/* * * $Id$ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3binteractiondialog.h" #include "k3btitlelabel.h" #include "kcutlabel.h" #include "k3bstdguiitems.h" #include "k3bpushbutton.h" #include "k3bthemedheader.h" #include "k3bthememanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K3bInteractionDialog::K3bInteractionDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, const QString& title, const QString& subTitle, int buttonMask, int defaultButton, const QString& configGroup, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : KDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ), m_mainWidget(0), m_defaultButton(defaultButton), m_configGroup(configGroup), m_exitLoopOnHide(true), m_inLoop(false), m_inToggleMode(false), m_delayedInit(false) { installEventFilter( this ); mainGrid = new QGridLayout( this ); mainGrid->setSpacing( spacingHint() ); mainGrid->setMargin( marginHint() ); // header // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_dialogHeader = new K3bThemedHeader( this ); mainGrid->addMultiCellWidget( m_dialogHeader, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); // settings buttons // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( !m_configGroup.isEmpty() ) { QHBoxLayout* layout2 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, spacingHint(), "layout2"); m_buttonLoadSettings = new K3bToolButton( /*i18n("User Defaults"), */this ); ((K3bToolButton*)m_buttonLoadSettings)->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "revert" ) ); QPopupMenu* userDefaultsPopup = new QPopupMenu( m_buttonLoadSettings ); userDefaultsPopup->insertItem( i18n("Load default settings"), this, SLOT(slotLoadK3bDefaults()) ); userDefaultsPopup->insertItem( i18n("Load saved settings"), this, SLOT(slotLoadUserDefaults()) ); userDefaultsPopup->insertItem( i18n("Load last used settings"), this, SLOT(slotLoadLastSettings()) ); ((QToolButton*)m_buttonLoadSettings)->setPopup( userDefaultsPopup ); ((K3bToolButton*)m_buttonLoadSettings)->setInstantMenu( true ); layout2->addWidget( m_buttonLoadSettings ); m_buttonSaveSettings = new QToolButton( /*i18n("Save User Defaults"), */this, "m_buttonSaveSettings" ); ((QToolButton*)m_buttonSaveSettings)->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "filesave" ) ); layout2->addWidget( m_buttonSaveSettings ); mainGrid->addLayout( layout2, 2, 0 ); } QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 10, 10, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); mainGrid->addItem( spacer, 2, 1 ); // action buttons // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QHBoxLayout* layout5 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, spacingHint(), "layout5"); if( buttonMask & START_BUTTON ) { KGuiItem startItem = KStdGuiItem::ok(); m_buttonStart = new KPushButton( startItem, this, "m_buttonStart" ); // refine the button text setButtonText( START_BUTTON, i18n("Start"), i18n("Start the task") ); QFont fnt( m_buttonStart->font() ); fnt.setBold(true); m_buttonStart->setFont( fnt ); } else m_buttonStart = 0; if( buttonMask & SAVE_BUTTON ) { m_buttonSave = new KPushButton( KStdGuiItem::save(), this, "m_buttonSave" ); } else m_buttonSave = 0; if( buttonMask & CANCEL_BUTTON ) { m_buttonCancel = new KPushButton( KConfigGroup( k3bcore->config(), "General Options" ) .readBoolEntry( "keep action dialogs open", false ) ? KStdGuiItem::close() : KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this, "m_buttonCancel" ); } else m_buttonCancel = 0; // we only handle some of the possible settings since // our buttons are always to the right of the dialog int btl = 0; #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,3,0) btl = KGlobalSettings::buttonLayout(); #endif switch( btl ) { case 0: // KDE default default: if ( m_buttonStart ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonStart ); if ( m_buttonSave ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonSave ); if ( m_buttonCancel ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonCancel ); break; case 1: // something different if ( m_buttonCancel ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonCancel ); if ( m_buttonSave ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonSave ); if ( m_buttonStart ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonStart ); break; case 2: // GTK-Style if ( m_buttonSave ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonSave ); if ( m_buttonCancel ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonCancel ); if ( m_buttonStart ) layout5->addWidget( m_buttonStart ); break; } mainGrid->addLayout( layout5, 2, 2 ); mainGrid->setRowStretch( 1, 1 ); setTitle( title, subTitle ); initConnections(); initToolTipsAndWhatsThis(); setDefaultButton( START_BUTTON ); } K3bInteractionDialog::~K3bInteractionDialog() { } void K3bInteractionDialog::show() { KDialog::show(); if( KPushButton* b = getButton( m_defaultButton ) ) b->setFocus(); } QSize K3bInteractionDialog::sizeHint() const { QSize s = KDialog::sizeHint(); // I want the dialogs to look good. // That means their height should never outgrow their width if( s.height() > s.width() ) s.setWidth( s.height() ); return s; } void K3bInteractionDialog::initConnections() { if( m_buttonStart ) { connect( m_buttonStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotStartClickedInternal()) ); } if( m_buttonSave ) { // connect( m_buttonSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), // this, SLOT(slotSaveLastSettings()) ); connect( m_buttonSave, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSaveClicked()) ); } if( m_buttonCancel ) connect( m_buttonCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCancelClicked()) ); if( !m_configGroup.isEmpty() ) { connect( m_buttonSaveSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSaveUserDefaults()) ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::initToolTipsAndWhatsThis() { if( !m_configGroup.isEmpty() ) { // ToolTips // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QToolTip::add( m_buttonLoadSettings, i18n("Load default or saved settings") ); QToolTip::add( m_buttonSaveSettings, i18n("Save current settings to reuse them later") ); // What's This info // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- QWhatsThis::add( m_buttonLoadSettings, i18n("

