KeyMap"; argument.subAccessor = value.accessor + "Map"; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("template class TQMap"); argument.forwardDeclarations += key.forwardDeclarations; argument.forwardDeclarations += value.forwardDeclarations; argument.sourceIncludes = key.sourceIncludes; argument.sourceIncludes["TQt"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); TQMap::const_iterator it = value.sourceIncludes.begin(); TQMap::const_iterator endIt = value.sourceIncludes.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { argument.sourceIncludes[it.key()] += it.data(); } } } else { argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.containerClass = "TQT_DBusDataMap<" + key.signature + ">"; argument.signature = "TQT_DBusDataMap<" + key.signature + ">"; argument.accessor = key.accessor + "KeyMap"; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("template class TQT_DBusDataMap"); argument.forwardDeclarations += key.forwardDeclarations; argument.sourceIncludes = key.sourceIncludes; argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } } else { TQString itemSignature = signature.mid(1); Argument item; if (parseDBusSignature(itemSignature, item)) { argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.signature = "TQValueList<" + item.signature + ">"; argument.accessor = "List"; argument.subAccessor = item.accessor + "List"; argument.containerClass = "TQT_DBusDataList"; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusDataList"); argument.forwardDeclarations.append("template class TQValueList"); argument.forwardDeclarations += item.forwardDeclarations; argument.sourceIncludes["TQt"].append(""); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); TQMap::const_iterator it = item.sourceIncludes.begin(); TQMap::const_iterator endIt = item.sourceIncludes.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { argument.sourceIncludes[it.key()] += it.data(); } } else { argument.signature = "TQT_DBusDataList"; argument.accessor = "List"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusDataList"); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } } } else return false; return true; } static TQMap extractTypeAnnotations(const TQDomElement& element) { const TQString annotationPrefix = "org.freedesktop.DBus.TQt3.Type."; TQMap annotations; TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); for (uint count = 1; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling(), ++count) { if (!node.isElement()) continue; TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if (element.tagName() != "annotation") continue; TQString name = element.attribute("name"); if (name.isEmpty()) continue; TQString value = element.attribute("value").stripWhiteSpace(); if (value.isEmpty()) continue; if (!name.startsWith(annotationPrefix)) continue; TQString arg = name.mid(annotationPrefix.length()); annotations.insert(arg, value); } return annotations; } static bool hasAnnotation(const TQDomElement& element, const TQString& annotation, TQString* value = 0) { for (TQDomNode node = element.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { if (!node.isElement()) continue; TQDomElement childElement = node.toElement(); if (childElement.tagName() != "annotation") continue; if (childElement.attribute("name") != annotation) continue; if (value != 0) *value = childElement.attribute("value"); return true; } return false; } static TQValueList extractArguments(const TQDomElement& methodElement, Class& classData) { TQMap argAnnotations = extractTypeAnnotations(methodElement); TQValueList arguments; bool isSignal = methodElement.tagName() == "signal"; uint inCount = 0; uint outCount = 0; for (TQDomNode node = methodElement.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { if (!node.isElement()) continue; TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if (element.tagName() != "arg") continue; if (element.attribute("type").isEmpty()) continue; Argument argument; argument.name = element.attribute("name"); if (argument.name.isEmpty()) argument.name = TQString("arg%1").arg(inCount + outCount); argument.direction = Argument::In; if (!isSignal && element.attribute("direction", "in") == "out") argument.direction = Argument::Out; TQString annotation; if (!isSignal && argument.direction == Argument::In) { annotation = argAnnotations[TQString("In%1").arg(inCount)]; ++inCount; } else { annotation = argAnnotations[TQString("Out%1").arg(outCount)]; ++outCount; } if (!annotation.isEmpty()) { // just assume nobody uses annotations for primitives argument.annotatedType = annotation; argument.signature = annotation; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.dbusSignature = element.attribute("type"); TQString includeBase = TQString("\"%1type%2.h\"").arg(classData.name.lower()); argument.headerIncludes["local"].append(includeBase.arg("declarations")); argument.sourceIncludes["local"].append(includeBase.arg("includes")); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } else if (!parseDBusSignature(element.attribute("type"), argument)) { argument.signature = "TQT_DBusData"; argument.isPrimitive = false; argument.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusData"); argument.