/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Jean-Michel Petit * * jm_petit@laposte.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "k9cellcopylist.h" #include "k9dvdtitle.h" #include "k9ifo2.h" #include int k9CellVTSList::compareItems ( TQPtrCollection::Item item1, TQPtrCollection::Item item2 ) { k9CellCopyVTS * it1,*it2; it1=(k9CellCopyVTS *) item1; it2=(k9CellCopyVTS *)item2; if (it1->getsize() >it2->getsize()) return 1; else if (it1->getsize() getsize()) return -1; else { if (it1->getnum()>it2->getnum()) return 1; else return -1; } } uint k9CellCopyVTS::getnum() { return num; } void k9CellCopyVTS::addsize(uint32_t _size) { size+=_size; } uint64_t k9CellCopyVTS::getsize() { return size; } k9CellCopyList::k9CellCopyList(k9DVDRead * _dvdHandle,k9DVD *_DVD) : TQObjectList() { setAutoDelete(true); DVD=_DVD; dvdHandle=_dvdHandle; fill(); } k9CellCopyList::~k9CellCopyList() {} /*! \fn k9CellCopyList::fill() */ void k9CellCopyList::fill() { // k9Ifo2 kifo(dvdHandle) ,kifoZero(dvdHandle); ifo_handle_t *hifo,*hifoZero; k9Ifo2 *kifo,*kifoZero; kifoZero=dvdHandle->getIfo(0); hifoZero=kifoZero->getIFO(); // kifoZero.openIFO( 0); int nrTS= hifoZero->vmgi_mat->vmg_nr_of_title_sets; for (int iTS=1 ; iTS<=nrTS;iTS++) { //kifo.openIFO( iTS); kifo=dvdHandle->getIfo(iTS); hifo=kifo->getIFO(); c_adt_t *c_adt = hifo->vts_c_adt; uint32_t length = c_adt->last_byte + 1 - C_ADT_SIZE; cell_adr_t *ptr; ptr= c_adt->cell_adr_table; uint32_t imax=length/sizeof(cell_adr_t); for(uint32_t i = 0; i startSector ==startSector && cell->vts==_VTS) { bFound=true; if (cell->lastSector!=lastSector ) qDebug("last sector doesn't match","DVD Backup"); } if (!bFound && (_VTS vts || (startSectorstartSector && cell->vts ==_VTS ) )) { bInsert=true; position=i; } } if (!bFound) { cell = new k9Cell(); cell->vts=_VTS; cell->startSector=startSector; cell->lastSector=lastSector; cell->pgc=_pgc; cell->id=_id; cell->angleBlock=_angleBlock; cell->selected=checkSelected(cell); if (bInsert) insert(position,cell); else append(cell); uint32_t isize; isize= cell->selected ? ((lastSector-startSector)*2048):2; setVTS(_VTS,isize); } return(cell); } void k9CellCopyList::setVTS(uint _numVTS,uint32_t _size) { bool bfound=false; for (uint iVTS=0; iVTSgetnum()==_numVTS) { VTS->addsize(_size); bfound=true; } } if (!bfound) { k9CellCopyVTS * VTS= new k9CellCopyVTS(_numVTS); VTS->addsize(_size); VTSList.append(VTS); } } void k9CellCopyList::sortVTSList() { VTSList.sort(); } void k9CellCopyList::addStreams(k9DVDTitle *_title,k9Cell *_cell) { k9DVDSubtitle *l_sub; k9DVDAudioStream *l_auds; for (int i=0;i<_title->getaudioStreamCount();i++) { l_auds=_title->getaudioStream(i); if (l_auds->getselected()) { TQValueList::iterator it; bool found=false; for ( it = _cell->audio.begin(); it != _cell->audio.end(); ++it ) { if (*it == l_auds->getID()) found=true; } if (!found) _cell->audio.append(l_auds->getID()); } } for (int i=0;i<_title->getsubPictureCount();i++) { TQString c; l_sub=_title->getsubtitle(i); if (l_sub->getselected()) { TQValueList::iterator it; bool found=false; for ( it = _cell->subpicture.begin(); it != _cell->subpicture.end(); ++it ) { if (l_sub->getID().contains(*it)) found=true; } if (!found) _cell->subpicture+=l_sub->getID(); } } } /*! \fn k9CellCopyList::checkSelected(k9Cell *_cell) */ bool k9CellCopyList::checkSelected(k9Cell *_cell) { bool selected=false; for (int i=0; i< DVD->gettitleCount();i++) { k9DVDTitle *title=DVD->gettitle(i); //FACTOR if ( title->getVTS()==_cell->vts && title ->isSelected()) { if ( title->getVTS()==_cell->vts) { // { && title ->isSelected()) { for (int j=0; j getchapterCount();j++) { k9DVDChapter * chapter= title->getChapter(j); if (_cell->startSector >= chapter->getstartSector() && _cell->startSector<=chapter->getendSector()) { //add a reference to the title in the titles list from the cell _cell->addTitle( title); //FACTOR // if (title->isSelected()) { if (chapter->getSelected()) { addStreams (title,_cell); selected=true; } } } } } return selected; } double k9CellCopyList::gettotalSize() { double totalSize=0; for (uint iCell=0;iCellcopied) { if (cell->selected) { if (cell->angleBlock==angleNone) totalSize += cell->lastSector-cell->startSector; else if (cell->angleBlock==angleStart) { uint32_t start=0,end=0; start=cell->startSector; // loop inside the angle block to find the last sector. while (((k9Cell*)at(iCell))->angleBlock !