You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1291 lines
32 KiB

* $Id: k3blistview.cpp 768493 2008-01-30 08:44:05Z trueg $
* Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This file is part of the K3b project.
* Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms.
#include "k3blistview.h"
#include "k3bmsfedit.h"
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qrect.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qiconset.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qvalidator.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qpalette.h>
#include <qstyle.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <kpixmapeffect.h>
#include <limits.h>
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
class K3bListViewItem::ColumnInfo
: showProgress(false),
validator(0) {
editorType = NONE;
button = false;
comboEditable = false;
next = 0;
fontSet = false;
backgroundColorSet = false;
foregroundColorSet = false;
~ColumnInfo() {
if( next )
delete next;
bool button;
int editorType;
QStringList comboItems;
bool comboEditable;
bool fontSet;
bool backgroundColorSet;
bool foregroundColorSet;
QFont font;
QColor backgroundColor;
QColor foregroundColor;
ColumnInfo* next;
bool showProgress;
int progressValue;
int totalProgressSteps;
int margin;
QValidator* validator;
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListView *parent)
: KListViewItem( parent )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent)
: KListViewItem( parent )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListView *parent, QListViewItem *after)
: KListViewItem( parent, after )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after)
: KListViewItem( parent, after )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListView *parent,
const QString& s1, const QString& s2,
const QString& s3, const QString& s4,
const QString& s5, const QString& s6,
const QString& s7, const QString& s8)
: KListViewItem( parent, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent,
const QString& s1, const QString& s2,
const QString& s3, const QString& s4,
const QString& s5, const QString& s6,
const QString& s7, const QString& s8)
: KListViewItem( parent, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListView *parent, QListViewItem *after,
const QString& s1, const QString& s2,
const QString& s3, const QString& s4,
const QString& s5, const QString& s6,
const QString& s7, const QString& s8)
: KListViewItem( parent, after, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 )
K3bListViewItem::K3bListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after,
const QString& s1, const QString& s2,
const QString& s3, const QString& s4,
const QString& s5, const QString& s6,
const QString& s7, const QString& s8)
: KListViewItem( parent, after, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8 )
if( K3bListView* lv = dynamic_cast<K3bListView*>(listView()) )
if( lv->currentlyEditedItem() == this )
if( m_columns )
delete m_columns;
void K3bListViewItem::init()
m_columns = 0;
m_vMargin = 0;
int K3bListViewItem::width( const QFontMetrics& fm, const QListView* lv, int c ) const
return KListViewItem::width( fm, lv, c ) + getColumnInfo(c)->margin*2;
void K3bListViewItem::setEditor( int column, int editor, const QStringList& cs )
ColumnInfo* colInfo = getColumnInfo(column);
colInfo->editorType = editor;
if( !cs.isEmpty() )
colInfo->comboItems = cs;
void K3bListViewItem::setValidator( int column, QValidator* v )
getColumnInfo(column)->validator = v;
QValidator* K3bListViewItem::validator( int col ) const
return getColumnInfo(col)->validator;
void K3bListViewItem::setButton( int column, bool on )
ColumnInfo* colInfo = getColumnInfo(column);
colInfo->button = on;
K3bListViewItem::ColumnInfo* K3bListViewItem::getColumnInfo( int col ) const
if( !m_columns )
m_columns = new ColumnInfo();
ColumnInfo* info = m_columns;
int i = 0;
while( i < col ) {
if( !info->next )
info->next = new ColumnInfo();
info = info->next;
return info;
int K3bListViewItem::editorType( int col ) const
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
return info->editorType;
bool K3bListViewItem::needButton( int col ) const
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
return info->button;
const QStringList& K3bListViewItem::comboStrings( int col ) const
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
return info->comboItems;
