/*************************************************************************** commands.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Don Dez 19 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Dominik Seichter email : domseichter@web.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "commands.h" #include "mycanvasview.h" #include "barkode.h" #include "tcanvasitem.h" #include "rectitem.h" #include "textitem.h" #include "imageitem.h" #include "barcodeitem.h" #include "lineitem.h" //NY26 #include "textlineitem.h" //NY26 // KDE includes #include TQPoint getFreePos( TQCanvas* c ) { MyCanvas* canvas = (MyCanvas*)c; if( !c->width() && !c->height() ) return TQPoint( canvas->rect().x(), canvas->rect().y() ); // TODO: fix for positions on label int x = KApplication::random() % canvas->rect().width() - 20; int y = KApplication::random() % canvas->rect().height() - 20; if( x > 0 && y > 0 ) return TQPoint( canvas->rect().x() + x, canvas->rect().y() + y ); else return TQPoint( canvas->rect().x(), canvas->rect().y() ); } CommandUtils::CommandUtils(TCanvasItem* item) : TQObject() { m_canvas_item = item; m_canvas_item->addRef(); c = m_canvas_item->canvas(); /* NOT NEEDED: if( m_canvas_item && m_canvas_item->item() ) connect( m_canvas_item->item(), TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( documentItemDeleted() ) ); */ } CommandUtils::~CommandUtils() { m_canvas_item->remRef(); } bool CommandUtils::canvasHasItem() { if( m_canvas_item && c ) { TQCanvasItemList list = c->allItems(); for( unsigned int i=0;icanvas() ); m_item = NULL; m_object = NULL; } NewItemCommand::~NewItemCommand() { m_item->remRef(); } void NewItemCommand::execute() { if( !m_item ) { create(); if( m_object ) { m_item = new TCanvasItem( cv ); m_item->setItem( m_object ); m_item->move( m_point.x(), m_point.y() ); m_item->addRef(); /* NOT NEEDED: connect( m_object, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( documentItemDeleted() ) ); */ } } if( m_item ) { m_item->setCanvas( cv->canvas() ); m_item->show(); m_item->update(); cv->setCurrent( m_item ); } } void NewItemCommand::unexecute() { if( m_item ) { m_item->setCanvas( NULL ); m_item->hide(); } } void NewItemCommand::documentItemDeleted() { /** the document item got deleted, so that we can assume the TCanvasItem * was deleted to (as it usually deltes the document item) */ /* NOT NEEDED: m_item = NULL; m_object = NULL; tqDebug("NewItemCommand: Document item removed from list!"); delete this; */ } void ResizeCommand::setRect( int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch ) { // make sure that the item cannot // be resized to a negative value if( cw <= 0 ) cw = orect.width(); if( ch <= 0 ) ch = orect.height(); rect = TQRect( cx, cy, cw, ch ); } void ResizeCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { if( m_shift && rect.width() ) { double r = (double)orect.height() / (double)orect.width(); rect.setWidth( int(rect.height() / r) ); } m_canvas_item->moveMM( rect.x(), rect.y() ); m_canvas_item->setSizeMM( rect.width(), rect.height() ); m_canvas_item->update(); if( m_canvas_item->item()->rtti() == eRtti_Image ) { ImageItem* item = static_cast(m_canvas_item->item()); item->updateImage(); } } } void ResizeCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->moveMM( orect.x(), orect.y() ); m_canvas_item->setSizeMM( orect.width(), orect.height() ); m_canvas_item->update(); if( m_canvas_item->item()->rtti() == eRtti_Image ) { ImageItem* item = static_cast(m_canvas_item->item()); item->updateImage(); } } } void MoveCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->moveByMM( x, y ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void MoveCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->moveByMM( -x, -y ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } ChangeZCommand::ChangeZCommand( int z, TCanvasItem* it ) : CommandUtils( it ) { m_z = z; m_oldz = (int)m_canvas_item->z(); } void ChangeZCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->setZ( m_z ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void ChangeZCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->setZ( m_oldz ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void LockCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->item()->setLocked( m_locked ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void LockCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->item()->setLocked( !m_locked ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } PictureCommand::PictureCommand( double r, bool mh, bool mv, EImageScaling s, ImageItem* it ) : CommandUtils( it->canvasItem() ) { rotate = r; mirrorv = mv; mirrorh = mh; scaling = s; orotate = it->rotation(); omirrorv = it->mirrorVertical(); omirrorh = it->mirrorHorizontal(); oscaling = it->scaling(); oexpression = it->expression(); opixmap = it->pixmap(); opixserial = opixmap.serialNumber(); oldsize.setWidth( it->rect().width() ); oldsize.setHeight( it->rect().height() ); m_item = it; } void PictureCommand::setExpression( const TQString & expr ) { expression = expr; } void PictureCommand::setPixmap( const TQPixmap & pix ) { pixmap = pix; pixserial = pixmap.serialNumber(); } void PictureCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setRotation( rotate ); m_item->setMirrorVertical( mirrorv ); m_item->setMirrorHorizontal( mirrorh ); m_item->setScaling( scaling ); m_item->setExpression( expression ); m_item->setPixmap( pixmap ); if( !pixmap.isNull() && pixserial != opixserial ) m_item->canvasItem()->setSize( pixmap.width(), pixmap.height() ); } } void PictureCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setRotation( orotate ); m_item->setMirrorVertical( omirrorv ); m_item->setMirrorHorizontal( omirrorh ); m_item->setScaling( oscaling ); m_item->setExpression( oexpression ); m_item->setPixmap( opixmap ); m_item->canvasItem()->setSize( oldsize.width(), oldsize.height() ); } } TextChangeCommand::TextChangeCommand( TextItem* it, TQString t ) : CommandUtils( it->canvasItem() ) { m_item = it; text = t; oldtext = m_item->text(); } void TextChangeCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) m_item->setText( text ); } void TextChangeCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) m_item->setText( oldtext ); } TextRotationCommand::TextRotationCommand( double rot, TextItem* t ) : CommandUtils( t->canvasItem() ), m_item( t ) { rot1 = rot; rot2 = t->rotation(); } void TextRotationCommand::execute() { m_item->setRotation( rot1 ); } void TextRotationCommand::unexecute() { m_item->setRotation( rot2 ); } //NY24 TextLineChangeCommand::TextLineChangeCommand( TextLineItem* it, TQString t, int font , int magvert, int maghor) : CommandUtils( it->canvasItem() ) { m_item = it; text = t; oldtext = m_item->text(); m_font = font; m_mag_vert = magvert; m_mag_hor = maghor; } void TextLineChangeCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ){ m_item->setText( text ); m_item->setFont(m_font); m_item->setMagVert(m_mag_vert); m_item->setMagHor(m_mag_hor); } } void TextLineChangeCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) m_item->setText( oldtext ); } //NY24 BarcodeCommand::BarcodeCommand( BarcodeItem* bcode, Barkode* d ) : CommandUtils( bcode->canvasItem() ) { m_item = bcode; olddata = *bcode; data = d; } void BarcodeCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setData( *data ); m_item->updateBarcode(); } } void BarcodeCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setData( olddata ); m_item->updateBarcode(); } } void NewPictureCommand::create() { ImageItem* r = new ImageItem(); m_object = r; } NewRectCommand::NewRectCommand( MyCanvasView* v, bool circle ) : NewItemCommand( v, i18n("New Rectangle") ) { m_circle = circle; } void NewRectCommand::create() { RectItem* r = new RectItem(); r->setCircle( m_circle ); m_object = r; } NewLineCommand::NewLineCommand( MyCanvasView* v ) : NewItemCommand( v, i18n("New Line") ) { } void NewLineCommand::create() { m_object = new LineItem(); } NewTextCommand::NewTextCommand( TQString t, MyCanvasView* v, TokenProvider* token ) : NewItemCommand( v, i18n("New Text") ), m_token( token ) { text = t; } void NewTextCommand::create() { TextItem* t = new TextItem(); t->setTokenProvider( m_token ); t->setText( text ); m_object = t; } //NY25 NewTextLineCommand::NewTextLineCommand( TQString t, MyCanvasView* v, TokenProvider* token ) : NewItemCommand( v, i18n("New TextLine") ), m_token( token ) { text = t; } void NewTextLineCommand::create() { TextLineItem* t = new TextLineItem(); t->setTokenProvider( m_token ); t->setText( text ); m_object = t; } //NY25 NewBarcodeCommand::NewBarcodeCommand( MyCanvasView* v, TokenProvider* token ) : NewItemCommand( v, i18n("New Barcode") ), m_token( token ) { } void NewBarcodeCommand::create() { m_object = new BarcodeItem(); m_object->setTokenProvider( m_token ); } DeleteCommand::~DeleteCommand() { if( m_canvas_item && canvasHasItem() && m_canvas_item->canvas() == 0 ) { DocumentItem* item = m_canvas_item->item(); if( item ) item->disconnect( item, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, 0 ); delete m_canvas_item; } } void DeleteCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->setCanvas( 0 ); m_canvas_item->hide(); } } void DeleteCommand::unexecute() { // canvasHasItem won't work here if( m_canvas_item ) { m_canvas_item->setCanvas( c ); m_canvas_item->show(); } } BorderCommand::BorderCommand( bool border, const TQPen & pen, DocumentItem* item ) : CommandUtils( item->canvasItem() ) { m_new_border = border; m_new_pen = pen; m_item = item; } void BorderCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_old_border = m_item->border(); m_old_pen = m_item->pen(); m_item->setBorder( m_new_border ); m_item->setPen( m_new_pen ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void BorderCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setBorder( m_old_border ); m_item->setPen( m_old_pen ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } FillCommand::FillCommand( TQColor c, RectItem* r ) : CommandUtils( r->canvasItem() ) { fill = c; m_item = r; } void FillCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { fill2 = m_item->color(); m_item->setColor( fill ); } } void FillCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_item->setColor( fill2 ); } } void ScriptCommand::execute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_old_script = m_canvas_item->item()->visibilityScript(); m_canvas_item->item()->setVisibilityScript( m_script ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } void ScriptCommand::unexecute() { if( canvasHasItem() ) { m_canvas_item->item()->setVisibilityScript( m_old_script ); m_canvas_item->update(); } } #include "commands.moc"