/* * * $Id: k3baudiotrackplayer.cpp 619556 2007-01-03 17:38:12Z trueg $ * Copyright (C) 2004 Sebastian Trueg * * This file is part of the K3b project. * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Sebastian Trueg * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. */ #include "k3baudiotrackplayer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class K3bAudioTrackPlayer::Private { public: TDEAction* actionPlay; TDEAction* actionPause; TDEAction* actionPlayPause; TDEAction* actionStop; TDEAction* actionNext; TDEAction* actionPrev; TDEAction* actionSeek; // just to handle them easily; TDEActionCollection* actionCollection; TQSlider* seekSlider; TQTimer sliderTimer; // used to make sure that no seek and read operation occur in parallel TQMutex mutex; bool playing; bool paused; }; K3bAudioTrackPlayer::K3bAudioTrackPlayer( K3bAudioDoc* doc, TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : TQObject( parent, name ), K3bAudioClient(), m_doc( doc ), m_currentTrack( 0 ) { d = new Private; d->paused = false; d->playing = false; // TODO: handle the shortcuts: pass a widget to the action collection (perhaps the trackview?) d->actionCollection = new TDEActionCollection( 0, this ); // create the actions // TODO: create shortcuts (is there a way to let the user change them?) d->actionPlay = new TDEAction( i18n("Play"), "media-playback-start", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(playPause()), d->actionCollection, "play" ); d->actionPause = new TDEAction( i18n("Pause"), "media-playback-pause", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(playPause()), d->actionCollection, "pause" ); d->actionPlayPause = new TDEAction( i18n("Play/Pause"), "media-playback-start", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(playPause()), d->actionCollection, "play_pause" ); d->actionStop = new TDEAction( i18n("Stop"), "media-playback-stop", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(stop()), d->actionCollection, "stop" ); d->actionNext = new TDEAction( i18n("Next"), "media-skip-forward", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(next()), d->actionCollection, "next" ); d->actionPrev = new TDEAction( i18n("Prev"), "media-skip-backward", TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT(prev()), d->actionCollection, "prev" ); d->seekSlider = new TQSlider( 0, 100, 1, 0, TQt::Horizontal, 0, "audiotrackplayerslider" ); connect( d->seekSlider, TQT_SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSeek(int)) ); // FIXME: maybe it's not such a good idea to use a KWidgetAction here since this way the player // can only be used once in one widget. If the action would always create a new slider we could plug // the action into several toolboxes and also use it in some resizing or track splitting dialogs. d->actionSeek = new KWidgetAction( d->seekSlider, i18n("Seek"), TDEShortcut(), 0, 0, d->actionCollection, "seek" ); // this should be done in KWidgetAction but is not yet connect( d->actionSeek, TQT_SIGNAL(enabled(bool)), d->seekSlider, TQT_SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); d->actionStop->setEnabled(false); d->actionPause->setEnabled(false); d->actionNext->setEnabled(false); d->actionPrev->setEnabled(false); d->actionSeek->setEnabled(false); connect( m_doc, TQT_SIGNAL(changed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDocChanged()) ); connect( m_doc, TQT_SIGNAL(trackChanged(K3bAudioTrack*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTrackChanged(K3bAudioTrack*)) ); connect( m_doc, TQT_SIGNAL(trackRemoved(K3bAudioTrack*)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTrackRemoved(K3bAudioTrack*)) ); connect( &d->sliderTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateSlider()) ); // we just stop the player if the audio server has an error. K3bMainWindow will show the error message // This is all very hacky and has to be improved for K3b 2.0. But then we will probably use Phonon anyway... connect( K3bAudioServer::instance(), TQT_SIGNAL(error(const TQString&)), this, TQT_SLOT(stop()) ); // tooltips d->actionPlay->setToolTip( i18n("Play") ); d->actionStop->setToolTip( i18n("Stop") ); d->actionPause->setToolTip( i18n("Pause") ); d->actionNext->setToolTip( i18n("Next") ); d->actionPrev->setToolTip( i18n("Previous") ); } K3bAudioTrackPlayer::~K3bAudioTrackPlayer() { stop(); delete