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } arguments.append(argument); } return arguments; } static void writeVariable(const Argument& argument, uint index, const TQString& prefix, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << prefix << argument.signature << " _" << argument.name; if (argument.direction == Argument::In) { if (!argument.annotatedType.isEmpty()) { stream << ";" << endl; // TODO: error handling? stream << prefix << "TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertFromTQT_DBusData<" << argument.annotatedType << TQString(">(message[%1], _").arg(index) << argument.name << ")"; } else if (!argument.accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << TQString::fromUtf8(" = message[%1].to").arg(index); stream << argument.accessor; if (!argument.subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << TQString("().to%1").arg(argument.subAccessor); } stream << "()"; } else stream << TQString::fromUtf8(" = message[%1]").arg(index); } stream << ";" << endl; } static void writeVariables(const TQString& prefix, const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { uint count = 0; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { writeVariable(*it, count, prefix, stream); if ((*it).direction == Argument::In) ++count; } } static void writeSignalEmit(const Method& signal, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << " emit " << signal.name << "("; TQValueList::const_iterator it = signal.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = signal.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt;) { stream << "_" << (*it).name; ++it; if (it != endIt) stream << ", "; } stream << ");" << endl; } static void writeMethodIntrospection(const Method& method, bool& firstArgument, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << " methodElement.setAttribute(\"name\", \"" << method.name << "\");" << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { stream << endl; if (firstArgument) { firstArgument = false; stream << " TQDomElement argumentElement = document.createElement(" << "\"arg\");" << endl; } else { stream << " argumentElement = document.createElement(" << "\"arg\");" << endl; } stream << " argumentElement.setAttribute(\"name\", \"" << (*it).name << "\");" << endl; stream << " argumentElement.setAttribute(\"type\", \"" << (*it).dbusSignature << "\");" << endl; stream << " argumentElement.setAttribute(\"direction\", \"" << ((*it).direction == Argument::In ? "in" : "out") << "\");" << endl; stream << " methodElement.appendChild(argumentElement);" << endl; } stream << endl; } static void writeNodeInitialization(const Class& classData, const TQValueList& interfaces, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "bool " << classData.name << "::registerObject(const TQT_DBusConnection& connection, " << "const TQString& path)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " if (path.isEmpty()) return false;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (!m_private->objectPath.isEmpty()) unregisterObject();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " m_private->connection = connection;" << endl; stream << " m_private->objectPath = path;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (!m_private->connection.registerObject(path, this))" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " m_private->connection = TQT_DBusConnection();" << endl; stream << " m_private->objectPath = TQString();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return false;" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (m_private->interfaces.isEmpty())" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " TQString name = \"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable\";" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusObjectBase* interface = m_private;" << endl; stream << " m_private->interfaces.insert(name, interface);" << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = interfaces.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = interfaces.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { stream << endl; stream << " name = \"" << (*it).dbusName << "\";" << endl; stream << " interface = createInterface(name);" << endl; stream << " Q_ASSERT(interface != 0);" << endl; stream << " m_private->interfaces.insert(name, interface);" << endl; } stream << " }" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } static void writeNodeIntrospection(const Class& classData, const TQValueList& interfaces, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::Private" << "::cacheIntrospectionData()" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQDomDocument doc;" << endl; stream << " TQDomElement nodeElement = doc.createElement(\"node\");" << endl; stream << " TQDomElement interfaceElement = doc.createElement(\"interface\");" << endl; stream << " org::freedesktop::DBus::Introspectable" << "::buildIntrospectionData(interfaceElement);" << endl; stream << " nodeElement.appendChild(interfaceElement);" << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = interfaces.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = interfaces.