# translation of digikam.po to Slovak
# Michal Gaspar The compression value for PNG images:"
" 1: low compression (large file size but short compression duration - "
" 5: medium compression"
" 9: high compression (small file size but long compression duration)"
" Note: PNG is always a lossless image compression format."
msgstr ""
" Hodnota kompresie pre PNG obrázky:"
" 1: nízka kompresia (veľké súbory ale krátke trvanie kompresie - "
" 5: stredná kompresia"
" 9: vysoká kompresia (malá veľkosť súborov ale dlhé trvanie kompresie)"
" Pozor: PNG je bezstratový kompresný formát."
#: libs/dimg/loaders/tiffsettings.cpp:67
msgid "Compress TIFF files"
msgstr "Komprimovať TIFF súbory"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/tiffsettings.cpp:69
msgid ""
" Toggle compression for TIFF images."
" If you enable this option, you can reduce the final file size of the TIFF "
"image. A lossless compression format (Deflate) is used to save the file."
" "
msgstr ""
" Prepína kompresiu TIFF obrázkov."
" Ak zapnete túto možnosť, môžete zmenšiť finálnu veľkosť TIFF obrázka. Súbory sa ukladajú v bezstratovom kompresnom formáte (Adobe Deflate)."
" "
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:74
msgid "Lossless JPEG 2000 files"
msgstr "Bezstratové súbory JPEG 2000"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:76
msgid ""
" Toggle lossless compression for JPEG 2000 images."
" If you enable this option, you will use a lossless method to compress JPEG "
"2000 pictures."
" "
msgstr ""
" Prepína kompresiu pre TIFF obrázky."
" Ak zapnete túto možnosť, môžete zredukovať finálnu veľkosť TIFF obrázka. Súbory sa ukladajú v bezstratovom kompresnom formáte (Adobe Deflate)."
" "
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:82
msgid "JPEG 2000 quality:"
msgstr "Kvalita JPEG 2000:"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jp2ksettings.cpp:84
msgid ""
" The quality value for JPEG 2000 images:"
" 1: low quality (high compression and small file size)"
" 50: medium quality"
" 75: good quality (default)"
" 100: high quality (no compression and large file size)"
" Note: JPEG 2000 is not a lossless image compression format when you use "
"this setting."
msgstr ""
" Hodnota kvality pre JPEG 2000 obrázky:"
" 1:nízka kvalita (vysoká kompresia a malá veľkosť súborov)"
" 50:stredná kvalita"
" 75: dobrá kvalita (prednastavené)"
" 100: vysoká kvalita (bez kompresie a veľká veľkosť súborov)"
" Pozor: JPEG 2000 nie je bezstratový kompresný formát, keď použijete toto "
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:82
msgid "JPEG quality:"
msgstr "Kvalita JPEG:"
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:84
msgid ""
" The JPEG image quality:"
" 1: low quality (high compression and small file size)"
" 50: medium quality"
" 75: good quality (default)"
" 100: high quality (no compression and large file size)"
" Note: JPEG always uses lossy compression."
msgstr ""
" Hodnota kvality pre JPEG obrázky:"
" 1: nízka kvalita (vysoká kompresia a malá veľkosť súborov)"
" 50: stredná kvalita"
" 75: dobrá kvalita (prednastavené)"
" 100: vysoká kvalita (bez kompresie a veľká veľkosť súborov)"
" Pozor: JPEG použiva stratový kompresný algoritmus pre obrázky."
#: libs/dimg/loaders/jpegsettings.cpp:93
msgid ""
lossy compression"
image format!
obrazovým formátom"
so stratovou kompresiou!
JPEG Chroma subsampling level \n" "(color is saved with less resolution than luminance):" "
None=best: uses 4:4:4 ratio. Does not employ chroma subsampling at " "all. This preserves edges and contrasting colors, whilst adding no additional " "compression" "
Medium: uses 4:2:2 ratio. Medium compression: reduces the color " "resolution by one-third with little to no visual difference" "
High: use 4:1:1 ratio. High compression: suits images with soft edges " "but tends to alter colors" "
Note: JPEG always uses lossy compression."
msgstr ""
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiessidebardb.cpp:91
msgid "Captions/Tags"
msgstr "Komentáre/štítky"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:101
msgid "EXIF"
msgstr "EXIF"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:106
msgid "Makernote"
msgstr "Poznámky zhotoviteľa"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:111
msgid "IPTC"
msgstr "IPTC"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiesmetadatatab.cpp:116
msgid "GPS"
msgstr "GPS"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:197
msgid "File Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti súboru"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:183
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:198
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Súbor:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:184
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:199
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Priečinok:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:200
msgid "Modified:"
msgstr "Zmenené:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:186
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:201
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:202
msgid "Owner:"
msgstr "Vlastník:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:203
msgid "Permissions:"
msgstr "Prístupové práva:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:206
msgid "Image Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti obrázka"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:189
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:207
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"
#: libs/imageproperties/cameraitempropertiestab.cpp:190
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:208
msgid "Dimensions:"
msgstr "Rozmery:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:209
msgid "Compression:"
msgstr "Kompresia:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiestab.cpp:210
msgid " You have edited the comment of the image. \n"
" You have edited the comment of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Upravili ste komentár obrázka. \n"
" Upravili ste komentár %n obrázkov. \n"
" Upravili ste komentár %n obrázkov. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:413
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the date of the image. \n"
" You have edited the date of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Upravili ste dátum obrázka. \n"
" Upravili ste dátum %n obrázkov. \n"
" Upravili ste dátum %n obrázkov. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:417
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the rating of the image. \n"
" You have edited the rating of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Upravili ste hodnotenie obrázka. \n"
" Upravili ste hodnotenie %n obrázkov. \n"
" Upravili ste hodnotenie %n obrázkov. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:421
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: You have edited the tags of the image. \n"
" You have edited the tags of %n images. "
msgstr ""
" Upravili ste štítky obrázka. \n"
" Upravili ste štítky %n obrázkov. \n"
" Upravili ste štítky %n obrázkov. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:424
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:443
msgid "Do you want to apply your changes? You have edited the metadata of the image: You have edited the metadata of %n images: Upravili ste metadáta obrázka. \n"
" Upravili ste metadáta %n obrázkov. \n"
" Upravili ste metadáta %n obrázkov. "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagedescedittab.cpp:433
msgid " Select the histogram channel to display here:"
" Luminosity: Display luminosity (perceived brightness) values."
" Red: Display the red image channel."
" Green: Display the green image channel."
" Blue: Display the blue image channel."
" Alpha: Display the alpha image channel. This channel corresponds to "
"the transparency value and is supported by some image formats such as PNG or "
" Colors: Display all color channel values at the same time."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať kanál pre zobrazenie histogramu:"
" Jas: vykreslenie (vnímaných) hodnôt jasu."
" Červená: vykreslenie kanálu červenej farby."
" Zelená: vykreslenie kanálu zelenej farby."
" Modrá: vykreslenie kanálu modrej farby."
" Alfa: vykreslenie hodnôt alfa kanálu obrázka. Tento kanál je pri "
"niektorých formátoch (napr. PNG alebo GIF) zhodný s hodnotou priehľadnosti."
" Farby: vykreslenie všetkých farebných kanálov súčasne."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:147
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:190
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here."
" If the image's maximal values are small, you can use the linear scale."
" Logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal values are big; if it is "
"used, all values (small and large) will be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete zvoliť rozsah histogramu. "
" Ak je veľkosť obrázka malá, môžete použiť lineárny rozsah. "
" Pri väčších veľkostiach je vhodné použiť logaritmický. Tak budete vidieť na "
"grafe všetky - malé i veľké hodnoty."
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:145
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:142
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:125
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:216
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:129
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:154
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:126
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:145
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:197
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:198
msgid " Linear"
msgstr " Lineárny"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:164
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:157
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:133
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:224
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:137
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:162
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:134
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:153
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:205
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:206
msgid " Logarithmic"
msgstr " Logaritmický"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:212
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:213
msgid "Colors:"
msgstr "Farby:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:219
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:220
msgid ""
" Select the main color displayed with Colors Channel mode here:"
" Red: Draw the red image channel in the foreground."
" Green: Draw the green image channel in the foreground."
" Blue: Draw the blue image channel in the foreground."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime kanálu farieb:"
" Červená: na popredí bude červený kanál obrázka."
" Zelená: na popredí bude zelený kanál obrázka."
" Modrá: na popredí bude modrý kanál obrázka."
" "
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:229
msgid ""
" Select from which region the histogram will be computed here:"
" Full Image: Compute histogram using the full image."
" Selection: Compute histogram using the current image selection."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať región, z ktorého bude vytvorený histogram:"
" Celý obrázok: Vytvoriť histogram z celého obrázka."
" Výber: Vytvoriť histogram z aktuálneho výberu."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:235
msgid " Full Image"
msgstr " Celý obrázok"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:243
msgid " Selection"
msgstr " Výber"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:254
msgid " This is the histogram drawing of the selected image channel"
msgstr " Toto je histogram zvoleného kanálu"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:264
msgid "Range:"
msgstr "Rozsah:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:268
msgid " Select the minimal intensity value of the histogram selection here."
msgstr " Nastavte minimálnu intenzitu vo výbere histogramu."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:272
msgid " Select the maximal intensity value of the histogram selection here."
msgstr " Tu nastavte maximálnu hodnotu intenzity výberu histogramu."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:280
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Štatistika"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:281
msgid ""
" Here you can see the statistical results calculated from the selected "
"histogram part. These values are available for all channels."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť výsledné štatistické výsledky vypočítané z vybraných častí "
"histogramu. Tieto hodnoty sú dostupné pre všetky kanále."
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:285
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:951
msgid "Pixels:"
msgstr "Pixely:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:290
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:959
msgid "Count:"
msgstr "Počet:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:295
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:947
msgid "Mean:"
msgstr "Priemer:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:300
msgid "Std. deviation:"
msgstr "Smerodajná odchýlka:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:305
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:963
msgid "Median:"
msgstr "Medián:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:310
msgid "Percentile:"
msgstr "Percentil:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:315
msgid "Color depth:"
msgstr "Farebná hĺbka:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:320
msgid "Alpha Channel:"
msgstr "Alfa kanál:"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:337
msgid "Histogram"
msgstr "Histogram"
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:348
msgid "ICC profile"
msgstr "ICC profil"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:110
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:752
msgid "16 bits"
msgstr "16 bitov"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:106
#: libs/imageproperties/imagepropertiescolorstab.cpp:752
msgid "8 bits"
msgstr "8 bitov"
#: libs/dialogs/deletedialog.cpp:115
msgid ""
" Using KDcraw library version %1"
" Using Dcraw program version %2"
" %3 models in the list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/rawcameradlg.cpp:112
msgid ""
" Using KDcraw library version %1"
" Using LibRaw version %2"
" %3 models in the list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/dialogs/iccprofileinfodlg.cpp:39
msgid "Color Profile Info"
msgstr "Informácie o farebnom profile"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:322
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:198
msgid "Make:"
msgstr "Zhotoviteľ:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:324
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:199
msgid "Model:"
msgstr "Model:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:449 digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:452
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:200 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1042
#: libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1045
msgid "Created:"
msgstr "Vytvorené:"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Aperture:"
msgstr "Clona/Ohnisko:"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focal:"
msgstr "Ohnisko:"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:203
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exposure:"
msgstr "Automatická korekcia expozície"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:161 libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sensitivity:"
msgstr "Citlivosť:"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:284 libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:293
msgid ""
"%1|Camera RAW files"
msgstr ""
"%1|RAW súbory fotoaparátu"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select an Image"
msgstr "Vybrať obrázok, ktorý sa pridá"
#: libs/dialogs/imagedialog.cpp:316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Images"
msgstr "Vybrať obrázok, ktorý sa pridá"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1705
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:138
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:94
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:644
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:1509
msgid "General"
msgstr "Všeobecné"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:140
msgid "Detail preservation:"
msgstr "Zachovanie detailov:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:144
msgid ""
" Preservation of details to set the sharpening level of the small features in "
"the target image. Higher values leave details sharp."
msgstr ""
" Hodnota určuje zachovanie malých detailov. Vyššia hodnota spôsobí, že malé "
"detaily ostanú ostré."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:150
msgid "Anisotropy:"
msgstr "Anizotropia:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:154
msgid ""
" Anisotropic (directional) modifier of the details. Keep it small for "
"Gaussian noise."
msgstr ""
" Modifikátor anizotropie detialov. Hodnota nechajte malú pre zachovanie "
"Gaussian šumu."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:159
msgid "Smoothing:"
msgstr "Hladkosť:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:163
msgid ""
" Total smoothing power: if the Detail Factor sets the relative smoothing and "
"the Anisotropy Factor the direction, the Smoothing Factor sets the overall "
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Regularity:"
msgstr "Kvalita:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:173
msgid ""
" This value controls the evenness of smoothing to the image. Do not use a "
"high value here, or the target image will be completely blurred."
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:179
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iterations:"
msgstr "Sýtosť:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:182
#, fuzzy
msgid " Sets the number of times the filter is applied to the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť jas obrázka."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Noise:"
msgstr "Nič"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:191
msgid " Sets the noise scale."
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:200
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:296
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Pokročilé nastavenia"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:202
msgid "Angular step:"
msgstr "Uhlový krok:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:206
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set here the angular integration step (in degrees) analogous to anisotropy."
msgstr " Tu nastavte uhlový integračný krok v stupňoch."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:211
#, fuzzy
msgid "Integral step:"
msgstr "Kontrast:"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:215
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the spatial integral step."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gaussian:"
msgstr "Gaussové rozostrenie"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:223
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the precision of the Gaussian function."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:227
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile size:"
msgstr "Zobraziť veľkosť obrázka"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:230
#, fuzzy
msgid " Sets the tile size."
msgstr "Zobraziť veľkosť obrázka"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:234
msgid "Tile border:"
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:237
#, fuzzy
msgid " Sets the size of each tile border."
msgstr " Nastaviť šírku pozície do stredu"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:241
#, fuzzy
msgid "Interpolation:"
msgstr "VNG interpolácia"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:243
msgid "Nearest Neighbor"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:91
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear"
msgstr " Lineárny"
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:245
msgid "Runge-Kutta"
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:246
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the right interpolation method for the desired image quality."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň a sýtosť obrázka."
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:251
msgid "Fast approximation"
msgstr ""
#: libs/greycstoration/greycstorationwidget.cpp:252
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable fast approximation when rendering images."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie zlatých trojuholníkov."
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:318 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:927
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "nedostupné"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:350 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:944
msgid "File Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti súboru"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:354 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:948
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Meno:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:362 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:956
msgid "Modified:"
msgstr "Zmenené:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:367
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:177
#: libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:961
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:404 imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:85
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:161
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:78 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:998
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:413 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1007
msgid "Dimensions:"
msgstr "Rozmery:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:433 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1026
msgid "Photograph Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti fotografie"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:440 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1033
msgid "Make/Model:"
msgstr "Zhotoviteľ/Model:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:465 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1058
msgid "Aperture/Focal:"
msgstr "Clona/Ohnisko:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:473 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1066
msgid "Exposure/Sensitivity:"
msgstr "Expozícia/Citlivosť:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:488 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1081
msgid "Mode/Program:"
msgstr "Režim/Program:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:495 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1088
msgid "Flash:"
msgstr "Blesk:"
#: digikam/albumfiletip.cpp:502 libs/thumbbar/thumbbar.cpp:1095
msgid "White Balance:"
msgstr "Vyváženie bielej:"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:102
msgid "Standard EXIF Tags"
msgstr "Štandardné štítky EXIF"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:173
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:313
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:154
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:198
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Nie je dostupný žiaden popis"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:180
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:335
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:205
msgid "EXIF File to Save"
msgstr "Súbor EXIF pre uloženie"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/exifwidget.cpp:181
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:336
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:206
msgid "EXIF binary Files (*.exif)"
msgstr "Binárne súbory EXIF (*.exif)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch the tags view to a simple human-readable list"
msgstr "Prepnúť zobrazenie značiek na jednoduchý, čitateľný zoznam"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:114
msgid "Simple list"
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch the tags view to a full list"
msgstr "Prepnúť zobrazenie značiek na plný zoznam"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Full list"
msgstr "Plný text"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:130
msgid "Save metadata to a binary file"
msgstr "Uložiť metadáta do binárneho súboru"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:131
msgid "Save metadata"
msgstr "Uložiť metadáta"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:136
msgid "Print metadata to printer"
msgstr "Vytlačiť metadáta na tlačiarni"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:137
msgid "Print metadata"
msgstr "Vytlačiť metadáta"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:142
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:143
msgid "Copy metadata to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopírovať metadáta do schránky"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:274
msgid "File name: %1 (%2)"
msgstr "Názov súboru: %1 (%2)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatawidget.cpp:303
msgid " File name: %1 (%2)"
msgstr " Názov súboru: %1 (%2)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/makernotewidget.cpp:127
msgid "MakerNote EXIF Tags"
msgstr "Štítky MakerNote EXIF"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:83
msgid "IPTC Records"
msgstr "Záznamy IPTC"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:161
msgid "IPTC File to Save"
msgstr "IPTC súbor, ktorý sa ma uložiť"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/iptcwidget.cpp:162
msgid "IPTC binary Files (*.iptc)"
msgstr "IPTC binárne súbory (*.iptc)"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:50
msgid "Interoperability"
msgstr "Interoperabilita"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:51
msgid "Image Information"
msgstr "Informácie o obrázku"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:52
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:127 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:138
msgid "Photograph Information"
msgstr "Informácie o fotografii"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:53
msgid "Global Positioning System"
msgstr "Global Positioning System"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:54
msgid "Embedded Thumbnail"
msgstr "Pripojený náhľad"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:57
msgid "IIM Envelope"
msgstr "IIM obálka"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/mdkeylistviewitem.cpp:58
msgid "IIM Application 2"
msgstr "IIM Aplikácia 2"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/metadatalistview.cpp:125
msgid "Title: %1 Value: %2 Description: %3"
msgstr "Názov: %1 Hodnota: %2 Popis: %3"
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:120
msgid "More Info..."
msgstr "Viac informácií..."
#: libs/widgets/metadata/gpswidget.cpp:220
msgid "Global Positioning System Information"
msgstr "Global Positioning System Information informácie"
#: libs/widgets/common/curveswidget.cpp:342
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:435
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/cietonguewidget.cpp:749
msgid "Loading image..."
msgstr "Nahrávam obrázok..."
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/cietonguewidget.cpp:765
msgid "No profile available..."
msgstr "Nie je dostupný žiaden profil..."
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:129
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Meno"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:130
msgid "The ICC profile product name"
msgstr "Názov produktu ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:131
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:132
msgid "The ICC profile product description"
msgstr "Popis produktu ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:134
msgid "Additional ICC profile information"
msgstr "Dotatočné informácie ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:135
msgid "Manufacturer"
msgstr "Výrobca"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:136
msgid "Raw information about the ICC profile manufacturer"
msgstr "RAW informácia o výrobcovi ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:137
#: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:88
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Model"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:138
msgid "Raw information about the ICC profile model"
msgstr "RAW informácia o modeli ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:139
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Copyright"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:140
msgid "Raw information about the ICC profile copyright"
msgstr "RAW informácia o autorských právach ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:141
msgid "Profile ID"
msgstr "ID profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:142
msgid "The ICC profile ID number"
msgstr "ID číslo ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:143
msgid "Color Space"
msgstr "Farebný priestor"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:144
msgid "The color space used by the ICC profile"
msgstr "Farebný priestor použitý ICC profilom"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:145
msgid "Connection Space"
msgstr "Spájajúci priestor"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:146
msgid "The connection space used by the ICC profile"
msgstr "Spájajúci priestor používaný ICC profilom"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:147
msgid "Device Class"
msgstr "Trieda zariadenia"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:148
msgid "The ICC profile device class"
msgstr "Trieda zariadenia ICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:149
msgid "Rendering Intent"
msgstr "Vykresľovací zámer"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:150
msgid "The ICC profile rendering intent"
msgstr "Vykresľovací zámerICC profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:151
msgid "Profile Version"
msgstr "Verzia profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:152
msgid "The ICC version used to record the profile"
msgstr "Verzia ICC použitá na záznam profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:153
msgid "CMM Flags"
msgstr "Prepínače CMM"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:154
msgid "The ICC profile color management flags"
msgstr "Prepínače pre profil ICC správy farieb"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:166
msgid ""
" This area contains a CIE or chromaticity diagram. A CIE diagram is a "
"representation of all the colors that a person with normal vision can see. This "
"is represented by the colored sail-shaped area. In addition you will see a "
"triangle that is superimposed on the diagram outlined in white. This triangle "
"represents the outer boundaries of the color space of the device that is "
"characterized by the inspected profile. This is called the device gamut."
" In addition there are black dots and yellow lines on the diagram. Each black "
"dot represents one of the measurement points that were used to create this "
"profile. The yellow line represents the amount that each point is corrected by "
"the profile, and the direction of this correction."
msgstr ""
" Táto oblasť obsahuje CIE diagram alebo diagram chromaticity. CIE diagram je "
"reprezentácia všetkých farieb, ktoré osoba s normálnym videním dokáže vidieť. "
"Toto predstavuje farební plocha v tvare plachty. Naviac uvidíte trojuholník, "
"ktorý prekrýva diagram bielym obrysom. Tento trojuholník predstavuje hranice "
"farebného riestoru, zariadenia, ktoré skúmaný profil charakterizuje. Toto sa "
"nazýva gamut zariadenia."
" Ďalej sú na diagrame čierne bodky a žlté čiary. Každá čierna bodka "
"predstavuej jeden z bodov merania, ktoré boli využité na vytvorenie tohto "
"profilu. Žltá čiara predstavuje množstvo, o ktorý je každý bod profilom "
"opravený a smer tejto korekcie."
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:201
msgid "ICC Color Profile Information"
msgstr "Informácie ICC farebného profilu"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:289
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:322
msgid "Lab"
msgstr "Lab"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:292
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:325
msgid "Luv"
msgstr "Luv"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:295
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:328
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:298
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:331
msgid "GRAY"
msgstr "ŠEDÁ"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:301
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:334
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "HSV"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:304
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:337
msgid "HLS"
msgstr "HLS"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:307
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:340
msgid "CMYK"
msgstr "CMYK"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:310
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:343
msgid "CMY"
msgstr "CMY"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:355
msgid "Input device"
msgstr "Vstupné zariadenie"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:358
msgid "Display device"
msgstr "Zobraziť zariadenie"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:361
msgid "Output device"
msgstr "Výstupné zariadenie"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:364
msgid "Color space"
msgstr "Priestor farieb"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:367
msgid "Link device"
msgstr "Pripojiť zariadenie"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:370
msgid "Abstract"
msgstr "Abstraktné"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:373
msgid "Named color"
msgstr "Pomenovaná farba"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:385
msgid "Perceptual"
msgstr "Vnemový"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:388
msgid "Relative Colorimetric"
msgstr "Relatívna kolorimetria"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:391
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Sýtosť"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:394
msgid "Absolute Colorimetric"
msgstr "Absolútna kolorimetria"
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:434
msgid "ICC color profile File to Save"
msgstr "Súbor ICC profilu pre uloženie"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:314
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:357
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:391
#: libs/widgets/iccprofiles/iccprofilewidget.cpp:435
msgid "ICC Files (*.icc; *.icm)"
msgstr "Súbory ICC (*.icc; *.icm)"
#: libs/widgets/common/curveswidget.cpp:345
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:438
#, fuzzy
msgid "Histogram calculation..."
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/common/curveswidget.cpp:362
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:456
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/common/curveswidget.cpp:577
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:914
#, c-format
msgid "x:%1"
msgstr "x:%1"
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:955
msgid "Std dev.:"
msgstr "Smer. odch.:"
#: libs/widgets/common/histogramwidget.cpp:967
msgid "Percent:"
msgstr "Percentá:"
#: libs/widgets/common/dlogoaction.cpp:66 utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:374
msgid "Visit digiKam project website"
msgstr "Navštíviť web projektu digiKam"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1046 libs/widgets/common/searchtextbar.h:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Upraviť vyhľadávanie..."
#: libs/widgets/common/filesaveoptionsbox.cpp:94
msgid "No options available"
msgstr "Nie je dostupná žiadna voľba"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:921 libs/widgets/common/statuszoombar.cpp:113
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:552
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Oddialiť"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:913 libs/widgets/common/statuszoombar.cpp:130
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:547
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Priblížiť"
#: libs/widgets/common/statusnavigatebar.cpp:77
msgid "Go to the first item"
msgstr "Prejsť na prvú položku"
#: libs/widgets/common/statusnavigatebar.cpp:83
msgid "Go to the previous item"
msgstr "Prejsť na predchádzajúcu položku"
#: libs/widgets/common/statusnavigatebar.cpp:89
msgid "Go to the next item"
msgstr "Prejsť na ďalšiu položku"
#: libs/widgets/common/statusnavigatebar.cpp:95
msgid "Go to the last item"
msgstr "Prejsť na poslednú položku"
#: libs/widgets/common/curveswidget.cpp:535
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:245
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:330
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:395
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:233
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:268
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Originál"
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:263
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:321
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageguidewidget.cpp:386
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:224
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imageregionwidget.cpp:259
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Cieľ"
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:96
msgid ""
" Here you can see the original clip image which will be used for the preview "
" Click and drag the mouse cursor in the image to change the clip focus."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť pôvodný výrez obrázka, ktorý bude použitý pre výpočet "
"náhľadu. "
" Kliknite a ťahajte kurzor myši po obrázku pre zmenu hľadáčika výrezu."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:119
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area horizontally, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The target is "
"duplicated from the original below the red dashed line."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, horizontálne tým rozdelíte oblasť s náhľadom tak, že "
"uvidíte pôvodný a cieľový obraz naraz. Cieľový obrázok je pod pôvodným "
"obrázkom, oddelený červenou čiarkovanou čiarou."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:130
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area vertically, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The target is "
"duplicated from the original to the right of the red dashed line."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, vertikálne tým rozdelíte oblasť s náhľadom tak, že "
"uvidíte pôvodný a cieľový obraz naraz. Cieľový obrázok je vpravo od pôvodného "
"obrázku, oddelený červenou čiarkovanou čiarou."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:145
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area horizontally, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The original is "
"above the red dashed line, the target below it."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, horizontálne tým rozdelíte oblasť s náhľadom tak, že "
"uvidíte pôvodný a cieľový obraz naraz. Pôvodný obrázok je nad červenou "
"čiarkovanou čiarou, cieľ je pod ním."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:156
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will separate the preview area vertically, "
"displaying the original and target image at the same time. The original is to "
"the left of the red dashed line, the target to the right of it."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, vertikálne tým rozdelíte oblasť s náhľadom tak, že "
"uvidíte pôvodný a cieľový obraz naraz. Pôvodný obrázok je naľavo od červenej "
"čiarkovanej čiary, cieľ je vpravo od neho."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:168
msgid " If you enable this option, the preview area will not be separated."
msgstr " Ak povolíte túto voľbu, oblasť s náhľadom nebude oddelená."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagepanelwidget.cpp:330
msgid " If you enable this option, you will see the original image."
msgstr " Ak povolíte túto voľbu, uvidíte pôvodný obrázok."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:114
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split vertically. A "
"contiguous area of the image will be shown, with one half from the original "
"image, the other half from the target image."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, oblasť s náhľadom bude vertikálne predelená tak, že "
"na jednej polovici sa zobrazí časť z pôvodného obrázka a na druhej časť z "
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:126
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split horizontally. A "
"contiguous area of the image will be shown, with one half from the original "
"image, the other half from the target image."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, oblasť s náhľadom bude horizontálne predelená tak, "
"že na jednej polovici sa zobrazí časť z pôvodného obrázka a na druhej časť z "
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:138
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split vertically. The same "
"part of the original and the target image will be shown side by side."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, oblasť s náhľadom sa vertikálne predelí a vedľa seba "
"sa zobrazí rovnaká časť z pôvodného a z cieľového obrázka."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:149
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, the preview area will split horizontally. The "
"same part of the original and the target image will be shown side by side."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, oblasť s náhľadom sa horizontálne predelí a vedľa "
"seba sa zobrazí rovnaká časť z pôvodného a z cieľového obrázka."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:160
msgid " If you enable this option, you will see the target image."
msgstr " Ak povolíte túto voľbu, zobrazí sa cieľový obrázok."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:169
msgid ""
" If you enable this option, you will see the original image when the mouse is "
"over image area, else the target image."
msgstr ""
" Ak povolíte túto voľbu, pôvodný obrázok sa zobrazí ak na ňom bude kurzor "
"myši, ináč sa zobrazí cieľový obrázok."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:183
msgid ""
" Set this option to display black overlaid on the preview. This will help you "
"to avoid under-exposing the image."
msgstr ""
" Nastavte túto voľbu pre zobrazenie čistej čiernej v náhľade. To vám pomôže "
"predísť podexponovaniu obrázka."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:191
msgid ""
" Set this option on display white overlaid on the preview. This will help you "
"to avoid over-exposing the image."
msgstr ""
" Nastavte túto voľbu pre zobrazenie čistej bielej v náhľade. To vám pomôže "
"predísť preexponovaniu obrázka."
