/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-01-18 * Description : a widget class to edit perspective. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Marcel Wiesweg * * Matrix3 implementation inspired from gimp 2.0 * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // C++ includes. #include #include #include // Qt includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include // Local includes. #include "triangle.h" #include "ddebug.h" #include "imageiface.h" #include "dimgimagefilters.h" #include "perspectivewidget.h" #include "perspectivewidget.moc" namespace DigikamPerspectiveImagesPlugin { PerspectiveWidget::PerspectiveWidget(int w, int h, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent, 0, Qt::WDestructiveClose) { setBackgroundMode(Qt::NoBackground); setMinimumSize(w, h); setMouseTracking(true); m_drawGrid = false; m_drawWhileMoving = true; m_currentResizing = ResizingNone; m_guideColor = Qt::red; m_guideSize = 1; m_iface = new Digikam::ImageIface(w, h); uchar *data = m_iface->setPreviewImageSize(w, h); m_w = m_iface->previewWidth(); m_h = m_iface->previewHeight(); m_origW = m_iface->originalWidth(); m_origH = m_iface->originalHeight(); m_previewImage = Digikam::DImg(m_w, m_h, m_iface->previewSixteenBit(), m_iface->previewHasAlpha(), data, false); m_pixmap = new QPixmap(w, h); m_rect = QRect(w/2-m_w/2, h/2-m_h/2, m_w, m_h); m_grid = QPointArray(60); reset(); } PerspectiveWidget::~PerspectiveWidget() { delete m_iface; delete m_pixmap; } Digikam::ImageIface* PerspectiveWidget::imageIface() { return m_iface; } QPoint PerspectiveWidget::getTopLeftCorner(void) { return QPoint( lroundf((float)(m_topLeftPoint.x()*m_origW) / (float)m_w), lroundf((float)(m_topLeftPoint.y()*m_origH) / (float)m_h)); } QPoint PerspectiveWidget::getTopRightCorner(void) { return QPoint( lroundf((float)(m_topRightPoint.x()*m_origW) / (float)m_w), lroundf((float)(m_topRightPoint.y()*m_origH) / (float)m_h)); } QPoint PerspectiveWidget::getBottomLeftCorner(void) { return QPoint( lroundf((float)(m_bottomLeftPoint.x()*m_origW) / (float)m_w), lroundf((float)(m_bottomLeftPoint.y()*m_origH) / (float)m_h)); } QPoint PerspectiveWidget::getBottomRightCorner(void) { return QPoint( lroundf((float)(m_bottomRightPoint.x()*m_origW) / (float)m_w), lroundf((float)(m_bottomRightPoint.y()*m_origH) / (float)m_h)); } QRect PerspectiveWidget::getTargetSize(void) { QPointArray perspectiveArea; perspectiveArea.putPoints( 0, 4, getTopLeftCorner().x(), getTopLeftCorner().y(), getTopRightCorner().x(), getTopRightCorner().y(), getBottomRightCorner().x(), getBottomRightCorner().y(), getBottomLeftCorner().x(), getBottomLeftCorner().y() ); return perspectiveArea.boundingRect(); } float PerspectiveWidget::getAngleTopLeft(void) { Triangle topLeft(getTopLeftCorner(), getTopRightCorner(), getBottomLeftCorner()); return topLeft.angleBAC(); } float PerspectiveWidget::getAngleTopRight(void) { Triangle topLeft(getTopRightCorner(), getBottomRightCorner(), getTopLeftCorner()); return topLeft.angleBAC(); } float PerspectiveWidget::getAngleBottomLeft(void) { Triangle topLeft(getBottomLeftCorner(), getTopLeftCorner(), getBottomRightCorner()); return topLeft.angleBAC(); } float PerspectiveWidget::getAngleBottomRight(void) { Triangle topLeft(getBottomRightCorner(), getBottomLeftCorner(), getTopRightCorner()); return topLeft.angleBAC(); } void