/* * Copyright © 2005 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Novell, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Novell, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * NOVELL, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL NOVELL, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Window xdndWindow = None; static Window edgeWindow = None; static void handleWindowDamageRect (CompWindow *w, int x, int y, int width, int height) { REGION region; Bool initial = FALSE; if (!w->redirected || w->bindFailed) return; if (!w->damaged) { w->damaged = initial = TRUE; w->invisible = WINDOW_INVISIBLE (w); } region.extents.x1 = x; region.extents.y1 = y; region.extents.x2 = region.extents.x1 + width; region.extents.y2 = region.extents.y1 + height; if (!(*w->screen->damageWindowRect) (w, initial, ®ion.extents)) { region.extents.x1 += w->attrib.x + w->attrib.border_width; region.extents.y1 += w->attrib.y + w->attrib.border_width; region.extents.x2 += w->attrib.x + w->attrib.border_width; region.extents.y2 += w->attrib.y + w->attrib.border_width; region.rects = ®ion.extents; region.numRects = region.size = 1; damageScreenRegion (w->screen, ®ion); } if (initial) damageWindowOutputExtents (w); } void handleSyncAlarm (CompWindow *w) { if (w->syncWait) { if (w->syncWaitHandle) { compRemoveTimeout (w->syncWaitHandle); w->syncWaitHandle = 0; } w->syncWait = FALSE; if (resizeWindow (w, w->syncX, w->syncY, w->syncWidth, w->syncHeight, w->syncBorderWidth)) { XRectangle *rects; int nDamage; nDamage = w->nDamage; rects = w->damageRects; while (nDamage--) { handleWindowDamageRect (w, rects[nDamage].x, rects[nDamage].y, rects[nDamage].width, rects[nDamage].height); } w->nDamage = 0; } else { /* resizeWindow failing means that there is another pending resize and we must send a new sync request to the client */ sendSyncRequest (w); } } } static void moveInputFocusToOtherWindow (CompWindow *w) { CompDisplay *display = w->screen->display; if (w->id == display->activeWindow) { CompWindow *ancestor; if (w->transientFor && w->transientFor != w->screen->root) { ancestor = findWindowAtDisplay (display, w->transientFor); if (ancestor && !(ancestor->type & (CompWindowTypeDesktopMask | CompWindowTypeDockMask))) { moveInputFocusToWindow (ancestor); } else focusDefaultWindow (w->screen); } else if (w->type & (CompWindowTypeDialogMask | CompWindowTypeModalDialogMask)) { CompWindow *a, *focus = NULL; for (a = w->screen->reverseWindows; a; a = a->prev) { if (a->clientLeader == w->clientLeader) { if ((*w->screen->focusWindow) (a)) { if (focus) { if (a->type & (CompWindowTypeNormalMask | CompWindowTypeDialogMask | CompWindowTypeModalDialogMask)) { if (compareWindowActiveness (focus, a) < 0) focus = a; } } else focus = a; } } } if (focus && !(focus->type & (CompWindowTypeDesktopMask | CompWindowTypeDockMask))) { moveInputFocusToWindow (focus); } else focusDefaultWindow (w->screen); } else focusDefaultWindow (w->screen); } } static Bool autoRaiseTimeout (void *closure) { CompDisplay *display = closure; CompWindow *w = findWindowAtDisplay (display, display->activeWindow); if (display->autoRaiseWindow == display->activeWindow || (w && (display->autoRaiseWindow == w->transientFor))) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (display, display->autoRaiseWindow); if (w) updateWindowAttributes (w, CompStackingUpdateModeNormal); } return FALSE; } #define REAL_MOD_MASK (ShiftMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod2Mask | \ Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask | CompNoMask) static Bool isCallBackBinding (CompOption *option, CompBindingType type, CompActionState state) { if (!isActionOption (option)) return FALSE; if (!(option->value.action.type & type)) return FALSE; if (!(option->value.action.state & state)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static Bool isInitiateBinding (CompOption *option, CompBindingType type, CompActionState state, CompAction **action) { if (!isCallBackBinding (option, type, state)) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.initiate) return FALSE; *action = &option->value.action; return TRUE; } static Bool isTerminateBinding (CompOption *option, CompBindingType type, CompActionState state, CompAction **action) { if (!isCallBackBinding (option, type, state)) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.terminate) return FALSE; *action = &option->value.action; return TRUE; } static Bool triggerButtonPressBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, XButtonEvent *event, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state = CompActionStateInitButton; CompAction *action; unsigned int modMask = REAL_MOD_MASK & ~d->ignoredModMask; unsigned int bindMods; unsigned int edge = 0; if (edgeWindow) { CompScreen *s; unsigned int i; s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->root); if (!s) return FALSE; if (event->window != edgeWindow) { if (!s->maxGrab || event->window != s->root) return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_EDGE_NUM; i++) { if (edgeWindow == s->screenEdge[i].id) { edge = 1 << i; argument[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; break; } } } while (nOption--) { if (isInitiateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeButton, state, &action)) { if (action->button.button == event->button) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->button.modifiers); if ((bindMods & modMask) == (event->state & modMask)) if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } if (edge) { if (isInitiateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeEdgeButton, state | CompActionStateInitEdge, &action)) { if ((action->button.button == event->button) && (action->edgeMask & edge)) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->button.modifiers); if ((bindMods & modMask) == (event->state & modMask)) if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state | CompActionStateInitEdge, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerButtonReleaseBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, XButtonEvent *event, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state = CompActionStateTermButton; CompBindingType type = CompBindingTypeButton | CompBindingTypeEdgeButton; CompAction *action; while (nOption--) { if (isTerminateBinding (option, type, state, &action)) { if (action->button.button == event->button) { if ((*action->terminate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerKeyPressBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, XKeyEvent *event, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state = 0; CompAction *action; unsigned int modMask = REAL_MOD_MASK & ~d->ignoredModMask; unsigned int bindMods; if (event->keycode == d->escapeKeyCode) state = CompActionStateCancel; else if (event->keycode == d->returnKeyCode) state = CompActionStateCommit; if (state) { CompOption *o = option; int n = nOption; while (n--) { if (isActionOption (o)) { if (o->value.action.terminate) (*o->value.action.terminate) (d, &o->value.action, state, NULL, 0); } o++; } if (state == CompActionStateCancel) return FALSE; } state = CompActionStateInitKey; while (nOption--) { if (isInitiateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeKey, state, &action)) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->key.modifiers); if (action->key.keycode == event->keycode) { if ((bindMods & modMask) == (event->state & modMask)) if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } else if (!d->xkbEvent && action->key.keycode == 0) { if (bindMods == (event->state & modMask)) if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerKeyReleaseBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, XKeyEvent *event, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state = CompActionStateTermKey; CompAction *action; unsigned int modMask = REAL_MOD_MASK & ~d->ignoredModMask; unsigned int bindMods; unsigned int mods; mods = keycodeToModifiers (d, event->keycode); if (!d->xkbEvent && !mods) return FALSE; while (nOption--) { if (isTerminateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeKey, state, &action)) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->key.modifiers); if ((bindMods & modMask) == 0) { if (action->key.keycode == event->keycode) { if ((*action->terminate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } else if (!d->xkbEvent && ((mods & modMask & bindMods) != bindMods)) { if ((*action->terminate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerStateNotifyBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, XkbStateNotifyEvent *event, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state; CompAction *action; unsigned int modMask = REAL_MOD_MASK & ~d->ignoredModMask; unsigned int bindMods; if (event->event_type == KeyPress) { state = CompActionStateInitKey; while (nOption--) { if (isInitiateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeKey, state, &action)) { if (action->key.keycode == 0) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->key.modifiers); if ((event->mods & modMask & bindMods) == bindMods) { if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } } option++; } } else { state = CompActionStateTermKey; while (nOption--) { if (isTerminateBinding (option, CompBindingTypeKey, state, &action)) { bindMods = virtualToRealModMask (d, action->key.modifiers); if ((event->mods & modMask & bindMods) != bindMods) { if ((*action->terminate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } } option++; } } return FALSE; } static Bool isBellAction (CompOption *option, CompActionState state, CompAction **action) { if (option->type != CompOptionTypeAction && option->type != CompOptionTypeBell) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.bell) return FALSE; if (!(option->value.action.state & state)) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.initiate) return FALSE; *action = &option->value.action; return TRUE; } static Bool triggerBellNotifyBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompActionState state = CompActionStateInitBell; CompAction *action; while (nOption--) { if (isBellAction (option, state, &action)) { if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool isEdgeAction (CompOption *option, CompActionState state, unsigned int edge) { if (option->type != CompOptionTypeAction && option->type != CompOptionTypeButton && option->type != CompOptionTypeEdge) return FALSE; if (!(option->value.action.edgeMask & edge)) return FALSE; if (!(option->value.action.state & state)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static Bool isEdgeEnterAction (CompOption *option, CompActionState state, CompActionState delayState, unsigned int edge, CompAction **action) { if (!isEdgeAction (option, state, edge)) return FALSE; if (option->value.action.type & CompBindingTypeEdgeButton) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.initiate) return FALSE; if (delayState) { if ((option->value.action.state & CompActionStateNoEdgeDelay) != (delayState & CompActionStateNoEdgeDelay)) { /* ignore edge actions which shouldn't be delayed when invoking undelayed edges (or vice versa) */ return FALSE; } } *action = &option->value.action; return TRUE; } static Bool isEdgeLeaveAction (CompOption *option, CompActionState state, unsigned int edge, CompAction **action) { if (!isEdgeAction (option, state, edge)) return FALSE; if (!option->value.action.terminate) return FALSE; *action = &option->value.action; return TRUE; } static Bool triggerEdgeEnterBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, CompActionState state, CompActionState delayState, unsigned int edge, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompAction *action; while (nOption--) { if (isEdgeEnterAction (option, state, delayState, edge, &action)) { if ((*action->initiate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerEdgeLeaveBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompOption *option, int nOption, CompActionState state, unsigned int edge, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompAction *action; while (nOption--) { if (isEdgeLeaveAction (option, state, edge, &action)) { if ((*action->terminate) (d, action, state, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } option++; } return FALSE; } static Bool triggerAllEdgeEnterBindings (CompDisplay *d, CompActionState state, CompActionState delayState, unsigned int edge, CompOption *argument, int nArgument) { CompOption *option; int nOption; CompPlugin *p; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (p->vTable->getObjectOptions) { option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, &d->base, &nOption); if (triggerEdgeEnterBindings (d, option, nOption, state, delayState, edge, argument, nArgument)) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static Bool delayedEdgeTimeout (void *closure) { CompDelayedEdgeSettings *settings = (CompDelayedEdgeSettings *) closure; triggerAllEdgeEnterBindings (settings->d, settings->state, ~CompActionStateNoEdgeDelay, settings->edge, settings->option, settings->nOption); free (settings); return FALSE; } static Bool triggerEdgeEnter (CompDisplay *d, unsigned int edge, CompActionState state, CompOption *argument, unsigned int nArgument) { int delay; CompDelayedEdgeSettings *delayedSettings = NULL; delay = d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_EDGE_DELAY].value.i; if (nArgument > 7) nArgument = 7; if (delay > 0) { delayedSettings = malloc (sizeof (CompDelayedEdgeSettings)); if (delayedSettings) { delayedSettings->d = d; delayedSettings->edge = edge; delayedSettings->state = state; delayedSettings->nOption = nArgument; } } if (delayedSettings) { CompActionState delayState; int i; for (i = 0; i < nArgument; i++) delayedSettings->option[i] = argument[i]; d->edgeDelayHandle = compAddTimeout (delay, (float) delay * 1.2, delayedEdgeTimeout, delayedSettings); delayState = CompActionStateNoEdgeDelay; if (triggerAllEdgeEnterBindings (d, state, delayState, edge, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } else { if (triggerAllEdgeEnterBindings (d, state, 0, edge, argument, nArgument)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static Bool handleActionEvent (CompDisplay *d, XEvent *event) { CompObject *obj = &d->base; CompOption *option; int nOption; CompPlugin *p; CompOption o[8]; o[0].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[0].name = "event_window"; o[1].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[1].name = "window"; o[2].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[2].name = "modifiers"; o[3].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[3].name = "x"; o[4].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[4].name = "y"; o[5].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[5].name = "root"; switch (event->type) { case ButtonPress: o[0].value.i = event->xbutton.window; o[1].value.i = event->xbutton.window; o[2].value.i = event->xbutton.state; o[3].value.i = event->xbutton.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xbutton.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xbutton.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "button"; o[6].value.i = event->xbutton.button; o[7].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[7].name = "time"; o[7].value.i = event->xbutton.time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerButtonPressBindings (d, option, nOption, &event->xbutton, o, 8)) return TRUE; } break; case ButtonRelease: o[0].value.i = event->xbutton.window; o[1].value.i = event->xbutton.window; o[2].value.i = event->xbutton.state; o[3].value.i = event->xbutton.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xbutton.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xbutton.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "button"; o[6].value.i = event->xbutton.button; o[7].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[7].name = "time"; o[7].value.i = event->xbutton.time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerButtonReleaseBindings (d, option, nOption, &event->xbutton, o, 8)) return TRUE; } break; case KeyPress: o[0].value.i = event->xkey.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = event->xkey.state; o[3].value.i = event->xkey.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xkey.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xkey.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "keycode"; o[6].value.i = event->xkey.keycode; o[7].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[7].name = "time"; o[7].value.i = event->xkey.time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerKeyPressBindings (d, option, nOption, &event->xkey, o, 8)) return TRUE; } break; case KeyRelease: o[0].value.i = event->xkey.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = event->xkey.state; o[3].value.i = event->xkey.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xkey.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xkey.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "keycode"; o[6].value.i = event->xkey.keycode; o[7].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[7].name = "time"; o[7].value.i = event->xkey.time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerKeyReleaseBindings (d, option, nOption, &event->xkey, o, 8)) return TRUE; } break; case EnterNotify: if (event->xcrossing.mode != NotifyGrab && event->xcrossing.mode != NotifyUngrab && event->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { CompScreen *s; unsigned int edge, i; CompActionState state; s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xcrossing.root); if (!s) return FALSE; if (d->edgeDelayHandle) { void *closure; closure = compRemoveTimeout (d->edgeDelayHandle); if (closure) free (closure); d->edgeDelayHandle = 0; } if (edgeWindow && edgeWindow != event->xcrossing.window) { state = CompActionStateTermEdge; edge = 0; for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_EDGE_NUM; i++) { if (edgeWindow == s->screenEdge[i].id) { edge = 1 << i; break; } } edgeWindow = None; o[0].value.i = event->xcrossing.