/* * kevents.cpp * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Christophe Thommeret * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kevents.h" #include "channeldesc.h" #include "dvbevents.h" #include "dvbstream.h" EListViewItem::EListViewItem( TQListView *parent, TQString chanName, TQString eBegin, TQString eDuration, TQString eTitle, EventDesc *desc ) : KListViewItem( parent, chanName, eBegin, eDuration, eTitle ) { event = desc; } int EListViewItem::compare( TQListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending ) const { EListViewItem *ei = (EListViewItem*)i; if ( col != 1 ) return TQListViewItem::compare( i, col, ascending ); if ( event->startDateTimeevent->startDateTime ) return -1; if ( event->startDateTime==ei->event->startDateTime ) return 0; return 1; } KEvents::KEvents( TQPtrList *chans, TQPtrList *d, EventTable *t, TQWidget *parent, TQSize size ) : TQDialog( parent ) { dvb = d; events = t; channels = chans; setCaption( i18n("Electronic Program Guide") ); TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( this, 1, 1, 11, 6, "grid"); TQHBoxLayout *hbox = new TQHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "hbox" ); TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6 , "vbox"); resetBtn = new KPushButton( i18n("Refresh"), this ); hbox->addWidget( resetBtn ); allBtn = new KPushButton( i18n("Scheduled"), this ); hbox->addWidget( allBtn ); currentNextBtn = new KPushButton( i18n("Current/Next"), this ); hbox->addWidget( currentNextBtn ); currentChannelEpgBtn = new KPushButton( i18n("Current Channel"), this ); hbox->addWidget( currentChannelEpgBtn ); TQSpacerItem* spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 20, 20, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ); hbox->addItem( spacer ); vbox->addLayout( hbox); hbox = new TQHBoxLayout(); searchBtn = new TQToolButton( this ); searchBtn->setAutoRaise( true ); TQToolTip::add( searchBtn, i18n("Electronic Program Guide Search")); hbox->addWidget( searchBtn ); TQLabel* filterLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Search") + ":", this ); hbox->addWidget( filterLabel ); searchLineEdit = new KLineEdit(this); hbox->addWidget( searchLineEdit ); tvradioCb = new TQCheckBox(i18n("TV "), this ); TQToolTip::add( tvradioCb, i18n("Search TV Channels only (omit Radio)")); tvradioCb->setChecked(true); hbox->addWidget( tvradioCb); titleCb = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Titles "), this ); TQToolTip::add( titleCb, i18n("Search Event Titles only (omit Description)")); titleCb->setChecked(true); hbox->addWidget( titleCb); ftaCb = new TQCheckBox(i18n("FTA "), this ); TQToolTip::add( ftaCb, i18n("Search Free to Air Channels only (omit PayTV)")); ftaCb->setChecked(false); hbox->addWidget( ftaCb); vbox->addLayout( hbox ); grid->addLayout( vbox, 0, 0 ); listView = new KListView( this, "listView" ); listView->addColumn( i18n( "Channel" ) ); listView->addColumn( i18n( "Begin" ) ); listView->addColumn( i18n( "Duration" ) ); listView->addColumn( i18n( "Title" ) ); listView->setResizePolicy( KListView::AutoOneFit ); listView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE ); listView->setFullWidth( TRUE ); grid->addWidget( listView, 1, 0 ); grid->setRowStretch( 1, 4 ); textBrow = new TQTextBrowser( this ); grid->addWidget( textBrow, 2, 0 ); grid->setRowStretch( 2, 2 ); KIconLoader *icon = new KIconLoader(); resetBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Refresh"), icon->loadIconSet("reload", KIcon::Small) ) ); allBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Scheduled"), icon->loadIconSet("date", KIcon::Small) ) ); currentNextBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Current/Next"), icon->loadIconSet("toggle_log", KIcon::Small) ) ); currentChannelEpgBtn->setGuiItem( KGuiItem(i18n("Current Channel"), icon->loadIconSet("date", KIcon::Small) ) ); searchBtn->setIconSet( icon->loadIconSet("locationbar_erase", KIcon::Small) ); new EListViewItem( (TQListView*)listView, "Une chaine", "99/99/99 99:99 9999", "99:99 99", "un titre de programme", 0 ); resize( size ); connect( resetBtn , TQT_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( reset() ) ); connect( allBtn , TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( setScheduled() ) ); connect( currentNextBtn , TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( setCurrentNext() ) ); connect( currentChannelEpgBtn, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( setCurrentChannelEpg() ) ); connect( searchBtn, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT(resetSearch()) ); connect( searchLineEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( epgSearch() ) ); connect( listView, TQT_SIGNAL( mouseButtonClicked(int,TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&,int) ), this, TQT_SLOT(mouseClickedSlot(int,TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint&,int)) ); connect( listView, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint &,int)), this, TQT_SLOT(zap(TQListViewItem*,const TQPoint &,int)) ); setMode( 1 ); delete icon; } void KEvents::resetSearch() { searchLineEdit->clear(); } void KEvents::checkEpgSearch(TQString searchword) { int i, j, k, m, n, l; EventSource *esrc; EventTsid *et; EventSid *es; EventDesc *desc; EListViewItem *itt=0; ChannelDesc *ch; TQString s, begin, duration, title; bool found; for( k=0; kgetNSource(); k++ ) { if ( !(esrc=events->getNEventSource( k )) ) continue; for ( m=0; mgetNTsid(); m++ ) { if ( !(et=esrc->getNEventTsid( m )) ) continue; for ( n=0; ngetNSid(); n++ ) { if ( !(es=et->getNEventSid( n )) ) continue; for ( j=0; jgetNDesc(); j++ ) { if ( !(desc=es->getEventDesc( j )) ) continue; if ( desc->title.isEmpty() ) continue; for ( i=0; i<(int)channels->count(); i++ ) { ch = channels->at(i); if ( desc->source==ch->tp.source && desc->nid==ch->tp.nid && desc->sid==ch->sid && desc->tsid==ch->tp.tsid ) { if(tvradioCb->isChecked() && ch->type==2) break; if(ftaCb->isChecked() && ch->fta==1) break; found=false; if(desc->title.upper().find(searchword.upper())!=-1) found=true; if(!desc->subtitle.isEmpty()) { if(desc->subtitle.upper().find(searchword.upper())!=-1) found=true; } if(!titleCb->isChecked()) { if(!found) { for ( l=0; l<(int)desc->extEvents.count(); l++ ) { s = *desc->extEvents.at(l); if(!s.isEmpty()) { if(s.upper().find(searchword.upper())!=-1) { found=true; s=""; break; } } } } if(!found) { for ( l=0; l<(int)desc->shortEvents.count(); l++ ) { s = desc->shortEvents.at(l)->name; if(!s.isEmpty()) { if(s.upper().find(searchword.upper())!=-1) { found=true; s=""; break; } } s = desc->shortEvents.at(l)->text; if(!s.isEmpty()) { if(s.upper().find(searchword.upper())!=-1) { found=true; s=""; break; } } } } } if(!found) break; begin = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( desc->startDateTime ); duration = desc->duration.toString("hh:mm"); title = desc->title; itt = new EListViewItem( (TQListView*)listView, ch->name, begin, duration, title, desc ); if ( !ch->pix.isNull() ) itt->setPixmap( 0, ch->pix ); } } } } } } } void KEvents::epgSearch() { TQString text = searchLineEdit->text(); if (text.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) return; listView->clear(); checkEpgSearch(text); } void KEvents::setCurrentChannelEpg() { ChannelDesc curchan; int i; for ( i=0; i<(int)dvb->count(); i++ ) { if ( dvb->at(i)->hasLive() ) { curchan = dvb->at(i)->getLiveChannel(); break; } } if ( !curchan.name.isEmpty() ) setMode( 2, curchan.name ); } void KEvents::zap( TQListViewItem* it, const TQPoint &p, int col ) { TQPoint pt=p; int c=col; c++; if ( it->text(0) != TQString() ) emit zapTo( it->text(0) ); } void KEvents::mouseClickedSlot( int btn, TQListViewItem *it, const TQPoint &p, int c ) { int i=c; TQPoint pt=p; TQString s; if ( !it ) return; EListViewItem *ei = (EListViewItem*)it; switch ( btn ) { case Qt::RightButton : { TQPopupMenu *pop = new TQPopupMenu(); pop->insertItem( i18n("View All Programs"), 1 ); pop->insertSeparator(); pop->insertItem( i18n("Add to Timers"), 2 ); if ( ei->event->running==4 ) pop->setItemEnabled( 2, false ); i = 0; i = pop->exec( TQCursor::pos() ); switch ( i ) { case 0 : break; case 1 : setMode( 2, it->text(0) ); break; case 2 : emit addTimer( it->text(0), it->text(3), ei->event->startDateTime, ei->event->duration ); break; } delete pop; break; } case Qt::LeftButton : { s = "