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).dbusName == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable") continue; stream << endl; stream << " interfaceElement = doc.createElement(\"interface\");" << endl; stream << " " << (*it).namespaces.join("::") + "::" + (*it).name << "::buildIntrospectionData(interfaceElement);" << endl; stream << " nodeElement.appendChild(interfaceElement);" << endl; } stream << endl; stream << " doc.appendChild(nodeElement);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " introspectionData = \"\\n\";" << endl; stream << " introspectionData += doc.toString();" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } bool MethodGenerator::extractMethods(const TQDomElement& interfaceElement, Class& classData) { TQMap propertyAnnotations = extractTypeAnnotations(interfaceElement); uint propertyCount = 0; for (TQDomNode node = interfaceElement.firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { if (!node.isElement()) continue; TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); if (element.attribute("name").isEmpty()) continue; if (element.tagName() == "method" || element.tagName() == "signal") { Method method; method.name = element.attribute("name"); method.arguments = extractArguments(element, classData); method.noReply = false; method.async = false; if (element.tagName() == "method") { method.async = hasAnnotation(element, "org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async"); classData.methods.append(method); } else classData.msignals.append(method); } else if (element.tagName() == "property") { Property property; property.name = element.attribute("name"); property.read = element.attribute("access").find("read") != -1; property.write = element.attribute("access").find("write") != -1; TQString annotation = propertyAnnotations[TQString("Property%1").arg(propertyCount)]; if (!annotation.isEmpty()) { property.annotatedType = annotation; property.signature = annotation; property.dbusSignature = element.attribute("type"); property.isPrimitive = false; TQString includeBase = TQString("\"%1type%2.h\"").arg(classData.name.lower()); property.headerIncludes["local"].append(includeBase.arg("declarations")); property.sourceIncludes["local"].append(includeBase.arg("includes")); property.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } else if (!parseDBusSignature(element.attribute("type"), property)) { property.signature = "TQT_DBusData"; property.isPrimitive = false; property.forwardDeclarations.append("class TQT_DBusData"); property.sourceIncludes["tqdbus"].append(""); } classData.properties.append(property); ++propertyCount; } } return !classData.methods.isEmpty() || !classData.msignals.isEmpty() || !classData.properties.isEmpty(); } void MethodGenerator::writeMethodDeclaration(const Method& method, bool pureVirtual, bool withError, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << method.name << "("; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt;) { if (!(*it).isPrimitive && (*it).direction == Argument::In) stream << "const "; stream << (*it).signature; if (!(*it).isPrimitive || (*it).direction == Argument::Out) stream << "&"; stream << " " << (*it).name; ++it; if (it != endIt || withError) stream << ", "; } if (withError) stream << "TQT_DBusError& error)"; else stream << ")"; if (pureVirtual) stream << " = 0;" << endl; else stream << ";" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writePropertyDeclaration(const Property& property, bool pureVirtual, TQTextStream& stream) { if (property.write) { stream << " virtual void set" << property.name << "("; if (!property.isPrimitive) stream << "const "; stream << property.signature; if (!property.isPrimitive) stream << "&"; stream << " value, TQT_DBusError& error)"; if (pureVirtual) stream << " = 0;" << endl; else stream << ";" << endl; } if (property.read) { stream << " virtual " << property.signature << " get" << property.name << "(TQT_DBusError& error) const"; if (pureVirtual) stream << " = 0;" << endl; else stream << ";" << endl; } if (property.read || property.write) stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeMethodCallDeclaration(const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { if (method.async) stream << "void call" << method.name << "Async"; else stream << "TQT_DBusMessage call" << method.name; stream << "(const TQT_DBusMessage& message);" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeMethodCall(const Class& classData, const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { if (method.async) stream << "void " << classData.name << "::call" << method.name << "Async"; else stream << "TQT_DBusMessage " << classData.name << "::call" << method.name; stream << "(const TQT_DBusMessage& message)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; if (method.async) { // FIXME: using writeVariables by removing asyncCallId argument Method reducedMethod = method; reducedMethod.arguments.pop_front(); writeVariables(" ", reducedMethod, stream); } else { stream << " TQT_DBusError error;" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply;" << endl; stream << endl; writeVariables(" ", method, stream); } stream << endl; if (method.async) { stream << " int _asyncCallId = 0;" << endl; stream << " while (m_asyncCalls.find(_asyncCallId) != m_asyncCalls.end())" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " ++_asyncCallId;" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " m_asyncCalls.insert(_asyncCallId, message);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " " << method.name << "Async("; } else stream << " if (" << method.name << "("; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); while (it != endIt) { stream << "_" << (*it).name; ++it; if (it != endIt) stream << ", "; } if (method.async) { stream << ");" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; return; } if (method.arguments.count() > 0) stream << ", "; stream << "error))" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " reply = TQT_DBusMessage::methodReply(message);" << endl; it = method.arguments.begin(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).direction == Argument::Out) { if (!