# This file is part of Fusion-icon. # Fusion-icon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Fusion-icon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Based on compiz-icon, Copyright 2007 Felix Bellanger # # Author(s): crdlb # Copyright 2007 Christopher Williams import os, compizconfig, ConfigParser, time import data as _data from parser import options as parser_options from environment import env from execute import run import subprocess, signal def is_running(app): 'Use pgrep to determine if an app is running' if run(['pgrep', app], 'call', quiet=True) == 0: return True class Application(object): def __init__(self, name, apps, installed): self.name = name self.apps = apps self.base = installed.apps[name][0] self.command = installed.apps[name][1] self.label = installed.apps[name][2] def launch(self): print ' * Launching %s' %self.label run(self.command) class Applications(dict): def __init__(self, installed): for app in installed.apps: self[app] = Application(app, self, installed) class CompizOption(object): def __init__(self, name, options, installed, config): self.options = options self.config = config self.name = name self.switch = installed.options[name][1] self.label = installed.options[name][2] self.sensitive = True def __get(self): return self.config.getboolean('compiz options', self.name) def __set(self, value): print ' * Setting option %s to %s' %(self.label, value) self.config.set('compiz options', self.name, str(bool(value)).lower()) self.config.write(open(self.config.config_file, 'w')) enabled = property(__get, __set) class CompizOptions(dict): def __init__(self, installed, config): for option in installed.options: self[option] = CompizOption(option, self, installed, config) class WindowManager(object): def __init__(self, name, wms, installed): self.wms = wms self.name = name self.base = installed.wms[name][0] self.command = installed.wms[name][1] self.label = installed.wms[name][2] self.desktop = installed.wms[name][3] if installed.wms[name][4]: self.flags = installed.wms[name][4] else: self.flags = [] self.killcmd = installed.wms[name][5] class WindowManagers(dict): def __init__(self, installed, config): self.config = config for wm in installed.wms: self[wm] = WindowManager(wm, self, installed) self.fallback = None wm = [w for w in self if self[w].desktop == env.desktop] if wm: self.fallback = wm[0] elif self: self.fallback = self.keys()[0] self.__set_old() self.ordered_list = [] for wm in ('compiz', self.fallback): if wm in self: self.ordered_list.append(wm) self.ordered_list.extend([wm for wm in self if wm not in self.ordered_list]) def __get(self): return self.config.get('window manager', 'active wm') def __set(self, value): if value in wms: print ' * Setting window manager to', wms[value].label elif not value: print ' * Setting window manager to empty value' self.config.set('window manager', 'active wm', str(value)) self.config.write(open(self.config.config_file, 'w')) def __set_old(self): self.old = None running_wm = [wm for wm in self if is_running(wm)] if running_wm: # not perfect, but good enough self.old = running_wm[0] def start(self): 'Start the active window manager' self.__set_old() if self.active == 'compiz' and self.old and self[self.old].killcmd: run(self[self.old].killcmd, 'call') time.sleep(1) if self.active and self.old and 'noreplace' in self[self.active].flags: run(['killall', self[self.old].base], 'call') time.sleep(1) if self.active == 'compiz': # use a copy, not the original compiz_command = self['compiz'].command[:] for option in options: if options[option].enabled: compiz_command.append(options[option].switch) kill_list = ['killall'] for decorator in decorators: kill_list.append(decorators[decorator].base) run(kill_list, 'call') time.sleep(0.5) # do it print ' ... executing:', ' '.join(compiz_command) run(compiz_command, quiet=False) elif self.active: run(self[self.active].command) else: print ' * No active WM set; not going to do anything.' def restart(self): if wms.active: print ' * Reloading %s' %wms.active self.start() else: print ' * Not reloading, no active window manager set' active = property(__get, __set) class CompizDecorator(object): def __init__(self, name, decorators, installed): self.decorators = decorators self.name = name self.base = installed.decorators[name][0] self.command = installed.decorators[name][1] self.label = installed.decorators[name][2] self.desktop = installed.decorators[name][3] def kill_others(self): killall = ['killall'] for decorator in [x for x in self.decorators if x != self.name]: killall.append(self.decorators[decorator].base) run(killall, 'call') class CompizDecorators(dict): def __init__(self, installed): # Open CompizConfig context if parser_options.verbose: print ' * Opening CompizConfig context' try: context = compizconfig.Context( \ plugins=['decoration'], basic_metadata=True) except: context = compizconfig.Context() self.command = context.Plugins['decoration'].Display['command'] for decorator in installed.decorators: self[decorator] = CompizDecorator(decorator, self, installed) self.default = None decorator = [d for d in self if self[d].desktop == env.desktop] if decorator: self.default = decorator[0] elif 'emerald' in self: self.default = 'emerald' elif self: self.default = self.keys()[0] def __set(self, decorator): if decorator in self: self.command.Plugin.Context.ProcessEvents() print ' * Setting decorator to %s ("%s")' \ %(self[decorator].label, self[decorator].command) self.command.Value = self[decorator].command self.command.Plugin.Context.Write() elif not decorator: print ' * Not setting decorator to none' def __get(self): _decorator = [d for d in self if self.command.Value == self[d].command] if _decorator: decorator = _decorator[0] else: print ' * Decorator "%s" is invalid.' %self.command.Value self.active = self.default decorator = self.command.Value return decorator active = property(__get, __set) class Installed(object): def __init__(self, data): print ' * Searching for installed applications...' ### Compiz Detection bins = {} for name in ('compiz', 'compiz.real'): bin = run(['which', name], 'output') if bin: bins[name] = bin if 'compiz' in bins and 'compiz.real' in bins: if bins['compiz'].split(os.sep)[:-1] == bins['compiz.real'].split(os.sep)[:-1]: compiz = 'compiz.real' else: compiz = 'compiz' elif 'compiz.real' in bins: compiz = 'compiz.real' elif 'compiz' in bins: compiz = 'compiz' else: compiz = None output = '' for name in bins: if len(bins) > 1 and name == compiz: selected = ' <*>' else: selected = '' output += ' -- %s%s' %(bins[name], selected) ### Everything Else self.wms = data.wms.copy() for wm in data.wms: which = run(['which', data.wms[wm][0]], 'output') if which: output += ' -- %s' %which else: del self.wms[wm] if compiz: data.compiz_args.insert(0, compiz) self.wms['compiz'] = (compiz, data.compiz_args, 'Compiz', None, None, None) self.decorators = data.decorators.copy() for decorator in data.decorators: which = run(['which', data.decorators[decorator][0]], 'output') if which: output += ' -- %s' %which else: del self.decorators[decorator] self.apps = data.apps.copy() for app in data.apps: which = run(['which', data.apps[app][0]], 'output') if which: output += ' -- %s' %which else: del self.apps[app] if parser_options.verbose: print output.rstrip() compiz_optionlist = [] self.options = data.options.copy() if compiz: compiz_help = run([compiz, '--help'], 'output') for item in compiz_help.split(): item = item[1:].replace(']', '') if item.startswith('--'): compiz_optionlist.append(item) for option in data.options: if data.options[option][1] not in compiz_optionlist: del self.options[option] class Configuration(ConfigParser.ConfigParser): def __init__(self, data): ConfigParser.ConfigParser.__init__(self) self.config_folder = data.config_folder self.config_file = data.config_file def check(self): # Configuration file setup if not os.path.exists(self.config_folder): if parser_options.verbose: print ' * Creating configuration folder...' os.makedirs(self.config_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.config_file): if parser_options.verbose: print ' * Creating configuration file...' self.create_config_file() try: # Read the file self.read(self.config_file) # Validate the file by trying to read all values for option in options: value = options[option].enabled value = wms.active except: # back it up and make a new one print ' * Configuration file (%s) invalid' %self.config_file self.reset_config_file() print ' * Generating new configuration file' self.create_config_file() def create_config_file(self): 'Set default values for configuration file' def prune(section, optlist): for option in [o for o in self.options(section) if o not in optlist]: self.remove_option(section, option) for section in ('compiz options', 'window manager'): if not self.has_section(section): self.add_section(section) for option in options: self.set('compiz options', option, 'false') self.set('window manager', 'active wm', 'compiz') prune('compiz options', options) prune('window manager', ['active wm']) self.write(open(self.config_file, 'w')) def reset_config_file(self): 'Backup configuration file' if os.path.exists(self.config_file): config_backup = '%s.backup.%s' \ %(self.config_file, time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) os.rename(self.config_file, config_backup) print ' ... backed up to:', config_backup else: print ' ... no configuration file found' # Instantiate... _installed = Installed(_data) config = Configuration(_data) apps = Applications(_installed) options = CompizOptions(_installed, config) wms = WindowManagers(_installed, config) decorators = CompizDecorators(_installed)