# # cf_generate.pl # # cf_generate: Build the files cf_byprog.html, cf_byname.html and # attrs.html from the informations found # in ../htcommon/defaults.cc. # attrs.html : attrs_head.html + generation + attrs_tail.html # cf_byprog.html : cf_byprog_head.html + generation + cf_byprog_tail.html # cf_byname.html : cf_byname_head.html + generation + cf_byname_tail.html # # Part of the ht://Dig package # Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group # For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution # or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later # # # $Id: cf_generate.pl,v 1.9 2004/06/05 04:30:47 lha Exp $ # use strict; use vars qw(%char2quote); %char2quote = ( '>' => '>', '<' => '<', '&' => '&', "'" => ''', '"' => '"', ); sub html_escape { my($toencode) = @_; return undef if(!defined($toencode)); $toencode =~ s;([&\"<>\']);$char2quote{$1};ge; return $toencode; } # # Read and parse attributes descriptions found in defaults.cc # my($dir); if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) { $dir = '..'; } else { $dir = @ARGV[0]; } local($/) = undef; my($file) = $dir . "/htcommon/defaults.cc"; my($content); open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; close(FILE); # # Change curly to square brackets to generate perl arrays instead # of hashes. Order is important. # $content =~ s/.*ConfigDefaults.*?\{(.*)\{0, 0.*/[$1]/s; $content =~ s/\s*\\*$//mg; $content =~ s/([\@\$])/\\$1/gs; $content =~ s/^\{/\[/mg; $content =~ s/^\"\s*\},$/\" \],/mg; # # Transform macro substituted strings by @strings@ (substitued by ../configure) # Three step process ( -> \@ string\@ -> \@string\@ -> @string@ ) # as perl seems to get confused by @$2. # $content =~ s|^(\[ \"\w+\", )([A-Z].*?),\n|$1\"\\\@$2\\@\",\n|mg; #$content =~ s/^(\[ \"\w+\", )\"(.*?)\"(.*?)\"(.*?)\",\n/$1\"$2\\\"$3\\\"$4\",\n/mg; $content =~ s/BIN_DIR/bindir/g; my($config); eval "\$config = $content"; if(!$config) { die "could not extract any configuration info from $file"; } # # Spit the HTML pages # my($file); # # Complete list of attributes with descriptions and examples. # $file = "attrs.html.in"; open(ATTR, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!"; $file = $dir . "/htdoc/attrs_head.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; print ATTR $content; close(FILE); # # Index by attribute name # $file = "cf_byname.html"; open(BYNAME, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!"; $file = $dir . "/htdoc/cf_byname_head.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; print BYNAME $content; close(FILE); my($letter) = ''; my($record); foreach $record (@$config) { my($name, $default, $type, $programs, $block, $version, $category, $example, $description) = @$record; if($letter ne uc(substr($name, 0, 1))) { print BYNAME "\t
\n" if($letter); $letter = uc(substr($name, 0, 1)); print BYNAME "\t$letter
\n"; } print BYNAME "\t \"*\" $name
\n"; my($used_by) = join(",\n\t\t\t", map { my($top) = $_ eq 'htsearch' ? " target=\"_top\"" : ""; "$_"; } split(' ', $programs)); if ($block eq '') { $block = "Global"; } if($version != 'all') { $version = "$version or later"; } if(!($example =~ /^$name:/)) { $example = "\t\t\t No example provided \n"; } elsif($example =~ /\A$name:\s*\Z/s) { $example = "\t\t\t $name: \n"; } else { my($one); my($html) = ''; foreach $one (split("$name:", $example)) { next if($one =~ /^\s*$/); $html .= < $name: $one EOF } $example = $html; } if($default =~ /^\s*$/) { $default = "No default"; } else { $default =~ s/^([A-Z][A-Z_]*) \" (.*?)\"/$1 $2/; # for PDF_PARSER $default = html_escape($default); # hyperlink default values defined in terms of other attributes $default =~ s/\${([A-Za-z_]*)}/\${$1<\/a>}/; } print ATTR <
used by:

EOF } open(FILE, "date |") or die "cannot open pipe to date command for reading : $!"; $content = ; close(FILE); my($date) = $content; my($file) = $dir . "/htdoc/attrs_tail.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; $content =~ s/Last modified: [^\n]*\n/Last modified: $date/; print ATTR $content; close(FILE); my($file) = $dir . "/htdoc/cf_byname_tail.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; print BYNAME $content; close(FILE); close(ATTR); close(BYNAME); # # Index by program name # $file = "cf_byprog.html"; open(BYPROG, ">$file") or die "cannot open $file for writing : $!"; $file = $dir . "/htdoc/cf_byprog_head.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; print BYPROG $content; close(FILE); my(%prog2attr); foreach $record (@$config) { my($name, $default, $type, $programs, $example, $description) = @$record; my($prog); foreach $prog (split(' ', $programs)) { push(@{$prog2attr{$prog}}, $record); } } my($prog); foreach $prog (sort(keys(%prog2attr))) { my($top) = $prog eq 'htsearch' ? "target=\"_top\"" : "target=\"body\""; print BYPROG "\t
\n"; my($record); foreach $record (@{$prog2attr{$prog}}) { my($name, $default, $type, $programs, $example, $description) = @$record; print BYPROG "\t \"*\" $name
\n"; } } my($file) = $dir . "/htdoc/cf_byprog_tail.html"; open(FILE, "<$file") or die "cannot open $file for reading : $!"; $content = ; print BYPROG $content; close(FILE); close(BYPROG);