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// vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab
Gwenview - A simple image viewer for TDE
Copyright 2000-2004 Aurélien Gâteau
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "cache.h"
// TQt
// KDE
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <tdeio/global.h>
#include "cache.moc"
namespace Gwenview {
// Local
#undef LOG
//#define ENABLE_LOG
#define LOG(x) kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << x << endl
#define LOG(x) ;
//#define DEBUG_CACHE
const char CONFIG_CACHE_MAXSIZE[]="maxSize";
struct ImageData : public TDEShared {
ImageData( const KURL& url, const TQDateTime& _timestamp )
: timestamp(_timestamp)
, age(0)
, fast_url( url.isLocalFile() && !TDEIO::probably_slow_mounted( url.path()))
, priority( false ) {
void addFile( const TQByteArray& file );
void addImage( const ImageFrames& frames, const TQCString& format );
void addThumbnail( const TQPixmap& thumbnail, TQSize imagesize );
long long cost() const;
int size() const;
TQByteArray file;
ImageFrames frames;
TQPixmap thumbnail;
TQSize imagesize;
TQCString format;
TQDateTime timestamp;
mutable int age;
bool fast_url;
bool priority;
int fileSize() const;
int imageSize() const;
int thumbnailSize() const;
bool reduceSize();
bool isEmpty() const;
typedef TDESharedPtr<ImageData> Ptr;
typedef TQMap<KURL, ImageData::Ptr> ImageMap;
struct Cache::Private {
ImageMap mImages;
int mMaxSize;
int mThumbnailSize;
TQValueList< KURL > mPriorityURLs;
* This function tries to returns a valid ImageData for url and timestamp.
* If it can't find one, it will create a new one and return it.
ImageData::Ptr getOrCreateImageData(const KURL& url, const TQDateTime& timestamp) {
if (mImages.contains(url)) {
ImageData::Ptr data = mImages[url];
if (data->timestamp == timestamp) return data;
ImageData::Ptr data = new ImageData(url, timestamp);
mImages[url] = data;
if (mPriorityURLs.contains(url)) data->priority = true;
return data;
d = new Private;
// don't remember size for every thumbnail, but have one global and dump all if needed
d->mThumbnailSize = 0;
Cache::~Cache() {
delete d;
static Cache* sCache;
static KStaticDeleter<Cache> sCacheDeleter;
Cache* Cache::instance() {
if (!sCache) {
sCacheDeleter.setObject(sCache, new Cache());
return sCache;
// Priority URLs are used e.g. when prefetching for the slideshow - after an image is prefetched,
// the loader tries to put the image in the cache. When the slideshow advances, the next loader
// just gets the image from the cache. However, the prefetching may be useless if the image
// actually doesn't stay long enough in the cache, e.g. because of being too big for the cache.
// Marking an URL as a priority one will make sure it stays in the cache and that the cache
// will be even enlarged as necessary if needed.
void Cache::setPriorityURL( const KURL& url, bool set ) {
if( set ) {
d->mPriorityURLs.append( url );
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) {
d->mImages[ url ]->priority = true;
} else {
d->mPriorityURLs.remove( url );
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) {
d->mImages[ url ]->priority = false;
void Cache::addFile( const KURL& url, const TQByteArray& file, const TQDateTime& timestamp ) {
d->getOrCreateImageData(url, timestamp)->addFile(file);
void Cache::addImage( const KURL& url, const ImageFrames& frames, const TQCString& format, const TQDateTime& timestamp ) {
d->getOrCreateImageData(url, timestamp)->addImage(frames, format);
void Cache::addThumbnail( const KURL& url, const TQPixmap& thumbnail, TQSize imagesize, const TQDateTime& timestamp ) {
// Thumbnails are many and often - things would age too quickly. Therefore
// when adding thumbnails updateAge() is called from the outside only once for all of them.