(*it).annotatedType.isEmpty()) { stream << " TQT_DBusData " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertToTQT_DBusData<" << (*it).annotatedType << ">(_" << (*it).name << ", " << (*it).name << "Data);" << endl; stream << " reply << " << (*it).name << "Data"; } else if (!(*it).accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " reply << TQT_DBusData::from" << (*it).accessor; if (!(*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << "(" << (*it).containerClass; } stream << "(_" << (*it).name << ")"; if (!(*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << ")"; } } else stream << " reply << _" << (*it).name; stream << ";" << endl; } } stream << " }" << endl; stream << " else" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " if (!error.isValid())" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " qWarning(\"Call to implementation of "; TQStringList::const_iterator nsIt = classData.namespaces.begin(); TQStringList::const_iterator nsEndIt = classData.namespaces.end(); for (; nsIt != nsEndIt; ++nsIt) { stream << *nsIt << "::"; } stream << classData.name << "::" << method.name; stream << " returned 'false' but error object is not valid!\");" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " error = TQT_DBusError::stdFailed(\""; nsIt = classData.namespaces.begin(); for (; nsIt != nsEndIt; ++nsIt) { stream << *nsIt << "."; } stream << classData.name << "." << method.name << " execution failed\");" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " reply = TQT_DBusMessage::methodError(message, error);" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return reply;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeSignalEmitter(const Class& classData, const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "bool " << classData.name << "::emit" << method.name << "("; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt;) { if (!(*it).isPrimitive && (*it).direction == Argument::In) stream << "const "; stream << (*it).signature; if (!(*it).isPrimitive || (*it).direction == Argument::Out) stream << "&"; stream << " " << (*it).name; ++it; if (it != endIt) stream << ", "; } stream << ")" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; // TODO: create error or use enum for return stream << " TQString path = objectPath();" << endl; stream << " Q_ASSERT(!path.isEmpty());" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage message = TQT_DBusMessage::signal(path, \""; stream << classData.dbusName << "\", \"" << method.name << "\");" << endl; stream << endl; it = method.arguments.begin(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).direction == Argument::In) { if (!(*it).annotatedType.isEmpty()) { // TODO: error handling stream << " TQT_DBusData " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; stream << " if (TQT_DBusDataConverter:convertToTQT_DBusData<" << (*it).annotatedType << ">(" << (*it).name << ", " << (*it).name << "Data" << ") != TQT_DBusDataConverter::Success) return false;" << endl; stream << " message << " << (*it).name << "Data"; } else if (!(*it).accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::from" << (*it).accessor; if (!(*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << "(" << (*it).containerClass; } stream << "(" << (*it).name << ")"; if (!(*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << ")"; } } else stream << " message << " << (*it).name; stream << ";" << endl; } } stream << endl; stream << " return handleSignalSend(message);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeInterfaceAsyncReplyHandler(const Class& classData, const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::" << method.name << "AsyncReply("; TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); while (it != endIt) { if (!(*it).isPrimitive && (*it).direction == Argument::In) stream << "const "; stream << (*it).signature; if (!(*it).isPrimitive || (*it).direction == Argument::Out) stream << "&"; stream << " " << (*it).name; ++it; if (it != endIt) stream << ", "; } stream << ")" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQMap::iterator findIt = m_asyncCalls.find(asyncCallId);" << endl; stream << " if (findIt == m_asyncCalls.end()) return;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage call = findIt.data();" << endl; stream << " m_asyncCalls.erase(findIt);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply = TQT_DBusMessage::methodReply(call);" << endl; it = method.arguments.begin(); for (++it; it != endIt; ++it) // skip asyncCallId at beginning { if (!