#!/bin/sh # Part of the ht://Dig package # Copyright (c) 1999-2004 The ht://Dig Group # For copyright details, see the file COPYING in your distribution # or the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) version 2 or later # # # $Id: t_templates,v 1.4 2004/05/28 13:15:30 lha Exp $ # # Tests the following config attributes: # add_anchors_to_excerpt # allow_in_form # anchor_target # any_keywords # build_select_lists # date_format # end_ellipses # end_highlight # excerpt_show_top # image_url_prefix # iso_8601 # matches_per_page # matches_per_page_list # max_excerpts # max_descriptions # max_description_length # max_stars # maximum_page_buttons # maximum_pages # method_names # next_page_text # no_excerpt_show_top # no_excerpt_text # no_page_list_header # no_page_number_text # no_next_page_text # no_prev_page_text # no_title_text # nothing_found_file # page_list_header # page_number_separator # page_number_text # prev_page_text # plural_suffix # search_results_contenttype # search_results_wrapper # sort_names # star_blank # star_image # star_patterns # start_ellipses # start_highlight # syntax_error_file # use_star_image try() { comment="$1" shift query="$1" shift $htsearch -c $config "$query" > $tmp 2> /dev/null for pattern do if grep "$pattern" $tmp > /dev/null then : else $htsearch -vv -c $config "$query" > /dev/null echo "Output doesn't match \"$pattern\"" fail "$htsearch -c $config '$query' >> $tmp -- $comment" fi done } test_functions_action=--start-apache . ./test_functions config=$testdir/conf/htdig.conf.tmp tmp=/tmp/t_htsearch$$ # set up config file with chosen non-default values cp $testdir/conf/htdig.conf $config $htdig "$@" -t -i -c $config || fail "Couldn't dig" $htpurge -vv -c $config > tmp1 || fail "Couldn't purge" # How can I check that unretrieved urls have been removed, but bad ones haven't? set_attr search_results_wrapper "$testdir/conf/main-template" set_attr any_keywords "true" set_attr image_url_prefix "image-prefix" try ". Single page of results" \ "words=also;config=hello;exclude=site2;format=builtin-short;keywords=subject+please+node;matchesperpage=10;method=and;page=1;restrict=http;sort=score;startyear=1999;startmonth=8;startday=1;endyear=2005;endmonth=9;endday=30" \ 'MATCHES *=3' 'bad_local.htm' 'script.html' 'site4.html' \ 'CGI *=-' 'CONFIG *=hello' 'EXCLUDE *=site2' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=1' \ 'builtin-short" selected>Short' 'KEYWORDS *=subject please node' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=3' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=10' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=All' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>All' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=-' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=-' \ 'PAGELIST *=-' 'PAGES *=1' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=s' \ 'PREVPAGE *=-' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-short' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=and' 'SELECTED_SORT *=score' \ 'selected>Score' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ 'image-prefix/star.gif' set_attr plural_suffix "es" set_attr allow_in_form "script_name" set_attr page_list_header "head" set_attr add_anchors_to_excerpt "true" # make sure "script" is the page returned... set_attr search_results_order "bad_local script *" # set_attr iso_8601 FALSE # no point -- format set by locale # (Ensure keyword 'moderate' for script.html occurs after 'also', as anchors # are broken if keyword preceeds anchor, but search term follows it.) try "2nd page, 1 match per page, no excludes" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=builtin-long;keywords=subject+please+moderate;matchesperpage=1;method=or;page=2;restrict=http;sort=revtime;startyear=1999;startmonth=8;startday=1;endyear=2005;endmonth=9;endday=30" \ 'MATCHES *=3' 'script.html' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=2' \ 'builtin-long" selected>Long' 'KEYWORDS *=subject please moderate' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=2' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=1' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Any' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Any' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=.