/* * Copyright © 2006 Novell, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without * fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies * and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of * Novell, Inc. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. * Novell, Inc. makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. * * NOVELL, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN * NO EVENT SHALL NOVELL, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS * OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Author: David Reveman */ #include #include #include #include #include static CompMetadata annoMetadata; static int displayPrivateIndex; static int annoLastPointerX = 0; static int annoLastPointerY = 0; #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_INITIATE_BUTTON 0 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_DRAW_BUTTON 1 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_ERASE_BUTTON 2 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLEAR_KEY 3 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_CLEAR_BUTTON 4 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_FILL_COLOR 5 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_STROKE_COLOR 6 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_LINE_WIDTH 7 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_STROKE_WIDTH 8 #define ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM 9 typedef struct _AnnoDisplay { int screenPrivateIndex; HandleEventProc handleEvent; CompOption opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM]; } AnnoDisplay; typedef struct _AnnoScreen { PaintOutputProc paintOutput; int grabIndex; Pixmap pixmap; CompTexture texture; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cairo; Bool content; Bool eraseMode; } AnnoScreen; #define GET_ANNO_DISPLAY(d) \ ((AnnoDisplay *) (d)->base.privates[displayPrivateIndex].ptr) #define ANNO_DISPLAY(d) \ AnnoDisplay *ad = GET_ANNO_DISPLAY (d) #define GET_ANNO_SCREEN(s, ad) \ ((AnnoScreen *) (s)->base.privates[(ad)->screenPrivateIndex].ptr) #define ANNO_SCREEN(s) \ AnnoScreen *as = GET_ANNO_SCREEN (s, GET_ANNO_DISPLAY (s->display)) #define NUM_OPTIONS(s) (sizeof ((s)->opt) / sizeof (CompOption)) #define NUM_TOOLS (sizeof (tools) / sizeof (tools[0])) static void annoCairoClear (CompScreen *s, cairo_t *cr) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); cairo_save (cr); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_restore (cr); as->content = FALSE; } static cairo_t * annoCairoContext (CompScreen *s) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (!as->cairo) { XRenderPictFormat *format; Screen *screen; int w, h; screen = ScreenOfDisplay (s->display->display, s->screenNum); w = s->width; h = s->height; format = XRenderFindStandardFormat (s->display->display, PictStandardARGB32); as->pixmap = XCreatePixmap (s->display->display, s->root, w, h, 32); if (!bindPixmapToTexture (s, &as->texture, as->pixmap, w, h, 32)) { compLogMessage ("annotate", CompLogLevelError, "Couldn't bind pixmap 0x%x to texture", (int) as->pixmap); XFreePixmap (s->display->display, as->pixmap); return NULL; } as->surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create_with_xrender_format (s->display->display, as->pixmap, screen, format, w, h); as->cairo = cairo_create (as->surface); annoCairoClear (s, as->cairo); } return as->cairo; } static void annoSetSourceColor (cairo_t *cr, unsigned short *color) { cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, (double) color[0] / 0xffff, (double) color[1] / 0xffff, (double) color[2] / 0xffff, (double) color[3] / 0xffff); } static void annoDrawCircle (CompScreen *s, double xc, double yc, double radius, unsigned short *fillColor, unsigned short *strokeColor, double strokeWidth) { REGION reg; cairo_t *cr; ANNO_SCREEN (s); cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) { double ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2; annoSetSourceColor (cr, fillColor); cairo_arc (cr, xc, yc, radius, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_fill_preserve (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, strokeWidth); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2); annoSetSourceColor (cr, strokeColor); cairo_stroke (cr); reg.rects = ®.extents; reg.numRects = 1; reg.extents.x1 = ex1; reg.extents.y1 = ey1; reg.extents.x2 = ex2; reg.extents.y2 = ey2; as->content = TRUE; damageScreenRegion (s, ®); } } static void annoDrawRectangle (CompScreen *s, double x, double y, double w, double h, unsigned short *fillColor, unsigned short *strokeColor, double strokeWidth) { REGION reg; cairo_t *cr; ANNO_SCREEN (s); cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) { double ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2; annoSetSourceColor (cr, fillColor); cairo_rectangle (cr, x, y, w, h); cairo_fill_preserve (cr); cairo_set_line_width (cr, strokeWidth); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2); annoSetSourceColor (cr, strokeColor); cairo_stroke (cr); reg.rects = ®.extents; reg.numRects = 1; reg.extents.x1 = ex1; reg.extents.y1 = ey1; reg.extents.x2 = ex2 + 2.0; reg.extents.y2 = ey2 + 2.0; as->content = TRUE; damageScreenRegion (s, ®); } } static void annoDrawLine (CompScreen *s, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double width, unsigned short *color) { REGION reg; cairo_t *cr; ANNO_SCREEN (s); cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) { double ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2; cairo_set_line_width (cr, width); cairo_move_to (cr, x1, y1); cairo_line_to (cr, x2, y2); cairo_stroke_extents (cr, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); annoSetSourceColor (cr, color); cairo_stroke (cr); reg.rects = ®.extents; reg.numRects = 1; reg.extents.x1 = ex1; reg.extents.y1 = ey1; reg.extents.x2 = ex2; reg.extents.y2 = ey2; as->content = TRUE; damageScreenRegion (s, ®); } } static void annoDrawText (CompScreen *s, double x, double y, char *text, char *fontFamily, double fontSize, int fontSlant, int fontWeight, unsigned short *fillColor, unsigned short *strokeColor, double strokeWidth) { REGION reg; cairo_t *cr; ANNO_SCREEN (s); cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) { cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_set_line_width (cr, strokeWidth); annoSetSourceColor (cr, fillColor); cairo_select_font_face (cr, fontFamily, fontSlant, fontWeight); cairo_set_font_size (cr, fontSize); cairo_text_extents (cr, text, &extents); cairo_save (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, x, y); cairo_text_path (cr, text); cairo_fill_preserve (cr); annoSetSourceColor (cr, strokeColor); cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_restore (cr); reg.rects = ®.extents; reg.numRects = 1; reg.extents.x1 = x; reg.extents.y1 = y + extents.y_bearing - 2.0; reg.extents.x2 = x + extents.width + 20.0; reg.extents.y2 = y + extents.height; as->content = TRUE; damageScreenRegion (s, ®); } } static Bool annoDraw (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompScreen *s; Window xid; xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, xid); if (s) { cairo_t *cr; cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) { char *tool; unsigned short *fillColor, *strokeColor; double lineWidth, strokeWidth; ANNO_DISPLAY (d); tool = getStringOptionNamed (option, nOption, "tool", "line"); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); fillColor = ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_FILL_COLOR].value.c; fillColor = getColorOptionNamed (option, nOption, "fill_color", fillColor); strokeColor = ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_STROKE_COLOR].value.c; strokeColor = getColorOptionNamed (option, nOption, "stroke_color", strokeColor); strokeWidth = ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_STROKE_WIDTH].value.f; strokeWidth = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "stroke_width", strokeWidth); lineWidth = ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_LINE_WIDTH].value.f; lineWidth = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "line_width", lineWidth); if (strcasecmp (tool, "rectangle") == 0) { double x, y, w, h; x = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "x", 0); y = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "y", 0); w = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "w", 100); h = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "h", 100); annoDrawRectangle (s, x, y, w, h, fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWidth); } else if (strcasecmp (tool, "circle") == 0) { double xc, yc, r; xc = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "xc", 0); yc = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "yc", 0); r = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "radius", 100); annoDrawCircle (s, xc, yc, r, fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWidth); } else if (strcasecmp (tool, "line") == 0) { double x1, y1, x2, y2; x1 = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "x1", 0); y1 = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "y1", 0); x2 = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "x2", 100); y2 = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "y2", 100); annoDrawLine (s, x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth, fillColor); } else if (strcasecmp (tool, "text") == 0) { double x, y, size; char *text, *family; unsigned int slant, weight; char *str; str = getStringOptionNamed (option, nOption, "slant", ""); if (strcasecmp (str, "oblique") == 0) slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE; else if (strcasecmp (str, "italic") == 0) slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC; else slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL; str = getStringOptionNamed (option, nOption, "weight", ""); if (strcasecmp (str, "bold") == 0) weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; else weight = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL; x = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "x", 0); y = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "y", 0); text = getStringOptionNamed (option, nOption, "text", ""); family = getStringOptionNamed (option, nOption, "family", "Sans"); size = getFloatOptionNamed (option, nOption, "size", 36.0); annoDrawText (s, x, y, text, family, size, slant, weight, fillColor, strokeColor, strokeWidth); } } } return FALSE; } static Bool annoInitiate (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompScreen *s; Window xid; xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, xid); if (s) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (otherScreenGrabExist (s, NULL)) return FALSE; if (!as->grabIndex) as->grabIndex = pushScreenGrab (s, None, "annotate"); if (state & CompActionStateInitButton) action->state |= CompActionStateTermButton; if (state & CompActionStateInitKey) action->state |= CompActionStateTermKey; annoLastPointerX = pointerX; annoLastPointerY = pointerY; as->eraseMode = FALSE; } return TRUE; } static Bool annoTerminate (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompScreen *s; Window xid; xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); for (s = d->screens; s; s = s->next) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (xid && s->root != xid) continue; if (as->grabIndex) { removeScreenGrab (s, as->grabIndex, NULL); as->grabIndex = 0; } } action->state &= ~(CompActionStateTermKey | CompActionStateTermButton); return FALSE; } static Bool annoEraseInitiate (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompScreen *s; Window xid; xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, xid); if (s) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (otherScreenGrabExist (s, NULL)) return FALSE; if (!as->grabIndex) as->grabIndex = pushScreenGrab (s, None, "annotate"); if (state & CompActionStateInitButton) action->state |= CompActionStateTermButton; if (state & CompActionStateInitKey) action->state |= CompActionStateTermKey; annoLastPointerX = pointerX; annoLastPointerY = pointerY; as->eraseMode = TRUE; } return FALSE; } static Bool annoClear (CompDisplay *d, CompAction *action, CompActionState state, CompOption *option, int nOption) { CompScreen *s; Window xid; xid = getIntOptionNamed (option, nOption, "root", 0); s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, xid); if (s) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (as->content) { cairo_t *cr; cr = annoCairoContext (s); if (cr) annoCairoClear (s, as->cairo); damageScreen (s); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static Bool annoPaintOutput (CompScreen *s, const ScreenPaintAttrib *sAttrib, const CompTransform *transform, Region region, CompOutput *output, unsigned int mask) { Bool status; ANNO_SCREEN (s); UNWRAP (as, s, paintOutput); status = (*s->paintOutput) (s, sAttrib, transform, region, output, mask); WRAP (as, s, paintOutput, annoPaintOutput); if (status && as->content && region->numRects) { BoxPtr pBox; int nBox; glPushMatrix (); prepareXCoords (s, output, -DEFAULT_Z_CAMERA); glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glEnable (GL_BLEND); enableTexture (s, &as->texture, COMP_TEXTURE_FILTER_FAST); pBox = region->rects; nBox = region->numRects; glBegin (GL_QUADS); while (nBox--) { glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->x1), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->y2)); glVertex2i (pBox->x1, pBox->y2); glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->x2), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->y2)); glVertex2i (pBox->x2, pBox->y2); glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->x2), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->y1)); glVertex2i (pBox->x2, pBox->y1); glTexCoord2f (COMP_TEX_COORD_X (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->x1), COMP_TEX_COORD_Y (&as->texture.matrix, pBox->y1)); glVertex2i (pBox->x1, pBox->y1); pBox++; } glEnd (); disableTexture (s, &as->texture); glDisable (GL_BLEND); glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glPopMatrix (); } return status; } static void annoHandleMotionEvent (CompScreen *s, int xRoot, int yRoot) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (as->grabIndex) { if (as->eraseMode) { static unsigned short color[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; annoDrawLine (s, annoLastPointerX, annoLastPointerY, xRoot, yRoot, 20.0, color); } else { ANNO_DISPLAY(s->display); annoDrawLine (s, annoLastPointerX, annoLastPointerY, xRoot, yRoot, ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_LINE_WIDTH].value.f, ad->opt[ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_FILL_COLOR].value.c); } annoLastPointerX = xRoot; annoLastPointerY = yRoot; } } static void annoHandleEvent (CompDisplay *d, XEvent *event) { CompScreen *s; ANNO_DISPLAY (d); switch (event->type) { case MotionNotify: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xmotion.root); if (s) annoHandleMotionEvent (s, pointerX, pointerY); break; case EnterNotify: case