[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Exec=kbarcode --batch Icon=kbarcode.png # Restore the following key and remove this comment when a help handbook # is written. Disabling this key prevents populating the main handbook # table of contents with a non-existent document, which results in a # main handbook error message of # 'There is no documentation available for /xyz/index.html.' # Also disable this key when there exists only a useless template handbook. # DocPath=kbarcode/index.html Comment=Barcode and label printing tool (batch printing mode) Comment[de]=Werkzeug zum Barcode und Etiketten Druck (Stapelverarbeitung) Terminal=false Name=KBarcode Batch Printer Name[de]=KBarcode Batch Druck GenericName=Barcode and Label Batch Printer Categories=Qt;TDE;Office;