#: libs/widgets/imageplugins/imagewidget.cpp:317
msgid "(%1,%2) RGBA:%3,%4,%5,%6"
msgstr "(%1,%2) RGBA:%3,%4,%5,%6"
#: digikam/firstrun.cpp:91
msgid "Albums Library Folder"
msgstr "Cesta ku knižnici albumov"
#: digikam/firstrun.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" digiKam will store the photo albums which you create in a common "
"Albums Library Folder. Below, please select which folder you would like "
"digiKam to use as the common Albums Library Folder. Do not use a mount path hosted by a remote computer. There is an album in the database which does not appear to be on disk. This "
"album should be removed from the database, however you may lose information "
"because all images associated with this album will be removed from the database "
"as well."
" digiKam cannot continue without removing the items from the database because "
"all views depend on the information in the database. Do you want them to be "
"removed from the database?\n"
" There are %n albums in the database which do not appear to be on disk. These "
"albums should be removed from the database, however you may lose information "
"because all images associated with these albums will be removed from the "
"database as well."
" digiKam cannot continue without removing the items from the database because "
"all views depend on the information in the database. Do you want them to be "
"removed from the database?"
msgstr ""
" V databáze existuje album, ktorý sa nenachádza na disku. Tento album by mal "
"byť z databázy odstránený, môžete však prísť o informácie, pretože všetky "
"obrázky spojené s týmto albumom budú tiež z databázy odstránené."
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položiek v databáze, pretože "
"všetky pohľady závisia na informáciách v databáze. Chcete položky z databázy "
" V databáze existujú %n albumy, ktoré sa nenachádzajú na disku. Tieto albumy "
"by mali byť z databázy odstránené, môžete však prísť o informácie, pretože "
"všetky obrázky spojené s týmito albumami budú tiež z databázy odstránené."
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položiek v databáze, pretože "
"všetky pohľady závisia na informáciách v databáze. Chcete položky z databázy "
" V databáze existuje %n albumov, ktoré sa nenachádzajú na disku. Tieto albumy "
"by mali byť z databázy odstránené, môžete však prísť o informácie, pretože "
"všetky obrázky spojené s týmito albumami budú tiež z databázy odstránené. "
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položiek v databáze, pretože "
"všetky pohľady závisia na informáciach v databáze. Chcete položky z databázy "
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:173
msgid "Albums are Missing"
msgstr "Albumy chýbajú"
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:200
msgid "Scanning items, please wait..."
msgstr "Prosím čakajte, prehľadávajú as položky..."
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:245
msgid "Updating items, please wait..."
msgstr "Prosím čakajte, aktualizujú sa položky..."
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:504
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: "
" There is an item in the database which does not appear to be on disk or is "
"located in the root album of the path. This file should be removed from the "
"database, however you may lose information."
" digiKam cannot continue without removing the item from the database because "
"all views depend on the information in the database. Do you want it to be "
"removed from the database?\n"
" There are %n items in the database which do not appear to be on disk or are "
"located in the root album of the path. These files should be removed from the "
"database, however you may lose information."
" digiKam cannot continue without removing these items from the database "
"because all views depend on the information in the database. Do you want them "
"to be removed from the database?"
msgstr ""
" V databáze je položka, ktorá sa nenachádza na disku alebo je umiestnená v "
"koreňovom albume cesty. Tento súbor by mal byť z databázy odstránený, môžete "
"však prísť o informácie."
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položky z databázy, pretože všetky "
"pohľady závisia na informáciách v databáze. Chcete položku z databázy "
" V databáze sú %n položky, ktoré sa nenachádzajú na disku alebo sú umiestnené "
"v koreňovom albume cesty. Tieto súbory by mali byť z databázy odstránené, "
"môžete však prísť o informácie."
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položiek z databázy, pretože "
"všetky pohľady závisia na informáciách v databáze. Chcete položky z databázy "
" V databáze je %n položiek, ktoré sa nenachádzajú na disku alebo sú "
"umiestnené v koreňovom albume cesty. Tieto súbory by mali byť z databázy "
"odstránené, môžete však prísť o informácie."
" digiKam nemôže pokračovať bez odstránenia položiek z databázy, pretože "
"všetky pohľady závisia na informáciách v databáze. Chcete položky z databázy "
#: digikam/scanlib.cpp:514
msgid "Files are Missing"
msgstr "Súbory chýbajú"
#: digikam/digikamfirstrun.cpp:77
msgid "Album Library Path"
msgstr "Cesta ku knižnici albumov"
#: digikam/digikamfirstrun.cpp:89
msgid ""
"_: This is a path name so you should include the slash in the translation\n"
msgstr "/Obrázky"
#: digikam/digikamfirstrun.cpp:108
msgid ""
"You must select a folder for digiKam to use as the Album Library folder."
msgstr ""
"Musíte zvoliť priečinok, ktorý bude digiKam používať ako priečinok pre knižnicu "
#: digikam/digikamfirstrun.cpp:120
msgid "digiKam cannot use your home folder as the Album Library folder."
msgstr "Nemôžete použiť domovský adresár ako priečinok pre knižnicu albumov."
#: digikam/digikamfirstrun.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" %1 %1 %1 %1 digiKam is a photo management program for the K Desktop Environment. It is "
"designed to import, organize, and export your digital photographs on your "
"computer. You are currently in the Album view mode of digiKam. The Albums are the real "
"containers where your files are stored, they are identical with the folders on "
"disk. Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to "
"digiKam %4): We hope that you will enjoy digiKam. Thank you, The digiKam Team digiKam je program na správu fotiek pre KDE. Je navrhnutý pre importovanie, "
"organizovanie a exportovanie digitálnych fotografií na vašom počítači. Niektoré nové funkcie tohoto vydania digiKamu sú (v porovnaní s digiKamom "
"%4): Dúfame, že sa vám digiKam bude páčiť. Ďakujeme, Tím digiKamu Here you can review the images found using the current search settings."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť položky nájdené v knižnici albumov použitím aktuálneho "
"nastavenia vyhľadávania."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:122
msgid "Search Rules"
msgstr "Výsledky hľadania"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:123
msgid ""
" Here you can review the search rules used to filter image-searching in album "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť zoznam pravidiel pre vyhľadávanie, ktoré sú použité pre "
"vyhľadávanie v knižnici albumov."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:133
msgid "Add/Delete Option"
msgstr "Pridaj/Odstráň možnosť"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:134
msgid " You can edit the search rules by adding/removing criteria."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete kontrolovať zoznam pravidiel pre hľadanie a takisto pridať/odobrať "
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:141 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:138
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:261 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:483
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:593
msgid "As well as"
msgstr "rovnako ako"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:142 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:138
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:256 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:483
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:593
msgid "Or"
msgstr "Alebo"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:145
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Pridaj"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:146
msgid "&Del"
msgstr "&Vymaž"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:159
msgid "Group/Ungroup Options"
msgstr "Voľby (od)zoskupovania"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:160
msgid ""
" You can group or ungroup any search criteria from the Search Rule set."
msgstr ""
" Môžete zoskupiť alebo rozdeliť ľubovoľné možnosti vyhľadávania zo zoznamu "
"pravidiel pre vyhľadávanie."
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:165
msgid "&Group"
msgstr "&Zoskupiť"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:166
msgid "&Ungroup"
msgstr "Zr&ušiť zoskupenie"
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:180
msgid "&Save search as: "
msgstr "&Ulož hľadanie ako: "
#: digikam/searchadvanceddialog.cpp:182
msgid ""
" Enter the name used to save the current search in \"My Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Tu zadáte názov, pod ktorým uložíte momentálne hľadanie v pohľade „Moje "
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:80
msgid ""
"Select the rating value used to filter albums contents. Use contextual pop-up "
"menu to set rating filter condition."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rating Filter"
msgstr "Oranžový filter"
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "Greater Equal Condition"
msgstr "Nastavenie fotoaparátu"
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "Equal Condition"
msgstr "spĺňa podmienku"
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:155
msgid "Less Equal Condition"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:187
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rating >= %1"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:192
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rating = %1"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: digikam/ratingfilter.cpp:197
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Rating <= %1"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initializing..."
msgstr "Inicializuje sa hlavný pohľad"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:162 showfoto/showfoto.cpp:179
msgid "Checking ICC repository"
msgstr "Kontroluje sa repozitár ICC"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:170 showfoto/showfoto.cpp:187
msgid "Checking dcraw version"
msgstr "Kontroluje sa verzia dcraw"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scan Albums"
msgstr "Albumy"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:182
msgid "Reading database"
msgstr "Číta sa databáza"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:265
msgid ""
" ICC profiles path seems to be invalid. If you want to set it now, select \"Yes\", otherwise select \"No\". In this "
"case, \"Color Management\" feature will be disabled until you solve this "
"issue Zdá sa, že cesta k ICC profilom je neplatná. Ak ju chcete teraz nastaviť, vyberte „Áno“, inak vyberte „Nie“. V tom "
"prípade bude, „Správa farieb“ vypnutá až kým tento problém nevyriešite Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:693
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place onto Light Table"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:700
#, fuzzy
msgid "Place the selected items on the light table thumbbar."
msgstr " Tu zvoľ farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:709
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add selected items to the light table thumbbar."
msgstr "Táto voľba pridá nový obrázok to daného albumu."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:718
msgid "Change the filename of the currently selected item."
msgstr ""
"Táto voľba vám umožní premenovať premenovať názov súboru momentálne vybranej "
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:730
msgid "Delete permanently"
msgstr "Zmazať natrvalo"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:740
msgid "Delete permanently without confirmation"
msgstr "Trvale vymazať bez potvrdzovania"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:748
msgid "Move to trash without confirmation"
msgstr "Presunúť do koša bez potvrdzovania"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:756
msgid "&Sort Images"
msgstr "&Zotriediť obrázky"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:767
msgid "By Name"
msgstr "Podľa mena"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:768
msgid "By Path"
msgstr "Podľa umiestnenia"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:770
msgid "By File Size"
msgstr "Podľa veľkosti súboru"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:771
msgid "By Rating"
msgstr "Podľa hodnotenia"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:781
msgid "Adjust Exif orientation tag"
msgstr "Opraviť Exif štítok orientácie"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:786
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normálny"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:792
msgid "Flipped Horizontally"
msgstr "Převrátit horizontálně"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:798
msgid "Rotated Upside Down"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:804
msgid "Flipped Vertically"
msgstr "Prevrátiť vertikálne"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:810
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotated Right / Horiz. Flipped"
msgstr "Otočiť o 90 stupňov / horizontálne prevrátenie"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotated Right"
msgstr "vpravo dolu"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:822
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotated Right / Vert. Flipped"
msgstr "Otočiť o 90 stupňov / vertikálne prevrátenie"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:828
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rotated Left"
msgstr "&Otoč"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:887
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:343
msgid "Select None"
msgstr "Zrušiť výber"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:929
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:359
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:410
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Zoom to 100%"
msgstr "Oddialiť"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:937
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:365
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:380
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:415
msgid "Fit to &Window"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:946
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:404
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:420
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Celoobrazovkový mód"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:953
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch the window to full screen mode"
msgstr "Opustiť režim zobrazenia celej obrazovky"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:955
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:410
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:426
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Prezentácia"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:960
msgid "All"
msgstr "Všetky"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:965
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Výber"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:972
#, fuzzy
msgid "With All Sub-Albums"
msgstr "Podalbumy podľa dátumu"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:984
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:504
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:462
#, fuzzy
msgid "Supported RAW Cameras"
msgstr "Pripojený fotoaparát"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:992
msgid "Kipi Plugins Handbook"
msgstr "Príručka zásuvných modulov Kipi"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1005
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:492
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:450
msgid "Donate..."
msgstr "Venovať peniaze..."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1013
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:498
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:456
msgid "Contribute..."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1023
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:314
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:479
msgid "Assign Rating \"No Stars\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „bez hviezdičky“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1026
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:317
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:482
msgid "Assign Rating \"One Star\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „jedna hviezdička“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1029
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:320
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:485
msgid "Assign Rating \"Two Stars\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „dve hviezdičky“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1032
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:323
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:488
msgid "Assign Rating \"Three Stars\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „tri hviezdičky“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1035
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:326
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:491
msgid "Assign Rating \"Four Stars\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „štyri hviezdičky“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1038
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:329
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:494
msgid "Assign Rating \"Five Stars\""
msgstr "Priradiť hodnotenie „päť hviezdičiek“"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1051
msgid "Advanced Search..."
msgstr "Pokročilé hľadanie..."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1054 utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:95
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:1242
#: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Table"
msgstr "Jas"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1058
msgid "Scan for New Images"
msgstr "Hľadať nové obrázky"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1062
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rebuild All Thumbnails..."
msgstr "Znovunačítaj všetky náhľady..."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1066
msgid "Update Metadata Database..."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1081
msgid "Loading cameras"
msgstr "Načítajú sa fotoaparáty"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1306
msgid "No item selected"
msgstr "Nebola vybraná žiadna položka"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1322
msgid " (%1 of %2)"
msgstr " (%1 z %2)"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1329
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1/%2 items selected"
msgstr "%1 vybraných položiek"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1482
#, c-format
msgid "Browse %1"
msgstr "Listovať %1"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1495
#, c-format
msgid "Images found in %1"
msgstr "Obrázky nájdené v %1"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1556
msgid "No media devices found"
msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne mediálne zariadenia"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1808
#, fuzzy
msgid "Loading Kipi Plugins"
msgstr "Zásuvné moduly Kipi"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Browse Media"
msgstr "Listovať %1"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1931
msgid "Add Camera..."
msgstr "Pridať fotoaparát..."
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1940 showfoto/showfoto.cpp:195
msgid "Loading themes"
msgstr "Načítam témy"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:1980
msgid ""
"Rebuilding all image thumbnails can take some time.\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Prerobenie všetkých náhľadov položiek albumov môže chvíľu trvať.\n"
"Chcete pokračovať?"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:2001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Updating the metadata database can take some time. \n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Synchronizácia metadát všetkých obrázkov zo všetkých albumov s obsahom databázy "
"digiKam môže chvíľu trvať.\n"
"Chcete pokračovať?"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:2047
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %1"
msgstr "Veľkosť: %1"
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:2053 utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:1552
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:1575
#, fuzzy
msgid "zoom: %1%"
msgstr "Priblížiť: "
#: digikam/digikamapp.cpp:2081
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select folder to parse"
msgstr "Zvoľte obrázok, ktorý sa má nahrať"
#: digikam/albumicongroupitem.cpp:103
msgid ""
"_n: %1 %2 - 1 Item\n"
"%1 %2 - %n Items"
msgstr ""
"%1 %2 - 1 položka\n"
"%1 %2 - %n položky\n"
"%1 %2 - %n položiek"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:74
msgid "Album Name"
msgstr "Meno albumu"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:75
msgid "Album Caption"
msgstr "Titulok albumu"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:76
msgid "Album Collection"
msgstr "Kolekcia albumov"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:78
msgid "Tag Name"
msgstr "Názov štítka"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:79
msgid "Image Name"
msgstr "Názov obrázka"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:80
msgid "Image Date"
msgstr "Dátum obrázka"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:81
msgid "Image Caption"
msgstr "Titulok obrázka"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:82
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Kľúčové slovo"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:83
msgid "Rating"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:94 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:100
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:104
msgid "Contains"
msgstr "Obsahuje"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:95 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:101
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:105
msgid "Does Not Contain"
msgstr "Neosahuje"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:96 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:98
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:102 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:108
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:111
msgid "Equals"
msgstr "Rovná sa"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:97 digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:99
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:103
msgid "Does Not Equal"
msgstr "Nerovná sa"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:106
msgid "After"
msgstr "Po"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:107
msgid "Before"
msgstr "Pred"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:109
msgid "At least"
msgstr "Najmenej"
#: digikam/searchwidgets.cpp:110
msgid "At most"
msgstr "Najviac"
#: digikam/albumiconviewfilter.cpp:77
msgid ""
"This LED indicates the global image filter status, encompassing all status-bar "
"filters and all tag filters from the right sidebar.\n"
"GRAY: no filter is active, all items are visible.\n"
"RED: filtering is on, but no items match.\n"
"GREEN: filter(s) matches at least one item.\n"
"Any mouse button click will reset all filters."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/albumiconviewfilter.cpp:86
msgid "Text quick filter (search)"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/albumiconviewfilter.cpp:87
msgid ""
"Enter search patterns to quickly filter this view on file names, captions "
"(comments), and tags"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/albumiconviewfilter.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid " To create new tags, you can use the following rules: "
" Select the histogram time unit here."
" You can change the graph decade to zoom in or zoom out over time."
msgstr ""
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here."
" If the date count's maximal values are small, you can use the linear scale."
" Logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal values are big; if it is "
"used, all values (small and large) will be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete zvoliť rozsah histogramu. "
" Ak je veľkosť obrázka malá, môžete použiť lineárny rozsah. "
" Pri väčších veľkostiach je vhodné použiť logaritmický. Tak budete vidieť na "
"grafe všetky - malé i veľké hodnoty."
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear current selection"
msgstr "Invertovať výber"
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:199
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you press this button, current dates selection from time-line will be "
msgstr " Ak stlačíte toto tlačidlo, všetky hladiny sa upravia automaticky."
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:203
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enter the name of the current dates search to save in the \"My Date "
"Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Tu zadáte názov, pod ktorým uložíte momentálne hľadanie v pohľade „Moje "
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:209
msgid "Save current selection to a new virtual Album"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/timelineview.cpp:210
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If you press this button, current dates selection from time-line will be "
"saved to a new search virtual Album using name set on the left side."
msgstr ""
" Ak stlačíte toto tlačidlo, všetky hodnoty krivky pre aktuálny kanál sa "
"obnovia na štandardné hodnoty."
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:75
msgid "Quick Search"
msgstr "Rýchle hľadanie"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:84
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hľadať:"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:85
msgid "Enter here your search criteria"
msgstr ""
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:86
msgid " Enter your search criteria to find items in the album library"
msgstr " Tu vložte požiadavky pre vyhľadávanie v knižnici albumov"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the items found in album library, using the current search "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť položky nájdené v knižnici albumov použitím aktuálneho "
"nastavenia vyhľadávania."
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:93
msgid "Save search as:"
msgstr "Ulož hľadanie ako:"
#: digikam/searchquickdialog.cpp:96
msgid ""
" Enter the name of the current search to save in the \"My Searches\" view"
msgstr ""
" Tu zadáte názov, pod ktorým uložíte momentálne hľadanie v pohľade „Moje "
#: digikam/digikamview.cpp:215 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:142
msgid "Albums"
msgstr "Albumy"
#: digikam/digikamview.cpp:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Štandardný"
#: digikam/digikamview.cpp:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timeline"
msgstr "Názov"
#: digikam/digikamview.cpp:219
msgid "Searches"
msgstr "Hľadania"
#: digikam/digikamview.cpp:1509
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preparing slideshow of %1 images. Please wait..."
msgstr "Pripravuje sa prezentácia. Čakajte prosím..."
#: digikam/tagspopupmenu.cpp:183 digikam/tagspopupmenu.cpp:270
msgid "Add New Tag..."
msgstr "Pridať nový štítok..."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:104 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:84
#: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:168 utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:74
msgid "Interface Options"
msgstr "Možnosti rozhrania"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:106 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:86
msgid "&Use theme background color"
msgstr "Použiť &farbu pozadia témy"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:109 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to use background theme color in image editor area"
msgstr ""
" Zapnutím tejto voľby použijete farbu pozadia témy pre oblasť editora "
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:113 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:93
msgid "&Background color:"
msgstr "&Farba pozadia:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:116
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select background color to use for image editor area."
msgstr " Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:119 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:100
#: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:92
msgid "H&ide toolbar in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Skr&i panel nástrojov v celoobrazovkovom móde"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:120
msgid "Hide &thumbbar in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Skryť &panel náhľadov v režime na celú obrazovku"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:121
msgid "Use &horizontal thumbbar (need to restart showFoto)"
msgstr "Použiť &vodorovný panel náhľadov (vyžaduje reštart showFoto)"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:122
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, the thumbnails bar will be displayed horizontally "
"behind the image area. You need to restart showFoto for this option take "
" "
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, panel náhľadov sa zobrazí vodorovne za oblasťou "
"obrázka. Aby sa táto voľba prejavila, budete musieť reštartovať showFoto."
" "
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:124
msgid "&Deleting items should move them to trash"
msgstr "&Vymazanie položiek ich premiestni do koša"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:125 utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:82
msgid "&Show splash screen at startup"
msgstr "&Zobraz splash screen pri štarte počítača"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:127 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:102
msgid "Use Raw Import Tool to handle Raw image"
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:128 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:103
msgid ""
" Set on this option to use Raw Import tool before to load a Raw image, to "
"customize indeep decoding settings."
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:134 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:109
msgid "Exposure Indicators"
msgstr "Indikátory expozície"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:137 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:112
msgid "&Under-exposure color:"
msgstr "Farba pre &podexponované:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:140
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize color used in image editor to identify under-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu, ktorá sa v editore obrázkov používa pre "
"zjednodušenie identifikácie podexponovaných pixelov."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:144 utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:119
msgid "&Over-exposure color:"
msgstr "Farba pre p&reexponované:"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Customize color used in image editor to identify over-exposed pixels."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu, ktorá sa v editore obrázkov používa pre "
"zjednodušenie identifikácie preexponovaných pixelov."
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:152 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:96
msgid "EXIF Actions"
msgstr "EXIF činnosti"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:155 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:99
msgid "Show images/thumbs &rotated according to orientation tag"
msgstr "Zobraziť obrázky/náhľady podľa štítka orientácie"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:158 utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:102
msgid "Set orientation tag to normal after rotate/flip"
msgstr "Po otočení/prevrátení &nastaviť informáciu o orientácii"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:162
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort order for images"
msgstr "&Zotriediť obrázky"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sort images by:"
msgstr "&Zotriediť obrázky"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Date"
msgstr "Dátum obrázka"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:168
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Nový súbor s obrázkom"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "File size"
msgstr "Podľa veľkosti súboru"
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:170
msgid ""
" Here, select whether newly-loaded images are sorted by file-date, file-name, "
"or file-size."
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:173
msgid "Reverse ordering"
msgstr ""
#: showfoto/setup/setupeditor.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" If this option is enabled, newly-loaded images will be sorted in descending "
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, prezentácia začne aktuálnym obrázkom vybraným zo "
"zoznamu obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:204 showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:94
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:98 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:158
msgid "Tool Tip"
msgstr "Bublinový pomocník"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thumbbar Items Tool Tip Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenie tipov k nástrojom"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:102 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:178
msgid "RAW decoding"
msgstr "Dekódovanie RAW"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:102 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:178
msgid "RAW Files Decoding Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia dekódovania RAW"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:103 showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:106
#: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:182
msgid "Color Management"
msgstr "Správa farieb"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Management Settings"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:110 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:174
msgid "Save Images"
msgstr "Uložiť obrázky"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save Images' Files' Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia ukladania súborov editora obrázkov"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:190
msgid "Slide Show"
msgstr "Prezentácia"
#: showfoto/setup/setup.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setup.cpp:190
msgid "Slide Show Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia prezentácie"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Thumbbar items toolti&ps"
msgstr "Zobrazovať bublinové ti&py položiek albunu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:99
msgid ""
" Set this option to display image information when the mouse hovers over a "
"thumbbar item."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, budú sa zobrazovať informácie o obrázku keď "
"podržíte kurzor myši nad položkou albumu."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:106 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:117
msgid "File/Image Information"
msgstr "Informácie o súbore/obrázku"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:108 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:119
msgid "Show file name"
msgstr "Zobraziť názov súboru"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:109 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:120
msgid " Set this option to display the image file name."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie názvu súboru."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:111 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:122
msgid "Show file date"
msgstr "Zobraziť dátum súboru"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:112 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:123
msgid " Set this option to display the image file date."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie dátumu súboru."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:114 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:125
msgid "Show file size"
msgstr "Zobraziť veľkosť obrázka"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:115 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:126
msgid " Set this option to display the image file size."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie veľkosti obrázka."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:117 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:128
msgid "Show image type"
msgstr "Zobraziť typ obrázka"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:118 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:129
msgid " Set this option to display the image type."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie typu obrázka."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:120 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:131
msgid "Show image dimensions"
msgstr "Zobraziť rozmery obrázka"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:121 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:132
msgid " Set this option to display the image dimensions in pixels."
msgstr " Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte rozmery obrázka v pixeloch."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:129 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:140
msgid "Show camera make and model"
msgstr "Zobrazovať výrobcu a model fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:130 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:141
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the make and model of the camera with which the "
"image has been taken."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať výrobcu a model fotoaparátu s "
"ktorým bol obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:133 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:144
msgid "Show camera date"
msgstr "Zobrazovať dátum fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:134 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:145
msgid " Set this option to display the date when the image was taken."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať dátum kedy bol obrázok "
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:136
msgid "Show camera aperture and focal length"
msgstr "Zobraziť clonu a ohniskovú vzdialenosť fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:137 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:148
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera aperture and focal settings used to "
"take the image."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať nastavenie clony a ohniska, s "
"ktorým bol obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:140 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:151
msgid "Show camera exposure and sensitivity"
msgstr "Zobrazovať expozíciu a citlivosť fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:141 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:152
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera exposure and sensitivity used to take "
"the image."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať nastavenie expozície a "
"citlivosti, s ktorým bol obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:144 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:155
msgid "Show camera mode and program"
msgstr "Zobrazovať režim a program fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:145 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:156
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera mode and program used to take the "
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať nastavenie režimu a programu, s "
"ktorým bol obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:148 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:159
msgid "Show camera flash settings"
msgstr "Zobrazovať nastavenia blesku fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:149 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:160
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera flash settings used to take the image."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať nastavenie blesku, s ktorým bol "
"obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:152 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:163
msgid "Show camera white balance settings"
msgstr "Zobrazovať vyváženie bielej fotoaparátu"
#: showfoto/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:153 utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:164
msgid ""
" Set this option to display the camera white balance settings used to take "
"the image."
msgstr ""
" Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, bude sa zobrazovať vyváženie bielej, s ktorým bol "
"obrázok odfotený."
