// // C++ Implementation: k9mp4enc // // Description: // // // Author: Jean-Michel PETIT , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "k9mp4enc.h" #include "k9mp4dlg.h" #include "k9config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "k9tools.h" #include "k9audiocodecs.h" #include "k9videocodecs.h" #include k9MP4Enc::k9MP4Enc ( TQObject *parent, const char *name,const TQStringList& ) : TQObject ( parent, name ) { m_fourcc=m_height=m_width=m_audioBitrate=m_videoBitrate=m_filename=""; m_codec=0; //lavc_mp4; m_audioCodec=0; m_cpt=-1; m_parts=1; TQStringList laudio; TQStringList llabels; TQStringList lvideo; k9Config config; m_lstAudio=config.getCodecAudio(); m_lstCodecs=config.getCodecLabels(); m_lstVideo=config.getCodecVideo(); timer = new TQTimer ( this ); connect ( timer, TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT ( timerDone() ) ); m_progress=new k9MP4Dlg ( tqApp->mainWidget(),0 ); } TQString k9MP4Enc::round16 ( TQString _wh ) { if ( _wh !="" ) { int value=_wh.toInt() /16; return TQString::number ( value*16 ); } else return _wh; } TQString k9MP4Enc::getChapterList ( k9DVDTitle *_title ) { TQString res=""; TQPtrList chapters=_title->getChapters(); for ( k9DVDChapter *chapter=chapters.first();chapter;chapter=chapters.next() ) { if ( chapter->getSelected() ) { res+=res=="" ? TQString::number ( chapter->getnum() ) : ","+TQString::number ( chapter->getnum() ); } } TQPtrList titles=_title->getTitles(); for ( k9DVDTitle *title=titles.first();title;title=titles.next() ) { chapters=title->getChapters(); for ( k9DVDChapter *chapter=chapters.first();chapter;chapter=chapters.next() ) { if ( chapter->getSelected() ) { res+=res=="" ? TQString::number ( chapter->getnum() ) : ","+TQString::number ( chapter->getnum() ); } } } return res; } int k9MP4Enc::getselectedSubp ( k9DVDTitle *_title ) { for ( int i=0;i< _title->getsubPictureCount();i++ ) { if ( _title->getsubtitle ( i )->getselected() ) { return _title->getsubtitle ( i )->getID().first()-1; } } //nos subtitle selected return -1; } void k9MP4Enc::execute ( k9DVDTitle *_title ) { bool error=false; if ( m_mpeg2 ) { m_parts=1; m_2pass=false; } if ( ! k9Tools::checkProgram ( "mencoder" ) && ! m_mpeg2 ) { KMessageBox::error ( tqApp->mainWidget(),i18n ( "Unable to run %1" ).arg ( "mencoder" ) , i18n ( "Encoding error" ) ); error = TRUE; return; } time = new TQTime ( 0,0 ); m_percent=0; m_remain="--:--:--"; m_totalSize=_title->getChaptersSize ( true ); TQString injectName; KTempFile injectFile ( locateLocal ( "tmp", "k9copy/k9v" ), "" ); injectFile.setAutoDelete ( true ); injectFile.close(); injectName=injectFile.name(); int maxPass=0; int pass=0; //build the cell list for mpeg2 extraction TQMap chapterCells; TQMap::iterator ichapterCells; TQStringList chapters; if ( m_mpeg2 && m_mpegChapters ) { m_parts=0; chapters=TQStringList::split ( ",", getChapterList ( _title ) ); for ( unsigned int idxChap = 0; idxChap < chapters.size(); idxChap++ ) { TQString chapter = chapters[idxChap]; //foreach (TQString chapter,chapters) { int iCell=0; k9DVDChapter *chap=_title->getChapter ( chapter.toInt()-1 ); //foreach(k9ChapterCell *cell ,chap->cells) { iCell++; chapterCells.insert ( chapter,iCell ); m_parts++; //} } ichapterCells = chapterCells.begin(); } for ( int m_part =1 ; ( m_part <=m_parts ) && !error ;m_part++ ) { if ( m_2pass ) { maxPass=2; pass=1; } KTempFile passLogFile ( locateLocal ( "tmp", "k9copy/k9v" ), "" ); passLogFile.setAutoDelete ( true ); passLogFile.close(); do { uint32_t nbSectors= m_totalSize / m_parts ; uint32_t startSector= nbSectors* ( m_part-1 ); uint32_t endSector= startSector+nbSectors; //calculer le bitrate en faisant la somme des cells compris entre startSector et endSector //FIXME Mettre en place la sélection par chapitres m_stderr=""; m_title=_title; if ( m_height=="" || m_height=="0" ) m_height="-2"; if ( m_width=="" ) m_width="640"; if ( m_audioBitrate=="" ) m_audioBitrate="128"; if ( m_size=="" ) m_size="700"; if ( m_filename=="" ) m_filename=KFileDialog::getSaveFileName ( TQDir::homeDirPath(),"*.avi", 0,i18n ( "Save file to disk" ) ); if ( m_filename =="" ) return; TQDir d=TQDir::root(); if ( d.exists ( m_filename ) ) d.remove ( m_filename ); m_progress->setbitrate ( TQString::number ( getBitRate ( _title ) ) ); if ( !m_mpeg2 ) m_progress->setsize ( m_size +i18n ( "MB" ) +" X " +TQString::number ( m_parts ) ); else m_progress->setsize ( m_size +i18n ( "MB" ) +" X " ); m_process=new k9Process ( this,0 ); m_process->setUseShell ( true ); *m_process << "k9copy" << "--play" << "--endsector" << TQString::number ( endSector ) ; *m_process << "--inject" << injectName; //"/tmp/kde-jmp/inject"; *m_process << "--input" << "'"+m_device+"'"; *m_process << "--dvdtitle" << TQString::number ( _title->getnumTitle() ); if ( m_mpegChapters && m_mpeg2 ) { *m_process << "--chapter" << ichapterCells.key();//chapters.at(m_part-1); //*m_process << "--cell" << TQString::number(ichapterCells.value()); } else *m_process << "--chapterlist" << getChapterList ( _title ); if ( m_part==1 || m_mpeg2 ) *m_process << "--initstatus"; else *m_process << "--continue"; if ( pass==1 ) *m_process << "--firstpass"; for ( int i=0;i<_title->getaudioStreamCount();i++ ) { if ( _title->getaudioStream ( i )->getselected() ) { *m_process << "--audiofilter" << TQString::number ( _title->getaudioStream ( i )->getID() ); break; } } if ( getselectedSubp ( _title ) !=-1 ) { *m_process << "--subpicturefilter" ; TQString s=""; for ( int i=1; i<=_title->getsubPictureCount();i++ ) s+= ( i>1?",":"" ) + TQString::number ( i ); *m_process << s; } if ( m_usecache ) *m_process << "--usecache"; if ( m_mpeg2 ) { m_progress->setbitrate ( "--" ); double size; if ( _title->getforceFactor() ) { size = _title->getChaptersSize_mb ( true ) /_title->getfactor(); *m_process << "--vampsfactor" << TQString::number ( _title->getfactor() ) << "--ffactor"; } else size = _title->getChaptersSize_mb ( true ); m_progress->setsize ( TQString::number ( size ) +i18n ( "MB" ) ); TQString path=m_filename; if ( m_parts>1 ) { TQString ext=m_filename.section ( ".",-1 ); if ( ext!="" ) ext="."+ext; path=m_filename.left ( m_filename.length()-ext.length() ); //path=TQString("%1-chapter%2-cell%3%4").arg(path).arg(ichapterCells.key()).arg(ichapterCells.value()).arg(ext); path=TQString ( "%1-chapter%2%3" ).arg ( path ).arg ( ichapterCells.key() ).arg ( ext ); ++ichapterCells; } *m_process << "> "+path; } else { *m_process << "| mencoder" << "/dev/stdin"; *m_process << "-passlogfile" << passLogFile.name(); bool audio=false; TQString sPass=""; TQString sCodec=""; k9AudioCodecs *audioCodecs=new k9AudioCodecs ( 0,0 ); k9VideoCodecs *videoCodecs=new k9VideoCodecs ( 0,0 ); TQString sVOption; m_pass=pass; switch ( pass ) { case 1: sVOption=replaceParams ( videoCodecs->getOptions1 ( m_codec ) ); break; case 2: sVOption=replaceParams ( videoCodecs->getOptions2 ( m_codec ) ); break; default: sVOption=replaceParams ( videoCodecs->getOptions0 ( m_codec ) ); break; } sCodec=videoCodecs->getCodecName ( m_codec ); sVOption=sVOption.