Installing K3b 1.0 ------------------ What you need to run K3b: mandatory: - since K3b is a CD writing program a cd writer would be a good thing to have ;-) - the QT3 library (at least version 3.2) - the KDE3 libraries (at least version 3.2) - the cdparanoia library for cd ripping from Monty - the cdrtools (cdrecord, mkisofs) from Joerg Schilling - the dvd+rw-tools by Andy Polyakov for DVD writing optional: - cdrdao, the other linux cd writing program from Andreas Mueller - the transcode tools for DVD ripping and DivX/XviD encoding from Thomas Oestreich - vcdimager >= 0.7 for creating video cds - libmad for mp3 decoding - ogg-vorbis libraries for encoding and decoding - the FLAC++ libraries for flac-decoding - the eMovix package - TagLib by Scott Wheeler for reading Meta data tags - the musepack (or now mpcdec) library for decoding Musepack audio files - the ffmpeg library to decode other audio file formats such as wma - the sndfile library to decode audio file formats such as AIFF or VOC - the lame library to encode audio files in the mp3 format - sox to encode audio files in formats such as AIFF or VOC - a dynamically compiled libffmpeg for wma decoding - the musicbrainz library for metadata queries for single audio titles After that it's all the same: ./configure or try ./configure --help to learn about the options. If configure was successful you are presented with a list of configure results that shows which optional features are enabled. Now just compile K3b: make Now you are ready to install: make install (as root) See PERMISSIONS on hints how to properly setup the permissions to use K3b without problems. Have fun Sebastian Trueg (