Hi everyone! Here is what you have to do (atm) to test 0.90: ./configure notice that dbus-dev is missing install dbus-dev make At the moment 0.90 requires some hand tweaking to start mainly since the install routines are not finished. start multisyncd from src: cd src ./multisyncd multisyncd knows the following command line switches atm: --config /path/to/config (self explanatory) --plugin plugin_name (explained below) some more you dont need to know atm and might disappaer so... to start the multisyncd in server mode do the following ( in the src directory ) ./multisyncd --config ../data/config/multisyncd.conf If it doesnt start do: export MSYNC_DEBUG=1 to see the debugging messages to start a plugin (this is for example how plugins that always listen in the background for a palm for example are started) do: ./multisyncd --config ../data/config/multisyncd.conf --plugin libpalm_sync the plugin_name has to be either - a name of a library where the path is in the ldconfig without a ending (.so) - a name of a lib with a ending - the complete path to start the cli go to interfaces/cli do: export PYTHONPATH=../../python/.libs and do ./test.py for a shell script and ./command.py for a interactive curses based version in the curses version press c to get it to read the syncgroups and syncmembers installed on the server (in the data/datadir directory if you used the above config) I have a .cdtproject and a .project file for the fans of eclipse ready to use :)