void K3bListViewItem::setFont( int col, const QFont& f )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->fontSet = true;
info->font = f;
void K3bListViewItem::setBackgroundColor( int col, const QColor& c )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->backgroundColorSet = true;
info->backgroundColor = c;
void K3bListViewItem::setForegroundColor( int col, const QColor& c )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->foregroundColorSet = true;
info->foregroundColor = c;
void K3bListViewItem::setDisplayProgressBar( int col, bool displ )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->showProgress = displ;
void K3bListViewItem::setProgress( int col, int p )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
if( !info->showProgress )
setDisplayProgressBar( col, true );
if( info->progressValue != p ) {
info->progressValue = p;
void K3bListViewItem::setTotalSteps( int col, int steps )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->totalProgressSteps = steps;
void K3bListViewItem::setMarginHorizontal( int col, int margin )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
info->margin = margin;
void K3bListViewItem::setMarginVertical( int margin )
m_vMargin = margin;
int K3bListViewItem::marginHorizontal( int col ) const
return getColumnInfo( col )->margin;
int K3bListViewItem::marginVertical() const
return m_vMargin;
void K3bListViewItem::setup()
setHeight( height() + 2*m_vMargin );
void K3bListViewItem::paintCell( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, int col, int width, int align )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
QFont oldFont( p->font() );
QFont newFont = info->fontSet ? info->font : oldFont;
p->setFont( newFont );
QColorGroup cgh(cg);
if( info->foregroundColorSet )
cgh.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, info->foregroundColor );
if( info->backgroundColorSet )
cgh.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, info->backgroundColor );
// in case this is the selected row has a margin we need to repaint the selection bar
if( isSelected() &&
(col == 0 || listView()->allColumnsShowFocus()) &&
info->margin > 0 ) {
p->fillRect( 0, 0, info->margin, height(),
cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
p->fillRect( width-info->margin, 0, info->margin, height(),
cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) );
else { // in case we use the KListView alternate color stuff
p->fillRect( 0, 0, info->margin, height(),
cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );
p->fillRect( width-info->margin, 0, info->margin, height(),
cgh.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) );
// FIXME: the margin (we can only translate horizontally since height() is used for painting)
p->translate( info->margin, 0 );
if( info->showProgress ) {
paintProgressBar( p, cgh, col, width-2*info->margin );
else {
paintK3bCell( p, cgh, col, width-2*info->margin, align );
void K3bListViewItem::paintK3bCell( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, int col, int width, int align )
QListViewItem::paintCell( p, cg, col, width, align );
void K3bListViewItem::paintProgressBar( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cgh, int col, int width )
ColumnInfo* info = getColumnInfo( col );
QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
if( listView()->isEnabled() )
flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
if( listView()->hasFocus() )
flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;
// FIXME: the QPainter is translated so 0, m_vMargin is the upper left of our paint rect
QRect r( 0, m_vMargin, width, height()-2*m_vMargin );
// create the double buffer pixmap
static QPixmap *doubleBuffer = 0;
if( !doubleBuffer )
doubleBuffer = new QPixmap;
doubleBuffer->resize( width, height() );
QPainter dbPainter( doubleBuffer );
// clear the background (we cannot use paintEmptyArea since it's protected in QListView)
if( K3bListView* lv = dynamic_cast<K3bListView*>(listView()) )
lv->paintEmptyArea( &dbPainter, r );
dbPainter.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height(),
cgh.brush( QPalette::backgroundRoleFromMode(listView()->viewport()->backgroundMode()) ) );
// we want a little additional margin
r.setLeft( r.left()+1 );
r.setWidth( r.width()-2 );
r.setTop( );
r.setHeight( r.height()-2 );
// this might be a stupid hack but most styles do not reimplement drawPrimitive PE_ProgressBarChunk
// so this way the user is happy....
