/* * FLAC decoder module for K3b. * Based on the Ogg Vorbis module for same. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 John Steele Scott * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include #include "k3bflacdecoder.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TAGLIB #include #include #endif #if !defined FLACPP_API_VERSION_CURRENT || FLACPP_API_VERSION_CURRENT < 6 #define LEGACY_FLAC #else #undef LEGACY_FLAC #endif K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libk3bflacdecoder, K3bPluginFactory( "libk3bflacdecoder" ) ) class K3bFLACDecoder::Private #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC : public FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream #else : public FLAC::Decoder::Stream #endif { public: void open(TQFile* f) { file = f; file->open(IO_ReadOnly); TQT_TQIODEVICE(internalBuffer)->flush(); set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO); set_metadata_respond(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT); init(); process_until_end_of_metadata(); } void cleanup() { file->close(); finish(); delete comments; comments = 0; } Private(TQFile* f) #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC : FLAC::Decoder::SeekableStream(), #else : FLAC::Decoder::Stream(), #endif comments(0) { internalBuffer = new TQBuffer(); internalBuffer->open(IO_ReadWrite); open(f); } ~Private() { cleanup(); delete internalBuffer; } bool seekToFrame(int frame); TQFile* file; TQBuffer* internalBuffer; FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment* comments; unsigned rate; unsigned channels; unsigned bitsPerSample; unsigned maxFramesize; unsigned maxBlocksize; unsigned minFramesize; unsigned minBlocksize; FLAC__uint64 samples; protected: #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC virtual FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderReadStatus read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes); virtual FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderSeekStatus seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset); virtual FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderTellStatus tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset); virtual FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderLengthStatus length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length); #else virtual FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t *bytes); virtual FLAC__StreamDecoderSeekStatus seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset); virtual FLAC__StreamDecoderTellStatus tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset); virtual FLAC__StreamDecoderLengthStatus length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length); #endif virtual bool eof_callback(); virtual void error_callback(FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus){}; virtual void metadata_callback(const ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata); virtual ::FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus write_callback(const ::FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]); }; bool K3bFLACDecoder::Private::seekToFrame(int frame) { FLAC__uint64 sample = frame * rate / 75; return seek_absolute(sample); } bool K3bFLACDecoder::Private::eof_callback() { return file->atEnd(); } #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderReadStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], unsigned *bytes) { long retval = file->readBlock((char *)buffer, (*bytes)); if(-1 == retval) { return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ERROR; } else { (*bytes) = retval; return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_OK; } } #else FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::read_callback(FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t *bytes) { long retval = file->readBlock((char *)buffer, (*bytes)); if(-1 == retval) { return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_ABORT; } else { (*bytes) = retval; return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_CONTINUE; } } #endif #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderSeekStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset) { if(!file->at(absolute_byte_offset)) return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_SEEK_STATUS_ERROR; else return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_SEEK_STATUS_OK; } #else FLAC__StreamDecoderSeekStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::seek_callback(FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset) { if(file->at(absolute_byte_offset) == FALSE) return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEEK_STATUS_ERROR; else