*;page=3' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=head' \ 'PAGELIST *=.*;page=1.*;page=3' 'PAGES *=3' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=es' \ 'PREVPAGE *=.*;page=1' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revtime' \ 'selected>Reverse Time' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ '\.\.\. ' 'also' \ set_attr method_names "or Or and And boolean Logical" set_attr page_list_header 'multiple' set_attr no_page_list_header 'single' set_attr anchor_target "body" set_attr maximum_page_buttons "2" set_attr no_next_page_text "none" set_attr no_prev_page_text "none" set_attr next_page_text "following" set_attr prev_page_text "preceeding" set_attr iso_8601 true try "2nd page, 1 match per page, no excludes, no keywords" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=builtin-long;matchesperpage=1;method=or;page=2;restrict=http;sort=revtime;startyear=1999;startmonth=8;startday=1;endyear=2005;endmonth=9;endday=30" \ 'MATCHES *=4' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=2' \ 'builtin-long" selected>Long' 'KEYWORDS *=-' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=2' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=1' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Or' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Or' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=.*;page=3.*following' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=multiple' \ 'PAGELIST *=.*;page=1.*2[^0-9]*-' 'PAGES *=4' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=es' \ 'PREVPAGE *=.*;page=1.*preceeding' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revtime' \ 'selected>Reverse Time' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ '\.\.\. ' 'also' \ '20[0-9][0-9]-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]* [a-zA-Z]*' # iso date # ('\\\\' because original line in htdig.conf has a continuation '\' ) set_attr page_number_text "first second third fourth \\\\" set_attr no_page_number_text "FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH \\\\" set_attr page_number_separator "PAGE_SEP" set_attr maximum_pages 2 set_attr date_format "%Y-date-%m-date-%d-" # overrides iso_8601 try "2nd page, 1 match per page, changed page numbers" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=builtin-long;matchesperpage=1;method=or;page=2;restrict=http;sort=revtime;startyear=1999;startmonth=8;startday=1;endyear=2005;endmonth=9;endday=30" \ 'MATCHES *=4' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=2' \ 'builtin-long" selected>Long' 'KEYWORDS *=-' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=2' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=1' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Or' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Or' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=none' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=multiple' \ 'PAGELIST *=.*first.*PAGE_SEP.*SECOND' 'PAGES *=2' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=es' \ 'PREVPAGE *=.*;page=1' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revtime' \ 'selected>Reverse Time' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ '\.\.\. ' 'also' \ '20[0-9][0-9]-date-[0-9]*-date-[0-9]*-' #'MATCHES *=4' 'bad_local.htm' 'script.html' 'site2.html' 'site4.html' set_attr any_keywords "false" set_attr nothing_found_file "$testdir/conf/main-template" set_attr add_anchors_to_excerpt "false" try "fails keyword match" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=builtin-long;keywords=subject+please+node;matchesperpage=1;method=or;page=2;restrict=http;sort=revtime;startyear=1999;startmonth=8;startday=1;endyear=2005;endmonth=9;endday=30" \ 'MATCHES *=0' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' \ 'builtin-long" selected>Long' 'KEYWORDS *=subject please node' \ 