static QProgressBar* s_dummyProgressBar = 0;
if( !s_dummyProgressBar ) {
s_dummyProgressBar = new QProgressBar();
s_dummyProgressBar->setTotalSteps( info->totalProgressSteps );
s_dummyProgressBar->setProgress( info->progressValue );
// some styles use the widget's geometry
s_dummyProgressBar->setGeometry( r );
listView()->style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_ProgressBarContents, &dbPainter, s_dummyProgressBar, r, cgh, flags );
listView()->style().drawControl(QStyle::CE_ProgressBarLabel, &dbPainter, s_dummyProgressBar, r, cgh, flags );
// now we really paint the progress in the listview
p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, *doubleBuffer );
K3bCheckListViewItem::K3bCheckListViewItem(QListView *parent)
: K3bListViewItem( parent ),
K3bCheckListViewItem::K3bCheckListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent)
: K3bListViewItem( parent ),
K3bCheckListViewItem::K3bCheckListViewItem(QListView *parent, QListViewItem *after)
: K3bListViewItem( parent, after ),
K3bCheckListViewItem::K3bCheckListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent, QListViewItem *after)
: K3bListViewItem( parent, after ),
bool K3bCheckListViewItem::isChecked() const
return m_checked;
void K3bCheckListViewItem::setChecked( bool checked )
m_checked = checked;
void K3bCheckListViewItem::paintK3bCell( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup& cg, int col, int width, int align )
K3bListViewItem::paintK3bCell( p, cg, col, width, align );
if( col == 0 ) {
if( m_checked ) {
QRect r( 0, marginVertical(), width, /*listView()->style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_CheckListButtonSize )*/height()-2*marginVertical() );
QStyle::SFlags flags = QStyle::Style_Default;
if( listView()->isEnabled() )
flags |= QStyle::Style_Enabled;
if( listView()->hasFocus() )
flags |= QStyle::Style_HasFocus;
if( isChecked() )
flags |= QStyle::Style_On;
flags |= QStyle::Style_Off;
listView()->style().drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_CheckMark, p, r, cg, flags );
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
class K3bListView::Private
QLineEdit* spinBoxLineEdit;
QLineEdit* msfEditLineEdit;
K3bListView::K3bListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: KListView( parent, name ),
m_noItemVMargin( 20 ),
m_noItemHMargin( 20 )
d = new Private;
connect( header(), SIGNAL( sizeChange( int, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( updateEditorSize() ) );
m_editorButton = 0;
m_editorComboBox = 0;
m_editorSpinBox = 0;
m_editorLineEdit = 0;
m_editorMsfEdit = 0;
m_currentEditItem = 0;
m_currentEditColumn = 0;
m_doubleClickForEdit = true;
m_lastClickedItem = 0;
delete d;
QWidget* K3bListView::editor( K3bListViewItem::EditorType t ) const
switch( t ) {
case K3bListViewItem::COMBO:
return m_editorComboBox;
case K3bListViewItem::LINE:
return m_editorLineEdit;
case K3bListViewItem::SPIN:
return m_editorSpinBox;
case K3bListViewItem::MSF:
return m_editorMsfEdit;
return 0;
void K3bListView::clear()
void K3bListView::editItem( K3bListViewItem* item, int col )
if( item == 0 )
else if( item->isEnabled() ) {
showEditor( item, col );
void K3bListView::hideEditor()
m_lastClickedItem = 0;
m_currentEditItem = 0;
m_currentEditColumn = 0;
if( m_editorSpinBox )
if( m_editorLineEdit )
if( m_editorComboBox )
if( m_editorButton )
if( m_editorMsfEdit )
void K3bListView::showEditor( K3bListViewItem* item, int col )
if( !item )
if( item->needButton( col ) || item->editorType(col) != K3bListViewItem::NONE ) {
m_currentEditColumn = col;
m_currentEditItem = item;
placeEditor( item, col );
if( item->needButton( col ) ) {
switch( item->editorType(col) ) {
case K3bListViewItem::COMBO:
m_editorComboBox->setValidator( item->validator(col) );
case K3bListViewItem::LINE:
m_editorLineEdit->setValidator( item->validator(col) );
case K3bListViewItem::SPIN:
case K3bListViewItem::MSF:
void K3bListView::placeEditor( K3bListViewItem* item, int col )