#: showfoto/main.cpp:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "File(s) or folder(s) to open"
msgstr "Súbor(y) na otvorenie"
#: showfoto/main.cpp:58
msgid "showFoto"
msgstr "showFoto"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:214
msgid "Brightness/Contrast/Gamma"
msgstr "Jas/Kontras/Gamma"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:217
msgid "Increase Gamma"
msgstr "Zvýš gammu"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:220
msgid "Decrease Gamma"
msgstr "Zníž gammu"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:223
msgid "Increase Brightness"
msgstr "Zvýš jas"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:226
msgid "Decrease Brightness"
msgstr "Zníž jas"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:229
msgid "Increase Contrast"
msgstr "Zvýš kontrast"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:232
msgid "Decrease Contrast"
msgstr "Zníž kontrast"
#: showfoto/showfoto.cpp:362
msgid ""
" The ICC profile path seems to be invalid. If you want to set it now, select \"Yes\", otherwise select \"No\". In this "
"case, \"Color Management\" feature will be disabled until you solve this "
"issue Zdá sa, že cesta k ICC profilu je neplatná. Ak ju chcete teraz nastaviť, vyberte „Áno“, inak vyberte „Nie“. V tom "
"prípade bude, „Správa farieb“ vypnutá až kým tento problém nevyriešite If this box is checked, files will be permanently removed "
"instead of being placed in the Trash Bin. Use this option with caution: most filesystems are unable to "
"undelete deleted files reliably. Ak je toto pole vybrané, súbory budú natrvalo odstránené "
"namiesto toho, aby boli presunnuté do Koša. Používajte túto možnosť opatrne: Väčšina súborových systémov "
"nedokáže spoľahlivo obnoviť zmazané súbory, ak zistíte, že ste sa pomýlili. If this box is checked, this dialog will no longer be shown, and files will "
"be directly moved to the Trash Bin Ak je táto voľba vybraná, tento dialóg sa už nebude zobrazovať a súbory budú "
"presunuté priamo do Koša Radius: this control selects the gliding window size used for the "
"filter. Larger values do not increase the amount of time needed to filter each "
"pixel in the image but can cause blurring. This window moves across the image, "
"and the color in it is smoothed to remove imperfections. In any case it must be "
"about the same size as the noise granularity or somewhat more. If it is set "
"higher than necessary, then it can cause unwanted blur."
msgstr ""
" Polomer: tento prvok vyberie veľkosť okna pre filter. Väčšie hodnoty "
"nepredlžujú čas potrebný na filtrovanie bodu, ale môžu spôsobiť rozmazanie. "
"Toto okno sa pohybuje cez obrázok a farba v ňom je vyhladená aby sa odstránili "
"nedokonalosti. V každom prípade musí byť rovnako veľké alebo o niečo väčšie ako "
"zrnitosť šumu. Ak je väčšie ako je potrebné, môže spôsobiť nechcené rozmazanie."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:111
msgid "Threshold:"
msgstr "Prah:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:117
msgid ""
" Threshold: use the slider for coarse adjustment, and the spin control "
"for fine adjustment to control edge detection sensitivity. This value should be "
"set so that edges and details are clearly visible and noise is smoothed out. "
"Adjustment must be made carefully, because the gap between \"noisy\", "
"\"smooth\", and \"blur\" is very small. Adjust it as carefully as you would "
"adjust the focus of a camera."
msgstr ""
" Prah: posuvný prvok použite na hrubé priblíženie a spin prvok pre "
"jemné doladenie. Tieto prvky riadia citlivosť detekcie hrán. Hodnota by mala "
"byť nastavená tak, aby hrany a detaily boli čisto viditeľné a šum vyhladený. "
"Nastavenie musí byť urobené starostlivo, pretože rozdiel v hodnote medzi "
"\"zašumeným\", \"vyhladeným\" a \"rozmazaným\" je veľmi malý. Prah nastavte "
"starostlivo tak, ako by ste zaostrovali fotoaparát."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:127
msgid "Texture:"
msgstr "Textúra:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:133
msgid ""
" Texture: this control sets the texture accuracy. This value can be "
"used, to get more or less texture accuracy. When decreased, then noise and "
"texture are blurred out, when increased then texture is amplified, but also "
"noise will increase. It has almost no effect on image edges."
msgstr ""
" Textúra: tento prvok nastaví presnosť textúry. Táto hodnota môže byť "
"použitá na získanie menšej alebo väčšej presnosti textúry. Pri zmenšení sa šum "
"a textúra rozmažú a pri zvýšení sa textúra zaostrí ale tiež aj šum. Na hrany "
"obrázky nemá skoro žiadny efekt."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:140
msgid "Sharpness:"
msgstr "Zaostrenie:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:146
msgid ""
" Sharpness: This value improves the frequency response for the filter. "
"When it is too strong then not all noise can be removed, or spike noise may "
"appear. Set it near to maximum, if you want to remove very weak noise or "
"JPEG-artifacts, without losing detail."
msgstr ""
" Ostrosť: Táto hodnota zlepšuje frekvenčnú odpoveď pre filter. Ak je "
"príliš silná, nemusí byť odstránení všetok šum alebo sa môžu objaviť špičky "
"šumu. Nastavte ju blízko maxima ak chcete odstrániť veľmi slabý šum alebo JPEG "
"artefakty bez straty detailov."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:154
msgid "Edge Lookahead:"
msgstr "Vzdialenosť hrany:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:160
msgid ""
" Edge: This value defines the pixel distance to which the filter looks "
"ahead for edges. When this value is increased, then spike noise is erased. You "
"can eventually re-adjust the Edge filter, when you have changed this "
"setting. When this value is too high, the adaptive filter can no longer "
"accurately track image details, and noise or blurring can occur."
msgstr ""
" Hrana: Táto hodnota definuje vdialenosť bodu, kam sa filter pozerá "
"pri hľadaní hrán. Pri zvýšení sa odstránia špičky šumu. Prípadne môžete zmeniť "
"nastavenie filtra Hrana, ak ste zmenili toto nastavenie. Ak je táto "
"hodnota príliš vysoká, adaptívny filter nemôže presne zistiť detaily obrázku a "
"môže sa objaviť šum alebo rozmazanie."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:169
msgid "Erosion:"
msgstr "Erózia:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:175
msgid ""
" Erosion: Use this to increase edge noise erosion and spike noise "
"erosion (noise is removed by erosion)."
msgstr ""
" Erózia: použite na zvýšenie erózie hrán a špičiek šumu (erózia "
"odstraňuje šum)."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:196
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaily"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:203
msgid "Luminance:"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:209
msgid ""
" Luminance: this control sets the luminance tolerance of the image.We "
"recommend using either the Color or the Luminance "
"tolerance settings to make an image correction, not both at the same time. "
"These settings do not influence the main smoothing process controlled by the "
"Details settings."
msgstr ""
" Jas: tento prvok nastavuje prípustnú odchýlku jasu obrázku. Na "
"korekciu obrázku sa odporúča použiť buď nastavenia Farba alebo Jas"
", nie obe naraz. Tieto nastavenia neovplyvňujú hlavný vyhladzovací proces, "
"ktorý je riadený nastaveniami Detaily."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:153
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:217
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "Farba:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:223
msgid ""
" Color: this control sets the color tolerance of the image. It is "
"recommended using either the Color or the Luminance "
"tolerance to make image correction, not both at the same time. These settings "
"do not influence the main smoothing process controlled by the Details "
msgstr ""
" Farba: tento prvok nastavuje prípustnú odchýlku farby obrázku. Na "
"korekciu obrázku sa odporúča použiť buď nastavenia Farba alebo Jas"
", nie obe naraz. Tieto nastavenia neovplyvňujú hlavný vyhladzovací proces, "
"ktorý je riadený nastaveniami Detaily."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:149
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:172
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:231
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:265
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:292
msgid "Gamma:"
msgstr "Gama:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:237
msgid ""
" Gamma: this control sets the gamma tolerance of the image. This value "
"can be used to increase the tolerance values for darker areas (which commonly "
"are noisier). This results in more blur for shadow areas."
msgstr ""
" Gama: tento prvok nastavuje prípustnú odchýlku gama obrázku. Táto "
"hodnota môže byť použitá na zvýšenie prípustných odchýlok pre tmavšie oblasti "
"(ktoré sú spravidla viac zašumené). Výsledkom sú viac rozmazané oblasti v "
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Damping:"
msgstr "Hodnotenie:"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:249
msgid ""
" Damping: this control sets the phase-jitter damping adjustment. This "
"value defines how fast the adaptive filter-radius reacts to luminance "
"variations. If increased, then edges appear smoother; if too high, then blur "
"may occur. If at minimum, then noise and phase jitter at the edges can occur. "
"It can suppress spike noise when increased, and this is the preferred method to "
"remove it."
msgstr ""
" Zvlhčenie: tento prvok nastavuje phase-jitter zvlhčenie. Táto hodnota "
"definuje ako rýchlo sa polomer adaptívneho filtra reaguje na zmeny jasu. Pri "
"zvýšení sa hrany vyhladia, ak je príliš vysoká môže sa objaviť rozmazanie. Pri "
"miniálnej hodnote sa na hranách môže objaviť šum a phase jitter. Môže potlačiť "
"špičky šumu a toto je preferovaná metóda na ich odstránenie."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:269
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Pokročilé"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:467
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Noise Reduction Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:479
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Noise Reduction settings text file."
msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:499
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Noise Reduction text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:508
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Noise Reduction Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/noisereduction/noisereductiontool.cpp:531
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Noise Reduction text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/imageplugin_channelmixer.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Mixer..."
msgstr "Kanál:"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:474
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Mixer"
msgstr "Kanál:"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here the image's color channels' gains adjustments preview. You "
"can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia vyváženia farieb. Na obrázku môžete "
"vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:127
msgid ""
" Select the color channel to mix here:"
" Red: display the red image-channel values."
" Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime histogramu:"
" Svietivosť: zmeniť hodnoty svietivosti obrázka."
" Červená: zobraziť hodnoty červeného kanála."
" Zelená: zobraziť hodnoty zeleného kanála."
" Modrá: zobraziť hodnoty modrého kanála."
" "
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:139
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:136
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:120
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:119
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:210
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:117
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:138
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:192
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here."
" If the image's maximal counts are small, you can use the linear scale."
" Logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal counts are big; if it is "
"used, all values (small and large) will be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete zvoliť rozsah histogramu. "
" Ak je veľkosť obrázka malá, môžete použiť lineárny rozsah. "
" Pri väčších veľkostiach je vhodné použiť logaritmický. Tak budú vidieť na "
"grafe malé i veľké hodnoty."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:167
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the selected "
"image channel. This one is re-computed at any mixer settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť cieľový náhľad histogramu vybraného kanála obrázka. Tento "
"sa prepočíta, ak sa vyskytnú zmeny nastavení."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:177
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Červená:"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:182
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the red color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:184
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Modrá:"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:189
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the green color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:191
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:272
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Zelená:"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:196
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the blue color gain in percent for the current channel here."
msgstr " Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:270
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:292
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Reset"
msgstr "Nastaviť na pôvodné"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:199
msgid ""
"Reset color channels' gains settings from the currently selected channel."
msgstr "Vynulovať nastavenia zosilnenia farieb pre aktuálny kanál."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:203
msgid "Monochrome"
msgstr "Čierno-biely"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:204
msgid ""
" Enable this option if you want the image rendered in monochrome mode. In "
"this mode, the histogram will display only luminosity values."
msgstr ""
" Zaškrtnite túto voľbu, ak si prajete výsledný obrázok vyrenderovať "
"čierno-bielo. V tomto režime histogram zobrazuje iba hodnoty jasovej zložky."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:207
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preserve luminosity"
msgstr "Jas"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:208
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option is you want preserve the image luminosity."
msgstr " Ak povolíte túto voľbu, zobrazí sa cieľový obrázok."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:623
msgid "Select Gimp Gains Mixer File to Load"
msgstr "Vyberte súbor obsahujúci nastavenia zosilnenia GIMPu."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:695
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Gains Mixer text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:707
msgid "Gimp Gains Mixer File to Save"
msgstr "Textový súbor na uloženie nastavení zosilnenia"
#: imageplugins/channelmixer/channelmixertool.cpp:769
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Gains Mixer text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/imageplugin_colorfx.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Effects..."
msgstr "Správa farieb..."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Effects"
msgstr "Farebná hĺbka:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid " This is the color effects preview"
msgstr " Toto je náhľad nástroja obrázkového filtra farby."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:110
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:109
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:200
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:107
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here:"
" Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values."
" Red: display the red image-channel values."
" Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime histogramu:"
" Svietivosť: zmeniť hodnoty svietivosti obrázka."
" Červená: zobraziť hodnoty červeného kanála."
" Zelená: zobraziť hodnoty zeleného kanála."
" Modrá: zobraziť hodnoty modrého kanála."
" "
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:151
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:150
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:243
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:156
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:150
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:229
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the selected "
"image channel. This one is re-computed at any settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť cieľový náhľad histogramu vybraného kanála obrázka. Tento "
"sa prepočíta, ak sa vyskytnú zmeny nastavení."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solarize"
msgstr "Veľkosť:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:165
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:408
msgid "Vivid"
msgstr "Vivid"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:412
#, fuzzy
msgid "Neon"
msgstr "Nič"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:167
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:416
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find Edges"
msgstr "Nájdené štítky"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:169
msgid ""
" Select the effect type to apply to the image here."
" Solarize: simulates solarization of photograph."
" Vivid: simulates the Velvia(tm) slide film colors."
" Neon: coloring the edges in a photograph to reproduce a fluorescent "
"light effect."
" Find Edges: detects the edges in a photograph and their strength."
msgstr ""
" Zvoľte, ktorý typ efektu sa aplikuje na obrázok."
" Solarizačný: simuluje solarizáciu fotografie."
" Vivid: simuluje farby Velvia negatívneho filmu."
" Neónový: vyfarbí hrany na fotografii na vyvolanie efektu "
"fluorescencie svetla."
" Nájsť hrany: nájde hrany na fotografii a ich silu."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:124
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:178
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:140
msgid "Level:"
msgstr "Úroveň:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:182
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:144
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the level of the effect."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:184
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "Iteration:"
msgstr "Sýtosť:"
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:188
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This value controls the number of iterations to use with the Neon and Find "
"Edges effects."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota riadi počet opakovaní použitia efektov neón a nájsť hrany."
#: imageplugins/colorfx/colorfxtool.cpp:404
#, fuzzy
msgid "ColorFX"
msgstr "Farby"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels"
msgstr "Pixely:"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:88
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filter:"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:90
msgid "Average"
msgstr "Priemer"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:92
msgid "Quadratic"
msgstr "Kvadratický"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:93
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr "Kubický"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black Frame..."
msgstr "Čiernobiela..."
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:97
msgid ""
" Use this button to add a new black frame file which will be used by the hot "
"pixels removal filter."
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom pridajte nový súbor čierneho snímku pre filter korekcie "
"vypálených pixelov."
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:146
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1339
msgid "Loading: "
msgstr "Načítava sa: "
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:186
msgid "Select Black Frame Image"
msgstr "Vyberte obraz čierneho snímku"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/hotpixelstool.cpp:255
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels Correction"
msgstr "Redukcia červených očí"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:43
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ukončiť náhľad"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:44
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:160
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veľkosť"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/blackframelistview.cpp:46
msgid ""
"_: This is a column which will contain the amount of HotPixels found in the "
"black frame file\n"
msgstr "VP"
#: imageplugins/hotpixels/imageplugin_hotpixels.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hot Pixels..."
msgstr "Pixely:"
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:192
msgid "Film Grain"
msgstr "Filmové zrnenie"
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:77
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sensitivity (ISO):"
msgstr "Citlivosť:"
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/filmgraintool.cpp:87
msgid ""
" Set here the film ISO-sensitivity to use for simulating the film graininess."
msgstr " Tu nastavte citlivosť filmu v ISO pre simuláciu zrnitosti filmu."
#: imageplugins/filmgrain/imageplugin_filmgrain.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Film Grain..."
msgstr "Pridať fotoaparát..."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/imageplugin_antivignetting.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vignetting Correction..."
msgstr "Korekcie červených očí"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:73
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:367
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vignetting Correction"
msgstr "Korekcie červených očí"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a thumbnail preview of the anti-vignetting mask applied to "
"the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete vidieť farebný náhľad nastavení odtieňa a sýtosti."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid "Density:"
msgstr "Rozmery:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:101
msgid ""
" This value controls the degree of intensity attenuation by the filter at its "
"point of maximum density."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota určuje stupeň utlmenia intenzity v mieste maximálnej hustoty "
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "Power:"
msgstr "Presunúť do pozadia"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:112
msgid ""
" This value is used as the exponent controlling the fall-off in density from "
"the center of the filter to the periphery."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota sa používa ako exponent ovládajúci znižovanie hustoty od stredu "
"k okraju filtra."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:123
msgid ""
" This value is the radius of the center filter. It is a multiple of the "
"half-diagonal measure of the image, at which the density of the filter falls to "
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota určuje polomer filtra. Je to násobok polovice uhlopriečky "
"obrázku, na ktorom hustota filtra klesne k nule."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:131
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:160
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:280
msgid "Brightness:"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the brightness re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť jas obrázka."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:140
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:166
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:469
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:434
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:286
msgid "Contrast:"
msgstr "Kontrast:"
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the contrast re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť kontrast obrázka."
#: imageplugins/antivignetting/antivignettingtool.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the gamma re-adjustment of the target image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť gamu obrázka."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/imageplugin_whitebalance.cpp:48
msgid "White Balance..."
msgstr "Vyváženie bielej..."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:690
msgid "White Balance"
msgstr "Vyváženie bielej"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:105
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here the image's white-balance adjustments preview. You can pick "
"color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia vyváženia farieb. Na obrázku môžete "
"vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the selected "
"image channel. This one is re-computed at any filter settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť cieľový náhľad histogramu vybraného kanála obrázka. Tento "
"sa prepočíta, ak sa vyskytnú zmeny nastavení."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:187
msgid ""
" Set here the white balance color temperature in Kelvin."
msgstr " Tu musíte nastaviť úroveň žltej/modrej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset:"
msgstr "Percentá:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "Candle"
msgstr "&Zrušiť"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:199
msgid "40W Lamp"
msgstr "40 W žiarovka"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:200
msgid "100W Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:201
msgid "200W Lamp"
msgstr "200W žiarovka"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:202
msgid "Sunrise"
msgstr "Východ slnka"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:203
msgid "Studio Lamp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:204
msgid "Moonlight"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:205
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Neutrálny"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:206
msgid "Daylight D50"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:207
msgid "Photo Flash"
msgstr "Fotografický blesk"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:208
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Slnečno"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:209
msgid "Xenon Lamp"
msgstr "Xenónová lampa"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:210
msgid "Daylight D65"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:213
msgid ""
" Select the white balance color temperature preset to use here:"
" Candle: candle light (1850K)."
" 40W Lamp: 40 Watt incandescent lamp (2680K)."
" 100W Lamp: 100 Watt incandescent lamp (2800K)."
" 200W Lamp: 200 Watt incandescent lamp (3000K)."
" Sunrise: sunrise or sunset light (3200K)."
" Studio Lamp: tungsten lamp used in photo studio or light at 1 hour "
"from dusk/dawn (3400K)."
" Moonlight: moon light (4100K)."
" Neutral: neutral color temperature (4750K)."
" Daylight D50: sunny daylight around noon (5000K)."
" Photo Flash: electronic photo flash (5500K)."
" Sun: effective sun temperature (5770K)."
" Xenon Lamp: xenon lamp or light arc (6420K)."
" Daylight D65: overcast sky light (6500K)."
" None: no preset value."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:235
msgid "Temperature tone color picker."
msgstr "Výber farby farebného tónu."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:236
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"white color balance temperature and green component."
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie teploty vyváženia bielej."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:244
msgid "Black point:"
msgstr "Čierny bod:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:249
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the black level value."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť rôzne hodnoty pomerov."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:251
msgid "Shadows:"
msgstr "Tiene:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:256
msgid " Set here the shadows noise suppresion level."
msgstr " Tu nastavte stupeň potlačenia šumu v tieňoch."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:258
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:299
msgid "Saturation:"
msgstr "Sýtosť:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:263
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the saturation value."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:270
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the gamma correction value."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť gamu obrázka."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:277
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set here the green component to set magenta color cast removal level."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň červenej/zelenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:284
msgid ""
" With this button, you can automatically adjust Exposure and Black Point "
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vykonať automatické úpravy expozície a čierneho bodu."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:296
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the main exposure compensation value in E.V."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť rôzne hodnoty pomerov."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine:"
msgstr "Veľkosť:"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:303
msgid ""
" This value in E.V will be added to main exposure compensation value to set "
"fine exposure adjustment."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:783
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Color Balance Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:796
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a White Color Balance settings text file."
msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:816
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the White Color Balance text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:825
#, fuzzy
msgid "White Color Balance Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/whitebalance/whitebalancetool.cpp:845
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the White Color Balance text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:66
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:199
msgid "Charcoal"
msgstr "Kresba uhlíkom"
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pencil size:"
msgstr "Percentil:"
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the charcoal pencil size used to simulate the drawing."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:86
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:170
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:89
msgid "Smooth:"
msgstr "Hladkosť:"
#: imageplugins/charcoal/charcoaltool.cpp:91
msgid ""
" This value controls the smoothing effect of the pencil under the canvas."
msgstr " Táto hodnota ovplyvňuje efekt vyhladzovania ťahov uhlíkom."
#: imageplugins/charcoal/imageplugin_charcoal.cpp:50
msgid "Charcoal Drawing..."
msgstr "Kresba uhlíkom..."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:457
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Curves"
msgstr "Upraviť krivku"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:105
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the image's curve-adjustments preview. You can pick a spot on the "
"image to see the corresponding level in the histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia vyváženia farieb. Na obrázku môžete "
"vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:129
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here:"
" Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values."
" Red: display the red image-channel values."
" Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values."
" Alpha: display the alpha image-channel values. This channel "
"corresponds to the transparency value and is supported by some image formats, "
"such as PNG or TIF."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať kanál pre zobrazenie histogramu:"
" Jas: vykreslenie (vnímaných) hodnôt jasu."
" Červená: vykreslenie kanálu červenej farby."
" Zelená: vykreslenie kanálu zelenej farby."
" Modrá: vykreslenie kanálu modrej farby."
" Alfa: vykreslenie hodnôt alfa kanálu obrázka. Tento kanál je pri "
"niektorých formátoch (napr. PNG alebo GIF) zhodný s hodnotou priehľadnosti."
" Farby: vykreslenie všetkých farebných kanálov súčasne."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:177
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the selected "
"image channel. This one is re-computed at any curves settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť cieľový náhľad histogramu vybraného kanála obrázka. Tento "
"sa prepočíta, ak sa vyskytnú zmeny nastavení."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:190
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the curve drawing of the selected channel from original image"
msgstr " Toto je histogram zvoleného kanálu"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:217
msgid "Curve free mode"
msgstr "Mód voľnej krivky"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:218
msgid " With this button, you can draw your curve free-hand with the mouse."
msgstr " Týmto tlačidlom môžete pomocou myši kresliť krivku od ruky."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:226
msgid "Curve smooth mode"
msgstr "Mód hladkej krivky"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:227
msgid ""
" With this button, you constrains the curve type to a smooth line with "
msgstr " Týmto tlačidlom obmedzíte typ krivky na napnutú hladkú čiaru."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:242
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:261
msgid "All channels shadow tone color picker"
msgstr "Selektor pre farbu tmavého tónu pre všetky kanály"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:243
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Shadow Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Tmavého tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:252
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:271
msgid "All channels middle tone color picker"
msgstr "Selektor pre farbu stredného tónu pre všetky kanály"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:253
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Middle Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Stredného tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:262
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:281
msgid "All channels highlight tone color picker"
msgstr "Selektor pre farbu výrazného tónu pre všetky kanály"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:263
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Highlight Tone smooth curves point on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity "
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Výrazného tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:272
msgid "Reset current channel curves' values."
msgstr "Obnoviť hodnoty krivky aktuálneho kanálu."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:273
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all curves' values from the current selected "
"channel will be reset to the default values."
msgstr ""
" Ak stlačíte toto tlačidlo, všetky hodnoty krivky pre aktuálny kanál sa "
"obnovia na štandardné hodnoty."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:624
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Gimp Curves File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať súbor s čiernobielym nastavením"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:630
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load from the Gimp curves text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:645
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gimp Curves File to Save"
msgstr "IPTC súbor, ktorý sa ma uložiť"
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/adjustcurvestool.cpp:651
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save to the Gimp curves text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/adjustcurves/imageplugin_adjustcurves.cpp:47
msgid "Curves Adjust..."
msgstr "Úprava kriviek..."
#: imageplugins/texture/imageplugin_texture.cpp:48
msgid "Apply Texture..."
msgstr "Aplikovať textúru..."
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:68
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "Príroda"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paper"
msgstr "Oslavy"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:82
msgid "Paper 2"
msgstr "Papier 2"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:83
msgid "Fabric"
msgstr "Látka"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:84
msgid "Burlap"
msgstr "Vrecovina"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:85
msgid "Bricks"
msgstr "Tehly"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:86
msgid "Bricks 2"
msgstr "Tehly 2"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr "Fotoaparáty"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marble"
msgstr "Viac"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:89
msgid "Marble 2"
msgstr "Mramor 2"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:90
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blue Jean"
msgstr "Modrá"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:91
msgid "Cell Wood"
msgstr "Drevnaté bunky"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:92
msgid "Metal Wire"
msgstr "Pletivo"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modern"
msgstr "Model"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:94
msgid "Wall"
msgstr "Stena"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:95
msgid "Moss"
msgstr "Mach"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stone"
msgstr "Nič"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the texture type to apply to the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:102
msgid "Relief:"
msgstr "Reliéf:"
#: imageplugins/texture/texturetool.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the relief gain used to merge texture and image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť jas obrázka."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/imageplugin_inserttext.cpp:47
msgid "Insert Text..."
msgstr "Vložiť text..."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:86
msgid "Here you can choose the font to be used."
msgstr "Tu si môžete vybrať písmo pre použitie."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:112
msgid "Change font family?"
msgstr "Zmeniť rodinu písma?"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable this checkbox to change the font family settings."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie oddielov zlatej špirály."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font:"
msgstr "Počet:"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:132
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:149
#, fuzzy
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "&Názov:"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:139
msgid "Change font style?"
msgstr "Zmeniť štýl písma?"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable this checkbox to change the font style settings."
msgstr " Túto voľbu zaškrtnite pre zobrazenie zlatých výrezov."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:167
msgid "Change font size?"
msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť písma?"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable this checkbox to change the font size settings."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie oddielov zlatej špirály."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:192
msgid "Here you can choose the font family to be used."
msgstr "Tu si môžete zvoliť rodinu písma."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:213
msgid "Here you can choose the font style to be used."
msgstr "Tu si môžete zvoliť štýl písma."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:216
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:475
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:477
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:488
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:489
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "Obyčajné"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Podľa adresára"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:219
msgid "Bold Italic"
msgstr "Tučné s kurzívou"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:236
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "Relatívna"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:238
msgid "Font size This previews the text inserted in the image. You can use the mouse to move "
"the text to the right location."
msgstr ""
" Toto je ukážka vkladaného textu do obrázka. Na presunutie textu na správnu "
"pozíciu použite myš."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:102
msgid " Here, enter the text you want to insert in your image."
msgstr " Tu napíšte text, ktorý si prajete vložiť do obrázku."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:107
#, fuzzy
msgid " Here you can choose the font to be used."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť všeobecné parametre. Select the text rotation to use."
msgstr " Nastaviť výšku pozície do stredu"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:155
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the font color to use."
msgstr " Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:159
msgid "Add border"
msgstr "Pridať okraj"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:160
msgid "Add a solid border around text using current text color"
msgstr "Pridať neprerušovaný okraj okolo textu vo farbe textu"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:162
msgid "Semi-transparent"
msgstr "Polopriehľadné"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:163
msgid "Use semi-transparent text background under image"
msgstr "Použiť pod obrázkom polopriehľadné pozadie textu"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:232
msgid "Enter your text here!"
msgstr "Tu napíšte text!"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Levels"
msgstr "Automatické úrovne"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:106
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image's level-adjustments preview. You can pick a spot "
"on the image to see the corresponding level in the histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia vyváženia farieb. Na obrázku môžete "
"vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:130
msgid ""
" Here select the histogram channel to display:"
" Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values."
" Red: display the red image-channel values."
" Green: display the green image-channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image-channel values."
" Alpha: display the alpha image-channel values. This channel "
"corresponds to the transparency value and is supported by some image formats, "
"such as PNG or TIF."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať kanál pre zobrazenie histogramu:"
" Jas: vykreslenie (vnímaných) hodnôt jasu."
" Červená: vykreslenie kanálu červenej farby."
" Zelená: vykreslenie kanálu zelenej farby."
" Modrá: vykreslenie kanálu modrej farby."
" Alfa: vykreslenie hodnôt alfa kanálu obrázka. Tento kanál je pri "
"niektorých formátoch (napr. PNG alebo GIF) zhodný s hodnotou priehľadnosti."
" Farby: vykreslenie všetkých farebných kanálov súčasne."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:143
msgid ""
" Here select the histogram scale."
" If the image's maximal counts are small, you can use the linear scale."
" The Logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal counts are big; if it is "
"used, all values (small and large) will be visible on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete zvoliť rozsah histogramu. "
" Ak je veľkosť obrázka malá, môžete použiť lineárny rozsah. "
" Pri väčších veľkostiach je vhodné použiť logaritmický. Tak budú vidieť na "
"grafe malé i veľké hodnoty."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:173
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram drawing of the selected "
"image channel. This one is re-computed at any levels settings changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť cieľový náhľad histogramu vybraného kanála obrázka. Tento "
"sa prepočíta, ak sa vyskytnú zmeny nastavení."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:179
msgid ""
" This is the histogram drawing of the selected channel from original image"
msgstr " Toto je histogram zvoleného kanálu"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:188
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:205
msgid " Select the minimal intensity input value of the histogram."
msgstr " Nastavte minimálnu intenzitu vo výbere histogramu."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:189
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:206
msgid "Minimal intensity input."
msgstr "Minimálna vstupná hodnota intenzity."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:197
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:219
msgid " Select the maximal intensity input value of the histogram."
msgstr " Tu nastavte maximálnu hodnotu intenzity výberu histogramu."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:198
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:218
msgid "Maximal intensity input."
msgstr "Maximálna vstupná hodnota intenzity."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:212
msgid "Gamma input value."
msgstr "Vstupná hodnota gama."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:213
msgid " Select the gamma input value."
msgstr " Tu si vyberte vstupnú hodnotu gama."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:223
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:243
msgid " Select the minimal intensity output value of the histogram."
msgstr " Nastavte minimálnu intenzitu vo výbere histogramu."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:224
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:242
msgid "Minimal intensity output."
msgstr "Minimálna výstupná hodnota intenzity."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:232
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:249
msgid " Select the maximal intensity output value of the histogram."
msgstr " Tu nastavte maximálnu hodnotu intenzity výberu histogramu."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:233
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:248
msgid "Maximal intensity output."
msgstr "Maximálna výstupná hodnota intenzity."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:262
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Shadow Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Tmavého tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:272
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Middle Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Stredného tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:282
msgid ""
" With this button, you can pick the color from original image used to set "
"Highlight Tone levels input on Red, Green, Blue, and Luminosity channels."
msgstr ""
" Týmto tlačidlom môžete vybrať farbu z originálneho obrázku, ktorá sa použije "
"na nastavenie bodu Výrazného tónu kriviek na červenom, zelenom, modrom a "
"jasovom kanáli."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:288
msgid "Adjust all levels automatically."
msgstr "Upraviť všetky hladiny automaticky."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:289
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all channel levels will be adjusted automatically."
msgstr " Ak stlačíte toto tlačidlo, všetky hladiny sa upravia automaticky."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:294
msgid "Reset current channel levels' values."
msgstr "Obnoviť hodnoty hladiny aktuálneho kanálu."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:295
msgid ""
" If you press this button, all levels' values from the current selected "
"channel will be reset to the default values."
msgstr ""
" Ak stlačíte toto tlačidlo, všetky hodnoty hladiny pre aktuálny kanál sa "
"obnovia na štandardné hodnoty."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:598
#, fuzzy
msgid "Adjust Level"
msgstr "Automatické úrovne"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:756
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Gimp Levels File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať súbor s čiernobielym nastavením"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:762
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load from the Gimp levels text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:776
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gimp Levels File to Save"
msgstr "Súbor EXIF pre uloženie"
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/adjustlevelstool.cpp:782
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save to the Gimp levels text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Čiernej a bielej."
