/*************************************************************************** tokendialog.h - description ------------------- begin : Sat Oct 23 2004 copyright : (C) 2004 by Dominik Seichter email : domseichter@web.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "tokendialog.h" #include "tokenprovider.h" #include "sqltables.h" #include "dstextedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TokenDialog::TokenDialog(TokenProvider* token ,TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KWizard( parent, name ), m_token( token ) { m_custom_tokens = m_token->listUserVars(); setupPage1(); setupPage2(); setupPage3(); setupStackPage1(); setupStackPage2(); setupStack2Page1(); setupStack2Page2(); setupStack2Page3(); setupStack2Page4(); setupStack2Page5(); enableControls(); } void TokenDialog::setupPage1() { TQVButtonGroup* page = new TQVButtonGroup( i18n("What do you want to insert?") ); radioFixed = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a &fixed data field"), page ); radioCustom = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a &custom SQL query, variable or JavaScript function"), page ); radioFixed->setChecked( true ); addPage( page, i18n("Step 1 of 3") ); } void TokenDialog::setupPage2() { page2 = new TQWidgetStack(0); addPage( page2, i18n("Step 2 of 3") ); } void TokenDialog::setupPage3() { page3 = new TQWidgetStack(0); addPage( page3, i18n("Step 3 of 3") ); } void TokenDialog::setupStackPage1() { stackPage1 = new TQVBox(); TQVButtonGroup* group = new TQVButtonGroup( i18n("What do you want to insert?"), stackPage1 ); radioAll = new TQRadioButton( i18n("&Select from a list of all tokens"), group ); radioLabel = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert printing &informations"), group ); radioSQL = new TQRadioButton( i18n("&Insert a database field"), group ); radioDate = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a &date/time function"), group ); radioAddress = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert an &addressbook field"), group ); radioAll->setChecked( true ); page2->addWidget( stackPage1 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStackPage2() { stackPage2 = new TQVBox(); TQVButtonGroup* group = new TQVButtonGroup( i18n("What do you want to insert?"), stackPage2 ); radioVariable = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a custom &variable"), group ); radioSQLQuery = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a &SQL query"), group ); radioJavaScript = new TQRadioButton( i18n("Insert a &JavaScript function"), group ); radioVariable->setChecked( true ); connect( radioVariable, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( radioSQLQuery, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( radioJavaScript, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); page2->addWidget( stackPage2 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStack2Page1() { stack2Page1 = new TQWidget(); TQVBoxLayout* layout = new TQVBoxLayout( stack2Page1 ); TQSplitter* splitter = new TQSplitter( stack2Page1 ); layout->addWidget( splitter ); TQVBox* left = new TQVBox( splitter ); TQVBox* right = new TQVBox( splitter ); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( i18n("&Category:"), left ); category = new TDEListBox( left ); label->setBuddy( category ); label = new TQLabel( i18n("&Token:"), right ); allList = new TDEListView( right ); allList->addColumn( i18n("Token"), 0 ); allList->addColumn( i18n("Description"), 1 ); allList->setColumnWidthMode( 0, TQListView::Maximum ); allList->setColumnWidthMode( 1, TQListView::Maximum ); label->setBuddy( allList ); label = new TQLabel( i18n("&Custom Expression to be inserted in the token."), right ); lineEdit = new KLineEdit( right ); lineEdit->setEnabled( false ); label->setBuddy( lineEdit ); TQToolTip::add( lineEdit, i18n("Certain tokens, like for exaple the sqlquery token need arguments. " "In the case of the sqlquery token, the sure has to enter a sql query in " "this text field." ) ); TQValueList sizes; int w = (width() / 4); sizes << w << w * 3; left->setStretchFactor( category, 2 ); right->setStretchFactor( allList, 2 ); splitter->setSizes( sizes ); connect( category, TQT_SIGNAL( executed( TQListBoxItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( categoryChanged( TQListBoxItem* ) ) ); connect( allList, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQListViewItem* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( itemChanged( TQListViewItem* ) ) ); initAll(); page3->addWidget( stack2Page1 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStack2Page2() { stack2Page2 = new TQVBox(); labelList = new TDEListView( stack2Page2 ); labelList->addColumn( i18n("Token"), 0 ); labelList->addColumn( i18n("Description"), 1 ); labelList->setColumnWidthMode( 0, TQListView::Maximum ); labelList->setColumnWidthMode( 1, TQListView::Maximum ); connect( labelList, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( labelList, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &, int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( accept() ) ); page3->addWidget( stack2Page2 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStack2Page3() { stack2Page3 = new TQVButtonGroup(); radioVariableNew = new TQRadioButton( i18n("&Create a new custom variable"), stack2Page3 ); editVariable = new KLineEdit( stack2Page3 ); radioVariableExisting = new TQRadioButton( i18n("&Insert an existing custom variable"), stack2Page3 ); listVariable = new TDEListBox( stack2Page3 ); radioVariableNew->setChecked( true ); if( m_token ) listVariable->insertStringList( m_token->listUserVars() ); if( !listVariable->count() ) radioVariableExisting->setEnabled( false ); connect( radioVariableNew, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( radioVariableExisting, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( editVariable, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( listVariable, TQT_SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); connect( listVariable, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListBoxItem*, const TQPoint & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( accept() ) ); page3->addWidget( stack2Page3 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStack2Page4() { stack2Page4 = new TQVBox(); if( !SqlTables::isConnected() ) new TQLabel( i18n("No SQL connection found!