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=1' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Or' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Or' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGELIST *=-' 'PAGES *=1' \ 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revtime' \ 'selected>Reverse Time' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ 'starting date =1999/8/1-' \ 'ending date =2005/9/30-' set_attr start_ellipses "START_ELLIPSES" set_attr end_ellipses "END_ELLIPSES" set_attr star_blank "NIL" set_attr star_image "STAR" set_attr matches_per_page 8 try "test highlighting" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=builtin-long;method=or;restrict=http;sort=revscore" \ 'MATCHES *=4' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=1' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=4' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=8' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Or' 'MAX_STARS *=4' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Or' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=-' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=single' \ 'PAGELIST *=-' 'PAGES *=1' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=es' \ 'PREVPAGE *=-' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=builtin-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revscore' \ 'selected>Reverse Score' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ 'START_ELLIPSES' 'END_ELLIPSES' 'also' \ '^[^S]*"STAR".*"NIL".*"NIL".*"NIL"' set_attr max_stars 5 set_attr start_highlight "START" set_attr end_highlight "STOP" set_attr max_excerpts 2 set_attr template_map "Long builtin-long builtin-long Short builtin-short builtin-short Very-long user-long $PWD/conf/entry-template" try "test max_stars. Also needs max_descriptions >= 2" \ "words=also;script_name=qtest;format=user-long;method=or;restrict=http;sort=revscore" \ 'MATCHES *=4' \ 'CGI *=qtest' 'CONFIG *=-' 'EXCLUDE *=-' 'FIRSTDISPLAYED *=1' \ 'LASTDISPLAYED *=4' 'LOGICAL_WORDS *=also' \ 'MATCHES_PER_PAGE *=8' 'MATCH_MESSAGE *=Or' 'MAX_STARS *=5' \ 'METADESCRIPTION *=-' 'selected>Or' 'MODIFIED *=-' \ 'NEXTPAGE *=-' 'NSTARS *=-' 'PAGE *=1' 'PAGEHEADER *=single' \ 'PAGELIST *=-' 'PAGES *=1' 'PLURAL_MATCHES *=es' \ 'PREVPAGE *=-' 'RESTRICT *=http' 'SELECTED_FORMAT *=user-long' \ 'SELECTED_METHOD *=or' 'SELECTED_SORT *=revscore' \ 'selected>Reverse Score' 'VERSION *=3.2' 'WORDS *=also' \ 'START_ELLIPSES.*START_ELLIPSES.*END_ELLIPSES' 'STARTalsoSTOP' \ '^[^N]*"STAR".*"NIL".*"NIL".*"NIL".*"NIL"' \ 'DESCRIPTIONS=JavaScript test

' try "Search for 'empty'" \ "words=empty;format=builtin-long" \ 'MATCHES *=2' \ 'empty%20file.html' 'empty file.html' 'sub%2520dir' 'INDEX OF /SET1/SUB%20DIR' set_attr no_title_text "Empty-Title" try "Search for 'empty'" \ "words=empty;format=builtin-long" \ 'MATCHES *=2' \ 'empty%20file.html' 'Empty-Title' 'sub%2520dir' set_attr star_patterns "site foo bad_local bar" try "test star_patterns" \ "words=also;format=builtin-long" \ 'MATCHES *=4' '"foo"' '"bar"' set_attr star_patterns "site foo bad_local" try "test star_patterns syntax error" \ "words=also;format=builtin-long" \ 'MATCHES *=4' '"foo"' '""' set_attr search_results_contenttype "foo" set_attr use_star_image "false" try "Checking use_star_image" \ "words=bad_local;format=builtin-short" \ "^[^*]*bad_local" "Content-type: foo" set_attr search_results_contenttype "" set_attr no_excerpt_text "No-excerpt-found" try "Checking no_excerpt_show_top true" \ "words=Yuki" \ "a#bcd" set_attr no_excerpt_show_top "false" try "Checking no_excerpt_show_top false" \ "words=Yuki" \ "No-excerpt-found" try "Checking excerpt_show_top false" \ "words=also" \ "STARTalsoSTOP" set_attr build_select_lists 'MATCH_LIST,multiple matchesperpage matches_per_page_list 2 2 1 matches_per_page "Previous Amount"' set_attr matches_per_page_list 'one 1 five 5 ten 10 twenty 20 "one hundred" 100 "two hundred" 200' set_attr sort_names "score 'Best Match' time Newest title A-Z revscore 'Worst Match' revtime Oldest revtitle Z-A" set_attr excerpt_show_top "true" try "Checking excerpt_show_top true" \ "words=also;matchesperpage=40" \ "Copyright" \ "MATCH_LIST *=<" "selected>Previous Amount" '