(*it).annotatedType.isEmpty()) { stream << " TQT_DBusData " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; // TODO error handling stream << " if (TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertToTQT_DBusData<" << (*it).annotatedType << ">(" << (*it).name << ", " << (*it).name << "Data" << ") != TQT_DBusDataConverter::Success) return false;" << endl; stream << " reply << " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; } else if (!(*it).accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " reply << TQT_DBusData::from" << (*it).accessor << "("; if ((*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) stream << (*it).name; else stream << (*it).containerClass << "(" << (*it).name << ")"; stream << ");" << endl; } else stream << " reply << " << (*it).name << ";" << endl; } stream << endl; stream << " handleMethodReply(reply);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "void " << classData.name << "::" << method.name << "AsyncError(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusError& error)"; stream << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQMap::iterator findIt = m_asyncCalls.find(asyncCallId);" << endl; stream << " if (findIt == m_asyncCalls.end()) return;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage call = findIt.data();" << endl; stream << " m_asyncCalls.erase(findIt);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply = TQT_DBusMessage::methodError(call, error);" << endl; stream << " handleMethodReply(reply);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeInterfaceMainMethod(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { if (classData.methods.isEmpty()) return; stream << "bool " << classData.name << "::handleMethodCall(const TQT_DBusMessage& message)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " if (message.interface() != \"" << classData.dbusName << "\") return false;" << endl; stream << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = classData.methods.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = classData.methods.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { stream << " if (message.member() == \"" << (*it).name << "\")" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; if ((*it).async) { stream << " call" << (*it).name << "Async(message);" << endl; stream << endl; } else { stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply = call" << (*it).name << "(message);" << endl; stream << " handleMethodReply(reply);" << endl; stream << endl; } stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << endl; } stream << " return false; " << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeSignalHandler(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::slotHandleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage& message)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = classData.msignals.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = classData.msignals.end(); bool first = true; for (; it != endIt; ++it) { stream << " "; if (!first) stream << "else "; else first = false; stream << "if (message.member() == \"" << (*it).name << "\")" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; writeVariables(" ", *it, stream); stream << endl; writeSignalEmit(*it, stream); stream << " }" << endl; } stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeProxyBegin(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << classData.name << "::" << classData.name << "(const TQString& service, const TQString& path, TQObject* parent, const char* name)" << endl; stream << " : TQObject(parent, name)," << endl; stream << " m_baseProxy(new TQT_DBusProxy())" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " m_baseProxy->setInterface(\"" << classData.dbusName << "\");" << endl; stream << " m_baseProxy->setPath(path);" << endl; stream << " m_baseProxy->setService(service);" << endl; stream << endl; if (!classData.msignals.isEmpty()) { stream << " TQObject::connect(m_baseProxy, " << "TQT_SIGNAL(dbusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&))," << endl; stream << " this, " << " TQT_SLOT(slotHandleDBusSignal(const TQT_DBusMessage&)));" << endl; } if (!classData.asyncReplySignals.isEmpty()) { stream << " TQObject::connect(m_baseProxy, " << "TQT_SIGNAL(asyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusMessage&))," << endl; stream << " this, " << " TQT_SLOT(slotHandleAsyncReply(int, const TQT_DBusMessage&)));" << endl; } stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << classData.name << "::~" << classData.name << "()" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " delete m_baseProxy;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "void " << classData.name << "::setConnection(const TQT_DBusConnection& connection)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " m_baseProxy->setConnection(connection);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeProxyMethod(const TQString& className, const Method& method, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "bool " << className << "::" << method.name << (method.async ? "Async(" : "("); TQValueList::const_iterator it = method.arguments.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = method.arguments.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if (!