You can build a query, " "but you will not be able to execute or test it right now.
"), stack2Page4 ); TQHBox* hbox = new TQHBox( stack2Page4 ); TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( i18n("&SQL Query:"), hbox ); editQuery = new KLineEdit( hbox ); buttonQuery = new KPushButton( i18n("&Test"), hbox ); label->setBuddy( editQuery ); hbox->setStretchFactor( editQuery, 2 ); new TQLabel( i18n("Query test results:"), stack2Page4 ); textQueryResults = new TQTextBrowser( stack2Page4 ); textQueryResults->setReadOnly( true ); connect( buttonQuery, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( testQuery() ) ); connect( editQuery, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); page3->addWidget( stack2Page4 ); } void TokenDialog::setupStack2Page5() { stack2Page5 = new TQVBox(); editJavaScript = new DSTextEdit( stack2Page5 ); editJavaScript->setText( i18n("/* Place your JavaScript code into this text field. */\n") ); connect( editJavaScript, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( enableControls() ) ); page3->addWidget( stack2Page5 ); } void TokenDialog::accept() { if( radioCustom->isChecked() ) { if( radioVariable->isChecked() ) { if( radioVariableNew->isChecked() ) { m_result = editVariable->text(); if( !m_result.startsWith( "$" ) ) m_result.prepend( '$' ); } else if( radioVariableExisting->isChecked() ) m_result = listVariable->currentText(); } else if( radioSQLQuery->isChecked() ) m_result = TQString( "sqlquery:%2").arg( editQuery->text() ); else if( radioJavaScript->isChecked() ) m_result = TQString( "js:%2").arg( editJavaScript->text() ); m_result = "[" + m_result + "]"; } else { TQListViewItem* item = ( radioAll->isChecked() ? allList->selectedItem() : labelList->selectedItem() ); if( item ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tokens.count(); i++ ) if( TQString( "[%1]").arg( m_tokens[i].token ) == item->text( 0 ) ) { if( m_tokens[i].appendix ) m_result = TQString( "[%1%2]").arg( m_tokens[i].token ).arg( lineEdit->text() ); else m_result = item->text( 0 ); break; } } } KWizard::accept(); } void TokenDialog::showPage( TQWidget* w ) { if( w == page3 ) { if( radioCustom->isChecked() ) { if( radioVariable->isChecked() ) page3->raiseWidget( stack2Page3 ); else if( radioSQLQuery->isChecked() ) page3->raiseWidget( stack2Page4 ); else if( radioJavaScript->isChecked() ) { page3->raiseWidget( stack2Page5 ); editJavaScript->setFocus(); } } else { if( radioAll->isChecked() ) page3->raiseWidget( stack2Page1 ); else { initStackPage2(); page3->raiseWidget( stack2Page2 ); } } } else if( w == page2 ) { if( radioFixed->isChecked() ) page2->raiseWidget( stackPage1 ); else if( radioCustom->isChecked() ) page2->raiseWidget( stackPage2 ); } KWizard::showPage( w ); } void TokenDialog::initAll() { unsigned int i, z; TQValueList* categories = TokenProvider::getTokens(); category->insertItem( i18n("All") ); for( i = 0; i < categories->count(); i++ ) category->insertItem( TokenProvider::captionForCategory( (TokenProvider::ECategories)(*categories)[i].category ) ); for( i = 0; i < categories->count(); i++ ) for( z = 0; z < (*categories)[i].tokens.count(); z++ ) m_tokens.append( (*categories)[i].tokens[z] ); if( m_token ) { TQStringList custom_tokens = m_token->listUserVars(); for( i = 0; i < custom_tokens.count(); i++ ) m_tokens.append( tToken( custom_tokens[i], i18n("Variable