#: imageplugins/adjustlevels/imageplugin_adjustlevels.cpp:48
msgid "Levels Adjust..."
msgstr "Úprava hladín..."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:67
msgid "Raindrops"
msgstr "Dažďové kvapky"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:71
msgid ""
" This is the preview of the Raindrop effect."
" Note: if you have previously selected an area in the editor, this will be "
"unaffected by the filter. You can use this method to disable the Raindrops "
"effect on a human face, for example."
msgstr ""
" Toto je ukážka efektu Dažďové kvapky."
" Poznámka: ak ste v editore vybrali určitú oblasť, zostane nezmenená. To "
"môžete napríklad využiť, aby filter nevytvoril dažďové kvapky na ľudskej tvári."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:87
msgid "Drop size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť kvapky:"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the raindrops' size."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Number:"
msgstr "Meno:"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:101
msgid " This value controls the maximum number of raindrops."
msgstr " Určuje maximálny počet daždových kvapiek."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:105
msgid "Fish eyes:"
msgstr "Rybie oko:"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:110
msgid " This value is the fish-eye-effect optical distortion coefficient."
msgstr " Táto hodnota určuje koeficient optického skreslenia kvapiek."
#: imageplugins/raindrop/raindroptool.cpp:250
msgid "RainDrop"
msgstr "Dažďová kvapka"
#: imageplugins/raindrop/imageplugin_raindrop.cpp:47
msgid "Raindrops..."
msgstr "Dažďové kvapky..."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:68
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur FX"
msgstr "Modrá"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Blur"
msgstr "Oddialiť"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Radial Blur"
msgstr "Gaussové rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:85
msgid "Far Blur"
msgstr "Ďaleké rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:86
msgid "Motion Blur"
msgstr "Rozmazanie pohybom"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:87
msgid "Softener Blur"
msgstr "Jemné rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:88
msgid "Skake Blur"
msgstr "Trasiace rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focus Blur"
msgstr "Gaussové rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:90
msgid "Smart Blur"
msgstr "Inteligentné rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:91
msgid "Frost Glass"
msgstr "Zamrznuté sklo"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:92
msgid "Mosaic"
msgstr "Mozaika"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:94
msgid ""
" Select the blurring effect to apply to the image."
" Zoom Blur: blurs the image along radial lines starting from a "
"specified center point. This simulates the blur of a zooming camera."
" Radial Blur: blurs the image by rotating the pixels around the "
"specified center point. This simulates the blur of a rotating camera."
" Far Blur: blurs the image by using far pixels. This simulates the "
"blur of an unfocalized camera lens."
" Motion Blur: blurs the image by moving the pixels horizontally. This "
"simulates the blur of a linear moving camera."
" Softener Blur: blurs the image softly in dark tones and hardly in "
"light tones. This gives images a dreamy and glossy soft focus effect. It's "
"ideal for creating romantic portraits, glamour photographs, or giving images a "
"warm and subtle glow."
" Skake Blur: blurs the image by skaking randomly the pixels. This "
"simulates the blur of a random moving camera."
" Focus Blur: blurs the image corners to reproduce the astigmatism "
"distortion of a lens."
" Smart Blur: finds the edges of color in your image and blurs them "
"without muddying the rest of the image."
" Frost Glass: blurs the image by randomly disperse light coming "
"through a frosted glass."
" Mosaic: divides the photograph into rectangular cells and then "
"recreates it by filling those cells with average pixel value."
msgstr ""
" Tu vyberte efekt rozmazania, ktorý sa má aplikovať na obrázok. "
" Lupa rozmazanie: rozmaže obrázok pozdĺž lúčových čiar, ktoré "
"vychádzajú z určeného stredového bodu. Toto napodobňuje rozmazanie priblíženia "
"fotoaparátu. "
" Radiálne rozmazanie: rozmaže obrázok rotáciou pixelov okolo určeného "
"stredového bodu. Toto napodobňuje rozmazanie otáčajúceho sa fotoaparátu. "
" Vzdialené rozmazanie: rozmaže obrázok použitím vzdialených pixelov. "
"Toto napodobňuje rozmazanie nezaostrených šošoviek fotoaparátu. "
" Rozmazanie pohybom: rozmaže obrázok horizontálnym posunutím pixelov. "
"Toto napodobňuje rozmazanie lineárnym pohybom fotoaparátu. "
" Jemné rozmazanie: rozmaže obrázok jemne v tmavých odtieňoch a silne v "
"svetlých tónoch. Toto dá obrázkom zasnený a lesklý efekt jemného zaostrenia. Je "
"ideálnym pre romantické portréty, kúzelných fotografov alebo pre pridanie "
"teplej a jemnej žiary. "
" Rozmazanie trasením: rozmaže obrázok náhodným rozmazaním pixelov. "
"Toto napodobňuje rozmazanie náhodným pohybom videoaparátu. "
" Rozmazanie šošovkou: rozmaže rohy obrázku pre napodobenie "
"astigmatickej deformácie šošoviek. "
" Bystré rozmazanie: vyhľadá miesta, kde sa stretávajú farby a rozmaže "
"tie, miesto celého obrázku. "
" Zamrznuté sklo: rozmaže obrázok náhodným prepustením jasného svetla "
"cez zamrznuté sklo. "
" Mozaika: rozdelí fotografiu do obdĺžnikových buniek a potom z nich "
"vytvorí nové priemerovaním hodnôt ich pixelov."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:118
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distance:"
msgstr "Vyváženie bielej:"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the blur distance in pixels."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid " This value controls the level to use with the current effect."
msgstr ""
"Táto voľba vám umožní momentálne vybranú položku otvoriť v editore obrázkov."
#: imageplugins/blurfx/blurfxtool.cpp:399
msgid "Blur Effects"
msgstr "Efekty rozostrenia"
#: imageplugins/blurfx/imageplugin_blurfx.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur Effects..."
msgstr "Rozostriť..."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:570
msgid "Add Border"
msgstr "Pridať orámovanie"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Plná biela"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:91
#, fuzzy
msgid "Beveled"
msgstr "Vývojár"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:92
msgid "Decorative Pine"
msgstr "Borovica"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:93
msgid "Decorative Wood"
msgstr "Drevo"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:94
msgid "Decorative Paper"
msgstr "Papier"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:95
msgid "Decorative Parquet"
msgstr "Parkety"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:96
msgid "Decorative Ice"
msgstr "Ľad"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:97
msgid "Decorative Leaf"
msgstr "List"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:98
msgid "Decorative Marble"
msgstr "Mramor"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:99
msgid "Decorative Rain"
msgstr "Dážď"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decorative Craters"
msgstr "Zníž kontrast"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:101
msgid "Decorative Dried"
msgstr "Sucho"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:102
msgid "Decorative Pink"
msgstr "Oranžové"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:103
msgid "Decorative Stone"
msgstr "Kameň"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:104
msgid "Decorative Chalk"
msgstr "Krieda"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:105
msgid "Decorative Granite"
msgstr "Granit"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:106
msgid "Decorative Rock"
msgstr "Skala"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:107
msgid "Decorative Wall"
msgstr "Stena"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:109
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the border type to add around the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň a sýtosť obrázka."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preserve Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "Pomer strán:"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Enable this option if you want to preserve the aspect ratio of the image. If "
"enabled, the border width will be in percent of the image size, else the border "
"width will in pixels."
msgstr ""
"Povoľte túto možnosť, ak chcete zachovať pomer strán obrázku. Ak je povolené, "
"šírka orámovania bude v percentách z veľkosti obrázku alebo v bodoch."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:122
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:194
msgid "Width (%):"
msgstr "Šírka (%):"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:126
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the border width in percent of the image size."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "Width (pixels):"
msgstr "Šírka (%):"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the border width in pixels to add around the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť v bodoch šírku kompozičných pravítok."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:384
#, fuzzy
msgid "First:"
msgstr "Prvý:"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:385
#, fuzzy
msgid "Second:"
msgstr "Výber"
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:386
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the foreground color of the border."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň modrej/červenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:387
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the Background color of the border."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň modrej/červenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:403
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the main border."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť kontrast obrázka."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:404
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the line."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť kontrast obrázka."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:410
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the upper left area."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:411
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the lower right area."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň modrej/červenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:432
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the first line."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/border/bordertool.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the color of the second line."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/border/imageplugin_border.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Border..."
msgstr "Pridať fotoaparát..."
#: imageplugins/emboss/imageplugin_emboss.cpp:50
msgid "Emboss..."
msgstr "Reliéf..."
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:65
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:164
msgid "Emboss"
msgstr "Reliéf"
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth:"
msgstr "&Hĺbka"
#: imageplugins/emboss/embosstool.cpp:80
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the depth of the embossing image effect."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:70
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:301
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restoration"
msgstr "Sýtosť"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:113
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "Preset"
msgstr "Nastaviť na pôvodné"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:96
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "Visit CImg library website"
msgstr "Navštíviť web projektu digiKam"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:123
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:98
msgid "Filtering type:"
msgstr "Typ filtrovania:"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:102
msgid "Reduce Uniform Noise"
msgstr "Redukovať rovnomerný šum"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:103
msgid "Reduce JPEG Artefacts"
msgstr "Redukovať JPEG artefakty"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:104
msgid "Reduce Texturing"
msgstr "Redukovať textúru"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:105
msgid ""
" Select the filter preset to use for photograph restoration:"
" None: Most common values. Puts settings to default."
" Reduce Uniform Noise: reduce small image artifacts like sensor noise."
" Reduce JPEG Artefacts: reduce large image artifacts like JPEG "
"compression mosaic."
" Reduce Texturing: reduce image artifacts like paper texture or Moire "
"patterns of a scanned image."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu vyberte predvolené nastavenie filtra pre renováciu fotografie: "
" Žiadny: Najbežnejšie hodnoty. Nastaví na východzie. "
" Redukovať uniformný šum: redukuje malé obrazové artefakty, ako je "
"senzorový šum. "
" Redukovať JPEG artefakty: redukuje veľké obrazové artefakty, ako je "
"mozaika JPEG kompresie. "
" Redukovať textúrovanie: redukuje obrazové artefakty, ako je papierová "
"textúra alebo moire vzory scannovaného obrázku. "
" "
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Restoration Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:319
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Restoration settings text file."
msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:328
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Restoration text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:341
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Restoration Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/restoration/restorationtool.cpp:350
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Restoration text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/restoration/imageplugin_restoration.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restoration..."
msgstr "Nastavenia..."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/imageplugin_freerotation.cpp:48
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free Rotation..."
msgstr "Korekcia červených očí..."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:71
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:304
#, fuzzy
msgid "Free Rotation"
msgstr "Orientácia:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:75
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the free rotation operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on "
"this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to guide you "
"in adjusting the free rotation correction. Release the left mouse button to "
"freeze the dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Toto je náhľad filtra obrázkov. Ak na túto plochu presuniete kurzor myši, "
"zobrazí sa vám horizontálna a vertikálna prerušovaná čiara, ktorá vám pomôže "
"doladiť nastavenia filtra. Pre ukotvenie pozície prerušovanej čiary stlačte "
"ľavé tlačidlo myši"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:96
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "New width:"
msgstr "Šírka vodítka:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:97
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:296
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:297
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:105
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:235
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:236
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:95
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:99
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:308
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:309
msgid " px"
msgstr " px"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:100
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:104
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:98
#, fuzzy
msgid "New height:"
msgstr "Výška:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:106
msgid "Main angle:"
msgstr "Hlavný uhol:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:110
msgid ""
" An angle in degrees by which to rotate the image. A positive angle rotates "
"the image clockwise; a negative angle rotates it counter-clockwise."
msgstr ""
" Uhol v stupňoch, o ktorý sa ma otočiť obrázok. Kladná hodnota otočí obrázok "
"v smere hod. ruč.; záporná hodnota otočí obrázok proti smeru hod. ruč."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:114
msgid "Fine angle:"
msgstr "Jemný uhol:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:118
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main angle value to set fine target "
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota v stupňoch bude pridaná k hodnote hlavného uhla pre doladenie "
"výsledného uhla."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:121
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:130
msgid "Anti-Aliasing"
msgstr "Vyhladzovanie"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:122
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to apply the anti-aliasing filter to the rotated image. "
"In order to smooth the target image, it will be blurred a little."
msgstr ""
" Zaškrtnite túto voľbu pre použitie vyhladzovania otočeného obrázku. Za "
"účelom vyhladenia výsledného obrázku, sa obrázok trochu rozostrí."
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:126
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto-crop:"
msgstr "Autor:"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:129
msgid "Widest Area"
msgstr "Najširšia plocha"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "Largest Area"
msgstr "Posledné hľadanie"
#: imageplugins/freerotation/freerotationtool.cpp:132
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the method to process image auto-cropping to remove black frames "
"around a rotated image."
msgstr ""
" Tu zvoľte metódu pre automatické orezanie čiernych pásov okolo otočeného "
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/imageplugin_distortionfx.cpp:50
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distortion Effects..."
msgstr "Vypisujú sa priečinky..."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:392
msgid "Distortion Effects"
msgstr "Efekty skreslenia"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:80
msgid ""
" This is the preview of the distortion effect applied to the photograph."
msgstr " Toto je ukážka efektu skreslenia po aplikovaní na fotografiu."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:98
msgid "Fish Eyes"
msgstr "Rybie oči"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgid "Twirl"
msgstr "Názov"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:100
msgid "Cylindrical Hor."
msgstr "Valcový horiz."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:101
msgid "Cylindrical Vert."
msgstr "Valcový vert."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:102
msgid "Cylindrical H/V."
msgstr "Valcový H/V."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "Caricature"
msgstr "Príroda"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:104
msgid "Multiple Corners"
msgstr "Viacnásobné okraje"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:105
msgid "Waves Hor."
msgstr "Vlnový horiz."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:106
msgid "Waves Vert."
msgstr "Vlnový vert."
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:107
msgid "Block Waves 1"
msgstr "Štvorcové vlny 1"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:108
msgid "Block Waves 2"
msgstr "Štvorcové vlny 2"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:109
msgid "Circular Waves 1"
msgstr "Kruhové vlny 1"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:110
msgid "Circular Waves 2"
msgstr "Kruhové vlny 2"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:111
msgid "Polar Coordinates"
msgstr "Polárne súradnice"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:112
msgid "Unpolar Coordinates"
msgstr "Nepolárne súradnice"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "Názov"
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here, select the type of effect to apply to the image."
" Fish Eyes: warps the photograph around a 3D spherical shape to "
"reproduce the common photograph 'Fish Eyes' effect."
" Twirl: spins the photograph to produce a Twirl pattern."
" Cylinder Hor.: warps the photograph around a horizontal cylinder."
" Cylinder Vert.: warps the photograph around a vertical cylinder."
" Cylinder H/V.: warps the photograph around 2 cylinders, vertical and "
" Caricature: distorts the photograph with the 'Fish Eyes' effect "
" Multiple Corners: splits the photograph like a multiple corners "
" Waves Horizontal: distorts the photograph with horizontal waves."
" Waves Vertical: distorts the photograph with vertical waves."
" Block Waves 1: divides the image into cells and makes it look as if "
"it is being viewed through glass blocks."
" Block Waves 2: like Block Waves 1 but with another version of glass "
"blocks distortion."
" Circular Waves 1: distorts the photograph with circular waves."
" Circular Waves 2: another variation of the Circular Waves effect."
" Polar Coordinates: converts the photograph from rectangular to polar "
" Unpolar Coordinates: the Polar Coordinates effect inverted."
" Tile: splits the photograph into square blocks and moves them "
"randomly inside the image."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu vyberte typ efektu, ktorý sa má aplikovať na obrázok. "
" Rybie oči: deformuje obrázok do 3D guľatiny pre napodobenie známeho "
"fotografického efektu 'Rybie oko'. "
" Vír: roztočí fotografiu pre napodobenie kučery. "
" Valcový Hor.: obtočí fotografiu okolo horizontálneho valca."
" Valcový Vert.: obtočí fotografiu okolo vertikálneho valca. "
" Valcový H/V: obtočí fotografiu okolo 2 valcov, vertikálneho a "
"horizontálneho. "
" Karikatúra: skreslí fotografiu pomocou invertovaného efektu 'Rybieho "
"oka'. "
" Viacnásobné okraje: rozdelí fotografiu ako vzor s viacerými okrajmi. "
" Vlnový horizontálne: pridá do fotografie horizontálne vlny. "
" Vlnový vertikálne: pridá do fotografie vertikálne vlny. "
" Štvorcové vlny 1: rozdelí obrázok na bunky a upraví ich tak, že "
"vyzerajú, ako keby sa na ne dívalo cez sklenený blok. "
" Štvorcové vlny 2: ako Štvorcové vlny 1, ale s inou verziou deformácie "
"blokov. "
" Kruhové vlny 1: pridá do fotografie kruhové vlny. "
" Kruhové vlny 2: iná varianta efektu kruhové vlny. "
" Polárne súradnice: zmení súradnice obrázku z pravoúhlych na polárne. "
" Nepolárne súradnice: invertovaný efekt polárnych súradníc. "
" Dlaždice: rozdelí obrázok do štvorcových blokov a náhodne ich "
"rozmiestni po obrázku. "
" "
#: imageplugins/distortionfx/distortionfxtool.cpp:151
msgid ""
" This value controls the iterations to use for Waves, Tile, and Neon effects."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota ovplyvňuje počet opakovaní pre vlnový efekt, dlaždice a neón."
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/imageplugin_oilpaint.cpp:48
msgid "Oil Paint..."
msgstr "Olejomaľba..."
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:68
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:204
msgid "Oil Paint"
msgstr "Olejomaľba"
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:80
msgid "Brush size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť štetca:"
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the brush size to use for simulating the oil painting."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť výšku orezu."
#: imageplugins/oilpaint/oilpainttool.cpp:93
msgid ""
" This value controls the smoothing effect of the brush under the canvas."
msgstr " Táto hodnota ovplyvňuje efekt vyhladzovania ťahov štetcom."
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:67
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:222
msgid "Infrared"
msgstr "Infračervený"
#: imageplugins/infrared/infraredtool.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Set here the ISO-sensitivity of the simulated infrared film. Increasing this "
"value will increase the proportion of green color in the mix. It will also "
"increase the halo effect on the hightlights, and the film graininess (if that "
"box is checked). Note: to simulate an Ilford SFX200 infrared film, use a sensitivity "
"excursion of 200 to 800. A sensitivity over 800 simulates Kodak HIE "
"high-speed infrared film. This last one creates a more dramatic photographic "
"style. Tu nastavte ISO citlivosť simulovaného infračerveného filmu. Zvýšením "
"citlivosti zvýšíte podiel zelenej farby. Taktiež sa zvýrazní halo efekt okolo "
"svetiel a zrnitosť filmu (ak je voľba zaškrtnutá). Poznámka: na simuláciu Ilford SFX200 infračerveného filmu použite "
"citlivú excursiu od 200 do 800. Citlivosť nad 800 simuluje Kodak HIE "
"vysokorýchlostný infračervený film. Tento dáva viac dramatický fotografický "
"štýl. This option adds infrared film grain to the image depending on "
msgstr ""
" Táto voľba slúži na pridanie efektu zrnitosti do obrázku v závislosti od ISO "
#: imageplugins/infrared/imageplugin_infrared.cpp:49
msgid "Infrared Film..."
msgstr "Infračervený film..."
#: imageplugins/perspective/imageplugin_perspective.cpp:47
msgid "Perspective Adjustment..."
msgstr "Úprava perspektívy..."
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivewidget.cpp:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perspective Adjustment"
msgstr "Nastavenie svetlosti"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:74
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Percentil:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:84
msgid ""
" This is the perspective transformation operation preview. You can use the "
"mouse for dragging the corner to adjust the perspective transformation area."
msgstr ""
" Toto je ukážka operácie úpravy perspektívy. Oblasť pre transformácíu "
"perspektívy môžete upraviť potiahnutím niektorého rohu myšou."
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:112
msgid "Angles (in degrees):"
msgstr "Uhly (v stupňoch):"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:113
#, fuzzy
msgid " Top left:"
msgstr "vľavo hore"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid " Top right:"
msgstr "Autorské práva:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid " Bottom left:"
msgstr "vľavo dolu"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:119
#, fuzzy
msgid " Bottom right:"
msgstr "vpravo dolu"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:126
msgid "Draw preview while moving"
msgstr "Kresliť náhľad počas presunu"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:130
msgid "Draw grid"
msgstr "Vykresliť mriežku"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:134
msgid "Guide color:"
msgstr "Farba vodítka:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:136
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:146
msgid " Set here the color used to draw guides dashed-lines."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:140
msgid "Guide width:"
msgstr "Šírka vodítka:"
#: imageplugins/perspective/perspectivetool.cpp:144
#: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:150
msgid " Set here the width in pixels used to draw guides dashed-lines."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť v bodoch šírku kompozičných pravítok."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:81
msgid "Template Superimpose"
msgstr "Prekrytie šablónou"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:91
msgid " This is the preview of the template superimposed onto the image."
msgstr " Toto je ukážka obrázku prekrytého šablónou."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:103
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:378
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:539
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "Priblížiť"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:109
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:379
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:544
msgid "Zoom out"
msgstr "Oddialiť"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:140
msgid "Root Directory..."
msgstr "Koreňový adresár..."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:141
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set here the current templates' root directory."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:233
msgid "Select Template Root Directory to Use"
msgstr "Vyberte koreňový adresár šablôn"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/superimposetool.cpp:262
msgid "Super Impose"
msgstr "Prekryť"
#: imageplugins/superimpose/imageplugin_superimpose.cpp:49
msgid "Template Superimpose..."
msgstr "Prekrytie šablónou..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hue / Saturation / Lightness"
msgstr "Odtieň/sýtosť/jas"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:92
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image Hue/Saturation/Lightness adjustments preview. You "
"can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia odtieňa/sýtosti/jasu obrázka. Na obrázku "
"môžete vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:169
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the hue and saturation adjustments of the image here."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň a sýtosť obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a color preview of the hue and saturation adjustments."
msgstr " Tu môžete vidieť farebný náhľad nastavení odtieňa a sýtosti."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:179
msgid "Hue:"
msgstr "Odtieň:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:184
msgid " Set here the hue adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť odtieň obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:193
msgid " Set here the saturation adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:197
msgid "Lightness:"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:202
msgid " Set here the lightness adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť jas obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/hsl/hsltool.cpp:448
msgid "HSL Adjustments"
msgstr "Úpravy HSL"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:68
msgid "Blur..."
msgstr "Rozostriť..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:72
msgid "Sharpen..."
msgstr "Zaostrenie..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:76
#, fuzzy
msgid "Red Eye..."
msgstr "Korekcia červených očí..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:79
msgid ""
"This filter can be used to correct red eyes in a photo. Select a region "
"including the eyes to use this option."
msgstr ""
"Tento filter možno použiť pre korekciu červených očí na obrázku. Zvoľte oblasť, "
"kde sa červené oči nachádzajú a spustite akciu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:82
msgid "Brightness/Contrast/Gamma..."
msgstr "Jas/kontrast/gama"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:86
msgid "Hue/Saturation/Lightness..."
msgstr "Odtieň/sýtosť/jas..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:91
msgid "Color Balance..."
msgstr "Vyváženie farieb..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:96
msgid "Auto-Correction..."
msgstr "Autokorekcia..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:101
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:213
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Invertovať"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:114
msgid "Color Management..."
msgstr "Správa farieb..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:120
msgid "Black && White..."
msgstr "Čiernobiela..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:127
msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop..."
msgstr "Pomer strán výrezu..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:232
msgid "Red-Eye Correction Tool"
msgstr "Nástroj korekcie červených očí"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:233
msgid ""
"You need to select a region including the eyes to use the red-eye correction "
msgstr ""
"Pred použitím nástroja redukcie červených očí musíte na obrázku zvoliť oblasť "
"obsahujúcu červené oči"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:263
#, fuzzy
msgid "This image is already using a depth of 8 bits / color / pixel."
msgstr "Tento obrázok už používa 16-bitovú farebnú hĺbku."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:270
msgid ""
"Performing this operation will reduce image color quality. Do you want to "
msgstr ""
"Vykonaním tejto operácie zmenšíte farebnú kvalitu obrázka. Chcete pokračovať?"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/imageplugin_core.cpp:288
#, fuzzy
msgid "This image is already using a depth of 16 bits / color / pixel."
msgstr "Tento obrázok už používa 16-bitovú farebnú hĺbku."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:80
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:435
msgid "Color Balance"
msgstr "Vyváženie farieb"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:86
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image color-balance adjustments preview. You can pick "
"color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia vyváženia farieb. Na obrázku môžete "
"vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:162
msgid "Cyan"
msgstr "Modrá"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:167
msgid " Set here the cyan/red color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň modrej/červenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:181
msgid "Magenta"
msgstr "Červená"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:186
msgid " Set here the magenta/green color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť úroveň červenej/zelenej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:200
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Žltá"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/rgbtool.cpp:205
msgid " Set here the yellow/blue color adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu musíte nastaviť úroveň žltej/modrej na obrázku."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:654
msgid "Sharpen"
msgstr "Zaostrenie"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:93
#, fuzzy
msgid "Method:"
msgstr "Model:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:96
msgid "Simple sharp"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:97
msgid "Unsharp mask"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:98
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:669
#, fuzzy
msgid "Refocus"
msgstr "Rekurzívne"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select the sharpening method to apply to the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:121
msgid ""
" A sharpness of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the sharpen matrix "
"radius that determines how much to sharpen the image."
msgstr ""
" Zaostrenie 0 nemá žiadny efekt, 1 a vyššie stanovujú rádius zaostrovacej "
"matice, ktorá určuje, ako má byť obrázok ostrý."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:142
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Radius value is the gaussian blur matrix radius value used to determines how "
"much to blur the image."
msgstr ""
" Vyhladzovanie 0 nemá žiaden efekt, 1 a vyššie určujú polomer Gaussovej "
"rozmazávacej matrice, ktorá definuje stupeň rozmazania obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Počet:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:150
msgid ""
" The value of the difference between the original and the blur image that is "
"added back into the original."
msgstr ""
" Hodnota rozdielu medzi originálom a rozostreným obrazom, ktorá je pridaná "
"spät do originálu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:158
msgid ""
" The threshold, as a fraction of the maximum luminosity value, needed to "
"apply the difference amount."
msgstr ""
" Prah, ako zlomok maximálnej hodnoty jasu, potrebný pre aplikáciu hodnoty "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Circular sharpness:"
msgstr "Zaostrenie:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:183
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the radius of the circular convolution. It is the most important "
"parameter for using this plugin. For most images the default value of 1.0 "
"should give good results. Select a higher value when your image is very "
msgstr ""
" Toto je polomer kruhového závitu. Je to najdôležitejší parameter tohto "
"modulu. Pre väčšinu obrázkov by mala východzia hodnota 1.0 dať dobré výsledky. "
"Vyberte vyššiu hodnotu, ak je obrázok príliš rozmazaný."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Correlation:"
msgstr "Ko&lekcia:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:192
msgid ""
" Increasing the correlation may help to reduce artifacts. The correlation can "
"range from 0-1. Useful values are 0.5 and values close to 1, e.g. 0.95 and "
"0.99. Using a high value for the correlation will reduce the sharpening effect "
"of the plugin."
msgstr ""
" Zvyšovanie korelácie môže pomôcť eliminovať artefakty. Korelácia sa môže "
"pohybovať medzi 0-1. Užitočnými hodnotami sú čísla 0.5 a hodnoty blízko 1, "
"napr. 0.95 a 0.99. Použitie vysokej hodnoty korelácie redukuje zaostrovací "
"efekt tohto modulu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Noise filter:"
msgstr "Žiadny filter oddieňa"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:202
msgid ""
" Increasing the noise filter parameter may help to reduce artifacts. The "
"noise filter can range from 0-1 but values higher than 0.1 are rarely helpful. "
"When the noise filter value is too low, e.g. 0.0 the image quality will be very "
"poor. A useful value is 0.01. Using a high value for the noise filter will "
"reduce the sharpening effect of the plugin."
msgstr ""
" Zvýšenie parametra Šumového filtra môže pomôcť redukovať artefakty. Hodnota "
"sa môže pohybovať medzi 0 a 1, ale hodnoty vyššie ako 0,1 sú zriedkavo "
"užitočné. Ak je úroveň Šumového filtra príliš nížka, napr. 0,0, kvalita obrázku "
"bude veľmi zlá. Užitočnou hodnotou je 0,01. Použitie vysokej hodnoty Šumového "
"filtra zmenšuje zaostrovací efekt modulu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:208
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gaussian sharpness:"
msgstr "Gaussové rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:213
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" This is the sharpness for the gaussian convolution. Use this parameter when "
"your blurring is of a Gaussian type. In most cases you should set this "
"parameter to 0, because it causes nasty artifacts. When you use non-zero "
"values, you will probably have to increase the correlation and/or noise filter "
"parameters too."
msgstr ""
" Toto je ostrosť Gaussovej konvolúcie. Použite tento parameter, ak typ "
"rozmazávania obrázku je Gaussov. Vo väčšine prípadov by ste mali tento "
"parameter nastaviť na nulu, pretože spôsobuje škaredé artefakty. Ak použijete "
"nenulové hodnoty, budete pravdepodobne musieť zvýšiť tiež hodnoty Korelácia "
"a/alebo Šumový filter."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:218
msgid "Matrix size:"
msgstr "Veľkosť matice:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:222
msgid ""
" This parameter determines the size of the transformation matrix. Increasing "
"the matrix width may give better results, especially when you have chosen large "
"values for circular or gaussian sharpness."
msgstr ""
" Tento parameter určuje veľkosť transformačnej matice. Zväčšenie šírky matice "
"môže zlepšiť výsledky, ak ste zvolili vysoké hodnoty pre Kruhovú alebo Gaussovú "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:660
msgid "Unsharp Mask"
msgstr "Maskovanie neostrosti"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:683
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Refocus Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:695
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Refocus settings text file."
msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:710
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Refocus text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:719
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Refocus Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/sharpnesseditor/sharpentool.cpp:736
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Refocus text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:81
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brightness / Contrast / Gamma"
msgstr "Jas/Kontras/Gamma"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:88
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image brightness-contrast-gamma adjustments preview. "
"You can pick color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nastavenia jasu/kontrastu/gamy obrázka. Na obrázku "
"môžete vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:164
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:284
msgid " Set here the brightness adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť jas obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:170
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:472
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:437
#: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:290
msgid " Set here the contrast adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť kontrast obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bcgtool.cpp:177
msgid " Set here the gamma adjustment of the image."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť gamu obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:847
msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop"
msgstr "Pomer strán orezu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:86
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the aspect ratio selection preview used for cropping. You "
"can use the mouse to move and resize the crop area. Press and hold the CTRL key "
"to move the opposite corner too. Press and hold the SHIFT key to move the "
"closest corner to the mouse pointer."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad výberu pomeru strán pred orezaním. Veľkosť a polohu "
"orezania môžete nastaviť ťahaním myši. Stlačením CTRL budete presúvať aj opačný "
"roh. Stlačením SHIFT budete posúvať roh najbližšie ku kurzoru myši."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max. Aspect"
msgstr "&Max. pomer"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:113
msgid ""
" Set selection area to the maximum size according to the current ratio."
msgstr ""
" Nastaviť oblasť výberu na maximálnu veľkosť vzhľadom na momentálny pomer "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:125
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ratio:"
msgstr "Hodnotenie:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:129
msgid ""
" Select your constrained aspect ratio for cropping. Aspect Ratio Crop tool "
"uses a relative ratio. That means it is the same if you use centimeters or "
"inches and it doesn't specify the physical size."
