/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of digiKam project * http://www.digikam.org * * Date : 2005-05-25 * Description : Infrared threaded image filter. * * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 by Gilles Caulier * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Marcel Wiesweg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // C++ includes. #include #include // TQt includes. #include // Local includes. #include "ddebug.h" #include "dimg.h" #include "dimggaussianblur.h" #include "imagecurves.h" #include "imagehistogram.h" #include "dimgimagefilters.h" #include "infrared.h" namespace DigikamInfraredImagesPlugin { Infrared::Infrared(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, TQObject *parent, int sensibility, bool grain) : Digikam::DImgThreadedFilter(orgImage, parent, "Infrared") { m_sensibility = sensibility; m_grain = grain; initFilter(); } void Infrared::filterImage(void) { infraredImage(&m_orgImage, m_sensibility, m_grain); } // This method is based on the Simulate Infrared Film tutorial from GimpGuru.org web site // available at this url : http://www.gimpguru.org/Tutorials/SimulatedInfrared/ inline static int intMult8(uint a, uint b) { uint t = a * b + 0x80; return ((t >> 8) + t) >> 8; } inline static int intMult16(uint a, uint b) { uint t = a * b + 0x8000; return ((t >> 16) + t) >> 16; } /* More info about IR film can be seen at this url : http://www.pauck.de/marco/photo/infrared/comparison_of_films/comparison_of_films.html */ void Infrared::infraredImage(Digikam::DImg *orgImage, int Sensibility, bool Grain) { // Sensibility: 200..2600 if (Sensibility <= 0) return; int Width = orgImage->width(); int Height = orgImage->height(); int bytesDepth = orgImage->bytesDepth(); uint numBytes = orgImage->numBytes(); bool sixteenBit = orgImage->sixteenBit(); uchar* data = orgImage->bits(); // Infrared film variables depending on Sensibility. // We can reproduce famous Ilford SFX200 infrared film // http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/prod_html/sfx200/sfx200.html // This film have a sensibility escursion from 200 to 800 ISO. // Over 800 ISO, we reproduce The Kodak HIE hight speed infrared film. // Infrared film grain. int Noise = (Sensibility + 3000) / 10; if (sixteenBit) Noise = (Noise + 1) * 256 - 1; int blurRadius = (int)((Sensibility / 200.0) + 1.0); // Gaussian blur infrared hightlight effect // [2 to 5]. float greenBoost = 2.1 - (Sensibility / 2000.0); // Infrared green color boost [1.7 to 2.0]. int nRand, offset, progress; uchar* pBWBits = 0; // Black and White conversion. uchar* pBWBlurBits = 0; // Black and White with blur. uchar* pGrainBits = 0; // Grain blured without curves adjustment. uchar* pMaskBits = 0; // Grain mask with curves adjustment. uchar* pOverlayBits = 0; // Overlay to merge with original converted in gray scale. uchar* pOutBits = m_destImage.bits(); // Destination image with merged grain mask and original. Digikam::DColor bwData, bwBlurData, grainData, maskData, overData, outData; //------------------------------------------ // 1 - Create GrayScale green boosted image. //------------------------------------------ // Convert to gray scale with boosting Green channel. // Infrared film increase green color. Digikam::DImg BWImage(Width, Height, sixteenBit); // Black and White conversion. pBWBits = BWImage.bits(); memcpy (pBWBits, data, numBytes); Digikam::DImgImageFilters().channelMixerImage(pBWBits, Width, Height, sixteenBit, // Image data. true, // Preserve luminosity. true, // Monochrome. 0.4, greenBoost, -0.8, // Red channel gains. 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // Green channel gains (not used). 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Blue channel gains (not used). postProgress( 10 ); if (m_cancel) { return; } // Apply a Gaussian blur to the black and white image. // This way simulate Infrared film dispersion for the highlights. Digikam::DImg BWBlurImage(Width, Height, sixteenBit); pBWBlurBits = BWBlurImage.bits(); Digikam::DImgGaussianBlur(this, BWImage, BWBlurImage, 10, 20, blurRadius); if (m_cancel) { return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // 2 - Create Gaussian blured averlay mask with grain if necessary. //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (Grain) { // Create gray grain mask. TQDateTime dt = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); TQDateTime Y2000( TQDate(2000, 1, 1), TQTime(0, 0, 0) ); uint seed = ((uint) dt.secsTo(Y2000)); pGrainBits = new uchar[numBytes]; // Grain blured without curves adjustment. uchar *ptr; int component; grainData.setSixteenBit(sixteenBit); for (int x = 0; !m_cancel && x < Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; !m_cancel && y < Height; y++) { ptr = pGrainBits + x*bytesDepth + (y*Width*bytesDepth); nRand = (rand_r(&seed) % Noise) - (Noise / 2); if (sixteenBit) component = CLAMP(32768 + nRand, 0, 65535); else component = CLAMP(128 + nRand, 0, 255); grainData.setRed (component); grainData.setGreen(component); grainData.setBlue (component); grainData.setAlpha(0); grainData.setPixel(ptr); } // Update progress bar in dialog. progress = (int) (30.0 + ((double)x * 10.0) / Width); if (progress%5 == 0) postProgress( progress ); } // Smooth grain mask using gaussian blur. Digikam::DImgImageFilters().gaussianBlurImage(pGrainBits, Width, Height, sixteenBit, 1); postProgress( 40 ); if (m_cancel) { delete [] pGrainBits; return; } } postProgress( 50 ); if (m_cancel) { delete [] pGrainBits; return; } // Normally, film grain tends to be most noticeable in the midtones, and much less // so in the shadows and highlights. Adjust histogram curve to adjust grain like this. if (Grain) { Digikam::ImageCurves *grainCurves = new Digikam::ImageCurves(sixteenBit); pMaskBits = new uchar[numBytes]; // Grain mask with curves adjustment. // We modify only global luminosity of the grain. if (sixteenBit) { grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 0, TQPoint(0, 0)); grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 8, TQPoint(32768, 32768)); grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 16, TQPoint(65535, 0)); } else { grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 0, TQPoint(0, 0)); grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 8, TQPoint(128, 128)); grainCurves->setCurvePoint(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel, 16, TQPoint(255, 0)); } // Calculate curves and lut to apply on grain. grainCurves->curvesCalculateCurve(Digikam::ImageHistogram::ValueChannel); grainCurves->curvesLutSetup(Digikam::ImageHistogram::AlphaChannel); grainCurves->curvesLutProcess(pGrainBits, pMaskBits, Width, Height); delete grainCurves; // delete it here, not used any more delete [] pGrainBits; pGrainBits = 0; } postProgress( 60 ); if (m_cancel) { delete [] pGrainBits; delete [] pMaskBits; return; } // Merge gray scale image with grain using shade coefficient. if (Grain) { pOverlayBits = new uchar[numBytes]; // Overlay to merge with original converted in gray scale. // get composer for default blending Digikam::DColorComposer *composer = Digikam::DColorComposer::getComposer(Digikam::DColorComposer::PorterDuffNone); int alpha; int Shade = 52; // This value control the shading pixel effect between original image and grain mask. if (sixteenBit) Shade = (Shade + 1) * 256 - 1; for (int x = 0; !m_cancel && x < Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; !m_cancel && y < Height; y++) { int offset = x*bytesDepth + (y*Width*bytesDepth); // read color from orig image bwBlurData.setColor(pBWBlurBits + offset, sixteenBit); // read color from mask maskData.setColor(pMaskBits + offset, sixteenBit); // set shade as alpha value - it will be used as source alpha when blending maskData.setAlpha(Shade); // compose, write result to blendData. // Preserve alpha, do not blend it (taken from old algorithm - correct?) alpha = bwBlurData.alpha(); composer->compose(bwBlurData, maskData); bwBlurData.setAlpha(alpha); // write to destination bwBlurData.setPixel(pOverlayBits + offset); } // Update progress bar in dialog. progress = (int) (70.0 + ((double)x * 10.0) / Width); if (progress%5 == 0) postProgress( progress ); } delete composer; // delete it here, not used any more BWBlurImage.reset(); delete [] pMaskBits; pMaskBits = 0; } else { // save a memcpy pOverlayBits = pBWBlurBits; pBWBlurBits = 0; } //------------------------------------------ // 3 - Merge Grayscale image & overlay mask. //------------------------------------------ // Merge overlay and gray scale image using 'Overlay' Gimp method for increase the highlight. // The result is usually a brighter picture. // Overlay mode composite value computation is D = A * (B + (2 * B) * (255 - A)). outData.setSixteenBit(sixteenBit); for (int x = 0; !m_cancel && x < Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; !m_cancel && y < Height; y++) { offset = x*bytesDepth + (y*Width*bytesDepth); bwData.setColor (pBWBits + offset, sixteenBit); overData.setColor(pOverlayBits + offset, sixteenBit); if (sixteenBit) { outData.setRed ( intMult16 (bwData.red(), bwData.red() + intMult16(2 * overData.red(), 65535 - bwData.red()) ) ); outData.setGreen( intMult16 (bwData.green(), bwData.green() + intMult16(2 * overData.green(), 65535 - bwData.green()) ) ); outData.setBlue ( intMult16 (bwData.blue(), bwData.blue() + intMult16(2 * overData.blue(), 65535 - bwData.blue()) ) ); } else { outData.setRed ( intMult8 (bwData.red(), bwData.red() + intMult8(2 * overData.red(), 255 - bwData.red()) ) ); outData.setGreen( intMult8 (bwData.green(), bwData.green() + intMult8(2 * overData.green(), 255 - bwData.green()) ) ); outData.setBlue ( intMult8 (bwData.blue(), bwData.blue() + intMult8(2 * overData.blue(), 255 - bwData.blue()) ) ); } outData.setAlpha( bwData.alpha() ); outData.setPixel( pOutBits + offset ); } // Update progress bar in dialog. progress = (int) (80.0 + ((double)x * 20.0) / Width); if (progress%5 == 0) postProgress(progress); } delete [] pGrainBits; delete [] pMaskBits; if (Grain) delete [] pOverlayBits; } } // NameSpace DigikamInfraredImagesPlugin