return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_SEEK_STATUS_OK; } #endif #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderTellStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset) { (*absolute_byte_offset) = file->at(); return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_TELL_STATUS_OK; } #else FLAC__StreamDecoderTellStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::tell_callback(FLAC__uint64 *absolute_byte_offset) { (*absolute_byte_offset) = file->at(); return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_TELL_STATUS_OK; } #endif #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC FLAC__SeekableStreamDecoderLengthStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length) { (*stream_length) = file->size(); return FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_LENGTH_STATUS_OK; } #else FLAC__StreamDecoderLengthStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::length_callback(FLAC__uint64 *stream_length) { (*stream_length) = file->size(); return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_LENGTH_STATUS_OK; } #endif void K3bFLACDecoder::Private::metadata_callback(const FLAC__StreamMetadata *metadata) { switch (metadata->type) { case FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO: channels = metadata->data.stream_info.channels; rate = metadata->data.stream_info.sample_rate; bitsPerSample = metadata->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample; samples = metadata->data.stream_info.total_samples; maxFramesize = metadata->data.stream_info.max_framesize; minFramesize = metadata->data.stream_info.min_framesize; maxBlocksize = metadata->data.stream_info.max_blocksize; minBlocksize = metadata->data.stream_info.min_blocksize; break; case FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT: comments = new FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment((FLAC__StreamMetadata *)metadata, true); break; default: break; } } FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus K3bFLACDecoder::Private::write_callback(const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buffer[]) { unsigned i, j; // Note that in canDecode we made sure that the input is 1-16 bit stereo or mono. unsigned samples = frame->header.blocksize; for(i=0; i < samples; i++) { // in FLAC channel 0 is left, 1 is right for(j=0; j < this->channels; j++) { FLAC__int32 value = (buffer[j][i])<<(16 - frame->header.bits_per_sample); internalBuffer->putch(value >> 8); // msb internalBuffer->putch(value & 0xFF); // lsb } } // Rewind the buffer so the decode method will take data from the beginning. internalBuffer->at(0); return FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_WRITE_STATUS_CONTINUE; } K3bFLACDecoder::K3bFLACDecoder( TQObject* tqparent, const char* name ) : K3bAudioDecoder( tqparent, name ) { d = 0; } K3bFLACDecoder::~K3bFLACDecoder() { delete d; } void K3bFLACDecoder::cleanup() { if (d) { d->cleanup(); d->open(new TQFile(filename())); } else d = new Private(new TQFile(filename())); } bool K3bFLACDecoder::analyseFileInternal( K3b::Msf& frames, int& samplerate, int& ch ) { cleanup(); frames = (unsigned long)ceil((d->samples * 75.0)/d->rate); samplerate = d->rate; ch = d->channels; // add meta info if( d->comments != 0 ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) unpacking Vorbis tags" << endl; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < d->comments->get_num_comments(); ++i ) { TQString key = TQString::fromUtf8( d->comments->get_comment(i).get_field_name(), d->comments->get_comment(i).get_field_name_length() ); TQString value = TQString::fromUtf8( d->comments->get_comment(i).get_field_value(), d->comments->get_comment(i).get_field_value_length() ); if( key.upper() == "TITLE" ) addMetaInfo( META_TITLE, value ); else if( key.upper() == "ARTIST" ) addMetaInfo( META_ARTIST, value ); else if( key.upper() == "DESCRIPTION" ) addMetaInfo( META_COMMENT, value ); } } #ifdef HAVE_TAGLIB if ((d->comments == 0) || (d->comments->get_num_comments() == 0)) { // no Vorbis comments, check for ID3 tags kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) using taglib to read tag" << endl; TagLib::FLAC::File f( TQFile::encodeName(filename()) ); if( f.isOpen() ) { addMetaInfo( META_TITLE, TStringToQString( f.tag()->title() ) ); addMetaInfo( META_ARTIST, TStringToQString( f.tag()->artist() ) ); addMetaInfo( META_COMMENT, TStringToQString( f.tag()->comment() ) ); } } #endif return true; } bool