defined by the user for this label.") ) ); } category->setCurrentItem( 0 ); categoryChanged( category->item( 0 ) ); } void TokenDialog::initStackPage2() { TokenProvider::ECategories cat; labelList->clear(); if( radioLabel->isChecked() ) cat = TokenProvider::CAT_LABEL; else if( radioSQL->isChecked() ) cat = TokenProvider::CAT_DATABASE; else if( radioDate->isChecked() ) cat = TokenProvider::CAT_DATE; else if( radioAddress->isChecked() ) cat = TokenProvider::CAT_ADDRESS; else return; TQValueList* categories = TokenProvider::getTokens(); for( int i = 0; i < (int)categories->count(); i++ ) { if( (*categories)[i].category == cat ) { for( unsigned int z = 0; z < (*categories)[i].tokens.count(); z++ ) labelList->insertItem( new TDEListViewItem( labelList, TQString( "[%1]").arg( (*categories)[i].tokens[z].token ), (*categories)[i].tokens[z].description ) ); break; } } } void TokenDialog::categoryChanged( TQListBoxItem* item ) { unsigned int i; TQValueList* categories = TokenProvider::getTokens(); allList->clear(); lineEdit->setEnabled( false ); if( item->prev() == 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < m_tokens.count(); i++ ) allList->insertItem( new TDEListViewItem( allList, TQString( "[%1]").arg( m_tokens[i].token ), m_tokens[i].description ) ); } else { for( i = 0; i < categories->count(); i++ ) { if( TokenProvider::captionForCategory( (TokenProvider::ECategories)(*categories)[i].category ) == item->text() ) { for( unsigned int z = 0; z < (*categories)[i].tokens.count(); z++ ) allList->insertItem( new TDEListViewItem( allList, TQString( "[%1]").arg( (*categories)[i].tokens[z].token ), (*categories)[i].tokens[z].description ) ); break; } } // TODO: comparing by a user visible string cries for bugs!!! if( item->text() == i18n("Custom Values") ) for( i=0;iinsertItem( new TDEListViewItem( allList, TQString( "[%1]").arg( m_custom_tokens[i] ), i18n("Variable defined by the user for this label.") ) ); } } void TokenDialog::itemChanged( TQListViewItem* item ) { for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tokens.count(); i++ ) { if( TQString( "[%1]").arg( m_tokens[i].token ) == item->text( 0 ) ) { lineEdit->setEnabled( m_tokens[i].appendix ); if( m_tokens[i].appendix ) lineEdit->setFocus(); break; } } enableControls(); } void TokenDialog::enableControls() { setFinishEnabled( page3, false ); listVariable->setEnabled( radioVariableExisting->isChecked() ); editVariable->setEnabled( radioVariableNew->isChecked() ); if( editVariable->isEnabled() && !editVariable->text().isEmpty() || listVariable->isEnabled() && listVariable->currentItem() != -1 ) setFinishEnabled( page3, true ); buttonQuery->setEnabled( radioSQLQuery->isChecked() && !editQuery->text().isEmpty() && SqlTables::isConnected() ); if( radioSQLQuery->isChecked() && !editQuery->text().isEmpty() ) setFinishEnabled( page3, true ); if( radioJavaScript->isChecked() && !editJavaScript->text().isEmpty() ) setFinishEnabled( page3, true ); if( !radioCustom->isChecked() ) { if( !radioAll->isChecked() && labelList->selectedItem() ) setFinishEnabled( page3, true ); if( radioAll->isChecked() && allList->selectedItem() ) setFinishEnabled( page3, true ); } } void TokenDialog::testQuery() { TQString ret = "[sqlquery:" + editQuery->text() + "]"; if( m_token ) ret = m_token->parse( ret ); textQueryResults->setText( ret ); } #include "tokendialog.moc"