# # Part of the ht://Dig package # Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group # For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution # or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later # # # # Use the result from WordMonitor (--input=file) and generate a report in # benchmark/<--output=name>-YYYY-MM-DD/index.html. # If --comment='bla bla' is provided it is copied in the comment.txt file. # use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use POSIX qw(strftime); my($report) = "unknown"; my($verbose); my($comment) = ""; my($dir); sub main { my($file) = "monitor.out"; GetOptions("input=s" => \$file, "output=s" => \$report, "comment=s" => \$comment, "verbose=i" => \$verbose, ); my($timestamp) = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime); $dir = "benchmark/$report-$timestamp"; if(-d $dir) { print STDERR "directory $dir exists, will not override: abort\n"; exit(1); } mkpath($dir, 0, 0777) or die "cannot mkdirp $dir : $!"; my($cmds) = "$dir/README"; open(CMDS, ">$cmds") or die "cannot open $cmds for writing : $!"; report(build($file)); close(CMDS); my($file) = "$dir/monitor.rrd"; unlink($file) or die "cannot unlink $file : $!"; } sub report { my($started, $finished, @fields) = @_; my($file) = "$dir/config.html"; open(FILE, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!"; print FILE "\n
    run("uname -a >> $file");
    run("cat /proc/cpuinfo >> $file") if(-f "/proc/cpuinfo");
    run("cat /proc/meminfo >> $file") if(-f "/proc/meminfo");

    $file = "$dir/comment.html";
    open(FILE, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!";
    print FILE "\n
    if(!$comment) {
	print FILE "No comment\n";
    } else {
	print FILE $comment;

    # Generate a graph for each value
    my(%vlabel) = (
		   'Write' => 'Pages',
		   'Read' => 'Pages',
		   'P_IBTREE' => 'Pages',
		   'P_LBTREE' => 'Pages',
		   'P_UNKNOWN' => 'Pages',
		   'Put' => 'Put',
		   'Get__0_' => 'Get',
		   'Get__NEXT_' => 'Get',
		   'Get__SET_RANGE_' => 'Get',
		   'Get__Other_' => 'Get',
		   'LEVEL' => 'Level',
		   'PGNO' => 'Pages',
		   'CMP' => 'Compare',
    my(%hlabel) = (
		   'Write' => 'Write/second',
		   'Read' => 'Read/second',
		   'P_IBTREE' => 'Internal B-Tree nodes read + write / second',
		   'P_LBTREE' => 'Leaf B-Tree nodes read + write / second',
		   'P_UNKNOWN' => 'Unknown pages read + write / second',
		   'Put' => 'Put / second',
		   'Get__0_' => 'Get(0) / second',
		   'Get__NEXT_' => 'Get(DB_NEXT) / second',
		   'Get__SET_RANGE_' => 'Get(DB_SET_RANGE) / second',
		   'Get__Other_' => 'Get(???) / second',
		   'LEVEL' => 'Height of the B-Tree',
		   'PGNO' => 'Size of the B-Tree in pages',
		   'CMP' => 'Key compare / second',
    foreach $field (@fields) {
	my($image) = "$dir/$field.gif";
	my($hlabel) = exists($hlabel{$field}) ? "--title '$hlabel{$field}'" : "";
	my($vlabel) = exists($vlabel{$field}) ? "--vertical-label '$vlabel{$field}'" : "";
	run("rrdtool graph $image --start $started --end $finished $hlabel $vlabel DEF:in=$dir/monitor.rrd:$field:AVERAGE 'LINE2:in#FF0000' >/dev/null");