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = event->xcrossing.state; o[3].value.i = event->xcrossing.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xcrossing.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xcrossing.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "time"; o[6].value.i = event->xcrossing.time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerEdgeLeaveBindings (d, option, nOption, state, edge, o, 7)) return TRUE; } } edge = 0; for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_EDGE_NUM; i++) { if (event->xcrossing.window == s->screenEdge[i].id) { edge = 1 << i; break; } } if (edge) { state = CompActionStateInitEdge; edgeWindow = event->xcrossing.window; o[0].value.i = event->xcrossing.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = event->xcrossing.state; o[3].value.i = event->xcrossing.x_root; o[4].value.i = event->xcrossing.y_root; o[5].value.i = event->xcrossing.root; o[6].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[6].name = "time"; o[6].value.i = event->xcrossing.time; if (triggerEdgeEnter (d, edge, state, o, 7)) return TRUE; } } break; case ClientMessage: if (event->xclient.message_type == d->xdndEnterAtom) { xdndWindow = event->xclient.window; } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->xdndLeaveAtom) { unsigned int edge = 0; CompActionState state; Window root = None; if (!xdndWindow) { CompWindow *w; w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { CompScreen *s = w->screen; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_EDGE_NUM; i++) { if (event->xclient.window == s->screenEdge[i].id) { edge = 1 << i; root = s->root; break; } } } } if (edge) { state = CompActionStateTermEdgeDnd; o[0].value.i = event->xclient.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = 0; /* fixme */ o[3].value.i = 0; /* fixme */ o[4].value.i = 0; /* fixme */ o[5].value.i = root; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerEdgeLeaveBindings (d, option, nOption, state, edge, o, 6)) return TRUE; } } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->xdndPositionAtom) { unsigned int edge = 0; CompActionState state; Window root = None; if (xdndWindow == event->xclient.window) { CompWindow *w; w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { CompScreen *s = w->screen; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < SCREEN_EDGE_NUM; i++) { if (xdndWindow == s->screenEdge[i].id) { edge = 1 << i; root = s->root; break; } } } } if (edge) { state = CompActionStateInitEdgeDnd; o[0].value.i = event->xclient.window; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = 0; /* fixme */ o[3].value.i = event->xclient.data.l[2] >> 16; o[4].value.i = event->xclient.data.l[2] & 0xffff; o[5].value.i = root; if (triggerEdgeEnter (d, edge, state, o, 6)) return TRUE; } xdndWindow = None; } break; default: if (event->type == d->fixesEvent + XFixesCursorNotify) { /* XFixesCursorNotifyEvent *ce = (XFixesCursorNotifyEvent *) event; CompCursor *cursor; cursor = findCursorAtDisplay (d); if (cursor) updateCursor (cursor, ce->x, ce->y, ce->cursor_serial); */ } else if (event->type == d->xkbEvent) { XkbAnyEvent *xkbEvent = (XkbAnyEvent *) event; if (xkbEvent->xkb_type == XkbStateNotify) { XkbStateNotifyEvent *stateEvent = (XkbStateNotifyEvent *) event; o[0].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].value.i = stateEvent->mods; o[3].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[3].name = "time"; o[3].value.i = xkbEvent->time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerStateNotifyBindings (d, option, nOption, stateEvent, o, 4)) return TRUE; } } else if (xkbEvent->xkb_type == XkbBellNotify) { o[0].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[1].value.i = d->activeWindow; o[2].type = CompOptionTypeInt; o[2].name = "time"; o[2].value.i = xkbEvent->time; for (p = getPlugins (); p; p = p->next) { if (!p->vTable->getObjectOptions) continue; option = (*p->vTable->getObjectOptions) (p, obj, &nOption); if (triggerBellNotifyBindings (d, option, nOption, o, 3)) return TRUE; } } } break; } return FALSE; } void handleCompizEvent (CompDisplay *d, const char *pluginName, const char *eventName, CompOption *option, int nOption) { } void handleEvent (CompDisplay *d, XEvent *event) { CompScreen *s; CompWindow *w; switch (event->type) { case ButtonPress: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xbutton.root); if (s) setCurrentOutput (s, outputDeviceForPoint (s, event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root)); break; case MotionNotify: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xmotion.root); if (s) setCurrentOutput (s, outputDeviceForPoint (s, event->xmotion.x_root, event->xmotion.y_root)); break; case KeyPress: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, d->activeWindow); if (w) setCurrentOutput (w->screen, outputDeviceForWindow (w)); default: break; } if (handleActionEvent (d, event)) { if (!d->screens->maxGrab) XAllowEvents (d->display, AsyncPointer, event->xbutton.time); return; } switch (event->type) { case Expose: for (s = d->screens; s; s = s->next) if (s->output == event->xexpose.window) break; if (s) { int more = event->xexpose.count + 1; if (s->nExpose == s->sizeExpose) { s->exposeRects = realloc (s->exposeRects, (s->sizeExpose + more) * sizeof (XRectangle)); s->sizeExpose += more; } s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].x = event->xexpose.x; s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].y = event->xexpose.y; s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].width = event->xexpose.width; s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].height = event->xexpose.height; s->nExpose++; if (event->xexpose.count == 0) { REGION rect; rect.rects = &rect.extents; rect.numRects = rect.size = 1; while (s->nExpose--) { rect.extents.x1 = s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].x; rect.extents.y1 = s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].y; rect.extents.x2 = rect.extents.x1 + s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].width; rect.extents.y2 = rect.extents.y1 + s->exposeRects[s->nExpose].height; damageScreenRegion (s, &rect); } s->nExpose = 0; } } break; case SelectionRequest: handleSelectionRequest (d, event); break; case SelectionClear: handleSelectionClear (d, event); break; case ConfigureNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xconfigure.window); if (w) { configureWindow (w, &event->xconfigure); } else { s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xconfigure.window); if (s) configureScreen (s, &event->xconfigure); } break; case CreateNotify: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xcreatewindow.parent); if (s) { /* The first time some client asks for the composite * overlay window, the X server creates it, which causes * an errorneous CreateNotify event. We catch it and * ignore it. */ if (s->overlay != event->xcreatewindow.window) addWindow (s, event->xcreatewindow.window, getTopWindow (s)); } break; case DestroyNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xdestroywindow.window); if (w) { moveInputFocusToOtherWindow (w); destroyWindow (w); } break; case MapNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xmap.window); if (w) { if (w->pendingMaps) w->managed = TRUE; /* been shaded */ if (w->height == 0) { if (w->id == d->activeWindow) moveInputFocusToWindow (w); } mapWindow (w); } break; case UnmapNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xunmap.window); if (w) { /* Normal -> Iconic */ if (w->pendingUnmaps) { setWmState (d, IconicState, w->id); w->pendingUnmaps--; } else /* X -> Withdrawn */ { /* Iconic -> Withdrawn */ if (w->state & CompWindowStateHiddenMask) { w->minimized = FALSE; changeWindowState (w, w->state & ~CompWindowStateHiddenMask); updateClientListForScreen (w->screen); } if (!w->attrib.override_redirect) setWmState (d, WithdrawnState, w->id); w->placed = FALSE; } unmapWindow (w); if (!w->shaded) moveInputFocusToOtherWindow (w); } break; case ReparentNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xreparent.window); s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xreparent.parent); if (s && !w) { addWindow (s, event->xreparent.window, getTopWindow (s)); } else if (w) { /* This is the only case where a window is removed but not destroyed. We must remove our event mask and all passive grabs. */ XSelectInput (d->display, w->id, NoEventMask); XShapeSelectInput (d->display, w->id, NoEventMask); XUngrabButton (d->display, AnyButton, AnyModifier, w->id); moveInputFocusToOtherWindow (w); destroyWindow (w); } break; case CirculateNotify: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xcirculate.window); if (w) circulateWindow (w, &event->xcirculate); break; case ButtonPress: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xbutton.root); if (s) { if (event->xbutton.button == Button1 || event->xbutton.button == Button2 || event->xbutton.button == Button3) { w = findTopLevelWindowAtScreen (s, event->xbutton.window); if (w) { if (d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_RAISE_ON_CLICK].value.b) updateWindowAttributes (w, CompStackingUpdateModeAboveFullscreen); if (w->id != d->activeWindow) if (!(w->type & CompWindowTypeDockMask)) if ((*s->focusWindow) (w)) moveInputFocusToWindow (w); } } if (!s->maxGrab) XAllowEvents (d->display, ReplayPointer, event->xbutton.time); } break; case PropertyNotify: if (event->xproperty.atom == d->winTypeAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { unsigned int type; type = getWindowType (d, w->id); if (type != w->wmType) { if (w->attrib.map_state == IsViewable) { if (w->type == CompWindowTypeDesktopMask) w->screen->desktopWindowCount--; else if (type == CompWindowTypeDesktopMask) w->screen->desktopWindowCount++; } w->wmType = type; recalcWindowType (w); recalcWindowActions (w); if (w->type & CompWindowTypeDesktopMask) w->paint.opacity = OPAQUE; if (type & (CompWindowTypeDockMask | CompWindowTypeDesktopMask)) setDesktopForWindow (w, 0xffffffff); updateClientListForScreen (w->screen); (*d->matchPropertyChanged) (d, w); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->winStateAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w && !w->managed) { unsigned int state; state = getWindowState (d, w->id); state = constrainWindowState (state, w->actions); /* EWMH suggests that we ignore changes to _NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN */ if (w->state & CompWindowStateHiddenMask) state |= CompWindowStateHiddenMask; else state &= ~CompWindowStateHiddenMask; if (state != w->state) { if (w->type & CompWindowTypeDesktopMask) w->paint.opacity = OPAQUE; changeWindowState (w, state); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { updateNormalHints (w); recalcWindowActions (w); } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == XA_WM_HINTS) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) updateWmHints (w); } else if (event->xproperty.atom == XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { updateTransientHint (w); recalcWindowActions (w); } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->wmClientLeaderAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) w->clientLeader = getClientLeader (w); } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->wmIconGeometryAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) updateIconGeometry (w); } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->winOpacityAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w && !