ensureItemVisible( item );
QRect r = itemRect( item );
r.setX( contentsToViewport( QPoint(header()->sectionPos( col ), 0) ).x() );
r.setWidth( header()->sectionSize( col ) - 1 );
// check if the column is fully visible
if( visibleWidth() < r.right() )
r = QRect( viewportToContents( r.topLeft() ), r.size() );
if( item->pixmap( col ) ) {
r.setX( r.x() + item->pixmap(col)->width() );
// the tree-stuff is painted in the first column
if( col == 0 ) {
r.setX( r.x() + item->depth() * treeStepSize() );
if( rootIsDecorated() )
r.setX( r.x() + treeStepSize() );
if( item->needButton(col) ) {
prepareButton( item, col );
m_editorButton->setFixedHeight( r.height() );
// for now we make a square button
m_editorButton->setFixedWidth( m_editorButton->height() );
r.setWidth( r.width() - m_editorButton->width() );
moveChild( m_editorButton, r.right(), r.y() );
if( QWidget* editor = prepareEditor( item, col ) ) {
editor->resize( r.size() );
// editor->resize( QSize( r.width(), editor->minimumSizeHint().height() ) );
moveChild( editor, r.x(), r.y() );
void K3bListView::prepareButton( K3bListViewItem*, int )
if( !m_editorButton ) {
m_editorButton = new QPushButton( viewport() );
connect( m_editorButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotEditorButtonClicked()) );
// TODO: do some useful things
m_editorButton->setText( "..." );
QWidget* K3bListView::prepareEditor( K3bListViewItem* item, int col )
switch( item->editorType(col) ) {
case K3bListViewItem::COMBO:
if( !m_editorComboBox ) {
m_editorComboBox = new QComboBox( viewport() );
connect( m_editorComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)),
this, SLOT(slotEditorComboBoxActivated(const QString&)) );
m_editorComboBox->installEventFilter( this );
if( item->comboStrings( col ).isEmpty() ) {
m_editorComboBox->insertItem( item->text( col ) );
else {
m_editorComboBox->insertStringList( item->comboStrings(col) );
int current = item->comboStrings(col).findIndex( item->text(col) );
if( current != -1 )
m_editorComboBox->setCurrentItem( current );
return m_editorComboBox;
case K3bListViewItem::LINE: {
if( !m_editorLineEdit ) {
m_editorLineEdit = new QLineEdit( viewport() );
m_editorLineEdit->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain );
m_editorLineEdit->installEventFilter( this );
QString txt = item->text( col );
m_editorLineEdit->setText( txt );
// select the edit text (handle extensions while doing so)
int pos = txt.findRev( '.' );
if( pos > 0 )
m_editorLineEdit->setSelection( 0, pos );
m_editorLineEdit->setSelection( 0, txt.length() );
return m_editorLineEdit;
// A QSpinBox (and thus also a K3bMsfEdit) uses a QLineEdit), thus
// we have to use this QLineEdit as the actual object to dead with
case K3bListViewItem::SPIN:
if( !m_editorSpinBox ) {
m_editorSpinBox = new QSpinBox( viewport() );
d->spinBoxLineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_editorSpinBox->child( 0, "QLineEdit" ) );
connect( m_editorSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(slotEditorSpinBoxValueChanged(int)) );
// m_editorSpinBox->installEventFilter( this );
d->spinBoxLineEdit->installEventFilter( this );
// set the range
m_editorSpinBox->setValue( item->text(col).toInt() );
return m_editorSpinBox;
case K3bListViewItem::MSF:
if( !m_editorMsfEdit ) {
m_editorMsfEdit = new K3bMsfEdit( viewport() );
d->msfEditLineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_editorMsfEdit->child( 0, "QLineEdit" ) );
connect( m_editorMsfEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(slotEditorMsfEditValueChanged(int)) );
// m_editorMsfEdit->installEventFilter( this );
d->msfEditLineEdit->installEventFilter( this );
m_editorMsfEdit->setText( item->text(col) );
return m_editorMsfEdit;
return 0;
void K3bListView::setCurrentItem( QListViewItem* i )
if( !i || i == currentItem() )
// I cannot remember why I did this here exactly. However, it resets the
// m_lastClickedItem and thus invalidates the editing.