" You can see below a correspondence list of traditional photographic paper "
"sizes and aspect ratio crop:"
" 2:3: 10x15cm, 20x30cm, 30x45cm, 4x6\", 8x12\", 12x18\", 16x24\", "
" 3:4: 6x8cm, 15x20cm, 18x24cm, 30x40cm, 3.75x5\", 4.5x6\", 6x8\", "
"7.5x10\", 9x12\""
" 4:5: 20x25cm, 40x50cm, 8x10\", 16x20\""
" 5:7: 15x21cm, 30x42cm, 5x7\""
" 7:10: 21x30cm, 42x60cm, 3.5x5\""
" The Golden Ratio is 1:1.618. A composition following this rule is "
"considered visually harmonious but can be unadapted to print on standard "
"photographic paper."
msgstr ""
" Tu vyberte obmedzený pomer strán pre orezávanie. Nístroj orezanie pomeru "
"strán používa relatívny pomer. To znamená, že bude rovnaký, či použijete "
"centimetre alebo palce a neudáva fyzickú veľkosť."
" Dolu môžete vidieť zoznam navzájom zodpovedajúcich rozmerov papiera a "
"orezania pomeru strán:"
" 2:3: 10x15 cm, 20x30 cm, 30x45 cm, 3.5x5 \", 4x6 \", 8x12 \", 12x18 "
"\", 16x24 \", 20x30 \""
" 3:4: 6x8 cm, 15x20 cm, 18x24 cm, 30x40 cm, 3,75x5 \", 4,5x6 \", 6x8 "
"\", 7,5x10 \", 9x12 \""
" 4:5: 20x25 cm, 40x50 cm, 8x10 \", 16x20 \""
" 5:7: 15x21 cm, 30x42 cm, 5x7 \""
" 7:10: 21x30 cm, 42x60 cm"
" Zlatý rez je 1:1,618. Kompozícia dodržiavajúca toto pravidlo sa "
"považuje za vizuálne harmonickú, ale je možné, že bude nevhodná na tlač na "
"štandardný fotografický papier."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:146
msgid "Exact"
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:147
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option to force exact aspect ratio crop."
msgstr " Túto voľbu zaškrtnite pre zobrazenie zlatých výrezov."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:149
msgid "Orientation:"
msgstr "Orientácia:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgid " Select constrained aspect ratio orientation."
msgstr " Tu vyberte obmedzenie pomeru strán orientácie"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:156
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgid " Enable this option to automatically set the orientation."
msgstr " Touto voľbou zapnete automatické nastavenie orientácie."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom:"
msgstr "Vlastný"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:166
msgid " Set here the desired custom aspect numerator value."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť rôzne hodnoty pomerov."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:173
msgid " Set here the desired custom aspect denominator value."
msgstr " Tu vyberte požadovanú hodnotu aspekt denominatóra"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:178
msgid "X:"
msgstr "X:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:181
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:203
msgid " Set here the top left selection corner position for cropping."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť ľavý roh pre orez."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:184
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:180
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Šírka:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:189
msgid " Set here the width selection for cropping."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť šírku orezu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:195
msgid " Set width position to center."
msgstr " Nastaviť šírku pozície do stredu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:200
msgid "Y:"
msgstr "Y:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:206
#: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:187
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Výška:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:211
msgid " Set here the height selection for cropping."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť výšku orezu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:217
msgid " Set height position to center."
msgstr " Nastaviť výšku pozície do stredu"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:244
msgid "Composition guide:"
msgstr "Kompozičné pravítko"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:246
msgid "Rules of Thirds"
msgstr "Pravidlá tretín"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Diagonal Method"
msgstr "Originál"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:248
msgid "Harmonious Triangles"
msgstr "Harmonické trojuholníky"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:249
msgid "Golden Mean"
msgstr "Zlatý rez"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:252
msgid ""
" With this option, you can display guide lines which help you to compose your "
msgstr ""
" Táto voľba vám umožní zobraziť vodítka, ktoré vám pomôžu s kompozíciou "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:255
msgid "Golden sections"
msgstr "Zlaté výrezy"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:256
msgid " Enable this option to show golden sections."
msgstr " Túto voľbu zaškrtnite pre zobrazenie zlatých výrezov."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:258
msgid "Golden spiral sections"
msgstr "Oddiely zlatej špirály"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:259
msgid " Enable this option to show golden spiral sections."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie oddielov zlatej špirály."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:261
msgid "Golden spiral"
msgstr "Zlatá špirála"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:262
msgid " Enable this option to show golden spiral guide."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie vodítok zlatej špirály."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:264
msgid "Golden triangles"
msgstr "Zlaté trojuholníky"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:265
msgid " Enable this option to show golden triangles."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie zlatých trojuholníkov."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:267
msgid "Flip horizontally"
msgstr "Prevrátiť vodorovne"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:268
msgid " Enable this option to flip horizontally guidelines."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre prevrátenie horizontálnych vodítok."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:270
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Prevrátiť zvisle"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:271
msgid " Enable this option to flip vertically guidelines."
msgstr " Zapnite túto voľbu pre prevrátenie vertikálnych vodítok."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:273
msgid "Color and width:"
msgstr "Farba a šírka:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:278
msgid " Set here the color used to draw composition guides."
msgstr " Tu nastavíte farbu vykresľovania kompozičných vodítok."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:279
msgid " Set here the width in pixels used to draw composition guides."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete nastaviť šírku v bodoch pre vykreslenie kompozičných pravítok."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:565
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Vlastný"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/ratiocrop/ratiocroptool.cpp:583
msgid "Golden Ratio"
msgstr "Zlatý pomer"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:66
#, fuzzy
msgid "Blur"
msgstr "Modrá"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:78
msgid "Smoothness:"
msgstr "Hladkosť:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:83
msgid ""
" A smoothness of 0 has no effect, 1 and above determine the Gaussian blur "
"matrix radius that determines how much to blur the image."
msgstr ""
" Vyhladzovanie 0 nemá žiaden efekt, 1 a vyššie určujú polomer Gaussovej "
"rozmazávacej matrice, ktorá definuje stupeň rozmazania obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/blurtool.cpp:161
msgid "Gaussian Blur"
msgstr "Gaussové rozostrenie"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:116
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image preview after applying a color profile Tu môžete vidieť náhľad obrázka po použití farebného profilu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:130
msgid "Channel: "
msgstr "Kanál:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:137
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here:"
" Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values."
" Red: display the red channel values."
" Green: display the green channel values."
" Blue: display the blue channel values."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime histogramu:"
" Svietivosť: zmeniť hodnoty svietivosti obrázka."
" Červená: zobraziť hodnoty červeného kanála obrázka."
" Zelená: zobraziť hodnoty zeleného kanála obrázka."
" Modrá: zobraziť hodnoty modrého kanála obrázka."
" "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:181
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram of the selected image "
"channel. This one is updated after setting changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť histogram náhľadu zvoleného kanálu obrázka. Tento sa "
"aktualizuje po zmene nastavení."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:205
msgid " Here you can set general parameters. Tu môžete nastaviť všeobecné parametre. Rendering emulation of the device described by the \"Proofing\" profile. "
"Useful to preview the final result without rendering to physical medium. Simulácia zobrazenia na zariadení popísanom v profile pre „proofing“. "
"Používa sa na zobrazenie náhľadu ako bude finálny výsledok vyzerať bez toho, "
"aby sa prenášal na fyzický nosič. You can use this option if you want to show the colors that are outside the "
"printer's gamut"
" "
msgstr ""
" Túto voľbu môžete použiť ak chcete zobraziť farby, ktoré sú mimo gamut "
" "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:222
msgid "Assign profile"
msgstr "Priradiť profil"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:223
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can use this option to embed the selected workspace color profile into "
"the image. Túto voľbu môžete použiť na vloženie zvoleného farebného profilu pracovného "
"prostredia do obrázka. The Black Point Compensation (BPC) feature does work in conjunction with "
"Relative Colorimetric Intent. Perceptual intent should make no difference, "
"since BPC is always on, and in Absolute Colorimetric Intent it is always turned "
"off. BPC does compensate for a lack of ICC profiles in the dark tone rendering. "
"With BPC the dark tones are optimally mapped (no clipping) from original media "
"to the destination rendering media, e.g. the combination of paper and ink. Kompenzácia čierneho bodu (KČB) nefunguje v spojení s Relatívnym "
"kolorimetrickým zámerom. Vnemový zámer by nemal znamenať rozdiel, keďže KČB je "
"vždy zapnutá, a v Absolútnom kolorimetrickom zámere je vždy vypnutá. KČB nekompenzuje chýbajúci ICC profil pri vykresľovaní odtieňov čiernej. S "
"KČB sú tmavé odtiene optimálne mapované (bez orezania) z originálneho nosiča na "
"vykresľovacie možnosti cieľového nosiča, napr. kombináciu papier/atrament. Set here all parameters relevant of Input Color Profiles. Tu nastavíte všetky parametre Vstupných profilov farieb. Set here all parameters relevant to Color Workspace Profiles. Tu nastavte všetky parametre týkajúce sa Farebných profilov pracovného "
"prostredia. Set here all parameters relevant to Proofing Color Profiles. Tu nastavte vľetky parametre týkajúce sa farebných profilov pre proofing. Set here all lightness adjustments to the target image. Tu môžete robiť všetky zmeny svetlosti cieľového obrázka. This is the curve adjustment of the image luminosity"
msgstr " Toto je nastavenie krivky svietivosti obrázka"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:563
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The ICC profiles path seems to be invalid. You won't be able to use the "
"\"Default profile\" options."
" Please fix this in the digiKam ICC setup."
msgstr ""
"Cesta k ICC profilom vyzerá byť neplatná. Nebudete môcť použiť voľbu "
"„Štandardný profil“. "
" Prosím, vyriešte to v Nastavení ICC digiKam."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:758
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" The selected ICC input profile path seems to be invalid."
" Please check it."
msgstr ""
" Cesta k zvolenému ICC vstupnému profilu vyzerá byť neplatná."
" Prosím, skontrolujte ju."
# TODO: translate proof
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:777
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:939
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" The selected ICC proof profile path seems to be invalid."
" Please check it."
msgstr ""
" Cesta k zvolenému ICC proof profilu vyzerá byť neplatná."
" Prosím, skontrolujte ju."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:799
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:961
msgid ""
" Selected ICC workspace profile path seems to be invalid."
" Please check it."
msgstr ""
" Cesta k zvolenému ICC profilu pracovného prostredia vyzerá byť neplatná."
" Prosím, skontrolujte ju."
# TODO: translate soft-proof, proof
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:837
msgid ""
" Your settings are not sufficient. To apply a color transform, you need at least two ICC profiles: If you want to do a \"soft-proof\" transform, in addition to these profiles "
"you need a \"Proof\" profile. Vaše nastavenia nie sú dostatočné. Aby ste použili farebnú transformáciu, potrebujete aspoň dva ICC profily: Ak chcete robiť „soft-proof“ transformáciu, naviac k nim potrebujete „Proof“ "
"profil. Selected ICC input profile path seems to be invalid."
" Please check it."
msgstr ""
" Cesta k zvolenému ICC vstupnému profilu vyzerá byť neplatná."
" Prosím, skontrolujte ju."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:1049
msgid " You have selected the \"Default builtin sRGB profile\" Vybrali ste „Štandardný vstavaný sRGB profil“ This profile is built on the fly, so there is no relevant information about "
"it. Tento profil sa zostaví za behu, preto o ňom nie sú známe žiadne relevantné "
"informácie. You have not enabled Color Management in the digiKam preferences. Nezapli ste Správu farieb v nastaveniach digiKam. \"Use of default profile\" options will be disabled now. Voľby „Použiť štandardný profil“ budú teraz vypnuté. Here you can see the image selection preview with red eye reduction applied."
msgstr " Tu môžete vidieť náhľad obrázka po použití farebného profilu."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:110
msgid ""
" Select the histogram channel to display here:"
" Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values."
" Red: display the red image channel values."
" Green: display the green image channel values."
" Blue: display the blue image channel values."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime histogramu:"
" Svietivosť: zmeniť hodnoty svietivosti obrázka."
" Červená: zobraziť hodnoty červeného kanála."
" Zelená: zobraziť hodnoty zeleného kanála."
" Modrá: zobraziť hodnoty modrého kanála."
" "
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:120
msgid ""
" Select the histogram scale here."
" If the image's maximum counts are small, you can use the linear scale."
" The logarithmic scale can be used when the maximal counts are big to show "
"all values (small and large) on the graph."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete zvoliť rozsah histogramu. "
" Ak je veľkosť obrázka malá, môžete použiť lineárny rozsah. "
" Pri väčších veľkostiach je vhodné použiť logaritmický. Tak budú vidieť na "
"grafe malé i veľké hodnoty."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:151
msgid ""
" Here you can see the target preview image histogram of the selected image "
"channel. It is updated upon setting changes."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť histogram náhľadu zvoleného kanálu obrázka. Tento sa "
"aktualizuje po zmene nastavení."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:165
msgid ""
" Sets the red color pixels selection threshold. Low values will select more "
"red color pixels (agressive correction), high values less (mild correction). "
"Use low value if eye have been selected exactly. Use high value if other parts "
"of the face are also selected."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Sets the smoothness value when blurring the border of the changed pixels. "
"This leads to a more naturally looking pupil."
msgstr " Tu nastavte farbu, ktorou budú vykreslené čiarkované čiary vodítok."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "Coloring Tint:"
msgstr "Farba a šírka:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:183
msgid " Sets a custom color to re-colorize the eyes."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tint Level:"
msgstr "Úroveň:"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:189
msgid ""
" Set the tint level to adjust the luminosity of the new color of the pupil."
msgstr ""
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/redeyetool.cpp:403
msgid "Red Eyes Correction"
msgstr "Redukcia červených očí"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Black && White"
msgstr "Čiernobiela..."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:178
msgid ""
" Here you can see the black and white conversion tool preview. You can pick "
"color on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nástroja pre konverziu na čiernobielu. Na obrázku "
"môžete vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:266
msgid "Generic"
msgstr "Všeobecné"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:267
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generic: Simulate a generic black and white film Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s neutrálnou expozíciou. Simulate the Agfa 200X black and white film at 200 ISO Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 25 ISO Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s neutrálnou expozíciou. Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 100 ISO Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s neutrálnou expozíciou. Simulate the Agfa Pan black and white film at 400 ISO Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s neutrálnou expozíciou. Simulate the Ilford Delta black and white film at 100 ISO Simulate the Ilford Delta black and white film at 400 ISO Simulate the Ilford Delta 400 Pro black and white film at 3200 ISO Simulate the Ilford FP4 Plus black and white film at 125 ISO Simulate the Ilford HP5 Plus black and white film at 400 ISO Simulate the Ilford PanF Plus black and white film at 50 ISO Simulate the Ilford XP2 Super black and white film at 400 ISO Simulate the Kodak Tmax black and white film at 100 ISO Simulate the Kodak Tmax black and white film at 400 ISO Simulate the Kodak TriX black and white film at 400 ISO Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s neutrálnou expozíciou. Do not apply a lens filter when rendering the image. Nepoužívať na obrázok filter odtieňa. Simulate black and white film exposure using a green filter. This is usefule "
"for all scenic shoots, especially portraits photographed against the sky. Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s expozíciou pomocou zeleného filtra. To "
"poskytuje univerzálny prostriedok pre všetky scenérie, obzvlášť sa hodí pre "
"portréty fotené proti oblohe. Simulate black and white film exposure using an orange filter. This will "
"enhance landscapes, marine scenes and aerial photography. Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s expozíciou pomocou oranžového filtra. To "
"vylepšuje krajinky, vodné scény a vzdušné forografie. Simulate black and white film exposure using a red filter. This creates "
"dramatic sky effects, and simulates moonlight scenes in the daytime. Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s expozíciou pomocou červeného filtra. To "
"vytvára dramatické efekty oblohy a simuluje mesačné svetlo počas dňa. Simulate black and white film exposure using a yellow filter. This has the "
"most natural tonal correction, and improves contrast. Ideal for landscapes. Simulácia čiernobieleho filmu s expozíciou pomocou žltého filtra. "
"Najprirodzenejšia korekcia odtieňa a zlepšuje kontrast. Ideálne pre "
"krajinky. Here, set the strength adjustment of the lens filter."
msgstr " Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:401
msgid "No Tone Filter"
msgstr "Žiadny filter oddieňa"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/bwsepiatool.cpp:402
msgid "No Tone Filter: Do not apply a tone filter to the image. Nepoužívať na obrázok filter odtieňa. Gives a warm highlight and mid-tone while adding a bit of coolness to the "
"shadows - very similar to the process of bleaching a print and re-developing in "
"a sepia toner. Dodáva teplé zvýraznenie a stredné odtieňe, pričom pridáva trochu chladnosti "
"tieňom - veľmi podobné procesu bielenia tlače a opätovnému vyvolaniu v "
"zafarbovači sépia. This filter is more neutral than the Sepia Tone filter. Tento filter je neutrálnejší ako filter Sépia. Start subtle and replicates printing on a cold tone black and white paper "
"such as a bromide enlarging paper. Začína zľahka a replikuje tlač na čiernobiely papier so studeným odtieňom "
"ako bromidový papier. This effect replicates traditional selenium chemical toning done in the "
"darkroom. Tento efekt replikuje tradičné chemické tónovanie selénom v tmavej "
"komore. This effect replicates traditional platinum chemical toning done in the "
"darkroom. Tento efekt replikuje tradičné chemické tónovanie platinou v tmavej "
"komore. This effect is also known as Verdante. Tento filter je neutrálnejší ako filter Sépia. Here you can see the auto-color correction tool preview. You can pick color "
"on image to see the color level corresponding on histogram."
msgstr ""
" Tu môžete vidieť náhľad nástroja pre automatickú korekciu farieb. Na obrázku "
"môžete vybrať farbu a vidieť zodpovedajúcu farebnú úroveň na histograme."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:168
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:378
msgid "Auto Levels"
msgstr "Automatické úrovne"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/autocorrectiontool.cpp:169
msgid ""
"Auto Levels:"
" This option maximizes the tonal range in the Red, Green, and Blue channels. "
"It searches the image shadow and highlight limit values and adjusts the Red, "
"Green, and Blue channels to a full histogram range. Táto voľba maximalizuje tónový rozsah v kanáloch červenej, zelenej a modrej. "
"Nájde hraničné hodnoty tieňa a svetlých oblastí obrázka a doladí kanály "
"červenej, zelenej a modrej na plný rozsah histogramu. This option scales brightness values across the active image so that the "
"darkest point becomes black, and the brightest point becomes as bright as "
"possible without altering its hue. This is often a \"magic fix\" for images "
"that are dim or washed out. Táto voľba škáluje hodnoty jasu v aktívnom obrázku, takže najtmavší bod bude "
"čierny a najjasnejší bude taký jasný, ako sa dá bez toho, aby sa zmenil jeho "
"odtieň. Toto je často „magická oprava“ obrázkov, ktoré sú tmavé alebo "
"vyblednuté. This option adjusts the brightness of colors across the active image so that "
"the histogram for the value channel is as nearly as possible flat, that is, so "
"that each possible brightness value appears at about the same number of pixels "
"as each other value. Sometimes Equalize works wonderfully at enhancing the "
"contrasts in an image. Other times it gives garbage. It is a very powerful "
"operation, which can either work miracles on an image or destroy it. Táto voľba doladí hodnoty jasu farieb v aktívnom obrázku, takže histogram "
"hodnoty kanála bude takmer taký plochý ako sa dá, čo znamená, že každá hodnota "
"jasu bude na približne rovnakom počte pixeov ako každá ostatná hodnota. Niekedy "
"Ekvalizácia zázračne vylepší kontrast obrázka. Inokedy obrázok pokazí. Je to "
"veľmi mocná voľba, ktorá buď dokáže zázraky alebo obrázok zničí. This option enhances the contrast and brightness of the RGB values of an "
"image by stretching the lowest and highest values to their fullest range, "
"adjusting everything in between. Táto voľba zvýši kontrast a jas RGB hodnôt obrázka tým, že roztiahne hodnoty "
"obrázka po najnižšie a najvyššie hodnoty v ich plnom rozsahu a všetko medzi "
"nimi zodpovedajúco nastaví. This option enhances the contrast and brightness of the RGB values of an "
"image to calculate optimal exposition and black level using image histogram "
"properties. Táto voľba vylepší kontrast a jas RGB hodnôt obrázka, aby sa vypočítala "
"optimálna expozícia a úroveň čiernej, za pomoci vlastností histogramu. This is the shear operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on this "
"preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to guide you in "
"adjusting the shear correction. Release the left mouse button to freeze the "
"dashed line's position."
msgstr ""
" Toto je náhľad filtra obrázkov. Ak na túto plochu presuniete kurzor myši, "
"zobrazí sa vám horizontálna a vertikálna prerušovaná čiara, ktorá vám pomôže "
"doladiť nastavenia filtra. Pre ukotvenie pozície prerušovanej čiary stlačte "
"ľavé tlačidlo myši"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main horizontal angle:"
msgstr "Prevrátiť vodorovne"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:108
msgid " The main horizontal shearing angle, in degrees."
msgstr " Hlavný horizontálny uhol orezania, v stupňoch."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine horizontal angle:"
msgstr "Prevrátiť vodorovne"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:114
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main horizontal angle value to set "
"fine adjustments."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota v stupňoch sa pridá k hodnote hlavného horizontálneho uhla pre "
"jemné doladenie."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "Main vertical angle:"
msgstr "Prevrátiť zvisle"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:121
msgid " The main vertical shearing angle, in degrees."
msgstr " Hlavný vertikálny uhol orezania, v stupňoch."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fine vertical angle:"
msgstr "Prevrátiť zvisle"
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:127
msgid ""
" This value in degrees will be added to main vertical angle value to set fine "
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota v stupňoch sa pridá k hodnote hlavného vertikálneho uhla pre "
"jemné doladenie."
#: imageplugins/sheartool/sheartool.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Enable this option to apply the anti-aliasing filter to the sheared image. "
"To smooth the target image, it will be blurred a little."
msgstr ""
" Povoľte túto voľbu pre spracovanie nakloneného obrázku vyhladzovacím "
"filtrom. Výsledný obrázok bude vyhladený miernym rozostrením."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/imageplugin_lensdistortion.cpp:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lens Distortion..."
msgstr "Autokorekcia..."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:76
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:315
msgid "Lens Distortion"
msgstr "Skreslenie objektívu"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" You can see here a thumbnail preview of the distortion correction applied to "
"a cross pattern."
msgstr " Tu môžete vidieť farebný náhľad nastavení odtieňa a sýtosti."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:105
msgid ""
" This value controls the amount of distortion. Negative values correct lens "
"barrel distortion, while positive values correct lens pincushion distortion."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota určuje hlavnú mieru skreslenia. Záporné hodnoty korigujú "
"súdkovité skreslenie, kladné hodnoty korigujú poduškovité skreslenie."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:110
msgid "Edge:"
msgstr "Okraj:"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:116
msgid ""
" This value controls in the same manner as the Main control, but has more "
"effect at the edges of the image than at the center."
msgstr ""
" Táto hodnota má rovnakú funkciu ako hodnota \"Základ\", no prejavuje sa viac "
"na okrajoch obrázku ako v strede."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom:"
msgstr "Priblížiť: "
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:127
msgid " This value rescales the overall image size."
msgstr " Táto hodnota určuje celkovú zmenu veľkosti obrázku."
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:131
#, fuzzy
msgid "Brighten:"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: imageplugins/lensdistortion/lensdistortiontool.cpp:137
msgid " This value adjusts the brightness in image corners."
msgstr " Táto hodnota upravuje jas v rohoch obrázku."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:51
msgid "Inpainting..."
msgstr "Odstránenie artefaktov..."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:56
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This filter can be used to inpaint a part in a photo. Select a region to "
"inpaint to use this option."
msgstr ""
"Tento filter možno použiť pre korekciu červených očí na obrázku. Zvoľte oblasť, "
"kde sa červené oči nachádzajú a spustite akciu."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:84
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inpainting Photograph Tool"
msgstr "Zaostrenie fotografie"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/imageplugin_inpainting.cpp:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "You need to select a region to inpaint to use this tool"
msgstr ""
"Pred použitím nástroja redukcie červených očí musíte na obrázku zvoliť oblasť "
"obsahujúcu červené oči"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inpainting"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Here you can see the image selection preview with inpainting applied."
msgstr " Tu môžete vidieť náhľad obrázka po použití farebného profilu."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:127
msgid "Remove Small Artefact"
msgstr "Odstrániť malý artefakt"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:128
msgid "Remove Medium Artefact"
msgstr "Odstrániť stredný artefakt"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:129
msgid "Remove Large Artefact"
msgstr "Odstrániť veľký artefakt"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" Select the filter preset to use for photograph restoration:"
" None: Most common values. Puts settings to default."
" Remove Small Artefact: inpaint small image artefact like image "
" Remove Medium Artefact: inpaint medium image artefact."
" Remove Large Artefact: inpaint image artefact like unwanted object."