(w->type & CompWindowTypeDesktopMask)) { int opacity; opacity = getWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winOpacityAtom, OPAQUE); if (opacity != w->paint.opacity) { w->paint.opacity = opacity; addWindowDamage (w); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->winBrightnessAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { int brightness; brightness = getWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winBrightnessAtom, BRIGHT); if (brightness != w->paint.brightness) { w->paint.brightness = brightness; addWindowDamage (w); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->winSaturationAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w && w->screen->canDoSaturated) { int saturation; saturation = getWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winSaturationAtom, COLOR); if (saturation != w->paint.saturation) { w->paint.saturation = saturation; addWindowDamage (w); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->xBackgroundAtom[0] || event->xproperty.atom == d->xBackgroundAtom[1]) { s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (s) { finiTexture (s, &s->backgroundTexture); initTexture (s, &s->backgroundTexture); if (s->backgroundLoaded) { s->backgroundLoaded = FALSE; damageScreen (s); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->wmStrutAtom || event->xproperty.atom == d->wmStrutPartialAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { if (updateWindowStruts (w)) updateWorkareaForScreen (w->screen); } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->mwmHintsAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { getMwmHints (d, w->id, &w->mwmFunc, &w->mwmDecor); recalcWindowActions (w); } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->wmProtocolsAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) w->protocols = getProtocols (d, w->id); } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->wmIconAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) freeWindowIcons (w); } else if (event->xproperty.atom == d->startupIdAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) { if (w->startupId) free (w->startupId); w->startupId = getStartupId (w); if (w->managed && w->startupId) { Time timestamp = 0; int vx, vy, x, y; CompScreen *s = w->screen; CompFocusResult focus; w->initialTimestampSet = FALSE; applyStartupProperties (w->screen, w); if (w->initialTimestampSet) timestamp = w->initialTimestamp; /* as the viewport can't be transmitted via startup notification, assume the client changing the ID wanted to activate the window on the current viewport */ defaultViewportForWindow (w, &vx, &vy); x = w->attrib.x + (s->x - vx) * s->width; y = w->attrib.y + (s->y - vy) * s->height; moveWindowToViewportPosition (w, x, y, TRUE); focus = allowWindowFocus (w, 0, w->initialViewportX, w->initialViewportY, timestamp); if (focus == CompFocusAllowed) (*w->screen->activateWindow) (w); } } } else if (event->xproperty.atom == XA_WM_CLASS) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xproperty.window); if (w) updateWindowClassHints (w); } break; case MotionNotify: break; case ClientMessage: if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winActiveAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { CompFocusResult focus = CompFocusAllowed; /* use focus stealing prevention if request came from an application */ if (event->xclient.data.l[0] == ClientTypeApplication) focus = allowWindowFocus (w, 0, w->screen->x, w->screen->y, event->xclient.data.l[1]); if (focus == CompFocusAllowed) (*w->screen->activateWindow) (w); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winOpacityAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w && !(w->type & CompWindowTypeDesktopMask)) { GLushort opacity = event->xclient.data.l[0] >> 16; setWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winOpacityAtom, opacity); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winBrightnessAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { GLushort brightness = event->xclient.data.l[0] >> 16; setWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winBrightnessAtom, brightness); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winSaturationAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w && w->screen->canDoSaturated) { GLushort saturation = event->xclient.data.l[0] >> 16; setWindowProp32 (d, w->id, d->winSaturationAtom, saturation); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winStateAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { unsigned long wState, state; int i; wState = w->state; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { state = windowStateMask (d, event->xclient.data.l[i]); if (state & ~CompWindowStateHiddenMask) { #define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE 0 #define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD 1 #define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE 2 switch (event->xclient.data.l[0]) { case _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE: wState &= ~state; break; case _NET_WM_STATE_ADD: wState |= state; break; case _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE: wState ^= state; break; } } } wState = constrainWindowState (wState, w->actions); if (w->id == d->activeWindow) wState &= ~CompWindowStateDemandsAttentionMask; if (wState != w->state) { CompStackingUpdateMode stackingUpdateMode; unsigned long dState = wState ^ w->state; stackingUpdateMode = CompStackingUpdateModeNone; /* raise the window whenever its fullscreen state, above/below state or maximization state changed */ if (dState & CompWindowStateFullscreenMask) stackingUpdateMode = CompStackingUpdateModeAboveFullscreen; else if (dState & (CompWindowStateAboveMask | CompWindowStateBelowMask | CompWindowStateMaximizedHorzMask | CompWindowStateMaximizedVertMask)) stackingUpdateMode = CompStackingUpdateModeNormal; changeWindowState (w, wState); updateWindowAttributes (w, stackingUpdateMode); } } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->wmProtocolsAtom) { if (event->xclient.data.l[0] == d->wmPingAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.data.l[2]); if (w) { if (!w->alive) { w->alive = TRUE; if (w->lastCloseRequestTime) { toolkitAction (w->screen, d->toolkitActionForceQuitDialogAtom, w->lastCloseRequestTime, w->id, FALSE, 0, 0); w->lastCloseRequestTime = 0; } } w->lastPong = d->lastPing; } } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->closeWindowAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) closeWindow (w, event->xclient.data.l[0]); } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->desktopGeometryAtom) { s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (s) { CompOptionValue value; value.i = event->xclient.data.l[0] / s->width; (*core.setOptionForPlugin) (&s->base, "core", "hsize", &value); value.i = event->xclient.data.l[1] / s->height; (*core.setOptionForPlugin) (&s->base, "core", "vsize", &value); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->moveResizeWindowAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { unsigned int xwcm = 0; XWindowChanges xwc; int gravity; unsigned int source; memset (&xwc, 0, sizeof (xwc)); if (event->xclient.data.l[0] & (1 << 8)) { xwcm |= CWX; xwc.x = event->xclient.data.l[1]; } if (event->xclient.data.l[0] & (1 << 9)) { xwcm |= CWY; xwc.y = event->xclient.data.l[2]; } if (event->xclient.data.l[0] & (1 << 10)) { xwcm |= CWWidth; xwc.width = event->xclient.data.l[3]; } if (event->xclient.data.l[0] & (1 << 11)) { xwcm |= CWHeight; xwc.height = event->xclient.data.l[4]; } gravity = event->xclient.data.l[0] & 0xFF; source = (event->xclient.data.l[0] >> 12) & 0xF; moveResizeWindow (w, &xwc, xwcm, gravity, source); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->restackWindowAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { /* TODO: other stack modes than Above and Below */ if (event->xclient.data.l[1]) { CompWindow *sibling; sibling = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.data.l[1]); if (sibling) { if (event->xclient.data.l[2] == Above) restackWindowAbove (w, sibling); else if (event->xclient.data.l[2] == Below) restackWindowBelow (w, sibling); } } else { if (event->xclient.data.l[2] == Above) raiseWindow (w); else if (event->xclient.data.l[2] == Below) lowerWindow (w); } } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->wmChangeStateAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { if (event->xclient.data.l[0] == IconicState) { if (w->actions & CompWindowActionMinimizeMask) minimizeWindow (w); } else if (event->xclient.data.l[0] == NormalState) unminimizeWindow (w); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->showingDesktopAtom) { for (s = d->screens; s; s = s->next) { if (event->xclient.window == s->root || event->xclient.window == None) { if (event->xclient.data.l[0]) (*s->enterShowDesktopMode) (s); else (*s->leaveShowDesktopMode) (s, NULL); } } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->numberOfDesktopsAtom) { s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (s) { CompOptionValue value; value.i = event->xclient.data.l[0]; (*core.setOptionForPlugin) (&s->base, "core", "number_of_desktops", &value); } } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->currentDesktopAtom) { s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (s) setCurrentDesktop (s, event->xclient.data.l[0]); } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->winDesktopAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) setDesktopForWindow (w, event->xclient.data.l[0]); } else if (event->xclient.message_type == d->wmFullscreenMonitorsAtom) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xclient.window); if (w) { CompFullscreenMonitorSet monitors; monitors.top = event->xclient.data.l[0]; monitors.bottom = event->xclient.data.l[1]; monitors.left = event->xclient.data.l[2]; monitors.right = event->xclient.data.l[3]; setWindowFullscreenMonitors (w, &monitors); } } break; case MappingNotify: updateModifierMappings (d); break; case MapRequest: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xmaprequest.window); if (w) { XWindowAttributes attr; Bool doMapProcessing = TRUE; /* We should check the override_redirect flag here, because the client might have changed it while being unmapped. */ if (XGetWindowAttributes (d->display, w->id, &attr)) { if (w->attrib.override_redirect != attr.override_redirect) { w->attrib.override_redirect = attr.override_redirect; recalcWindowType (w); recalcWindowActions (w); (*d->matchPropertyChanged) (d, w); } } if (w->state & CompWindowStateHiddenMask) if (!w->minimized && !w->inShowDesktopMode) doMapProcessing = FALSE; if (doMapProcessing) { w->initialViewportX = w->screen->x; w->initialViewportY = w->screen->y; w->initialTimestampSet = FALSE; applyStartupProperties (w->screen, w); } w->managed = TRUE; if (doMapProcessing) { CompFocusResult focus; CompStackingUpdateMode stackingMode; if (!w->placed) { int newX, newY; int gravity = w->sizeHints.win_gravity; XWindowChanges xwc; unsigned int xwcm, source; /* adjust for gravity */ xwc.x = w->serverX; xwc.y = w->serverY; xwc.width = w->serverWidth; xwc.height = w->serverHeight; xwcm = adjustConfigureRequestForGravity (w, &xwc, CWX | CWY, gravity, 1); source = ClientTypeApplication; (*w->screen->validateWindowResizeRequest) (w, &xwcm, &xwc, source); if (xwcm) configureXWindow (w, xwcm, &xwc); if ((*w->screen->placeWindow) (w, xwc.x, xwc.y, &newX, &newY)) { xwc.x = newX; xwc.y = newY; configureXWindow (w, CWX | CWY, &xwc); } w->placed = TRUE; } focus = allowWindowFocus (w, NO_FOCUS_MASK, w->screen->x, w->screen->y, 0); if (focus == CompFocusDenied) stackingMode = CompStackingUpdateModeInitialMapDeniedFocus; else stackingMode = CompStackingUpdateModeInitialMap; updateWindowAttributes (w, stackingMode); if (w->minimized) unminimizeWindow (w); (*w->screen->leaveShowDesktopMode) (w->screen, w); if (focus == CompFocusAllowed && !onCurrentDesktop (w)) setCurrentDesktop (w->screen, w->desktop); if (!