"; s = s+it->text(0)+"

"; if ( !ei->event->title.isEmpty() ) { s = s+""; s = s+ei->event->title; s = s+"
"; } if ( !ei->event->subtitle.isEmpty() ) { s = s+""; s = s+ei->event->subtitle; s = s+"
"; } s = s+"
"; s = s+KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( ei->event->startDateTime, false )+"
"; s = s+ei->event->duration.toString("hh:mm"); s = s+"

"; for ( i=0; i<(int)ei->event->shortEvents.count(); i++ ) { s = s+"

"; s = s + ei->event->shortEvents.at(i)->name; if (!ei->event->shortEvents.at(i)->name.isEmpty() && !ei->event->shortEvents.at(i)->text.isEmpty()) { s = s + " : "; } s = s + ei->event->shortEvents.at(i)->text; s = s + "

"; } for ( i=0; i<(int)ei->event->extEvents.count(); i++ ) { s = s+ *ei->event->extEvents.at(i); } s = s+"
"; textBrow->setText( s ); break; } } } void KEvents::setCurrentNext() { setMode( 1 ); } void KEvents::setScheduled() { TQListViewItem *it = listView->currentItem(); if ( !it ) return; setMode( 2, it->text(0) ); } void KEvents::setMode( int m, TQString name ) { int i; mode = m; if ( !name.isEmpty() ) { currentNextBtn->show(); allBtn->hide(); for ( i=0; i<(int)channels->count(); i++ ) { if ( channels->at(i)->name==name ) { chan = channels->at(i); break; } } } else { chan = 0; currentNextBtn->hide(); allBtn->show(); } reset(); } void KEvents::reset() { listView->clear(); checkNewEvent(); } void KEvents::checkNewEvent() { int i; EventSource *esrc; EventSid *es; EventDesc *desc; EListViewItem *itt=0; ChannelDesc *ch; TQString s, t, channel, begin, duration, title; if ( mode==2 ) { if ( !chan ) return; if ( !(esrc=events->getEventSource( chan->tp.source )) ) return; if ( !(es=esrc->getEventSid( chan->tp.nid, chan->tp.tsid, chan->sid )) ) return; i = 0; while ( (desc=es->getEventDesc(i)) ) { ++i; begin = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( desc->startDateTime ); duration = desc->duration.toString("hh:mm"); title = desc->title; if ( title.isEmpty() ) continue; itt = new EListViewItem( (TQListView*)listView, chan->name, begin, duration, title, desc ); if ( !chan->pix.isNull() ) itt->setPixmap( 0, chan->pix ); } return; } for ( i=0; i<(int)channels->count(); i++ ) { ch = channels->at(i); if ( (desc=events->getEventDesc( ch->tp.source, ch->tp.nid, ch->tp.tsid, ch->sid, 0 )) ) { begin = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( desc->startDateTime ); duration = desc->duration.toString("hh:mm"); title = desc->title; if ( title.isEmpty() ) continue; itt = new EListViewItem( (TQListView*)listView, ch->name, begin, duration, title, desc ); if ( !ch->pix.isNull() ) itt->setPixmap( 0, ch->pix ); } } } KEvents::~KEvents() { } #include "kevents.moc"