K3bFLACDecoder::initDecoderInternal() { cleanup(); return true; } int K3bFLACDecoder::decodeInternal( char* _data, int maxLen ) { int bytesToCopy; int bytesCopied; int bytesAvailable; #ifdef LEGACY_FLAC if(d->internalBuffer->size() == 0) { // want more data switch(d->get_state()) { case FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM: d->finish(); break; case FLAC__SEEKABLE_STREAM_DECODER_OK: if(! d->process_single()) return -1; break; default: return -1; } } #else if(d->internalBuffer->size() == 0) { // want more data if(d->get_state() == FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM) d->finish(); else if(d->get_state() < FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM) { if(! d->process_single()) return -1; } else return -1; } #endif bytesAvailable = d->internalBuffer->size() - d->internalBuffer->at(); bytesToCopy = TQMIN(maxLen, bytesAvailable); bytesCopied = (int)d->internalBuffer->readBlock(_data, bytesToCopy); if(bytesCopied == bytesAvailable) { // reset the buffer d->internalBuffer->close(); d->internalBuffer->open(IO_ReadWrite|IO_Truncate); } return bytesCopied; } bool K3bFLACDecoder::seekInternal( const K3b::Msf& pos ) { return d->seekToFrame(pos.totalFrames()); } TQString K3bFLACDecoder::fileType() const { return i18n("FLAC"); } TQStringList K3bFLACDecoder::supportedTechnicalInfos() const { return TQStringList::split( ";", i18n("Channels") + ";" + i18n("Sampling Rate") + ";" + i18n("Sample Size") ); } TQString K3bFLACDecoder::technicalInfo( const TQString& info ) const { if( d->comments != 0 ) { if( info == i18n("Vendor") ) #ifdef FLAC_NEWER_THAN_1_1_1 return TQString::fromUtf8((char*)d->comments->get_vendor_string()); #else return TQString::fromUtf8(d->comments->get_vendor_string().get_field()); #endif else if( info == i18n("Channels") ) return TQString::number(d->channels); else if( info == i18n("Sampling Rate") ) return i18n("%1 Hz").tqarg(d->rate); else if( info == i18n("Sample Size") ) return i18n("%1 bits").tqarg(d->bitsPerSample); } return TQString(); } K3bFLACDecoderFactory::K3bFLACDecoderFactory( TQObject* tqparent, const char* name ) : K3bAudioDecoderFactory( tqparent, name ) { } K3bFLACDecoderFactory::~K3bFLACDecoderFactory() { } K3bAudioDecoder* K3bFLACDecoderFactory::createDecoder( TQObject* tqparent, const char* name ) const { return new K3bFLACDecoder( tqparent, name ); } bool K3bFLACDecoderFactory::canDecode( const KURL& url ) { // buffer large enough to read an ID3 tag header char buf[10]; // Note: since file is created on the stack it will be closed automatically // by its destructor when this method (i.e. canDecode) returns. TQFile file(url.path()); if(!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) Could not open file " << url.path() << endl; return false; } // look for a fLaC magic number or ID3 tag header if(10 != file.readBlock(buf, 10)) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecorder) File " << url.path() << " is too small to be a FLAC file" << endl; return false; } if(0 == memcmp(buf, "ID3", 3)) { // Found ID3 tag, try and seek past it. kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecorder) File " << url.path() << ": found ID3 tag" << endl; // See www.id3.org for details of the header, note that the size field // unpacks to 7-bit bytes, then the +10 is for the header itself. int pos; pos = ((buf[6]<<21)|(buf[7]<<14)|(buf[8]<<7)|buf[9]) + 10; kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) " << url.path() << ": seeking to " << pos << endl; if(!file.at(pos)) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) " << url.path() << ": couldn't seek to " << pos << endl; return false; }else{ // seek was okay, try and read magic number into buf if(4 != file.readBlock(buf, 4)) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecorder) File " << url.path() << " has ID3 tag but naught else!" << endl; return false; } } } if(memcmp(buf, "fLaC", 4) != 0) { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) " << url.path() << ": not a FLAC file" << endl; return false; } FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo info = FLAC::Metadata::StreamInfo(); FLAC::Metadata::get_streaminfo(url.path().ascii(), info); if((info.get_channels() <= 2) && (info.get_bits_per_sample() <= 16)) { return true; } else { kdDebug() << "(K3bFLACDecoder) " << url.path() << ": wrong format:" << endl << " channels: " << TQString::number(info.get_channels()) << endl << " samplerate: " << TQString::number(info.get_sample_rate()) << endl << " bits/sample: " << TQString::number(info.get_bits_per_sample()) << endl; return false; } } #include "k3bflacdecoder.moc"