Load a set of settings either from the default K3b settings, " "settings saved before, or the last used ones.") ); QWhatsThis::add( m_buttonSaveSettings, i18n("

Saves the current settings of the action dialog." "

These settings can be loaded with the Load saved settings " "button." "

The K3b defaults are not overwritten by this.") ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setTitle( const QString& title, const QString& subTitle ) { m_dialogHeader->setTitle( title, subTitle ); setCaption( title ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::setMainWidget( QWidget* w ) { w->reparent( this, QPoint(0,0) ); mainGrid->addMultiCellWidget( w, 1, 1, 0, 2 ); m_mainWidget = w; } QWidget* K3bInteractionDialog::mainWidget() { if( !m_mainWidget ) { setMainWidget( new QWidget( this ) ); } return m_mainWidget; } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotLoadK3bDefaults() { loadK3bDefaults(); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotLoadUserDefaults() { KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), m_configGroup ); loadUserDefaults( &c ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotSaveUserDefaults() { KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), m_configGroup ); saveUserDefaults( &c ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotLoadLastSettings() { KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), "last used " + m_configGroup ); loadUserDefaults( &c ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::saveLastSettings() { KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), "last used " + m_configGroup ); saveUserDefaults( &c ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotStartClickedInternal() { saveLastSettings(); KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), "General Options" ); if( !c.readNumEntry( "action dialog startup settings", 0 ) ) { // first time saving last used settings switch( K3bMultiChoiceDialog::choose( i18n("Action Dialog Settings"), i18n("

K3b handles three sets of settings in action dialogs: " "the defaults, the saved settings, and the last used settings. " "Please choose which of these sets should be loaded if an action " "dialog is opened again." "