// doRename();
// hideEditor();
// m_currentEditItem = 0;
KListView::setCurrentItem( i );
void K3bListView::setNoItemText( const QString& text )
m_noItemText = text;
void K3bListView::viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* e )
KListView::viewportPaintEvent( e );
// FIXME: move this to viewportPaintEvent
void K3bListView::drawContentsOffset( QPainter * p, int ox, int oy, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch )
KListView::drawContentsOffset( p, ox, oy, cx, cy, cw, ch );
if( childCount() == 0 && !m_noItemText.isEmpty()) {
p->setPen( Qt::darkGray );
QStringList lines = QStringList::split( "\n", m_noItemText );
int xpos = m_noItemHMargin;
int ypos = m_noItemVMargin + p->fontMetrics().height();
QStringList::Iterator end ( lines.end() );
for( QStringList::Iterator str = lines.begin(); str != end; ++str ) {
p->drawText( xpos, ypos, *str );
ypos += p->fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
void K3bListView::paintEmptyArea( QPainter* p, const QRect& rect )
KListView::paintEmptyArea( p, rect );
// if( childCount() == 0 && !m_noItemText.isEmpty()) {
// QPainter pp( viewport() );
// pp.fillRect( viewport()->rect(), viewport()->paletteBackgroundColor() );
// pp.end();
// p->setPen( Qt::darkGray );
// QStringList lines = QStringList::split( "\n", m_noItemText );
// int xpos = m_noItemHMargin;
// int ypos = m_noItemVMargin + p->fontMetrics().height();
// for( QStringList::Iterator str = lines.begin(); str != lines.end(); str++ ) {
// p->drawText( xpos, ypos, *str );
// ypos += p->fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
// }
// }
void K3bListView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
KListView::resizeEvent( e );
void K3bListView::updateEditorSize()
if( m_currentEditItem )
placeEditor( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn );
void K3bListView::slotEditorLineEditReturnPressed()
if( doRename() ) {
// edit the next line
// TODO: add config for this
if( K3bListViewItem* nextItem = dynamic_cast<K3bListViewItem*>( m_currentEditItem->nextSibling() ) )
editItem( nextItem, currentEditColumn() );
else {
// keep the focus here
void K3bListView::slotEditorComboBoxActivated( const QString& )
// if( renameItem( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn, str ) ) {
// m_currentEditItem->setText( m_currentEditColumn, str );
// emit itemRenamed( m_currentEditItem, str, m_currentEditColumn );
// }
// else {
// for( int i = 0; i < m_editorComboBox->count(); ++i ) {
// if( m_editorComboBox->text(i) == m_currentEditItem->text(m_currentEditColumn) ) {
// m_editorComboBox->setCurrentItem( i );
// break;
// }
// }
// }
void K3bListView::slotEditorSpinBoxValueChanged( int )
// if( renameItem( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn, QString::number(value) ) ) {
// m_currentEditItem->setText( m_currentEditColumn, QString::number(value) );
// emit itemRenamed( m_currentEditItem, QString::number(value), m_currentEditColumn );
// }
// else
// m_editorSpinBox->setValue( m_currentEditItem->text( m_currentEditColumn ).toInt() );
void K3bListView::slotEditorMsfEditValueChanged( int )
// FIXME: do we always need to update the value. Isn't it enough to do it at the end?