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int pos; //*m_process << "-ovc" << sVOption; /* int pos=sVOption.find("-vf"); if (pos==-1) *m_process <<"-vf" << TQString("scale=%1:%2").arg(m_width).arg(m_height); else sVOption=sVOption.insert(pos+4,TQString("scale=%1:%2,").arg(m_width).arg(m_height)); */ *m_process << sVOption; TQString sAOption=replaceParams ( audioCodecs->getOptions ( m_audioCodec ) ).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( pass >0 ) m_progress->setTitleLabel ( i18n ( "Encoding %1" ).arg ( sCodec ) +" - "+i18n ( "pass %1" ).arg ( pass ) ); else m_progress->setTitleLabel ( i18n ( "Encoding %1" ).arg ( sCodec ) ); if ( m_fourcc !="" ) *m_process << "-ffourcc" << m_fourcc; else if ( videoCodecs->getFourcc ( m_codec ) !="" ) *m_process << "-ffourcc" << videoCodecs->getFourcc ( m_codec ); delete audioCodecs; delete videoCodecs; //looking for first audio selected for ( int i=0;i<_title->getaudioStreamCount();i++ ) { if ( _title->getaudioStream ( i )->getselected() ) { //*m_process << "-oac" << sAOption; pos=sAOption.find ( "-af" ); if ( pos==-1 ) *m_process << TQString ( "-af volume=%1" ).arg ( m_audioGain ); else sAOption=sAOption.insert ( pos+4,TQString ( "volume=%1," ).arg ( m_audioGain ) ); *m_process << sAOption; audio=true; break; } } if ( getselectedSubp ( _title ) !=-1 ) { *m_process << "-sid" << TQString::number ( getselectedSubp ( _title ) ); } if ( !audio ) *m_process << "-nosound"; TQString path=m_filename; if ( m_parts>1 ) { TQString ext=m_filename.section ( ".",-1 ); if ( ext!="" ) ext="."+ext; path=m_filename.left ( m_filename.length()-ext.length() ); path=path+TQString::number ( m_part ) +ext; } if ( pass==1 ) *m_process << "-o" << "/dev/null"; else *m_process <<"-o" << "'"+path+"'"; if ( path.upper().endsWith ( "MPEG" ) || path.upper().endsWith ( "MPG" ) ) *m_process << "-of" << "mpeg"; else if ( path.upper().endsWith ( "AVI" ) ) *m_process << "-of" << "avi"; else { *m_process << "-of" << "lavf"; *m_process << "-lavfopts" << "i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames"; } //*m_process << "-of" << "avi"; } TQString s=""; for ( uint i=0; i< m_process->args().count();i++ ) { TQCString str=* ( m_process->args().at ( i ) ); s +=TQString ( str ) +" "; } tqDebug ( s ); time->start(); m_timer3.start(); connect ( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL ( receivedStdout ( KProcess *, char *, int ) ),this, TQT_SLOT ( getStdout ( KProcess *, char *, int ) ) ); connect ( m_process, TQT_SIGNAL ( receivedStderr ( KProcess *, char *, int ) ),this, TQT_SLOT ( getStderr ( KProcess *, char *, int ) ) ); //connect(m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)),this,TQT_SLOT(exited(KProcess*))); connect ( m_progress,TQT_SIGNAL ( sigCancel() ),this,TQT_SLOT ( slotCancel() ) ); m_canceled=false; m_progress->show(); m_process->start ( KProcess::OwnGroup, KProcess::All ); timer->start ( 500, 0 ); m_process->sync(); //if application is exiting, kill the encoding process if ( m_process->isRunning() ) { m_process->kill(); return; } if ( m_canceled ) { KMessageBox::information ( tqApp->mainWidget(),i18n ( "MPEG-4 Encoding cancelled" ), i18n ( "MPEG-4 Encoding" ) ); error=true; } else if ( !m_process->normalExit() ) { KMessageBox::error ( tqApp->mainWidget(),""+i18n ( "Error while running mencoder :" ) +"
