You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
6.6 KiB

textlineitem.cpp - description
begin : Do Sep 2 2004
copyright : (C) 2004 by Dominik Seichter
email :
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
#include "textlineitem.h"
#include "labelutils.h"
#include "tokenprovider.h"
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqpaintdevicemetrics.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqsimplerichtext.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
TextLineItem::TextLineItem ()
: DocumentItem()
void TextLineItem::init()
m_text = TQString();
m_font = 0;
m_rotate = 0;
m_mag_vert = 1;
m_mag_hor = 1;
setBorder( false );
setRect( TQRect( 0, 0, 100, 20 ) );
* @param painter
void TextLineItem::draw(TQPainter* painter)
TQString text = tokenProvider() ? tokenProvider()->parse( m_text ) : m_text;
TQColorGroup cg;
TQSimpleRichText srt( text, painter->font() );
TQPaintDeviceMetrics metrics( DocumentItem::paintDevice() );
double scalex = (double)metrics.logicalDpiX() / (double)TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiX();
double scaley = (double)metrics.logicalDpiY() / (double)TQPaintDevice::x11AppDpiY();
int width = (rect().width() > 0) ? (int)((double)rect().width() / scalex) : srt.widthUsed();
int height = (rect().height() > 0) ? (int)((double)rect().height() / scaley): srt.height();
TQRect r( (int)((double)rect().x() / scalex ), (int)((double)rect().y() / scaley), width, height );
srt.setWidth( painter, width );
if( !TextLineItem::IsTQtTextRenderingBroken() )
painter->scale( scalex, scaley );
painter->setPen( TQt::black );
srt.draw( painter, (int)((double)rect().x() / scalex ), (int)((double)rect().y() / scaley), r, cg );
LabelUtils::renderString( painter, text, r, scalex, scaley );
DocumentItem::drawBorder( painter );
void TextLineItem::drawZpl( TQTextStream* stream )
// simply remove all html tags....
TQString data = m_text.replace( TQRegExp("<[^>]*>"), "" );
*stream << ZPLUtils::fieldOrigin( rect().x(), rect().y() );
*stream << ZPLUtils::font( TQFont() ); // todo: select a valid font
void TextLineItem::drawIpl( TQTextStream* stream, IPLUtils* utils )
int counter = utils->counter();
// simply remove all html tags....
TQString data = m_text.replace( TQRegExp("<[^>]*>"), "" );
TQString s = TQString("H%1;").arg( counter ); // field number
s += utils->fieldOrigin( rect().x(), rect().y() );
s += TQString("c%1;").arg( 2 ); // font
s += TQString("h%1;").arg( 2 ); // vertical magnification ("height")
s += TQString("w%1;").arg( 2 ); // horicontyl magnification ("width")
s += TQString("d0,%1;").arg( data.length() ); // max length of data !
*stream << utils->field( s );
utils->addValue( data );
void TextLineItem::drawEPcl( TQTextStream* stream )
// TODO: parse text field HTML
// Need to wrap string if too long...
// break string into lines
TQString t = m_text.replace( TQRegExp("<[^>]*>"), "" );
// @DOM:
// TODO:
// provide an API which simplifies wordwrapping for
// barcode printers
TQStringList lines = TQStringList::split( "\n", t );
TQStringList::Iterator line = lines.begin();
for( int i=0; line != lines.end(); ++line, ++i ){
TQString s = TQString("T %1").arg( rect().x() + 1 );
s += TQString(" %1 0 0 0 50 1").arg( rect().y()+50+1 + i*52 );
s += TQString(" %1").arg( *line );
*stream << EPCLUtils::field( s );
void TextLineItem::loadXML (TQDomElement* element)
TQDomNode n = element->firstChild();
while( !n.isNull() ) {
TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
if( !e.isNull() )
if( e.tagName() == "text" )
setFont(e.attribute( "font", "0").toInt() );
setMagVert(e.attribute( "vert_mag", "1").toInt() );
setMagHor(e.attribute( "hor_mag", "1").toInt() );
setText( e.text() );
n = n.nextSibling();
DocumentItem::loadXML( element);
void TextLineItem::saveXML (TQDomElement* element)
TQDomElement texttag = element->ownerDocument().createElement( "text" );
texttag.appendChild( element->ownerDocument().createTextNode( text() ) );
element->appendChild( texttag );
element->setAttribute( "font", m_font );
element->setAttribute( "hor_mag", m_mag_hor );
element->setAttribute( "vert_mag", m_mag_vert );
DocumentItem::saveXML( element);
TQString TextLineItem::text () const
return m_text;
void TextLineItem::setText (const TQString & text)
m_text = text;
void TextLineItem::setFont (int count)
m_font = count;
int TextLineItem::getFont () const
return m_font;
void TextLineItem::setMagVert (int count)
m_mag_vert = count;
int TextLineItem::getMagVert () const
return m_mag_vert;
void TextLineItem::setMagHor (int count)
m_mag_hor = count;
int TextLineItem::getMagHor () const
return m_mag_hor;
bool TextLineItem::s_qt_broken_init = false;
bool TextLineItem::s_qt_broken = false;
bool TextLineItem::IsTQtTextRenderingBroken()
if( !s_qt_broken_init )
TQString version( tqVersion() );
int major = version.section( ".", 0, 0 ).toInt();
int minor = version.section( ".", 1, 1 ).toInt();
int bugfix = version.section( ".", 2, 2 ).toInt();
if( major >= 3 )
if( major == 3 && minor < 3 )
s_qt_broken = true;
else if( major == 3 && minor == 3 )
if( bugfix < 2 )
s_qt_broken = true;
s_qt_broken = false;
s_qt_broken = false;
s_qt_broken = true;
s_qt_broken_init = true;
return s_qt_broken;
return s_qt_broken;