PerspectiveWidget::reset(void) { m_topLeftPoint.setX(0); m_topLeftPoint.setY(0); m_topRightPoint.setX(m_w-1); m_topRightPoint.setY(0); m_bottomLeftPoint.setX(0); m_bottomLeftPoint.setY(m_h-1); m_bottomRightPoint.setX(m_w-1); m_bottomRightPoint.setY(m_h-1); m_spot.setX(m_w / 2); m_spot.setY(m_h / 2); m_antiAlias = true; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void PerspectiveWidget::applyPerspectiveAdjustment(void) { Digikam::DImg *orgImage = m_iface->getOriginalImg(); Digikam::DImg destImage(orgImage->width(), orgImage->height(), orgImage->sixteenBit(), orgImage->hasAlpha()); Digikam::DColor background(0, 0, 0, orgImage->hasAlpha() ? 0 : 255, orgImage->sixteenBit()); // Perform perspective adjustment. buildPerspective(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(m_origW, m_origH), getTopLeftCorner(), getTopRightCorner(), getBottomLeftCorner(), getBottomRightCorner(), orgImage, &destImage, background); // Perform an auto-croping around the image. Digikam::DImg targetImg = destImage.copy(getTargetSize()); // Update target image. m_iface->putOriginalImage(i18n("Perspective Adjustment"), targetImg.bits(), targetImg.width(), targetImg.height()); } void PerspectiveWidget::slotToggleAntiAliasing(bool a) { m_antiAlias = a; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void PerspectiveWidget::slotToggleDrawWhileMoving(bool draw) { m_drawWhileMoving = draw; } void PerspectiveWidget::slotToggleDrawGrid(bool grid) { m_drawGrid = grid; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void PerspectiveWidget::slotChangeGuideColor(const QColor &color) { m_guideColor = color; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void PerspectiveWidget::slotChangeGuideSize(int size) { m_guideSize = size; updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } void PerspectiveWidget::updatePixmap(void) { m_topLeftCorner.setRect(m_topLeftPoint.x() + m_rect.topLeft().x(), m_topLeftPoint.y() + m_rect.topLeft().y(), 8, 8); m_topRightCorner.setRect(m_topRightPoint.x() - 7 + m_rect.topLeft().x(), m_topRightPoint.y() + m_rect.topLeft().y(), 8, 8); m_bottomLeftCorner.setRect(m_bottomLeftPoint.x() + m_rect.topLeft().x(), m_bottomLeftPoint.y() - 7 + m_rect.topLeft().y(), 8, 8); m_bottomRightCorner.setRect(m_bottomRightPoint.x() - 7 + m_rect.topLeft().x(), m_bottomRightPoint.y() - 7 + m_rect.topLeft().y(), 8, 8); // Compute the grid array int gXS = m_w / 15; int gYS = m_h / 15; for (int i = 0 ; i < 15 ; i++) { int j = i*4; // Horizontal line. m_grid.setPoint(j , 0, i*gYS); m_grid.setPoint(j+1, m_w, i*gYS); // Vertical line. m_grid.setPoint(j+2, i*gXS, 0); m_grid.setPoint(j+3, i*gXS, m_h); } // Draw background m_pixmap->fill(colorGroup().background()); // if we are resizing with the mouse, compute and draw only if drawWhileMoving is set if (m_currentResizing == ResizingNone || m_drawWhileMoving) { // Create preview image Digikam::DImg destImage(m_previewImage.width(), m_previewImage.height(), m_previewImage.sixteenBit(), m_previewImage.hasAlpha()); Digikam::DColor background(colorGroup().background()); m_transformedCenter = buildPerspective(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(m_w, m_h), m_topLeftPoint, m_topRightPoint, m_bottomLeftPoint, m_bottomRightPoint, &m_previewImage, &destImage, background); m_iface->putPreviewImage(destImage.bits()); // Draw image