(*it).isPrimitive && (*it).direction == Argument::In) stream << "const "; stream << (*it).signature; if (!(*it).isPrimitive || (*it).direction == Argument::Out) stream << "&"; stream << " " << (*it).name << ", "; } stream << "TQT_DBusError& error)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQValueList parameters;" << endl; stream << endl; uint outCount = 0; it = method.arguments.begin(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).direction == Argument::Out) { ++outCount; continue; } if (!(*it).annotatedType.isEmpty()) { stream << " TQT_DBusData " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; // TODO error handling stream << " if (TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertToTQT_DBusData<" << (*it).annotatedType << ">(" << (*it).name << ", " << (*it).name << "Data" << ") != TQT_DBusDataConverter::Success) return false;" << endl; stream << " parameters << " << (*it).name << "Data;" << endl; } else if (!(*it).accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " parameters << TQT_DBusData::from" << (*it).accessor << "("; if ((*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) stream << (*it).name; else stream << (*it).containerClass << "(" << (*it).name << ")"; stream << ");" << endl; } else stream << " parameters << " << (*it).name << ";" << endl; } stream << endl; if (outCount == 0 && method.noReply) { stream << " if (!m_baseProxy->send(\"" << method.name << "\", parameters))" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " error = m_baseProxy->lastError();" << endl; stream << " return false;" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; return; } if (method.async) { stream << " asyncCallId = m_baseProxy->sendWithAsyncReply(\""; stream << method.name << "\", parameters);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (asyncCallId != 0) m_asyncCalls[asyncCallId] = \"" << method.name << "\";" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " error = TQT_DBusError();"; stream << endl; stream << " return (asyncCallId != 0);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; return; } stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply = m_baseProxy->sendWithReply(\""; stream << method.name << "\", parameters, &error);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (reply.type() != TQT_DBusMessage::ReplyMessage) return false;" << endl; if (outCount == 0) { stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; return; } stream << endl; // TODO: create error or use enum for return stream << " if (reply.count() != " << outCount << ") return false;" << endl; stream << endl; bool firstAccessor = true; bool firstSubAccessor = true; it = method.arguments.begin(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).direction == Argument::In) continue; --outCount; if (!(*it).annotatedType.isEmpty()) { // TODO error handling stream << " if (TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertFromTQT_DBusData<" << (*it).annotatedType << ">(reply.front(), " << (*it).name << ") != TQT_DBusDataConverter::Success) return false;" << endl; } else if (!(*it).accessor.isEmpty()) { if (firstAccessor) { stream << " bool ok = false;" << endl; stream << endl; firstAccessor = false; } if ((*it).subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " " << (*it).name << " = reply.front().to" << (*it).accessor << "(&ok);" << endl; } else { if (firstSubAccessor) { stream << " bool subOK = false;" << endl; stream << endl; firstSubAccessor = false; } stream << " " << (*it).name << " = reply.front().to" << (*it).accessor << "(&ok).to" << (*it).subAccessor << "(&subOK);" << endl; // TODO: create error or use enum for return stream << " if (!subOK) return false;" << endl; } // TODO: create error or use enum for return stream << " if (!ok) return false;" << endl; } else stream << " " << (*it).name << " = reply.front();" << endl; stream << endl; if (outCount > 0) { stream << " reply.pop_front();" << endl; stream << endl; } } stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeProxyGenericProperty(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::setDBusProperty(const TQString& name, " << "const TQT_DBusVariant& value, TQT_DBusError& error)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusConnection connection = m_baseProxy->connection();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage message = TQT_DBusMessage::methodCall(" << "m_baseProxy->service(), m_baseProxy->path(), " << "\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties\", \"Set\");" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::fromString(m_baseProxy->interface());" << endl; stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::fromString(name);" << endl; stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::fromVariant(value);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " connection.sendWithReply(message, &error);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "TQT_DBusVariant " << classData.name << "::getDBusProperty(const TQString& name, TQT_DBusError& error) const" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusConnection connection = m_baseProxy->connection();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage message = TQT_DBusMessage::methodCall(" << "m_baseProxy->service(), m_baseProxy->path(), " << "\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties\", \"Get\");" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::fromString(m_baseProxy->interface());" << endl; stream << " message << TQT_DBusData::fromString(name);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusMessage reply = connection.sendWithReply(message, &error);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (reply.type() != TQT_DBusMessage::ReplyMessage)" << " return TQT_DBusVariant();" << endl; stream << " if (reply.count() != 1) return TQT_DBusVariant();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " bool ok = false;" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusVariant value = reply.front().toVariant(&ok);" << endl; // TODO generate error stream << " if (!ok) return TQT_DBusVariant();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return value;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeProxyProperty(const Class& classData, const Property& property, TQTextStream& stream) { if (property.write) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::set" << property.name << "("; if (!property.isPrimitive) stream << "const "; stream << property.signature; if (!property.isPrimitive) stream << "&"; stream << " value, TQT_DBusError& error)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusVariant variant;" << endl; if (!property.annotatedType.isEmpty()) { // TODO: error handling stream << " TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertToTQT_DBusData<" << property.annotatedType << ">(value, variant.value);" << endl; } else if (!property.accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " variant.value = TQT_DBusData::from" << property.accessor << "("; if (property.subAccessor.isEmpty()) stream << "value"; else stream << property.containerClass << "(value)"; stream << ");" << endl; } else stream << " variant.value = TQT_DBusData(value);" << endl; stream << " variant.signature = \"" << property.dbusSignature << "\";" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " setDBusProperty(\"" << property.name << "\", variant, error);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } if (property.read) { stream << property.signature << " " << classData.name << "::get" << property.name << "(TQT_DBusError& error) const" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusVariant variant = getDBusProperty(\"" << property.name << "\", error);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " if (error.isValid()) return " << property.signature << "();" << endl; stream << endl; if (!property.annotatedType.isEmpty()) { stream << " " << property.signature << " result;" << endl; // TODO error handling stream << " TQT_DBusDataConverter::convertFromTQT_DBusData<" << property.annotatedType << ">(variant.value, result);" << endl; } else if (!property.accessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " bool ok = false;" << endl; stream << endl; if (property.subAccessor.isEmpty()) { stream << " " << property.signature << " result = "; stream << " variant.value.to" << property.accessor << "(&ok);" << endl; } else { stream << " bool subOK = false;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " " << property.signature << " result = "; stream << " variant.value.to" << property.accessor << "(&ok).to" << property.subAccessor << "(&subOK);" << endl; // TODO: create error stream << " if (!subOK) {}" << endl; } // TODO: create error stream << " if (!ok) {}" << endl; } else stream << " " << property.signature << " result = variant.value;"; stream << endl; stream << " return result;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } } void MethodGenerator::writeProxyAsyncReplyHandler(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::slotHandleAsyncReply(int asyncCallId, const TQT_DBusMessage& message)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQMap::iterator findIt = " << "m_asyncCalls.find(asyncCallId);" << endl; stream << " if (findIt == m_asyncCalls.end()) return;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " const TQString signalName = findIt.data();" << endl; stream << " m_asyncCalls.erase(findIt);" << endl; stream << endl; TQValueList::const_iterator it = classData.asyncReplySignals.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = classData.asyncReplySignals.end(); bool first = true; for (; it != endIt; ++it) { stream << " "; if (!first) stream << "else "; else first = false; stream << "if (signalName == \"" << (*it).name << "\")" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; // FIXME tricking writeVariables and writeSignalEmit into writing // the reply emit code by manipulating arguments and name stream << " int _asyncCallId = asyncCallId;" << endl; Method signal = *it; signal.arguments.pop_front(); writeVariables(" ", signal, stream); stream << endl; signal = *it; signal.name += "AsyncReply"; writeSignalEmit(signal, stream); stream << " }" << endl; } stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeIntrospectionDataMethod(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "void " << classData.name << "::buildIntrospectionData(TQDomElement& interfaceElement)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " interfaceElement.setAttribute(\"name\", \"" << classData.dbusName << "\");" << endl; stream << endl; bool firstMethod = true; bool firstArgument = true; TQValueList::const_iterator it = classData.methods.begin(); TQValueList::const_iterator endIt = classData.methods.