/* * * $Id: k3bdataitem.cpp 659634 2007-04-30 14:51:32Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2003 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3bdataitem.h" #include "k3bdiritem.h" #include "k3bdatadoc.h" #include #include class K3bDataItem::Private { public: int flags; }; K3bDataItem::K3bDataItem( K3bDataDoc* doc, K3bDataItem* tqparent, int flags ) : m_bHideOnRockRidge(false), m_bHideOnJoliet(false), m_bRemoveable(true), m_bRenameable(true), m_bMovable(true), m_bHideable(true), m_bWriteToCd(true), m_sortWeight(0) { d = new Private; d->flags = flags; m_doc = doc; m_bHideOnRockRidge = m_bHideOnJoliet = false; if( tqparent ) m_parentDir = tqparent->getDirItem(); else m_parentDir = 0; } K3bDataItem::K3bDataItem( const K3bDataItem& item ) : m_k3bName( item.m_k3bName ), m_doc( 0 ), m_parentDir( 0 ), m_bHideOnRockRidge( item.m_bHideOnRockRidge ), m_bHideOnJoliet( item.m_bHideOnJoliet ), m_bRemoveable( item.m_bRemoveable ), m_bRenameable( item.m_bRenameable ), m_bMovable( item.m_bMovable ), m_bHideable( item.m_bHideable ), m_bWriteToCd( item.m_bWriteToCd ), m_extraInfo( item.m_extraInfo ), m_sortWeight( item.m_sortWeight ) { d = new Private; d->flags = item.d->flags; } K3bDataItem::~K3bDataItem() { delete d; } void K3bDataItem::setFlags( int flags ) { d->flags = flags; } bool K3bDataItem::isBootItem() const { return d->flags & BOOT_IMAGE; } KIO::filesize_t K3bDataItem::size() const { return itemSize( m_doc ? m_doc->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() || !m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() : false ); } K3b::Msf K3bDataItem::blocks() const { return itemBlocks( m_doc ? m_doc->isoOptions().followSymbolicLinks() || !m_doc->isoOptions().createRockRidge() : false ); } K3b::Msf K3bDataItem::itemBlocks( bool followSymbolicLinks ) const { return (long)::ceil( (double)itemSize( followSymbolicLinks ) / 2048.0 ); } void K3bDataItem::setK3bName( const TQString& name ) { if ( name != m_k3bName ) { // test for not-allowed characters if( name.tqcontains('/') ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDataItem) name contained invalid characters!" << endl; return; } if( tqparent() ) { K3bDataItem* item = tqparent()->tqfind( name ); if( item && item != this ) { kdDebug() << "(K3bDataItem) item with that name already exists." << endl; return; } } m_k3bName = name; m_doc->setModified(); } } const TQString& K3bDataItem::k3bName() const { return m_k3bName; } K3bDataItem* K3bDataItem::take() { if( tqparent() ) tqparent()->takeDataItem( this ); return this; } TQString K3bDataItem::k3bPath() const { if( !getParent() ) return TQString(); // the root item is the only one not having a tqparent else if( isDir() ) return getParent()->k3bPath() + k3bName() + "/"; else return getParent()->k3bPath() + k3bName(); } TQString K3bDataItem::writtenPath() const { if( !getParent() ) return TQString(); // the root item is the only one not having a tqparent else if( isDir() ) return getParent()->writtenPath() + writtenName() + "/"; else return getParent()->writtenPath() + writtenName(); } TQString K3bDataItem::iso9660Path() const { if( !getParent() ) return TQString(); // the root item is the only one not having a tqparent else if( isDir() ) return getParent()->iso9660Path() + iso9660Name() + "/"; else return getParent()->iso9660Path() + iso9660Name(); } K3bDataItem* K3bDataItem::nextSibling() const { K3bDataItem* item = const_cast(this); // urg, but we know that we don't mess with it, so... K3bDirItem* parentItem = getParent(); while( parentItem ) { if( K3bDataItem* i = parentItem->nextChild( item ) ) return i; item = parentItem; parentItem = item->getParent(); } return 0; } void K3bDataItem::reparent( K3bDirItem* newParent ) { // addDataItem will do all the stuff including taking this newParent->addDataItem( this ); } bool K3bDataItem::hideOnRockRidge() const { if( !isHideable() ) return false; if( getParent() ) return m_bHideOnRockRidge || getParent()->hideOnRockRidge(); else return m_bHideOnRockRidge; } bool K3bDataItem::hideOnJoliet() const { if( !isHideable() ) return false; if( getParent() ) return m_bHideOnJoliet || getParent()->hideOnJoliet(); else return m_bHideOnJoliet; } void K3bDataItem::setHideOnRockRidge( bool b ) { // there is no use in changing the value if // it is already set by the tqparent if( ( !getParent() || !getParent()->hideOnRockRidge() ) && b != m_bHideOnRockRidge ) { m_bHideOnRockRidge = b; if ( m_doc ) m_doc->setModified(); } } void K3bDataItem::setHideOnJoliet( bool b ) { // there is no use in changing the value if // it is already set by the tqparent if( ( !getParent() || !getParent()->hideOnJoliet() ) && b != m_bHideOnJoliet ) { m_bHideOnJoliet = b; if ( m_doc ) m_doc->setModified(); } } int K3bDataItem::depth() const { if( getParent() ) return getParent()->depth() + 1; else return 0; }