Be aware that this choice can always be changed from the K3b " "configuration dialog."), QMessageBox::Question, this, 0, 3, i18n("Default Settings"), i18n("Saved Settings"), i18n("Last Used Settings") ) ) { case 1: c.writeEntry( "action dialog startup settings", LOAD_K3B_DEFAULTS ); break; case 2: c.writeEntry( "action dialog startup settings", LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS ); break; case 3: c.writeEntry( "action dialog startup settings", LOAD_LAST_SETTINGS ); break; } } slotStartClicked(); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotStartClicked() { emit started(); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotCancelClicked() { emit canceled(); close( false ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotSaveClicked() { emit saved(); } void K3bInteractionDialog::setDefaultButton( int button ) { m_defaultButton = button; // reset all other default buttons if( KPushButton* b = getButton( START_BUTTON ) ) b->setDefault( true ); if( KPushButton* b = getButton( SAVE_BUTTON ) ) b->setDefault( true ); if( KPushButton* b = getButton( CANCEL_BUTTON ) ) b->setDefault( true ); // set the selected default if( KPushButton* b = getButton( button ) ) b->setDefault( true ); } bool K3bInteractionDialog::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* ev ) { if( dynamic_cast(o) == this && ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent* kev = dynamic_cast(ev); switch ( kev->key() ) { case Key_Enter: case Key_Return: // if the process finished this closes the dialog if( m_defaultButton == START_BUTTON ) { if( m_buttonStart->isEnabled() ) slotStartClickedInternal(); } else if( m_defaultButton == CANCEL_BUTTON ) { if( m_buttonCancel->isEnabled() ) slotCancelClicked(); } else if( m_defaultButton == SAVE_BUTTON ) { if( m_buttonSave->isEnabled() ) slotSaveClicked(); } return true; case Key_Escape: // simulate button clicks if( m_buttonCancel ) { if( m_buttonCancel->isEnabled() ) slotCancelClicked(); } return true; } } return KDialog::eventFilter( o, ev ); } KPushButton* K3bInteractionDialog::getButton( int button ) { switch( button ) { case START_BUTTON: return m_buttonStart; case SAVE_BUTTON: return m_buttonSave; case CANCEL_BUTTON: return m_buttonCancel; default: return 0; } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setButtonGui( int button, const KGuiItem& item ) { if( KPushButton* b = getButton( button ) ) b->setGuiItem( item ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::setButtonText( int button, const QString& text, const QString& tooltip, const QString& whatsthis ) { if( KPushButton* b = getButton( button ) ) { b->setText( text ); QToolTip::remove( b ); QWhatsThis::remove( b ); QToolTip::add( b, tooltip ); QWhatsThis::add( b, whatsthis ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setButtonEnabled( int button, bool enabled ) { if( KPushButton* b = getButton( button ) ) { b->setEnabled( enabled ); // make sure the correct button is selected as default again setDefaultButton( m_defaultButton ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setButtonShown( int button, bool shown ) { if( KPushButton* b = getButton( button ) ) { b->setShown( shown ); // make sure the correct button is selected as default again setDefaultButton( m_defaultButton ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setStartButtonText( const QString& text, const QString& tooltip, const QString& whatsthis ) { if( m_buttonStart ) { m_buttonStart->setText( text ); QToolTip::remove( m_buttonStart ); QWhatsThis::remove( m_buttonStart ); QToolTip::add( m_buttonStart, tooltip ); QWhatsThis::add( m_buttonStart, whatsthis ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setCancelButtonText( const QString& text, const QString& tooltip, const QString& whatsthis ) { if( m_buttonCancel ) { m_buttonCancel->setText( text ); QToolTip::remove( m_buttonCancel ); QWhatsThis::remove( m_buttonCancel ); QToolTip::add( m_buttonCancel, tooltip ); QWhatsThis::add( m_buttonCancel, whatsthis ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::setSaveButtonText( const QString& text, const QString& tooltip, const QString& whatsthis ) { if( m_buttonSave ) { m_buttonSave->setText( text ); QToolTip::remove( m_buttonSave ); QWhatsThis::remove( m_buttonSave ); QToolTip::add( m_buttonSave, tooltip ); QWhatsThis::add( m_buttonSave, whatsthis ); } } void K3bInteractionDialog::saveUserDefaults( KConfigBase* ) { } void K3bInteractionDialog::loadUserDefaults( KConfigBase* ) { } void K3bInteractionDialog::loadK3bDefaults() { } void K3bInteractionDialog::loadStartupSettings() { KConfigGroup c( k3bcore->config(), "General Options" ); // earlier K3b versions loaded the saved settings // so that is what we do as a default int i = c.readNumEntry( "action dialog startup settings", LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS ); switch( i ) { case LOAD_K3B_DEFAULTS: slotLoadK3bDefaults(); break; case LOAD_SAVED_SETTINGS: slotLoadUserDefaults(); break; case LOAD_LAST_SETTINGS: slotLoadLastSettings(); break; } } int K3bInteractionDialog::exec() { return exec( true ); } int K3bInteractionDialog::exec( bool returnOnHide ) { m_exitLoopOnHide = returnOnHide; // the following code is mainly taken from QDialog::exec if( m_inLoop ) { kdError() << "(K3bInteractionDialog::exec) Recursive call detected." << endl; return -1; } bool destructiveClose = testWFlags( WDestructiveClose ); clearWFlags( WDestructiveClose ); bool wasShowModal = testWFlags( WShowModal ); setWFlags( WShowModal ); setResult( 0 ); loadStartupSettings(); show(); if( m_delayedInit ) QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotDelayedInit()) ); else init(); m_inLoop = true; QApplication::eventLoop()->enterLoop(); if( !wasShowModal ) clearWFlags( WShowModal ); int res = result(); if( destructiveClose ) delete this; return res; } void K3bInteractionDialog::hide() { if( isHidden() ) return; KDialog::hide(); if( m_inLoop && m_exitLoopOnHide ) { m_inLoop = false; QApplication::eventLoop()->exitLoop(); } } bool K3bInteractionDialog::close( bool alsoDelete ) { if( m_inLoop && !m_exitLoopOnHide ) { m_inLoop = false; QApplication::eventLoop()->exitLoop(); } return KDialog::close( alsoDelete ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::done( int r ) { if( m_inLoop && !m_exitLoopOnHide ) { m_inLoop = false; QApplication::eventLoop()->exitLoop(); } return KDialog::done( r ); } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotToggleAll() { if( !m_inToggleMode ) { m_inToggleMode = true; toggleAll(); m_inToggleMode = false; } } void K3bInteractionDialog::toggleAll() { } void K3bInteractionDialog::slotDelayedInit() { init(); } #include "k3binteractiondialog.moc"