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if (firstMethod) { firstMethod = false; stream << " TQDomDocument document = interfaceElement.ownerDocument();" << endl; stream << " TQDomElement methodElement = document.createElement(" << "\"method\");" << endl; } else { stream << endl; stream << " methodElement = document.createElement(" << "\"method\");" << endl; } writeMethodIntrospection(*it, firstArgument, stream); stream << " interfaceElement.appendChild(methodElement);" << endl; } it = classData.msignals.begin(); endIt = classData.msignals.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if (firstMethod) { firstMethod = false; stream << " TQDomDocument document = interfaceElement.ownerDocument();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQDomElement methodElement = document.createElement(" << "\"signal\");" << endl; } else { stream << endl; stream << " methodElement = document.createElement(" << "\"signal\");" << endl; } writeMethodIntrospection(*it, firstArgument, stream); stream << " interfaceElement.appendChild(methodElement);" << endl; } stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeNodePrivate(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << "class " << classData.name << "::Private : public org::freedesktop::DBus::Introspectable" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << "public:" << endl; stream << " virtual ~Private();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "public:" << endl; stream << " TQMap interfaces;" << endl; stream << " TQString introspectionData;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusConnection connection;" << endl; stream << " TQString objectPath;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "protected:" << endl; stream << " virtual bool Introspect(TQString& data, TQT_DBusError& error);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " virtual void handleMethodReply(const TQT_DBusMessage& reply);" << endl; stream << "private:" << endl; stream << " void cacheIntrospectionData();" << endl; stream << "};" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeNodeBegin(const Class& classData, TQTextStream& stream) { stream << classData.name << "::" << classData.name << "() : TQT_DBusObjectBase()," << endl; stream << " m_private(new Private())" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << classData.name << "::~" << classData.name << "()" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " unregisterObject();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " delete m_private;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; } void MethodGenerator::writeNodeMethods(const Class& classData, const TQValueList& interfaces, TQTextStream& stream) { writeNodeInitialization(classData, interfaces, stream); stream << "void " << classData.name << "::unregisterObject()" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " if (m_private->objectPath.isEmpty()) return;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " m_private->connection.unregisterObject(m_private->objectPath);" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " m_private->connection = TQT_DBusConnection();" << endl; stream << " m_private->objectPath = TQString();" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "bool " << classData.name << "::handleMethodCall(const TQT_DBusMessage& message)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQMap::iterator findIt = " << "m_private->interfaces.find(message.interface());" << endl; stream << " if (findIt == m_private->interfaces.end()) return false;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return delegateMethodCall(message, findIt.data());" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << classData.name << "::Private::~Private()" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " TQMap::const_iterator it = " << "interfaces.begin();" << endl; stream << " TQMap::const_iterator endIt = " << "interfaces.end();" << endl; stream << " for (; it != endIt; ++it)" << endl; stream << " {" << endl; stream << " TQT_DBusObjectBase* interface = it.data();" << endl; stream << " if (interface != this)" << endl; stream << " delete interface;" << endl; stream << " }" << endl; stream << " interfaces.clear();" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "bool " << classData.name << "::Private" << "::Introspect(TQString& data, TQT_DBusError& error)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " Q_UNUSED(error);" << endl; stream << " if (introspectionData.isEmpty()) cacheIntrospectionData();" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " data = introspectionData;" << endl; stream << endl; stream << " return true;" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; stream << "void " << classData.name << "::Private" << "::handleMethodReply(const TQT_DBusMessage& reply)" << endl; stream << "{" << endl; stream << " connection.send(reply);" << endl; stream << "}" << endl; stream << endl; writeNodeIntrospection(classData, interfaces, stream); } // End of File