" "
msgstr ""
" Tu si zvoľte filter pre obnovenie fotografie: "
" Nič: Bežné hodnoty. Nastaví hodnoty na predvolené. "
" Odstrániť malý artefakt: odstráni malé chyby z obrázku. "
" Odstrániť stredný artefakt: odstráni stredne veľké chyby z obrázku. "
" Odstrániť veľký artefakt: odstráni veľké chyby ako napríklad nechcené "
"objekty z obrázku."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:378
#, fuzzy
msgid "InPainting"
msgstr "Hodnotenie"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:385
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Inpainting Settings File to Load"
msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:396
#, fuzzy
msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Inpainting settings text file."
msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:403
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Inpainting text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:416
#, fuzzy
msgid "Photograph Inpainting Settings File to Save"
msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb"
#: imageplugins/inpainting/inpaintingtool.cpp:425
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Inpainting text file."
msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb."
#: tips.cpp:3
msgid ""
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
msgstr ""
Note that all subalbums are included in this list and will be "
"deleted permanently as well.
Uvedomte si, že všetky podalbumy sú v tomto zozname zahrnuté a budú "
"takisto nenávratne vymazané.
Note that all subalbums are included in this list and will be moved "
"to Trash as well.
Uvedomte si, že všetky podalbumy sú v tomto zozname zahrnuté a budú "
"takisto presunuté do Odpadkového koša.Welcome to digiKam %1
"Vítajte v digiKame %1
Ex.: \"Country/City/Paris\"
Ex.: \"City/Paris, Monument/Notre-Dame\"
fixed or relative
to environment"
msgstr ""
"Veľkosť písma"
pevná alebo relatívna"
vzhľadom na prostredie"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:240
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Here you can switch between fixed a font size and a font size to be calculated "
"dynamically and adjusted to any changing environment (e.g. widget dimensions, "
"paper size)."
msgstr ""
"Tu si môžete prepnúť, či sa použije pevná veľkosť písma alebo sa má veľkosť "
"písma dynamicky vypočítať a upraviť podľa veľkosti prostredia (napr. veľkosti "
"prvku rozhrania, veľkosti papiera)."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:265
msgid "Here you can choose the font size to be used."
msgstr "Tu si môžete zvoliť veľkosť písma."
#: imageplugins/inserttext/fontchooserwidget.cpp:290
msgid "Actual Font"
msgstr "Aktuálne písmo"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:78
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:331
msgid "Insert Text"
msgstr "Vložiť text"
#: imageplugins/inserttext/inserttexttool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
In other words, if certain colors in an image fall outside of the range of "
"colors that the output device can render, the image intent will cause all the "
"colors in the image to be adjusted so that every color in the image falls "
"within the range that can be rendered and so that the relationship between "
"colors is preserved as much as possible."
This intent is most suitable for display of photographs and images, and is "
"the default intent.
This intent preserves the white point and is most suitable for spot colors "
"(Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...).
Implementation of this intent remains somewhat problematic, and the ICC is "
"still working on methods to achieve the desired effects."
This intent is most suitable for business graphics such as charts, where it "
"is more important that the colors be vivid and contrast well with each other "
"rather than a specific color."
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:276
#: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:171
msgid "Visit Little CMS project website"
msgstr "Navštíviť web projektu Little CMS"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:289
msgid "Input Profile"
msgstr "Vstupný profil"
#: imageplugins/coreplugin/iccprooftool.cpp:290
msgid "
Inými slovami, ak niektoré farby v obrázku spadajú mimo rozsahu farieb, "
"ktoré dokáže výstupné zariadenie zobraziť, zámer obrázka spôsobí prispôsobenie "
"všetkých farieb obrázka tak, aby každá farba v obrázku bola v rozsahu, ktorý je "
"možné vykresliť a teda sa v čo najväčšej možnej miere zachová vzťah medzi "
"farbami. "
Tento zámer je najvhodnejší pre zobrazovanie fotografií a obrázkov a je to "
"štandardne nastavený zámer.
Tento zámer zachová biely bod a je najvhodnejší pre bodové farby (Pantone, "
"TruMatch, farby logo, ...).
Implementácia tohto zámeru zostáva do určitej miery problematická a ICC "
"stále pracuje na metódach dosiahnutia požadovaného účinku."
Tento zámer je najvhodnejší pre obchodnú grafiku ako grafy, kde je "
"dôležitejšie, aby boli farby živé a kontrastné navzájom radšej ako s konkrétnou "
" \n"
" \n"
"... that digiKam supports Drag'n'Drop? So you can easily move images "
"from Konqueror to digiKam or from digiKam to K3b simply by using "
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že digiKam podporuje Drag'n'Drop? Vďaka tomu môžete obrázky "
"jednoducho pretiahnuť z Konquerora alebo z digiKamu do K3b.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can use nested albums in digiKam.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že v digiKame môžete používať vnorené albumy?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can view the Exif, MakerNotes, and IPTC "
"photo information by using the Metadata sidebar tab?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že si v dialógu vlastností môžete prezrieť EXIF "
"informácie fotografie?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that each photo has a context menu that can be reached by clicking on it "
"with the right mouse button?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že sa jednoduchým kliknutím pravým tlačidlom myši na obrázok dostanete do "
"kontextovej ponuky??\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that albums in digiKam are folders in your Album Library? So you can easily "
"import your photos by simply copying them to your Album Library.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že v digiKame sú všetky albumy priečinkov v knižnici albumov? Vďaka tomu "
"ich môžete pridávať napríklad len jednoduchým prekopírovaním do príslušného "
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can customize your digiKam toolbars using Settings -> "
"Configure Toolbars...?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že si lišty môžete prenastaviť presne podľa svojich potrieb v ponuke "
"Nastavenia -> Nastaviť nástrojové lišty?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can reach other users through the digiKam-users mailing list? "
"Subscribe to it at this url.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že môžete kontaktovať iných užívateľov cez digikam-users mailing list? "
"Prihláste sa do mailing listu "
"na tejto stránke.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that digiKam has multiple plugins with extra features like "
"HTML export, Archive to CD, Slideshow"
",... and that you are welcome to write your own plugins? You can find more "
"information at this url.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"...že digiKam obsahuje mnoho zásuvných modulov s prídavnými funkciami ako "
"napríklad export do HTML, archivácia na CD, prezentácia"
",... a že si dokonca môžete napísať vlastné moduly? Viac informácií o tom "
"nájdete na stránke "
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you have direct access to the KDE Gamma Configuration using Tools -> "
"Gamma Adjustment?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... že sa bez problémov dostanete ku KDE nastaveniu gamy voľbou Nástroje -> "
"Úprava gamy?\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can print images using the Print Wizard? You can start it using "
"Album -> Export -> Print Wizard.\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"...že vám pri tlači obrázkov môže pomôcť sprievodca pre tlač? Spustíte ho "
"voľbou Album -> Exportovať -> Sprievodca tlačou\n"
" \n"
" \n"
" \n"
"... that you can use the PNG file format instead of TIFF "
"for good compression without losing image quality?\n"
" \n"
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... že miesto formátu TIFF môžete pre dobre komprimované obrázky bez " "straty kvality použiť PNG?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that most of the settings in a dialog box have What's this? " "information available, which can be reached via the right mouse button?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... že väčšina nastavení v dialógovom okne má rýchleho pomocníka " "Čo je toto?, ktorého možno zobraziť pravým kliknutím myši?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that because the PNG file format uses a lossless compression algorithm, you " "can use the max compression level with this file format?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "...že vďaka bezstratovému algoritmu formátu PNG môžete používať maximálnu " "kompresiu?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can print the current image opened in the digiKam image editor?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... že fotografiu otvorenú v digiKam editore môžete tlačiť?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you can edit the comments of the current image opened in the digiKam " "image editor using Comments and Tags sidebar tab?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "...že v editore fotografií možno upravovať komentáre fotografií?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... that you could use <Page Down> and <Page Up> on your keyboard " "to switch between photos in the image editor?\n" " | \n" "
\n" "
"![]() | \n"
"\n" "... že sa v editore fotografií môžete jednoducho pohybovať medzi fotografiami " "pomocou <Page Down> and <Page Up>?\n" " | \n" "
Set this option to automatically synchronize zooming and panning between " "left and right panels if the images have the same size." msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:82 msgid "Selecting a thumbbar item loads image to the right panel" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:84 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to automatically load an image into the right panel when the " "corresponding item is selected on the thumbbar." msgstr "" "
Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, budú sa zobrazovať informácie o obrázku keď " "podržíte kurzor myši nad položkou albumu." #: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:87 msgid "Load full image size" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setuplighttable.cpp:88 msgid "" "
Set this option to load full image size into the preview panel instead of a " "reduced size. Because this option will take more time to load images, use it " "only if you have a fast computer." msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:106 msgid "IPTC Actions" msgstr "IPTC akcie" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:109 msgid "&Save image tags as \"Keywords\" tag" msgstr "&Ukladať štítky obrázkov do štítka „Kľúčové slová“" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:110 msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store the image tags in the IPTC Keywords tag." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa budú štítky obrázkov ukladať do štítku IPTC " "Keywords." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:114 msgid "&Save default photographer identity as tags" msgstr "&Ukladať štandardnú identitu fotografa do štítkov" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:115 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store the default photographer identity in the IPTC " "tags. You can set this value in the Identity setup page." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa bude štandardná identita fotografa ukladať do " "štítkov IPTC. Túto hodnotu môžete nastaviť na záložke Identita v Nastaveniach." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:120 msgid "&Save default credit and copyright identity as tags" msgstr "" "&Ukladať štandardné informácie o pôvodcovi a držiteľovi autorských práv do " "štítkov" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:121 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store the default credit and copyright identity in " "the IPTC tags. You can set this value in the Identity setup page." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa bude štandardné informácue o informácie o " "pôvodcovi a držiteľovi autorských práv do štítkov IPTC. Túto hodnotu môžete " "nastaviť na záložke Identita v Nastaveniach." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:127 msgid "Common Metadata Actions" msgstr "Bežné operácie s metadátami" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:130 #, fuzzy msgid "&Save image captions as embedded text" msgstr "&Ukladať komentáre ako vložený text" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:131 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store image captions in the JFIF section, EXIF tag, " "and IPTC tag." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa budú ukladať komentáre k obrázkom do sekcie JFIF, " "štítkov EXIF a IPTC." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:135 #, fuzzy msgid "&Save image timestamps as tags" msgstr "&Ukladať časové známky obrázkov do štítkov" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:136 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store the image date and time in the EXIF and IPTC " "tags." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa bude ukladať dátum a čas obrázka do štítkov EXIF a " "IPTC." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:140 #, fuzzy msgid "&Save image rating as tags" msgstr "&Ukladať hodnotenie obrázka do štítka „Naliehavosť“" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:141 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Turn this option on to store the image rating in the EXIF tag and IPTC " "Urgency tag." msgstr "" "
Po zapnutí tejto voľby sa budú štítky obrázkov ukladať do štítku IPTC " "Urgency tag." #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:154 msgid "Visit Exiv2 project website" msgstr "Navštíviť web projektu Exiv2" #: utilities/setup/setupmetadata.cpp:157 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
EXIF " "is a standard used by most digital cameras today to store technical " "informations about photograph.
" "IPTC " "is an standard used in digital photography to store photographer informations " "in pictures.
" msgstr "" "EXIF je štandard, ktorý používa väčšina dnešných digitálnych " "fotoaparátov na ukladanie technických informácií o fotografii vo forme metadát " "do súboru obrázka. Viac o EXIF sa dozviete na " "www.exif.org.
" "IPTC je iný štandard používaný v digitálnej fotografii na vkladanie " "informácií do obrázkov. Viac o IPTC sa dozviete na www.iptc.org.
" #: utilities/setup/setupplugins.cpp:78 msgid "A list of available Kipi plugins appears below." msgstr "
Nasleduje zoznam podporovaných zásuvných modulov Kipi." #: utilities/setup/setupplugins.cpp:95 #, c-format msgid "" "_n: 1 Kipi plugin found\n" "%n Kipi plugins found" msgstr "" "Nájdený 1 zásuvný modul Kipi\n" "Nájdené %n zásuvné moduly Kipi\n" "Nájdených %n zásuvných modulov Kipi" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:84 msgid "&Delay between images:" msgstr "&Oneskorenie medzi obrázkami:" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:85 msgid "
The delay, in seconds, between images." msgstr "
Oneskorenie medzi obrázkami v sekundách." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:87 msgid "Start with current image" msgstr "Začni s aktuálnym obrázkom" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:88 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
If this option is enabled, slideshow will be started with currently selected " "image." msgstr "" "
Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, prezentácia začne aktuálnym obrázkom vybraným zo " "zoznamu obrázkov." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:91 msgid "Display in a loop" msgstr "Zobrazovať dokola" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:92 msgid "
Run the slideshow in endless repetition." msgstr "
Opakovať prezentáciu dokola." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:94 msgid "Print image file name" msgstr "Zobraziť názov súboru obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:95 #, fuzzy msgid "
Print the image file name at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "
Vypisovať vytvorenie obrázka na spodok obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:97 msgid "Print image creation date" msgstr "Zobraziť čas vytvorenia obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:98 #, fuzzy msgid "
Print the image creation time/date at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "
Vypisovať vytvorenie obrázka na spodok obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:100 msgid "Print camera aperture and focal length" msgstr "Zobraziť clonu a ohniskovú vzdialenosť fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:101 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Print the camera aperture and focal length at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "" "
Zobraziť clonu a ohniskovú vzdialenosť fotoaparátu na spodu obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:103 msgid "Print camera exposure and sensitivity" msgstr "Vypísať expozíciu a citlivosť fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:104 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Print the camera exposure and sensitivity at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "
Vypísať expozíciu a citlivosť fotoaparátu na spodok obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:106 msgid "Print camera make and model" msgstr "Vypísať značku a model fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:107 #, fuzzy msgid "
Print the camera make and model at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "
Vypísať značku a model fotoaparátu na spodok obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Print image caption" msgstr "Zobraziť čas vytvorenia obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setupslideshow.cpp:110 #, fuzzy msgid "
Print the image caption at the bottom of the screen." msgstr "
Vypisovať vytvorenie obrázka na spodok obrazovky." #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:94 msgid "Show only &image files with extensions:" msgstr "Zobrazovať &iba obrázky s príponou:" #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:98 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Here you can set the extensions of image files to be displayed in Albums " "(such as JPEG or TIFF); clicking on these files will open them in the digiKam " "Image Editor." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete nastaviť príponu súborov obrázkov, ktoré budú zobrazované v " "albumoch (napr. JPEG alebo TIFF). Po dvojitom kliknutí na tieto súboru budú " "otvorené v Editore obrázkov digiKam." #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:107 utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:138 #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:169 utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:199 msgid "Revert to default settings" msgstr "Vrátiť štandardné hodnoty nastavení" #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:125 msgid "Show only &movie files with extensions:" msgstr "Zobrazovať iba &filmy s príponou:" #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:129 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Here you can set the extensions of movie files to be displayed in Albums " "(such as MPEG or AVI); clicking on these files will open them with the default " "KDE movie player." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete nastaviť príponu súborov s filmami, ktoré budú zobrazované v " "albumoch (napr. MPEG alebo AVI). Po dvojitom kliknutí na tieto súbory budú " "otvorené v štandardnom prehrávači videa KDE." #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:156 msgid "Show only &audio files with extensions:" msgstr "Zobrazovať iba &audio s príponou:" #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:160 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Here you can set the extensions of audio files to be displayed in Albums " "(such as MP3 or OGG); clicking on these files will open them with the default " "KDE audio player." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete nastaviť príponu audio súborov, ktoré budú zobrazené v albumoch " "(napr. MPG alebo OGG). Po dvojitom kliknutí na tieto súbory budú otvorené v " "štandardnom prehrávači zvukov KDE." #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:187 msgid "Show only &RAW files with extensions:" msgstr "Zobrazovať iba &RAW obrázky s príponami:" #: utilities/setup/setupmime.cpp:191 msgid "" "
Here you can set the extensions of RAW image files to be displayed in Albums " "(such as CRW, for Canon cameras, or NEF, for Nikon cameras)." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete zvoliť príponu raw obrázkov, ktoré budú zobrazné v albumoch (napr. " "CRW pre fotoaparáty Canon alebo NEF pre fotoaparáty Nikon)." #: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:72 msgid "Show confirmation dialog when moving items to the &trash" msgstr "Zobrazovať po&tvrdzovací dialóg pri presúvaní položiek do Koša" #: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:77 msgid "Apply changes in the &right sidebar without confirmation" msgstr "Použiť zmeny v p&ravom postrannom paneli bez potrvrdenia" #: utilities/setup/setupmisc.cpp:87 msgid "&Scan for new items on startup (slows down startup)" msgstr "&Vyhľadávať nové položky pri štarte (spomaľuje štart)" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Photographer and Copyright Information" msgstr "Informácie o fotografovi" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:84 msgid "Author:" msgstr "Autor:" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:91 msgid "" "
This field should contain your name, or the name of the person who created " "the photograph. If it is not appropriate to add the name of the photographer " "(for example, if the identify of the photographer needs to be protected) the " "name of a company or organization can also be used. Once saved, this field " "should not be changed by anyone. This field does not support the use of commas " "or semi-colons as separator. \n" "This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters.
" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:97 msgid "Author Title:" msgstr "Meno autora:" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:104 msgid "" "This field should contain the job title of the photographer. Examples might " "include titles such as: Staff Photographer, Freelance Photographer, or " "Independent Commercial Photographer. Since this is a qualifier for the Author " "field, the Author field must also be filled out. \n" "This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters.
" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:111 msgid "Credit and Copyright" msgstr "Pôvodca a autorské práva" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:114 msgid "Credit:" msgstr "Pôvodca:" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:121 msgid "" "(synonymous to Provider): Use the Provider field to identify who is " "providing the photograph. This does not necessarily have to be the author. If a " "photographer is working for a news agency such as Reuters or the Associated " "Press, these organizations could be listed here as they are \"providing\" the " "image for use by others. If the image is a stock photograph, then the group " "(agency) involved in supplying the image should be listed here. \n" "This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters.
" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:128 msgid "Source:" msgstr "Zdroj:" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:135 msgid "" "The Source field should be used to identify the original owner or copyright " "holder of the photograph. The value of this field should never be changed after " "the information is entered following the image's creation. While not yet " "enforced by the custom panels, you should consider this to be a \"write-once\" " "field. The source could be an individual, an agency, or a member of an agency. " "To aid in later searches, it is suggested to separate any slashes \"/\" with a " "blank space. Use the form \"photographer / agency\" rather than " "\"photographer/agency.\" Source may also be different from Creator and from the " "names listed in the Copyright Notice.\n" "This field is limited to 32 ASCII characters.
" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:144 msgid "Copyright:" msgstr "Autorské práva:" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:151 msgid "" "The Copyright Notice should contain any necessary copyright notice for " "claiming the intellectual property, and should identify the current owner(s) of " "the copyright for the photograph. Usually, this would be the photographer, but " "if the image was done by an employee or as work-for-hire, then the agency or " "company should be listed. Use the form appropriate to your country. USA: © " "{date of first publication} name of copyright owner, as in \"©2005 John " "Doe.\" Note, the word \"copyright\" or the abbreviation \"copr\" may be used in " "place of the © symbol. In some foreign countries only the copyright symbol " "is recognized and the abbreviation does not work. Furthermore the copyright " "symbol must be a full circle with a \"c\" inside; using something like (c) " "where the parentheses form a partial circle is not sufficient. For additional " "protection worldwide, use of the phrase, \"all rights reserved\" following the " "notice above is encouraged. \n" "In Europe you would use: Copyright {Year} {Copyright owner}, all rights " "reserved. \n" "In Japan, for maximum protection, the following three items should appear in " "the copyright field of the IPTC Core: (a) the word, Copyright; (b) year of the " "first publication; and (c) name of the author. You may also wish to include the " "phrase \"all rights reserved.\"\n" "This field is limited to 128 ASCII characters.
" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupidentity.cpp:169 msgid "" "Note: These informations are used to set IPTC " "tags contents. IPTC text tags only support the printable " "ASCII " "characters set and limit strings size. Use contextual help for details." msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:94 msgid "" "You can add or remove Album collection types here to improve how your Albums " "are sorted in digiKam." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete ovplyvniť triedenie albumov digiKamupridaním alebo vymazaním typov " "kolekcií albumov." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:103 #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:100 msgid "&Add..." msgstr "&Pridať..." #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:180 #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:185 msgid "New Collection Name" msgstr "Nový názov kolekcie" #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:181 #: utilities/setup/setupcollections.cpp:186 msgid "Enter new collection name:" msgstr "Zadajte nové meno kolekcie:" #: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:97 #, fuzzy msgid "
Customize background color to use in image editor area." msgstr "
Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu pozadia pre oblasť editora obrázkov." #: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:115 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Customize the color used in image editor to identify under-exposed pixels." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu, ktorá sa v editore obrázkov používa pre " "zjednodušenie identifikácie podexponovaných pixelov." #: utilities/setup/setupeditor.cpp:122 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Customize the color used in image editor to identify over-exposed pixels." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete prispôsobiť farbu, ktorá sa v editore obrázkov používa pre " "zjednodušenie identifikácie preexponovaných pixelov." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:87 msgid "Title" msgstr "Názov" #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:89 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:90 msgid "Path" msgstr "Cesta" #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:93 msgid "" "
Here you can see the digital camera list used by digiKam via the Gphoto " "interface." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete vidieť zoznam digitálnych fotoaparátov používaných digiKamom cez " "rozhranie Gphoto." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:107 msgid "&Edit..." msgstr "&Upraviť..." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:109 msgid "Auto-&Detect" msgstr "Auto&detekcia" #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:122 msgid "Visit Gphoto project website" msgstr "Navštíviť web projektu Gphoto" #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:245 msgid "" "Failed to auto-detect camera.\n" "Please check if your camera is turned on and retry or try setting it manually." msgstr "" "Autodetekcia fotoaparátu zlyhala.\n" "Prosím skontrolujte, či je fotoaparát zapnutý a skúste to znovu alebo skúste ho " "nastaviť ručne." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:257 msgid "Camera '%1' (%2) is already in list." msgstr "Fotoaparát „%1“ (%2) je už v zozname." #: utilities/setup/setupcamera.cpp:261 msgid "Found camera '%1' (%2) and added it to the list." msgstr "Bol nájdený fotoaparát „%1“ (%2) a pridaný do zoznamu." #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:142 msgid "Album Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie albumu" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:146 msgid "Collections" msgstr "Kolekcie" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:146 msgid "Album Collections" msgstr "Kolekcie albumov" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:150 msgid "Identity" msgstr "Identita" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:150 msgid "Default IPTC identity information" msgstr "IPTC informácia o štandardnej identite" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:154 msgid "Embedded Image Information Management" msgstr "Správa informácií vložených v obrázku" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:158 msgid "Album Items Tool Tip Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie tipov k nástrojom" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:162 msgid "Mime Types" msgstr "MIME typy" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:162 msgid "File (MIME) Types Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie (MIME) typov súboru" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Light Table Settings" msgstr "Miestne nastavenia" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:449 #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:170 msgid "Image Editor" msgstr "Editor obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:170 msgid "Image Editor General Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie Editora obrázkov" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:174 #, fuzzy msgid "Image Editor: Settings for Saving Images Files" msgstr "Nastavenia ukladania súborov editora obrázkov" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:182 #, fuzzy msgid "Image Editor Color Management Settings" msgstr "Správa farieb editora obrázkov" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:186 msgid "Kipi Plugins" msgstr "Zásuvné moduly Kipi" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:186 msgid "Main Interface Plug-in Settings" msgstr "Nastavenia zásuvných modulov hlavného rozhrania" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:194 msgid "Cameras" msgstr "Fotoaparáty" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:194 msgid "Camera Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:198 msgid "Miscellaneous Settings" msgstr "Rôzne nastavenia" #: utilities/setup/setup.cpp:245 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Exif auto-rotate thumbnails option has been changed.\n" "Do you want to rebuild all albums' items' thumbnails now?\n" "\n" "Note: thumbnail processing can take a while! You can start this job later from " "the \"Tools\" menu." msgstr "" "Voľba EXIF automatické otáčanie náhľadov bola zmenená.\n" "Chcete teraz aktualizovať náhľady položiek všetkých albumov?\n" "\n" "Pozn.: spracovanie náhľadov môže chvíľu trvať! Túto úlohu môžete spustiť aj " "neskôr z ponuky „Nástroje“." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:113 msgid "Album &Library Path" msgstr "Cesta ku &knižnici albumov" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:117 msgid "" "
Here you can set the main path to the digiKam album library in your " "computer." "
Write access is required for this path and do not use a remote path here, " "like an NFS mounted file system." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete zadať cestu k hlavnej knižnici albumov digiKam vo vašom počítači." "
Je potrebné mať práva na zápis pre túto cestu a nepoužívať tu vzdialenú " "cestu ako pripojený systém NFS." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:132 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail Information" msgstr "Informácie o obrázku" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:134 msgid "Show file &name" msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:135 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set this option to show the file name below the image thumbnail." msgstr "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka názov súboru." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:137 msgid "Show file si&ze" msgstr "Zobraziť &veľkosť súboru" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:138 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set this option to show the file size below the image thumbnail." msgstr "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka názov súboru." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:140 #, fuzzy msgid "Show camera creation &date" msgstr "Zobraziť &dátum vytvorenia súboru" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:141 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to show the camera creation date below the image thumbnail." msgstr "" "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka dátum vytvorenia súboru." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:144 msgid "Show file &modification date" msgstr "Zobraziť č&as poslednej zmeny súboru" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:145 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to show the file modification date below the image " "thumbnail." msgstr "
Vypisovať dátum zmeny súboru obrázka pod náhľadom obrázka." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:148 #, fuzzy msgid "Show digiKam &captions" msgstr "Zobraziť &hodnotenie digiKam" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:149 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to show the digiKam captions below the image thumbnail." msgstr "" "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka hodnotenie digiKam." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:152 msgid "Show digiKam &tags" msgstr "Zobraziť š&títky digiKam" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:153 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set this option to show the digiKam tags below the image thumbnail." msgstr "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka štítky digiKam." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:156 msgid "Show digiKam &rating" msgstr "Zobraziť &hodnotenie digiKam" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:157 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to show the digiKam rating below the image thumbnail." msgstr "" "
Zapnutím tejto voľby zobrazíte pod náhľadom obrázka hodnotenie digiKam." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:160 msgid "Show ima&ge dimensions (warning: slow)" msgstr "Zobraziť v&eľkosť obrázka (varovanie: pomalé)" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:161 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set this option to show the image size in pixels below the image thumbnail." msgstr "
Vypisovať rozmery obrázka v pixeloch pod náhľadom obrázka." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:173 #, fuzzy msgid "Sidebar thumbnail size:" msgstr "Zväčšiť veľkosť náhľadov" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:179 msgid "" "
Set this option to configure the size in pixels of the thumbnails in " "digiKam's sidebars. This option will take effect when you restart digiKam." msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:186 msgid "Show count of items in all tree-view" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:190 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail click action:" msgstr "Činnosť po kliknutí:" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:192 msgid "Show embedded preview" msgstr "Zobraziť vnorený náhľad" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:193 msgid "Start image editor" msgstr "Spustiť Editor obrázkov" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:194 #, fuzzy msgid "
Here, choose what should happen when you click on a thumbnail." msgstr "" "
Tu vyberte operáciu, ktorá sa vykoná po kliknutím pravým tlačidlom myši na " "náhľad obrázka." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:199 msgid "Embedded preview loads full image size" msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:200 msgid "" "
Set this option to load the full image size with an embedded preview, " "instead a reduced one. Because this option will take more time to load images, " "use it only if you have a fast computer." msgstr "" #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:281 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorry you can't use your home directory as album library." msgstr "Je mi ľúto; nemôžete použiť domovský adresár ako knižnicu albumov." #: utilities/setup/setupgeneral.cpp:289 msgid "" "No write access for this path.\n" "Warning: the caption and tag features will not work." msgstr "" "Pre toto umiestnenie nemáte práva na zápis.\n" "Varovanie: komentáre a funkcie štítka nebudú fungovať." #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:157 msgid "Color Management Policy" msgstr "Politika správy farieb" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:161 msgid "Enable Color Management" msgstr "Zapnúť správu farieb" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:162 msgid "" "
If this option is enabled, digiKam applies the Workspace default color " "profile to an image, without prompting you about missing embedded profiles or " "embedded profiles different from the workspace profile.
" msgstr "" "Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, digiKam použije na obrázok bez opýtania štandardný " "farebný profil pracovnej plochy, ak obrázok nemá vložený faerbný profil alebo " "vložený profil nie je rovnaký ako profil pracovnej plochy.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:185 #, fuzzy msgid "Ask when opening an image in the Image Editor" msgstr "Pýtať sa pri otvorení obrázka v Editore obrázkov" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:186 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If this option is enabled, digiKam asks to user before it applies the " "Workspace default color profile to an image which has no embedded profile or, " "if the image has an embedded profile, when it's not the same as the workspace " "profile.