=angleNone) { end=((k9Cell*)at(iCell))->lastSector; iCell++; } iCell--; totalSize += end-start; } } else totalSize += 1; // } } return (totalSize*2048); ; } //gives the final size of cells with a forced shrink factor double k9CellCopyList::getforcedSize(bool _withFactor) { double totalSize=0; for (uint iCell=0;iCellgetFactor():1; double size=0; // if (!cell->copied) { if (cell->selected && cell->getforceFactor() ) { if (cell->angleBlock==angleNone) size = cell->lastSector-cell->startSector; else if (cell->angleBlock==angleStart) { uint32_t start=0,end=0; start=cell->startSector; // loop inside the angle block to find the last sector. while (((k9Cell*)at(iCell))->angleBlock !=angleNone) { end=((k9Cell*)at(iCell))->lastSector; iCell++; } iCell--; size += end-start; } totalSize += (size/factor); } // } } return (totalSize*2048); } double k9CellCopyList::getMinFactor(bool _withMenus) { double fforced=getforcedSize( false); double MaxSize=k9DVDSize::getMaxSize(); MaxSize*=1024*1024; double menuSize=0; if (_withMenus) menuSize=DVD->getmenuSize(); menuSize= menuSize*2048; //totalSize=part of dvd with auto shrink factor/2.5 //double totalSize=gettotalSize()+menuSize - (fforced-m_frcinbytes) -m_inbytes; double totalSize=gettotalSize()+menuSize - (fforced) -m_inbytes; totalSize/=2.50; qDebug("%s", (TQString("totalSize(%1)=gettotalSize()(%2)+menuSize(%3) -(fforced(%4))-m_inbytes(%6)").arg(totalSize).arg(gettotalSize()).arg(menuSize).arg(fforced).arg(m_frcinbytes).arg(m_inbytes)).ascii()); double minFactor=(fforced-m_frcinbytes) /(MaxSize- (totalSize +m_outbytes) - m_frcoutbytes) ; qDebug("%s", (TQString("minfactor(%1)=(fforced(%2) -m_frinbytes(%3))/(MacSize(%4)-totalSize(%5)-m_outbytes(%6) - m_frcoutbytes(%7))").arg(minFactor).arg(fforced).arg(m_frcinbytes).arg(MaxSize).arg(totalSize).arg(m_outbytes).arg(m_frcoutbytes)).ascii()); if (minFactor<1) minFactor=1; return minFactor; } double k9CellCopyList::getfactor(bool _withMenus,bool _streams) { double totalSize=gettotalSize(); if (_streams) { double unsel=0; for (int i=0;igettitleCount();i++) { k9DVDTitle *track=DVD->gettitle(i); for (int j=0; jgetaudioStreamCount();j++) { k9DVDAudioStream *audio=track->getaudioStream(j); if (! audio->getselected()) unsel+=audio->getsize_mb(); } for (int j=0; jgetsubPictureCount();j++) { k9DVDSubtitle *sub=track->getsubtitle(j); if (! sub->getselected()) unsel+=sub->getsize_mb(); } } unsel*=1024*1024; totalSize-=unsel; } double menuSize=0; if (_withMenus) menuSize=DVD->getmenuSize(); menuSize= menuSize*2048; double dvdSize=k9DVDSize::getMaxSize() ; dvdSize*=1024*1024; double factor; double fforced=getforcedSize(false)-m_frcinbytes; double fforcedsh=getforcedSize(true)-m_frcoutbytes; double dvdSize2=dvdSize-m_outbytes -fforcedsh; // dvdSize2 -=menuSize; if (dvdSize2 <0) { factor=2.5; //qDebug("%s", (TQString("dvdSize (%1)- _outbytes(%2) - fforcedsh(%3)=%4").arg(dvdSize).arg(m_outbytes).arg(fforcedsh).arg(dvdSize2).ascii())); } else { factor=(totalSize +menuSize - fforced -m_inbytes)/ dvdSize2 ; factor = (int)(factor*100); factor /=100; factor+=0.01; // } uint64_t o=m_outbytes; uint64_t i=m_inbytes; //if (o==0) // o=1; //qDebug("%s", (TQString("factor : %1 realise : %2").arg(factor).arg((double)i/(double)o).ascii())); if (factor<=1) factor=1; else if (factor>3) factor=3; } return (factor); }