"+m_stderr, i18n ( "Encoding error" ) ); error=true; } if ( maxPass >0 ) pass++; } while ( pass<=maxPass && !error && m_2pass ); } } void k9MP4Enc::slotCancel() { m_canceled=true; m_process->kill(); } TQString k9MP4Enc::replaceParams ( TQString _value ) { TQString str=_value; str.replace ( "$PASS",TQString::number ( m_pass ) ); str.replace ( "$WIDTH",m_width ); str.replace ( "$HEIGHT",m_height ); str.replace ( "$VIDBR",TQString::number ( getBitRate ( m_title ) ) ); str.replace ( "$AUDBR",m_audioBitrate ); return str; } int k9MP4Enc::getBitRate ( k9DVDTitle *_title ) { // bitrate video = (MB *8388.608) /SEC - bitrate audio if ( m_videoBitrate!="" ) { return m_videoBitrate.toInt(); } else { int size=m_size.toInt(); float titleSize=_title->getChaptersSize_mb ( true ); if ( titleSize< ( float ) size ) size= ( int ) ( titleSize/m_parts ) ; m_progress->setsize ( TQString::number ( size ) +i18n ( "MB" ) +" X " +TQString::number ( m_parts ) ); TQTime t1 ( 0,0 ); int sec=t1.secsTo ( _title->getSelectedLength() ); //int bitrate=(int)( ((size*m_parts) * 8388.608)/sec - m_audioBitrate.toInt()); int bitrate=8* ( ( ( size*m_parts*1024 )- ( m_audioBitrate.toInt() *sec/8 ) ) /sec ); return bitrate; } } void k9MP4Enc::getStdout ( KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen ) { TQCString tmp ( buffer,buflen ); m_cpt++; if ( m_cpt==100 ) m_cpt=0; if ( m_cpt!=0 ) return; int pos=tmp.find ( "Pos:" ); if ( pos!=-1 ) { TQString tmp2=tmp.mid ( pos ); float t; int frame; int fps; sscanf ( tmp2.latin1(),"Pos: %f%*s%d",&t,&frame ); tmp2=tmp2.mid ( tmp2.find ( "(" ) +1 ); tmp2=tmp2.mid ( tmp2.find ( ")" ) +1 ); sscanf ( tmp2.latin1(),"%d",&fps ); m_progress->setfps ( TQString::number ( fps ) ); } } void k9MP4Enc::getStderr ( KProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen ) { //m_stderr=TQString::fromLatin1(buffer,buflen); TQCString cstderr ( buffer,buflen+1 ); if ( cstderr.find ( "FATAL:" ) !=-1 ) { proc->kill(); } int pos=cstderr.find ( "INFOPOS:" ); if ( pos!=-1 ) { if ( m_timer3.elapsed() >500 ) { m_timer3.restart(); TQString tmp=cstderr.mid ( pos ); uint32_t totalBytes,totalSize; sscanf ( tmp.latin1(),"INFOPOS: %d %d",&totalBytes,&totalSize ); if ( totalSize !=0 ) m_percent= ( float ) totalBytes / ( float ) m_totalSize; TQTime time2 ( 0,0 ); time2=time2.addMSecs ( time->elapsed() ); if ( m_percent>0 ) { TQTime time3 ( 0,0 ); time3=time3.addMSecs ( ( uint32_t ) ( time->elapsed() * ( 1/m_percent ) ) ); m_remain=time3.toString ( "hh:mm:ss" ); } m_percent*=100; m_progress->setProgress ( ( int ) m_percent ); m_progress->setremain ( time2.toString ( "hh:mm:ss" ) +" / " +m_remain ); } } else { pos=cstderr.find ( "INFOIMAGE:" ); if ( pos!=-1 ) { m_progress->setImage ( cstderr.mid ( pos+10 ) ); } else tqDebug ( "[%s]",buffer ); } m_stderr=cstderr; } void k9MP4Enc::timerDone() { TQTime time2 ( 0,0 ); time2=time2.addMSecs ( time->elapsed() ); m_progress->setremain ( time2.toString ( "hh:mm:ss" ) +" / " +m_remain ); } bool k9MP4Enc::isCanceled() { return m_canceled; } k9MP4Enc::~k9MP4Enc() {} #include "k9mp4enc.moc"