m_iface->paint(m_pixmap, m_rect.x(), m_rect.y(), m_rect.width(), m_rect.height()); } else { m_transformedCenter = buildPerspective(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(m_w, m_h), m_topLeftPoint, m_topRightPoint, m_bottomLeftPoint, m_bottomRightPoint); } // Drawing selection borders. QPainter p(m_pixmap); p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 64, 64), 1, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawLine(m_topLeftPoint+m_rect.topLeft(), m_topRightPoint+m_rect.topLeft()); p.drawLine(m_topRightPoint+m_rect.topLeft(), m_bottomRightPoint+m_rect.topLeft()); p.drawLine(m_bottomRightPoint+m_rect.topLeft(), m_bottomLeftPoint+m_rect.topLeft()); p.drawLine(m_bottomLeftPoint+m_rect.topLeft(), m_topLeftPoint+m_rect.topLeft()); // Drawing selection corners. QBrush brush(QColor(255, 64, 64)); p.fillRect(m_topLeftCorner, brush); p.fillRect(m_topRightCorner, brush); p.fillRect(m_bottomLeftCorner, brush); p.fillRect(m_bottomRightCorner, brush); // Drawing the grid. if (m_drawGrid) { for (uint i = 0 ; i < m_grid.size() ; i += 4) { // Horizontal line. p.drawLine(m_grid.point(i)+m_rect.topLeft(), m_grid.point(i+1)+m_rect.topLeft()); // Vertical line. p.drawLine(m_grid.point(i+2)+m_rect.topLeft(), m_grid.point(i+3)+m_rect.topLeft()); } } // Drawing transformed center. p.setPen(QPen(QColor(255, 64, 64), 3, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawEllipse( m_transformedCenter.x()+m_rect.topLeft().x()-2, m_transformedCenter.y()+m_rect.topLeft().y()-2, 4, 4 ); // Drawing vertical and horizontal guide lines. int xspot = m_spot.x() + m_rect.x(); int yspot = m_spot.y() + m_rect.y(); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, m_guideSize, Qt::SolidLine)); p.drawLine(xspot, m_rect.top(), xspot, m_rect.bottom()); p.drawLine(m_rect.left(), yspot, m_rect.right(), yspot); p.setPen(QPen(m_guideColor, m_guideSize, Qt::DotLine)); p.drawLine(xspot, m_rect.top(), xspot, m_rect.bottom()); p.drawLine(m_rect.left(), yspot, m_rect.right(), yspot); p.end(); emit signalPerspectiveChanged(getTargetSize(), getAngleTopLeft(), getAngleTopRight(), getAngleBottomLeft(), getAngleBottomRight()); } QPoint PerspectiveWidget::buildPerspective(QPoint orignTopLeft, QPoint orignBottomRight, QPoint transTopLeft, QPoint transTopRight, QPoint transBottomLeft, QPoint transBottomRight, Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, Digikam::DColor background) { Matrix matrix, transform; double scalex; double scaley; double x1 = (double)orignTopLeft.x(); double y1 = (double)orignTopLeft.y(); double x2 = (double)orignBottomRight.x(); double y2 = (double)orignBottomRight.y(); double tx1 = (double)transTopLeft.x(); double ty1 = (double)transTopLeft.y(); double tx2 = (double)transTopRight.x(); double ty2 = (double)transTopRight.y(); double tx3 = (double)transBottomLeft.x(); double ty3 = (double)transBottomLeft.y(); double tx4 = (double)transBottomRight.x(); double ty4 = (double)transBottomRight.y(); scalex = scaley = 1.0; if ((x2 - x1) > 0) scalex = 1.0 / (double) (x2 - x1); if ((y2 - y1) > 0) scaley = 1.0 / (double) (y2 - y1); // Determine the perspective transform that maps from // the unit cube to the transformed coordinates double dx1, dx2, dx3, dy1, dy2, dy3; dx1 = tx2 - tx4; dx2 = tx3 - tx4; dx3 = tx1 - tx2 + tx4 - tx3; dy1 = ty2 - ty4; dy2 = ty3 - ty4; dy3 = ty1 - ty2 + ty4 - ty3; // Is the