(w->state & CompWindowStateHiddenMask)) showWindow (w); if (focus == CompFocusAllowed) moveInputFocusToWindow (w); } setWindowProp (d, w->id, d->winDesktopAtom, w->desktop); } else { XMapWindow (d->display, event->xmaprequest.window); } break; case ConfigureRequest: w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xconfigurerequest.window); if (w && w->managed) { XWindowChanges xwc; memset (&xwc, 0, sizeof (xwc)); xwc.x = event->xconfigurerequest.x; xwc.y = event->xconfigurerequest.y; xwc.width = event->xconfigurerequest.width; xwc.height = event->xconfigurerequest.height; xwc.border_width = event->xconfigurerequest.border_width; moveResizeWindow (w, &xwc, event->xconfigurerequest.value_mask, 0, ClientTypeUnknown); if (event->xconfigurerequest.value_mask & CWStackMode) { Window above = None; CompWindow *sibling = NULL; CompFocusResult focus; if (event->xconfigurerequest.value_mask & CWSibling) { above = event->xconfigurerequest.above; sibling = findTopLevelWindowAtDisplay (d, above); } switch (event->xconfigurerequest.detail) { case Above: focus = allowWindowFocus (w, NO_FOCUS_MASK, w->screen->x, w->screen->y, 0); if (focus == CompFocusAllowed) { if (above) { if (sibling) restackWindowAbove (w, sibling); } else raiseWindow (w); } break; case Below: if (above) { if (sibling) restackWindowBelow (w, sibling); } else lowerWindow (w); break; default: /* no handling of the TopIf, BottomIf, Opposite cases - there will hardly be any client using that */ break; } } } else { XWindowChanges xwc; unsigned int xwcm; xwcm = event->xconfigurerequest.value_mask & (CWX | CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight | CWBorderWidth); xwc.x = event->xconfigurerequest.x; xwc.y = event->xconfigurerequest.y; xwc.width = event->xconfigurerequest.width; xwc.height = event->xconfigurerequest.height; xwc.border_width = event->xconfigurerequest.border_width; if (w) configureXWindow (w, xwcm, &xwc); else XConfigureWindow (d->display, event->xconfigurerequest.window, xwcm, &xwc); } break; case CirculateRequest: break; case FocusIn: if (event->xfocus.mode != NotifyGrab) { w = findTopLevelWindowAtDisplay (d, event->xfocus.window); if (w && w->managed) { unsigned int state = w->state; if (w->id != d->activeWindow) { d->activeWindow = w->id; w->activeNum = w->screen->activeNum++; addToCurrentActiveWindowHistory (w->screen, w->id); XChangeProperty (d->display, w->screen->root, d->winActiveAtom, XA_WINDOW, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) &w->id, 1); } state &= ~CompWindowStateDemandsAttentionMask; changeWindowState (w, state); } } break; case EnterNotify: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xcrossing.root); if (s) w = findTopLevelWindowAtScreen (s, event->xcrossing.window); else w = NULL; if (w && w->id != d->below) { d->below = w->id; if (!d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLICK_TO_FOCUS].value.b && !s->maxGrab && event->xcrossing.mode != NotifyGrab && event->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { Bool raise, focus; int delay; raise = d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_AUTORAISE].value.b; delay = d->opt[COMP_DISPLAY_OPTION_AUTORAISE_DELAY].value.i; if (d->autoRaiseHandle && d->autoRaiseWindow != w->id) { compRemoveTimeout (d->autoRaiseHandle); d->autoRaiseHandle = 0; } if (w->type & NO_FOCUS_MASK) focus = FALSE; else focus = (*w->screen->focusWindow) (w); if (focus) { moveInputFocusToWindow (w); if (raise) { if (delay > 0) { d->autoRaiseWindow = w->id; d->autoRaiseHandle = compAddTimeout (delay, (float) delay * 1.2, autoRaiseTimeout, d); } else { CompStackingUpdateMode mode = CompStackingUpdateModeNormal; updateWindowAttributes (w, mode); } } } } } break; case LeaveNotify: if (event->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior) { if (event->xcrossing.window == d->below) d->below = None; } break; default: if (event->type == d->damageEvent + XDamageNotify) { XDamageNotifyEvent *de = (XDamageNotifyEvent *) event; if (lastDamagedWindow && de->drawable == lastDamagedWindow->id) { w = lastDamagedWindow; } else { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, de->drawable); if (w) lastDamagedWindow = w; } if (w) { w->texture->oldMipmaps = TRUE; if (w->syncWait) { if (w->nDamage == w->sizeDamage) { w->damageRects = realloc (w->damageRects, (w->sizeDamage + 1) * sizeof (XRectangle)); w->sizeDamage += 1; } w->damageRects[w->nDamage].x = de->area.x; w->damageRects[w->nDamage].y = de->area.y; w->damageRects[w->nDamage].width = de->area.width; w->damageRects[w->nDamage].height = de->area.height; w->nDamage++; } else { handleWindowDamageRect (w, de->area.x, de->area.y, de->area.width, de->area.height); } } } else if (d->shapeExtension && event->type == d->shapeEvent + ShapeNotify) { w = findWindowAtDisplay (d, ((XShapeEvent *) event)->window); if (w) { if (w->mapNum) { addWindowDamage (w); updateWindowRegion (w); addWindowDamage (w); } } } else if (d->randrExtension && event->type == d->randrEvent + RRScreenChangeNotify) { XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *rre; rre = (XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *) event; s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, rre->root); if (s) detectRefreshRateOfScreen (s); } else if (event->type == d->syncEvent + XSyncAlarmNotify) { XSyncAlarmNotifyEvent *sa; sa = (XSyncAlarmNotifyEvent *) event; for (s = d->screens; s; s = s->next) { for (w = s->windows; w; w = w->next) { if (w->syncAlarm == sa->alarm) break; } if (w) { handleSyncAlarm (w); /* it makes no sense to search for the already found window on other screens, so leave screen loop */ break; } } } break; } }