// if( renameItem( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn, QString::number(value) ) ) {
// m_currentEditItem->setText( m_currentEditColumn, QString::number(value) );
// emit itemRenamed( m_currentEditItem, QString::number(value), m_currentEditColumn );
// }
// else
// m_editorMsfEdit->setText( m_currentEditItem->text( m_currentEditColumn ) );
bool K3bListView::doRename()
if( m_currentEditItem ) {
QString newValue;
switch( m_currentEditItem->editorType( m_currentEditColumn ) ) {
case K3bListViewItem::COMBO:
newValue = m_editorComboBox->currentText();
case K3bListViewItem::LINE:
newValue = m_editorLineEdit->text();
case K3bListViewItem::SPIN:
newValue = QString::number(m_editorSpinBox->value());
case K3bListViewItem::MSF:
newValue = QString::number(m_editorMsfEdit->value());
if( renameItem( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn, newValue ) ) {
m_currentEditItem->setText( m_currentEditColumn, newValue );
emit itemRenamed( m_currentEditItem, newValue, m_currentEditColumn );
return true;
else {
switch( m_currentEditItem->editorType( m_currentEditColumn ) ) {
case K3bListViewItem::COMBO:
for( int i = 0; i < m_editorComboBox->count(); ++i ) {
if( m_editorComboBox->text(i) == m_currentEditItem->text(m_currentEditColumn) ) {
m_editorComboBox->setCurrentItem( i );
case K3bListViewItem::LINE:
m_editorLineEdit->setText( m_currentEditItem->text( m_currentEditColumn ) );
case K3bListViewItem::SPIN:
m_editorSpinBox->setValue( m_currentEditItem->text( m_currentEditColumn ).toInt() );
case K3bListViewItem::MSF:
m_editorMsfEdit->setText( m_currentEditItem->text( m_currentEditColumn ) );
return false;
void K3bListView::slotEditorButtonClicked()
slotEditorButtonClicked( m_currentEditItem, m_currentEditColumn );
bool K3bListView::renameItem( K3bListViewItem* item, int col, const QString& text )
return true;
void K3bListView::slotEditorButtonClicked( K3bListViewItem* item, int col )
emit editorButtonClicked( item, col );
bool K3bListView::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e )
if( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) {
QKeyEvent* ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(e);
if( ke->key() == Key_Tab ) {
if( o == m_editorLineEdit ||
o == d->msfEditLineEdit ||
o == d->spinBoxLineEdit ) {
K3bListViewItem* lastEditItem = m_currentEditItem;
if( lastEditItem ) {
// can we rename one of the other columns?
int col = currentEditColumn()+1;
while( col < columns() && lastEditItem->editorType( col ) == K3bListViewItem::NONE )
if( col < columns() )
editItem( lastEditItem, col );
else {
// keep the focus here
// search for the next editable item
while( K3bListViewItem* nextItem =
dynamic_cast<K3bListViewItem*>( lastEditItem->nextSibling() ) ) {
// edit first column
col = 0;
while( col < columns() && nextItem->editorType( col ) == K3bListViewItem::NONE )
if( col < columns() ) {
editItem( nextItem, col );
lastEditItem = nextItem;
return true;
if( ke->key() == Key_Return ||
ke->key() == Key_Enter ) {
if( o == m_editorLineEdit ||
o == d->msfEditLineEdit ||
o == d->spinBoxLineEdit ) {
K3bListViewItem* lastEditItem = m_currentEditItem;
if( K3bListViewItem* nextItem =
dynamic_cast<K3bListViewItem*>( lastEditItem->nextSibling() ) )
editItem( nextItem, currentEditColumn() );
else {
// keep the focus here
return true;
else if( ke->key() == Key_Escape ) {
if( o == m_editorLineEdit ||
o == d->msfEditLineEdit ||
o == d->spinBoxLineEdit ) {
// keep the focus here
return true;
else if( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress && o == viewport() ) {
// first let's grab the focus
QMouseEvent* me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e );
QListViewItem* item = itemAt( me->pos() );
int col = header()->sectionAt( me->pos().x() );
if( K3bCheckListViewItem* ci = dynamic_cast<K3bCheckListViewItem*>( item ) ) {
if( col == 0 ) {
// FIXME: improve this click area!