mapping affine? if ((dx3 == 0.0) && (dy3 == 0.0)) { matrix.coeff[0][0] = tx2 - tx1; matrix.coeff[0][1] = tx4 - tx2; matrix.coeff[0][2] = tx1; matrix.coeff[1][0] = ty2 - ty1; matrix.coeff[1][1] = ty4 - ty2; matrix.coeff[1][2] = ty1; matrix.coeff[2][0] = 0.0; matrix.coeff[2][1] = 0.0; } else { double det1, det2; det1 = dx3 * dy2 - dy3 * dx2; det2 = dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2; if (det1 == 0.0 && det2 == 0.0) matrix.coeff[2][0] = 1.0; else matrix.coeff[2][0] = det1 / det2; det1 = dx1 * dy3 - dy1 * dx3; if (det1 == 0.0 && det2 == 0.0) matrix.coeff[2][1] = 1.0; else matrix.coeff[2][1] = det1 / det2; matrix.coeff[0][0] = tx2 - tx1 + matrix.coeff[2][0] * tx2; matrix.coeff[0][1] = tx3 - tx1 + matrix.coeff[2][1] * tx3; matrix.coeff[0][2] = tx1; matrix.coeff[1][0] = ty2 - ty1 + matrix.coeff[2][0] * ty2; matrix.coeff[1][1] = ty3 - ty1 + matrix.coeff[2][1] * ty3; matrix.coeff[1][2] = ty1; } matrix.coeff[2][2] = 1.0; // transform is initialized to the identity matrix transform.translate(-x1, -y1); transform.scale (scalex, scaley); transform.multiply (matrix); // Compute perspective transformation to image if image data containers exist. if (orgImage && destImage) transformAffine(orgImage, destImage, transform, background); // Calculate the grid array points. double newX, newY; for (uint i = 0 ; i < m_grid.size() ; i++) { transform.transformPoint(m_grid.point(i).x(), m_grid.point(i).y(), &newX, &newY); m_grid.setPoint(i, lround(newX), lround(newY)); } // Calculate and return new image center. double newCenterX, newCenterY; transform.transformPoint(x2/2.0, y2/2.0, &newCenterX, &newCenterY); return QPoint(lround(newCenterX), lround(newCenterY)); } void PerspectiveWidget::transformAffine(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, Digikam::DImg *destImage, const Matrix &matrix, Digikam::DColor background) { Matrix m(matrix), inv(matrix); int x1, y1, x2, y2; // target bounding box int x, y; // target coordinates int u1, v1, u2, v2; // source bounding box double uinc, vinc, winc; // increments in source coordinates // pr horizontal target coordinate double u[5],v[5]; // source coordinates, // 2 // / \ 0 is sample in the center of pixel // 1 0 3 1..4 is offset 1 pixel in each // \ / direction (in target space) // 4 double tu[5],tv[5],tw[5]; // undivided source coordinates and divisor uchar *data, *newData; bool sixteenBit; int coords; int width, height; int bytesDepth; int offset; uchar *dest, *d; Digikam::DColor color; bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth(); data = orgImage->bits(); sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit(); width = orgImage->width(); height = orgImage->height(); newData = destImage->bits(); if (sixteenBit) background.convertToSixteenBit(); //destImage->fill(background); Digikam::DImgImageFilters filters; // Find the inverse of the transformation matrix m.invert(); u1 = 0; v1 = 0; u2 = u1 + width; v2 = v1 + height; x1 = u1; y1 = v1; x2 = u2; y2 = v2; dest = new uchar[width * bytesDepth]; uinc = m.coeff[0][0]; vinc = m.coeff[1][0]; winc = m.coeff[2][0]; coords = 1; // these loops could be rearranged, depending on which bit of code // you'd most like to write more than once. for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) { // set up inverse transform steps tu[0] = uinc * (x1 + 0.5) + m.coeff[0][1] * (y + 0.5) + m.coeff[0][2] - 0.5; tv[0] = vinc * (x1 + 0.5) + m.coeff[1][1] * (y + 0.5) + m.coeff[1][2] - 0.5; tw[0] = winc * (x1 + 0.5) + m.coeff[2][1] * (y + 0.5) + m.coeff[2][2]; d = dest; for (x = x1; x < x2; x++) { int i; // normalize homogeneous coords for (i = 0; i < coords; i++) { if (tw[i] == 1.0) { u[i] = tu[i]; v[i] = tv[i]; } else if (tw[i] != 0.0) { u[i] = tu[i] / tw[i]; v[i] = tv[i] / tw[i]; } else { DDebug() << "homogeneous coordinate = 0...