LeaveNotify: s = findScreenAtDisplay (d, event->xcrossing.root); if (s) annoHandleMotionEvent (s, pointerX, pointerY); default: break; } UNWRAP (ad, d, handleEvent); (*d->handleEvent) (d, event); WRAP (ad, d, handleEvent, annoHandleEvent); } static CompOption * annoGetDisplayOptions (CompPlugin *plugin, CompDisplay *display, int *count) { ANNO_DISPLAY (display); *count = NUM_OPTIONS (ad); return ad->opt; } static Bool annoSetDisplayOption (CompPlugin *plugin, CompDisplay *display, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value) { CompOption *o; ANNO_DISPLAY (display); o = compFindOption (ad->opt, NUM_OPTIONS (ad), name, NULL); if (!o) return FALSE; return compSetDisplayOption (display, o, value); } static const CompMetadataOptionInfo annoDisplayOptionInfo[] = { { "initiate_button", "button", 0, annoInitiate, annoTerminate }, { "draw", "action", 0, annoDraw, 0 }, { "erase_button", "button", 0, annoEraseInitiate, annoTerminate }, { "clear_key", "key", 0, annoClear, 0 }, { "clear_button", "button", 0, annoClear, 0 }, { "fill_color", "color", 0, 0, 0 }, { "stroke_color", "color", 0, 0, 0 }, { "line_width", "float", 0, 0, 0 }, { "stroke_width", "float", 0, 0, 0 } }; static Bool annoInitDisplay (CompPlugin *p, CompDisplay *d) { AnnoDisplay *ad; if (!checkPluginABI ("core", CORE_ABIVERSION)) return FALSE; ad = malloc (sizeof (AnnoDisplay)); if (!ad) return FALSE; if (!compInitDisplayOptionsFromMetadata (d, &annoMetadata, annoDisplayOptionInfo, ad->opt, ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM)) { free (ad); return FALSE; } ad->screenPrivateIndex = allocateScreenPrivateIndex (d); if (ad->screenPrivateIndex < 0) { compFiniDisplayOptions (d, ad->opt, ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM); free (ad); return FALSE; } WRAP (ad, d, handleEvent, annoHandleEvent); d->base.privates[displayPrivateIndex].ptr = ad; return TRUE; } static void annoFiniDisplay (CompPlugin *p, CompDisplay *d) { ANNO_DISPLAY (d); freeScreenPrivateIndex (d, ad->screenPrivateIndex); UNWRAP (ad, d, handleEvent); compFiniDisplayOptions (d, ad->opt, ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM); free (ad); } static Bool annoInitScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { AnnoScreen *as; ANNO_DISPLAY (s->display); as = malloc (sizeof (AnnoScreen)); if (!as) return FALSE; as->grabIndex = 0; as->surface = NULL; as->pixmap = None; as->cairo = NULL; as->content = FALSE; initTexture (s, &as->texture); WRAP (as, s, paintOutput, annoPaintOutput); s->base.privates[ad->screenPrivateIndex].ptr = as; return TRUE; } static void annoFiniScreen (CompPlugin *p, CompScreen *s) { ANNO_SCREEN (s); if (as->cairo) cairo_destroy (as->cairo); if (as->surface) cairo_surface_destroy (as->surface); finiTexture (s, &as->texture); if (as->pixmap) XFreePixmap (s->display->display, as->pixmap); UNWRAP (as, s, paintOutput); free (as); } static CompBool annoInitObject (CompPlugin *p, CompObject *o) { static InitPluginObjectProc dispTab[] = { (InitPluginObjectProc) 0, /* InitCore */ (InitPluginObjectProc) annoInitDisplay, (InitPluginObjectProc) annoInitScreen }; RETURN_DISPATCH (o, dispTab, ARRAY_SIZE (dispTab), TRUE, (p, o)); } static void annoFiniObject (CompPlugin *p, CompObject *o) { static FiniPluginObjectProc dispTab[] = { (FiniPluginObjectProc) 0, /* FiniCore */ (FiniPluginObjectProc) annoFiniDisplay, (FiniPluginObjectProc) annoFiniScreen }; DISPATCH (o, dispTab, ARRAY_SIZE (dispTab), (p, o)); } static CompOption * annoGetObjectOptions (CompPlugin *plugin, CompObject *object, int *count) { static GetPluginObjectOptionsProc dispTab[] = { (GetPluginObjectOptionsProc) 0, /* GetCoreOptions */ (GetPluginObjectOptionsProc) annoGetDisplayOptions }; *count = 0; RETURN_DISPATCH (object, dispTab, ARRAY_SIZE (dispTab), (void *) count, (plugin, object, count)); } static CompBool annoSetObjectOption (CompPlugin *plugin, CompObject *object, const char *name, CompOptionValue *value) { static SetPluginObjectOptionProc dispTab[] = { (SetPluginObjectOptionProc) 0, /* SetCoreOption */ (SetPluginObjectOptionProc) annoSetDisplayOption }; RETURN_DISPATCH (object, dispTab, ARRAY_SIZE (dispTab), FALSE, (plugin, object, name, value)); } static Bool annoInit (CompPlugin *p) { if (!compInitPluginMetadataFromInfo (&annoMetadata, p->vTable->name, annoDisplayOptionInfo, ANNO_DISPLAY_OPTION_NUM, 0, 0)) return FALSE; displayPrivateIndex = allocateDisplayPrivateIndex (); if (displayPrivateIndex < 0) { compFiniMetadata (&annoMetadata); return FALSE; } compAddMetadataFromFile (&annoMetadata, p->vTable->name); return TRUE; } static void annoFini (CompPlugin *p) { freeDisplayPrivateIndex (displayPrivateIndex); compFiniMetadata (&annoMetadata); } static CompMetadata * annoGetMetadata (CompPlugin *plugin) { return &annoMetadata; } static CompPluginVTable annoVTable = { "annotate", annoGetMetadata, annoInit, annoFini, annoInitObject, annoFiniObject, annoGetObjectOptions, annoSetObjectOption }; CompPluginVTable * getCompPluginInfo20070830 (void) { return &annoVTable; }