" msgstr "" "Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, digiKam sa spýta používateľa predtým, než použije " "na obrázok štandardný farebný profil pracovnej plochy, ak obrázok nemá vložený " "faerbný profil alebo vložený profil nie je rovnaký ako profil pracovnej " "plochy.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:201 msgid "Color Profiles Directory" msgstr "Adresár farebných profilov" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:206 msgid "" "Default path to the color profiles folder. You must store all your color " "profiles in this directory.
" msgstr "" "Štandardná cesta k adresáru s farebnými profilmi. Všetky svoje farebné " "profily musíte ukladať tu.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:213 msgid "ICC Profiles Settings" msgstr "Nastavenie ICC profilov" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:218 msgid "Use color managed view (warning: slow)" msgstr "Použiť zobrazenie so správou farieb (varovanie: pomalé)" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:219 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Turn on this option if you want to use your Monitor Color Profile " "to show your pictures in the Image Editor window with a color correction " "adapted to your monitor. Warning: this option can take a while to render " "pictures on the screen, especially with a slow computer.
" msgstr "" "Zapnite túto voľbu, ak chcete používať svoj farebný profil monitora " "na korekciu farieb pre váš monitor počas zobrazovania obrázkov v editore " "obrázkov. Upozornenie: Vykresľovanie obrázkov na obrazovku s touto voľbou môže " "chvíľu trvať, obzvlášť na pomalých počítačoch.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:227 msgid "Monitor:" msgstr "Monitor:" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:230 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the color profile for your monitor. You need to enable the " "Use color managed view option to use this profile.
" msgstr "" "Tu vyberte farebný profil vášho monitora. Aby ste mohli tento profil " "používať, budete musieť zapnúť voľbu Použiť zobrazenie so správou farieb" ".
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:233 msgid "" "You can use this button to get more detailed information about the selected " "monitor profile.
" msgstr "" "Týmto tlačidlom môžete získať podrobné informácie o vybranom profile " "monitora.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:244 msgid "Workspace:" msgstr "Pracovná plocha:" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:247 msgid "" "All the images will be converted to the color space of this profile, so you " "must select a profile appropriate for editing.
" "These color profiles are device independent.
" msgstr "" "Všetky obrázky sa skonvertujú do farebného priestoru tohto profilu, preto " "musíte vybrať vhodný profil na účely vydania.
" "Tieto farebné profily sú nezávislé na zariadení.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:251 msgid "" "You can use this button to get more detailed information about the selected " "workspace profile.
" msgstr "" "Týmto tlačidlom môžete získať podrobné informácie o vybranom profile " "pracovnej plochy.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:261 msgid "Input:" msgstr "Vstup:" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:264 msgid "" "You must select the profile for your input device (usually, your camera, " "scanner...)
" msgstr "" "Musíte vybrať profil vášho vstupného zariadenia (zvyčajne fotoaparátu, " "skenera, ...)
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:267 msgid "" "You can use this button to get more detailed information about the selected " "input profile.
" msgstr "" "Týmto tlačidlom môžete získať podrobné informácie o vybranom vstupnom " "profile.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:277 msgid "Soft proof:" msgstr "Soft proofing:" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:280 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You must select the profile for your output device (usually, your printer). " "This profile will be used to do a soft proof, so you will be able to preview " "how an image will be rendered via an output device.
" msgstr "" "Musíte vybrať profil vášho výstupného zariadenia (zvyčajne tlačiarne). Tento " "profil sa použije na soft proofing, takže si budete môcť pozrieť náhľad ako sa " "obrázok zobrazí na výstupnom zariadení.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:284 msgid "" "You can use this button to get more detailed information about the selected " "soft proof profile.
" msgstr "" "Týmto tlačidlom môžete získať podrobné informácie o vybranom profile pre " "soft proofing.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:299 msgid "Use black point compensation" msgstr "Použiť kompenzáciu čierneho bodu" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:300 msgid "" "Black Point Compensation is a way to make adjustments between the " "maximum black levels of digital files and the black capabilities of various " "digital devices.
" msgstr "" "Kompenzácia čierneho bodu je spôsob ako upravovať maximálnu úroveň " "čiernej v digitálnych súboroch podľa schopností rôznych digitálnych " "zariadení.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:307 msgid "Rendering Intents:" msgstr "Vykresľovacie zámery:" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:314 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Perceptual intent causes the full gamut of the image to be compressed " "or expanded to fill the gamut of the destination device, so that gray balance " "is preserved but colorimetric accuracy may not be preserved.
" "In other words, if certain colors in an image fall outside of the range of " "colors that the output device can render, the image intent will cause all the " "colors in the image to be adjusted so that the every color in the image falls " "within the range that can be rendered and so that the relationship between " "colors is preserved as much as possible.
" "This intent is most suitable for display of photographs and images, and is " "the default intent.
Absolute Colorimetric intent causes any colors that fall outside the " "range that the output device can render are adjusted to the closest color that " "can be rendered, while all other colors are left unchanged.
" "This intent preserves the white point and is most suitable for spot colors " "(Pantone, TruMatch, logo colors, ...).
Relative Colorimetric intent is defined such that any colors that " "fall outside the range that the output device can render are adjusted to the " "closest color that can be rendered, while all other colors are left unchanged. " "Proof intent does not preserve the white point.
Saturation intent preserves the saturation of colors in the image at " "the possible expense of hue and lightness.
" "Implementation of this intent remains somewhat problematic, and the ICC is " "still working on methods to achieve the desired effects.
" "This intent is most suitable for business graphics such as charts, where it " "is more important that the colors be vivid and contrast well with each other " "rather than a specific color.
Perceptuálny zámer spôsobí zmrštenie alebo rozšírenie gamutu obrázku " "tak, aby vyplnil gamut cieľového zariadenia, takže sa zachová vyváženie šedej, " "ale nemusí sa zachovať kolorometrická persnosť..
" "Inými slovami, ak niektoré farby obrázka spadajú mimo rozsahu farieb, ktoré " "dokáže výstupné zariadenie zobraziť, zámer obrázka spôsobí, že sa všetky farby " "obrázka zmenia tak, aby každá farba na obrázku sapdala do rozsahu, ktorý je " "možné zobraziť a vzťah medzi farbami sa čo najviac zachoval.
" "Tento zámer je najvhodnejší na zobrazovanie fotografií a obrázkov a je to " "štandardný zámer.
Absolútnu kolorimetrický zámer spôsobí prispôsobenie všetkých farieb, " "ktoré spadajú mimo rozsahu, ktorý dokáže výstupné zariadenie zobraziť, na " "najbližšiu možnú farbu, ktorú je možné zobraziť, kým všetky ostatné farby " "ponechá nezmenené.
" "Tento zámer zachováva biely bod a je najvhodnejší pre bodové farby (Pantone, " "TruMatch, farby loga, ...).
Relatívny kolorimetrický zámer je definovaný tak, že všetky farby, " "ktoré spadajú mimo rozsahu, ktorý dokáže výstupné zariadenie zobraziť, sa " "nastavia na najbližšiu možnú farbu, ktorú je možné zobraziť, kým všetky ostatné " "farby ponechá nezmenené. Proof zámer nezachováva biely bod.
Zámer sýtosti zachová sýtosť farieb obrázka na možný úkor odtieňa a " "jasu.
" "Implementácia tohto zámeru zostáva do určitej miery problematická a ICC " "stále pracuje na metódach dosiahnutia požadovaného účinku.
" "Tento zámer je najvhodnejší pre obchodnú grafiku ako grafy, kde je " "dôležitejšie, aby boli farby živé a kontrastné navzájom radšej ako s konkrétnou " "farbou.
You must set a correct default path for your ICC color profiles files.
" msgstr "" "Musíte nastaviť správnu štandardnú cestu k vašim ICC profilom farieb.
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:484 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorry, there are no ICC profiles files in " msgstr "
Prepáčte, v " #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:486 msgid "
" msgstr "sa nenachádzajú žiadne súbory ICC profilov" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:551 msgid "The following profile is invalid:
" msgstr "
Nasledovný profil je neplatný:
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:555 msgid "Invalid Profile" msgstr "Nplatný profil" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:559 msgid "Invalid color profile has been removed" msgstr "Bol odstránený neplatný afrebný profil" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:563 msgid "" "
digiKam has failed to remove the invalid color profile
" "You have to do it manually
" msgstr "" "digiKam sa nepodarilo odstrániť neplatný farebný profil
" "Musíte to urobiť ručne
" #: utilities/setup/setupicc.cpp:691 msgid "Sorry, there is not any selected profile" msgstr "prepáčte, nie je vybraný žiadny profil" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:109 msgid "Show album items toolti&ps" msgstr "Zobrazovať bublinové ti&py položiek albunu" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:110 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Set this option to display image information when the mouse hovers over an " "album item." msgstr "" "
Ak je táto voľba zapnutá, budú sa zobrazovať informácie o obrázku keď " "podržíte kurzor myši nad položkou albumu." #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:147 msgid "Show camera aperture and focal" msgstr "Zobraziť clonu a ohniskovú vzdialenosť fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:171 msgid "digiKam Information" msgstr "Informácie digiKam" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:173 msgid "Show album name" msgstr "Zobraziť &názov albumu" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:174 msgid "
Set this option to display the album name." msgstr "
Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie názvu albumu." #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:176 #, fuzzy msgid "Show image caption" msgstr "Zobraziť typ obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:177 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set this option to display the image captions." msgstr "
Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie hodnotenia obrázka." #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:179 #, fuzzy msgid "Show image tags" msgstr "Zobraziť typ obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:180 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set this option to display the image tags." msgstr "
Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie typu obrázka." #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:182 msgid "Show image rating" msgstr "Zobraziť hodnotenie obrázka" #: utilities/setup/setuptooltip.cpp:183 msgid "
Set this option to display the image rating." msgstr "
Zapnite túto voľbu pre zobrazenie hodnotenia obrázka." #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:100 msgid "Camera Configuration" msgstr "Nastavenie fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:108 msgid "Mounted Camera" msgstr "Pripojený fotoaparát" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:118 msgid "Camera List" msgstr "Zoznam fotoaparátov" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:122 msgid "" "
Select the camera name that you want to use. All default settings on the " "right panel will be set automatically.
" "This list has been generated using the gphoto2 library installed on your " "computer.
" msgstr "" "Tu nastavte názov fotoaparátu, ktorý chcete použiť. Všetky štandardné " "nastavenia v pravom paneli sa nastavia automaticky.
" "Tento zoznam vygenerovala knižnica gphoto2 nainštalovaná na vašom " "počítači.
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:131 msgid "Camera Title" msgstr "Názov fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:133 msgid "" "Set here the name used in digiKam interface to identify this camera.
" msgstr "" "Tu nastavte názvo, ktorý bude v rozhraní digiKam označovať tento " "fotoaparát.
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:138 msgid "Camera Port Type" msgstr "Typ portu" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:142 msgid "USB" msgstr "USB" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:143 msgid "" "Select this option if your camera is connected to your computer using an USB " "cable.
" msgstr "" "Túto voľbu vyberte, ak sa váš fotoaparát pripája k počítaču pomocou USB " "kábla.
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:147 msgid "Serial" msgstr "Sériový" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:148 msgid "" "Select this option if your camera is connected to your computer using a " "serial cable.
" msgstr "" "Túto voľbu vyberte, ak sa váš fotoaparát pripája k počítaču pomocou " "sériového kábla.
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:153 msgid "Camera Port Path" msgstr "Cesta portu fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:155 msgid "Note: only for serial port camera" msgstr "Pozn. Iba fotoaparáty pre sériový port" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:159 msgid "" "Select the serial port to use on your computer. This option is only required " "if you use a serial camera.
" msgstr "" "Tu vyberte, ktorý sériový port vášho počítača použiť. Táto voľba je " "vyžadovaná iba pre fotoaparáty pre sériový port.
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:164 msgid "Camera Mount Path" msgstr "Bod pripojenie fotoaparátu" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:167 msgid "Note: only for USB/IEEE mass storage camera" msgstr "Pozn. Iba pre USB/IEEE mass storage fotoaparáty" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:171 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Set here the mount path to use on your computer. This option is only " "required if you use a USB Mass Storage camera.
" msgstr "" "Tu nastavte cestu vo vašom súborovom systéme, kam sa bude pripájať " "fotoaparát. To je potrebné iba ak používate fotoaparát s USB Mass Storage" ".
" #: utilities/setup/cameraselection.cpp:188 #, fuzzy msgid "" "To set a USB Mass Storage camera"
(which looks like a removable drive when mounted on your desktop), please"
use %1 from camera list.
USB Mass Storage fotoaparát"
(ktorý sa správa ako prenosný disk), nastavíte "
vybraním %1 zo zoznamu fotoaparátov.
To set a Generic PTP USB Device"
(which uses the Picture Transfer Protocol), please"
use %1 from the camera list.
Všeobecné USB PTP zariadenie"
(ktoré používa Picture Transfer Protocol), nastavíte "
vybraním %1 zo zoznamu fotoaparátov.
A complete list of camera settings to use is"
available at "
"this url.
Kompletný zoznam nastavení fotoaparátu, ktoré je možné použiť"
nájdete na "
"tejto adrese.
Color Management is disabled.
" "You can enable it now by clicking on the \"Settings\" button.
" msgstr "" "Správa farieb je vypnutá.
" "Môžete ju zapnúť po kliknutí na tlačidlo „nastavenie“.
" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:147 msgid "Resize Image" msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:151 msgid "&Save As..." msgstr "Uložiť &ako..." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:152 msgid "&Load..." msgstr "&Načítať..." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:158 msgid "Reset all filter parameters to their default values." msgstr "
Obnoviť štandardné hodnoty všetkých parametrov filtra." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:159 msgid "
Load all filter parameters from settings text file." msgstr "
Načítať všetky parametre filtra z textového súboru s nastaveniami." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:160 msgid "
Save all filter parameters to settings text file." msgstr "
Uložiť všetky parametre filtra do textového súboru s nastaveniami." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:178 msgid "New Size" msgstr "Nová veľkosť" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:185 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set here the new image width in pixels." msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť šírku orezu." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:192 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set here the new image height in pixels." msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť výšku orezu." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:199 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set here the new image width in percent." msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť šírku orezu." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:201 msgid "Height (%):" msgstr "Výška (%):" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:206 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set here the new image height in percent." msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť výšku orezu." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:208 msgid "Maintain aspect ratio" msgstr "Uchovať pomer strán" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:209 #, fuzzy msgid "
Enable this option to maintain aspect ratio with new image sizes." msgstr "
Touto voľbou zapnete automatické nastavenie orientácie." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:221 #, fuzzy msgid "Restore photograph" msgstr "Zaostrenie fotografie" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:222 msgid "" "
Enable this option to restore photograph content. This way is usefull to " "scale-up an image to an huge size. Warning: this process can take a while." msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:226 msgid "" "Note: use Restoration Mode to only scale-up an image to huge size. Warning, " "this process can take a while." msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:231 #, fuzzy msgid "
This shows the current progress when you use Restoration mode." msgstr "
Miera dokončenia spracovania v percentách." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:551 #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:583 msgid "Resize" msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:608 #, fuzzy msgid "Photograph Resizing Settings File to Load" msgstr "Načítať tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:619 #, fuzzy msgid "\"%1\" is not a Photograph Resizing settings text file." msgstr "„%1“ nie je textový súbor s nastavením Správy farieb." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:626 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot load settings from the Photograph Resizing text file." msgstr "Nie je možné načítať nastavenia z textového súboru Správy farieb." #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:635 #, fuzzy msgid "Photograph Resizing Settings File to Save" msgstr "Uložiť tento súbor nastavení Správy farieb" #: utilities/imageeditor/tools/imageresize.cpp:644 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save settings to the Photograph Resizing text file." msgstr "Nie je možné uložiť nastavenia do textového súboru Správy farieb." #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:62 msgid "Convert" msgstr "Konvertovať" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:63 msgid "Apply the default color workspace profile to the image" msgstr "Použiť na obrázok štandardný profil farebného priestoru" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:64 msgid "Do Nothing" msgstr "Nerobiť nič" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:65 msgid "Do not change the image" msgstr "Nemeniť obrázok" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:66 msgid "Assign" msgstr "Priradiť" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:67 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Only embed the color workspace profile in the image, don't change the image" msgstr "" "Iba vložiť štandardný profil farebného priestoru do obrázka bez zmeny samotného " "obrázka" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:75 #, fuzzy msgid "Original Image:" msgstr "Originál" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Corrected Image:" msgstr "Opravený obrázok:" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:81 msgid "Current workspace color profile:" msgstr "Aktuálny pracovný profil farebného priestoru" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:84 msgid "Embedded color profile:" msgstr "Vložený farebný profil:" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:91 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
This image has not been assigned a color profile.
" "Do you want to convert it to your workspace color profile?
" msgstr "" "Tomuto obrázku nebol priradený žiadny farebný profil.
" "Chcete ho konvertovať na váš pracovný farebný profil?
" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/colorcorrectiondlg.cpp:101 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This image has been assigned to a color profile that does not match your " "default workspace color profile.
" "Do you want to convert it to your workspace color profile?
" msgstr "" "Tomuto obrázku bol priradený farebný profil, ktorý nezodpovedá vášmu " "štandardnému pracovnému farebnému profilu.
" "Chcete ho konvertovať na váš pracovný farebný profil?
" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:37 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznámy" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:56 msgid "Rotate 90 Degrees" msgstr "Otočiť o 90°" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:59 msgid "Rotate 180 Degrees" msgstr "Otočiť o 180°" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:62 msgid "Rotate 270 Degrees" msgstr "Otočiť o 270°" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:112 msgid "Flip Horizontal" msgstr "Prevrátiť horizontálne" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:114 msgid "Flip Vertical" msgstr "Prevrátiť vertikálne" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/undoaction.cpp:149 msgid "Brightness,Contrast,Gamma" msgstr "Jas, kontrast, gama" #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/dimginterface.cpp:422 msgid "" "Cannot find the ICC color-space profile file. The ICC profiles path seems to be " "invalid. No color transform will be applied. Please check the \"Color " "Management\" configuration in digiKam's setup to verify the ICC path." msgstr "" "Nie je možné nájsť súbor ICC profilu farebného priestoru. Zdá sa, že cesta k " "ICC profilom je neplatná. Nepoužije sa žiadna transformácia. Prosím, " "skontrolujte nastavenie správy farieb v Nastaveniach digiKam a overte cestu k " "ICC profilom." #: utilities/imageeditor/canvas/imagepluginloader.cpp:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Loading Image Plugins" msgstr "Zásuvné moduly obrázkov" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:267 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:339 msgid "&First" msgstr "&Prvý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:272 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:345 msgid "&Last" msgstr "&Posledný" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:290 msgid "Print Image..." msgstr "Vytlač obrázok..." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:370 #, fuzzy msgid "Fit to &Selection" msgstr "Výber" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:374 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This option can be used to zoom the image to the current selection area." msgstr "" "Túto voľbu môžete použiť pre orezanie obrázka. Vyberte oblasť obrázka pre túto " "činnosť." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:408 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:424 #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle the window to full screen mode" msgstr "" "Táto voľba vám umožňuje prepnúť medzi hlavným oknom a režimom celej obrazovky." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:414 msgid "Under-Exposure Indicator" msgstr "Indikátor podexponovania" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:419 msgid "Over-Exposure Indicator" msgstr "Indikátor preexponovania" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:424 msgid "Color Managed View" msgstr "Pohľad do správou farieb" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:431 msgid "&Resize..." msgstr "&Zmeniť veľkosť..." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:435 msgid "Crop" msgstr "Orez" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:441 msgid "" "This option can be used to crop the image. Select a region of the image to " "enable this action." msgstr "" "Túto voľbu môžete použiť pre orezanie obrázka. Vyberte oblasť obrázka pre túto " "činnosť." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:446 msgid "Flip Horizontally" msgstr "Prevrátiť vodorovne" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:451 msgid "Flip Vertically" msgstr "Prevrátiť zvisle" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:458 #, fuzzy msgid "Rotate Left" msgstr "&Otoč" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:464 #, fuzzy msgid "Rotate Right" msgstr "vpravo dolu" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:517 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:509 msgid "Exit Fullscreen mode" msgstr "Ukončiť režim celej obrazovky" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:518 msgid "Exit out of the fullscreen mode" msgstr "Opustiť režim zobrazenia celej obrazovky" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:523 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:538 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:515 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:530 msgid "Load Next Image" msgstr "Načíta ďalší obrázok" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:528 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:533 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:543 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:520 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:525 #: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:535 msgid "Load Previous Image" msgstr "Načíta predchádzajúci obrázok" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:548 msgid "Zoom in on Image" msgstr "Priblížiť obrázok" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:553 msgid "Zoom out of Image" msgstr "Oddiali obrázok" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:558 #, fuzzy msgid "Redo Last action" msgstr "Redukcia červených očí" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:570 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1292 #, fuzzy msgid "No selection" msgstr "Výber" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:574 msgid "Information about current selection area" msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:580 msgid "Information about image size" msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:630 #, c-format msgid "Print %1" msgstr "Vytlačiť %1" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:635 msgid "Failed to print file: '%1'" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa vytlačiť súbor: „%1“" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1173 #, fuzzy msgid "" "About to overwrite file \"%1\"\n" "Are you sure?" msgstr "" "Chystáte sa zmazať súbor „%1“.\n" "Ste si istý?" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1178 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1660 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1706 msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "Prepísať" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1194 msgid "" "The image '%1' has been modified.\n" "Do you want to save it?" msgstr "" "Obrázek „%1“ bol zmenený.\n" "Chcete ho uložiť?" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1251 msgid "Please wait while the image is being saved..." msgstr "Prosím, čakajte kým sa obrázok ukladá..." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1357 msgid "Failed to load image \"%1\"" msgstr "Nepodarilo sa načítať súbor „%1“" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1392 msgid "Saving: " msgstr "Ukladá sa: " #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1406 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1447 msgid "" "Failed to save file\n" "\"%1\"\n" "to\n" "\"%2\"." msgstr "" "Nepodarilo sa uložiť súbor\n" "„%1“\n" "do\n" "„%2“." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1560 msgid "New Image File Name" msgstr "Nový súbor s obrázkom" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1615 msgid "Target image file format \"%1\" unsupported." msgstr "Cieľový formát „%1“ nie je podporovaný." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1625 msgid "" "Failed to save file\n" "\"%1\" to\n" "\"%2\"." msgstr "" "Nepodarilo sa uložiť súbor\n" "„%1“ do\n" "„%2“." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1655 msgid "" "A file named \"%1\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?" msgstr "Súbor s názvom „%1“ už existuje. Ste si istý, že ho chcete prepísať?" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1659 #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1705 msgid "Overwrite File?" msgstr "Prepísať súbor?" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1700 msgid "" "You do not have write permissions for the file named \"%1\". Are you sure you " "want to overwrite it?" msgstr "" "Nemáte povolenie na zápis súboru s názvom „%1“. Ste si istý, že ho chcete " "prepísať?" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1742 msgid "Failed to overwrite original file" msgstr "Chyba pri prepisovaní pôvodného obrázka" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1743 msgid "Error Saving File" msgstr "Chyba pri ukladaní súboru" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1789 msgid "Color Managed View is enabled" msgstr "Pohľad so správou farieb je zapnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1791 msgid "Color Managed View is disabled" msgstr "Pohľad so správou farieb je vypnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1795 msgid "" "Color Management is not configured, so the Color Managed View is not available" msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1818 msgid "Under-Exposure indicator is enabled" msgstr "Indikátor podexponovania je zapnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1819 msgid "Under-Exposure indicator is disabled" msgstr "Indikátor preexponovania je vypnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1840 msgid "Over-Exposure indicator is enabled" msgstr "Indikátor preexponovania je zapnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editorwindow.cpp:1841 msgid "Over-Exposure indicator is disabled" msgstr "Indikátor preexponovania je vypnutý" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:336 msgid "Delete File Permanently" msgstr "Natrvalo zmazať súbor" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:346 msgid "Delete Permanently without Confirmation" msgstr "Trvale vymazať bez potvrdzovania" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:354 msgid "Move to Trash without Confirmation" msgstr "Presunúť do koša bez potvrdzovania" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:447 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Image Editor - %1" msgstr "Editor obrázka" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:1032 msgid "" "There is no image to show in the current album.\n" "The image editor will be closed." msgstr "" "V aktuálnom albume nie sú obrázky.\n" "Editor obrázkov bude ukončený." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/imagewindow.cpp:1034 msgid "No Image in Current Album" msgstr "V aktuálnom albume nie sú obrázky" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:125 msgid "" "Here you can see the original image panel which can help you to select the " "clip preview." "
Click and drag the mouse cursor in the red rectangle to change the clip " "focus." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete vidieť panel s pôvodným obrázkom, ktorý vám pomôže s výberom " "orezania. " "
Kliknite a ťahajte kurzor myši v červenom obdĺžniku a zmeňte fokus výrezu." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:143 #, fuzzy msgid "Guide:" msgstr "Šírka vodítka:" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:164 #, fuzzy msgid "
Reset all settings to their default values." msgstr "
Obnoviť štandardné hodnoty všetkých parametrov filtra." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:191 #, fuzzy msgid "Load..." msgstr "&Načítať..." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:192 #, fuzzy msgid "
Load all parameters from settings text file." msgstr "
Načítať všetky parametre filtra z textového súboru s nastaveniami." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:198 #, fuzzy msgid "
Save all parameters to settings text file." msgstr "
Uložiť všetky parametre filtra do textového súboru s nastaveniami." #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:206 msgid "Try" msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/editor/editortoolsettings.cpp:207 #, fuzzy msgid "
Try all settings." msgstr "Všeobecné nastavenia" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Raw Import" msgstr "&Importovať" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:80 #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Post Processing" msgstr "Dávkové procesy" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawimport.cpp:172 #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:378 #, fuzzy msgid "Raw Decoding" msgstr "Dekódovanie RAW" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawpreview.cpp:188 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Cannot decode RAW image for\n" "\"%1\"" msgstr "" "Nedá sa zobraziť obrázok\n" "„%1“" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:181 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Select the histogram channel to display here:" "
Luminosity: display the image's luminosity values." "
Red: display the red image-channel values." "
Green: display the green image-channel values." "
Blue: display the blue image-channel values." "
Colors: Display all color channel values at the same time." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete vybrať hlavnú farbu zobrazenú v režime histogramu:" "
Svietivosť: zmeniť hodnoty svietivosti obrázka." "
Červená: zobraziť hodnoty červeného kanála." "
Zelená: zobraziť hodnoty zeleného kanála." "
Modrá: zobraziť hodnoty modrého kanála." "
" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:869 #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:251 msgid "Abort" msgstr "Prerušiť" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:254 #, fuzzy msgid "Abort the current Raw image preview." msgstr "
Prerušiť vytváranie obrázka." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:257 #, fuzzy msgid "Update" msgstr "Dátum" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:260 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate a Raw image preview using current settings." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete vidieť položky nájdené v knižnici albumov použitím aktuálneho " "nastavenia vyhľadávania." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:297 #, fuzzy msgid "Set here the gamma adjustement of the image" msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť gamu obrázka." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:304 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set here the color saturation correction." msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť nasýtenie obrázka." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:306 #, fuzzy msgid "Exposure (E.V):" msgstr "Automatická korekcia expozície" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:311 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
This value in E.V will be used to perform an exposure compensation of the " "image." msgstr "" "
Táto hodnota v stupňoch bude pridaná k hodnote hlavného uhla pre doladenie " "výsledného uhla." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:347 msgid "Reset curve to linear" msgstr "" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:367 #, fuzzy msgid "Exposure" msgstr "Automatická korekcia expozície" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:368 #, fuzzy msgid "Luminosity Curve" msgstr "Jas" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:380 #, fuzzy msgid "Info" msgstr "Info..." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:386 #, fuzzy msgid "
Reset all settings to default values." msgstr "
Obnoviť štandardné hodnoty všetkých parametrov filtra." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:390 #, fuzzy msgid "
Import image to editor using current settings." msgstr "" "
Tu môžete vidieť položky nájdené v knižnici albumov použitím aktuálneho " "nastavenia vyhľadávania." #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:392 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Default" msgstr "Použiť štandardný profil" #: utilities/imageeditor/rawimport/rawsettingsbox.cpp:394 msgid "
Use general Raw decoding settings to load this image in editor."