\n" << endl; } } // Set the destination pixels int iu = lround( u [0] ); int iv = lround( v [0] ); if (iu >= u1 && iu < u2 && iv >= v1 && iv < v2) { // u, v coordinates into source int u = iu - u1; int v = iv - v1; //TODO: Check why antialiasing shows no effect /*if (m_antiAlias) { if (sixteenBit) { unsigned short *d16 = (unsigned short *)d; filters.pixelAntiAliasing16((unsigned short *)data, width, height, u, v, d16+3, d16+2, d16+1, d16); } else { filters.pixelAntiAliasing(data, width, height, u, v, d+3, d+2, d+1, d); } } else {*/ offset = (v * width * bytesDepth) + (u * bytesDepth); color.setColor(data + offset, sixteenBit); color.setPixel(d); //} d += bytesDepth; } else // not in source range { // set to background color background.setPixel(d); d += bytesDepth; } for (i = 0; i < coords; i++) { tu[i] += uinc; tv[i] += vinc; tw[i] += winc; } } // set the pixel region row offset = (y - y1) * width * bytesDepth; memcpy(newData + offset, dest, width * bytesDepth); } delete [] dest; } void PerspectiveWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { bitBlt(this, 0, 0, m_pixmap); } void PerspectiveWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { int old_w = m_w; int old_h = m_h; delete m_pixmap; int w = e->size().width(); int h = e->size().height(); uchar *data = m_iface->setPreviewImageSize(w, h); m_w = m_iface->previewWidth(); m_h = m_iface->previewHeight(); m_previewImage = Digikam::DImg(m_w, m_h, m_iface->previewSixteenBit(), m_iface->previewHasAlpha(), data, false); m_pixmap = new QPixmap(w, h); QRect oldRect = m_rect; m_rect = QRect(w/2-m_w/2, h/2-m_h/2, m_w, m_h); float xFactor = (float)m_rect.width()/(float)(oldRect.width()); float yFactor = (float)m_rect.height()/(float)(oldRect.height()); m_topLeftPoint = QPoint(lroundf(m_topLeftPoint.x()*xFactor), lroundf(m_topLeftPoint.y()*yFactor)); m_topRightPoint = QPoint(lroundf(m_topRightPoint.x()*xFactor), lroundf(m_topRightPoint.y()*yFactor)); m_bottomLeftPoint = QPoint(lroundf(m_bottomLeftPoint.x()*xFactor), lroundf(m_bottomLeftPoint.y()*yFactor)); m_bottomRightPoint = QPoint(lroundf(m_bottomRightPoint.x()*xFactor), lroundf(m_bottomRightPoint.y()*yFactor)); m_transformedCenter = QPoint(lroundf(m_transformedCenter.x()*xFactor), lroundf(m_transformedCenter.y()*yFactor)); m_spot.setX((int)((float)m_spot.x() * ( (float)m_w / (float)old_w))); m_spot.setY((int)((float)m_spot.y() * ( (float)m_h / (float)old_h))); updatePixmap(); } void PerspectiveWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && m_rect.contains( e->x(), e->y() )) { if ( m_topLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) m_currentResizing = ResizingTopLeft; else if ( m_bottomRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) m_currentResizing = ResizingBottomRight; else if ( m_topRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) m_currentResizing = ResizingTopRight; else if ( m_bottomLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) m_currentResizing = ResizingBottomLeft; else { m_spot.setX(e->x()-m_rect.x()); m_spot.setY(e->y()-m_rect.y()); } } } void PerspectiveWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { if ( m_currentResizing != ResizingNone ) { unsetCursor(); m_currentResizing = ResizingNone; // in this case, the pixmap has not been drawn on mouse move if (!m_drawWhileMoving) { updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } } else { m_spot.setX(e->x()-m_rect.x()); m_spot.setY(e->y()-m_rect.y()); updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } } void PerspectiveWidget::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) { if ( e->state() == Qt::LeftButton ) { if ( m_currentResizing != ResizingNone ) { QPointArray unsablePoints; QPoint pm(e->x(), e->y()); if (!m_rect.contains( pm )) { if (pm.x() > m_rect.right()) pm.setX(m_rect.right()); else if (pm.x() < m_rect.left()) pm.setX(m_rect.left()); if (pm.y() > m_rect.bottom()) pm.setY(m_rect.bottom()); else if (pm.y() < m_rect.top()) pm.setY(m_rect.top()); } if ( m_currentResizing == ResizingTopLeft ) { unsablePoints.putPoints(0, 7, m_w-1, m_h-1, 0, m_h-1, 0, m_bottomLeftPoint.y()-10, m_bottomLeftPoint.x(), m_bottomLeftPoint.y()-10, m_topRightPoint.x()-10, m_topRightPoint.y(), m_topRightPoint.x()-10, 0, m_w-1, 0 ); QRegion unsableArea(unsablePoints); if ( unsableArea.contains(pm) ) return; m_topLeftPoint = pm - m_rect.topLeft(); setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); } else if ( m_currentResizing == ResizingTopRight ) { unsablePoints.putPoints(0, 7, 0, m_h-1, 0, 0, m_topLeftPoint.x()+10, 0, m_topLeftPoint.x()+10, m_topLeftPoint.y(), m_bottomRightPoint.x(), m_bottomRightPoint.y()-10, m_w-1, m_bottomRightPoint.y()-10, m_w-1, m_h-1); QRegion unsableArea(unsablePoints); if ( unsableArea.contains(pm) ) return; m_topRightPoint = pm - m_rect.topLeft(); setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); } else if ( m_currentResizing == ResizingBottomLeft ) { unsablePoints.putPoints(0, 7, m_w-1, 0, m_w-1, m_h-1, m_bottomRightPoint.x()-10, m_h-1, m_bottomRightPoint.x()-10, m_bottomRightPoint.y()+10, m_topLeftPoint.x(), m_topLeftPoint.y()+10, 0, m_topLeftPoint.y(), 0, 0); QRegion unsableArea(unsablePoints); if ( unsableArea.contains(pm) ) return; m_bottomLeftPoint = pm - m_rect.topLeft(); setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); } else if ( m_currentResizing == ResizingBottomRight ) { unsablePoints.putPoints(0, 7, 0, 0, m_w-1, 0, m_w-1, m_topRightPoint.y()+10, m_topRightPoint.x(), m_topRightPoint.y()+10, m_bottomLeftPoint.x()+10, m_bottomLeftPoint.y(), m_bottomLeftPoint.x()+10, m_w-1, 0, m_w-1); QRegion unsableArea(unsablePoints); if ( unsableArea.contains(pm) ) return; m_bottomRightPoint = pm - m_rect.topLeft(); setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); } else { m_spot.setX(e->x()-m_rect.x()); m_spot.setY(e->y()-m_rect.y()); } updatePixmap(); repaint(false); } } else { if ( m_topLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) || m_bottomRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeFDiagCursor() ); else if ( m_topRightCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) || m_bottomLeftCorner.contains( e->x(), e->y() ) ) setCursor( KCursor::sizeBDiagCursor() ); else unsetCursor(); } } } // NameSpace DigikamPerspectiveImagesPlugin