d->seekSlider; delete d; } TDEAction* K3bAudioTrackPlayer::action( int action ) const { switch( action ) { case ACTION_PLAY: return d->actionPlay; case ACTION_PAUSE: return d->actionPause; case ACTION_PLAY_PAUSE: return d->actionPlayPause; case ACTION_STOP: return d->actionStop; case ACTION_NEXT: return d->actionNext; case ACTION_PREV: return d->actionPrev; case ACTION_SEEK: return d->actionSeek; default: return 0; } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::playTrack( K3bAudioTrack* track ) { if( track ) { // we show the currently playing track as a tooltip on the slider TQToolTip::remove( d->seekSlider ); TQToolTip::add( d->seekSlider, i18n("Playing track %1: %2 - %3") .arg(track->trackNumber()) .arg(track->artist()) .arg(track->title()) ); d->seekSlider->setMaxValue( track->length().totalFrames() ); m_currentTrack = track; d->paused = true; d->actionNext->setEnabled( m_currentTrack->next() != 0 ); d->actionPrev->setEnabled( m_currentTrack->prev() != 0 ); seek(0); playPause(); emit playingTrack( track ); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::playPause() { if( !m_currentTrack ) { playTrack( m_doc->firstTrack() ); } else { if( !d->playing ) { seek( m_currentPosition ); d->playing = true; d->actionPlayPause->setIcon( "media-playback-pause" ); d->actionPause->setEnabled(true); d->actionPlay->setEnabled(false); d->actionSeek->setEnabled(true); startStreaming(); d->sliderTimer.start(1000); } else if( d->paused ) { d->paused = false; d->actionPlayPause->setIcon( "media-playback-pause" ); d->actionPause->setEnabled(true); d->actionPlay->setEnabled(false); startStreaming(); d->sliderTimer.start(1000); emit paused( false ); } else { d->paused = true; d->actionPlayPause->setIcon( "media-playback-start" ); d->actionPause->setEnabled(false); d->actionPlay->setEnabled(true); stopStreaming(); d->sliderTimer.stop(); emit paused( true ); } d->actionStop->setEnabled(true); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::stop() { m_currentTrack = 0; m_currentPosition = 0; stopStreaming(); d->paused = false; d->playing = false; d->actionStop->setEnabled(false); d->actionPause->setEnabled(false); d->actionPlay->setEnabled(true); d->actionSeek->setEnabled(false); d->actionNext->setEnabled(false); d->actionPrev->setEnabled(false); d->actionPlayPause->setIcon( "media-playback-start" ); emit stopped(); } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::next() { if( m_currentTrack && m_currentTrack->next() ) { playTrack( m_currentTrack->next() ); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::prev() { if( m_currentTrack && m_currentTrack->prev() ) { playTrack( m_currentTrack->prev() ); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::seek( const K3b::Msf& msf ) { if( m_currentTrack ) { if( msf < m_currentTrack->length() ) { d->mutex.lock(); m_currentTrack->seek( msf ); m_currentPosition = msf; slotUpdateSlider(); d->mutex.unlock(); } else next(); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::slotSeek( int frames ) { seek( K3b::Msf( frames ) ); } int K3bAudioTrackPlayer::read( char* data, int maxlen ) { if( m_currentTrack ) { d->mutex.lock(); int len = m_currentTrack->read( data, maxlen ); d->mutex.unlock(); if( len > 0 ) { m_currentPosition += (int)( (double)len / 2352.0 + 0.5 ); } else if( m_currentTrack->next() ) { // play the next track next(); return read( data, maxlen ); } else { stop(); return -1; // no more tracks } return len; } else return -1; } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::slotTrackRemoved( K3bAudioTrack* track ) { if( m_currentTrack == track ) { stop(); m_currentTrack = 0; } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::slotTrackChanged( K3bAudioTrack* track ) { if( m_currentTrack == track ) { d->seekSlider->setMaxValue( track->length().totalFrames() ); } } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::slotUpdateSlider() { d->seekSlider->setValue( m_currentPosition.totalFrames() ); } void K3bAudioTrackPlayer::slotDocChanged() { // update the controls in case a new track has been added before or after // the current one and it has been the first or last track if( m_currentTrack ) { d->actionNext->setEnabled( m_currentTrack->next() != 0 ); d->actionPrev->setEnabled( m_currentTrack->prev() != 0 ); } } #include "k3baudiotrackplayer.moc"