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show on left panel"
msgstr "Zobraziť názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:175
msgid "Show on right panel"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:185
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove item"
msgstr "Odstrániť štítok"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Stred"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablebar.cpp:619
msgid "Drag and drop images here"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pan the image"
msgstr "Nemeniť obrázok"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:195
msgid "Drag and drop an image here"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablepreview.cpp:281
msgid ""
"Unable to display preview for\n"
msgstr ""
"Nemôžem zobraziť náhľad pre\n"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:351
msgid "On Left"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:355
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show item on left panel"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:357
#, fuzzy
msgid "On Right"
msgstr "&Otoč"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:361
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show item on right panel"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove item from LightTable"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:373
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove all items from LightTable"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:388
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synchronize"
msgstr "Ukážka"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:393
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synchronize preview from left and right panels"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:395
#, fuzzy
msgid "By Pair"
msgstr "Podľa umiestnenia"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:400
msgid "Navigate by pair with all items"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:510
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exit fullscreen viewing mode"
msgstr "Ukončiť režim celej obrazovky"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:540
msgid "Zoom in on image"
msgstr "Priblížiť obrázok"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom out from image"
msgstr "Oddialiťs obrázok"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:625
#, fuzzy
msgid "No item on Light Table"
msgstr "Zobraziť &názov súboru"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:629
#, fuzzy
msgid "1 item on Light Table"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: utilities/lighttable/lighttablewindow.cpp:633
#, fuzzy
msgid "%1 items on Light Table"
msgstr "Jas:"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:45
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:454
msgid "Camera Information"
msgstr "Informácie o fotoaparátu"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:52
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Zhrnutie"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:52
msgid "Camera Summary"
msgstr "Zhrnutie fotoaparátu"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:62
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuál"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:62
msgid "Camera Manual"
msgstr "Manuál fotoaparátu"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerainfodialog.cpp:72
msgid "About Driver"
msgstr "O ovládači"
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:487
msgid ""
"Mounted Camera driver for USB/IEEE1394 mass storage cameras and Flash "
"disk card readers."
msgstr ""
"Ovládač Mounted Camera pre USB/IEEE1394 mass storage fotoaparáty a "
"čítačky flashdiskov."
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:490
msgid "Title: %1
Model: %2
Port: %3
Path: %4
msgstr "Názov: %1
Model: %2
Port: %3
Cesta: %4
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:503
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"For more information about the Mounted Camera driver, please read "
"Supported Digital Still Cameras section in the digiKam manual."
msgstr ""
"Viac informácií o ovládači Mounted Camera nájdete v príručke digiKam v "
"časti Podporované digitálne fotoaparáty."
#: utilities/cameragui/umscamera.cpp:511
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The Mounted Camera driver is a simple interface to a camera disk mounted "
"locally on your system."
It doesn't use libgphoto2 drivers."
To report any problems with this driver, please contact the digiKam team "
msgstr ""
"Ovládač Mounted Camera je jednoduché rozhranie k lokálne pripojenému "
"disku fotoaparátu."
Nepoužíva žiadne ovládače libgphoto2."
Problémy s týmto ovládačom prosím oznamujte tímu digiKam na:"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerafolderview.cpp:62
msgid "Camera Folders"
msgstr "Priečinky fotoaparátu"
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Album Library"
msgstr "Cesta ku knižnici albumov"
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:196
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:207
msgid "Capacity:"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:199
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "Available:"
msgstr "nedostupné"
#: utilities/cameragui/freespacewidget.cpp:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Require:"
msgstr "Reliéf:"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerafolderdialog.cpp:52
msgid "%1 - Select Camera Folder"
msgstr "%1 - Vyberte priečinok fotoaparátu"
#: utilities/cameragui/camerafolderdialog.cpp:69
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
Please select the camera folder where you want to upload the images.
" msgstr "" "Prosím, vyberte priečinok fotoaparátu, kam chcete nahrať obrázky.
" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:143 msgid "Camera filenames" msgstr "Názvy súborov fotoaparátu" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:144 msgid "" "Turn on this option to use camera provided image filenames without " "modifications." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete používať bezo zmien názvy súborov, aké používa " "fotoaparát." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:153 msgid "Change case to:" msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť písmen na:" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:157 msgid "Leave as Is" msgstr "Ponechať, ako je" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:158 msgid "Upper" msgstr "Veľká" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:159 msgid "Lower" msgstr "Presunúť do pozadia" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:161 msgid "
Set the method to use to change the case of image filenames." msgstr "
Nastavte spôsob zmeny veľkosti písmen názvov súborov obrázkov." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:173 msgid "Customize" msgstr "Vlastný" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:175 msgid "
Turn on this option to customize image filenames during download." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, na prispôsobenie názvov súborov obrázkov počas " "sťahovania." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:187 msgid "Prefix:" msgstr "Prípona:" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:192 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set the prefix which will be added to image filenames." msgstr "
Nastavte predponu, ktorá sa pridá k názvom súborov obrázkov." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:195 msgid "Suffix:" msgstr "Prípona:" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:199 #, fuzzy msgid "
Set the suffix which will be added to image filenames." msgstr "
Nastavte príponu, ktorá sa pridá k názvom súborov obrázkov." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:202 msgid "Add Date && Time" msgstr "Pridať &Dátum a čas" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:204 msgid "
Set this option to add the camera provided date and time." msgstr "
Nastevením tejto voľby pridáte fotoaparátom poskytnutý dátum a čas." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:279 #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:207 msgid "Date format:" msgstr "Formát dátumu:" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:209 msgid "Standard" msgstr "Štandardný" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:281 #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:210 msgid "ISO" msgstr "ISO" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:282 #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:211 msgid "Full Text" msgstr "Plný text" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:283 #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:212 msgid "Local Settings" msgstr "Miestne nastavenia" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:213 msgid "Advanced..." msgstr "Pokročilé..." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:214 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Select your preferred date format for creating new albums. The options " "available are:
" "Standard: the date format that has been used as a standard by " "digiKam. E.g.: 20060824T142618
ISO" ": the date format according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). E.g.: " "2006-08-24T14:26:18" "Full Text: the date format is a user-readable string. E.g.: " "Thu Aug 24 14:26:18 2006
" "Local Settings: the date format depending on KDE control panel " "settings.
" "Advanced: allows the user to specify a custom date format.
" msgstr "" "Nastavte uprednostňovaný formát dátumu používaný pri tvorbe nových albumov. " "Dostupné voľby sú:
" "Štandardný: štandardný formát dátumu ako používa digiKam. Napr.: " "20060824T142618
ISO: formát dátumu v súlade s ISO 8601 " "(YYYY-MM-DD). Napr.: 2006-08-24T14:26:18" "Plný text: formát dátumu čitateľný pre používateľa. Napr.: " "štv, 24. aug 14:26:18 2006
" "Miestne nastavenia: formát dátumu závislý na nastaveniach ovládacieho " "panela KDE.
" "Pokročilé: umožňuje zadať vlastný formát dátumu.
" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:234 msgid "Add Camera Name" msgstr "Pridať názov fotoaparátu..." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:236 msgid "Set this option to add the camera name." msgstr "
Nastevením tejto voľby pridáte názov fotoaparátu." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:238 msgid "Add Sequence Number" msgstr "Pridať číslo sekvencie" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:240 msgid "" "
Set this option to add a sequence number starting with the index set below." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, na pridanie poradového čísla počínajúc dolu uvedeným " "idexom." #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:243 msgid "Start Index:" msgstr "Počiatočný index:" #: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:246 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Set the starting index value used to rename files with a sequence number." msgstr "" "
Nastavte hodnotu počiatočného indexu, ktorá sa použije na premenovanie "
"súborov obrázkov s poradovým číslom."
#: utilities/cameragui/renamecustomizer.cpp:436
msgid ""
" Enter the format for date and time. Use dd for the day, MM for the month, yyyy "
"for the year, hh for the hour, mm for the minute, ss "
"for the second. Examples: yyyyMMddThhmmss for 20060824T142418,"
" Tu zadajte formát dátumu a času. Použite dd pre deň, MM pre mesiac, yyyy pre rok, "
"hh pre hodinu, mm pre minútu, ss pre sekundu. Príklady: yyyyMMddThhmmss pre 20060824T142418,"
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss for 2006-08-24 14:24:18.
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss pre 2006-08-24 14:24:18.
Set how digiKam will rename files as they are downloaded." msgstr "
Nastavte ako má digiKam premenovávať súbory obrázkov pri sťahovaní." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:270 msgid "File Renaming Options" msgstr "Možnosti premenovania súborov" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:276 msgid "Extension-based sub-albums" msgstr "Podalbumy podľa prípony súboru" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:277 msgid "Date-based sub-albums" msgstr "Podalbumy podľa dátumu" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:289 msgid "
Set how digiKam creates albums automatically when downloading." msgstr "
Nastavte ako má digiKam vytvárať albumy pri sťahovaní." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:290 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option if you want to download your pictures into automatically " "created file extension-based sub-albums of the destination album. This way, you " "can separate JPEG and RAW files as they are downloaded from your camera." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete sťahovať svoje obrázky do podalbumov cieľového " "albumu nazvaných podľa prípony súboru. Takto môžete oddeľovať JPEG a RAW súbory " "počas sťahovania z fotoaparátu." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:293 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option if you want to download your pictures into automatically " "created file date-based sub-albums of the destination album." msgstr "" "
Touto voľbou zapnete stiahnutie fotografií do automaticky vytváraných " "pod-albumov (podľa dátumu) v cieľovom albume." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:296 msgid "" "
Select your preferred date format used to create new albums. The options " "available are:" "
ISO: the date format is in accordance with ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). " "E.g.: 2006-08-24" "
Full Text: the date format is in a user-readable string. E.g.: " "Thu Aug 24 2006" "
Local Settings: the date format depending on KDE control panel " "settings." "
" msgstr "" "
Nastavte uprednostňovaný formát dátumu používaný pri tvorbe nových albumov. " "Dostupné voľby sú:
ISO: formát dátumu v súlade s ISO 8601 " "(YYYY-MM-DD). Napr.: 2006-08-24" "Plný text: formát dátumu čitateľný pre používateľa. Napr.: " "štv, 24. aug 14:26:18 2006
" "Miestne nastavenia: formát dátumu závislý na nastaveniach ovládacieho " "panela KDE.
" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:305 msgid "Auto-creation of Albums" msgstr "Automatická tvorba albumov" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:311 msgid "Set default photographer identity" msgstr "Nastaviť štandarnú identitu fotografa" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:312 msgid "Set default credit and copyright" msgstr "Nastaviť štandarného autora a autorské práva" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:313 msgid "Fix internal date && time" msgstr "Opraviť vnútorný dátum a čas" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:315 msgid "Auto-rotate/flip image" msgstr "Automaticky otočiť/preklopiť obrázok" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:316 msgid "Convert to lossless file format" msgstr "Skonvertovať do bezstratového formátu" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:318 msgid "New image format:" msgstr "Nový formát obrázka" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:330 msgid "" "Set here all options to fix/transform JPEG files automatically as they are " "downloaded." msgstr "" "
Tu nastavte všetky voľby pre automatickú opravu/transformáciu JPEG súborov " "počas sťahovania." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:332 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option if you want images automatically rotated or flipped using " "EXIF information provided by the camera." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete aby sa obrázky automaticky otáčali alebo " "zrkadlili podľa EXIF informácie, ktorú poskytuje fotoaparát." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:334 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option to store the default photographer identity in the IPTC " "tags using digiKam's metadata settings." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete ukladať do IPTC štítkov štandardnú identitu " "fotografa nastavenú pomocou metadát digiKam." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:336 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option to store the default credit and copyright information in " "the IPTC tags using digiKam's metadata settings." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete ukladať do IPTC štítkov štandardné informácie " "o autorovi a autorských právach nastavené pomocou metadát digiKam." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:338 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option to set date and time metadata tags to the right values if " "your camera does not set these tags correctly when pictures are taken. The " "values will be saved in the DateTimeDigitized and DateTimeCreated EXIF/IPTC " "fields." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete nastaviť dátum a čas na správne hodnoty, ak " "váš fotoaparát tieto hodnoty nenastavuje správne počas fotenia. Hotnoty sa " "uložia do polí DateTimeDigitized a DateTimeCreated EXIF a IPTC štítkov." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:342 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
Enable this option to automatically convert all JPEG files to a lossless " "image format. Note: Image conversion can take a while on a slow " "computer." msgstr "" "
Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete automaticky konvertovať JPEG súbory na " "bezstratový formát obrázka. Pozn.: Konverzia obrázka môže na pomalom " "počítači chvíľu trvať." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:345 msgid "" "
Select your preferred lossless image file format to convert to. Note: " "All metadata will be preserved during the conversion." msgstr "" "
Vyberte preferovaný bezstratový formát. Pozn.:"
"Všetky metadáta sa počas konverzie zachovajú."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:349
msgid "On the Fly Operations (JPEG only)"
msgstr "Bezstratové operácie (iba JPEG)"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:351
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavenia"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:411
msgid "Select &All"
msgstr "Vybrať &všetko"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:412
msgid "Select N&one"
msgstr "Vybrať &nič"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:413
msgid "&Invert Selection"
msgstr "&Invertovať výber"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:415
msgid "Select &New Items"
msgstr "Vybrať &nové položky"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:417
#, fuzzy
msgid "Increase Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "Zväčšiť veľkosť náhľadov"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:418
#, fuzzy
msgid "Decrease Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "Zväčšiť veľkosť náhľadov"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:420
msgid "Toggle Lock"
msgstr "Prepnúť zámok"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:426
msgid "Download Selected"
msgstr "Stiahnuť vybrané"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:428
msgid "Download All"
msgstr "Stiahnuť všetky"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:431
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download/Delete Selected"
msgstr "Stiahnuť vybrané"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:433
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download/Delete All"
msgstr "Stiahnuť všetky"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:436
msgid "Upload..."
msgstr "Nahrať..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:445
msgid "Delete Selected"
msgstr "Zmazať vybrané"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:680
msgid "Cancelling current operation, please wait..."
msgstr "Ruší sa aktuálna operácia, čakajte prosím..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:708
msgid "Do you want to close the dialog and cancel the current operation?"
msgstr "Chcete zatvoriť dialóg a zrušiť sa aktuálnu operáciu?"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:714
msgid "Disconnecting from camera, please wait..."
msgstr "Prebieha odpojenie od fotoaparátu, čakajte prosím..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:750
msgid "Scanning for new files, please wait..."
msgstr "Hľadajú sa nové súbory, čakajte prosím..."
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:791
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Pripravený"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:863
msgid ""
"Failed to connect to the camera. Please make sure it is connected properly and "
"turned on. Would you like to try again?"
msgstr ""
"Nepodarilo sa pripojiť k fotoaparátu. Prosím, uistite sa, že je správne "
"pripojený a zapnutý. Chcete to skúsiť znovu?"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:867
msgid "Connection Failed"
msgstr "Spojenie zlyhalo"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:868
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Skúsiť znovu"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1028
msgid "Select Image to Upload"
msgstr "Zvoľte obrázok, ktorý sa má nahrať"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1063
msgid ""
"Camera Folder %1 already contains item %2"
Please enter a new file name (without extension):"
msgstr ""
"Priečinok fotoaparátu %1 už obsahuje položku %2"
Prosím, zadajte nový názov súboru (bez prípony):"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1067 utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1070
msgid "File already exists"
msgstr "Súbor už existuje"
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1124
msgid ""
"There is no enough free space on Album Library Path to download and process "
"selected pictures from camera.\n"
"Estimated space require: %1\n"
"Available free space: %2"
msgstr ""
#: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1166
msgid ""
Please select the destination album from the digiKam library to import the " "camera pictures into.
" msgstr "" "Prosím, vyberte cieľový album z knižnice digiKam, kam sa importujú obrázky z " "fotoaparátu.
" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1454 msgid "" "The items listed below are locked by camera (read-only). These items will not " "be deleted. If you really want to delete these items, please unlock them and " "try again." msgstr "" "Dolu zobrazené položky fotoaparát zamkol (sú len na čítanie). Tieto položky " "nebudú zmazané. Ak ich naozaj chcete zmazať, prosím odomknite ich a skúste to " "znova." #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1466 #, c-format msgid "" "_n: About to delete this image. Deleted files are unrecoverable. Are you sure?\n" "About to delete these %n images. Deleted files are unrecoverable. Are you sure?" msgstr "" "Chystám sa vymazať %n obrázok. Vymazané obrázky sú neobnoviteľné. Ste si istý?\n" "Chystám sa vymazať %n obrázky. Vymazané obrázky sú neobnoviteľné. Ste si istý?\n" "Chystám sa vymazať %n obrázkov. Vymazané obrázky sú neobnoviteľné. Ste si istý?" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1623 msgid "A file with same name (%1) exists in folder %2" msgstr "Súbor s rovnakým menom (%1) už existuje v priečinku %2" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraui.cpp:1636 msgid "Failed to find Album for path '%1'" msgstr "Nebol nájdený album pre cestu „%1“" #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:956 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Title: %1\n" "Model: %2\n" "Port: %3\n" "Path: %4\n" "\n" "Thumbnails: %5\n" "Delete items: %6\n" "Upload items: %7\n" "Create directories: %8\n" "Delete directories: %9\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Názov: %1\n" "Model: %2\n" "Port: %3\n" "Cesta: %4\n" "\n" "Podpora náhľadov: %5\n" "Podpora mazania položiek: %6\n" "Podpora nahrávania položiek: %7\n" "Podpora tvorby adresárov: %8\n" "Podpora mazania adresárov: %9\n" "\n" #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:969 utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:970 #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:971 utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:972 #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:973 msgid "yes" msgstr "áno" #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:969 utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:970 #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:971 utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:972 #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:973 msgid "no" msgstr "nie" #: utilities/cameragui/gpcamera.cpp:1036 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "To report problems about this driver, please contact the gphoto2 team at:\n" "\n" "http://gphoto.org/bugs" msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "Ak chcete ohlásiť problém s týmto ovládačom, kontaktujte prosím tím gphoto2:\n" "\n" "http://gphoto.org/bugs" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraiconview.cpp:588 msgid "Download" msgstr "Stiahnuť" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraiconview.cpp:589 #, fuzzy msgid "Download && Delete" msgstr "Stiahnuť vybrané" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraiconview.cpp:590 msgid "Toggle lock" msgstr "Prepnúť zámok" #: utilities/cameragui/cameraiconview.cpp:755 #, fuzzy msgid "&Upload to camera" msgstr "&Nahrať do fotoaparátu" #: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:433 msgid "" "Cannot display image\n" "\"%1\"" msgstr "" "Nedá sa zobraziť obrázok\n" "„%1“" #: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:451 msgid "SlideShow Completed." msgstr "Prezentácia skončila." #: utilities/slideshow/slideshow.cpp:452 msgid "Click To Exit..." msgstr "Kliknutím ukončíte..." #~ msgid "Kipi library version: %1" #~ msgstr "Verzia knižnice Kipi: %1" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Rotated right" #~ msgstr "&Otoč" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Rotated left" #~ msgstr "&Otoč" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Slide" #~ msgstr "Prezentácia" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Image files" #~ msgstr "Súbory obrázkov" #~ msgid "RAW files" #~ msgstr "RAW súbory" #~ msgid "Movie files" #~ msgstr "Filmové súbory" #~ msgid "Audio files" #~ msgstr "Audio súbory" #~ msgid "Open in Konqueror" #~ msgstr "Otvoriť v Konquerore" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "This is the shear operation preview. If you move the mouse cursor on this preview, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be drawn to guide you in adjusting the free rotation correction. Release the left mouse button to freeze the dashed line's position." #~ msgstr "
Toto je náhľad filtra obrázkov. Ak na túto plochu presuniete kurzor myši, zobrazí sa vám horizontálna a vertikálna prerušovaná čiara, ktorá vám pomôže doladiť nastavenia filtra. Pre ukotvenie pozície prerušovanej čiary stlačte ľavé tlačidlo myši" #~ msgid "
Abort the current image rendering." #~ msgstr "
Prerušiť vytváranie obrázka." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "digiKam Handbook" #~ msgstr "Príručka zásuvných modulov" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Here set the zoom factor of the preview area." #~ msgstr "
Tu nastavíte farbu vykresľovania kompozičných vodítok." #~ msgid "
This is the percentage of the task which has been completed up to this point." #~ msgstr "
Miera dokončenia spracovania v percentách." #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin for fixing dots produced by hot/stuck/dead pixels from a CCD." #~ msgstr "Modul korekcie vypálených alebo mŕtvych pixelov z CCD pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Author and maintainer" #~ msgstr "Autor a správca" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Add Film Grain to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Aplikovať rozostrenie Gaussian na fotografiu" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply a film grain effect to an image." #~ msgstr "Modul efektu pridania filmového zrnenia pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Charcoal Drawing" #~ msgstr "Kresba uhlíkom" #~ msgid "A digiKam charcoal drawing image effect plugin." #~ msgstr "Modul simulácie kresby uhlíkom pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Apply Texture" #~ msgstr "Aplikovať textúru" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply a decorative texture to an image." #~ msgstr "Modul pre aplikáciu dekoratívnej textúry na obrázok pre digiKam." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Apply Blurring Special Effect to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Aplikovať rozostrenie Gaussian na fotografiu" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply blurring special effect to an image." #~ msgstr "Modul pre digiKam pre aplikácie špeciálnych efektov rozostrenia." #~ msgid "Blurring algorithms" #~ msgstr "Algoritmy rozostrenia" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Emboss Image" #~ msgstr "Posledný obrázok" #~ msgid "Emboss image effect plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul pre tvorbu efektu reliéfu pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Emboss algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus reliéfu" #~ msgid "Apply Oil Paint Effect" #~ msgstr "Použiť efekt olejomaľby" #~ msgid "An oil painting image effect plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul simulácie olejomaľby pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Oil paint algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus olejomaľby" #~ msgid "A noise reduction image filter plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul redukcie šumu pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Noise Reduction algorithm. Developer" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus redukcie šumu. Vývojár" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Photograph Restoration" #~ msgstr "Informácie o fotografii" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to restore a photograph." #~ msgstr "Modul pre digiKam pre renováciu fotografie." #~ msgid "CImg library" #~ msgstr "Knižnica CImg" #~ msgid "Feedback and plugin polishing" #~ msgstr "Spätná väzba a vylepšenie kódu modulu" #~ msgid "Simulate Infrared Film to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Simulovať na fotografii infračervený film" #~ msgid "Infrared Film" #~ msgstr "Infračervený film" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to simulate infrared film." #~ msgstr "Modul simulácie infračerveného filmu pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Sharpening Photograph" #~ msgstr "Zaostrenie fotografie" #~ msgid "Apply Gaussian Blur on Photograph" #~ msgstr "Aplikovať rozostrenie Gaussian na fotografiu" #~ msgid "
This is the the image filter effect preview. If you move the mouse cursor on this area, a vertical and horizontal dashed line will be draw to guide you in adjusting the filter settings. Press the left mouse button to freeze the dashed line's position." #~ msgstr "
Toto je náhľad filtra obrázkov. Ak na túto plochu presuniete kurzor myši, zobrazí sa vám horizontálna a vertikálna prerušovaná čiara, ktorá vám pomôže doladiť nastavenia filtra. Pre ukotvenie pozície prerušovanej čiary stlačte ľavé tlačidlo myši" #~ msgid "
This is the image filter effect preview." #~ msgstr "
Toto je náhľad nástroja obrázkového filtra farby." #~ msgid "Apply Color Special Effects to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Aplikuje špeciálne farebné efekty na fotografie" #~ msgid "A digiKam plugin to apply special color effects to an image." #~ msgstr "digiKam modul pre aplikáciu špeciálnych farebných efektov na obrázok." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Maintainer" #~ msgstr "Uchovať pomer strán" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Insert Text on Photograph" #~ msgstr "Zaostrenie fotografie" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin for inserting text on a photograph." #~ msgstr "Modul digiKam pre vloženie textu do fotografie." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Add Raindrops to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Aplikovať rozostrenie Gaussian na fotografiu" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to add raindrops to an image." #~ msgstr "Modul pre pridanie dažďových kvapiek do obrázka pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Raindrops algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus dažďových kvapiek" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to apply distortion effects to an image." #~ msgstr "digiKam modul pre efekt skreslenia obrázku." #~ msgid "Distortion algorithms" #~ msgstr "Algoritmy skreslenia" #~ msgid "Template Superimpose to Photograph" #~ msgstr "Prekrytie fotografie šablónou" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to superimpose a template onto a photograph." #~ msgstr "Modul pre prekrývanie fotografií šablónami pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Aspect ratio:" #~ msgstr "Pomer strán:" #~ msgid "Custom ratio:" #~ msgstr "Vlastný pomer:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Photograph Inpainting" #~ msgstr "Informácie o fotografii" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to inpaint a photograph." #~ msgstr "Modul pre digiKam na odstránenie artefaktov." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Abort current image rendering." #~ msgstr "
Prerušiť vytváranie obrázka." #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to reduce image vignetting." #~ msgstr "Modul pre korekciu vignetácie pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Anti Vignetting algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus korekcie vignetácie" #~ msgid "Add Border Around Photograph" #~ msgstr "Pridať orámovanie okolo fotografie" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to add a border around an image." #~ msgstr "Modul programu digiKam pre pridanie orámovania okolo obrázku." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Lens Distortion Correction" #~ msgstr "Redukcia červených očí" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to reduce spherical aberration caused by a lens to an image." #~ msgstr "Modul pre korekciu sférickej aberácie šošovky pre digiKam." #~ msgid "Lens distortion correction algorithm." #~ msgstr "Algoritmus korekcie skreslenia objektívu" #~ msgid "Launch Color Management plugin with RAW files" #~ msgstr "Spustiť zásuvný modul Správy farieb pri súboroch RAW" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Enable this option if you want to launch the color management image plugin when a RAW file is loaded in the editor." #~ msgstr "Túto voľbu zapnite, ak chcete spustiť modul správy farieb obrázka, keď sa v editore obrázkov načíta súbor RAW." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Color Channel Mixer" #~ msgstr "Pohľad do správou farieb" #~ msgid "An image color channel mixer plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul programu digiKam pre zlučovanie farebných kanálov" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "White Color Balance Correction" #~ msgstr "Automatická úprava farby" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to correct white color balance." #~ msgstr "Modul pre digiKam pre korekciu vyváženia bielej farby." #~ msgid "White color balance correction algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus korekcie vyváženia bielej" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Adjust Color Levels" #~ msgstr "Automatické úrovne" #~ msgid "An image-histogram-levels adjustment plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul úprav kriviek a histogramu pre digiKam" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to process free image rotation." #~ msgstr "Modul digiKam pre voľné otáčanie" #~ msgid "Free Rotation algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus voľného otáčania" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Adjust Photograph Perspective" #~ msgstr "Vlastnosti fotografie" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to process image perspective adjustment." #~ msgstr "Modul digiKam pre nastavenie perspektívy." #~ msgid "Auto Color Correction" #~ msgstr "Automatická úprava farby" #~ msgid "Aspect Ratio Crop & Composition Guide" #~ msgstr "Pomer strán orezu & kompozičné pravítko" #~ msgid "Brightness Contrast Gamma Adjustments" #~ msgstr "Nastavenia jas/kontrast/gama" #~ msgid "Convert to Black & White" #~ msgstr "Konverzia na čiernobielu" #~ msgid "Red Eye Reduction" #~ msgstr "Korekcia červených očí" #~ msgid "A digiKam image plugin to shear an image." #~ msgstr "Modul pre digiKam pre orezanie obrázku." #~ msgid "Shear algorithm" #~ msgstr "Algoritmus orezania" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Loading image......" #~ msgstr "Nahrávam obrázok..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Vignetting..." #~ msgstr "Nastavenia..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Adjust Color Curves" #~ msgstr "Automatická úprava farby" #~ msgid "An image-histogram-curves adjustment plugin for digiKam." #~ msgstr "Modul úprav kriviek a histogramu pre digiKam" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Preview" #~ msgstr "Ukončiť náhľad" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Use General" #~ msgstr "Všeobecné" #~ msgid "A Photo Management Application for KDE" #~ msgstr "Aplikácia na správu fotografií pre KDE" #~ msgid "Using Kipi library version %1" #~ msgstr "Používa knižnicu Kipi verziu %1" #~ msgid "Using Gphoto2 library version %1" #~ msgstr "Používa knižnicu Gphoto2 verzie %1" #~ msgid "(c) 2004-2008, digiKam developers team" #~ msgstr "(c) 2004-2008, tím tvorcov digiKam" #~ msgid "Developer (2002-2005" #~ msgstr "Vývojár (2002-2005" #~ msgid "Developer (2004)" #~ msgstr "Vývojár (2004)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "
Set here the gamma adjustement of the image" #~ msgstr "
Tu môžete nastaviť gamu obrázka." #~ msgid "" #~ "Histogram\n" #~ "calculation\n" #~ "in progress..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Prebieha\n" #~ "výpočet\n" #~ "histogramu..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "&Load" #~ msgstr "&Načítať..." #~ msgid "" #~ "
\n" #~ "
#~ "![]() | \n"
#~ "\n" #~ "... that there is a digiKam hotplugging howto available at this url ?\n" #~ " | \n" #~ "
\n" #~ "
#~ "![]() | \n"
#~ "\n" #~ "... že na tejto stránke máte k dispozócii hotplug HOWTO?\n" #~ " | \n" #~ "
Print the image file name to the screen bottom." #~ msgstr "
Vypisovať názov súboru obrázka na spodok obrazovky." #~ msgid "
Print the image creation to the screen bottom." #~ msgstr "
Vypisovať vytvorenie obrázka na spodok obrazovky."