ci->setChecked( !ci->isChecked() );
return true;
if( me->button() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton ) {
if( item != m_currentEditItem || m_currentEditColumn != col ) {
if( K3bListViewItem* k3bItem = dynamic_cast<K3bListViewItem*>(item) ) {
if( me->pos().x() > item->depth()*treeStepSize() &&
item->isEnabled() &&
(m_lastClickedItem == item || !m_doubleClickForEdit) )
showEditor( k3bItem, col );
else {
// keep the focus here
else {
// keep the focus here
// do not count clicks in the item tree for editing
if( item && me->pos().x() > item->depth()*treeStepSize() )
m_lastClickedItem = item;
else if( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) {
if( o == m_editorLineEdit ||
o == d->msfEditLineEdit ||
o == d->spinBoxLineEdit ||
o == m_editorComboBox ) {
// make sure we did not lose the focus to one of the edit widgets' children
if( !qApp->focusWidget() || qApp->focusWidget()->parentWidget() != o ) {
return KListView::eventFilter( o, e );
void K3bListView::setK3bBackgroundPixmap( const QPixmap& pix, int pos )
m_backgroundPixmap = pix;
m_backgroundPixmapPosition = pos;
void K3bListView::viewportResizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e )
if( !m_backgroundPixmap.isNull() ) {
QSize size = viewport()->size().expandedTo( QSize( contentsWidth(), contentsHeight() ) );
QPixmap bgPix( size );
// FIXME: let the user specify the color
bgPix.fill( colorGroup().base() );
if( bgPix.width() < m_backgroundPixmap.width() ||
bgPix.height() < m_backgroundPixmap.height() ) {
QPixmap newBgPix( m_backgroundPixmap.convertToImage().scale( bgPix.size(), QImage::ScaleMin ) );
if( m_backgroundPixmapPosition == TOP_LEFT )
bitBlt( &bgPix, 0, 0,
&newBgPix, 0, 0,
newBgPix.width(), newBgPix.height() );
else {
int dx = bgPix.width() / 2 - m_backgroundPixmap.width() /2;
int dy = bgPix.height() / 2 - m_backgroundPixmap.height() /2;
bitBlt( &bgPix, dx, dy, &newBgPix, 0, 0,
newBgPix.width(), newBgPix.height() );
else {
if( m_backgroundPixmapPosition == TOP_LEFT )
bitBlt( &bgPix, 0, 0,
&m_backgroundPixmap, 0, 0,
m_backgroundPixmap.width(), m_backgroundPixmap.height() );
else {
int dx = bgPix.width() / 2 - m_backgroundPixmap.width() /2;
int dy = bgPix.height() / 2 - m_backgroundPixmap.height() /2;
bitBlt( &bgPix, dx, dy, &m_backgroundPixmap, 0, 0,
m_backgroundPixmap.width(), m_backgroundPixmap.height() );
viewport()->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( bgPix );
KListView::viewportResizeEvent( e );
QListViewItem* K3bListView::parentItem( QListViewItem* item )
if( !item )
return 0;
if( item->parent() )
return item->parent();
return K3bListView::parentItem( item->itemAbove() );
KPixmap K3bListView::createDragPixmap( const QPtrList<QListViewItem>& items )
// Create drag pixmap.
// If there are too many items fade the pixmap using the mask
// always fade invisible items
int width = header()->width();
int height = 0;
for( QPtrListIterator<QListViewItem> it( items ); *it; ++it ) {
QRect r = itemRect( *it );
if( r.isValid() ) {
height += ( *it )->height();
// now we should have a range top->bottom which includes all visible items
// there are two situations in which we fade the pixmap on the top or the bottom:
// 1. there are invisible items above (below) the visible
// 2. the range is way too big
// FIXME: how do we determine if there are invisible items outside our range?
KPixmap pix;
pix.resize( width, height );
pix.fill( Qt::white );
// QBitmap mask( width, bottom-top );
// now paint all the visible items into the pixmap
// FIXME: only paint the visible items
QPainter p( &pix );
for( QListViewItemIterator it( this ); *it; ++it ) {
QListViewItem* item = *it;
// FIXME: items on other than the top level have a smaller first column
// the same goes for all items if root is decorated
bool alreadyDrawing = false;
QRect r = itemRect( item );
if( r.isValid() ) {
if( items.containsRef( item ) ) {
// paint all columns
int x = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < columns(); ++i ) {
item->paintCell( &p, colorGroup(), i, columnWidth( i ), columnAlignment( i ) );
p.translate( columnWidth( i ), 0 );
x += columnWidth( i );
p.translate( -x, item->height() );
alreadyDrawing = true;
else if( alreadyDrawing )
p.translate( 0, item->height() );
if( p.worldMatrix().dy() >= pix.height() )
// make it a little lighter
KPixmapEffect::fade( pix, 0.3, Qt::white );
// FIXME: fade the pixmap at the right side if the items are longer than width
return pix;
#include "k3blistview.moc"