    # Generate a cumulated graph for compression rates
    my(%rate) = (
		 'Compress_1_1' => 1,
		 'Compress_1_2' => 2,
		 'Compress_1_3' => 3,
		 'Compress_1_4' => 4,
		 'Compress_1_5' => 5,
		 'Compress_1_6' => 6,
		 'Compress_1_7' => 7,
		 'Compress_1_8' => 8,
		 'Compress_1_9' => 9,
		 'Compress_1_10' => 10,
		 'Compress_1__10' => 11,
    my(%color) = (
		 'Compress_1_1' => "#ff0000",
		 'Compress_1_2' => "#ee1100",
		 'Compress_1_3' => "#dd2200",
		 'Compress_1_4' => "#cc3300",
		 'Compress_1_5' => "#bb4400",
		 'Compress_1_6' => "#996600",
		 'Compress_1_7' => "#778800",
		 'Compress_1_8' => "#55aa00",
		 'Compress_1_9' => "#33cc00",
		 'Compress_1_10' => "#11ee00",
		 'Compress_1__10' => "#00ff00",
    foreach $field (@fields) {
	next if($field !~ /^Compress/);
	my($cdef) = "";
	my($total) = "cmpr$rate{$field}";
	if($last_total) {
	    $total = "total$rate{$field}";
	    $cdef = "CDEF:$total=$last_total,cmpr$rate{$field},+";
	$last_total = $total;
	push(@lines, "DEF:cmpr$rate{$field}=$dir/monitor.rrd:$field:AVERAGE $cdef 'LINE1:$total$color{$field}:1/$rate{$field}'");
    run("rrdtool graph $dir/compress.gif --start $started --end  $finished --title 'Compression rate comparison / second' --vertical-label 'Pages' @lines >/dev/null");

    # Build home page
    $file = "$dir/index.html";
    open(FILE, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!";
    print FILE <
[Configuration | Comment | Samples | Compression]

EOF print FILE <
In the graph above, the area under each line is the number of pages compressed in the corresponding proportions. The bottom line is always 1/1 compression. For instance the area between the 1/11 line and the 1/10 line shows how many pages were compressed in a proportion equal or better than 1/11. In the compression report an individual graph is shown for each line.
EOF foreach $field (@fields) { next if($field =~ /^Compress/); print FILE <
EOF } print FILE "

\n"; close(FILE); # # Build compression details page # $file = "$dir/compress.html"; open(FILE, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!"; print FILE <
[Home page]

EOF print FILE <
EOF foreach $field (@fields) { next if($field !~ /^Compress/); print FILE <
EOF } print FILE "

\n"; close(FILE); } sub run { my($cmd) = @_; system($cmd); print STDERR "$cmd\n" if($verbose); print CMDS "$cmd\n"; } sub build { my($file) = @_; system("cp $file $dir"); my(@fields); my($started); my($step); my($heartbeat); my($finished); my(@updates); open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; while() { if(/WordMonitor starting/) { ($started) = =~ /^Started:(\d+)/; ($step) = =~ /^Period:(\d+)/; $heartbeat = $step * 2; my(@ds); @fields = split(':', scalar()); shift(@fields); # get rid of Time field pop(@fields); # get rid of last empty field my($field); foreach $field (@fields) { my($type) = $field =~ /^(.)\./; $field =~ s/^..//; $field =~ s/[^a-z0-9_]/_/gi; if($type eq 'C') { push(@ds, "DS:$field:COUNTER:$heartbeat:U:U"); } elsif($type eq 'G') { push(@ds, "DS:$field:GAUGE:$heartbeat:0:U"); } else { print STDERR "Unknown type $type for field $field\n"; exit(1); } } my($ds) = join(' ', @ds); my($rra) = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2000"; my($cmd) = "rrdtool create $dir/monitor.rrd --step $step --start $started $ds $rra"; run("rm -f $dir/monitor.rrd ; $cmd"); next; } next if(/-------------/ || /^\s*$/); chop; # remove new line chop; # remove last : ($finished) = m/^(\d+):/; print STDERR "$_\n" if($verbose); push(@updates, $_); if(@updates > 50) { run("rrdtool update $dir/monitor.rrd " . join(' ', @updates)); @updates = (); } } if(@updates) { run("rrdtool update $dir/monitor.rrd " . join(' ', @updates)); } close(FILE); print STDERR "started = $started, finished = $finished\n" if($verbose); return ($started, $finished, @fields); } main();