// updateAge();
d->getOrCreateImageData(url, timestamp)->addThumbnail(thumbnail, imagesize);
void Cache::invalidate( const KURL& url ) {
d->mImages.remove( url );
TQDateTime Cache::timestamp( const KURL& url ) const {
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) return d->mImages[ url ]->timestamp;
return TQDateTime();
TQByteArray Cache::file( const KURL& url ) const {
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) {
const ImageData::Ptr data = d->mImages[ url ];
if( data->file.isNull()) return TQByteArray();
data->age = 0;
return data->file;
return TQByteArray();
void Cache::getFrames( const KURL& url, ImageFrames* frames, TQCString* format ) const {
*format = TQCString();
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) {
const ImageData::Ptr data = d->mImages[ url ];
if( data->frames.isEmpty()) return;
*frames = data->frames;
*format = data->format;
data->age = 0;
TQPixmap Cache::thumbnail( const KURL& url, TQSize& imagesize ) const {
if( d->mImages.contains( url )) {
const ImageData::Ptr data = d->mImages[ url ];
if( data->thumbnail.isNull()) return TQPixmap();
imagesize = data->imagesize;
// data.age = 0;
return data->thumbnail;
return TQPixmap();
void Cache::updateAge() {
for( ImageMap::Iterator it = d->mImages.begin();
it != d->mImages.end();
++it ) {
void Cache::checkThumbnailSize( int size ) {
if( size != d->mThumbnailSize ) {
// simply remove all thumbnails, should happen rarely
for( ImageMap::Iterator it = d->mImages.begin();
it != d->mImages.end();
) {
if( !(*it)->thumbnail.isNull()) {
ImageMap::Iterator it2 = it;
d->mImages.remove( it2 );
} else {
d->mThumbnailSize = size;
static KURL _cache_url; // hack only for debugging for item to show also its key
void Cache::checkMaxSize() {
for(;;) {
int size = 0;
ImageMap::Iterator max;
long long max_cost = -1;
int with_file = 0;
int with_thumb = 0;
int with_image = 0;
for( ImageMap::Iterator it = d->mImages.begin();
it != d->mImages.end();
++it ) {
size += (*it)->size();
if( !(*it).file.isNull()) ++with_file;
if( !(*it).thumbnail.isNull()) ++with_thumb;
if( !(*it).frames.isEmpty()) ++with_image;
long long cost = (*it)->cost();
if( cost > max_cost && ! (*it)->priority ) {
max_cost = cost;
max = it;
if( size <= d->mMaxSize || max_cost == -1 ) {
#if 0
kdDebug() << "Cache: Statistics (" << d->mImages.size() << "/" << with_file << "/"
<< with_thumb << "/" << with_image << ")" << endl;
_cache_url = max.key();
if( !(*max)->reduceSize() || (*max)->isEmpty()) d->mImages.remove( max );
void Cache::readConfig(TDEConfig* config,const TQString& group) {
TDEConfigGroupSaver saver( config, group );
d->mMaxSize = config->readNumEntry( CONFIG_CACHE_MAXSIZE, d->mMaxSize );
void ImageData::addFile( const TQByteArray& f ) {
file = f;
file.detach(); // explicit sharing
age = 0;
void ImageData::addImage( const ImageFrames& fs, const TQCString& f ) {
frames = fs;
format = f;
age = 0;
void ImageData::addThumbnail( const TQPixmap& thumb, TQSize imgsize ) {
thumbnail = thumb;
imagesize = imgsize;
// age = 0;
int ImageData::size() const {
return TQMAX( fileSize() + imageSize() + thumbnailSize(), 100 ); // some minimal size per item
int ImageData::fileSize() const {
return !file.isNull() ? file.size() : 0;
int ImageData::thumbnailSize() const {
return !thumbnail.isNull() ? thumbnail.height() * thumbnail.width() * thumbnail.depth() / 8 : 0;
int ImageData::imageSize() const {
int ret = 0;
for( ImageFrames::ConstIterator it = frames.begin(); it != frames.end(); ++it ) {
ret += (*it).image.height() * (*it).image.width() * (*it).image.depth() / 8;
return ret;
bool ImageData::reduceSize() {
if( !file.isNull() && fast_url && !frames.isEmpty()) {
file = TQByteArray();
kdDebug() << "Cache: Dumping fast file: " << _cache_url.prettyURL() << ":" << cost() << endl;
return true;
if( !thumbnail.isNull()) {
kdDebug() << "Cache: Dumping thumbnail: " << _cache_url.prettyURL() << ":" << cost() << endl;
thumbnail = TQPixmap();
return true;
if( !file.isNull() && !frames.isEmpty()) {
// possibly slow file to fetch - dump the image data unless the image
// is JPEG (which needs raw data anyway) or the raw data much larger than the image
if( format == "JPEG" || fileSize() < imageSize() / 10 ) {
kdDebug() << "Cache: Dumping images: " << _cache_url.prettyURL() << ":" << cost() << endl;
} else {
file = TQByteArray();
kdDebug() << "Cache: Dumping file: " << _cache_url.prettyURL() << ":" << cost() << endl;
return true;
kdDebug() << "Cache: Dumping completely: " << _cache_url.prettyURL() << ":" << cost() << endl;
return false; // reducing here would mean clearing everything
bool ImageData::isEmpty() const {
return file.isNull() && frames.isEmpty() && thumbnail.isNull();
long long ImageData::cost() const {
long long s = size();
if( fast_url && !file.isNull()) {
s *= ( format == "JPEG" ? 10 : 100 ); // heavy penalty for storing local files
} else if( !thumbnail.isNull()) {
s *= 10 * 10; // thumbnails are small, and try to get rid of them soon
static const int mod[] = { 50, 30, 20, 16, 12, 10 };
if( age <= 5 ) {
return s * 10 / mod[ age ];
} else {
return s * ( age - 5 );
} // namespace